The Hidden Agenda Behind Racism | Pastor Ivor Myers

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I believe that God has something very special for us especially in this time so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna kind of come out and say this and I hope I don't turn anyone off the title of the message the hidden agenda behind racism I'm gonna be dealing with the issue of racism and I'm gonna say this I'm gonna say this up front I am tired of my brothers being enslaved and abused yes I am tired of my brothers being enslaved and abused I'm tired of my people getting treated like slaves and I hope that by the end of this message you will share the very same sentiment I'm tired of the racism that my people face yes I pray it is my prayer that you will be tired of this too that you are tired of it that you are fed up I don't care what what color you are right now I need you to hear what I am saying come on we're gonna go to the Bible and I want to invite you to Genesis chapter 1 and verse 26 and in Genesis 1 verse 26 the Bible here is describing the creation of Adam and Eve and the Bible says and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth I want you to notice here that that God made man in His image okay I need you to understand that when God created man he created man in His image and in his likeness now my question for you is this that God mean let us make a man or did he mean let us make mankind so I want you to think about that for a moment when God said let us make man in our image and in our likeness did he mean a single man did he mean let us make Adam in our image and in our likeness or did he did that statement apply to all humanity that would be true that would be made afterward right everyone coming out of the the loins of Adam I believe that you you you understand that when God said let us make man in our image and in our likeness he wasn't talking about one individual but he was talking about man kind mankind was made in His image so that's the first thing I want you to remember very simply mankind was made in the image of God now come with me to Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 and the Bible says and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the face of the earth there we go so the Bible tells us that God gave man dominion over the earth in other words God said God made the earth and then gave it to man who he had made in his image said here the earth is yours subdue it when God made man in His image he was talking about the human race now I just want to make sure that you get what I just said when God said let us make man in His image he was talking about the human race okay so Amen at home if you if you follow me so far yes God made the human race God made man in His image which means God made the human race in His image now I got another question for you and it is this did God create the human race or the human races okay I need you to think very carefully about that question did God create the human race or did he create the human races all right so I'm gonna suggest to you that God created the human race why do I say that but because there is only one human race all right so if you're with me so far pastor we got you yes God created one human race there is only one human race okay so one race guys I need you to follow this one race and the race was to reflect the image of God so now no question you're asking well there's so many so many colors in our race right think just just think about this for a second one race yes one race but many colors all right hmm so God made one race and that race is the human race but within the human race were many colors right obviously Adam himself was not many colors even herself was not me but throughout the human race it would there would be a per they would produce many colors one race many colors one race many colors one race many colors so the question now becomes what color is God have you ever asked yourself that question what color is God if mankind is in the image of God what color is God and I'm gonna tell you I know what color is go I know what color God is I want to see huh yeah yeah yeah come on let's say let's find out what the you know the Bible tells us what color God is so there's a big debate as god black it's got white what color is God come on guys let me share with you what color God is in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 1 verse 27 the Bible says here and this is Ezekiel speaking he says and I saw the color of amber as the appearance of fire roundabout within it from the appearance of his lauren that is talking about God Ezekiel is in vision and he catches a vision of divinity of God and the Bible says that the appearance of his loins even upward and from the appearance of his Lawrence even downward I saw as it were the appearance of fire and it had brightness round about it now notice verse 28 as the appearance of the bowl that is in the cloud and the day of the rain so was the appearance of the brightness round about this was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord and when I saw it I fell on my face okay Ezekiel is telling us that the glory of the Lord looked like a bowl like a rainbow like a rainbow so so the glory of the Lord was a was a combination of colors what color is God what color is God God is multi-coloured the glory of the Lord is a rainbow that's what shines out of God he's not one color he is many colors so when we understand this concept of one race but many colors what we're beginning to understand is that the entire human race was supposed to be a reflection of the glory of God which is multi-coloured are you guys following me so far each color listen carefully together reflecting the glory of God not one color not one color here and the other color look no no every Cup all the colors combined reflected the glory of God if you wit me so far I can't hear you but just say Amen all right let's keep moving the question now is this how did Satan feel about the human race especially since that race was to reflect the image of God what do you think guys how did Satan feel about the human race especially since the human race was to reflect the image the glory of God one race was to be many colors how do you think Satan felt about the human race what do you say did you say he hated the human race notice with me Genesis chapter 3 Genesis chapter 3 verse 1 now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yay has God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God had said you shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest you die and the serpent said unto the woman you shall not surely die now did Satan know that the woman would surely die yes he did but he lies to her why because he wants the race to die he hates the human race meaning listen carefully beloved racism is when you hate a race therefore the first racist man the first racist to ever exist was Satan himself alright are you guys following this why is Satan a racist why because he hates the human race he hates the fact that the human race reflects or at least was supposed to reflect the glory of God so he hates the race meaning he hates the colors are you catching this guys he hates the colors because the colors especially not not especially the colors Yelling's the colors especially together combined reflect the glory of God so Satan hates all the colors not just one all right if you follow me so far just just give me an Amen okay all right good let's keep going so so Adam and Eve end up sinning right and when they sin according to the book of Romans chapter 5 verse 12 the Bible says wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned so when Adam and Eve when Adam sinned sin and death entered the world and what ends up happening is that Adam and Eve gave up the deed of the earth they gave it over to Satan okay so so this is why the Bible says for example in John chapter 14 verse 30 Jesus speaking he says hereafter I will not talk much with you for the prince of this world coming okay what does it mean the Prince of the world the Prince of this world what does that mean Prince of this world that simply means Satan was given the deed of this earth when Adam handed it over to him all right so let's recap let's recap number one Satan was the first racist number two when Adam and Eve sinned they handed over the land to Satan so listen carefully now guys listen carefully this earth became Satan's plantation oh boy let me let me let that sink in for a moment this earth became Satan's plantation now when you have a plantation what do you need come on guys what do you need if you're a slave master if you have a plantation you need slaves you need slaves to work your business because that's how you make your livelihood so so let's let's imagine it like this okay this earth became Satan's plantation Satan has a job his livelihood he has a crop that he produces listen carefully beloved his livelihood his livelihood is racism which means the destruction of the human race Satan's work is to destroy the human race so listen carefully beloved God's definition of racism is a lot different than the definition we have come to accept as racism God's definition of racism is anything that harms the human race whoa you see beloved Satan is the ultimate racist and his racism simply means I will do everything I can to cause chaos within the human race to keep them that from understanding that together we reflect the glory of God are you catching what I'm saying are you understanding this Satan satan's racism is not to destroy one particular color of people it is to destroy every color of people and he will use the colors against one another because how better to destroy the image of God than to turn the rainbow to turn the colors against one another instead of together reflecting the glory of God so Satan has slate the slave master has slaves on his plantation and what is their work well let's see Galatians 5:19 tells us what their work is the work is to mean hurt and destroy the human race is to cause pain and suffering so Galatians 5:19 says this now the works of the flesh right the works that are done on the plantation of Satan the slave master are these adultery fornication uncleanness lasciviousness idolatry witchcraft hatred hatred hatred variance emulations wrath strife seditions heresies envyings murders drunkenness revellings all these are the work that Satan has his slaves doing and the whole purpose of the slaves doing this work is to produce the crop of racism which is the destruction of the human race the more chaos the more rioting you can't come on mmmm yeah guys the more chaos he were he can he can get into the human race one race the more chaos he can have happening within the human race the more separation the more division the more anger the more hatred he's actually doing he's actually completing his very mission of destroying the human race so that's what he does this is how he builds his kingdom after all slaves were used to build the kingdoms of their slave masters this is why Romans 6:16 says this it says know you not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey his servants you are to whom you obey so beloved what I want you to understand here is that Satan is a slave master seeking to to fill his field with slaves regardless of color so in in planting the crop of strife you just produce more strife so if I can get one of my slaves to kneel on the neck then I can get other people on my field burning stuff down see we need to understand this below from a biblical aspect true racism is anything that wars against God's will for the human race that includes what we understand as racism it includes mass genocide all these different things that we would not naturally think that's racism that's racism that's racism people think all reasons I think this racism does exist the thing is we don't even understand that we that that listen humanity the slaves are being used by the slave master to destroy the human race which is Satan's version of racism let me let me put it plainly when we talk about the slave trade 400 years of slavery in that black people were slaves listen guys black people weren't the only slaves I don't know if you caught that just now the black people were not the only slaves the slave masters were slaves they just didn't know they were slaves are you catching what I'm saying listen there were many blacks who were free though they were slaves and many whites who were slaves though they were free you need to think about that for a moment you need to just think that through for moving you see when you have Christ you're free you catch what I'm saying we look at racism through human eyes and we say all racism is the hatred of one race towards another over color and yes that is racism but you got to understand there is a hidden agenda behind the true rate the truth of races of racism and the truth of racism is that Satan is a racist and he's trying to destroy the human race and one of the most effective ways that he's doing that is through the color scheme if I can turn the colors to war with one another not realizing not realizing that together they reflect the glory of God if I can just get this war going if I can just get a color war going I have destroyed the rainbow I have destroyed the glory I have shattered the glory catch this I need you to catch this during the slave trade during the slave trade in America the slave master had to work very hard to keep the slaves from uniting I need you to catch this guy's see the slave masters were typically outnumbered by their slaves so they lived in a very dangerous setting you know if the place like decided they could just all band together and overthrow their slave master so in order for this not to happen the slave master had to be very you know exacting and cruel and punish the smallest infraction so basically one of the things that the slave masters would do was they would implement this this this atmosphere of distrust amongst the slaves so you know you had the the feel slave and the Ender and the house slave and the house slave said that he had you know or she had you know more than the field slaves so the house slave you know maybe was in a sense more economically you know favored you catch what I'm saying beloved regardless of where they were economically regardless of of the stat the status of the of the the house slave over the field slave they were still slaves but the slave master would wouldn't work this this this principle of distrusting so that the slaves that did not trust each other and they tattled on each other and and and they they had laws where the slaves could not commune or gather it was it was unlawful assembly for slaves more than four or five slaves to gather together at one time so the whole purpose was keep the sleighs divided do not let them ever come together and get on the same page and thus catch on to what the slave master was doing mmm oh man yes yes yes are you seeing this guys so keep the slaves on his plantation at war with one another never trusting one another always suspicious of one another keep that going so that they never put two and two together and say hey wait a minute so what does Satan do he does just that and Jesus tells us in Matthew 24 verse 6 notice what it says here you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet now watch this foreign nation and the Greek word is ethnos ethnos for a nation for ethnos shall rise against ethnos ethnicity look it up in the Strong's Concordance it actually means race race shall rise against race that's what sin would do he would cause race Wars color Wars nation against nation just a few verses down it says and because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold so basically listen but listen carefully beloved racism is prophesied here race will rise against race they will not have love for one another they will hate one another there will be wars ethnos against ethnos this is Satan's plan this is what Satan wants to accomplish so not only did is Satan the slave master saying okay we need to keep them separated so that they don't trust each other we need to we need to keep humanity in and by the way let me say this and you know I'm saying this with all all the love that I can there is a reason why conspiracy theories are so popular today see conspiracy theories lead you not to trust who who not to trust who then then who is them we don't know but it's just them and sometimes we will just we hear stuff about them whoever the them is and what happens is we're like yeah don't trust don't and we begin to put to portray to to cast on two groups of people or we begin to cast on to them this insidious like yeah they are really really just Satan has made a plot with them and they're in on the plot with Satan and they're about and what happens is that we get this idea or this this this this pattern of us against them don't trust don't trust don't trust and you gotta listen carefully to me beloved when we feed into these narratives listen there is one conspiracy and it is a conspiracy of Satan and Satan typically doesn't let his slaves in on his conspiracy that's why the Bible says he deceives the whole world please catch what I'm saying I know they're there people out there who are straight-up evil that that's it they have chosen I am going to be evil I'm not saying that there are not evil people out there but what I'm saying is when we begin to feed into a narrative where everyone is the enemy we are feeding into the very thing the very crop of Satan's plantation there is one conspiracy theory that I'm focused on guys it is not a conspiracy sin theory regarding Colvig or conspiracy theory regarding Bill Gates or conspiracy theory there is one constraint and it's not a theory there is one conspiracy that I'm concerned about and that is a see found in Revelation chapter 13 where you have a beast from the earth a beast from the sea and a dragon who will combine to bring persecution upon God's endtime people that's the only conspiracy I need you to understand this still be my friend please I love you I hope you still love me but guys our focus needs to be on what the scripture says so when we go off we're starting to yeah and and you know the black people they're all trying to do or the wife you know all of them are trying to or this people or that whatever it is that that party this party we we are we are being trained in a mentality of don't trust they are out for evil and beloved this is exactly what Satan is doing number one keep them at odds number two keep the slaves ignorant slaves were not allowed to read or write so they were illiterate why because if they could read and write they would begin to be liberated so not only keep them at odds but keep them illiterate keep the slaves illiterate don't let them read don't let them understand keep them away from the correct understanding of the Word of God and so when they read the Word of God all they see is oh if that's what God is like I don't want anything to do with God and when you don't have anything to do with God you end up living the life the plantation life the only crop you produce is Satan's crop so keep the slaves illiterate so that they cannot read they cannot understand so not only did they do that not only did they cause them to be separated they cause they said you cannot gather together unlawful assembly and all these things together beloved we leads us to understand to understand something very very important and it is this guys here's what I'm trying to say to you the Bible tells us in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and then the powers might put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood listen to me our wrestle is not against another color whatever color you are I need you to understand this right now your struggle your wrestle is not against another color we're not supposed to be fighting against colors we're supposed to be fighting against the slave master but if the slave master can have us going after colors if the slave master can have us concerned about colors then we never turn the attention to who the real enemy is come with me Exodus chapter 3 verse 7 the Lord said to Moses I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt and have heard their cries by reason of their taskmasters for I know their sorrows and I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land a large and a large onto a land flowing with milk and honey listen carefully whether God sent Moses to deliver a people out of slavery a people that had forgotten about God a people that had become hardened by by years of servitude maybe they acted like brute beasts maybe they got used to putting knees in the necks of people I don't know but they were slaves Jahna catching me they were slaves God sent Moses to deliver slaves and the Bible tells us that every person any person that is not submitted to Christ is a slave of Satan I don't want to go preach the gospel to those racists yes God sends you God sends me God sends us to go deliver the racist whoa do I have to go do I have to go yes you have to go yes you have to go why because Satan is infusing his slaves with the spirit of hate with the spirit of racism with the spirit of anger with the spirit of strife and those listen to me those were my people I created them to be in my image but Satan has hijacked them and he has he has them working on his plantation and listen carefully because I set you free no no come watch this guys Romans 6:16 know you not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom you obey whether of sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness watch this but God be thanked that you were servants of sin you were servants on the plantation but you have obeyed from the heart the form of doctrine which was delivered to you being then made free from sin you became the servants of righteousness so watch this guys by the grace of God you were delivered from the plantation of Satan somebody need to say amen to that just just give me an amen if you are one that was delivered from the plantation of the enemy Christ came into your life and delivered you from bondage yes is that you is that you all right very good guys we were set free so here watch how were we set free that's the question what what is it that delivered us oh who is it that delivered us come come with me I want you to notice this Philippians 2:5 the Bible says let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men now you got a pause and see this are you guys sitting down I hope you are sitting down I hope you are sitting down you need to be sitting for this come let's look at this again the Bible says Christ who being in the form of God so what does that mean being in a form of God okay so he was God he was in the form of God alright what is the form of God what does the form of God look like I'm just gonna wait here guys you know this answer already what does the form of God look what it is EQC when he was looking at the glory of God what did he see come on guys what did he see when he was looking at the glory of God in Ezekiel chapter one he saw a come on guys he saw rainbow he saw a rainbow listen the glory of God was surrounded with many colors he had many colors on him many colors watch this but the Bible says he gave up that glory so he gave up his many colors oh-hoo-hoo his many colors were taken off of him and he became a servant meaning a slave watch this guy's we might say that Jesus wore many colors that was his glory he wore many colors but he buddy but he gave up those many he was he took off those many colors and became a slave verse 8 and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross wherefore God also has highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every other name so Jesus was wearing he was covered in in in many colors but but those colors were were removed and he became a slave and he became obedient unto death but but after that he was exalted into the highest place Genesis 37 verse 3 now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children Israel loved Joseph more than all his children because he was the son of his old age and he made him what did he make him everyone come on guys what did he make him what is what did the father make Joseph he made him a coat a coat of what a coat of many colors guys now very interesting the Bible says it came to pass when Joseph was coming to his brethren that they stripped Joseph out of his coat his coat of many colors that was on him Joseph lost his coat his glory his coat of many colors it was taken off of him mm-hmm wait verse 24 and they took him Joseph and cast him into a pit oh man oh boy oh man on that verse 27 it says they said come and let us sell him so he became a servant his coat of many colors was taken off of him he becomes a servant please not what they did to his coat of many colors they took Joseph's coat and killed a kid of the goats and dipped the coat in blood you guys listen carefully to me Jesus's blood covers every color Jesus died for the white man the black man the yellow man you fill in the blank all the shades Jesus died that coat of many colors man you're not feeling that coat of many colors and watch what it says next look at verse 32 and they sent the coat of many colors and they brought it to their father you see beloved when we take Jesus as righteousness the righteousness when we take that glory and present it before our heavenly father look the blood we we come to the conclusion that Jesus died for the rainbow he died to redeem all the colors meaning beloved if I have an issue with a color I have an issue with God Oh No if I have an issue with colors I have an issue with the very glory of God I hope you're catching these guys so so watch this nah nah I'm no longer on the plantation I've been delivered I was set free from hate from pride from racism from hating your own race you know that's what racism is right racism is hating your own race because there's only one race guys and it's the human race so to hate black people or white people or Asian people or Indian people whatever it takes to hate anybody oh wait a minute to hate someone that Jesus shed his blood for means you are against the race he created because pretty simply put guys hate in God's eyes is racism done deal done deal what's God trying to tell me you guys are all part of the same rainbow you are all brothers you're one race you're one family so to hate your brother is to hate your own race I hope this term is not offensive I don't mean it to be but I actually look I was thin to myself when I was putting this together man that's kind of like you know when they say your hormone listen carefully please please I don't mean this offensive thing in any way but I actually looked a term up check out homo racist again I don't use that term offensively but I was like wait a minute to hate your own race it's to hate your own and the word homo means of the same and I was like wait a minute looked it up hormone racist whoa I don't even even knew that term existed to hit your own race please don't anybody email email me don't write me don't whatever I'm just telling you that to hate another human being is to hate your own race one race guys many colors but one race so now those are my brethren those are my growth every race every person every color is my brother so if God has set me free from the plantation does he say hey go along run now you've been set free no no no no he says hey I need you to get on the Underground Railroad I need you to go back listen guys Romans 10:13 for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved listen carefully how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how so they hear without a preacher and how shall they preach except they be sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things but now that God is calling us to go in - back to the plantation and to start ministering to our brothers who are still suffering racism you understand what I mean when I say that now right because those who have those who are practicing racism are slaves on the slave masters plantation yep and the slave master is instilling his spirit in them saying I need you to be like me I need you to hate others I need you to hate others I need you to hate I need you to hate the human race I need you to hate this color people and that color people so it is our mission to go save our brothers if someone had gotten to this police officer and saved him off the plantation he would not be in the trouble that he is in now he would not have taken a life how many more of our brothers so you heard me say earlier you heard me say the beginning this presentation I'm tired of my people being treated at slaves yes I'm tired of my people and who are my people the human race the human race guys that's my people that's my brothers and I'm tired of my brothers being played by Satan I'm tired of my brothers being played by Satan to think that color is the enemy we cannot continue beloved to let our brothers suffer this delusion they are on the play and not listen it's gonna be hard to try to get on the plantation and convince them that the master doesn't mean them any good but we've got to do it we gotta at least attempt watch this guys come on come on Ezekiel Exodus chapter 12 verse 37 the Bible says and the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth about 600,000 of on foot that were men beside children God deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt but watch this and a mixed multitude went with them and flocks and herds and even much cattle it was not just Israelites that left Egypt beloved it was a mixed multitude people of different backgrounds went with the Israelites God was not just concerned with delivering Israelites he was concerned with delivering whoever would come yes Egyptians went with them now you can imagine right you've been slaves to these these Egyptians for hundreds of years and now they're in your camp and you're in control like now you have the upper hand and what do you do let's see what God says here's I want you to treat them all right Exodus 22 verse 21 watch this i thou solve vex a stranger and I'll press him for you were strangers in the land of Egypt did I get that right oh I'm sorry thou shalt neither vex a stranger nor oppress him for you were strangers in the land of these in other words God is saying here but love it listen don't treat them the way they treated you Wow don't treat them the way they treated you why because you know what it's like to be treated like that so I'm commanding you I'm commanding you I'm commanding you this is how you treat the stranger come on let's go further live Lucas 19 verse 33 and if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land you shall not vex him but the stranger that dwells with you shall be unto you as one born among you and you shall love him as thyself for you were strangers of the land of Egypt I am the Lord your God I'm God and I'm telling you that the stranger shall be like one born among you that means beloved the stranger becomes my brother my own flesh and blood one born among me my ethnos my neighbor this is why the Bible tells us in James 2:8 if you fulfill the Royal law according to scripture you will love your neighbor as yourself that's how you fulfill the law I love it you love your neighbor as yourself you love that ethnos as yours you love that person of that other color as your self our brothers are in captivity to hatred and anger and and and and racism they are being held captive and some of them yes at their will and God says I need you to go in there and I need you to get my people out of there Wow that's a serious mission guys that's a serious mission you want to go to the people that treated me to this way the people that are still treating my people this way and you want me to go rescue them yes I need you to go rescue them Jesus came to rescue you while we were yet enemies you see beloved I am my brother's keeper I am my brother's keeper my brother's guardian so no Satan I'm not going to allow you to treat my white brothers the way you've been treating them I'm not going to allow you to continue to deceive them with this idea that they are better that with this idea that the that the that that the house slave is better than the field slave no no no no no no no no no we're gonna do everything in our power to go rescue our brethren from the plantation we're gonna get that hate out of their heart by the grace of God we're gonna get that anger we're gonna get that aunt and beloved listen to me there are all colors of people on the plantation catch what I'm sayin guys it's not one color of people on the plan it is all colors of people on the plantation not everyone but on that plantation you have representations of every nation kindred tongue and people which is why the Bible says that the final message to go into the world is a message that is to go to the rainbow I saw another angel revelation 14:6 I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth and to every nation kindred tongue and people in other words to every color saying what fear God and give glory to him watch this guy's how do you give good God watch God's glory rainbow colors together all loving each other no just no disruption in the rainbow how do you give glory to God it's simply by reflecting that glory so what's this the everlasting gospel is designed to bring the colors together that's why there's a rainbow around his throne guys it's to bring all people together every nation kindred tongue and people so that together we reflect the glory of God God because we can only reflect the glory of God together that's what heaven is about everyone living in peace and harmony no war no conflict so that's why the second angels message revelation 14 8 the Bible says and they're following another angel saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath wrath of her fornication beloved the world is getting angry because they're drinking the wine and God says I want people to come out of Babylon to stop drinking that wine to stop producing that wrath and look at what's going on today but nothing look at the news what do you see you see the human race going crazy exactly as Satan would have it listen to me don't get me wrong I'm not saying don't protest wrongs I'm not so what I'm saying is when we do it with hate in our heart when we do it with anger when we do it in a wave when we do it in that way we are simply demonstrating that we are still on Satan's plantation yeah catch this guys we need to teach we need to teach these slaves how to read we need to teach these things biblical literacy I don't even know where listen guys it's hard here in America it is hard it's hard let let me share with you give me give me ten more minutes and then I'm gonna wrap this up okay I promise you I promise you revelation 13:11 the Bible says this and I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon I get it America we are in this part of the plantation America it's still it's a plantation and in this part of the plantation don't get me wrong right the whole earth is the devil's plantation that's what the Bible says be in the world but not of the world but here in America it's a big issue and the Bible actually describes it in revelation 13:11 this beast this nation which is described in revelation 13:11 has the horns of a lamb meaning it's a Christian nation a beast represents a nation and Bible prophecy this is a allegedly Christian nation that speaks like a dragon in other words it is the very opposite of what it professes to be and I need you to see this because our founders notice what they said about this beast revelation 13:11 I'm gonna read to you let me just put it up on the screen this from our Ryan Smith 1864 notice what he says here it's characters it has two horns like a lamb the lamb feature is a fit emblem of the profession and the early Exodus government but it speaks like a dragon a fit emblem of the practice of this hypocritical nation look at the look at the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution then look at slavery look at the religious intolerance the corruption and oppression existing through the land a further development may be expected in the future he goes on to say June 10th 1858 next see the beast with two horns like a lamb but he speaks as a dragon this we believe means the United States this government is lamb like an appearance but dragon-like in action in profession it is the land of liberty but an action it is the land of slavery and oppression this was written in 1864 guys now listen I know slavery has been abolished I get that but I need you to understand that the bible does not say that this beast with the horns of a man that speaks like a dragon eventually stops speaking that way and gets better no no no no no it continues to speak that way so in reality beloved the same satanic spirit that we were dealing with in the 1860s in this country is still here praise God I believe that we can say many people have gotten off the plantation and are no longer slaves to this spirit but it still exists and despite that God says I need you I need you to go and and rescue your brethren that's not my brother it is your brother who is my neighbor yes it is your neighbor don't do good just to those that do good to you if you want to be your fault if you want to be like your father in heaven pray for them that despitefully use you which brings me to my closing thought guys because listen carefully I'm calling for a slave rebellion I am calling for an uprising God's people who have been delivered from such things who have been delivered from the spirit of hate and from the spirit of racism and from all those things a black light whatever color you are God is calling you to go back to those slaves who are still on that plantation and encourage and an uprising not an uprising against some individual not an uprising against flesh and blood but an uprising against the slave master it's time to turn the attention on the slave master guys he exists he is real and he is the root behind all of this we wrestle not against flesh and blood let's go say let's go deliver our brothers before they do something else stupid do you understand what I'm saying the hidden agenda behind racism is to destroy the human race not a race the human race and Satan will use colors to accomplish that so how do we encourage the slaves to leave the plantation there's got to be a way there's got to be a map there's got to be a blueprint I'm closing there is a blueprint God's Way is in the sanctuary when the Underground Railroad was running was what was when the people were leading slaves out of captivity they had to go station by station a house my house until they made it into the North beloved God has a divine railroad and it's called the sanctuary and I need you to see this yeah we're closing guys promise you listen to me we need to present the path away from this hatred away from this plantation it begins at the cross of Calvary which was symbolized by the altar of sacrifice in the Old Testament sanctuary we need to show the world that Christ's blood covers all colors Christ died for everyone and if we can get the slave mint if we can get the slaves on the plantation to realize that Christ died for every color they are on their way to freedom guys but it has to start at the cross we have to take them to the Laver where they were they must experience a washing away of that kind of mentality a washing away of that kind of thinking where I am better than you because of my color or because of my nationality we've got a wash so we take them through the Laver and wash them to the to wash them through the river you know very often when slaves were escaping they had to cross the rivers they had to wade through the waters that's what God is calling us to do listen I need you I need my Underground Railroad folks to go back and to start witnessing to these people who are still in captivity to hatred and tell them listen Christ died for all colors secondly leave them the rivers where they were where this this mentality will be washed away and not only that but we got to educate them with the Word of God we got a we got to teach them how to read how do I spell that da and I what does that mean Daniel what is that it was a prophet what did he do he prophesied of things to come in the end we got to teach them how to understand the prophecies how to understand the gospel that Christ does not good God is not a tyrant that God does not condone this kind of behavior beloved we've got to make them biblically literate we got to pray for the slaves are you catching me we have to pray for the slaves we can't just go into enemy territory without prayer we got to pray for them we gotta understand that prayer is going to help lead them out yes pray for your what you might think your enemies God says I want you to pray for your brothers and I don't want you to teach them to start praying for others pray for the ones that they once hated God says you're gonna go in and do it deliver you got to let your light shine that's the candlestick let your light shine don't just speak the truth live it show them I am your brother show them that you care about their plight whether it's right to black or black to white or eight or whatever it is show them listen I am here to demonstrate to you that I am your brother I'm not your enemy we don't wrestle against flesh and blood let's turn our attention on the true enemy which is Satan the slave master and finally beloved that Ark of the Covenant the law of God what is the law fulfilling these words love this word love love God with all your heart love your neighbor as your cell but love it this is the pathway to freedom this is the map that shows slaves how to move from being slaves to hate slaves to anger slays to murder and leads them station by station until they find rest in Jesus Christ I'm tired of my people being treated as slaves I'm tired of my people my people being taken advantage of by that slave master it is time for an uprising it is time for a slave revolt for a slave rebellion and beloved if you want to protest if you want to protest if you if you want to do something go snatch some souls from Satan's plantation snatch them that's how that's how you fight the battle you fight with love Heavenly Father you spoken to us you've helped us to see today Lord that in your eyes racism is hatred for the human race there is only one race law but many colors there is only one race and that is the human race Satan was the first racist and to this day he hates the human race and so he plays us one against another lord help us to understand this the the the hidden agenda has been exposed and now Lord may we work towards uniting the rainbow that we might reflect your glory and the only way we can do that is by taking that everlasting gospel into all the world into Satan's plantation and to snatch souls from his plantation snatch them from the spirit of hate and anger and racism and and and and all those things Lord that that all those crops that grow out of his plantation Lord may we be diligent in the work you have called us to do and Lord if we ourselves are still on that plane to plantation forgive us forgive us Lord deliver us deliver us from the hand of the enemy that we might be used to deliver others from the hand of the enemy Lord if I've said anything amiss in this message Lord you know my heart you know my intention but Lord bless your people now we need the peace that passes understanding we don't need to get caught up in the spirit of the world Lord the world is angry and rightly so but for many they're expressing it in the wrong way Lord teach us to do this in your way Lord because your way is the way and your way is the only path to freedom put that love within our hearts Lord that will help us to see our brother in the colors not seeing enemy no matter how much Satan tries to convince us that flesh and blood is the enemy may we look past it and fight for our own thank you Lord for hearing and answering this prayer thank you for speaking to us today Lord in Jesus precious and Holy Name we pray amen and amen I want to thank you guys for watching today I want to thank you guys for listening I
Channel: Power of the Lamb
Views: 238,413
Rating: 4.8180532 out of 5
Keywords: ivor myers, pastor ivor myers, ivor myers 2020, sermons about jesus, sda sermons, seventh day adventist sermons, temptation, how to be a hero, ivor myers sermons, pastor ivor myers 2020, sermons about sacrifice, sermons about social justice, social justice, racism, racist, black men, black lives matter, george floyd, police brutality
Id: zpEF8qa4pt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 26sec (4526 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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