08 - “The Sanctuary & the Image of the Beast” - Ivor Myers - 3ABN Winter Camp Meeting 2020

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a great controversy rages between good and evil and humanity is caught in the crossfire Satan has crafted his most cunning in time deceptions but his plans are doomed to fail get ready to anchor your minds in truth as the Bible exposes his lies and prepares us for our soon coming Savior and now live from the campus Hill Church of seventh-day adventists in Loma Linda California we bring you this presentation of the great controversy in time deceptions hello and welcome to 3abn winter camp meeting 2020 in Loma Linda California at the campus Hale seventh-day Adventist Church we have a tremendous blessing in store for us this evening and it is the Sabbath and so I believe we are going to receive an extra special blessing this evening amen amen tonight I'm not even going to take a long time to make this introduction because I want to save the time for the word all right well we have pastor Ivor Meyers who will be bringing us the word this evening and I'm gonna read to you his bio pastor Ivor Meyers is pastor of the Campbell seventh-day Adventist Church in San Jose California founder of power of the Lamb ministries and Army Bible Camp he is an author of several books and a co-host on 3abn s battles of faith as well as salvation and symbols and signs after he was introduced to the three angels messages in 1994 he left a lucrative career in the hip hop industry to preach the Word of God he has been married to atonte Myers for 22 years and she is the love of his universe and he told me to say that they have four wonderful children and he's also a wonderful teacher if you've seen salvation and symbols and signs you know all I can do is continue to write I'm just taking notes so if you have your pen in your pad I encourage you to take notes tonight as he delivers the word but before he does that we're going to be blessed in song by Reggie and ladye love Smith [Music] loving by your grace we gather here to seek your things and thank you [Music] hearts are full [Music] [Music] Lazer's kind and fleet some [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen happy Sabbath everyone are you ready to eat let us pray over the food Heavenly Father bless this food that you have prepared for us may we be filled may we be nourished may we be strengthened in Jesus name we pray amen tonight I want to talk to you about a message I've entitled the image of the Beast how many of you believe that we are living at the end of time we are living in the last days I want to share something with you just to set the foundation in the book of Exodus chapters 1 and 2 we have the story of Moses who has been drawn out of waters he has been drawn out of waters in Exodus chapter 3 Moses goes into the wilderness where he is there for how long 40 years so please note he is drawn out of waters and then goes into the wilderness for 40 I'm just gonna wait he's gonna wait man he is drawn out of waters he goes into the wilderness for 40 years and then he returns to do the work of delivering his people he performs miracles amen and when you get to Exodus 20 what happens is he establishes the covenants amen and then something interesting happens the next to this chapter 24 and that's 24 the Bible says that Moses went up into the mountains and the Bible says that a cloud received him out of the sight of the people yeah come on come on Moses goes up into the Mount and so we know that Moses leaves behind the children of Israel so he has gone up into the mountains something interesting happens because the children of Israel expected they thought that Jesus would they thought that Moses would return sooner than he did and so you know time passes and they begin to think huh it looks like Moses is not coming back we thought he was coming back and and our parents told us he was coming back and their parents believed that he was coming back but he has not returned so check this out Wow Moses is up in the Mount and the children of Israel are below something interesting happens because the children of Israel make an image to a beast yeah a feeling they make an image to a beast and they begin to worship the image of the Beast and when Moses returns he catches everyone off guard and the question is who is on the Lord's side beloved this is where we are headed this is a time we are living in when you go to the book of Revelation you will find in Revelation chapter 13 Revelation chapter 12 you will find their various beasts mentioned and the Bible tells us that these beasts are going to go after God's people with a vengeance and we have to be ready not to worship the beast not to worship the image but don't fear because there is good news and that good news is what I like to call prophecy of Daniel how many of you aware of the prophecy of Daniel okay you don't even know what I'm talking about but you're raising your hand because you're like the prophecy of Daniel there are many prophecies in Daniel but I'm talking about how many of you know the prophecy of Daniel okay now now you're like well I don't know the prophecy of Daniel okay listen listen uh in order for us to understand V it is the main prophecy of the Book of Daniel now you may not have heard it like this before but you're very familiar with it so in order to understand the prophecy of Daniel we're gonna have to go through the whole book of Daniel are you ready to go through the whole book of Daniel tonight don't worry it'll only take us a few minutes so let's begin with Daniel chapter one in Daniel chapter one we have the story of these four Hebrew boys who are faithful to God why because they will not eat the kings once the Kings meat or drink his wine who was the King Nebuchadnezzar he is king of lot Babylon so check this out beloved in Daniel I want sharing with you the message now but I've got to give it to you in pieces it's the prophecy that you're about to receive in pieces so listen carefully in Daniel chapter one we have a group of people who avoid the wine of Babylon Yanis beloved listen at the end of time there will be a people who avoid the wine of Babylon amen alright Daniel chapter 2 what happens in Daniel chapter 2 remember because these four Hebrew boys were found worthy avoided the wine the King's wine in Daniel chapter 2 they are given understanding of endtime prophecy beloved at the time of the end there will be a people who avoid the wine of Babylon and because they avoid the wine of Babylon they will be the only ones found in all the kingdom who are able to understand the prophecy and what was the prophecy what was the message they gave Nebuchadnezzar the message was simple Gavilan will fall so Daniel one there will be a people at the end of time who avoid the wine of Babylon as a result they will be able they will be the ones who will have an understanding of the prophecy and preach that Babylon will fall now as a result of that Babylon will set up an image are you catching this what chapter are we in Daniel chapter 3 very good as a result of this Babylon will set up an image but when Babylon does this her sins will have reached unto heaven do you remember in Daniel chapter 4 where that tree representing the kingdom of Babylon reaches unto heaven and God says yet your sins have gone too far check this out beloved at the end of time there will be a people who avoid the wine of Babylon as a result of avoiding the wine of Babylon they will preach the message that Babylon is fallen Babylon in return will build an image and command all to bow down and worship and when they do this their sins will have reached unto heaven and when their sins reach unto heaven Babylon will fall that's Daniel chapter 5 you remember what happened in Daniel 5 yes that's the chapter that Babylon false Babylon will be declared fallen now in Daniel chapter 6 very interesting you have a death decree that is issued because we cannot find anything wrong with Daniel we must find something regarding the law of God are you alright you know this prophecy don't you you just never heard it like this have you you know it it's nothing new beloved you understand it you know it but check this out so let's follow on in Daniel 7 guess what the little horn the little horn will have his dominion taken away because that's what Daniel 7 says in Daniel 8 the sanctuary will be cleansed amen in Daniel chapter 9 listen what happens in Daniel chapter 9 Daniel chapter 9 is about the 70 week prophecy which describes the close of probation on a group of people that reject the Messiah are you with me so watch this in Daniel chapter 1 there will be a people who avoid the wine of Babylon as a result as a result they will be the ones that preach the message that Babylon is fallen Babylon in return will set up an image demanding that all bow down and worship when they do this their sins would have reached unto heaven and when that happens Babylon will be declared fallen and as a result of this they're going to set up a death decree that all who will not worship the Beast should be killed but don't fear because the little horn will have his dominion taken away the sanctuary will be cleansed probation will be closed on those that reject God Daniel 11 listen carefully the king of the north will come to his end and Daniel 12 Michael Michael will stand up and the dead in Christ shall rise beloved listen to me the entire Book of Daniel as it is written in chronological order is a prophecy about God's endtime people do you not mean we get excited all alone by myself so but neither here's a question do you want that to be your story absolutely we want that to be our story but here's the thing if you want that to be your story you have to understand something if you want to avoid worshiping the Beast and His image you've got to understand something crucial and I'm gonna invite you to come with me to the book of Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 and I want you to notice with me Genesis chapter 1 and verse 26 when you're there please say Amen and so the Bible says and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the lot fish of the sea and over the world some of the air and over the cattle and over all the world's earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so there are two points I want you to get here number one man was made in the likeness and the image of God what does that mean what does it mean that man was made in the likeness and the image of God does it mean that man looked like God or doesn't mean that man acted had the character had the mind like God absence so to be in the image and likeness of God simply means that man acted like God how many people would like to act like God if some of you looking funny like wait what do you mean by no no I don't mean to be God I simply mean to act to behave - to follow God's character yeah amen so man was made in the image and likeness of God meaning he had the character of God or let me say this way he had the mind of God his mind was holy pure righteous that's the first thing I want you to know the second thing I want you to know is that there are two kingdoms in this verse how many kingdoms everyone - what are those kingdoms the kingdom of men and the kingdom of animals the animal kingdom so when God made man in His image he said you will have dominion over the fowl of the air over the fish of the sea and over everything that creeps upon the earth but something happened man sin yes Genesis chapter 3 verse 1 Genesis chapter 3 verse 1 the Bible says now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the hold on wait a minute what is the serpent here hmm very interesting Satan works through a serpent which the Bible says was a beast to get Adam and Eve to disobey God yeah yeah yeah no no no because we have blank looks on your faces right now so when God created Adam and Eve he had given them dominion over the beasts and I feel the need and so what happens is Satan comes in through a serpent to put doubt in the minds of Adam and Eve are you with me and he puts doubt in that in the Word of God now it's very interesting it's a dragon in this story is the dragon in this story yeah does the dragon work through a beast in this story do the dragon and the Beast turn Eve into a false messenger I'm ladies I'm sorry but you get there forget about I just just just focus and I want you to watch what's happening here you have this threefold union that basically comes to Adam and convinces him to turn against God now what is a deception over very listening very carefully what were what were they told you will be like God so would you say that this would be a counterfeit of God so a counterfeit of God yeah number one and number two you will not surely die so that is the teaching of the state of the dead so the very first deception was over a counterfeit God and the state of the Dead a dragon a beast and a false messenger when the Bible says that man sinned it's very interesting because the Bible says the Bible says that when God sees Adam and Eve in the garden he says behold the man has become as one of us now I have recently discovered or come to the understanding that that verse could very well be a mistranslation some translations actually read it in the past tense meaning behold the man who was as one of us remember when God made man he made him in his image and in his likeness meaning he was like God but now when they have sinned they no longer have the mind of God and what God is basically saying here is behold what has become of the one who was once like us he is no longer like us when man was made in the image of God he had dominion over the beasts but now when man is no longer in the image of God he now reflects the image I want you to think with me Cain they can go beast mode somebody got that late but they got it amen Cain went be smoke meaning his character the character of man who was once in the image of God when they stepped out of the image and likeness of God they went beast mode think about the flood were man acting more like these yeah how many remember this story where Joseph was sold by his brothers and remember what they did they took his coat and they dipped it in blood I remember the excuse they came up with they said come let us tell our father that some wild beasts have devoured now they thought they were lying they were not lying they were the beasts they were the ones that how many follow what I'm saying they were the beasts they were not lying so I want you to begin to get this now you remember Nebuchadnezzar give me what happened to him he became a beast when man decides to lift himself again against God to do his own will what God is saying is you have gone into beast mode now now it becomes no wonder then that when we get to the Book of Daniel we see the kingdoms of men being described as beasts a lion a lion represents ferocity a bear it devours much flesh a leopard its camouflage a dragon it bruises and breaks in pieces beloved I want you to understand that when man is no longer reflecting the image of God what happens to nations is that they begin to reflect the images of beasts understand what I'm saying beloved because I'm gonna bring this home a little bit closer to us do you know any Christians that are camouflaged that devour much flesh you know feed on people hey did you hear beloved the characteristics of these beasts are a reflection of the characteristics of the human heart that is not submitted to the will of God beasts mold many of us in here tonight are in peace mode beloved I want you to understand that that the end result of the kingdoms of men becoming the kingdoms of beasts the end result of man giving over Dominion to the Beast is this we go to the book of Revelation and guess what we find we find three beasts one from the sea give you some time one from the earth one from the air the dragon the Beast the false prophet beloved listen to me this is the end result of man not reflecting the image and likeness of God let me talk to you for a moment about two beasts in particular and I want you to understand something you see the Bible says that by beholding we become changed so how do you think the devil's trying to get you into beasts mode by beholding beasts okay there are two beasts that are described in the book of Revelation chapter 11 and chapter 13 one of those beasts is called the beast from the bottomless pits how many of you are familiar what that beast represents that beast represents atheism it is from the French Revolution I mean you're familiar with that now yeah Bible prophecy students French Revolution late 1700s this is described as the Beast rising out of the bottomless pit now what was particularly French Revolution well the French Revolution very interestingly very interestingly the French Revolution is where a term was first introduced and that term listen carefully is the term left and right hold on guys those listen carefully those who were against the king and against the church sat on the left they were they were what you might call you know progressive they they were for you know all kinds of different rights and everything's of this nature but but one very important thing they rejected the God of the Bible we want nothing to do with God so that's how the reign of terror came about and the whole banishing of the Bible for a certain period of time all this is how is what happened in the French Revolution this is the beast from the bottomless pit and beloved let me tell you when we in the church begin to the whole that beast and the things about that beast and we begin to admire that beast what begins to happen as a church begins to become affected let me say infected but there is another beast this one is found in Revelation 13 this beast has the horns of a lamb but speaks like a dragon that was another revolution that took place just about the same time and that revolution was called the American Revolution we're talking about the United States of car horns of Al and you look like a lamb but when you go to be petted you roar like a dragon do you know people who look like lambs coming to church you're like this habit and they roar at you raw and it scares you to death doesn't it because you expect a lamb to ba ha ha ha ha ha but they don't bother roar and you're like whoa if that's what a Christian is what I don't want anything to do with it beloved many of us are walking around with the horns of a lamb but speaking like a dragon and beloved listen to me in our nation today our nation is reflecting more and more I'm gonna say something that might be you know might become listen to me do you know that the reason that our pioneers taught that America was the beast with the horns of a lamb and spake of the dragon do you know that the reason they taught that was because of one reason and that reason was slavery absolutely you go check it out in the writings of sister white you go check it out in the writings of brother white of Uriah Smith they all agreed that any nation that could claim Christianity and yet sell the souls of men was a beast that looked like a lamb but spoke like a dragon but lover the point is this that beast is still alive today and Christianity in America is turning many people off from God you see the devil wears two masks let me say this the devil uses two beasts he doesn't care which beast you should choose your Beast well you like this piece better choose your East because what happens is that by beholding the Beast we become like the Beast and beloved what I'm trying to tell you tonight is that you and I as God's people need to stop beholding beasts and start looking to Jesus because vibey holding beloved wiii be karma changed listen america is beautiful and praise God but listen carefully guys it was hyper nationalism that put Jesus to death did you catch what I just said it is expedient for us that one man perished in order to save our nation beloved listen to me Jesus Christ must be our first and foremost love amen in fact while there was bad news that Satan has an image to the beast there was good news that there is an image of God and the image of God is Jesus Christ and so beloved listen to me God sent his son who is his Express image into the world so that we could behold him and be changed from beasts back into the image of God he knew he was coming to a world of beasts he was born in a manger among animals he was born in a manger it's almost as if he was saying look I know I'm coming to a world of beasts but I love these beasts I came to die for these people who aren't acting like animals who are acting out of my character I came to die that they might have another chance to reflect the image of God not the image of the beast by beholding beloved we become what changed you see Jesus Christ was beast proof how many of you would like to be beast proof beloved you have to be beast proof because listen Jesus wants you to master the Beast right here if you can't master the Beast right here forget about the beast of revelation 13 because you are already set up for failure so our May in battle right now it's to slay the Beast within the image of the Beast right here and how do we do that how does God move us from the mind of the Beast to the mind of Christ the Bible says let this wot mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus not that I want you to check to start okay we're about to worry about to who Lord give me the time listen when God made man he made him in his image and his likeness but he also made him as a temple as of what everyone know you not that you are the one temple of the Holy Ghost not the Spirit of God dwells in you so why was man reflective of the image of God because man was made a temple and inside the temple was the law of God is that right in the Old Testament the actual temple that was built the law of God was inside the temple the law of God was inside the temple amen the law of God was inside that Oh bright like I said the law of God was inside the temple and when the law of God was inside the temple man reflected His image but what happened is that sin broke the law sin broke the temple and so Jesus says I'm gonna get when when Jesus came to this world the Bible says of him that he was the sanctuary yes that means that the temple is a template of Jesus the temple is a template of Jesus meaning if the mind of Christ is to be in us then what God is trying to show us in the temple is this is how you get the mind of Christ yah yah nothing you know sawed-off you put out there let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus and we have no idea what that means because we don't address it practically so beloved listen to me listen carefully what was in the temple the altar of sacrifice what else the Laver what else the candlestick the table of showbread the altar of incense what else the Ark of the Covenant listen to me beloved it is in the sanctuary that beasts were slain it was in the sanctuary that beast was how many of you would like your beef to be fling guess where you gotta go you gotta go to the sanctuary because it's in the sanctuary beloved at the altar of sacrifice where the where the beast was slain and at the Laver where you wear your sins are washed away and the table of showbread where were you begin to focus on the Word of God instead of focusing on your own word and your own will and the ultra vincent's where you learn how to pray instead of learning how to pray and the candlestick where you begin to have passion for the word of God and you have vision for God's vision and the Ark of the Covenant where the law of love becomes written on your mind and so what God is saying is that as you go through the sanctuary I will remake you into my image and into my likeness these articles of furniture represents a very mind of Christ the altar sacrificed points to his humility in his death the Laver points to his forgiveness the the table of showbread points to his truth the altar of incense points to his focus that will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is what stayed on the the candlestick to his vision and the law of God to his love in other words the sanctuary is a picture of the mind of Christ and every time you focus on altar sacrifice man someone cursed me out today and I want to do this but Lord altar sacrifice altar sacrifice okay yeah you're learning how to change your thoughts by way you ever heard of neuroplasticity how you can create new pathways in your mind the sanctuary beloved is God's neuroplasticity program where as you learn to think through these articles of furniture it actually changes the way you think and you stop thinking in beastmode and you start thinking in Christ mode and believe it when you do this over and over again when you do this continually when you do this tamid anybody know what the word Tamid means yeah it's that prophetic word that we use in Daniel to talk about the articles of furniture in the sanctuary how the priests would operated these articles daily listen to me beloved these articles of furniture must be operating daily in our minds because when we learn to make them operate daily what begins to happen is it begins to be written on our feeling that it is now written in your mind and something called automaticity takes place which is when you do something so much it becomes automatic it becomes second nature you don't even think about it anymore it is reflex how many of you would like divine reflexes beloved start thinking through the sanctuary because God's Way beloved is where in the sanctuary and now it's time for me to begin my sermon this is the main part don't worry I'm not keeping you in the 16 minutes I think I've been do this in 16 minutes guys okay why do we need the mind of Christ why do we need the mind of Christ because the mind of Christ is beast proof is what everyone it's beast proof meaning in order for me to not be deceived by these beasts at the end of time I must have them the mind of Christ so where can I use sealed you know sealed so written here that it becomes that there is no way that the devil can put doubt in my mind remember what he did with Eve without him he put doubt in their minds now now come with me Revelation chapter 16 this is the study part of our message we will try to complete it in the remaining 15 minutes Revelation chapter 16 Revelation chapter 16 and verse 13 Revelation 16 and verse 13 the Bible says here Revelation chapter 16 and verse 13 and I saw three unclean spirits like what frogs come out of the mouth of the who dragon and out of the mouth of the who bees and out of the mouth of the false prophet for they are the spirits of what Devil's working what everyone miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the Battle of the great day of God Almighty so here you have three unclean spirits coming out of the mouth of the Beast the dragon and the false messenger did you hear what I said vit if we were to translate this this would be the beast from the sea the beast from the earth and the dragon the Prince of the air amen so the question is how is it that these beasts are going to attempt to try to deceive God's people well let me explain why does the Bible use frogs in this verse three unclean spirits like frogs listen carefully how many of you remember where else frogs who are used in the Bible you know Egypt right it's a story of Egypt and you remember when when Moses is performing miracles he turns water into wine into blood and then the age of the Egyptian magicians did what they counterfeited it and then he threw it on his rod and turned to a serpent and the Egyptian magicians what do they do they counterfeited it and then he brought up four frogs and one of the Egyptian magicians do they counterfeited it listen carefully guys it was the last counterfeit they could do it was the final counterfeit that they could pull off so the reason the book of Revelation is using these these are frogs to represent these unclean spirits that go out to perform miracles is that it's trying to tell us that this is going to be Satan's final deception and this is the deception that has to deal with counterfeiting with what everyone counterfeiting how many of you remember the parable of the five the ten virgins five oh wise and five were foolish they all slept listen guys they all slept and something woke them up what was it that woke them up when did they wake up let me ask that when did they wake up midnight midnight is the darkest hour of the night so what the Bible is telling us here is that there is going to be an event an event that is that may be described as the time of trouble such as never was it is the darkest hour of Earth's history something that that wakes up both the wise and the foolish virgins and you've got to follow this because I need you to come with me to Daniel chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 we're going back to the Book of Daniel and you guys knows what no what happens there Daniel 12:1 and 2 the Bible says and at that time shall Michael stand up the Great Prince was standing for the children of his people and there will be a time of what trouble such as never was and then it goes on to speak about the resurrection now Michaels standing up what does that signify what's about to happen Jesus is about to come and when he comes what happens to the dead they are raised again to life amen so Jesus comes and the dead are raised amen so what leads to Daniel 12:1 and 2 well the answer is Daniel 11 verse 40 come there with me Daniel 11 verse 40 Daniel chapter 11 verse 40 and and I want you to notice what the Bible says here Daniel chapter 11 verse 40 the Bible says here we go the Bible says and at the time of the end shall the King of the South push at him now let me just pause right here I know I'm juicing a lot of this down for you but just salvation and signs and symbols is about to release our Daniel study so if I'm going too fast here just look out for it in a few weeks and months amen plug plug plug and see okay alright so the King of the South in this particular verse represents atheism it represents agnosticism and and you know that that is very heavy in the world today right there are a lot of people who don't believe in God and bla bla bla right but notice what happens to the King of the South the Bible says continues to say in verse 40 and the king of the top at the time of the end the King of the South shall push at him and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships so the Bible's telling us here that the king of the north is going to end up defeating the king of the south so the question is who is the king of the north and many of us believe we know who he is it's the same power as the little horn but beloved it's a little bit more complicated than that because I need you to see something here how does the king of the north come against the king of the south to defeat him with what chariots ships whirlwind horsemen right do you know that there's another verse in the Bible almost identical to this come Isaiah chapter 65 and I'm just gonna read it in your hearing Isaiah 65 verse 15 check this out guys for behold the Lord will come with fire and with his chariots like a whirlwind stop stop how's the Lord coming with chariots and what and friar an a whirlwind does that seem similar to this king of the north how he comes let me ask a question what do you think is the only thing that can defeat atheism like totally just wipe it out for an atheist seeing is believing you are not catching me now for an atheist seeing is believing now I want you to notice I'm here because in Isaiah chapter 14 do you remember how Lucifer wanted to sit on the sides of the north deny on to the Book of Psalms the Bible says beautiful for situation is Mount Zion the city of the Great King on the sides of the north let me ask you who is the true king of the north Jesus amen so who is this other king of the north that comes like a whirlwind with chariots and fire and basically wipes out atheism it is the counterfeit coming of Satan himself beloved please listen to me the papacy is to Satan what John the Baptist was to Jesus see as Advan as we look hard do you see what the papers they did today they sneezed the end of NIP below and those are please I'm not me I'm just trying to tell you that for many of us our eyes are in the wrong place our eyes are in the wrong place beloved you with the enemy when he could listen there is no announcement when Satan appears see many of us his Adventists have our own version of the rapture when I was out in the world I used to believe here you know what heard about this rapture thing if I see the rapture happen and people disappear I know that I'll have seven years and I'll get it to get it in we have our own version it's Sunday long I'ma be in the clouds doing my thing and and and I know what my parents and everyone else is said about da da da and I don't see us spending on your Rison but if I see Congress you know how long they take to do anything and I see them beginning to talk about something that I'll praise Him praise Jesus I'm ready then I'll get ready but beloved listen to me when Satan comes there is no announcements and if you read great controversy she tells us that it is in his assumed disguise that he commands all to keep the counterfeit Sabbath listen to me no nothing in this world will bring the whole world together except a miracle it will take a miracle for atheists and radical Islam and Christian it will take a miracle for the whole world to come together and that miracle is the appearing of Jesus Christ the a counterfeit appearing of Jesus Christ now now now watch this guys because I know what you are thinking I'm okay why because when Jesus comes his feet don't touch the ground yes I got it the enemy won't catch me let me share something with you when Jesus comes again what also happens there's a resurrection of the what of the day I want you to think about this guys think about Satan appearing not only does he appear but he appears with the dead now you got profit saying yeah adventists you guys were wrong oh by the way hold on remember when Jesus comes again what is he about to set up the Millennium the 1,000 years and in the Millennium judgments is given to the Saints yeah are you catching this listen to me please let me say it again when when Jesus comes judgment is given to the Saints but this happens where in heaven so when the counterfeit occurs guess what he's gonna say I'm giving judgment to my Saints and your job is to judge the wicked and guess who the wicked are going to be by the way from one new moon to another and from one Sabbath to another all flesh is to come before me and worship and if you don't you are being disobedient to my theocracy to my kingdom but love it listen to me I know what you're thinking right now hey if I know the truth and I'll be okay do you know that John the Revelator how many of you would like what you know I think John Revelator is a good Christian character John the Revelator saw an angel in heaven and Angel and Angel not Jesus an angel and John the Revelator was so overwhelmed by the glory of this angel and the angel said stop what are you doing now how many John the Revelator is do we have out here tonight he didn't do it once he did it twice beloved if you think oh Jesus feet don't touch the ground it's gonna be enough to keep you you have to understand if the image of the beast has any piece of your heart when the Beast comes you will be attracted to it because like attracts like beloved the five foolish virgins are unprepared why because listen to me you don't prepare for a marathon on the day of the marathon and that's what many of us are doing well when we see things we're gonna happen then we'll get ready then we'll make it right no beloved that's the wrong approach you gotta get ready now you need a mind of Christ now you need to start studying your Bible now you need to start acting like Jesus now stop cursing people out in church stop stop don't do it in a stop don't claim it in the name of Jesus stop having enemies stop acting like a beast like a dragon that looks like a lamb but it's speaking like the devil beloved it is not good enough to claim that you know Bible prophecy and you understand what's going to happen and yet your character has not been transformed act like Jesus think like Jesus talk like Jesus because beloved the time is coming where he that is filthy will have to be filthy still and he that is righteous will be righteous still and if you have not prepared for the marathon before the marathon hit you will be like those five foolish virgins who will open mock saying open up to us open up to us and Jesus will say I never knew you depart from me so I have one minute to make an appeal my appeal is very simple tonight Lord I need to slay this beast I need to slay this beast I need this beast out of my heart and I need to go into your sanctuary it is a changing room so Lord I'm inviting you I'm inviting you into my heart now slay this beast because if I don't beat the beast here I will have no chance against the Beast there he will create enough doubt in my mind through what I see that I will doubt the word just like he was able to create doubt in the minds of Adam and Eve help my mind to be stayed on you if that's your desire I'm gonna invite you to just come to the front we're gonna have a special prayer cameras will roll out but you're don't worry about that you're coming to the front right now you're saying what I need to slay this beast I need to slay this beast change my heart God change my heart I don't want to reflect the image of the beast I want to reflect the image of God but love at the time for church games is over the time for appearing like a landing and not acting like a lamb it's over we are living at the very end of time [Music] and I want you to remember this Jonah I'm sorry Noah [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 145,247
Rating: 4.7542996 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, Image of the Beast, The Old Testament Sanctuary, Ivor Myers, The Great Controversy, End-Time Deceptions, 3ABN Winter Camp Meeting 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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