- I'm ready. You guys might want to grab some popcorn. It's probably gonna be a little while, because I don't know what
the (bleep) I'm doing. I have built two computers in my lifetime, and this will be the third. NZXT has sponsored the "Short Circuit" by sending over their NZXT build kit. And they are going to prove to us that building a PC for the first
time can actually be easy. I guess let's get to unboxing. I might need a knife or something
to help me get in to this. (metal object clatters)
(laughs) I played softball for eight years. That's embarrassing. Is this supposed to help me unbox this? Jono, I don't understand. I can-- - [David] You need to go to
the gym to learn how to cut-- - I did.
- Boxes. - I mean, to be fair, how
do you open a box with this? And this is what everybody
uses on "Short Circuit" to open things? - What the crap is this? - What is this? - So if you are a first time
builder, I guess not like me, but similarly to me or an
inexperienced builder at that, this is perfect for you. First things first, it looks like we have a checklist. This shows us all of the steps based on levels, which is actually quite a fun concept. And then we've got our adventurers map. I will give credits to the
graphic designers at NZXT. The website and the illustrations on here are absolutely beautiful. Everything is also labeled accordingly, which is so nice! See, A, motherboard. We've got our beautiful, hard to come by 3060 TI graphics card, C6-50 PSU, the Kraken M22 120...
(stammering over word) Is it millimeter or milliliter? - Meter.
- Mm, millimeter. I've never actually installed
a liquid cooler before so I'm excited to see how this works. We've got some parts. Actually, we can reference our list here and see what parts are in here. We got B, which is the
eight gigabyte RAM sticks, we've got C, which is the CPU, we've got D, which is the SSD. And then we have I,
which is the WiFi card. Then we've got this beautiful
kit of all of our tools. (squeals)
(laughing) I'm really excited. All right, so let's get started! Our checklist, oh, I need a marker. I've got to make sure I'm
doing all of this properly and as intended. Even these illustrations inside
kind of help tell a story while you're immersed in the building, the computer building experience. One thing that I find super awesome is not only do they all have the instruction manual
accessible online as well, but they also have QR codes that you can access walkthrough videos if you still don't understand
the written out instructions. All right, level one. Let's do this. Installing the memory. It looks like I'm going to need A and B, the motherboard and the RAM sticks. And I'm also gonna open my tools kit. - [Jono] Wasn't part of the instructions! - No, but I want to see what's inside. We've got some zip ties,
Phillips zero screw head. No, it doesn't. It's a, it's a twisty thing. It isn't an attachment, but I just don't know what this
type of attachment's called. A wrench? I guess I have to be gentle. I said this last time. (man yells) We have 16 gigabytes of memory
and they are 3,200 gigahertz. No giga, mega transfers. Oh my gosh. All right, I got a click from both sides. I leveled up.
(laughs) I have here the AMD Ryzen 5600X. Take care on this step! I'm glad that they show the importance of being gentle with different components. Locate the CPU socket, which we have here. They include photos of both, one for AMD and one for Intel CPU. So that no matter which
motherboard you have, you can reference the images without fail. Without any issues. I'm scared. I've seen Linus do this many times. Look at that! It's in. And now I close the socket. So if I reference the illustration, you can see they've got
this black part here. And I'm assuming that's this
part of the SSD that I have, which means that it would
be inserted this way up. It doesn't seem like the
screwdriver's magnetic, which is a little bit of a downside. In the instruction manual, it looks like it shows
that we could potentially have an AIO cooler or an air cooler. With the streaming PC,
you get an AIO cooler, which is what I have here. But with their regular standard
PC, you get an air cooler. They should probably include
like a small illustration of the screws, rather than me having
to go back to the manual that came with the water
cooler to figure this out. All right, so we're moving
the build into the PC case. I guess it's time to unbox this. This is the H5-10 NZXT case. It's so pretty! I just love how simple
and clean this case is. Move my instructions. It could probably knock somebody out and then you can give
them infinite paper cuts. (thwacking sound)
(laughs) Time to install the motherboard. We are onto level five and we're moving these
components into the computer just like the instructions say. We are on level six. And this part is relocating the fans. Let's see how we do this. - [Jono] You know why you
have to relocate the fans? - No, I don't. I'm hoping that this
instruction manual will show me. It even shows you exactly
where you'll find the zip ties. So I'm not wasting time
looking for things. I always just look at
the illustrations, but I, there are, okay, there's words there for reassurance. I'm gonna do my best guessing because this piece right here, actually doesn't match the illustration that I'm seeing on here quite exactly. With that being said, if this is the correct orientation, I can refer back to this
photo or illustration here, which shows this part, which means I am to place it this way. I think it does go this way. Does it? Oh, I got it right.
(laughs) And where's the bananas? I need a banana. Lttstore.com Should we measure the fans? So it looks like it's
about a seven inch fan. Hi!
- Hi! (giggling) - Oh my God, is that Sarah
from Linus Tech Tips? - I wish you could help me. Like I wish I had a partner in crime here, but I'm really just doing this on my own. I'm screwing things now. I have screwed in the
fans to the fan bracket and then reattach that to the case. And we're onto the next step. Power supply! This is like a ton of mini unboxings, in one big unboxing. The non modular, it looks like it comes
with a pre-attached cable. The semi modular also looks like it comes with a pre-attached cable. And then the modular which we have here, does not come with any cables attached. And we've got this beautiful NZXT bag that you could also reuse if you wanted. It could work as like a
makeup bag or something. - [David] I was gonna say toiletry bag. - Yeah, this is great. Can you fit a banana inside of the bag? Yes! If you have exactly eight inch bananas, you can put them in the bag. - [David] Quit measuring
the bananas, Sarah. - Plug in the cable,
labeled either PCIE or VGA. PCIE, here we go. I've plugged in all of my cables that the instructions
have told me to plug in and I will be now putting
it into my computer case. So level eight is for cable management. Now, for the sake of this "Short Circuit", actually being short,
we're gonna skip this step, but for people who are
building their first computer, it does show quite detailed instructions as to how to do this. With the power of movie magic, all the cables have been plugged in. The instructions are super clear and easy on how to do that. We're onto the next step. Following instructions, I will now attempt to
install a water cooler for the very first time in my entire life. The cables go towards the RAM. Therefore the cables go towards the RAM and then I just have to screw it in. I'll put the washers back and
then screw it all together and then come back to this. Okay, I see this. This part is here, right? It's supposed to go this way, correct? But this... Okay, now this is not my fault. This isn't all my fault. NZXT, this is your fault. This is your responsibility. The logo here, right here facing this way. That's how I have attached the fan is with the logo facing upwards. - [Jono] Fix it. - Fix it. (both laughing) Now the CPU cooler is in and all of the cables are plugged in. We're ready for the next step. The prized possession, the Holy Grail, the GPU. Okay, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait. Here we go. Now we just slide it out. See, I've got this! Finishing touches. All right, we're almost there. - [David] You know you
should never close your eyes before you turn it on. - Oh really?
- Yeah. - But we got to listen to
the instructions, David. It's time to put the side
panels back on to the case. Yeah, so this is my own error. It actually does mention to push this little floppy bit
back, but I didn't do that. So now it's inside. You know, I'm confident
and then I'm not confident. There's always that uncertainty of one cable not being plugged in properly or even a RAM stick not
being seated properly and it's bound to happen. But I'm really hoping that by following all of these
instructions properly, that I won't have any issues. From this way. Does this mean at works?
- Yeah. (cheering)
- I did it! My third computer build was a success. This made the building experience so easy. Other than a few little
things here and there, overall, as a third PC build
for it to work right away, I'd say it was a success. Thanks to NZXT for sponsoring this video. If you're interested in getting
one of these for yourself, check it out in the link below. If you're interested in seeing me build a computer for the first time, go watch my first build video on the Linus Tech Tips channel.