8 Ivy League Students Discuss Why Their Ivy Is The Best | THE CONVO

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what's up it's your girl Dom and welcome to the kickback basically the kickback is a little bit more than a gathering but not quite a party so it's a kickback with Ivy League students so basically what I'm going to do is show the Ivy League experience and a way never done before every single Monday every single every single Monday Ivy League students are going to join me in for the Kanto so the combo is eight Ivy League students on a zoom call we're gonna have a conversation about that week's topic following that episode on Friday every single Friday those same idealist students who were in the convo would join me for the story so this week's topic is why my Ivy League is the best Ivy League this week's cast members attending the kick back are Elijah from Harvard University Abbey from Princeton University Hannah from Dartmouth College one who's they from Columbia University can sail from Yale University Andy from Brown University hailey from the University of Pennsylvania and last but not least chuka from Cornell University so basically let's just get into the combo hello guys welcome to the first episode of the kickback series today I'm gonna ask you guys some questions about your IVs and this is just a conversation so feel free to comment to ask questions back I would like to talk as little as possible I'd go depend but I'm not gonna be representing Penn so I'm gonna just serve as you guys's moderator so if we can first start with you giving your introduction of your name hometown' your year and school starting with Princeton hi my name is Abby I'm a sophomore Princeton from New York City and I'm majoring in ecology and evolutionary biology with a minor in global health and health policy hi my name is Juan Jose I'm a sophomore at Columbia University studying art history and Latin in Caribbean studies I was born in Bogota Colombia but I was raised on Long Island so guys my name is Elia Isaac I'm a rising junior at the University of Pennsylvania and I'm studying cognitive neuroscience with a minor and consumer psychology where are you from Albuquerque New Mexico how about brown hi my name is Andy Lynn I'm a freshman at Brown University concentrating in applied math economics I'm from Beijing China but I went to a boarding school up in New Hampshire for the last four years hi I'm Elijah simul Fenig I'm rising junior at Harvard I study African American Studies and I'm from Madison Wisconsin I'm a senior at Cornell and nutritional sciences and I grew up in Long Island hey I'm Hannah bird I am a sophomore at Dartmouth College I am from the North Shore of Massachusetts not just outside of Boston and I am majoring in a combination of engineering and biology hi guys my name is Kim sail I am a rising junior at Yale I'm from Southern California I am an ethnicity race in migration or American Studies major certificate in Spanish so I want to just throw out there and whoever can answer first which school do you think is ranked first and which school do you think is ranked at the IV's of everything just academic social I know I'm not gonna lie I said something incredibly controversial yesterday well I don't know how controversial it was my sister was like I recently found out that Stanford isn't an ivy and I was like yeah because the Ivy League it's really just an Athletic Conference so if you're to rank like how good the schools actually are Stanford could easily replace Dartmouth and MIT could replace before now might be accurate right off the bat I think okay well I think like all of us could easily say that our schools are first and like of course I'm gonna come in like flaming like yes like Yale is first but like I'm not gonna roast like Cornell or Dartmouth like I feel like people are so mean about that and like saying that Cornell is like a fake Ivy like it's funny but like that's like hurtful for the kids who actually worked really hard to be there but you know like if we did have to rank I think like there's too many memes about like Cornell and Dartmouth to like you know like me in with Cornell before this how that's gonna state I'm sorry I'll say I thought in the top three listen listen we're a big research institution we have like the best dining halls apparently in like the whole in the nation that that's a fact that's a thing we're still top 3 those number one I secure that position we got to get that clear after that okay so if we're not where would you rank your school out of one through eight where would you put your school and let's go around starting with Brown I think I have to say one right like I can't I can't make concessions that I'm we're not as good what is the best Pro about Brown I like the people I know it's like a generic answer but the way the curriculum is shape it kind of conduces like a very interesting diverse student body that all kind of excel in their own unique way so I'm definitely being realistic I would want to say maybe three or four and I would say that only because I know if you all have seen the meme of this like it's basically a podium stand like one two three and the first picture it's I just panned in on someone from 10 and they're like celebrating they're going on hard like pop in the bottles of shame and then they pan out and Penny's the third place in Ann Arbor like morning and you just feel like that's the energy that that pen brings but you know they act like they're number one but I don't think that we'd really be up to the competition not gonna lie most people would say that they would put Harvard number one so Harvard would you agree with that or would you think that there's some flaws I mean I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that Harvard is a perfect institution by any means that being said I I do personally think that it's number one just just because I there's a lot of like very weird like quirks and kind of intricacies to the community like the housing system that we have is really great there's so many like great individual communities and pockets of people that you can find and mesh with and then you have the academics the professor's that you can have access to which are great across all the highways but like I don't know I just look at the ones and some of the departments that I'm really interested in are burden it's just you can't do any better there definitely is some great inflation I'll say that much how about Princeton where would you place your Ivy I I would maybe put it at like two or three really just because I think Princeton is Princeton's wonderful but I think in a lot of ways it's like slightly stuck in the past but I do think they're like a lot of good things about it I really like the people and I really like that it's like one of the smallest Ivy's but also on the flip side of that we have really heavy grade deflation so that kind of that really gets to me I think we're slowly climbing to number one you just had it like a our first black valedictorian in our schools history and was like all over the news super exciting so really good things are happening so we're gonna be number one base in Dartmouth like you've taken some hits where do you I think a Dartmouth is a very in school especially when it comes to the college itself like a lot of these rankings take into account graduate schools and I'm gonna be honest Dartmouth graduate school is like they exist but they're very small we have more than twice as many undergraduate students than we do graduate students and just that makes like like there's such a large undergraduate focus at Dartmouth the education is truly for undergraduates which i think is something if that gets overlooked a lot also Dartmouth is a really fun place we have a huge Greek scene which is problematic in a lot of ways but it is very fun it's super inclusive and open to everyone even if you're not affiliated and that with the beauty of New Hampshire makes me think that well like we're probably not like the top I definitely don't think we're bottom so somewhere in the middle between 3 & 5 we do the opposite Columbia being in the biggest city in the world how would you rate your school I don't want to say like it's number one but I obviously know that it has its faults so I would put it you know - in terms of food we are number one we beat Duke the other like my year coming in we beat Duke so we're number one um but Princeton like a be like I feel for you in terms of like being stuck in the past I feel like especially being at Columbia you kind of also have to put yourself in comparison to other New York schools look in New York City schools and I just don't think that Columbia is up-to-date when it comes to like a lot of the majors like I'm a creative person and I don't have that many creative options you're either had like Visual Arts or you have art history but like other than that like I have no medium communications I have nothing so you definitely have to make the most event the core is hit or miss the core was like literally built for white men like white educated rich men so it can feel very exclusionary you know for the for example like a couple years ago Toni Morrison was the first black person to be added to the lit hum the literature humanities so this and she's the only right now but something that I love like like you said Dominique the city is literally incomparable I think the city is part of the experience so with kind of bringing up the diversity and we have a very diverse group of people here do you feel as though your campus and anyone's become this is kind of segregated or do you guys all actually stop the seniors speak on this from Cornell since you've gone through all four years like when you walk through campus is it very friendly you say hi to people when you're walking down your campus or like is it kind of just very cliquish so I think it it is very cliquish from multiple reasons why it's very easy to separate yourself from people in my campus I feel like it's such a big campus that you might go like a month without seeing people it might not be like on purpose but like it just happens so like you just end up spending time with your media friends and that way it becomes very cliquish and I personally have had experiences of like going with friends trying to get into a service for our houses and just like specifically in the black community like we try our very hardest like stay together because we know that like outside of us there's not many of us and we're severely outnumbered long story I think that yeah I think that you know racial segregation and also to a lesser extent that people don't talk about a lot economic segregation is just sort of it comes with the territory of college unfortunately you know there's the idea that college is this great equalizer but in reality it isn't a lot of the time Princeton the social scene is especially stratified around what we call eating clubs um and that is heavily race and like socioeconomic dependent you know your socio-economic level is not something that you wear in your sleeve it's not something that you know you can look at and be like oh you're poor oh you're rich as a low-income student I will say that the college experience is very difficult for me sometimes so like at you guys is IDs is it a parent like walking through campus who has money and who doesn't I think it'd be ignorant to say that Brown doesn't have kind of socio-economic and race divisions but I do think Brown does a good job or at least brown students do a good job of not focusing on those division so regardless of what you choose to wear or what brand you want to sport no one is gonna at least in my experience no one would use that as something to identify who you are I struggled my first year at Penn because I was thrown I'm this like country Mexican girl thrown into Philadelphia this big ivy league school and I thought that I would like almost be comfortable with like being thrown into that environment almost and it's definitely hard and it's something I struggled with like I didn't know like half the designers that these people were wearing and I just felt so out of place and it was crazy because I had everything that I ever wanted in New Mexico and it was definitely like a culture shock going to an Ivy League school and seeing all these kids that have all this stuff and it was and for a while I felt like I got like kind of caught up in it and it just made me so upset and I just feel like I don't know if that's something that y'all went through when you first got to your schools but I was really surprised by it experience of like getting into your Ivy League and having just like a kind of culture shock it's definitely something I related to yeah it was just like I the first time I'd seen what real money like how much money just people can have and like the things they can do with it and I was kind of just blown away yeah one thing that I do I really love about Princeton is the fact that just about everyone lives on campus so you could be super rich and still get really bad housing it's interesting hearing all y'all talking about like the social scenes at your schools because like in hearing it all y'all talk about it I'm realizing how I feel like completely opposite my school is in what like in terms of like housing for self like the buildings are kind of divided into different groups like everyone knows all the athletes live in the townhouses all the rich people live in this place called these two buildings called CK be like poor Kate Bauer for the most part I feel a lot of people know what kind of people they are based off seeing where people live there's other groups I don't even know like weren't there places exist just because the campus is so big and we're so spread out that you it's so easy to just go and click up in different areas just grouping us in the housing system I feel like they do off the bat freshman year we just build those for you is just want to stay with those groups and continue to like not wanna branch out I think it's interesting that you say it like that you have that experience and you say like maybe you tribute it to like a big campus but you know my campus like physical campus is probably like one avenue long six blocks up like that's physical campus and yeah I had the same experience you know from the very beginning you there's like kind of like reputations for each storm the housing process is you do it in groups and you decide who's in your group so you do it by your friends so that like there's no incentive to kind of like you know try to like go out of your comfort zone and like you know live with somebody else you know guaranteed housing for all four years basically at you and like you have your residential college to like fall back on I'm so jealous of y'all schools that have housing for four years or even three years because Penn well they're changing it it used to just be you have to live on campus your freshman year and then I think next year they're changing it to you have to live on campus your sophomore year but it totally changes the dynamic of everything because pretty much in October of your freshman year you have to decide where you're live living next year and everyone is just dying to get off campus cuz that's like the thing like I didn't know what I was doing and my friends were like we're moving off campus and I was like okay like I'll sign the lease I guess like I didn't have to do hearing about Yale's like community but they have I feel like when you're living with people and especially like Princeton like you're just getting thrown into these houses it just makes for such a better community and I wish that Penn had something like that how do you guys like your town the area your and I feel safe in New Haven and like you students are very privileged like all the residential colleges are gated like you have to swipe into the buildings and stuff and like I think it's like important to like like and like realize and talk about the fact that there's been a lot of racial stigma because of like but the racial makeup of New Haven versus like the historic makeup of Yale students and Yale general is being very white never class a lot of the idea that like New Haven is dangerous is like so overblown because of the fact that it's like mostly black on 125th Street they're like building they're like making new buildings and like they're actively pushing out people of color in like black Harlem residents from there I can't imagine as like a white Latin X I can't imagine that whitter than if you like to be black on this campus because like the extra policing glue this idea that like oh like you know part of the city you know we don't want like the city to come into the Columbia it just it's it's a very sensitive topic your Columbia I'm from New York City um and I live in New York City it's really funny though because I've always felt safer in cities then I felt in the suburbs going to school in a suburb it's something that happened in high school because I also went to high school in the suburbs where people drive by and like yelled n-word and so that's one thing that always really stresses me out and I wish I lived stayed like in a city to go to a city school maybe most people don't think like this but I truly do a lot of the time feel safe from walking down the street and seeing a black man coming towards me and seeing a white man coming towards me I think Penn has a lot of similarities to West Philadelphia as Columbia and Yale do because the gentrification in art like University City definitely makes it like there's a pen area and then there's like this outer area and like you don't go past certain streets and my best just kind of what they make it out to be and ten definitely provides a ton of security measures like they have security personnel standing on almost every block and to me that almost makes me more like nervous just about being where I am like it they make me scared and I definitely think that perhaps on all campuses like feeling safe is almost objective like for example there's a homeless guy that I see every single day walking to school and I say hi to him say good morning and like it's just kind of part of my day I don't feel threatened or anything but there's some people who might I feel uncomfortable or unsafe in that situation it's because um obviously it's not really good okay it's good is Cornell um like Cornell take so much of ethical analysis only zip code like within yes it's because it's like not much of anything so if you leave campus to do anything it's probably just a grocery shop and go back to campus so it's like anything is not really bad great of the city so it doesn't really give to the whole college culture but I find it interesting because all of you have talked about how like the perceptions of the surrounding community of the school effects like on campus life and like racial disputes on campus even without like stigma of Ithaca being like a dangerous place or whatever um there's still a lot of racial incident incidents that happen on campus the saying is indica is gorgeous it's how I like gorges like the water flow of tons of things it's a beautiful campus life really like nature you'll love it good but like I can kind of care less like Google photos are good for me Dartmouth is literally like in the middle of the woods it's also on the Connecticut River like you walk two minutes and you're at the river and you go canoeing Dartmouth is very integrated with the town and the town and the nature surrounding it similar to what Chico was saying like Hanover is Dartmouth Dartmouth is Hanover the minute I drove through campus I could tell that it was a college town down the road you see the New Hampshire mountains it is an absolutely beautiful view we have access to downtown Providence but at the same time we are kind of in our own community the main street that runs through our school is called dare street and they have a bunch of really good food so I'm really grateful for the the geography that Brown has at Harvard like I don't go into Boston that often just because I don't tend to go through a lot of like the northeastern or Boston University parties or anything I don't go to the club for the bars in the city there's like the museums and the Charles River there's a lot of really great stuff that you can do a lot of great food the sporting the sporting events are phenomenal in the city but then in Cambridge where Harvard is it's kind of just like um it's like a suburban like little town I do like Cambridge and I like the freedom to if you if need be even kind of I want a bigger city feel and it's only you know a couple of tea stops away you kind of have an option each weekend if you want to go to the big party thing or if you want to stay on the Harvard campus which like spoiler alert there aren't super huge parties at Harvard it's always been so funny to me to see like people like Colorado you talk like my roommate like my freshman year she's so granola but it's just like I'm like what do you like what are you gonna do here like he's like you think I want to go hike I'm like what the one yeah I'm like I don't know that's that's always like such a weird thing anyways I will say you know I just want to also like jump in and say like the good things about being in New York City it is so indispensable to go off campus I think one of my best like one of the like fun memories that I had like I went to like a New York Fashion Week show like my freshman fall this is so weird because Princeton is the only school whose name is the name of the town but Princeton is not Princeton like they are two very different entities I'd say Princeton has what from what I've seen probably the least college town feel like we don't have an insomnia which grinds the gate like mmm anyway I should have looked into that before I decided what school to go to the last thing I wanted to do based on US News is rankings of the schools to just tell you how close you were with your guests of the ranks of your university so first place they put Princeton for being the best and then next we put Harvard third they put Columbia and then fourth Yale next to put you can then Dartmouth round and Cornell last got pretty much concludes zooom kickback call for today you can leave questions below to ask any of these wonderful people questions about their school or themselves and we'll be back on Friday to answer those questions so thank you guys I hope you enjoyed the kickback today make sure you tune in a Friday to join me in the story with those same eight Ivy League students to hear a story time session and then the following Monday for the next combo then Friday Monday Friday Monday Friday Muhtar Friday when everybody does tuning come join me in the kickback otherwise how do wonderful day kids bye
Channel: Domonique Cynthia
Views: 353,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harvard university, yale university, cornell university, brown university, kinsale hueston, domonique cynthia, 73 questions, 73 vogue, dartmouth college, columbia university, princeton university, upenn, ivy league, how to get into an ivy league, harvard college, harvard
Id: G_G50jqfMus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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