I've Been Looking Into The Hebrew Roots Movement and Here's What I've Found So Far

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alright you asked for it you asked for me to look into the Hebrews roots movement right there I actually asked you guys last year towards the end of the year what was one topic you wanted me to cover wanted me to talk about wanted me to spend some time researching and this is the thing that got the most votes from you your votes to say hey put this on the top of your list Mike and so I have I've put it on the top of my list and I'm ready to actually talk about it now at least this will be the first video I'll probably do one or two more on this topic because I think it just has to be done there's so much to talk about so in short what is the Hebrew roots movement what am I talking about what is this about today the Hebrew roots movement is a growing movement of people generally speaking not Jewish people so I say Hebrew roots it's not about Jewish people here they're they're mostly Gentile believers who are many of them most of them believe in Jesus who think that they should obey the law of Moses if there's one theme that goes through the entire Hebrew roots movement it's you should obey the law of Moses to the best of your ability now some of them are Christians who think that it's a good idea and it's desired God simply wants us to obey the law of Moses and they might call themselves Hebrew roots or they might use a term messianic or they might use them but they have lots of and terminologies they use I don't think it's important to memorize those right now that's one group it's just desired another group with it within the group says it's necessary for salvation like if you don't do this you will not be saved okay that's a group within the group they think it's necessary for salvation then there's another group and they not only do they think it's necessary they reject the Apostle Paul and anything he wrote in the New Testament they consider it not Scripture so they chuck the majority of the letters of the New Testament then within that group there's also another group that is those who actually reject Jesus himself okay so this is not monolithic I can't say this is Hebrew Hebrew roots and just give it one label because within the big broad spectrum there's this sort of disorganized developing group where there's some who are believers who think they should obey the law of Moses and others who are apostate they're not Christians they reject Jesus Christ so this is difficult to talk about because I can't just say Hebrew roots is this because those within the movement will not agree with me so I'm gonna take the one commonality of the entire Hebrew roots movement and the commonality is the idea that we ought to obey the law of Moses some will say it's more than odd but they will all agree that you should obey the law of Moses as as as a believer in God today we're gonna talk about that issue and I want to get into someone who's representative of this group so this is 119 ministries I found them on YouTube and I thank you guys for giving me the information to help track down who might represent the Hebrew roots group there are a fair ly good sized youtube channel and they have tons of video content what I love about 119 ministry is two things I like about them because I'm glad I'll disagree with it I'll start with what I like first off 119 ministries they're calm they're thoughtful they are discussing issues I like their attitude about it but I also like that they will actually tackle the scriptures right they don't just give big sweeping arguments for obeying the law of Moses they'll actually go to the actual verses of the Bible that we need to debate about and they'll talk about them because I'll tell you what I had a hard time finding anybody in the movement who would deal with say first Corinthians or Colossians or Ephesians you know who would actually look at Romans or Galatians I had a not saying they don't exist but I had a hard time finding them and even some of the some of the sort of you know figure heads of the movement they'll just not even talk about these passages of Scripture and to me that's a big Achilles heel in the movement but 119 ministries does so I'm gonna be dealing with them as I talk through this sort of expose on the the the Hebrew roots movement okay welcome welcome to the live stream this is the Tuesday live stream currently on Tuesdays this may be changing I'm Mike winger I'm a pastor I also do apologetics and theology here on this livestream and I don't just want to tell you what to believe I want to tell you why I think you should believe it and that's going to be the case here for for this issue with the Hebrew roots movement if you have questions for me today we're changing the way we do our questions for the live stream so listen in if you want to ask questions you need to type the capital letter Q into the live chat when you're asking the question and that'll just help us because the live chats they're coming in so fast nowadays that we're not really able to keep up and so it just becomes a little bit like like hectic just trying to keep up with all your guys content so we don't want to miss your questions type Q capital Q if then then you type your question now if you want to ask a question on topic it's more likely to get answered at the end of the live stream if it's off topic it's less likely to be answered if you ask a lot of questions chances are only one of those will get through so just you know be just letting you know the lay of the land so there it is um I'm also supposed to put this chat on slow but I I don't remember how should have looked into how to do that I'm sorry guys aj if you have the ability to put it on slowly you can we're trying to get some more chat moderators too because just it's been really great having a lot of contact and back-and-forth with you guys there in the live chat so yes this is live I'm really here with you right now and um here we go first a disclaimer here's my disclaimer I love the Old Testament law I love the law of Moses I think it's beautiful I think it's wonderful I think it's great I don't want to get rid of it I don't want to unhitch from it I think it's wonderful and it's group it's okay I have so far what a 1918 part series on the Old Testament on my youtube channel I'm still doing it it's Jesus in the Old Testament I just finished teaching about the symbolism of Jesus in the sacrifices of the Book of Leviticus I love the Old Testament law this is not not some some attack against that no however it's about the application of the law that's the question how should we apply it in our lives today I think we're not under the law I think that we're not even desired by God to obey the law I'm gonna make my case for this in that in the next couple weeks I not Israel and we're not supposed to act like we are that's my short version here but what we're gonna do right now to analyze this stuff I've got 119 ministries they're video which is called video series which is called the Pauline paradox where they go into a bunch of passages from Paul now before they ever get to Paul they spend like two hours before they get to Paul talking about a bunch of other stuff well that's the stuff I'm going to talk about because I'll tell you what it's not they're just being honest here it's not their interpretations of Paul that gets you on board with their theology it's everything they say before they're willing to talk about Paul that's what we're gonna talk about today that's the stuff we'll do I have a link to their video in the description if you'd like to look the whole video yourself you're welcome to but I'll be playing clips from them and the first clip is this one right here and this is something I kind of like about them even though this is a little bit manipulative but here you go why did 119 ministry say about the possibility of them being wrong because they're actually inviting me to critique them and so I'm just taking up that offer here we go listening this teaching could be wrong you are required to test it in fact if this teaching is wrong and you know it there's a responsibility on you to let us know using the Word of God and correct us they straight-up told me I have to do it like okay I will but here we go listen again to what else they say it's not only a request to like say hey you know graciously thoughtfully analyze us but I also think it might be a little bit manipulative but let me just play it through if we as a ministry are teaching something false by all means please reject it run from it call us out on it correct us and please show us the truth and kindness gentleness and respect okay I intend to be kind gentle and respectful as I share these things with you guys today as I try to analyze where they're really coming from it was very important to me before I did he root stuff to actually understand what they really believe and not a misrepresentation I also didn't want to grab the worst example of the Hebrew roots movement and make it look like that's the whole movement so I I kind of grabbed a much nicer example 119 ministries says very clearly in their videos you wouldn't you are not required to obey the law in order to be saved so they treat it as a non salvation issue they think it's an obedience issue now I think they contradict themselves later and I'm gonna play that clip and they make it a Salvation issue and I'm gonna play that clip later but I appreciate what they say at least earlier on it is kind of a big deal so the toned down version of the Hebrew roots movement that's what we're covering today now before they get into Paul they ask a lot of questions and I think that these questions are as I said a little bit manipulative so please listen to this I'm gonna play this clip for you and I want you to to not just hear what he says but think of how it affects you and how it's meant to pull you over to their side long before they're willing to get into Scripture especially the writings of Paul listen to these questions and then we'll talk about the assumptions that are behind them okay here we go in many ways many today in traditional Christianity have an unsettling feeling in their spirit because they see many things established in the Word of God as truth yet everyone around them teaches that is no longer truth and do not practice that truth perhaps that should bother us to some extent it should make us wonder can something that God declared to be truth for his people become not truth later if absolute truth can become something no longer truth was it really truth to begin with and was it really absolute these are legitimate questions and questions that everyone should be asking ok in my opinion these are questions that mess with your brain and keep you from thinking clearly about the issue but I want to take it slowly and I want to talk about why I'm gonna say in in all with all grace in my heart look I love you guys you know 190 ministries I love you but you're teaching things that are manipulative let me explain first off you start by saying hey don't you have an unsettling feeling many Christians have an unsettling feeling and to me I'm like I'm not gonna build my theology based upon the idea that somebody's anxious or I mean you could sell any theology you want like this I mean I could sell you you know you ever felt like your Christian life just is missing out on things like something's just missing in your walk with God you need to take a trip to Jerusalem we're going this fall and you're gonna you should sign up with us and we're gonna take you and it's gonna really take you to the next level in your in your relationship with God are you are you feeling like something's just sort of not quite right in your walk with the Lord I need to sell you my new devotional book and this emotional book is gonna get you on the right track in your in your personal relationship with God you will feel the Holy Spirit you ever feel like something's missing in your life like something's just not quite right what you need is echinacea pills because that's what's really gonna finish it off for you and make your life more balanced like you just can't sell theology based upon tapping into someone's anxieties someone's feeling that something might not be right like I am a sinner who daily battles with the flesh I always feel like something's wrong inside of me because I'm constantly battling with the flesh that doesn't mean I feel like my life is a sham or I feel like anything like that it means that I'm feeling the natural issues of life and I'm not gonna use that to try to get people to get on board with my theology okay he started with that unsettling feeling this is in the beginning of their teaching the next thing he does he goes on and says everyone around them teaches that it's no longer truth this has just really messed up I'm gonna play it again I'm gonna play some of these clips twice I want you to hear the tactics that are being used because this is the real reason I think why most people become pulled into these movements is it's a misrepresentation of a good biblical Christian theology so please listen and again about what he says about how how mainstream you know evangelical Christianity I don't know if I'm mainstream I definitely you know Orthodox Christianity how we teach that the Old Testaments no longer true yeah as if but listen to how he presents it in many ways many today in traditional Christianity have an unsettling feeling in their spirit because they see many things established in the Word of God as truth yet everyone around them teaches that it is no longer truth and do not practice okay we teach that it's no longer truth hey there's me that's not the case I don't teach it's no longer true the question is not about the truthfulness of it it's the question about the application of it right when God told Abraham to sacrifice his son the application was to Abraham the truth was it's just simply true God absolutely told him to do it but the application was to Abraham not to all people not even to Abraham for his whole life it's not like a week later he's still supposed to go and do it was like do it okay it's been it's you know the command has been engaged now I'm telling you okay stop guess what there's a replacement for you and and so now the command to sacrifice your son is no longer valid Lee applied even though it was always true there's an example for instance of a truth that is simply not applied all the time so God gave the law of Moses it's true is a question of application by the way by the way the law of Moses it never ever ever applied to Gentiles as something they were all supposed to do never so when we as New Testament believers when we say hey am I supposed to fall under the law of Moses we're asking a question that even in the time of Moses you didn't expect Babylon and Egypt you expect them to honor God you didn't expect them to be under the law so to speak so um all right let's let's keep going though I'm getting ahead of myself I'm gonna play a little more this clip cuz he asks another question I want to answer it's that truth perhaps that should bother us to some extent it should make us wonder can something that God declared to be truth for his people become not truth later okay the terminology here is just weird to me I'll show you guys the question on the screen here there you go can something that God declared to be truth for his people become not truth later I'll be honest 119 ministries it almost feels like you're talking down to people here maybe you're trying to make a video that helps people if they have a english-as-a-second-language but but it never stopped being true this is to set up a straw man so that you think that if if I say I don't have to obey the dietary laws of the Old Testament then I'm saying those laws were never true but that's not what we're saying and that's not the issue at all but principles like this they get embedded into the minds of the people in the movement in the in the Hebrew roots movement and then I think what happens is the principle Trump's the Bible the scripture doesn't matter anymore this is why they rejected Paul sometimes because Paul clearly teaches against what they're saying so they go well I can't accept that because Paul if the law doesn't apply to me then I'm basically saying the laws not true because they have this weird principal in their head principals that like this the Trump scripture are a problem it's overly simplistic and it confuses the issue and I think in the end it becomes kind of manipulative like when someone says well if you love me then you'll do this for me well no that's that's overly simplistic sometimes you'll do this for me is actually not a good loving thing to do and so it's true that doesn't mean it applies at all times in all places to all people that's overly simplistic another issue that I noticed is I was looking at philia ministries notice these are again this is the overarching I'm gonna talk later about the biblical case for why we don't need to observe the law why we're not even asked to observe it I think as New Testament believers but why under some conditions it's acceptable to observe it aha it's going to be complicated but that's it we're gonna get into the New Testament theology of it later right now I want to get into what the real reason why I think people get sucked into Hebrew root stuff and that is because of oversimplified retellings and straumann of a biblical position so that you feel like you have to accept this because you're sort of being evil if you don't you're rejecting the truth of God's Word if you don't embrace this whole thing and that is a problem here's another sort of example of what I think is sloppy thinking and it's about Jesus in the Bible follow the logic here the logic is going to say that Jesus is the word and therefore Jesus is the Bible and if you're gonna believe in Jesus you have to obey the Old Testament law that's not rational it's not biblical but that's what they're gonna say and this is before they'll allow themselves to talk about Paul so let's deal with this first only have one head covering and that is our Savior Lord Jesus Christ or Yeshua and first century Hebrew who is the word in the flesh who is the Word of God and is the same Word of God today yesterday and forever in reality Yeshua is a walking Bible whatever he did taught and practiced is the truth this same truth that is the same yesterday today and for ever and just to be overly clear the Word of God that is the same does indeed mean unchanging something that is the same simply means that it did not change now I realized that I shouldn't have to emphasize that but remember some teach that the Word of God has changed is it not a problem to say that something is to be the same yesterday today and forever has also changed if that is not a problem for you then once again this teaching will not be of any value to you however I suspect that most who are honest with themselves will not state that something that is the same has also changed there's a few things that were just said there I want a taco taco I want to talk a little I guess I'm hungry I want a taco ok so the first one is this this idea that Jesus is the Bible Jesus is a walking Bible is is is something that I've heard a lot from several people over the years I think that most in my and I could be wrong but I think most Christians understand that this is wrong but I think a lot of people do fall into this and they get they misunderstand it right because there's a term that we use for the Bible the Word of God yet the Bible also says that Jesus is the word right in the beginning the word so the word now he's not he's not the Word of God in that other sense but he is called the word in John 1 but John 1 is not talking about the Bible he's talking about Jesus and the two don't meet in that sense so for instance I'm gonna give you a list of ways you can show that Jesus is not the Bible first off you don't have a Bible passage that says Jesus is the Bible he or Jesus is the scripture right the scripture the graph a the writings it doesn't say he is the writings okay so Jesus and the Bible are not the same thing that's one thing another thing is this Jesus is a person the Bible is not a person Jesus as a person the Bible is not a person this is this mean the two aren't the same Jesus is eternal the Bible's not eternal for instance did did Jesus exist before Moses I think the answer is gonna be yes if you're a biblical Christian your answer is clearly yes in the beginning was the Lagos right but we're not talking about the Bible we're talking about Jesus here he's in the beginning did he exist before Moses yes but did Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers and Deuteronomy the Torah did they exist before Moses no they did not did Moses bring Jesus into existence as a result of him writing down the things that God showed him no clearly not this is forgive me you guys for those who feel this is all really simplistic but there's gonna be someone out there who I think this might help here's another example when Moses finished riding there was only five books of the Old Testament but by the time Malachi wrote we have you know 39 books of the Old Testament and so question was there more of Jesus in the time of say Malachi than there was in the time of Moses was there more of Jesus when John finished the book of Revelation than there was before John finished revelation obviously not Jesus is not the Bible Jesus is God the Bible is not God the Bible's about Jesus it isn't Jesus Jesus never said anything to imply that he was the Bible is so this it almost seems strange that I have to explain this when you say and here's their logic right Jesus is the word the word is the Bible therefore Jesus is the Bible that's the fallacy of equivocation I'm using the term Word in different senses in the same argument so I'm gonna say Jesus is the word well he is but not in the sense of the Bible right the Bible is the Word of God meaning it's what God has spoken to us okay but yeah they're not the same thing but then they go on to say well Jesus doesn't change and he quotes Hebrews now follow the logic therefore the Bible doesn't change therefore you have to obey the Old Testament law now even if Jesus was the Bible as much as that's impossible it still wouldn't lead to the conclusion that you have to obey the Old Testament law I'm just taking the idea that Jesus doesn't change and I'm applying that to the Bible I think the Bible doesn't change I think God hasn't change his word that doesn't mean the application of the scripture is universal and is always the same to all people of all times when when God says to Abraham get yourself out of away from your family and go to a land that I will show you does that mean that every time I read that verse I have to get up and move and go to an unknown land of course not the application is not Universal right or it's not the same certainly I can apply that I can say how whatever God tells me I should trust him that's why I apply it into my life right like Abraham I should have faith in God but I don't get up and move because I realized the difference between God giving something for one person or a group of people versus giving it to all people for all time so number two issue in that clip that I just played for you he says some teach the Word of God has changed some teach the Word of God has changed and that again is is this is why he's Hebrew roots I think I think that he's reinterpreting the Bible because he has this principle in his head that if I if I say that I'm not under the under the law if I say I don't have to follow the dietary laws and things like that then I'm saying the Bible has changed and so he accuses guys like me of saying the Bible has changed that's of course not what I'm teaching I'm not teaching the Bible's changed in fact the Old Testament law was never ever meant to be this universal thing that everyone was going to be obeying even at the time it was for the Jewish people and even in the law there was these these prophetic statements about the application of it being changed yeah so if let's look at some scripture here let's go to Hebrews chapter 7 this is actually gonna be the only passage I go to that might be from Paul because I realized that a lot of Hebrew roots people at least for today I'm not gonna do Paul a lot of Hebrew roots people are gonna be suspicious of passages and I think that you're suspicious because your theology is wrong so you're having to rip pages out of your Bible so I'll just go to this one though then don't worry I won't come I won't come back to these until the next video but Hebrews 7 verse 11 it says now if perfection had been attainable through the Levitical priesthood for under it the people received the law oh I should put it on your guys screen as well oh I did good okay if perfection have been attainable through the Levitical priesthood fruit for under it the people received the law what further need would there have been for another priest to rise after the order of Melchizedek rather than one named after the order of Aaron now here's the logic this is I love this book Hebrews is great the logic is is thoughtful though it's not simplistic it's thoughtful he's saying in Psalm 110 long after the Levitical priesthood is given there's a prophecy about a future priesthood and so he's like hey if the Levitical priesthood was doing the job if there wasn't going to be a change of the priesthood then there'd be no prophecy of a whole different kind of priesthood you are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek I have a whole video on that you should check it out is really good but that's that's what he's doing Hebrews is not saying here's my new teaching Hebrews is saying here's the old teaching it's always been this way and then he goes on so after he's established the idea that there's a new priesthood coming verse 12 he says for when there's a change of in the priesthood there's an there is necessarily a change in the law as well for the one of whom these things are spoken belongs to another tribe from which no one has ever served at the altar so then there's this change in the law do you catch that the change in the law is not that the law changes where we're gonna go back and edit the Old Testament no no no we're saying the Old Testament itself God's revealed word to the Jewish people it had embedded in it a change that was going to take place when this new priest shows up it's a new priesthood and therefore it's there's a different law a greater law so to speak just as there's a new covenant there is a new commandment and so um anyway there's a lot more to talk about there but here's a biblical term where the term change is used and it's used and not in the sense of altering the text but fulfilling it and bringing about a new application that's the idea a change in application new covenant new priests new law and that's based on Old Testament passages in Psalm 110 as well as other places check out Hebrews 7 they'll keep you busy all night just thinking about it I see Colts do this stuff to be honest you guys I'm not saying that it's a cult I don't think one night ministries is exactly a cult no I don't I don't think that maybe I'm wrong that's probably over my head to even make that decision but I don't think that however I think that the simplistic overly simplistic reasoning where we take a principle that's almost childish and we shove it onto the text of Scripture and then we start reinterpreting the Bible to fit our principle that's a problem that's a problem you're starting with your philosophy and you're not letting the Bible speak this is what the mother of God colt does which I have a few videos on they say Jesus quote here's how here's their logic they say Jesus said to call God our Father which means that we also have a heavenly mother they say where there are children there's a father and a mother well if we're the children of God then we not only have God the Father we must also have God the mother so they're just simply forget Scripture right we're just gonna have principles that we force on the text of Scripture to invoke our theology that in a lesser way in a lesser way is what 119 ministries has done in this video when they say that - to say we're not to obey the Old Testament law is the same as trying to change the Bible or change Jesus and that okay here's the last one about Jesus and Bible confusion here's another clip and it gets it's pretty bad there's a reason why they start with this before they get into the Bible passages because this is I think what's really anchoring them in that view and it's problematic so I listening this is why Paul said to test ourselves our faith we can not forget that the Word of God is the Messiah and that the Messiah is the word of God if we accept all of him then we accept all of the Word of God as well it is a complete package we cannot choose which parts of the Messiah we like and want to know so we are to test everything according to that word did you catch that it's super important that you hear it because these aren't the biblical reasons these are the the philosophy doctrinal reasons that they have that are extra biblical here's the idea you can't just take part of Jesus you got to take all of Jesus and since we're confused and we think Jesus is the Bible same difference he's the walking Bible if you're gonna say I'm not obeying the Old Testament law then you're rejecting a chunk of who Jesus is so of course they feel passionate about it of course they feel like it's a really big deal the problem is they're just wrong like that's this is naive this is weird they don't tell you clearly but I mean what they're saying here it seems to me pretty obvious is that accepting Jesus means being under the Old Testament law and obeying the dietary restrictions and Oh being is obedient to the law as you possibly can never mind that Old Testament prophecy says otherwise that even you know here they've made of Jesus that contradicts with Jesus and it's weird it's confusing if I say that I accept Christ but I'm not under the law then they ought by his logic I'm rejecting Jesus I'm rejecting a chunk of Jesus so to speak I just don't think it applies the same way but he thinks I'm rejecting so the assumption is this that accepting the Bible equals applying the Old Testament law to Gentiles who are in Christ it's an assumption and it's his conclusion this is called circular reasoning I'll assume that believing the Old Testament means applying it to Gentiles who were in Christ regardless of the fact that the whole Bible teaches against against that or teaches differently than that I should say I'll just so I start with my conclusion and then I say well therefore if you believe the Bible you obey the Old Testament I don't even need theology you don't even need Bible verses for this like you just you just argue your way into your theology that's a problem that's a problem I was surprised because it because 119 ministries while later in their videos later they actually get into the actual text of Scripture and they'll go verse by verse through passages we'll look at some more stuff today but but the majority of the beginning of the video is just setting up this weird theology based upon philosophy based upon just circular reasoning based upon misrepresenting those who would disagree with you and no wonder why you're trapped once you want you swallow the first video you're trapped you need the rest of the videos because you have to reinterpret the Bible because now your view is that you're rejecting Jesus if you don't you know also reject eating pork so let's look at another little clip and I'd like to know what you think about it keep in mind as we progress through the truth of the word of God we are doing our best to teach only what the scripture clearly teaches and refrain from teaching our own opinion on verses that might be argued to be subject to one's interpretation we want to show you what the Word of God says is true now it's simply what we believe is true what we believe is irrelevant you're not to simply just trust us or project on us of any type of credibility your faith should be in the Word of God certainly not us thus our commentary is basically worthless and the Word of God is everything we challenge you to focus on what the Word of God says now what we say or others say did you catch the thing here he says straight up our commentary is useless yet he's got like eight hours or 12 hours of footage giving commentary like if 190 ministries if you really believed your commentary was useless you would just read the Bible and not give commentary you obviously think your commentary is important and valuable so when I hear this what it sounds like to me is it sounds like either you don't think your commentary is commentary like you think that you are just you know perfect in your commentary and so it really everyone else's commentary we're not we're just sharing what's obviously true their commentary they're wrong it's kind of like a weird way of saying we're right you're wrong or or perhaps you you're wanting people to think that about you to think that when when you're interpreting scriptures it's not your interpretation it's really just that's what the passage means everybody else is interpreting it but we're we just know what it means and anyway I think this is weird I think this is weird okay what I would like to do I think I've just outlined several it's just a recap I've outlined several steps that have happened already in their video that has nothing to do with Scripture right this is just saying circular reasoning we're right because we're right how do I know I have to obey the Old Testament law because if you don't you're rejecting Jesus and you've rejected the Messiah wait what like that's that's you know scripture police do that's not that's not how it works but now I'm gonna give you some of the scriptures that they use and I'll do it from first John in first John they they like to put it this way here you go follow the logic follow how the word lawless is used to get you to think that you have to obey the Old Testament law and ask yourself does this make sense is this biblical is this commentary accurate to the text now by this we know that we know him if we keep his Commandments he who says I know him and does not keep his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him you might ask then what Commandments did our Savior keep what instructions did he follow and teach did he keep the Lord's feast days and Sabbath the dietary instructions the answer yes he did absolutely he had to have practice and taught what Moses wrote otherwise our perfect Savior was actually not perfect and he sent thus rendering us lost and hopeless just in case you might be wondering which Commandments John is referring to keep in the test of knowing him in verse 3 Johny mediately stated that he's referring to the same Commandments that Christ walked 1st John chapter 2 he who says he abides in him ought himself also to walk just as he walked the question is this are you going to walk as he walked or walk how others tell you to walk all right I'm gonna be I'm gonna come back to that clip in a minute I'm gonna be that he would routes person for a second and I'm gonna walk you through how I've actually heard it done I heard of a guy I knew who went sort of deep into this movement he I don't think they even called the Hebrew roots right he just thought you know we're just honoring Torah we're just believing the whole Bible we believe the whole Bible as if I don't believe the whole Bible it's just again it's a straw man but here's how it goes they say and it comes from this passage in 1st John they say what is sin imagine I'm the guy now what is sin and I ask you and you go sin huh you want like a dictionary definition of sin I don't know like doing bad things like hamartia it means like missing the mark like like a archery term what is sin well they go to first John chapter 3 verse 4 to get a definition of sin and here it is right there it says everyone who practice of sinning also practices lawlessness sin is lawlessness there we go sin is lawlessness and so you're gonna say sin is lawlessness so step 1 I get you to say sin is lawlessness and I go yes well you know what lawlessness is lawlessness is being without the Torah the law of the Old Testament the law of Moses so sin is literally defined as not obeying the law of Moses therefore every time in the Bible when something says sin it means not obeying the law of Moses now do you think Jesus wants you to sin and you go no of course not well then Jesus he obviously wants you to obey the law of Moses that's just what it means that's that's how the logic goes through here now the problem here is again this is equivocation because this word lawless that I have highlighted right here lawlessness it doesn't mean the law of Moses that's why it's not translated sin is breaking the law of Moses that's because that's not what it means it's a word namaste just means or on ammas it's it's the negation of the law but but the word namaste old testament or law of Moses it just means law and it's frequently used even in the New Testament in ways other than referring to the law of Moses it has a variety of uses you can look them up on your own there's a variety of uses here but in order for the the Hebrew roots movement you know to kind of be correct here they have to take one usage and act like it's the only use and now I hear this when I hear skeptics try to take the word faith and they take the one bad definition of faith which is legitimate but it's terrible which is like faith is belief without evidence and they try to force that definition on everybody else that's exactly the same thing it's like it's like hello there's other uses of the term and that's not the Christian one well John does not appear to be using it in the sense of it being the law of Moses can I prove that to you though oh yeah let's look at it so let's see first John chapter 2 let's talk about how John uses the term Commandments in first John and how and is he talking about the law of Moses or is he talking about the commands of our authoritative Lord you know that that these are things God wants us to do and first John 2:3 it says and by this we know that we have come to know him if we keep his Commandments of course if you assume Commandments means law of Moses well then your case is made but you have to assume that it has to be in the text to prove it John actually tells us what he means and it's not what 119 ministries implied he says whoever eyes whoever says I know him but does not keep his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him but whoever keeps his word in him truly the love of God is perfected by this we may know that we are in him whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked and what is the way that he walked what are the commandments he hasn't answered those questions he's just saying if the walk like Jesus did now you can assume that Jesus walk means obeyed the Old Testament law you can assume that you can also assume it means be an itinerant preacher you can also assume that it means only live in in in Israel and never leave the Land of Israel that's how Jesus walked you can also assume that it means only outreach to Jewish people because that's what Jesus did did you know that Jesus only obvious to Jewish people because I'm sent to the Lost Tribes of the house of Israel talked about other sheep but they wouldn't be reached until after his death and resurrection he made like an exception to the rule whenever he would he would help like a Centurion or he helped out that the one woman at the conversation about the dogs and the eating the children's food anyhow those were the exceptions to the rule the standard thing is Jesus only went to Jewish people well if I'm gonna walk as Jesus walk then I should only go to Jewish people no you need more context first John needs to give you more details so you can know what it means so let's keep reading and I'm just reading straight through the texture I haven't stopped I haven't skipped any verses beloved I'm writing no new commandment but an old commandment that you've had from the beginning and from the beginning here I think stalking out from the beginning of when they first started knowing Christ because that which was from the beginning we have declared to you that which our hands have handled this is he's saying that the big here is talking about the beginning of Jesus's ministry the old commandment is the word that you have heard at the same time it is a new commandment that I'm writing to you which is true in him and in you because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness that's the issue hate right whoever loves his brother abides in the light and in him there is no cause for stumbling it's hate and love this is the issue the commitment is to love not hate he says I'm writing the commandment to you but he never in the course of first John explains that the commandment is following law of Moses he describes the commitment as love now you can say well love is the fulfillment of the law right Mike yes it is the fulfillment of the law but it also predates love predates the law of Moses let's read on there's more passages in first John that will also help us in 1st John chapter 3 verses 23 and 24 it will tell us exactly what John meant when he talked about obeying his commands and this is the commandment that that ye that we believe in the name of his son Jesus Christ and love one another just as he commanded us that's the commandment I believe in him and I'll and we love one another so this is the community on riding to you it's not the old law of Moses being recommanded to the rest of the world in the name of Jesus Christ rather it's love and faith faith and love this is this is the commandment it's very simple but if you assume lawlessness means rejecting the law of Moses instead of looking at it in context and realizing this lawlessness is just talking about general unrighteousness general living a life that you're not yielded to the goodness and righteousness of God then they're gonna create the problem but not not from a study of the text also John 15 talks about the speaking of Jesus and what he command he says if you keep my Commandments you will abide in my love just as I have kept my father's Commandments and abide in his love these things I've spoken to you that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full this is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you how do I walk as Jesus walked he walked in love he sacrificed himself for me I'm to love others the way he loved me I have to I have to pause okay let's stop the theological discussion for a second I have to remember as a Christian I'm called to love people with an intensely not in emotionally intense it may well be emotionally intense I hope it is but but this intense degree of self sacrificial love where I put them first and I put myself down here last and that's my normal mode of living because I'm following Jesus who took my sins upon himself and he lived and died and rose for me so just not not a not meant to be a theological discussion they're just just a reminder of the of the love that God's called us to have even in our discussions right now like I hope this is a service to 119 ministries I hope this helps them I really do I don't know sometimes when we come out and we have a video teaching on a topic or uncorrectable and I hope I'm not like that but sometimes it's like it's too late you know our heels are dug too deep and I'm hoping that this content will help them and help those who might be influenced by what I think is ultimately mistaken teaching and scriptures taken out of context so I'm taking a look at our time real quick out what time is it all right we're still we're doing okay one of the problems that we have with with this Hebrew roots movement oh I should probably put there we go is that it's it tends to be a progression and how there's these different levels in the movement but you know there's like hey you should obey the law it's a good idea hey you have to obey the law or else hey let's just ditch the writings of Paul hey you know what forget Jesus right like like those are kind of the the different steps in the process and I think it's actually sometimes a progression they start by saying hey I'm gonna keep the law and they start to get enamored by Jewish things you know which I'm interested in that stuff too but I don't at all hold it up to scripture I know the difference between the commands of God and the traditions of man and then they eventually start having you know this feeling like you know if you're not really you know I know I said you're saved by faith alone but if you're not obeying the law you're not really saved you're really just not and I think that's what 119 ministries is kind of let me play a clip because this this kind of made me sad it kind of broke my heart when I heard this listen to their how they moved from in the beginning of their video saying hey this stuff doesn't save you guys to later in the video saying something that sounds very different in the Word of God and we tell him no and thus continue to do our own thing such as the opposite of faith because as we established earlier we will do what we believe is true in other words if our faith is that the Word of God is truth and sin is bad our intentional practice is not to go out and deny the Word of God by sinning if someone says that they believe the Word of God to be true which is the same as believing in our Lord yet keeps on intentionally sinning scripture calls that person a liar first John chapter 2 he who says I know him and does not keep his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him and remember the commandments that John is talking about here are the commandments that Yeshua walked the same exact ones and now you know that and now you have a decision to make despite what you still might believe about what Paul taught this would be an example of someone saying that they believe the Word of God to be true yet at the same time refusing to practice the Word of God that is a very serious situation how serious is it it's called denying the faith how serious is it it's called denying the faith what he's done is he's walked you to a place where and I mean I listened to that clip multiple times because I want to make sure I really understand what you're saying where you have only a couple options right option one you don't obey the Old Testament law but you're just ignorant you're ignorant ly rejecting the Torah it's less blessings for you it's sin but you can be forgiven for that that's condition number one condition number two option number two is you knowingly reject the Torah which means that you're actually rejecting Jesus and you are now apostate you're like you're lost you're apostate then he says this by the way condition ones not available for you anymore because I just explained to you that you do have to keep the Torah implication either you keep the Torah or your apostate you're rejecting Jesus now I have a serious problem now they now excuse me let me put this way now 119 ministries has a serious problem now whoever believes this has a serious problem you have just moved into the place where you've made obedience to the Torah the the salvation issue which is I don't know how you can read the Bible and get that I don't know I don't know unless you start with all these weird principles and you have this weird logic like Ridgid you're rejecting pieces of Jesus or a part of Messiah and that's just that's that's not reality this is not the reality we live in okay so something is shifted early in the video they're like hey work for your faith alone saves not keeping the law later in the video yeah but if you don't keep the law you're not saved you know and and if you know what we just told you which now you do so everyone who watches the video keep the lawyer you're not saved that's a problem that is a serious problem so I yeah I I'm gonna take 119 ministries as representative of at least some of what goes on with the with the Hebrew roots movement and I think that the progression that I see and where they're headed is not a not a healthy happy place I would encourage them to come out of all this stuff and realize that you're just misinterpreting the scriptures and you're using false logic and circular reasoning to try to sort of in a naive way almost shove the Bible onto people instead of trying to understand it carefully and thoughtfully and apply it accurately alright I'm gonna go to your guys questions and then I'll make an announcement about what I'm gonna do for next week next week's video so let's go to your guys questions we've already got a bunch of them so I'm gonna try and start moving through them here um question number one all right our wholesome question for Pastor Mike what is your opinion well I guess our wholesome home that's the name of your YouTube I thought here was a wholesome question what is your opinion about Torah observant Christians who say you were saved by grace through faith alone but they want to try to walk in obedience as Jesus did I think it's if they're Gentiles in particular I think it's unnecessary and but I would not make a big deal about it that's my opinion I wouldn't make a big thing about it I don't think it's necessary I don't think it's required I think they're they're mistaken I think that when they want to try to walk in obedience as Jesus did there might be just some confusion as to what we're actually called to do in our lives not seeing the difference between Jesus's ministry and what he actually calls us to do where to call a copy Jesus's character we're not actually to try to do everything Jesus did I don't know if you realize that but we're really not yeah so in my opinion though is is I have a very gracious attitude towards them and I wouldn't fight him on it and I yeah but when they start teaching others which usually happens when they start teaching others that they have to do the same thing that's a problem right I think it's a problem now perhaps if they're Jewish and they go look I was I'm Jewish I was born Jewish raised Jewish I'm not gonna stop obeying the Torah just because I've accepted Messiah I would say well don't you know Paul said you know let him who's circumcised not seek to be uncircumcised I don't have a problem with that I'm problem with telling others that you should hopefully that makes sense I'll get more into that in the future videos question number two is if we are not saved from Dede if we are not saved by work so then why is there a difference of levels or places you can be in heaven by the amount of your works mentioned in Revelation 2112 let's just go to that text of Scripture revelation 21 12 and Deedee's question 22 12 hoops it suggests that that this is giving us levels of heaven language that we're gonna be in different levels but let's read the passage it says behold I'm coming soon bringing my recompense with me to repay each one for what he has done I'm the Alpha in the Omega the first in the last the beginning in the end so there's nothing in there about levels of language do you notice that like indeed there's nothing specific about like levels levels of heaven language like you're up here someone else is down there what I do think that I don't think this passage is about bringing well I think the repay each one for what he's done it would apply to repaying wickedness to those who are outside of Christ they're not wickedness but repaying them for their wickedness and then bringing rewards heavenly rewards yeah to those who were in Christ and first Corinthians talks about this I don't think those rewards translate into levels of heaven I think that their God wanting to bless us for the things that we've done in his name and I don't think that has to do with salvation that's you can't even get that unless you have done verse 14 you've washed your robes so that you may have the right to the Tree of Life I gotta wash my robe and I need to be cleansed by the blood of the Lamb that's how I can get in the rewards come secondarily after salvation and there in 1st Corinthians it even talks about there being those who would enter in with basically no reward meaning that their works didn't get them in they were in in spite of their failed failure to have works they were yet saved as through fire it says so I think that would be my short answer to that question Cheri Byrd has a question what Bible translation would you suggest we read bearing in mind the Hebrew subject matter here today I don't know let me see here's the thing I'm currently experimenting long term experimenting with the ESV I'm not sure I'm gonna stick with it I might try out the NASB for a while after this one because I'm thinking I might be more interested in that I don't really know but I would say ESV is generally a very good translation in ASP I think is also very good a new King James is a really good translation but in my understanding is that the the manuscript tradition that it's that it incorporates in some places it's better reflecting the original writing in the ESV nasb or one of those so that we my preference ESV in ASP at the moment that's kind of where I'm at right now just kind of putting it out there and if I get more solidified in that then I'll share it with you guys for what it's worth but I do recommend this read multiple translations especially when you're hanging your understanding on the translation of translation of one word and one verse read it in multiple translation for instance the term lawlessness is also translated unrighteousness in other translations right and some is translated lawless sometimes this translated unrighteous now if they would have just read other translations they would have realized it's not like some open and closed case that lawless means not the law of Moses so multiple translations are always good questioning before from Paul what's the law of Christ let me let me find the text just a second the law of Christ so Galatians 6:2 this is the passage where it actually has that always we look for context you know always read a verse in context like what Greg cocoa says never read a verse he doesn't mean never read the Bible he means never read only a verse so we want to read it in context so here you go Galatians 6:2 it says there we go bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ what's the law of Christ well in the context of Galatians 6:2 it's bearing one another's burdens that is the the principle that Jesus you know lived out in his life is he carried our burdens and so we're to bear one another's burdens I think the general law of Christ here is love jesus said this is my command that you love one another this so his commandment or his law his one over overarching rule is love and so here that seems to be consistent as well in Galatians 6:2 so the law of Christ I would my interpretation will be the law of Christ his love is to walk in love something that is true in the Old Testament law but it's also true in a in a in a transcendent way it beyond the Old Testament law all right what about chew gum ooh says so is tithing not for us to do I I think the tithing is not for us to do but that doesn't mean giving is not for us to do I think we are to give I think we should give to those who spiritually minister to us Galatians makes this stuff clear right give to those who minister to us the pastoral epistles also we should be giving to the poor we should be taking care of the poor especially Christians who are poor they're part of your family in Christ you should be taking care of them taking care of their needs we should also be the wealthy should should be giving more I'm not talking about taxes here this is not this is not some liberal politic issue the wealthy should be storing up that they might give to those who have need that's what the scripture says as a Christian rule it has nothing to do with taxes those are some of the giving moments in the scripture also there were collections made for poor Saints when they were suffering persecution I think there was a principle there about giving to those who who are hurting because of persecution so if we were to tithe in the Old Testament sense I would take 10% and I would give it to Luke to the Levites like it would even go to the pastor I would be like you'd be going to the Land of Israel it would be like yeah and I know of a church that actually would do this they'd give 10% of the church's income would go to to Israel or the churches in Israel and I think that's a misunderstanding I get their heart they left the Lord and it's nothing's wrong with giving I want to give to churches in Israel well go ahead nothing's wrong with this they have needs too you know I just don't think it's commanded Claudia Gutierrez says a lot of my Hebrew roots friends claim most of us are Jewish we just don't do it we just don't it I maybe believe it I don't know I disagree but I guess that's why they believe it does apply to them oh we just don't know it um okay so your your friends are saying most of us we are we have Jewish ancestry we're just not aware of it um that seems convenient to me because then they can say see we really are Jewish we should obey the the the law um I think that sounds pretty convenient however I think that there's I'll be honest right it sounds like they're saying that because they're gonna obey the law either way and they're just looking for good reasons yeah I mean if I think if I was Jewish I would know it I think if there was a significant amount of connection I would be aware of it I think you would too my family's Irish I'd rather be Jewish that'd be cool yeah all right Matt Pierce says do you believe in dispensationalism if so can you give your version of it if there's a difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of God I don't sign up for dispensationalism as is it seems like it's it's it's claiming a little too much for me like it was a bunch of baggage with it I do think this though and you would you would many would think this is dispensational ish is that that there is a future plan for the nation of Israel like nationally God has a plan for them and that it's in the future there's prosperity there are blessings and there is the fulfillment of God's promises to the nation and we don't just adopt those as the church like full replacement theology I fully disagree with but I do have like teaching on that for you Matt I've got plenty of teaching online where actually deal with that in my Romans series and so I if you just google my name and the word Israel you'll see a list of videos where I deal with different topics related to that that should help you out let's see Nate Schmalz says how do you deal with Gentiles who were under Old Testament law like Leviticus four twenty twenty four twenty to those living in the borders of Israel and Zachariah 14 16 all the people of the earth celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles well is celebrating the Feast doesn't meet make you under the law in and I would say these are separate issues you could actually celebrate a feast like I celebrate Passover right iid stirred I've celebrate Passover you know Passover a more accurate term than Easter is for it but that doesn't make me under the law so so I think the the feast issue that's separate leviticus twenty four twenty two let's look at it and i'll bring you with me there you go alright leviticus twenty four twenty two says you shall have the same rule for the Sojourner and for the native for I am the Lord your God this is actually this is actually speaking about Passover as well oh no no okay I'm gonna back up a little bit just winget context it says whoever takes a human life shall surely be put to death whoever takes an animal life animal's life shall make a good life for life if anyone injures his neighbor as he has done it shall be done to him a fracture for fracture I for eye tooth for tooth whatever injury he is given a person shall be given to him whoever kills a man shall make it good an animal shall make it good whoever kills a person shall be put to death you can you can make it good by replacing a cow but you can't replace a person so they're gonna be put to death you shall have the same rule for the Sojourner and for the name for I am the Lord your God so the context of this Sojourner native-like that that I am the Lord your God that kind of is like the the bookend of that section he'll he'll say it again up further to kind of give you these little bookends I am the Lord so the the concept though is this God says for the for the legal punishments you have to have the same laws for the people who are in your land that aren't part of Israel and the people who are part of Israel who are are like part of the promise so this is about protection for the sojourners so for instance I'm a I'm an Israelite and I beat up this guy and I steal his his his sheep right but he's a sojourner so I tell my my elders when I go to the city gates and they brings me there any complains I say hey guys he's a sojourner who cares about him this is our land we're the chosen people they would open the text and be like no actually it says we have the same law for all people so we're talking here for those who are under the law when they are remembered the law is like an actual like civil legal system this is case law for how violent crimes are to be resolved so this is not just about dietary laws this is like a civil legal system you know just like we have laws about speeding and laws about fraud and things like that that's what this is it's just saying that you apply them across the board equally when anybody's in the Land of Israel now there is the Israeli government doesn't even obey these laws but if they did and I was in Israel then I should have the laws applied to me the same so I died in other words what I'm saying is I think bottom line leviticus 24 22 has nothing to do with gentiles obeying the Old Testament law it has to do with fairness in how the judicial punishments were doled out so that even the soldier who would normally be oppressed they would not be oppressed in Israel that's the idea all right thank you question Darrien Burkhardt says I'm an ex-catholic and was and was taught john 6:53 to mean the eucharist they also said it has Hebrew roots my question is there really any routing or is it just more scripture twisting is there any routing I like that question all right let's let's look at this scripture I love I love that you guys are like coming on here to ask these questions I hope I can have you know off the top of my head good answers for you I'm not making stuff up it's just hopeful I can remember the context well enough to give you a thoughtful answer john 6:53 so jesus said to them truly truly i say to you unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you well the teaching of the Eucharist needs two things to be true in order for this to be about the Eucharist the Catholic Eucharist and I could probably answer this better if I more time to ponder it but one thing that need to be true is Jesus has to be speaking literally he's not speaking symbolically he would speak symbolically right he says I'm the bread of life he would he would say things like that right I am the gate nobody thought he was an actual gate you know I am The Good Shepherd no one thought he was a shepherd so is he speaking literally or symbolically here now the passage is gonna indicate he's speaking symbolically I'll scroll down and show it to you in a moment the other issue is that they also have to then say that the cup physically becomes the bread and the blood because it's because if it's literal then you have to drink his blood and eat his flesh literally so then they go haha so then the Eucharist is the only way that's possible because certainly nobody ate his physical body while he was on the earth nobody the only thing they did was they had communion now it fails on both points the New Testament doesn't teach that the communion transfigures changes its form and becomes the physical body and blood of Christ but also Jesus himself in this passage he indicates that he's speaking about spiritual things so I'm just gonna read straight through until I get to that point remember it's all part of the same context never read just a verse verse 54 as we read on whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day by the way do you think that Abraham had eternal life did he feed on the flesh and drink the blood of Christ symbolically yes he had faith and that's how he partook of Christ was by faith Hebrews 11 all right verse 55 for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink remember then John John 5 as well he's talking about a parallel like you don't you don't need that food you need me you don't need that food you need me so now he's saying that I will give you eternal life 56 whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks on my blood abides in me and I in him as the living father sent me and I live because of the father so whoever feeds on me he also will live because of me this verse 58 this is the bread that came down from heaven not like the bread the fathers ate and died whoever feeds on this bread will live forever okay well obviously speaking in metaphors here there's the man of the bread from heaven he's like I'm the red from heaven and just to feed on me jesus said these things in the synagogue as he taught at Capernaum now the same context they're upset about this they're confused by Jesus so here comes the clarification when many of his disciples heard it they said this is a hard saying who can listen to it but Jesus knowing in himself that his disciples were grumbling about this said to them do you take offense at this then what if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before and then he clarifies it is the spirit who gives life the flesh is no help at all the words that I've spoken to you are spirit and life but there are some of you who do not believe Jesus through his his challenging teaching he met I'm sorry but he meant to create a division in the crowd amongst those who would trust him and those who would take his difficult words as an opportunity to reveal their rebellion against him and he says hey look my words are spirit that's what I'm speaking the words I've spoken to you our spirit flesh is of no help at all he can't say verse 63 the flesh is of no help at all after he has just said whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life well what's gonna give me life is the flesh of Christ what do you mean Jesus well the the Spirit gives life the flesh doesn't help at all Jesus clarifies in the context of the somme of this passage that it's not about it's not about the Eucharist it's about Jesus being the one who gives us life and it's we're empowered with life by His Spirit when we put faith in him and we're born again so there you go that might have been more information than you wanted but hopefully hopefully that helps out there's more that can be said about that I should do video one day on the topic of the Eucharist yeah let's see what question am I on here I'll take a few more I'm having a fantastic time with you guys I hope you guys are still having a good time with me I love the Word of God I love that scripture in context keeps us from misunderstanding it and misinterpreting it and the same is true with this Hebrew root stuff it's true with the Eucharist just let the Bible speak keep reading keep reading until you find the answer right there in the passage it's always right there so often my job would be almost unnecessary if people would read the context more okay um Josie Jake Jay Josie Jay says you said that Jesus is the word but not the Bible can you elaborate on what it means biblically that Jesus is the word so biblically speaking this come really it comes from John one in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the idea here is that Christ he is this he gosh there's so much here I should one day I'll do a whole video on this okay but the idea is not that okay let's first eliminate the alternative right if the word means the Bible then I'm saying in the beginning was the Bible and the Bible was with God and the Bible was God well that doesn't make sense if I wasn't even written then okay God did God gave them his word he revealed his word but there's a relationship between the word and Jesus in this the word is revelation about God and Jesus is God revealing himself to us God Himself being the one revealing himself so there's that that parallel that's there right the word reveals things to us but Jesus is the revelation of God so you can you can use the term word because it's something God speaks Jesus he is I am God right here with you so there's that connection there but there's a lot more to it that I don't have time to get into today and I'm certainly don't have enough to top my head but it has to do with the term Lagos and what it meant to people at the time and it's really interesting stuff basically he's saying all that that all that God is all that God is is gonna be represented in that in that concept of in the beginning was the word the Word was with God in the Word was God all right let's see here Amy Clausen says could you tell Mike to check out the beginning of wisdoms channel oh I meant to plug that channel the beginning of wisdom Andrew Roberts who gave who gave me a call and helped me understand the Hebrew roots movement a little bit better and I was really grateful for him doing that so I want to plug his channel the beginning of wisdom when I when you get off here you might go check out his channel he has a bunch of videos dealing with specific questions about the Hebrew roots movement that might be of use to you and yeah so thanks Andrew for your help and yeah hope you guys go and check that out Kingdom kid says I'm so confused by this movement my mom is deep into it know Christmas and dietary restrictions and a Hebraic calendar everything I want to do everything I can to be close to Jesus is this movement the way no it's not the way these are unnecessary restrictions and unnecessary things they're not gonna hurt you though it's not gonna hurt you to not celebrate Christmas it's not gonna hurt you to have these dietary restrictions or to observe the Hebrew calendar well will hurt you is thinking that this this is what makes you right with God will hurt you is when you go to Paul's writings and you have to reinterpret them or even reject Paul what'll hurt you is is justifying that lifestyle when you have to go to Scripture and it seems to be like saying no that's not what I'm teaching yeah so that that could potentially cause you problems and then it might cause you problems with your family I would say tread carefully may God give you wisdom with dealing with your mother I certainly would observe all that stuff when I'm around her because I would do it if I was around a Jewish person too I'm not going to hinder their conscience I'm not gonna sit here and do things that deliberately offensive to them but but no it's just not biblical please stick around come in next week I'm gonna keep talking about this topic we're gonna go to a bunch of scriptures next week and maybe the week after and I'm gonna move on to a bunch of stuff about the resurrection of Jesus for a few weeks that should be awesome all right so I'll do a few more questions we're gonna call it a night our wholesome home says have you heard of philia ministries they claim to be saved by grace through faith alone but just desire to walk out the Torah is this just another way of walking out one's faith or unbiblical I think it's a sincere attempt to walk out your faith but I also think it's unbiblical I think it's genuine I just think it's not not solidly biblical and I'll explain in next week's video and I have heard affiliate ministries yeah how can I show love and support to my mother who is deeply embedded in this movement while maintaining my fundamental Christian values yeah take on her convictions when you're around her just like Paul says to the Jew Alma juice the gentlemen Gentile to the Hebrew roots be Hebrew roots it doesn't mean you're green with them they may even well know you disagree but you're gonna take on those outward things while you're around them to build a bridge so they can hear you as you talk to them that's the idea W my encouragement and then plaster-of-paris says I hear the argument made often regarding the fourth commandment how do we as Gentiles grafted into the vine handle the fourth commandment thank you Mike and AJ I will do a video on that one of these days I will I will but it's not gonna be just now I would say this read Colossians read Colossians 4 chapters take you 20 minutes tops read Colossians literally it will answer your question okay we're just about done but I have a couple things I want to say just making sure there's no other question here that's not super pressing but we're just going over on time so leanne walters says my sister and her husband believe these things and their main protestant their main protest against paul is that he was not a true Jew so he deceived his audience and we can't trust him any proof of Paul's legitimacy for them oh yes lots of proof right like Peter for instance like in the book of Acts when the when the Apostles put their hands upon him and they laid hands on him affirming his Apostleship if you want Christianity without Paul then something something seriously wrong seriously wrong yeah so other than Paul's writings we have verification of who Paul was but also we have the fact that the Holy Spirit's not going to give us you know 1313 apostate letters mixed in with the rest of our scriptures I mean I don't do you think God would do that to us I really don't I honestly just don't believe it God would do that so thank you guys so much for being here it's been a pleasure and a privilege and I will get into more of these details I know that I'm leaving you a little hungry because as I was wanting to get into the doctrinal stuff I got mostly into a bunch of rhetoric and what I thought was problematic stuff but I realized this is why people are falling for this movement they go sin is lawlessness therefore you have to keep the Torah and I'm like dude that's not how like English works or Hebrew or Greek for that matter like this is not right and so I wanted to get into those issues and then we'll we'll talk next time about specific passages acts 15 and we'll talk about if we have time we'll talk about Paul and all that next week if not we'll do it the following we'll get to all that stuff in following weeks and I will be watching the comments in this week to come in this video to see if there's thoughtful responses because I also know this the Hebrew roots movement the police this is this stuff very carefully I expect a refutation video to come up and I'm gonna try to make the time to watch it and consider the things that they have to say hey if you believe you're saved by faith alone truly believe it you're my brother and sister in Christ I just think you've got some theology wrong here and if you are part of the Hebrew roots movement and you have fellowshipping with you people who do not who deny the gospel of salvation by grace you need to separate yourself from those people regardless of whether or not you keep the law you've got to separate yourself from those people it's a major major issue all right please pass this on I hope that it'll help somebody it's been really good to have you guys and I'll see you next Tuesday
Channel: Mike Winger
Views: 133,900
Rating: 4.3690228 out of 5
Keywords: Hebrew Roots Movement, 119 ministries, what is Hebrew Roots, should we obey the law today, should we obey torah today, Hebrew Roots, Mike Winger Hebrew Roots, should Christians keep the law, should Christian keep the Torah, Should Christian keep the law of Moses
Id: QR7xTYhXEbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 58sec (4498 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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