J vs Ben: The MEGA Harry Potter TRIVIA Quiz

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[Music] okay let's do it nice that's really good some people have said why didn't you take more classes I can see why you didn't you didn't need to concerning you everything I do everything I can see why they said it brother and welcome everyone to a mega edition of Jay versus ben we know just like us you guys are all stuck in quarantine so we figured we'd give you some extra long content we have a 40 question Harry Potter quiz today with questions all submitted by our patrons of ROM patreon thank you guys so much for submitting all of those questions and for keeping us entertained during these very boring times are you nervous I am so nervous normally we know like the kind like we know it's the Molly and Arthur quiz I can like I can like think about them you can eventually prep right this is like a roll Harry Potter wide open like there could be movie questions fantastic beasts questions total all there won't be cursed child could there be I won't know the answers let's find out here we go guys because this particular quiz is not taken from Pottermore The Wizarding World website and it was actually generated by our patrons we have actually put together the quiz so if you would like to play along at home there is still a link in the description down below here's how it's going to work in case this is your first J vs. been our guest host Seamus Gorman all the way from the UK will be asking us the questions Ben and I must answer them from a memory only but if we both agree we can get the full multiple-choice set from him so there is multiple choice okay okay that gives me some solace that lucky enough in a worst case scenario we can still back our selves up here yeah yeah okay let's do it question one who was the first person to notice that Harry could talk to snakes oh oh my gosh I can't think of his name I know Oh what's this stupid name like something like this that's not right oh no it is I know exactly who it is but I can't think of what his name I think I've got it this is this is a tricky first question this is a turkey first question unless the answer is a boa constrictor the answer is not the boat constrictor is the first person okay and you are if you're thinking of that you're in the right place yeah I know I know precisely cause I can tell you just can't think of his name yeah yeah I don't think I have it I don't think it's in there excellent for me okay right you know three two one piers pocus Marty masters ah you've got buttons yes I knew that it was a literate 'iv I know that it was yeah I think everyone knew you knew what character you get out of a name if that's setting the tone for the rest of this quiz this might get hard well this is it's gonna be hard to tell because normally like the Pottermore ones like escalate in difficulty so they don't matter the first year kind of guineas but who knows what we're gonna get here I know I know you know what I think she describes Pierce pocus as looking like a rat I know I was thinking that same same alliterative name as Peter Pettigrew who weird Oh the Peter Pettigrew have a song know what promenade question - what school did Dudley go to great no he too wants smell things that's correct yes all getting was the smelting stick that's really hot adders Lee questions here right question free what was the name of the wizard who refused to wear trousers at the Quidditch World Cup because he likes a nice healthy breeze around my privates oh gosh whoa oh man okay okay oh I can like I can like taste it you know it's like in the air oh okay let's do multiple try not sure I think I think I will know it if I hear ya oh maybe I'm gonna write this down option one Andrew Ames low option two Angus Ames low option free Arnold Ames low an option for Archie Ames low so they all have the solid surname Ames low option - Andrew angled I'm frustrated people know that I wrote it down before Seamus read the answers to us you would have known this I not I wouldn't have gotten the last name but I did I did remember the first name okay okay three two one Margy Archie that's correct goodness me I did I did know what once I heard it but the fact that you remember that I feel like has got to be just such a bizarre testament to the kind of knowledge that you digest question four where did Severus Snape introduce himself to Lily Evans how do I spell it just says where did Severus Snape introduce himself to Lily Evans um it's okay it's looking for like a type of place rather than like the specific like location okay it's not looking for like the whatever Road it was actually it's looking for like a specific type of place okay that makes sense three two one seven at the park it's at the playground the correct on stays at the playground okay cuz that's like the scene where she like flies off of the swing and goes like unnaturally far and then has like a they're like right soft landing yeah yeah spinners incorrect is that where they are or is that where is that where Snape's house is that's the town he lives in so presumably it is where Lily's family was from as well okay okay cool fantastic beasts question Oh what are still five what year did Jacob Kowalski come back from Europe after World War one so this garbage there's a line in there when they're talking about the world war and oh he knows I didn't come back until soon so yeah you both have to know the Year that fantastic beasts takes place in and how long they've been back I think he specifically says oh yeah guys like I I don't know I feel like there's the moment where him and Newt are walking down the street and he's like yeah of course I was in the water but it was in the war yeah that's the thing I'm thinking on okay so I mean there's probably a bit of historical knowledge that you could apply to this just to know so it works at the candy a time line between well one ending and fantastic be starting all right yes the factory I I've never gotten the impression that he's been working at the factory for like a very long time but but maybe maybe that's me just completely glazing over this particular detail never seem that important until now never seemed that important until now okay well I can only guess even if we get the multiple choice it's just gonna be a series of years between like 1918 in 1926 not to narrow it in for you no difference I'm just trying to think of what it like what do you have come home before the war was over I'm gonna take a shot in the dark okay ready let's do every two one 13:24 Jonathan you've got that spot on yes Wow amazing for me how do you remember it no not at all I was just like you well like you said I don't feel like he's been working at the camping place very long in 1925 would have been just one year prior to the movie starting so I was like two years - Cheers that was my reasoning I don't know if it makes sense but it did give me the right answer well that's infuriating as always sorry question six when is roms birthday curious hmm do you ever guess I have a I have a gander hmm but I don't think it's right but like I can't I can't I can only I mean vaguely guess the months well I'm taking my stab because I think I'm gonna start to need it here soon if I don't start pulling some things out of a drill that absolutely in the meantime I'm just drawing Harry Potter over here with my expert art skills okay there we go ready yep three two one July 6 March 3rd 1980 you are so close are you really it's much first March well because it's the month of March now and I'm pretty sure Wizarding World posted about it recently I would I knew it was really March I thought it seemed very JK Rowling to have it be three three oh okay yeah I was like well cuz they don't really mention Ron's birthday in the books ever which I feel like they would which made me think it had to take place somewhere in the very narrow time period where Harry doesn't see Ron so his birthday happens off page so that's how I was headed on July and then I was like sixth brother oh I say it yeah okay so I think I think the big thing is for one Ron can take the apparition test mm-hmm when Harry cannot true so he is like we know that he's older enough to where it would have been like a big deal if it was like two weeks off so anyway that's that's what I had going so close man I can't believe that I hope I hope someone at home gives me like just like I understand that if Ben still loses he still loses but like you know if it's by one okay right there yeah 19:24 though guys let's talk more about that more about that question 7 according to Moaning Myrtle how many points do you receive if you throw a book through her head 3 2 1 ft 10 Jonathan's got another plane yes cuz it's 50 if it goes through I was guessing based on movie Myrtle Oh interesting interesting so I was like this could be a thing that changed and I'm just whatever right okay great I'll deal with it let's carry on question eight what was the make and model of the car Ron and Harry crashed into the whomping willow 3 - correct yes Lord's actually rather common in the UK and cold enough yeah coming off ok ok I like coming here I actually as their American mates yeah Henry Ford exactly you heard of them question 9 what is the name of Aunt March's bulldog okay three two one Ripa Ripa spoke tone yeah although I think she actually has many dogs oh she does but that's the question ten who wrote Dumbledore's obituary in The Daily Prophet Oh three two one OS news dog breath news yourself that's the one yo your life right question eleven where did Hermione Granger send her parents to hide from Voldemort three two one you know that sticks in my mind as where Hermione lives all the time you think that she lives in Australia I know she doesn't but what I imagine her going home for the summer she's in Australia I know she's not but that's what the thing about Hermione's parents is that like she is this totally well-adjusted person with loving parents and yet if there is the absolute truth that you can't not have Hermione be places right over Christmas like holiday and stuff like that and so basically from the time Hermione turns like 11 her parents don't see her like barely like any time she's home it's like oh no I got the olive from Ron so my parents understood Hermione they haven't seen you for like years just sitting here for about two weeks at a time right for seven years can you imagine no oh my god it's so sad I'm vain pressed on for you they've got one wrong sofa like guys and it was a 301 in 365 guess it was more than play if you didn't over yeah I don't know you did know the yet so you got half of it right exactly two birds right anyways question 12 even though the book refused what act of magic did Neville do that caused the quill to try to enter his name for Hogwarts oh the book of the quill and book of acceptance that other book is talking about I think that we've had this question before so I'm either completely wrong and misunderstanding the question or I know it okay ready yep three two one cool Algie dropping him at a window but I don't think that's it yeah that's not a he bounced when he was dropped out of it I think that's the one where they with the book in the quill agreed I think there was a one before that okay the correct aunties snuggled his blankets around himself sure I don't know if that's any I don't I don't know cuz I think that was the thing where they knew he was where his family knew it wasn't a squib okay in that case yeah no I do I do remember this vaguely now is this is this a Potter more question oh yeah because it's about the book of acceptance okay okay okay that was very difficult one knows if I was gonna say you guys should've gone to the multiple choice because I was like I think I would have gone either and I feel like it's maybe lacking is it there was a moment where like he would have been too cold but he liked magic to the blankets around him or something oh maybe something like that yeah anyway question 13 who did Neville have to jog back and give the sorting hat to amid glares of laughter three two one Professor McGonagall correct answer was Morag mcdougal oh I don't believe that's correct I'm very confused by what it's referring to to be honest dude is that the next person in line after the bottom probably yeah that is baloney oh wait so you're saying he gets sorted runs at the table and then had to head back to give a sorting hat to mcdougal Moran meringue mcdougal this is who he would give it to alright this is who he would give it to ya a person doing it we missed it in the exact same way yeah I feel like it's a maybe a poorly phrased question I think like it's better to just say who was less or Neville in the sorting ceremony yeah interesting about morgue MacDougall though is isn't Morag the name of theses well I used to do I'd say our bugs why he massaged oh yeah good job good job so she's just switching in and out letters for name well then mcdougal no even that's not right I was gonna say Dougal McGregor Dougal McGregor Wow make lots of names you know every witch wizard here it sounds like at this point in time she had a couple of names scribbled in some margins there and she's like I'll come back to those there's probably a way to perfect them yeah I'm sorry but if you're at home saying that you knew that one I don't believe you also we got it right question 14 we all remember Hermione's magical expanding bag but what other time did we see the same type of spell used twice to my knowledge but our I'm also thinking this twice yeah I felt like there are maybe even more examples of this then - yeah unless there are like technically different charms there aren't absolutely multiple occasions where something is made bigger on the inside than it would appear from the outside yes I I want to say isn't the most obvious one in my opinion well I wrote down two which I believe to be all three of which the same spell okay well yeah I wrote down two as well so I if one of these is correct and the other is wrong then I would want expansion on what's different yeah but anyway three two one the Ministry of Magic cars and the World Cup the correct answer is on the Weasleys car when the back seat and trunk magically expand to hold everything for the trip to Kings Cross nice tree of magic cause would be no no no it wouldn't would it but it also is in the Ministry of Magic cars when they get picked up in prisoner the Ford Anglia does it the ministry cars do it and the tent does it what about Moody's trunk moody strong also I think has a bit of the same and eyes at least visit the quite a cool question to say it was the only it what was the other time we see it happen because there's clearly multiple times oh so we just get a point you want to get a point yeah I'm gonna say I'm gonna say give us a point because if anything I feel like there are other there another time yeah okay thanks Seamus unless there was literally a different spell I'll look I'll look it up when you're doing the next question sure yeah question 15 how far did Harry throw the gnome the bit his finger Oh what is the unit of measurement even unit of measurement is feet okay is field thank you feet okay I would actually bet that in the books it isn't yards I'll just say that if it's yards it's way more impressive but you can convert it if you'd like well I'm gonna stick with it three two one fifty feet it is boom I the reason I thought that it was yards and maybe I'm just wrong or maybe I just like converted it into yards I feel like I was shocked because 50 yards is so far yeah can you imagine him throwing something half a football field yeah no yeah but like that's what seems like so remarkable about it it's like whoa like that's so far right yeah if they had 50 yards of yard that may be impressive also just back to that last question according to this it is the extension charm it is done multiple times even in by Newt in fantastic beasts oh yeah history's what school paste house yes yeah not the best question no offence of the person thank you so much your country okay you made me the bad guy question 16 what is the name of the cat that mrs. fig left to make sure that to Madonna's did not leave mundungus I never says name I just I could be completely wrong this shouldn't be a generic like cat name yeah three two one Tibbles three two one Wow ah but not contact furred around the world exactly because questions gonna live up to its reputation question 17 who is the uncle that Sirius inherited his gold from oh but sometimes I wish Amos that you had streamers of we write down so do i I really wish I knew what you'd written down no because they don't be it'll be so funny to like have you talked to us based on what you know we wrote but I also feel like it would be a liability okay I have a guess all right you ready yeah three two one Albie is black Alfred Oh Alfred black and URI is a pH nice this was close that since then was free points behind I think Ben needs that point right now yeah I'm proud of myself anyway question 18 when talking to Ramona vain what did Ginny say Harry had a tattoo of oh this is oh it's which one did she make it up about okay yeah yeah I'm okay I'm locked three two one hungarian horntail - got it yes I think I'm like Ginny you think she's gonna correct her but instead she makes it more impressive than a hypocrite which is what Romilda vane initially thinks it is yes yes oh this is when Ginny's really becoming cool real fast real fast question 19 what is this spell that puts a buzzing in nearby people's ears so you can have a private conversation right three two one yes that's right there's no Ellen he's just Murphy otter I'm like that yeah I'm counting that did you put monthly auto yeah yeah I'm basically off of the word waffle yeah that's what I was thinking okay yeah is it literally just I didn't even notice until I just looked back down so I'm writing Vince they don't have the typo it's possible much more Fiat arrows does sound like paper thing where you could almost hear the L even if it's not there yeah question 20 what was Neville's owl result in charms Oh WL sorry okay so the thing your whole line here is that this would be after having been a member of the DA yeah so Neville would have liked a considerable uptick in his confidence yeah but I also still think that this was like I've got I recognise the trick of this question do you I think so I'll explain it afterwards three-two-one e a Jonathan's got a yes expectation I almost win with that but here's what happens he's talking to McGonagall and she tells him he only got an a on his o WL the Transfiguration and she won't accept him but she suggests charms because he got an e in that and Flitwick will accept it and he says my grandma says charms is a soft option oh there was hmm that's yeah that's frustrating question 21 what potion does Harry brew and Slughorn insists the class off to create something amusing I just wanna like the funny wizard name for it okay I got it I think oh this is so brutal I think that it is something to do it this you got it no I think I don't know that I haven't either I'm pretty sure they usually that means you have it okay three two one euphoria peace draft so the correct answer is elixir to induce euphoria that counts come on do you think it counts does it help but I said he has a sprig of mint maybe I don't want to not give it or give it and the only thing I would say is that I thought that I had something to do with peace which I don't know why but I felt like there was no chance that I was gonna get it based on just the word peace I can tell you that he'd bruised this because he wants to get Slughorn in a good mood so we can ask him about the memory and Slughorn is like boo and i see you've added a sprig of peppermint which can counteract the occasional doubts of laughing just give them the point come on my argument was that euphoria is just a regular word so it's like an elixir to induce that the question was what potion people can determine whether or not just remember well just remember that if any if at any point in time one of us is closed for entirely wrong and we need to give somebody a free point question 22 how many Quidditch fouls are listed in the Department of Magical games and sports records man they need an exact number I'll say it's a round of a hundred so oh it's like yeah it's around hundred yeah that's helpful okay three two one seven uh no yes oh yeah excellent and all of them were committed in one match at one point they were I get the feeling that many of them were created because of set match it's like it was like the match was like rules to this game fire question 23 in what year was MacUser founded I bet is long like a t-shirt we own no we have like so many of those like obliviate or squad yeah there's a reaiiy don't know that for some reason this is the number that comes to my mind 1783 I mean I can see why you've guessed that but the correct answer is 1693 this was just one America's founded write your name my lost Google search yeah yeah my thinking was like shortly after America yeah that's about like enough time for a buck oh this isn't so nature now like yeah we should probably have our own government I for make sense I put at first I put 1871 but I think that's when the statute of secrecy was invented how could they have the magical Congress of the United States of America before America was a thing yeah that sounds like a poorly fact-checked bit of information almost as if it was done by a Brit yeah this is an annoying question question 24 what was the first one that Ollivander had Harry try the first one that's baloney no give me the option one maple and phoenix feather seven inches quite whippy okay with it with an extra ACH in there option to ebony and unicorn hair eight and a half inches springy option free beach and dragon heartstring 9 inches nice and flexible option for ash and unicorn hair nine and a half in is reasonably supple my thing is all of these seem kind of short in length I mean given the receiving lengths yeah I did yes sorry go me to go through the lens again my hands from here to here are 9 inches well so like a short wound it's a really short wand is that how you measure it well I just happen to know it it's like I'm size like big hands well they all yeah they all seem very very short to me unless maybe like early on the books wands were just smaller and then they cuz this isn't his more like 11 inches yeah maybe that's why these were wrong he thought you need a small one and that turned out how you do it along all right I got an answer ready three two one would be I want to see Ben gets the point game on basically I was fairly certain that you didn't have a Phoenix wand first yeah I was positive there's no maple I think ashin unicorn hair is Ron's wand yeah yeah that's basically what I came down to I was like no it's coin flip between these two man right clogging my way back you guys I'm back in the century question 25 who kept coming to shake Harry's hand in the leaky cauldron who kept coming when this is I want to say when it comes with Hagrid okay I was gonna say that yeah I didn't want to give you the wrong piece of information think I've got it right but there's another okay Sturges pod more so you've got one of the options but neither of you have got it right it's Doris Crockford Doris cross brother Potter yeah I can hear it now that was Crockford came back for seconds Dinah's Diggle is in there he's the one he's like he remembers me all my Harry Potter memories are in Jim Dales voices yeah well I consider those to be canon canon like I would say to the extent of when he gets to the Quidditch World Cup one of the voices of a random passerby he uses is Vernon Dursley voice so not like Bob was listening to like that particular chapter I was like is it possible that Vernon Dursley has a wizard relative like specifically because he uses of Vernon Dursley voice that's funny when he also every once in a while and it's so funny when he does this I think Arthur Weasley's voice comes off a little over nanine but it's strange because it's like such a kind version right Vernon's voice so different because it's kind like they're just father voices yeah yeah yeah question 26 what was the name of the potions book that showed how my knee how to brew Polyjuice potion in Chamber of Secrets this is an interesting one because I believe that the actual ingredients list is in advance potion making because I think it's in there yes your book yeah but it's not that's not the book they use in second year I would take multiple choice sure option one advanced potion making option two doctor Vindictus meridians guide to sorcery and potions option free secrets of the darkest art an option for most potent potions okay right w21 just posted potent potions yes that is correct excellent see you to the darkest part is where they learn about question 27 what wrong name did professor Bin's call Seamus Finnigan in chamber of secrets Seamus Gorman whoa how weird would that be people ever compare you to Seamus Finnigan has that ever come up never no one Wow I'd give multiple choice multiple choice these are all very Irish names that I'm going to get them very wrong and someone's actually okay option one Finley Finley Finley with a y with an E with an A we got there in the end Finley with an A O'Hagan also with A's Oh flattery and Oh gone Lee three two one family family it is a flat E really Wow yeah that's I feel like the O Gormley it was a bit of a a joke that we'd already made there I think so question 28 what spell did Snape use to vanish the snake at to the dueling Club what does take care of that for you Potter yeah would you like the options I would take I'm sure I'll take them option one kibriya evan Eska option two vipera evan Eska option free pie fana evan Eska an option for subpoena evan Eska all people will see that I wrote down Evan ESCO Wow thousand all right great yeah three two one dee dee the correct answer is vipera evan Eska really yeah no way there weren't really big puns on snake names on this you don't say I do notice that sometimes like one of those things where you're like do you need to be like you know aware of the animal kingdom like have you already used the Cobra one when I know I was just going to like the most generic snake one that's me too I was like I don't think it was asked a fight bird they don't describe it as a Viper question 29 what is Harry's room number at the leaky cauldron in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban who knows do you know no I hate this I know okay you ready no I feel like this is a new here it no I think that's such a dumb answer though but it's what came out mine so I hate it 3 2 1 4 3 correct answer was 11 like 12 I feel like it my brain I came here like the phrase room before doesn't matter maybe that's filmed yeah question 30 in Harry Potter and the half-blood Prince Bellatrix and Narcissa visits Snape in the second chapter after a prating to spinners end they kill an animal because they thought it might be an aura what animal was it hey yeah three two one coffee looks that is correct yeah you're welcome for that wonder if there's gonna be a small surge in the viewership of the old music video what does the Fox say instead of going to look that up you should go just listen to the Pixar theory song again yeah but if you do listen to what does the Fox say you can comment the super Karluk brother sent me who that - but like Pixar theory somebody saying yo do the Pixar theory song and be like what does the Fox say in the cop it's really initial he does yeah stop your offer was too good question 31 how many tails are in the tales of Beedle the bard oh but this one is easy you think so yeah well do you don't have the book I do I I mean but like I couldn't I have all the Harry Potter books I couldn't tell you my challenge like I could name them but and I was gonna say the number that but yes one six nine five is the correct answer right not enough it doesn't seem like enough question 32 who invented flu powder who invented flu powder well my goodness that's a question right there it is a question multiple choice please yeah option one Ignatius wordsmith option two Ignatia wild smith option free by Gore Wilding an option for Irene Wilder so what I'm hearing is that's no help at all what is C what is D okay right yeah three two one B Ben gets the points that's a complete yes did you have any reasoning uh Ignatia sounds like ignite in a wordsmith wordsmith seems like someone who is good at talking yeah unlike me in this moment right question 33 in Goblet of Fire what is the password that Harry uses to access the prefix bathroom I always get this wrong we give a small lot I feel like I maybe not three two one pine fresh pine fresh then you got it right sort of happening so do you but then always gets it wrong question 34 what inscription is carved round the top of the mirror they're talking about the mirrors yeah I mean I will accept the answer if you write it forwards right because it's quite complicated right yes right words man I don't know it like entirely I feel like we obviously we very much both know the general sense yeah of what the the whole idea and clever nature of the mirror of Erised and this is like where if I can see it right now I can totally yeah I don't know that I could like if you gave me a whole bunch of options that were all oh yeah like backwards writing not backwards writing but like even if you gave me the four words writing and they were all general sentiments of what you see is your heart's desire right like I wouldn't know what the specific selection of words is right does that make sense yes Seamus and you know this one offhand would you just know know this this is a horrible question if I'm honest to here okay I think I could get pretty close for words all of you were at the actual backwards answer like I don't have to say it but it doesn't even put the words together like it just mumbled rumbles arrow said is obviously dis I desire backwards yeah the rest of them like they mix and match like so you might take some of the words and then start I don't know I don't have to describe it but you can see it better wallpaper obviously neither of us know this from memory I mean I barely have a guess I'm just short of thing like the front half of the sentence or something okay ready yeah look here to see your heart's desire I said what what you see is your heart's greatest desire so the correct answer is era said straw or ooh ooh cop through eight on wall C wonderful which means I show not to your face but your heart's desire ah okay well I'm perfectly fine with I'm fine with that the one I'm trying to say is that like so for example with hearts they they just use straw and then the EH from the star is then added on to the end of your it's like so they mix and match oh well that's how it is not each word backwards and it is the letters are jumbled between the words tabs will confuse me okay what would you see Oh God I have no idea really I would have a pet polar bear question 35 what is calling creavy's dad's profession okay I got it you got it where's your head at I was thinking about the the obvious the obvious the obvious what's the obvious blacksmith sure so what's like a blacksmith but not right so it's pretty much where I wrote down three to one he's a milkman oh man you're a man I stop mailman now like now it's not quite that it's like a delivery guy in sense of an M man mailman was one of the options as well so that would have thrown you off a lot I actually I don't think I think if we had gone multiple choice that I would have registered with milkman the my immediate thought was I was like it is there something related to photography oh because he's got like the camera and he's like learning how to develop and stuff but that would seem like way too obvious no yeah the cameras largely because his parents are muggles and he wants to be able to show them like what's up what's up yeah yeah question 36 where did Madame Marsh get off the night bus looking queasy the first time Harry rode the bus and the only time to my knowledge no she's on the amount of marshes on there of both times it's like one of those point kind of Easter eggs yeah she's on that is it like just like an obscure place in the UK I think it's just well I mean I could tell you whereabouts in the UK but I don't think that would narrow it down fee very much sex I figured the word I've written down I'm not sure whether it's describing like a region or a town or a city or if I'm even right I don't know this is a place or not three-two-one down Essex oh no you both Mazal it's a big Avani ah sure yeah this is what I find very weird is there a burger Fanny is give is the correct answer and then all the other options are Scottish which for context a burger van is in Wales thanks to me that like I think my working comp like understanding of the different regions of the UK is so low oh for sure so you said miles off meaning Essex is not near a bikini no well I mean closer than Scotland but but as a region or a place in the UK Essex is Right see Sir to me not miles off this would be like get like yeah I understand what you mean like it this would be like someone saying like where did the Carlin's live look California I'm not even close right I need to stay what do you mean I can honestly tell you that there are absolutely zero circumstances with a hundred guesses that I ever I couldn't be there was a place even if I was the multiple choice wouldn't have helped I would have thought if I if I had named the other Scottish places would you have known there were places Inverness Loch Ness oh no no that one Aberdeen Dundee and then Knockturn alley just thrown in the bottom there it was fine they have six options I simply would have known that it was not like this because I would remember that okay pressures on now Ben I've got to start catching this this lead up how well right now throwing now question 47 what is the name of the ward that Neville's parents are in I have words that seem very okay you're reversible spell damage I said clinically incurable afflictions I kind of want you guys to do this again because it's a name they're looking for like the ward is named after someone like a person I don't know if you want to try again because that was not I don't know if I didn't make that clear but yeah it's like a person's name Ward why I dunno named after somebody but which I says this is right by the way okay well the correct answer is the Janus Vicki would 30 live at th goodness I really want to know how people are doing all the time like are you guys get sick II it's a question just be been okay question 38 how old was Stan Shunpike when he was arrested I mean I have my logic 3 to 123 Craig can say is 21 thank you both your screen recordings Fink hasn't popped up Oh 21 21 is he 17 in you asking the wrong person is he get arrested in half-blood Prince I think he gets arrested in half-blood Prince but I thought that he was 19 on the night bus I think he's 18 question 39 what year was the Ministry of Magic formed in Great Britain who knows who knows that's what I'm saying herbal choice I option 1 1492 sorry Sara okay option 2 1658 option free 1707 and option four 1764 1492 correct answer was C 1707 which is interestingly after bologna 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue I know I was like what is the relevance of that year I was like that you know kept sticking out to me for some reason no there's no reason yeah so fort that's the Columbus year but like for some reason I actually I felt like I had it in my head that there was something like that I that I had seen something historically significant happened in the Wizarding World in 1492 and I was like such a like novel year to choose yeah so I I almost want to go and look to see if there is in fact some type of like significant Wizarding event that happens on that year because I've already googled this what is it nearly headless Nick was beheaded question 40 here we go in the fountain of fair fortune who is able to overcome the challenge of the white worm so this feels a bit Obama's one of the tales of Beedle the bard and we're looking for a name do you want the options yeah option one sur la CLIs option 2 a martyr a Mata option free al Felder al Feder al th e da and option for Asha a sha a who was able to overcome the challenges of the white worm yes that is the question this is this is a one-in-four I imagine this is basically just worn for so I've read the tales of Beedle the bard once when we got the hard copy just because it was like okay we need to have a working knowledge of this information I'm not read it okay also so I don't know if I'm remembering correctly is there a gentleman and three sisters or three women I think you'll find that the fifth if that's the people listed yes no I I think you'll find stabber oh yeah three two one ah show today Jonathan is right yeah I think is that I'm completely bonkers reasoning on this in solo the movie the gang they work for at the beginning is the white worms so I was just like whose name is the most similar to Kyra because that's how solos girlfriend I was like that's one with four letters oh yeah I was like all I was thinking was there must be some sort of white worm thing in mythology I'm unfamiliar with that both JK Rowling and Star Wars have like gone on and and that both characters are a reference to the girl who outsmarts are in that story I can't decide if I feel like you have a certain amount of knowledge and luck on your side I don't know the harder you work the luckier you get look favors to prepare darling name that character everyone knows then we'll have to have a amazing comeback to win this now because you've got two questions and he's got to recover four points question 41 who was famous for intricately carved ones containing funder bird tail feathers kind of malarkey is this tiebreaker no we have I we can look at the tiger you know I should know this is off the deep end I mean so you have a guess I have a gas but it's not right you ever guess do sure you have to say yes three two one results are you so tired Craig Thompson is jacoba wolf yeah should go home it's definitely an American person yeah yeah and the only one maker I know from America is a Saltire so there we go oh this is a good guess I'm gonna do nothing but go home and just reread every single pause so bad I feel like I feel like I have a strong knowledge about Harry Potter and I'm feeling so vulnerable right now question 42 how much cash did Fred and George bet with Ludo bagman oh this is really you have the exact numbers now okay cool I'll give you two points if you get all the numbers just so Ben can try and get 50% on this quiz okay okay you ready yeah three two one sixty-three Galleon 17 sickles and five minutes then you are not you haven't done badly you've got the galleons right Wow and for that I'm gonna give you a point okay so you get 20 points I want to know if they included the trip lon they did not oh oh the correct answer is 37 galleons 15 sickles and free cannot Wow nuts that's been well I'm gonna go ahead and say also that you are wrong in that they also give them a trick wand which Ludo assigns worth five galleons that's true and now a special thank you to all of the patrons who submitted questions for today including an Andy King Angus Keenan Anna Rotti a chemin rich Anne Henderson Brandon Brandon Richardson Brendon McKenna Chris ray Dulles bearing Dona Elizabeth Carlton Mellie Duffy emerald Fitbit Sarah fleur-de-lys Shaggy Thomas Jacob Apple Jacob Webber Jared JJ John sharp Joshua cat Katherine Katie Luke Gibson Maddie dev Nutkin Rachel Rachel Timothy E so you guys are awesome thank you so much for all of the great questions guys thank you so much for tuning in to the Harry Potter what if it goes metal the megabowl I hope that this was some entertainment while you were in quarantine and if this is well after the quarantine I hope you just had a good time to be in there for a while also everybody be sure to give a huge shout out to Scott our video editor in the comments down below because this was a long haul for him yeah he suffered through it well Katrina what champion yes let us know how did you do did you beat us all so if you would like to have the opportunity to submit your own questions in the future you can sign up for the quiz master tier at patreon.com slash your super Carlin brothers otherwise guys until next time bye
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
Views: 1,575,035
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Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, harry potter, harry potter trivia, j vs ben, mega harry potter quiz, hermione granger, harry potter quiz, pottermore quiz, jk rowling, wizarding world, wizarding world quiz, The MEGA Harry Potter Trivia Quiz, ron weasley, tales of beedle the bard, the cursed child, macusa, fantastic beasts and where to find them, crimes of grindelwald, the deathly hallows, voldemort, j carlin, ben carlin, jonathan carlin, quiz, j vs ben game, movie trivia, film trivia
Id: lpni9oIo0sM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 27sec (2847 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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