J vs Ben: We FAILED More Harry Potter Trivia - REDEMPTION Quiz

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- [J] Today's video is brought to you by Bespoke Post and hellotushy.com. - Harry Potter loves potatoes. - Harry gets to Hogwarts. He's like, all this magical food. Baked potatoes please. - [Scott offscreen] Baked potato. - Could there possibly be a less magical food than a baked potato? - I don't think there could. - (together) Hey brother. - And welcome everyone to another edition of J versus Ben where today, we're doing a Harry Potter redemption quiz. So, all of the questions will be questions that both of us missed in old J vs Ben episodes. - It doesn't bode well for me. - Broderick Bode? The Janus Thickey Ward? - No. - Ugh. (upbeat music) ♪ Hey brother ♪ - Guys, in case you are new to the J versus Ben format-- Are you copying me now? - What? - This is how it is going to work. Scott is on the other end of the camera actually wearing a physical cape. - He is. - [Scott offscreen] They told me to put on my, my best Quizmaster cape. - And he did. He delivered. - [Scott offscreen] I have an actual cape on. - I really didn't think he had one, but I was wrong. - I know, I know it turns out, in the closet the whole time. - [Scott offscreen] Mm hmm. - Anyway, he is going to be reading us today's 15 redemption questions. So all questions that we both missed before. - But have heard the answers to. Not that I'm sure that's going to help-- - Yeah, I don't think so. - at all, Ben and I will have to answer completely by memory but if we both continue to have no idea we can ask Scott to give us the multiple choice. If you'd like to play along we've included a link in the description down below. Are you ready? - Let's do it. - [Scott offscreen] I have a last minute rule I want to throw at you. - Oh, no. - Oh boy. - [Scott offscreen] So because these are all questions that you have missed before. It feels like it would be quite tempting to always do the multiple choice. - That's a good point. - [Scott offscreen] So, I would like to, if you're okay with it, limit you to only being able to do the multiple choice, what do you think? Like three times? Five times? What feels right to you? - Three times feels good. - Okay. All right. - So a max of three. - Here we go. Max three. So that's an extra layer of strategy to consider. - Yeah, but I feel like it's going to happen is I'm going to remember the same answers that I gave last time. - Right, yeah. Gonna get the wrong an-- - That's what I'm expecting. - Yeah, the same wrong answer. - The same wrong answer. - Yeah. - Yeah. - [Scott offscreen] I do have what answers you guys gave. - Ooh, that'll be fun. - Oh! That's interesting. - Okay. - Okay. Okay, yeah. - [Scott offscreen] All right. You ready? Here we go. - Let's do it. - Let's do it. - [Scott offscreen] Question one. Who proceeded Cornelius Fudge as Minister of Magic. - Oh no. Who proceeded Cornelius fudge as the Minister of Magic? I remember that question. - I do too. - I also remember not knowing. Oh, mm. Okay. - Oh my gosh. We're, we jumped out completely. - I know. - And now I'm like, I go multiple choice, but then I'm also like we only have-- - We only have it. - This is only question one. - This is que-- we are gonna burn this quick. - I know. I know. I'm gonna put little tallies in the corner for my, for how many multiple choices we have left - Yeah. Oh boy. - Okay. - I dare say we have to do it though. Cause I have no idea. - I dare say. I dare say. - I dare say. Scott, burn bridge number one. - Let's do it. - [Scott offscreen] All right. We're doing it already. Is it A Millicent Bagnold, B Eldritch Diggory, C Hesphaestus Gore, or D Bertie Higgs. - I'm remembering some of my reasoning coming back but I don't remember how they paid off. - Yeah. Yeah. What's actually very funny is that one of these names is like randomly one that came top of mind to me. And I don't think it's right, but I was like, maybe. - [Scott offscreen] Okay. - And then you, you said it. And I was like, Whoa, okay, that's interesting. - Man. - [Scott offscreen] Are you remembering it because it's accurate, or are you remembering it because you got it wrong last time? - Yeah, that's the problem. - Yeah, I know. I know. - This is gonna be the whole quiz. Okay. I have an answer. - Okay. - I have my guess anyway. - Okay. - Yeah. - So, you want to turn on three? One, two, three. - I said Millicent. - I said A as well. Millicent. - Okay. - [Scott offscreen] The answer is A. - Yes! Aw, redeemed. - I kid you not, I kid you not, the, the name that came to mind in my head was Millicent Bulstrode. - Wow. - I was like, I was like, but why? Like, I know which is the-- it's the, the-- - The girl Hermione tries to polyjuice into. - Exactly. So it would make absolutely no sense. I think the only other thing that I was going off of was I thought that it was a woman, but I guess Hesphaestus, that might be a-- I'm not really sure. - Who's to say? - Who's to say. - [Scott offscreen] I don't know. - We're off, we're off to a rocking and rolling good start. - We sure are. - Last time, Ben, you did say Hesphaestus Gore. And, J, you said Bertie Higgs. - Ugh. I say, I was just like, it's definitely not Diggory because there's no way Amos Diggory wouldn't be bringing that up just left and right. - I know. I know. Yeah, I had that same thought too. But then I was like, I feel like there is a Diggory somewhere. Back in time. - Sure. - Like, but now I don't know, so. - Hopefully it's not who was the prime minister three times ago. - Right? - [Scott offscreen] All of the questions are just who was the one before the last one. (laughs) - Let's see. Did you remember this timeline? - Right? - [Scott offscreen] Yeah, mm hmm. Question two. On what date does Harry's hearing take place? - Oh, okay. - [Scott offscreen] A specific date. - Oh man. - [Scott offscreen] Month and day. - Okay - I feel like there are, at the very least, two dates that you could place it between. - Yeah. - There's a part of me that thinks that I put the exact same answer last time. Okay. Ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one. - I said August 2nd. - I said August 24th. - [Scott offscreen] You guys, you're consistently in the right month, - Okay. - [Scott offscreen] but you're both wrong again. - (together) Ugh! - [Scott offscreen] It is August 12th. - Oh, we had the twos! - Man. - We both, we knew there was a two. - [Scott offscreen] Ben, last time you said August 8th. - Okay. - [Scott offscreen] And J, you said August 31st. - August. Okay, because I thought it was the day before. - Oh, I see. Okay. Okay. That makes sense. - Yeah. - I can see that. I can see that. - I learned. - Also, I was closer the first time. Closest the first time. - You were. - Yeah. - Oh, well. - [Scott offscreen] You were worse in this time. - Yeah. (laughs) I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna give myself an honorary Ben point. - For what? - It doesn't count for anything. I was the closest. Back. - Last time. - Last time. - If anything, we should remove your Ben point. - My honorary Ben point? - Yeah. - Okay. Well, had it for a second now it's gone. - Now it's gone. - All right. - [Scott offscreen] Question three. Whom does Harry impersonate during their ministry infiltration? - This doesn't seem that hard. - It doesn't seem that hard. - Do you need a first and last name? - [Scott offscreen] Uh, you can, you can give me a last name and it's fine. - Okay - [Scott offscreen] If, if you want to do that. - It might be obvious because we just talked about this on Tuesday. - [Scott offscreen] Actually, you know what? I will need a first and last name just because J's answer last time, one of the two names was wrong. And so that counted as being wrong. - Oh. - Oh, okay. Okay. Then I got it. - Then I gotta. I got to go into my, my brain desk. Got to, flipping over papers, frantically. - A lot of Name of the Wind stuff, sort of near the front. - There's a whole, there's so much Name of the Wind stuff-- - Yeah. - -all across the top of the table. There's just a whole page that's just different ways to pronounce Kvothe. I've leaned into the V, in case you're wondering. - Kvothe. - Kvothe. - Oh wait. (gasps) (gasps) - Oh, no. - [Scott offscreen] Brain blast. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. - [Scott offscreen] I wish I could see what's happening on your guys' iPads right now. - Ugh. Ugh! - Pretty sure I know exactly what happened to me last time. - [Scott offscreen] Yep. - I think, I think I just corrected it. - I'm gonna guess. - Okay. - [Scott offscreen] All right. - Three, two, one. - I said Albert Runcorn. - Oh, right, wrong. I said Rookwood. - That's what I had down. - Oh, man. - [Scott offscreen] The correct answer is Albert Runcorn. - Yes! Oh man. I had Augustus Rookwood written down and I was like, I got it. And then. Woo. - [Scott offscreen] Yeah. - Total, total brain blast saved me. - Man! - Feeling good, you guys. What did I say last time? - [Scott offscreen] J, you combined two names to create Albert Rookwood? - Ugh, okay. - [Scott offscreen] Yeah. Which is why I need the full names to kind of make sure, and then, Ben you said, Yaxley. - Oh man. I'm like, now I'm wondering if we said the wrong name in Tuesday's video because I thought for sure it was Rookwood. - Oh, maybe we did come to think of it. - Is that possible? If we did, Riley, cut to that fact check for us. - He's got the body of Rookwood. It's still harry. - [Scott offscreen] Who wrote that video? There you go. He's sabotaging you for this quiz. - Yeah, I remembered the question I missed. Suspected it would be on this quiz. - Secretly came in, in the middle of the night to rerecord the correct name but led me to believe the incorrect name. - You're welcome. - Did you pay off Riley too? - That's right. He's in on it. - Diabolical. - [Scott offscreen] I was not in on it. - Oh, thank you, Scott. Thank you. - [Scott offscreen] Yeah, I was doing my own thing. - We should go out for pancakes later. - [Scott offscreen] That'd be fun. - Yeah. - [Scott offscreen] But not before we get to question four. What was Harry eating when professor Quirrell ran into the Halloween feast shouting about a troll? - Oh, come on. - [Scott offscreen] I remember this one because it's very funny. - Is it funny because of the way we, like, the way we reacted or because the answer itself is funny. - [Scott offscreen] Uh, both. - Okay. Okay. - I think if I remember correctly what happened was it was something we were like, they had that? And it was like, we were like, no, that doesn't seem right. - Right. I see. This is what I'm going to. - Okay. I have an answer. You ready? - Oh gosh. - Three, two, one. - Potatoes. - I said mashed potatoes, as well. Are we both wrong? Are we both right? Are we close? - [Scott offscreen] J, can I get, can you be a little bit more specific about the preparation of those potatoes? - Oh my gosh, I think I remember. - What? - It's a, it's a baked potato, isn't it? - [Scott offscreen] The answer is a baked potato. Yes. - So how do we-- - [Scott offscreen] I don't-- - -determine the points? This is correct, right? It is potatoes. - [Scott offscreen] Yes. But if the answer was mashed potatoes, potatoes would have also been correct. - And that, this is a safe, this is a good test taking, um, skill. You know what I'm saying? - So I feel like vagueness can't possibly.. - [Scott offscreen] Here's, here's how, Here's how I'll score it. I'll say you're wrong because you said potatoes, plural. - Oh no. - [Scott offscreen] And it is a baked potato. - Look, everyone knows. Everyone knows. I was hesitant to put potatoes cause I'm pretty sure that's also, does he also ask Percy to pass the potatoes or something at the opening feast. - Harry Potter loves potatoes. - Harry gets to Hogwarts, he's like, all this magical food. Baked potatoes please. - [Scott offscreen] Baked potato. - Could there possibly be a less magical food than a baked potato? - I don't think there could. - Harry. I think last time I put treacle tart. That's my guess. - [Scott offscreen] You did. - I put, I, my brain goes to pumpkin pasty. - [Scott offscreen] That is what you put as well. - Wow. - Nice. Look at us go. - We can remember some things. - We can. - [Scott offscreen] Question five. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, what does Lupin show to Harry in his office on Halloween day? - I'm between two things. - I'm between three. - You're between three? I'm pretty sure I know what I put last time. - I'm going to, I'm gonna strike those two. Okay. - Yeah. - Three, two, one. - Grindylow. - I had Hinkypunks, but I have Grindylow crossed off. - Oh no, I have Hinkypunk written down here. - [Scott offscreen] Oh no, the correct answer is a Grindylow. - Yes! Oh my gosh. I'm pretty sure the last time I said a Kappa. - [Scott offscreen] You did say a Kappa. - Yeah. - [Scott offscreen] Ben, you said Hinkypunks last time. - No! - Aha, the double wiff. - I think that I also got really upset about the way that Hermione says.. - Ze Grind- oh, yeah 'cause talked about French. - Yes, yes. Cause she's like, "Ze Grindylows," and it's like, why did you say it like that? - Cause she's making fun of Fleur. - [Scott offscreen] Yeah, ice cold. - I don't, I don't take it as she's making fun of Fleur. I take it as, as Emma Watson liking French literature and spending time around a bunch of French people during the shooting. And then being like, like picking up on like some of these like little things. And then like that, the take they went with, 'cause it was the best take, but they were like should we keep the French accent? That's what I'm going with. Emma Watson, if you're watching and can confirm, let us know. - [Scott offscreen] I think that that, uh, that little scene was ADR-ed. So it wasn't even that it was the best take it's that they specifically told her to do that in post. - Wait, what does ADR-ed mean? - [Scott offscreen] That, that's like, when you record the video and then later have to record the audio over it because maybe there's too much noise at the scene or something like that. - I got you. - [Scott offscreen] So if you, if you watch it, it, it doesn't perfectly match up with her lips and the audio sounds a little different. So I feel like it's ADR-ed. So that makes me feel like that's what they told her to say. - Very intentionally. Oh, yeah, that does sound like it. All right, Riley, play it like three times in a row just for funsies. - Ze Grindylows. - Ze Grindylows. Ze Grindylows. Ze Grindylows. - [Scott offscreen] Question six. How many legs does the Sorting Hat's stool have? - [J] Oh, this. Oh, we both got it wrong? - [Scott offscreen] You both got it wrong. - Oh, no. I know exactly what the numbers I'm between again. - Oh, yeah. Same here. - Yeah. - Two or one. - Yes, exactly. - [Scott offscreen] Yeah. - Because it's magic. - Right. Right, right, right. - It's like a bike. - Ready? Three, two, one. - Oh, crap. Three. - Four. I'm calling the trick. - [Scott offscreen] The correct answer is four. - No! - Yes! - I know. I got, I know I said three last time. - [Scott offscreen] You both did, yeah. - Yes, and I-- This time too, I was like, it's gotta be three, right? Like. - It's gotta be. - It's gotta be. - Cause it's like, I remember thinking like four makes sense because there's four houses. Like, but I'm like, would, would they really take that into account? - [Scott offscreen] Here's a fun one. Question seven. What type of food does Percy Weasley first offer Harry? - [J] Oh. Wait, really? - [Scott offscreen] Yep. - Three, two, one. - Potatoes? - Mashed potatoes? - [Scott offscreen] It just says potatoes but I'll, I'll give you both that, that's fine. - Yeah! Okay. Oh, I see how it is on this one, Ben gets it. - [Scott offscreen] Well, this was vague enough that it could have been mashed potatoes. I don't know. - Based on the last answer, I think it must've been baked. - Yeah. That's, that's all they serve at Hogwarts. Just baked potatoes. - A lot of potatoes. - [Scott offscreen] They have a whole potato feast, nothing but potatoes. - Right. - Yes, yes. - [Scott offscreen] Yeah. - Spud-tober. - [Scott offscreen] Ben, last time you said roast beef and, J, you said sausages, so. - Mm, okay. - Nice. Nice, nice. - [Scott offscreen] Much better this time around - It should be chicken wings. (laughs) - The only thing better in that scene of Ron just like. - [Scott offscreen] All right. So we're halfway through and I'm hosting this time which means it's time for the halfway half point. [Playful Music] - What? Woo! - [Scott offscreen] Woo-hoo! - [Ben] Everyone's favorite segment. - [Scott offscreen] Everyone's favorite segment. People are just shouting about it in the comments. - Wow - [Scott offscreen] Every video, where's the halfway.. - Yes. - [Scott offscreen] Even a non quiz video, they're like where's the halfway half point? - We should just tuck one in. - Yeah. - To, like, a future video. And we're about halfway through. Here's a question. - [Scott offscreen] There you go. So since we're doing a lot of questions from the past I thought we could just do a little blast from the past ourselves. What was the first best SCB video that I ever worked on with you guys? - That you ever worked on with us? - [Scott offscreen] Yeah. - Like that you edited? - [Scott offscreen] I dunno. - Oh. - [Scott offscreen] Interpret that however you want. - Oh gosh. - Oh. - No, I don't think. I think, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. There you go. Okay. Okay. Yeah. - All right. Three, two, one. - Said why J Jonah Jameson hates Spiderman. - I said J Jonah Jameson's son, the astronaut. - [Scott offscreen] Same vibes. That's correct. As far as I remember. - Yeah! - Yes. - Allow me to introduce Scott Niswander from the channel NerdSync. - Hey brother. - I think you also helped us with like that Venom is a Butterfly script. - [Scott offscreen] That was, that was at least a year or so later. - Okay, okay. I think that was after. - Okay. And then you also did like, like why toys are scary in Toy Story. - [Scott offscreen] Oh, that's right. - Just straight up like parent, like a paternity leave video for us. - [Scott offscreen] Oh man. I forgot about that. - That was before you were here too. - [Scott offscreen] Yeah, I forgot about that. I have no idea if that one came before J Jonah Jameson. - I don't think so. - [Scott offscreen] Yeah. - Okay. Okay. - But then I was like, did we make another video, like, earlier that week with the J Jonah Jameson one that you, like, helped on but weren't in or something? I don't know. - That also seems entirely possible. Cause you were in office with us when we did that, obviously. Cause you were in the video. - Yeah. - [Scott offscreen] Yes. Fun times. Fun memories. - We did it. - [Scott offscreen] Now look at us. Bitter rivals. (laughs) Question eight. Which of the following is not a pudding that appeared on the feast table? Which one of these did not appear? - Okay. - [Scott offscreen] A cake, B ice cream, C jelly, or D a trifle. - Okay. Ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one. - I said cake. - I said, A cake. - Oh. - [Scott offscreen] Cake is correct. - Yeah! - Excellent! - [Scott offscreen] Well done. - It certainly seems the least magical. - It does. - [Scott offscreen] By the way, you both said ice cream last time. - Oh, okay. - Question nine. When does Dumbledore announce that Quidditch trials will be held? - Okay, okay. - [Scott offscreen] I imagine, I imagine the question is when, when will the trials-- not like when did Dumbledore announce it. - Right. Right, right. Yes. - Yeah. Start of term feast. Mount your brooms, kids. - [Scott offscreen] It is a specific week relative to the term. - Okay. - [Scott offscreen] Like either the.. Relative to either the start or the end. - Ready? - Okay. - Three, two, one. - The second week. - I said a week from Friday. - [Scott offscreen] Um. (laughs) The answer is the second week of term. - Yeah. - [Scott offscreen] Ben, you said a week from Friday last time. - Dang it! - Which would land you.. - It would be, I mean. - ..during the second week. - It would be in the second week. Man! (laughs) - What did I say last time? - [Scott offscreen] J, you said the first weekend. - Oh, so I just, I got it. - I'm just, I'm just so plum steamed that I think I'm going to, I'm going to have to go. I'm going to have to go walk it off. - Oh, man. All right. - I have to do it, you guys. I'm sorry. - That's what it says. Brbs. He's gonna go hide the honey. - Shh. Hello and welcome everybody to the scenic route where I'm going to tell you about today's first sponsor, Bespoke Post. You guys may remember our plant that we got last month from Bespoke Post. Don't worry. He's doing really great and totally needs a name. Anyway, though it is finally spring outside. Which means it is time to get outside and bring Bespoke Post with you on all of your adventures with their new outdoor themed boxes of awesomes. And the way that it works out is pretty simple. Each month you get to pick one of those boxes of awesomes, which at $45 comes packed with over $70 worth of gear. And they release new boxes every single month across a variety of different categories. It's free to sign up and you can skip or cancel at any time. Personally, for me, next month I am checking out the snug box. It looks like it just is super cozy and comes with everything you need to get your coffee to just where you want it. And you can get 20% off your order when you go to boxofawesome.com and use the promo code: super. Again, that is 20% off when you go to boxofawesome.com and use the promo code: super Link is in the description down below. Go and check it out. (blowing raspberries) - Oh, it's my turn. All right. Well, time to tell you about today's other sponsor: hellotushy.com. Look, it's like a duck. You know where it's going? In a cup. Get rid of that. Scooch. All right. Imagine for a second you're spending all day working up a good sweat. Maybe you're practicing your duck in a cup skills. And after that you jumped into the shower and clean up by way of dry paper, no water at all. You just.. Oh yeah. That's sanitary. Actually, that's kind of a fire hazard. Got a lot of stuff today. No, I agree. That's not good enough at all for my arm here can. If anything, I've got a little bit of paper towel burn but that is what we consider good enough with toilet paper. But the good news is you don't have to anymore because the future of toileting has arrived. Well, technically bidets have been around for centuries but it has now arrived affordably. The brand new Hello Tushy 3.0, a modern bidet attachment is here to level playing field. It's stylish, eco-friendly easy to install and most importantly, affordable. And it doesn't require any additional plumbing or electricity. It just attaches directly to your commode. Who wrote commode? Who says commode? Anyway, every Hello Tushy bidet attachment comes with a 60 day risk-free guarantee and a 12 month warranty. And our viewers can head over to hellotushy.com/jvsb for 10% off plus free shipping. That's 10% off and free shipping and get your butt clean when you head over to hellotushy.com/jvsb. One last time, that is hellotushy.com/jvsb for 10% off plus free shipping. Link is in the description down below. - Okay. I feel way better. You're never gonna find it this week. - Is that right? - That's right. - (whispers) I always find it, you guys. Eventually. - The real trick is that I just buy a replacement and he never finds the original. So, if we ever move out of this office, there's gonna be them tucked everywhere. - It's going to be a fun surprise for someone. - Just bunch of varying-ly filled honey bears around the office. - [Scott offscreen] Liquid gold. - Liquid gold! - [Scott offscreen] Question 10. What does the incantation Deletrius do? - It sounds obvious. - It does sound obvious, but it adds to something. You ready? Three, two, one. - It vanishes objects. - I said vanish a potion. - [Scott offscreen] You're both wrong. - Oh, excellent. Goodness. - [Scott offscreen] The answer is it disintegrates the target. - Oh it disintegrates it. Just, pile of dust. - [Scott offscreen] Yeah, I think you guys said the same answers that you did last time. - Really? - [Scott offscreen] Ben, you said it.. Well, maybe you swapped. Ben, you said it clears out a potion. J, you said it makes something vanish. - Well. - [Scott offscreen] I just want to read you one of the multiple choice options, because it's very funny to me. An option would have been it produces a selection of deli meats. - Deletrius. Oh, deli. Deli. - [Scott offscreen] Yeah. - If only. - I know. What a great one. Lunch is served! And Harry'd be like, where's the potatoes? - The single potato. Where's the potato? - Where's the potato. - Oh man. - [Scott offscreen] I have a hunger for exactly one potato, please. My name is Harry Potter. - According to Gamps law of elemental transfiguration, you cannot produce. - But you could. If they knew where the deli meats were, they can steal it from the deli, cause it seems like theft of food from restaurants would be a real problem. - It does seem that way. - It's so easy to just be like, Deletrius. Take that, Subway. - [Scott offscreen] Question 11. What spelled did Hermione use to help the Gringotts dragon escape, carving a passageway in the ceiling? - This, I do remember this one. I remember this.. (mumbles) - [Scott offscreen] You have multiple choice available. - I know, we could, but.. - I might, honestly. - Okay. Go for it. - You wanna do it? - Let's do it. - We may as well not save it, You know? - May as well. - Does us no good. - Don't leave it on the table. - Don't leave it on the table. Okay. Okay, okay. - [Scott offscreen] All right. Is it A Defodio, B Relashio, C Episkey, or D Reducto. - All right. - Okay. You ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one. - Reducto. - I also said Reducto. - [Scott offscreen] That's both wrong. - What was it? - [Scott offscreen] So sorry. It is Defodio. - Man! - No. - It's just like, that's so annoying. How many different spells are there to blast, carve? Cause I'm pretty sure what she's doing is making a wider she's not necessarily blasting. - [Scott offscreen] Yes. Which is why last time you said Engorgio. - Yes. - [Scott offscreen] And then you said Relashio. - Okay. Relashio is what she uses to get the chains off him. - Yeah. I want to know if she does it in the, in the movie as well. So play clip of that. - Reducto. Relashio. - See? Told you or maybe not. I don't know. We don't actually watch it in real time. So I'm just reacting as if I was correct. - [Scott offscreen] Yeah. Riley, now play that same clip but put the audio of her sayings, "Ze Grindylows," over it. - Ze Grindylows. Ze Grindylows. Ze Grindylows. Ze Grindylows. Ze Grindylows. - (together) Ze Grindylows. - The dragon's like, okay. - [Scott offscreen] All right. Question 12. First used in the Fantastic Beasts films, what does the spell Nebulus do? - Important distinction. Okay. I think I got it. What you got, bro? You get there. Brain space it. - It, the thing, for whatever reason, the thing I keep coming to is whatever spell Hermione uses to freeze the Cornish Pixies - Ze Grindylows. - This was introduces in Fantastic Beasts. - I know. Yeah. I know that. But for what-- For some reason, I feel like that's what she says. - She says Immobulus. - Immobulus. Not terribly far off. - Not terribly far off. - Okay. Okay. So it doesn't mean to freeze a whole bunch of Cornish Pixies. - I remember that spell Hermione said. - All right. I don't know. Three, two, one. - Creates fog. - Oh, cause it's Dumbledore. - Yeah. - [Scott offscreen] It is, that's correct. - Yes. It's like his one spell. - [Scott offscreen] It creates a swirling fog in the surrounding area. - [J] Awesome! - [Scott offscreen] Last time, Ben, you said that the spell would make it rain. Which there is a thing that does that, but I don't think, it's not that one. And J you said it makes a magical barrier. And I remember you being very insistent that you were correct, but you were not. - Yeah. That was not. - What you got going on over there, man? - Well, my iPad, was at like 2% battery. So I'd had to plug in but this is as far as it goes, I will be over here. Don't worry. It's fine. - It's a total peak behind the curtain of - - We're good. - How our production works here. - [Scott offscreen] Question 13. Upon tapping the wall that magically reveals the Diagon Alley, what formation will lead to success? - This also helps to make sure Ben's not cheating. Which of course he normally is, so. Now it's way over here. - Okay, ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one. - I said three up, two over. - That's what I said too. - [Scott offscreen] It is three up, two across. - Aw, yeah. - Yes! Excellent. - [Scott offscreen] Well done. Last time you both said an Archway - Which I feel like is a better answer given the way the question is worded. - It's, I don't understand why it's not just worded as like what is the pattern used on the brick wall to reveal Diagon Alley? - Yeah. - Which would be like, Oh yeah. Now, I got you. - [Scott offscreen] Yeah. Question 14. In the books, who was the first person to greet Harry in the Leaky Cauldron? - Okay. I remember this one. - [Scott offscreen] I remember this one. - I think I remember this one too. Alright. Three, two, one. - Tom the barman. - Tom the barman. - [Scott offscreen] It is Tom the barman. - We were like, it can't be Tom again. - It certainly can't be. - Cause he was the answer earlier in that quiz. - It was like three prior. - Yeah. - It was like, no. - They wouldn't. - How many questions are about the guy who has like five lines ever? - [Scott offscreen] Very proud of you guys for saving all your multiple choice. - Yeah. - [Scott offscreen] You didn't even use it all. Well done. - Yeah, we have it right here. - [Scott offscreen] Not that it matters cause this is a select all that applies. - Aw, man. - [Scott offscreen] So you could have used one at some other point. Question 15. Select all that apply. During Harry's first visit to the Magical Menagerie, which of the following eccentric animals did he see? A a jewel-encrusted tortoise, B enormous purple toads, C spotty flying slugs, D poisonous orange snails, or E a golden baby unicorn. - Okay. All right. - [Scott offscreen] You got it. You got it. - I don't feel spectacular about it, but I feel, I dunno. Three, two, one. - I said A, B, and D. - I said A, C, and D. - Oh, no for the slugs. - Yeah. I feel like this is what happened last time too, but. - [Scott offscreen] The correct answer is a jewel-encrusted tortoise. - Yes. - [Scott offscreen] Enormous purple toads. - Yes. - [Scott offscreen] And poisonous orange snails. - Yes! I did it. I remembered. I think last time I was probably didn't say the snails. - [Scott offscreen] You did say the snails but you only said the snails and the tortoise. You did not do the toads. - Uh, that's exactly, okay. - [Scott offscreen] Neither of you guys thought the toads were there. Ben still didn't. - But I'm still.. (speaking over each other) I'm not convinced. - [Scott offscreen] Honestly, jury's still out. - Who's to say? Man, I am I'm impressed with how much we actually managed to get right that time. - I think we, honestly. Yeah. - We did pretty good. - For a quiz that we did, for all questions that we both missed in the past. That's saying something. Cause if you missed it, it's like that's already, like I would be willing to bet. We could probably make a quiz for just all questions that that only you missed. And I bet you would still beat me. - Even though you got it right the first time? - If, even if I got it right the first time. - I don't think so. - I think so. I think so. I stand by it. Yep. Yep. Yep. - I, I very much doubt it, but if you want to do even more awesome trivia tomorrow night, right here on the Super Carlin Brothers main channel, we are going to be live streaming our medley trivia at 6:00 PM, eastern. There will be awesome, fabulous prizes. For those of you who win, it's gonna be from every fandom we cover here on the channel. - Are we gonna, are we going to have a Name of the Wind question in there? - Maybe we should. - A specialty one? - A specialty Name of the Wind question might be fun. - So in case it's Thursday and you haven't read a very long book by tomorrow, go ahead and just get cracking just, just in case. - Just start cracking and just remember that he's also called Kote. - Yes. - Okay. - I see what you're doing. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - [Ben] Also want to give a huge thank you to these patrons who support us over on Patreon. - [J] Yes. You guys make all this possible. It is so, look at that person. They're awesome. And that person's awesome. And tha-- All, all of them really pretty awesome. - [Ben] They're, yeah. It's a really a good lineup through and through. I don't really think there's a weak point anywhere in the entire list. - [J] No, no. People say your chain is only as strong as your weakest link. We've got like rock solid, super gold, platinum, doubled down chains here. - [Ben] Whoa, you really got like a lot of really good modifiers out in row. - We would pass that hardness scale that you do in Geology 101 no problem. - The Mohs hardness scale. - The Mohs hardness scale. - Stands no chance. Thank you patrons. But guys as always, thank you so much for watching. Be sure to let us know how you did in the towel section down below. And if you'd like to see us take another redemption quiz you can check out this video right here. Or if you'd like to see more of Scott and hear his wonderful voice you can check NerdSync right here. But until tomorrow night at 6:00 PM Eastern, bye!
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
Views: 271,595
Rating: 4.9650984 out of 5
Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, harry potter, j vs ben, harry potter trivia, trivia, pottermore quiz, j vs ben redemption, j carlin, ben carlin, jonathan carlin, wizarding world, jk rowling, hermione granger, hogwarts, gringotts, start of term feast, harry potter baked potatoes, deletrius, defodio, what does defodio do, What does Nebulus do, diagon alley, tom the barman, percy weasley, lupin and a grindylow, albert runcorn, millicent bagnold
Id: l_LLPO3xYrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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