Ivor Myers - Meeting 6 | PRAYER CONFERENCE 2017

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[Music] we are going to jump right into the Word of God this morning are you ready are you excited all right let's pray and let's saw let's begin Heavenly Father we want to ask in a special way that you bless us with this final message for this camp meeting speak to our hearts Lord as our prayer in Jesus name Amen I invite you to turn with me to the book of Genesis chapter 18 Genesis chapter 18 do you believe that Jesus is coming again do you really believe believe he's coming again do you believe he's coming soon amen but why did you laugh why are you looking at me funny you're wondering what in the world did he just say Genesis chapter 18 the Lord appeared unto him Moses Abram saw Abraham in the plains of mama and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day and he lifted up his eyes and looked and lo three men stood by him and when they saw when he saw them he ran to meet them from the tent door and bowed himself toward the ground and said my lord to find they have now found favor in thy sight pass not away I pray thee from thy servant letter little water I pray you be fetched and wash your feet and rest yourselves under the tree and I will fetch a morsel of bread and comfort you yours your hearts after that you saw pass on for therefore are you come to your servant and they said so and they said so do as thou has said and so Abraham prepares this meal for these visitors and then verse 9 the Bible says and they said unto Him or verse 8 he took the buttermilk and the calf which he addressed and said it before them and he stood by them under the tree as they did eat and they said unto Him where is Sarah thy wife and he said Behold in the tent and he said I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life and lo Sarah thy wife shall have a son and Sarah heard it in the tent door which was behind him now Abraham and Sarah were old and were well stricken in age and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women therefore Sarah laughed how within herself saying after I am waxed old shall I have pleasure my lord being old also and the Lord said unto Abraham wherefore did Sarah laugh saying shall are of a surety bear a child which I'm old is there anything to her for the Lord at the term appointed I will return unto thee according to the time of life and Sarah shall have a son then Sarah denied saying I laughed not for she was afraid and he said nay but thou didst laugh you did laughs you laughed the question is why did Sarah laugh well the answer is obvious because she had been promised a long time ago that she was going to have a child but much time had passed and now she laughed now you would think okay well that's Sarah but surely Abraham the father of faith would have known better except Abraham laughed - you read one chapter back or two chapters back when God says to Abraham Abraham you're gonna have a son and the Bible says Abraham laughed have you ever laughed at the promise of God have you ever laughed when God said to you hey I'm gonna do something and you thought yeah there's no possible way have you ever laughed at the promise of God in order to understand this laughter though are this laughing at the promise of God I want to share I want to set a little bit of context to the chapter we just read and this is just setting the foundation once again for the message which is entitled give me Jesus give me Jesus so it is in Genesis chapter 18 that the Lord visits Abraham and the two angels they visit Abraham and this is where Sarah laughs so what chapter everyone Genesis chapter 18 but I want to set the foundation so let's go back to understand the context of this story in Genesis 18 we're going to go all the way back and you know in fact we may not even need to I'm sure you're familiar with this story so we're just going to kind of juice it down in the book of Genesis 3 what happens though you have the fall of man and sin so rapidly just destroys the earth by the time we get to Genesis chapter 6 we have God telling Noah that he is granting man how long 120 years at the end of that one hundred and twenty year period something's gonna happen what's going to happen the flood now did you know that the first time prophecy in the Old Testament is found in Genesis chapter 6 did you know that now you know God gives us prophecy of a hundred and twenty years and he says listen uh my spirit will strive with man for 120 years now what was God giving them during this 120 year period he was giving him giving man probation he was giving him a chance to do what to repent now at the end of that 120 year period no would have by then built and an ark and you'll remember that that Ark was made out of wood and you'll remember that that wood was lifted up above the earth the name Noah means rest I want you to check this our guys this prophecy the first time prophecy of the Old Testament in an amazing way parallels the first time prophecy of the New Testaments which is the 70 week prophecy in the Old Testament God gives man a hundred and twenty years grants him 120 years of mercy at the end of that 120 year period salvation comes through a piece of wood that is lifted up above the earth here's what happens those who rejected that wood lifted up above the earth were cut off those who accepted that would that was lifted above above the earth were they continued on and they formed a new people they began to multiply they went into all the earth to multiply does that sound like exactly what happened with the 70 week prophecy probation is given at the end of that seventy prophecy the cross has lifted up those who rejected it are cut off those who accept it carry on and their their commission is to go into all the world to multiply and be fruitful that's Genesis chapter seven eight and nine six seven eight nine now in Genesis chapter 10 we have this story of this guy by the name of Nimrod that Bill's they want a tower what is that tower called the Tower of Babel Babel Babel it's a tower that represents what Babylon rebellion against God confusion from where we get our end time prophetic title Babylon confusion I have a question for you was there a prophecy following the 70 weeks that pointed out a power by the name of Babylon that would seek to usurp authority over God isn't that very interesting first you have this this time prophecy of would being lifted up and salvation are being being cut off for one people but being granted to another followed by the tower of Babylon do we have a prophecy in the New Testament twelve hundred and sixty years dealing with the kingdom of Babylon all right now are you ready for this that's Genesis chapter 11 chapter yeah chapter 11 at the end of Genesis chapter 11 were introduced to a man by the name of Abraham Abram is his name God comes to Abraham Abram and says I want you to get out of your country what country was he talking about or of the caddies what is that Babylon so here you have God calling a man out of Babylon okay no come out of Babylon yeah is there a prophecy that depicts in the New Testament a time where God where a call would go forth to come out of Babylon yes the 2300 day prophecy check this out guys Abraham is called out to start a new movement not feeling he is told that he's going to be the father of a great multitude you guys do you catch what's going on here Abraham's name has changed to Abraham and the name signifies his mission Abraham has an encounter with a high priest are you catching this are you seeing what we just did yeah yes so look uh uh in the Old Testament tower um the flood a time prophecy Tower of Babel matches the 1260 Abraham being called out of Babylon matches a 2300 day prophecy it's as if God was showing his people the Advent people their history before they even came upon the scene now now remember Abraham has now God not visit Abraham and said Abraham guess what I'm going to send you the Promised One who was the Promised One who was the promised son that God said I'm going to send him it was Isaac has God promised his endtime Church that someone is coming so so watch this now remember like Abraham is 100 years old in Genesis 18 Abraham is 99 he was 75 years old when God first caking the promise so imagine Abraham and and and and his aide Abram and his wife Sarah and they're like wow you know year one with the promise God said we're gonna have a child the Promised One is coming I know I know I'm 75 and Sarah our role she is I know we're all but you know what God said it that settles it I believe it year - well you know God does things in his own time not a problem faith is believing here 5 well trust me God he may he may take his time but he is always on time year 10 um I I don't know a man no way he said but no I believe I believe he's coming I believe he's coming year 15 I don't know when Abraham is nineteen ninety nine years old Sarah now sours a good seven-day avin a mean she's a good you know she's a good soul when you say do you believe he's coming again you say yes but inside she was laughing I've heard this for over a hundred and seventy-three years he's coming again God asked why did you laugh come on when I said you believe Jesus coming again how many of you are alive yes but you know that's what you're supposed to say because you had a camp meeting and it's supposed to be about revival but you know you're like yes but not now he why did you laugh see but other God wants his people to take this thing seriously he wants us to understand that look it might seem like he has the latest coming but he will come he will come so so check this out remember in Genesis chapter 18 as sarah has just laughed right so so now we get the context um are spiritually speaking we see this parallel with God's endtime Church so now after Sarah laughs Sarah laughs and by the way imagine is Abraham's name was change Abraham's name was changed to what Abraham meaning father of many imagine how embarrassing that name must have been for him wait you're supposed to be the what's gonna mean father of many well where's the many think about it who are we seventh-day adventists what do we say if God is gonna bring in a great multitude where's the great multitude where's the great multitude in Australia how many people you got in the church here well where's the great multitude in America where's the great multi our numbers are pretty small imagine how embarrassing it must have been every time Abraham's name was said and yet God said my promise will come to pass so watch this so God and the two angels get up to leave and as he's leaving he says we'll wait before I go to take care of what I'm about to take care of I have to let Abraham know what I'm about to do and so Abraham standing before me he's like well he begins to tell Abraham Abraham listen um I'm about to perform an investigative judgment okay I'm apart I'm about to go and see what's going on where is he going he's going to a place called Sodom Sodom and Gomorrah and what is he going to do he's going to do what in Vesta gate you guys while we're waiting for the promise to be fulfilled a judgment is going on a judgment is going on so the first thing I want to I want to say to you today is is we are living in a judgement time if you doubt if you have doubted well you know I don't know they haven't as always talking about this judgment and you think maybe it was made up maybe it's not really biblical maybe we should get rid of that I'm letting you know that we have not believed cunningly devised fables it is all over the Bible so the question now becomes what do we need to do what do we need to be to make it through the judgment that's the question I want you to turn with me to the book of Matthew Matthew chapter 17 Matthew 17 I'm sorry Matthew 7 Matthew chapter 7 verse 21 Matthew chapter 7 verse 21 the Bible says here not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in my name and in thy name cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works and then I will profess unto them I never knew you depart from me you that work what iniquity there going to be many people at the end of time who believed that they were serving the Lord and God's going to say to them I never knew you the Bible talks about the wheat and the tares growing together how many of you would like to be wheat we don't want to be the tares the judgment is all about who really knows Jesus depart from me I never what knew you the judgment listen the judgment really is about one question do you know Jesus do you know Jesus do you have you know the song give me Jesus that's what the judgments about do you possess Jesus Christ and so to answer that question we're going to look at another story in the Old Testament turn with me to the book of first Kings chapter three and this is an amazing story that basically tells us about the judgment first Kings chapter 3 and verse 28 first Kings chapter and verse 28 notice what the Bible says here when you get there please say Amen first Kings chapter 3 verse 28 and all Israel heard of the judgment which the King had judged and they feared the King for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to do judgment I don't know if you see anything about this verse that is thank you that is similar to what we find in Revelation chapter 14 verse 6 revelation 14:6 speaks about the first angels messages fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come here you have in 1st Kings chapter 3 verse 28 this this statement about a king by the name of Solomon the Bible says all Israel heard of his judgment and they feared the king for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to do judgment listen Solomon as the look let's come back let's come back and see what it was that caused Israel to have this reaction of fearing the king because they saw the wisdom of God was in him to do judgment let's go to verse 5 the Bible says in Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night and God said ask what I shall give thee and Solomon said thou has showed unto thy servant David my father great mercy according as he walked before the in truth and in righteousness and in uprightness of heart with thee and thou has kept for him this great kindness that thou has given him a son to sit on his throne as it is this day and now O Lord my god thou has made thy servant King instead of David my father and I am but a child I know not how to go out or come in and thy servant is in the midst of thy people which thou has chosen our great people that cannot be numbered nor counted for multitude give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to do what judge thy people that I may do what discern between good and bad for who is able to judge this thy so great a people so Soloman asking for here he's asking for wisdom to do what to judge and in judging he means to do what discern between good and bad let me ask a question what is the judgment about is a judgment about separating the good from the bad absolutely the judgment is about separating the wheat from the tares it's about discerning the good from the bad so what we're seeing here is that what Solomon is asking for is praying for is a snapshot of the divine judgment that is happening right now so whatever is going on here it's full of lessons for you and I if we want to make it through the judgment how many of you would like to make it through the judgment how many of you would like to be ready for Jesus Christ when he returns well let's see what happens Solomon the Bible says in verse in the following verses God grants Solomon his wish Solomon now becomes the wisest man that has ever lived in verse 15 the Bible says Solomon awoke and behold it was a dream and he came to Jerusalem and stood before the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord and offered up burnt offerings and offered peace offerings and made a feast to all his servants so Solomon wakes up realizes it's a dream but God spoke to him in the dream and Solomon goes to Jerusalem to celebrate what God has just done for him are you with me so far when Solomon gets to Jerusalem I want you to notice verse 16 the Bible says then so pause for a second then would indicate what while he is celebrating what God has just done for him which was what give him wisdom to do what judge between who good and bad then when that happens and he's celebrating then notice what the Bible says came they're two women that were harlots unto the King and stood before him and the one woman said oh my lord I in this woman dwell in one house and I was delivered of a child with her in the house and it came to pass a third day after that I was delivered that this woman was delivered also and we were together we there was no stranger with us in the house and save we - in the house and this woman's child died in the night because she overlaid it and she arose at midnight and took my son from aside me why then handmade slept and laid it in her bosom and laid her dead child in my bosom and when I rose in the morning to give my child suck behold it was dead but when I considered it in the morning behold it was not my son which I did there and the other woman said nay but then living is my son and the dead is thy son and this said no but the dead is thy son and the living is my son thus they spake before the king now I got a question for you is Solomon the wisest man that has ever lived right now at that moment yes watch this verse 23 then said the King the one said this is my son that liveth and thy son is dead the other safe name of I son is the dead and my son is the living and the King said bring me a sword pause these two women are both claiming that this Shah belongs to them and they're doing such a good job that Solomon in all his god-given wisdom cannot discern between who is telling the truth and who is lying do you know the story so what does he say he says bring me a sword and divide the child and the Bible says that the true mother says no no no give her the child and no wise harm the child and then Solomon says ah she is a true mother the Bible says in all Israel heard of the judgment which the King had judged and they feared the King for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to do judgments that's what happened now you say pastor okay great story but what does that have to do with the judgment well come come come who is Solomon he's the King Solomon is the King Solomon is the king he's the king yeah Solomon is the king who is sitting in judgment and as the king is sitting in judgment to women to women to women look at my eyes to women come before him both claiming that the Sun that the Sun belongs to them are there two women in the book of Revelation one is the remnant and the other is the harlot now I got to make a clarification here very quickly the Bible says two harlots came unto the king some people people believe that this word harlot is mistranslated it should be read innkeeper nonetheless let's just take for a moment that these are two harlots first of all the Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God the point of this story right now is that one of these women is telling the truth and the other is lying but they both claim to possess the son now right now you all are very happy because you're like I am glad that I am NOT a part of the harlot Church we are part of the remnant Church we are the ones that have Jesus amen amen amen but wait we're not dealing with a woman outside the church right now in this sermon we're dealing with the fact that both women are in one house so we're just going to deal with our house yeah in our house there are two types of Christians one who possesses Jesus and the other who looks like they possess Jesus so the question is how do we determine whether we have Jesus here's the answer first of all the question Solomon wanted to know was who loved the child the best who loved the child the best the true mother the true mother was willing to sacrifice herself so that the child would not be hurt let me rephrase that the true mother was willing to sacrifice herself so that the son would not be hurt see beloved we have to understand that sin wounds Jesus you want to know what your relationship is with Jesus when you're confronted with sin how do you respond do you say I'm gonna do this and womb Jesus or do you say no no you know what I'll suffer I'll suffer the wound I'll suffer the loss I'm not gonna do that thing because I don't want to hurt the son the true mother was willing that she should be bruised or hurt rather than the son another lesson this mother in doing what she did was actually taking on the attributes of Jesus Christ because when the woman said give her the child she was basically setting herself up to appear as if she were guilty in other words Solomon could have said ah you lied she was willing to look guilty she was willing to be considered guilty when she was in actuality innocent she was reflecting the very characteristic of Jesus Christ the false woman the false mother by the way how did she lose her son she slept on him she slept on him you guys don't sleep on Jesus don't sleep on Jesus that's how you lose him don't sleep on Jesus the false woman was was was willing to have the child suffer instead of herself her will above God's will if I can say this way the the false woman was content with half of Jesus I'm fine if you divide the child great you take half I'll take half so so when we live with half of us in the world in the world and half in the church we are showing which woman we are in the in the story the false one was willing if I can say this way the false woman was willing to divide the body the fossil was not concerned with keeping the body together the fossil and said hey let's divide are you catching what's going on here Solomon wants to know Solomon wants to know who really loves the child who really loved the child the mother why did she love the child because it was it was her child so what do you mean it was her child she gave birth to it so if she gave birth to it what does that mean like in a scientific way she loved the child because the child had been formed within her she loved a child because the child had been formed within and because the child had been formed within she had a very special relationship with that child why because it was formed within so you know how it is so mother's how many mothers do we have in the audience mothers remember before you became a before you became a mother and you saw some of your first babies and they were the ugliest thing you ever saw in your life do you remember that and you'd be looking at the child like that thing is ugly it looks like an old man it looks like an old woman and you're just like man babies are like the ugly just come out they are the ugliest things ugly ugly ugly and you weren't B you were just being sincere ugly and then and then you had your first child remember that remember how it was the most beautiful child you had ever seen in your life out of all the magazines of babies everything and you weren't you know you weren't it wasn't just because it was your time you were just honestly like man this is the most beautiful child either you remember it really why why because it was your child and when it's your child you have a different relationship then you could have with somebody else's child in other words whatever what I'm trying to tell you is that Jesus must be yours it can't be your mother's Jesus it can't be your father's it cannot be your pastors Jesus it must be give me Jesus Jesus must be mine if I have a relationship with the Jesus that is not mine it's not going to be the same as a relationship as with Jesus actually being mine Jesus must be formed within does the Bible tell us that does the Bible tell us that Christ must be formed within absolutely give me Jesus give me Jesus not my brother Jesus not my mother's Jesus not my father's Jesus give me Jesus not my casually me I need Jesus for myself the man the son must be formed within me so Solomon is in a dilemma because both women are putting on a show just imagine that false mother crying she's acting so well Solomon cannot tell the difference between the wheat and the tear in all his wisdom he can't discern so what does he do he says bring me a sword [Applause] what what what are you excited about wait he taking what he said bring me a sword bring me a sword bring me a sword Solomon uses a sword to determine who the true possessor of the child is how you respond to the sword how you respond to the word of God that is what determines who really has Jesus and who doesn't because the Word of God will produce in you the fruit of the Spirit if you allow the Word of God to do what it does which by the way is to divide asunder didn't getting you didn't catch divide asunder so Solomon says bring me the sword and check this out I see the Word of God is what God Himself uses to determine who really loves Jesus remember in the Old Testament when when the children of Israel were leaving Egypt and the Bible says that God God actually said I'm going to reign manna down from heaven for them to prove them what is what is the manner a symbol of the Word of God the sword God rained manna down from heaven to prove the children of Israel to see what their attitude was toward him so here's what happens they leave Egypt and the Bible says they began to cry out for food because they were starving my question is why would God allow them to get hungry I'm going to tell you something very profound the best way to get hungry is to not eat I know it's gonna take you some time to think about that but the best way to get hungry is so naughty so what happens they're hungry remember when they had left Egypt they were used to the French parts of you they were used to all the diet of Egypt so God takes some off this diet so they become so hungry they're crying out for food so that when God rains Nana down from heaven for them they are like yes you want to get hungry for the word of God stop eating the diet of Egypt the reason why many of us don't have much appetite for the Word of God is because we are full off of the stuff we're eating during the week and then we come to church and want temperance not too long pastor and not too long I ate too much they say if please temperance in all things so God reigns marathon from heaven for them and guess what when the manner is received they're like yes they're excited because they're finally getting food manna and God reigns mounted on for them the next day yes more food manna and a couple of days later yes manna and a couple of weeks later oh man and then the Bible says it got to the place where they loathed the manna beloved how do you respond to the Word of God how do you spawn 2 when God says to you I want you to do this and now this how do you respond when God says I want you to love your neighbor how do you respond when God says I want you to forgive how do you respond when the sword is brought out how are you respond to the Word of God reveals who you are bring me a sword you see beloved the Word of God not only represents I mean the the the sword not only represents the Word of God the mana not only represents the Word of God it represents Jesus Christ himself who said I am the bread of life that came down from heaven for you so in receiving the word who you're really receiving is Jesus Christ you want the word you want Jesus you need the word it is the word that that Kree creates Jesus in you that forms Christ within because as we behold him in the word we begin to what we begin to change we begin to change so Jesus is the word Jesus is the bread Jesus is the sword so Jesus says remember when he said when his fingers disciples and he said this is my body which is one broken from what communion this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me do you know we you know we got that all wrong communion so we think Jesus said I want you to do this every 13 Sabbath in remembrance of me that's not in the Bible all right the 13th Sabbath everything do this do this we think he means when we're doing communion break bread and that we have we have accomplished what he said to do in remembrance of him but you guys listen the breaking of the bread is symbolic of something it's symbolic of Jesus dying so when Jesus said do this in remembrance of me he wasn't just talking about breaking bread the symbol he was talking about what it actually represents dying died in remembrance of me when someone comes up to you and and and is challenging you and and cursing you out what I want you to do in remembrance of me is die die to self when you get up every day die to self in remembrance of me what I did being broken for you I want you to do that be broken this woman was willing to be broken herself rather than have the child be broken why because he was already broken once for us and when we see what he did for us we now say not I'll be broken now he died for me once it's my turn to die for him so check it out Jesus says whosoever falls upon this rock shall be broken he invites us to fall upon the rock but he says upon whom this rock shall fall they shall be grinded to what powder so listen guys you want to be ground into powder no no you want to be broken yeah listen so Adventist quiz time ready can you tell me a story in the Bible in which a man who rejected Jesus was grinded to powder statue of Babylon thank you wait a minute you're like Pastor that's not a man that's a statue it's a statue of a man is it not it's not a statue of a lion it's a statue of our men that man represents kingdoms head of gold Babylon chest arms of silver Miller Persia belly and thighs belly and thighs of bronze grease and legs of iron wrote four kingdoms four kingdoms now we know that these kingdoms fell because they rejected God is that right in other words the image reveals what happens to kingdoms that reject God they are grinded to powder by the stone cut out without ends but you see we usually stop right there and we say yep that's what happened to kingdoms but guess what might it be that the reason the statue is of a man is because not only doesn't represent kingdoms that reject Jesus Christ but also the man that rejects Jesus Christ in other words the man that rejects Jesus Christ notices deteriorates in value and becomes harder the longer he rejects until the only solution Wow it's on tape my time is running out so so so watch this now remember four kingdoms right four kingdoms in this image of a man the kingdom of the head the kingdom of the head and there's the kingdom of the chess you sleep it of it let me suggest to you that in us we have kingdoms we have the kingdom of the mind there is a kingdom of the hearts there is a kingdom of the appetite and desires and then there's a kingdom of our direction and what god wants to do is he wants to conquer our kingdoms but for many of us we have divided kingdoms we know how to serve God with the mind yeah yeah you know what I got the truth right up here but we don't know how to love with the heart we're doing the will of God we're walking in his path but we don't enjoy it and we don't really want to but if I'm going to be saved this is what I this is the way that I need to go but never listen to me the Bible says that a kingdom divided against itself Jesus wants to exchange your mind for his mind his heart for your heart his desires for your desires his path for your path she wants to be recreated in us as a new man so what he's trying to do is conquer our kingdoms this image in Daniel 2 Falls that's what God wants when you are baptized you know what's happening your kingdoms are falling that's what's going on your kingdoms are falling you're saying to God God I relinquish my rule over my mind over my heart over my appetite and desires over my direction I'm relinquishing the whole man to you my kingdoms are falling you allow the stone to come upon you and you allow yourself to be to fall on that stone and you are broken and I love how the Bible says that the wind came and took all the pieces away the wind but leaven listen to me I'm not I'm not saying that this is what the statue of Daniel 2 means I'm simply pulling object lessons from what we see in Daniel chapter are you with me so just as the wind came and blew away the pieces of this old man so the Holy Spirit wants to come and blow away the pieces of our old man and so you know what happened right in its place the kingdom a mountain grew in its place that mountain is the kingdom of God God wants the kingdom of God to grow in our place to fill our whole being that's what he's calling us to do that's what it means to have Jesus it means to have him living in you his arts being your heart his mind being your mind now I have one more thing that I need to share and then we'll close so there's a prophecy in the book of Revelation where a beast is seen coming up out of the sea revelation 13 this beast comes up out of the sea and the Bible says that the Beast had a deadly wound but the deadly wound was what healed and all the world wondered after the Beast so my question for you is this why does the world wonder after the Beast now I don't answer just think about it why does the world wonder after the Beast do Adventist wonder after the Beast no they shouldn't because they know who the Beast is they know who the Beast is is that correct alright so the question is why is the world deceived and wandering after we know who the Beast is is that right why is the world deceived and you know initially like right now wandering after the Beast not the whole world but why are many right now wandering after the Beast and the answer is profound listen carefully where is a beast seen coming up out of water all right when you think of as Christians now when you think of something or someone coming up out of water what does it remind you of baptism so what is baptism it is a symbol of death to self right when you're baptized you can say yeah the old me I was pretty crooked I was a bad person I used to burn people at the stake you know I you got I'm saying like I used to be a really bad person I acknowledge that but I've been baptized and if I'm baptized that means I've changed you know if any man be in Christ he's a new beast rising from the sea yeah I'm a new creature now so the whole world looks at the beast and says well man looks like they've changed they've been baptized they've been born again yes that was the old them during the Dark Ages but they've been baptized but you see there's something that we know that they don't know and here's what we know the Bible says that the beasts was wounded which means that it did not die and if it didn't die then it hasn't changed it was only wounded by the sword it was only wounded by the sword it didn't really change so we know yeah you may be looking good and and acting good but we know that you didn't die see Satan is into healing too Satan doesn't want you to die I mean imagine in Satan's like in the in you know sitting the just imagine this picture Satan in his angels and and they hear the dreaded sound of the flatline they're like whoa he's giving itself to the Lord come on we've got to get him back clear trying to shock you back in the life because we don't want to lose him we don't want to lose her come on we got to heal him see many of us come to church and we get wounded by the sword ooh oh man the pastor talked about oh wow oh that hurt man he preaches a powerful sermon we get wounded but we don't die we get wounded man I got cut up today I'm bleep oh man as soon as you walk out the tender Devils like hey what happened come on man let's get that healed of conviction just bandage that up come on we get you fixed up right away it get you back to work no beloved God is calling us to die to self to die but he that how many of you want to live by the sword would you like to live by the sword you know what Jesus said right he that lives by the sword you want to live by the sword you have to die by the sword that's what God's calling us to do that's how God separates the wheat from the tear there's another beast in Revelation 13 is the Beast that has the horns of a lamb that speaks like a dragon while many of us know who that beast is for many of us we are like that beast we look like a lamb and open our mouth it's like a dragon God doesn't God doesn't in God is not impressed by what we look like on the outside I mean our actions and look see look I'm being Christian God cares about what's in your heart the fruit of the Spirit is manifested inside God wants to be formed within and when were formed when he is formed within what comes out will be naturally like the lamb when Jesus comes again he's gonna ask one simple question what did you do with my son what did you do with my son did you divide him or did you allow yourself to be broken that's the question in the judgment did you have Jesus or did you sleep on him did you have Jesus or did you allow him to be wounded listen with I'm sorry yeah Abraham was 100 years old when Sarah gave birth to Isaac do you know the name Isaac means laughter joy laughter because they held out in faith they were challenged but they held out in faith they got the last laugh beloved the judgment is not meant to scare us God simply wants us to have the last laugh and if we want the last laugh we have to hold on to the promise of the coming one so if you want Jesus and invite you to stand to your feet as we close in prayer Heavenly Father we thank you for sending your son we thank you for giving us the opportunity to have the child the son of God formed within us forgive us Lord for the times we have divided the Son of God forgive us forgive us Lord for being content to have a divided body forgive us Lord for being wounded by the sword but not being willing to die by the sword Lord make us into new creations fill us with your spirit and may we be like you we invite you into our minds into our hearts into our desires and into our path and direction direction we ask you to be formed totally within us we thank you Lord Jesus for your amazing grace your amazing love remind us who we are as a people and remind us that the Promised One is coming we thank you lord and we look forward to the joy of laughter with you in the kingdom of heaven in Jesus name we pray amen [Music] you
Channel: NNSW Conference
Views: 11,389
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Id: 1J4yfeXaoag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 41sec (3641 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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