Building a MASTER DRONE HUB for Satisfactory Update 6!

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so I built a supermassive nuclear power plant and satisfactory but then it broke down letting my world with like a hundred thousand nuclear waste and long story short but the only way to fix it was to automate 1 000 batteries per minute which we did so that ended up fixing our nuclear waste problem and now we have a thousand batteries we can play with and oh boy do I have a plan for them but I have a million other problems I have to work on first so hello everyone I'm kibbetts and welcome back to satisfactory where we have plenty to do today because we've been dealing with an emergency a lot of projects have been left to the way aside like decorating this supermassive plastic plant and you better believe this Project's gonna get finished up today however I got some hilarious stuff I want to show you first so during my twitch live streams I was doing some troubleshooting you can call it and I found a couple problems number one is we don't have sulfuric acid here at our nuclear waste processing plant and as like why because we're making plenty of sulfuric acid at our nuclear power plant here so I just didn't understand why it wasn't going to the emergency facility and then I found this down this way oh past kids just happened to put some valves down that just completely closed the pipes so because of this a lot of our nuclear waste ended up getting stacked up and causing all of our problems we were dealing with in the past so yeah that was fun to find also with our new battery Factory we just built last time I noticed there's a little bit of a problem where we didn't have enough aluminum for whatever reason it was stopping like it should be 780 per minute or something like that like why are those gaps well it's just because only a third of our aluminum Factory was working and after hours of searching I found out I just made a little oopsie with the belt work and I've kind of forgot to connect like 780 bauxite to aluminum build yeah whoopsies my bad but good thing for me is I had this giant lizard doggo plush that I could scream into as I cry out in vain at the mistakes of past kids and if you're interested in satisfactory merch check out the first link in the description and go to lizard using the code kibbits for some free stuff at checkout annoying problems aside I have been really busy at our plastic plant here doing like the preliminary work for the decorations like adding in walkable walkways that was the stupidest thing I've ever said and making things a little bit more interesting side here so we have like little platforms to admire and keep track of stuff and of course stairs everywhere so we can actually look over and run around the factory to make sure everything is working properly which it usually is smile oh and yeah I added in the hypertube launcher so we can get out of Dodge when we have to so then what's left to do well I want to paint this Factory I want to paint everything and I want to make it blue blue and maybe gray the the red default we usually use isn't really working out and then we have this wall I want to add in a window here but I don't want it just to be like you know a boring window like if we just add in glass like it works there's no like texture to the wall just gonna end up looking like super flat so you have to figure out something different you know we could just do something simple and different we could do is add on a box to the window what did I do down here why are there these little walls past kids what are you doing uh all my design ideas were lost after I found out about the nuclear problem just full Panic was setting in that doesn't matter though because we're gonna go with this anyway so I look at a lot of uh architecture from real life or just from other games and I've seen a lot of designs with this type of style but they kind of just like slap on this window box onto walls it makes it pop a little bit better and of course everything has to be concrete because of course it does love concrete now how's that starting to look ew well it's better than it being flat it needs something else though maybe hmm I'm not 100 sure I feel like this is the right direction and honestly I don't really have any other ideas like it's a flat wall what are we gonna do and I feel this is the promising Direction you know what sometimes that's all you need just to have a decent idea and go for it switch it up as you go along that's what I did here uh the only real change that made this look a lot better in my opinion is I added on concrete pillars to the side there and then it doesn't look as bulky yeah it's pretty cool I like it get to see all the stuff inside the factory a little bit of movement and I've added in some walkways inside too so it's really really really really really cool to walk around in fact I'm gonna have this kind of window box design and a lot of my future builds great let me just show you up this way so when he walks through the door it's like whoa it seems so extravagant I love it I love it so much not super functional because we can't see the machines or what they're doing really but who cares this has such a cool feel to it while I was doing all the platforming too just kept adding in more walkways all over the place trying to finish things up as much as I can and I'd say the walkways are kind of done like it's not much more I could do only other big thing I guess is I added a nice glass walkway up here some pillars to have the walkway supported and then oh yeah over this way I added in a bounce pad I was like hey it would be really cool if we could get up there from down here and that's gonna build a staircase and I was like wait bounce pads exist so now I can bounce so much fun and the last thing is I want to give this place a whole new coat of paint and a racing stripe so instead of being bright red like everything else we do I'm gonna paint it a nice dark gray we go and then add in a blue stripe like so just kind of going across I think blue and gray looks really good together the only thing I don't like is like this texture of the normal walls I really like how the basic walls look though so to get rid of the extra texture do that do this and then paint all that and then fix that that's pretty much like the general idea probably to go about things as efficiently as possible though we're just gonna paint everything dark gray first then once it's all done we'll get rid of the racing stripe area we'll make this blue the new standard come on new standard color that way when we're building these little walls they just start automatically blue and we're very happy and pleased with the world so all right let's Boop it ah yeah but that's exactly what this Factory needed this looks great of course I didn't want to do the entire place and go too overboard with it want to see if I enjoyed the look or not and yeah no this is it yeah since we already have the concept it's not very complicated to add in the details just like that box window we dealt with with so let's Boop it again yeah oh my gosh I can't believe I haven't been painting more buildings after doing this one I I love it it just works so well so the exterior is all nice dark gray and blue because it's blue because we're making plastic here the extra window we added on the side is great painted other things like even the trains and then I even did a ton of interior and extra detailing like at the front here I added in Windows who would have never done that right I know uh on top I added in kind of I don't even know what you'd call these nope thought about it for five minutes I have no idea added those things in though just to make the roof not as flat then of course at some point it's gonna be like that also I don't know how I thought of this but we're gonna call this the blue Meyer plastic plant I don't know where the name came from just that's what it is now and the interior is what it is now too painted all the walkways to be the cool plastic blue upstairs looks incred edible actually because now all the machines are painted depending on what they're creating so we're making all the rubber here so all these refineries are all black this area over here has all the refineries kind of the dark purple because this is heavy oil residue and then downstairs we're making the plastic go figure it's all blue but man you gotta see it really because it is wild oh dude I I think for all future themed factories we're gonna be painting them their own unique colors this is just too much fun now even more satisfying we can say that this entire Factory is in fact done everything's complete now we can work on the next project decorating the battery setup which should only take a moment there's not too much to do it's looking pretty awesome and then we can start using all these batteries and I can show you guys my master plan as for this hallway though there's not too much to do it's just adding in lights definitely have to add in lights come on there we go just have those run all the way down and then as we're running down here I want to add in metal pillars just to break up the look of things we'll have the small metal pillars just uh you know I think we're just gonna align them with machines and have them in between the machines exactly so do a little bit of clipping but it'll be okay because at the end of the day it should look really good it's not like we haven't been clipping a crazy amount of stuff already but yeah yeah this is all it really needs that looks good and the rest of the room kind of just needs to make sense so we'll add in walls where they need to be some staircases and walkways where they have to go and it should be all done nothing very complicated ah the details just make everything look so much better don't they goodness gracious what what a good idea yeah we're all done here everything is rocking everything is rolling this hallway Immaculate run through it you can see all the belts moving and grooving you can see all the machines operating then over this way this again kind of made sense of things just adding in the walkways so we can see inside the pins when we need to there's some backup storage in case of um things happening and then over here is just of course the entrance and all that jazz so a thousand batteries per minute we can do a lot with that quite a lot with that in fact I've been planning some stuff with those batteries for months now actually one of which [Laughter] was my master plan with this whole building it's gonna shock and awe all of you once you realize what I've done and what I've had in store for all these weeks so this aluminum build has a pretty unique design it's kind of weird though all these random boxes and then this one random pillar thing on the side like what's up with that my big reveal time the entire reason I built this Tower was to hold on to all of our major drones that would be delivering batteries to the rest of the world so in here I specifically planned out how we could fit hopefully six drone ports in this way we don't have to rely on the freaking trains anymore to deliver batteries across the world plus when we set up our other major factories across the planet we won't have to worry about throughput issues with trains taking too long we'll just have drones going directly there and the icing on the cake is when we're at our main base just over here we'll be able to look across our balcony and just see drones spewing out of that Tower flying all over the place that's gonna look really really cool so let's get those batteries in place do the Deco now we're ready to start sending the drones everywhere so of course first one for sure it's going to be nuclear batteries ouch and for sure we're gonna paint this drone green 100 have to be able to see that that thing is flying around now of course we need to find a place for it to land this hyper tube get us far enough maybe hopefully let's go oh yeah that'll be good A little beautiful plastic plant I love you you're my favorite now oh can't wait to build more then back over this way we need a new battery drone Port we have the rest of them down there but you know what this is literally perfect right up here that'll do that we'll do three tiles is a perfect width for trolling Port so we can put that right there somehow excellent and now we can direct the drone over here oh wait a second though we're going all the way across the map with this drone so it's going from A to B so we're gonna need two drones really let's put you down give you a little bit of paint okay so let's think here for a second we're gonna need batteries to go out of this drone Port of course I'd prefer there is a bit of extra storage and then the batteries will go back down to the other drone ports backup storage for emergencies will have to be be here because if we run out of batteries randomly we're screwed and I want lots backups then finally if we have a drone that's based at this port this drone Port will need the batteries itself quick let's hook all that up good and then for the batteries to leave here uh I prefer that they leave down through the floor it's not going to connect does connect but it's a little spooky I might move that and how are you gonna belt stuff through the factory well I have no idea we'll save that for future kids for now we gotta start loading the batteries over from point A to point B so let's head back again looking at our glorious plastic plant and then get this bad boy moving so this port will go to nuclear batteries in and one of the cool things about all this is we have all these walls going up right well the drones will actually fly up the walls to take off so once we have like a lot of them going we'll just see them the whole going up and coming down all the time so this will really look like an airport and plus it keeps the drones a little bit more organized oh and also now there's a friend goodbye friend enjoy your journey yeah with all the Drone ports now I'm just sending batteries all over the place so of course the nuclear plant and now to our main base just so we have battery stored and you know for maybe other activities as for the other drone where is it come back what's the transfer rate like 700 items per minute yup that's I think that's fine so the two drones they're killing it definitely bringing enough batteries over to where they need to go and we are those drones what is this you why are you stopped come on now my master plan is practically complete what could possibly be the hold up freaking fog you get scooting why are you not unloading the goods oh gosh you can die we're fine everything's fine wait are you actually no you're asleep why are you asleep stop sleeping yeah battery is here this port go to what is this battery's in it's going to batteries out why are you asleep oh maybe because all the battery storage is full is it already full remove like a thousand batteries a minute so probably take that it empties you're gonna Wake Up Now what if we take that oh okay yeah so it deserve the nap it all rated its job good job friendo uh let's race you back to base well it's not really a race when I have the power of a hyper tube oh my God sheesh like 30 minutes later welcome home there bud Tokyo long enough yeah is that all moving and grooving I'd say that's project complete oh you know what that means after a long last I can get rid of the blight of our world that caused all of our problems in the past our old batteries set up oh I hate this thing look it's not even working right now you know what and I don't even care I don't even care let's wipe this thing out no more dumb setup here no more random power outages in the world just get it out Egon now we get to close up the wall and everything looks Fantastico and now with all that wrapped up we can start on this world's actual Mega projects the space elevator parts but of course we're gonna have to get to that next time I hope you all enjoyed and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 235,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory update 6, satisfactory nuke nobelisk, satsifactory new update, satisfactory nuke, satisfactory new, imkibitz, kibitz, new update satisfactory, satisfactory update 6 gameplay, satisfactory tips, satisfactory let's play, kibz, satisfactory trains, satisfactory game, satisfactory uranium waste, satisfactory nuclear waste, satisfactory battery, satisfactory automation, satisfactory drones, satisfactory drone hub
Id: BuJwf3ch2hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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