J vs Ben: HARDEST Luna Lovegood TRIVIA Quiz

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okay I'll be funny don't worry hey brother welcome to another edition of Jonathan vs. Benjamin better known as J versed Ben man I was so thrown off by that I was like really going with the a letter names huh yeah gotta throw a bit off his game today apparently at work I have no idea what I'm now exactly what do we say next next we tell them that we are taking the Luna Lovegood the hardest one we could find on Pottermore slash Wizarding World now today let's go in case you guys are new here this is how the rules work Tyler is going to be asking us each of the 15 questions plus a patreon bonus question and then we have to remember them from memory yes but if we both agree that we want to hear the full multiple choice then we can van was it was that an opportunity to say then or then we're off to a great start my game is back a question 1 what is the name of Lunas father this is this is okay this is I feel like a quiz that has gone back to leading with the easy questions yeah I don't know if I totally know how to spell it but I know I know what it is yeah I'm ready three two one Zenith alias love good ington so really all you were going for on this one was spelling how bad were we James Xenophilius I would like to say that earlier I was trying to rhyme then with can were you though were you though I was you would be easier to do Ken and then then can and then look I don't need rhyming advice from you host and I was the last time you dished out a rhyme yeah question 2 what is Lunas Patronus mm-hmm mm-hmm this I got I got my Raven claw here to help channel my luminous yeah you know what you wore some blue - I wore some blue yeah I've got my butter beer mug and then of course we've got Lockhart sporting the grandness the periwinkle rubes here yes three two one a rabbit rabbit ooh you are both incorrect real what the correct answer per the quiz and Jordans note is only hair the note from Jordan is in the multiple choice rabbit is an option so since you both said rabbit you are both wrong I feel quite certain it's a jackrabbit actually yeah I almost put Jack Rabbit and I was like well rabbits rabbit I don't know I think I'm looking that up right in the text right in the text alright yeah so what the moves a phrase Jackrabbit the moment is when hers and Ernie's and Seamus all three of theirs run past them and it's AB or a Jack Russell terrier and wouldn't had Jack in that sense twice would you have Jack on sentence twice that is the that is the sentence when it happens but I know she also produces it in the Room of Requirement mm-hmm boy this is frustrating you guys all know we're right I want to know on screen what is the difference between a hare and a rabbit there is a difference there is a difference okay I think I want to say a rabbit is like a tiny one and a hare is a much bigger animal but I don't know that for sure either let's go to question three question three Luna is known for storing her wand behind her ears for safekeeping which which ear is she known for putting it behind Oh what is this a coin flip I mean I just it just but knows yeah three two one left the answer is left ear yeah Kazama is weird and left-handers are weird that don't really believe that left-handed people are weird but that's how I figured the reasoning sometimes I think left-handed people think that they are not weird but unique like we have two cousins who are left-handers and I swear they think they are like within a sacred club of hers lying is like yeah me and him we're lefties and it's like so that's like what half the conversations at the secret club are they're like boy you know what right-handed people think that we think we're in a secret Club right question for who does Luna end up marrying I think we both have this one on lock yeah three two one go Rolf's commander wealthy right tell me it's right come on the answer is Rolf's commander you looked disappointed like truly interestingly you don't know who Rolf's father is Newt and Tina obviously have kids but not much is known about their kids just that Luna marries Rolf is Rolf even their kid or their grandkids bring grandkids okay okay fascinating right question five select all that apply which of these magical creatures are actually real in the Wizarding World oh my gosh rather than love good speculations oh boy a crumpled horn snork ax B Naugle jabber Knoll jabber no I misread my mistake d uber and E blubbering humdinger which of these are real oh boy okay so this exactly I'm happy with the way this question was worded because I knew this question was gonna be on here in some capacity right because I feel like early on there was a variety of weird things that Luna believed in and by the end I think JK Rowling got to the point where she's like I am tired of making up animals in a room where all the animals are already made up oh yeah you know that's like distilled it down to the one thing right right especially in the beginning this is like where Hermione is always irritated yeah with Luna right there's one on here where I'm like I don't know about this one the rest I feel pretty good about how you doing over there okay okay okay okay ready yeah okay three two one I said C and D are the real one I said C and D as well are the real ones the real magical creatures which is a weird sentence are the Jabra Knowles and the poopers who are both correct yeah oh my gosh sounds like blubbering humdinger oh I don't know that I knew the other two weren't it goes back to Luna being like that cloud cuckoo-land er yeah character like she's she's speaking what seems like nonsense all the time yeah and sometimes it's fake and sometimes she's right right and I could never remember like with NAR goals whether or not that was like a real thing sure that like ended up being I don't know yeah but it's not but it's not but it's not okay question six in the film what color are Lunas shoes she finds hanging up at the end of order of the Phoenix oh my goodness we just freaking used this clip I think in the very last video we did you looked it up do we need the pattern there are two colors there are two colors yeah there is a pattern but it doesn't say that it does not give me a pattern and the way I'm picturing it in my memory there's not a pattern well now that you say it maybe I'm thinking of one but are you writing the pattern too yeah cuz I'm going to ask Scott to put it on screen so that at least there's some proof that I knew somewhat what I was talking about if I get this wrong okay you ready yeah three two one white red and white woo the answer is red and white yes and I I think that the pattern is like the radishes or the dirigible plums oh is it was just stars I thought they were red and white Chuck Taylors but the reason I specifically noticed it is because we just pulled this clip for like last Thursday's video and I was like oh I never noticed that they're like the little original poems oh so do you think she customed the shoes it's the type of thing where it's like very fitting for the movie but like where would you even get Chuck Taylors right right right I don't like that they wear Chuck Taylors in the movies question 7 what is Luna reading when Harry meets her for the first time ready thank you one the quicker the Quibbler I was like half a second for putting down which weekly or something like oh nope the first time it's actually not the obvious time right right yeah there that's one of those where there are so many different ways where they could have asked you the question where the Quibbler is the answer right you know what publication does her father print right anyway and now for the patreon quizmaster question of the game if you'd like to submit a question or vote on which question will be in the quiz got a patreon duck /super Carlin brothers and select the quiz master tier this question was submitted by a Sherman rich thank you a Schmidt it's a rich question select all that apply which of the following are article titles in the Quibbler when Harry first meets Luna corruption and the Quidditch league how the tornados are taking control as a be how the ministry was involved in a conspiracy see secrets of the ancient runes revealed is that rooms or ruins runes D Sirius Black as he's painted notorious mass murderer or innocent singing sensation okay I think I got it for me Jay where is this content where yeah what do you mean like is this in the book is this a film things as a Pottermore this is in the book this would be in order of the Phoenix when they meet Lumina on the train okay yeah the other thing about these is that some of them I'm like perhaps they were in other issues of the Quibbler right and like so you're remembering that they're real but maybe not that they're from this particular instance and how is this working I will give you a point for each you get right but you will lose a point for each you get wrong Oh interesting I would think just all or none I think I think basically it's a point basically for whoever gets more correct or a point if we have the same amount correct okay does that make sense sure okay ready yep three two one I said a C and D I said a B and E and I said not D because this is the article about how serious is stubby Boardman the singing sensation yeah and that is the article that Kingsley gives to Arthur when they're in the elevator on the way to the hearing yeah which I could not I was wondering whether or not Luna is reading the same article but I went to this exact same thing and like that hearing is like a week before he goes to school where he would meet Luna on the train so like right away she sets you up for this joke and then later you finally learn more about the Quibbler okay cuz I feel like the other thing is they let slip serious as in front of Luna and she goes you mean stubby boardman and I couldn't remember if that is the moment when Luna like confirms that of course she also read that same article anyway that was my thought process I feel like for what it's worth it makes me feel better if the world knows that I know enough to know right anyway that's from that where we go the correct answers are corruption and the Quidditch league how the tornados are taking control secrets of ancient runes reveal got that one Sirius Black is he's painted notorious mass murderer or innocent singing sensation got it Jonathan got all correct so he also right voted for the points against his favor so because he would have pulled very far ahead oh my way man so I thought secrets of the ancient runes was the name of a textbook mmm no cuz this is why she she's holding it upside down oh you're crying that's why she okay so am i down a point now Ben his daddy is six to five whoa question eight how old was Luna when her mom died [Music] I don't have any real question eight reason for it but question eight this is eight what came to mind okay yeah I don't have much reason to either three two one eight the answer is nine oh we both missed it but I had no nothing to go on other than she must have been old enough earlier to remember her a lot she also seems like pretty well at peace with it about time like Harry's having the conversation with her about it so damn in two years before she went to school and then another so it's not like six years when Harry meets her alright alright question nine Hogwarts students often refer to Luna with a nickname but what is it it's a weird way to word that I know favorite quotes from the books it's actually I'm sort of like this cording it to when I say it like it's like doing a little embellishing the answer is good for just me right no it's a point for both that I know question 10 Luna has twin daughters with her husband true or false we've done a theory about this before okay three two one false false she has voice oh it's possible unfair advantage wrath you're gonna be their uncle that's true yes who is the host question eleven Luna tells hairy things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end if not always in the ways we expect but who used to say this to Luna alright three two one her mother her mother her mum who like who else could believe it I was like this is gonna be a real dumb trick question if it's not her mom because the way they phrased that who used to say this my daddy used to say this he's really anymore yeah he no longer believed in stopped coming back well it's true for his father I'm sad question 12 in the film which spell does Luna used to fix Harry's broken nose and half-blood Prince okay yeah yeah three two one missed Piske I was about a very different way sort of Hey why EE anyway I mmm I think Jonathan's spelling is closer but you're both right okay it is epi ske why spells are sticklers for spelling yeah we knew how you pictured that word in your mind that's that's one of those though that like even the spelling I feel like double doesn't matter because isn't it actually not Luna who does it in the books anyway isn't it honks honks could have said it differently with different spelling watch it Harry every single time Tonks comes in its watch a harry watcher is totally a word all Americans are like me oh is is it watcher that's wot CH ER watcher yeah no way I always hear it as like like watch uh like wh 8 e CH a hmm almost like almost like a version of like like a watch out slash what's up I think that's sort of what it is yeah like like hey like you didn't know I'm here I'm announcing my presence as well as like how are you right I think that's something to be effect everyone in Europe can let us know pala section Nebula question 13 what conspiracy did Luna firmly believe the orders were a part of and I have a note from Jordan that if you get this wrong it was also quizmaster question in the past and if you're wrong you should feel really bad about yourself now earlier say to one laughing conspiracy though rot Finken says I will tell you that since you got to write you get to feel good about yourselves five seconds of feeling good about yourself load Ian for that really makes you happy it does curl it up on the orange couch with some snick so boy are you afraid of the dark I think I learned the other day that Ryan Gosling was in are you afraid of the dark right no maybe he was like in an episode I don't think he was one of the campfire kids maybe he wasn't but maybe he was hey B Scott only include that if I was right totally don't include it if I was wrong oh I'm gonna enjoy this question 14 select all that apply what is on the list of Lunas lost possessions a pair of stripey socks B invisibility cloak C pair of school shoes D pet pygmy puffs and e-easy spells to fool muggles okay I've got my total shot with the dark yes yeah I have I have my reasons so I'm gonna stick to it all right three two one that a and C a and C as well pygmy puffs isn't introduced until half-blood because great answer Jenny gets one from friend George yeah yeah a battery no J great I also cannot imagine that she would have the textbook easy spells to fool muggles have no visibility well according to the quiz the correct answers are a pair of stripey socks C pair of school shoes and E easy spells to fool muggles Luna would never that feels so unlikely so unlikely you know what we missed it together and you get no point oh my got no points together so at least we missed it in exactly the same way because we believed too hard at Luna that's like a dark mark on her character that's know this is such a boring no maybe she lost it on purpose that's right that's headcanon question 15 and the final question of the quiz Jay you are currently ahead and this is a select all that apply so to make it fun I will give Ben the chance to pull ahead if he gets more points than you oh great yeah in Lunas bedroom who isn't included in her painting of her Hogwarts friends the optional answers are a Padma B Ginny C Neville D Ron E Harry Potter the Boy Who Lived I wouldn't says no I just added although he did do that - he's not at that point technically f Sheamus and G Hermione and we want who's not up there who's not up there yep yeah yeah yeah come on Sheamus are not up there that's what I said - correct no photos of Sheamus Gorman or Finnegan why she friends with fam that's a joke like 60% of the audience gets oh yeah yeah that's right Sheamus for Tom make it happen make it happen roar brothers so Simon I won you win uh back to the winner's circle good victory Thank You lunacy it came down to the to the mug I think channeling the Raven colones I feel good about this - I don't want to say it's not hard but she is only in three books sure so not as much to know about there's not as much to no anger and she's like she's an important character but like you you can probably like name most of the interaction yes there were at least one Pottermore question and at least to film questions in there interesting yes thing yeah you know could you have named her mom and her sons no no no could you have I could have what's her mom's name Pandora Oh actually I know you say that I do know it right yeah yeah sure I'm sure anyway guys how did you do be sure to let us know in the towel section down below also if there are any quizzes over on the Wizarding World website or otherwise that you would like to see us take be sure to let us know because like we're always excited to hear from you guys yes and if you'd like to see us do more J verse bends you can check out this whole playlist right here or if you'd like to hear more of Tyler's and boys so you can check out his podcast bacon and eggs right here but until next time bye
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
Views: 318,142
Rating: 4.9627633 out of 5
Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, harry potter, pottermore, harry potter trivia, luna lovegood, luna lovegood quiz, j vs ben, jonathan carlin, ben carlin, j carlin, hogwarts, harry potter quiz, j vs ben harry potter, jk rowling, luna lovegood patronus, the quibbler, xenophilius lovegood, pottermore quiz, wizarding world, scb quiz, evanna lynch, order of the phoenix, pandora lovegood, rolf scamander, lunas husband, ravenclaw
Id: deocjgZrE0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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