How An Atheist Scholar Misleads Millions Of People: The Mark Series pt 65 (15:34)

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here we go so dr bart airman the uh kind of the subject of today's study in the gospel of mark dr bart airman he is an atheist or an agnostic depending on which context he's in but he may have turned more christians into atheists than anybody else alive today i say this because i know a lot of christians have never heard of him but when i have conversations and dialogue with people who say i'm a i was a christian i was raised as a christian and they have like an intellectual journey out of the faith they almost always quote bart airman they almost always refer to one of his books like jesus interrupted or misquoting jesus or forged or something like that so it really is worthwhile to take his content that's very persuasive that is convincing lots of people to depart from the christian faith it's very useful to take that content and break it down this is not a shots-fired thing like mike's going to rip bart airman apart like this is not i don't even like that way of handling issues i don't want to do that as a christian i don't don't really want to go down that road but i do want to take on his claims and i'm going to play clips of bart airman for you and i want to show you how they're absolutely inarguably demonstrably false and misleading so we're going to get into this today because he is a best-selling author again one of the most influential atheists alive or agnostics alive today and very very very misleading in this case so here's how we're going to start i know we're in the mark series i know we're going verse by verse through the gospel of mark and all that but i told you sometimes i would stop and i would do these like topical things that are about the passage we're in well we happen to be in the crucifixion of jesus and this the section where jesus cries out my god my god why have you forsaken me this is a place that is targeted by bart airman to mislead people in my opinion but here's what i want to do i'm going to play a clip of bart airman this is like a three minute long clip a little over three minutes and i want you to listen to it thoughtfully don't just think whatever he says is wrong i already know it i don't have to think about it like actually consider what he says and imagine that he's your college professor or you've been invited to an event where he's speaking and he says this three-minute statement how does it affect you how does it impact you maybe you're an atheist maybe you listen and you go yes i knew it i knew that the gospels were all contradictory and nonsense how does it impact you and then i'm going to break it down step by step we're going to go through it thoughtfully here we go this is the clip sometimes the differences are not discrepancies and details sometimes there are differences in emphasis that really matter give you one example mark has a very powerful portrayal of jesus going to his death jesus has been betrayed by one of his followers he's turned over to pontius pilate and during his trial jesus doesn't say anything to pontius pilate except pilate says are you the king of the jews and jesus says sue lege you say so that's all he says he's taken out to be crucified he doesn't say anything he's got he goes to the place of crucifixion he's silent the entire way they nail him to the cross and he's silent you get the idea of jesus being in shock at what's happening to him while he's on the cross everybody mocks him the roman soldiers mock him the people passing by mock him both other people being crucified mock him in mark's gospel at the end jesus who has been betrayed and denied and deserted and handed over and condemned and mocked jesus on the cross finally cries out aloe eloise llamas of octony my god my god why have you forsaken me and he dies jesus goes to a painful humiliating death unsure of why it's happening to him in mark's gospel contrast that with luke's gospel in luke you have some of the same elements but a very very different emphasis in luke's gospel when jesus is going to be crucified he's not silent he sees some women by the side of the road and he turns his head to them and he's why he's carrying his cross and he says to them daughters of jerusalem don't weep for me weep for yourselves and for your children for the faith that's to befall you here jesus isn't in shock not wondering what's what's why this is happening he's concerned about these people more than himself while being nailed to the cross in luke's gospel jesus prays father forgive them for they don't know what they're doing that's not in mark that's in luke while jesus is hanging on the cross it's not that both robbers mock him one of the crucified people mocks him and the other turns his head to the man and says to be quiet because jesus hasn't done anything to deserve this he then looks to jesus and he says lord remember me when you come into your kingdom and jesus replies to him in luke truly i tell you today you will be with me in paradise this is not somebody who's wondering why this is happening to him he knows what's happening to him he knows why it's happening to him and he knows what's going to happen to him after it happens to him he's going to wake up in paradise and this guy's going to be with him at the end most telling of all in luke's gospel instead of crying out my god my god why have you forsaken me jesus says father into your hands i commend my spirit and dies jesus does not feel forsaken in luke's gospel this is a very different portrayal from the one you get in mark and the mistake people make is pretending that what mark has to say is the same thing that luke has to say and that what luke has to say is the same thing that mark has to say these are two different gospels with two different points of view and if you smash them together into one kind of mega gospel you have ruined the emphasis of each one that's the clip and i want us to um be thoughtful today like really work through this think through this we need to understand what dr airman is concluding and we also need to understand something else which is how he builds that conclusion because that's that's the whole video it's just that it's here's the conclusion i'm giving you these are different and contradictory emphasis in the gospel of mark but you need to know why he is supporting this conclusion or how he's supporting it with these different evidences he brings and that's where the misleading comes in this is where it's i know if if you respect dr bart airman and he's brilliant the guy's brilliant and he's done a lot of smart things okay like i'm not trying to be condescending here but we got to do with facts and this is utterly misleading and um we're going to talk about that so the conclusions are what i want us to first look at then we'll walk through the reasoning so i'm going to play this clip again not the whole clip just the 47 second clip here for you to hear the conclusions this is what a bart airman concludes it's very important that we understand his conclusions we don't overstate or understate what he's actually concluding here it is you get the idea of jesus being in shock at what's happening to him jesus goes to a painful humiliating death unsure of why it's happening to him in mark's gospel contrast that with luke's gospel here jesus isn't in shock not wondering what's what's why this is happening he's concerned about these people more than himself this is not somebody who's wondering why this is happening to him he knows what's happening to him he knows why it's happening to him and he knows what's going to happen to him after it happens to him he's going to wake up in paradise and this guy's going to be with him jesus does not feel forsaken in luke's gospel this is a very different portrayal from the one you get in mark so you catch that the the conclusion is yes mark and luke have their own portrayal of jesus the emphasis isn't it's not about historical jesus studies it's about what mark is saying about jesus what luke is saying about jesus and how they're they're very different and the obvious implication is that they are irreconcilably contradictory um now how would this impact you if you were the student and he's your professor in college he's like the smartest guy you've ever met right and you're sitting there and he says all this and you're sitting there thinking ah oh man i i mean i i don't know i guess i guess maybe he's right like oh gosh oh no and i mean i remember being a teen a late late teens going into university and hearing some of the professors saying certain things not like they were all doing this right but there was there were there were those guys and they did say those things and if you didn't really study on your own you just didn't know and you could easily be misled so in mark jesus doesn't know what's happening to him doesn't know why it's happening and he doesn't have any sort of future hope about what's going to happen next in luke according to bart ehrman luke jesus knows what's happening to him why it's happening and he knows what's going to happen after he's going to wake up in paradise jesus feels forsaken in mark's gospel and this is important jesus does not feel forsaken in luke's gospel i'm going to break down mark and luke now and we're going to see that bart airman mostly mostly misrepresents mark not luke for the most part he's radically distorting mark i mean radically horribly distorting mark ignoring mark entirely uh to construct a false contradiction here that has is misleading and convincing to millions of people this is kind of what he does in his literature in his popular level works in particular not the scholarly stuff but the popular level stuff he tends to do this and today is going to be a good example that so let's look at the gospel of mark and how uh dr airman's work is mostly in misrepresenting mark not luke and we'll see uh that you can do this i can do this with a video where i respond and break down each point he you know he brought one by one i could never do it in a debate because in a debate he could give three minutes of info that takes you know 40 minutes to to deal with because it's just misleading so one by one will take his points and consider them the first point he makes about mark is that jesus is betrayed by judas jesus is betrayed by judas that's the first point he made in the three-minute clip i played for you now the strange thing here is that this doesn't actually help airman's conclusion because what he doesn't mention is that jesus is also betrayed by judas in luke's gospel and his whole point is that mark and luke present a different emphasis but mark and luke both say that jesus was betrayed by judas so this this would be strange um what you could do if i want to try to you know steal man bart airman's points a little bit more is you could say that this is being used to imply that jesus didn't expect the betrayal by judas he was shocked by it it led to his shock him looking on the cross finally saying what's going on i'm i'm lost i'm forsaken i don't understand so you could say in mark's gospel jesus didn't expect judas to betray him but again the problem here is that that's not mark's gospel that's just something someone's making up let's look at mark's gospel for ourselves here's jesus talking about his betrayal before it happens meaning he what expects it but it gives us more than that the scripture has so often already refuted misleading claims before they've even been made because god's really smart like that so mark 14 18 says as they were reclining at the table and eating jesus said truly i say to you that one of you will betray me one who's eating with me jesus says it then they began to be grieved and say to him one by one surely not i and he said to them it is one of the twelve one who dips with me in the bowl for the son of man is to go just as it is written of him but woe to that man by whom the son of man is betrayed it would have been good for that man if he'd not been born what does he say the son of man is to go just as it is written this is a purpose statement jesus not only does he predict his betrayal in mark's gospel but he gives a purpose a reason for his betrayal which is it's according to the scriptures meaning that jesus expects himself to be betrayed and there's a sense of trust in the plan that this is part of the plan that's that's the emphasis in mark's gospel jesus expects it and sees it as a necessary fulfillment of scripture that's you wouldn't get that listening to bart ehrman but you would get that reading the gospel of mark so we can ask the next question which is does mark intend us to think of jesus as expecting betrayal perhaps but not crucifixion because i'm trying to sort of steal man barterman's claims here so is it possible that maybe jesus expects betrayal by judas but in mark's gospel he's not expecting the cross so that he was betrayed by judas he thought he was going to get out of it somehow and then he ends up on the cross and now he's in shock no it's not possible and the reason is because of what jesus says in mark's gospel so mark 9 31 jesus says for he it says for he was telling uh for he was teaching his disciples and telling them the son of man is to be delivered into the hands of men that's about the betrayal of judas and they will kill him so he he expects to die he fully expects it he knows what's happening and when he has been killed he will rise three days later what did what did bart airmen say about mark jesus according to mark doesn't know what's going to happen after the cross he's he's without hope he's in despair he doesn't know what the future holds unlike luke where suddenly jesus knows the future but jesus in mark 9 31 predicts his betrayal his death and his resurrection again in mark 10 45 for even the son of man did not come to serve to be served i always quote that wrong for some reason did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many now why do i quote this verse i'm going to quote this verse a few times today this phrase giving his life a ransom for many is one of the many many allusions to isaiah 53 in the gospel of mark especially it really ramps up the isaiah 53 illusions when we get to the actual crucifixion scene because mark's emphasis is about how this is part of the plan not a shock not a unexpected thing from jesus rather jesus is the only one who knows the plan in the gospel of mark he's the only one who really understands it and he's like through the gospel trying to drill it into the head of the disciples that he has to die for people he's going to die as a ransom he's going to give his blood to suffer for others mark 14 40 14 24 we have another verse that relates to this idea that was jesus perhaps he expected betrayal but not crucifixion mark 14 24 and he said to them this is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many now this is him saying i'm going to die i will be the sacrifice to establish a new covenant that'll be the new covenant the only new covenant in the old testament is jeremiah so he's seeing this as being the forgiveness of sins giving you the indwelling of the holy spirit this is in the mind of jesus it's not shock whatever it is it's not shock it's not failed expectations rather he expects all these things to happen he also says his blood is poured out for the many in mark 10 45 he said ransomed for the many well scholars generally think and i've already talked through this so i won't go into the detail of it but that this is a reference to isaiah 53 12. he poured out himself to death and he was numbered with the transgressors yet he himself bore the sins of many this is the sins of many and interceded for the transgressors so this phrase the many is being used by jesus it's like a uh it's like an indicator that isaiah 53 is being referred to when he talks about him being poured out to provide forgiveness for others it's isaiah 53. now bart airman dr ehrman he wants us to think that we're supposed to think of what mark is saying i want to know the context of mark like you know if you don't know your stuff when bart ehrman comes around he's like you christians you you know effectively here's the implication you clumsily smash the gospels together and you have a weird version of jesus that doesn't really agree with matthew mark luke or john because you're smashing them all together i'm just going to read mark and get mark's emphasis and i'll let it stand i'll get luke's emphasis and let it stand now i think informed thoughtful readers of the scriptures realize and get excited at the idea that mark matthew luke john all have different emphasis what bart ehrman's really saying is that their emphasis emphasis emphasizes are so different from each other as to be utterly contradictory okay so we see matthew emphasizing prophecy we see john emphasizing the theology of the nature of christ we see um mark emphasizing this the messianic secret theme the idea that jesus has to be the suffering one who dies for our sins it's the revelation of what the purpose of the messiah was we see these different emphasis going on in the gospels but the problem is that in order to construct bart airman's emphasis of mark he totally distorts mark he ignores countless places in mark and just constructs cherry-picked passages and this is a problem the next thing that uh bart ehrman says about the gospel of mark is that jesus is silent he is silent in a lot of ways okay he's silent uh before pilate he only says one thing to pilate he doesn't say anything on his way to the cross we'll deal with that he doesn't say anything on the cross except for one statement about being forsaken we'll deal with that as well let's take the first one pilate jesus before pilate so dr ehrman wants us to think that mark is saying the words he records that jesus says are the only words jesus says then it creates conflict with luke because if you go to another gospel say luke john and it has jesus saying something during the discussion with pilate more than you say so if jesus says something then now it's a conflict right now there's a contradiction between these things but mark doesn't actually say this mark never in this whole passage in the many hours of the day it never says the only thing jesus said during this three hours was this one phrase it's never in the gospel of mark we'll look at mark right now and confirm this mark chapter 15 verses one through five does jesus say nothing or does mark say something a little different and we'll look at mark's actual emphasis um because we care about that like i care i believe god inspired the word and while some would think well that makes you a blinded christian mike you can't really evaluate rationally the bible because you believe it and and i i understand how some might think that but i think you're mistaken um the truth is that i i think the bible has so much authority that i have a great desire to understand it accurately to not change the emphasis of any passage of scripture from what it actually is because i think that that's god's authority right there so i want to say what it really says but in mark 15 1 it says early in the morning the chief priests and elders and scribes and the whole council immediately held a consultation and binding jesus they led him away and delivered him to pilate now part airman says he only said one thing during this season during this time whereas in luke jesus says more well let's look at what mark says pilate questioned him are you the king of the jews and he answered him it is as you say that's the word sue lege that uh dr ehrman refers to i actually talked about this i think in the last study in the marx series a few weeks ago and it's a really interesting thing in greek it basically he says um yes i am the king but not in the way you think so it's a way of affirming the truth of a statement but but not affirming the position the person has about it right like it's like yes but not how you think really interesting phrase jesus uses there then the chief priest began accusing to accuse him harshly now this enters a new season of the discussion with pilate this is the accusations of jesus they're trying to get jesus in trouble so they accuse him before the judge pilate so they accuse him then pilate questioned him saying do you not answer see how many charges they bring against you but jesus made no further answer and there you go no further answers so pilate was amazed this is this section these five verses is what bart airman's referring to when he says that jesus says nothing before pilate except the phrase you say so here's the problem if you read mark carefully you find that and this is consistent with luke as well jesus isn't being portrayed as saying nothing at all he's being portrayed as saying nothing in his defense in a criminal case there's a difference between being utterly silent and not giving a defense that's how mark presents jesus he doesn't give a defense to the accusers he does this when he's before the high priest he offers no defense to the accusations they bring but he still speaks he does this before pilate he offers no defense but he still speaks this is consistent with luke as well let's look at luke chapter 23 verses 1 through four then the whole body of them got up and brought him before pilate and they began to accuse him saying we found this man misleading our nation forbidding to pay taxes to caesar and saying that he himself is christ a king these are specific accusations luke records more detail than mark does so pilate asked him saying are you the king of the jews and he answered him and said it is as you say that's actually the greek it's the same sioux legends it's the same words in the greek so luke has that then pilate said to the chief priests and crowds i find no guilt in this man but they kept on insisting saying he stirs up the people and they continue to accuse him notice this that luke is consistent luke has the exact same record as mark jesus is accused the only thing he affirms before pilate that they record is that he's the king of the jews but perhaps not in the way that pilate would be led to believe and that's it this is not even a difference in matthew and mark so why bring this up to tell a distorted story between mark and luke to mislead people for whatever purpose i don't look i don't care what barney airman's motives are this isn't about me analyzing him like i'm putting him on a microscope and i'm slicing him open to figure out what his secret motives are like i don't care like if i talk to him i want to talk to him about his motives i don't want to talk to you about that like i want to talk to us like we have this discussion about the fact that his information is having an impact in people's lives that is misleading them about the truth of christ so that's kind of a big deal that's what i want to talk about not at all seeking to attack him i almost wish i could talk about this without bringing up anybody's names but um that's that would be unhelpful to people because they wouldn't know who i was referring to and what i was refuting so he's telling a distorted version of the story that sees differences as contradictions jesus is not totally silent he's silent about a certain issue but bart ehrman totally misses mark's emphasis of why jesus is silent in bart's version of mark over here we'll say this is bart's mark in bart's mark mark is saying hey guys jesus was silent before pilate because he was in shock he was confused he had nothing to say he was just dumbstruck in mark's version of mark jesus is silent before pilate because he won't defend himself because jesus thinks that it's according to scripture that he's going to get crucified and he will not lift a finger to stop it from happening don't you get it his silence about his accusations gets him in more trouble that's the emphasis in mark it's the opposite of what bart airman is thinking it is his faith and belief about what the cross is about that's why he continues to move forward so mark is telling us that jesus dies intentionally and sacrificially i'll briefly mention i've so much as always i have so much stuff to share with you guys so i'll briefly mention a few verses you could look up on your own relating to this in mark 14 61 and 15 5 in those verses it alludes to isaiah 53 7 where a servant voluntarily offers himself to suffer for the sins of others kind of a big deal in isaiah 53 6 and verse 12 it uses the phrase handed over about the suffering servant of isaiah that he's going to be handed over and mark alludes to this no less than 10 times mark mark 9 31 10 33 14 verses 10 and 11 14 18 14 21 14 41 14 42 15 10 and 15 15 all of those verses in mark allude to the isaiah 53 suffering servant who is being handed over handed over that he might suffer for the sins of others that they could be forgiven mark intends us to see jesus in the context of isaiah 53 it's pretty obviously mark's emphasis he's a righteous sufferer not a shocked i don't know what's going on person but a righteous sufferer who dies for others thereby saving them and he overcomes and has future hope let's look at another passage where jesus talks when he's arrested so we can see in mark i mean it hurts me it hurts me how badly mark has been utterly misrepresented that all you have to do is read through the gospel of mark after hearing airman's claims and you're like what is he talking about so this is kind of a big deal mark 14 verses 48 and 49. this is jesus this is his attitude his mindset after judas has betrayed him while he's standing before the high priest right when when when they're about to carry him off in bonds and this is what jesus says have you come out with swords and clubs to arrest me as you would against a robber every day i was with you in the temple teaching and you did not seize me but this has taken place because i'm totally confused and have no idea what's going on right no that's obnoxious right it says this is taking place to fulfill the scriptures that is jesus's opinion about what is happening in the gospel um and in mark in particular so that is kind of a big deal kind of a big deal knowing jesus is going to be betrayed he says it's according to the scriptures knowing he'll be crucified as well and then later jesus is not in a progressive state of shock and dismay right in mark 14 62 here's jesus later on standing before the high priest as they're condemning him when all his disciples are fleeing and there's some that are sort of hiding in hideout and stuff like that jesus says to the high priest i am this i am the the the messiah the son of the blessed one jesus affirms that he is that right before the high priest and then he says this predicts the future um and you will see the son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of heaven jesus predicts that after this time when he's crucified after his betrayal he's going to come in judgment and stand in judgment over the very people who are judging him jesus is not in despair jesus is in agony in mark's gospel in luke's gospel as well total agony but agony and despair are very different things agony has to do with degree of pain and hardship and suffering despair has to do with lack of hope for the future and i would never use that word to spare jesus was not in despair he was in agony um so the uh yeah let's look at another claim of bart airman bartnerman says that jesus says nothing on the way to the cross that's another phrase he's he's building his case for why mark is so different than luke and he says jesus says nothing on the way to the cross somebody would think like if you don't go back and read mark you would just think well bart airman knows his stuff he's a scholar the guy's got like millions and millions of book sales he's very highly regarded and um and right this this is a guy i should trust okay he says that mark has jesus saying nothing on his way to the cross but let's actually look at what mark says because you would think for you to conclude marx jesus says nothing on the way to the cross you actually have to have something in mark where he says jesus was silent on his way to the cross but that's not what mark says mark 15 20 after they'd mocked him they took the purple robe off of him and put his own garments on him and they let him out to crucify him so now jesus is on his way to the cross they pressed into service a passerby coming from the country simon of cyrene the father of alexander and rufus to bear his cross then they brought him to the place golgotha which is translated a place of a skull they tried to give him wine mixed with myrrh but he did not take it remember that phrase we'll come back to that in a minute and they crucified him and divided up his garments among themselves casting lots for them to decide what each man should take it was the third hour when they crucified him so that's jesus on his way to the cross until he's on the cross boom and jesus it's true he doesn't say anything in mark's gospel but there's a difference between jesus doesn't say anything and mark has jesus saying nothing these are very different things because in the same sense jesus doesn't say anything i could say that jesus doesn't breathe in fact nobody breathes in the entire gospel of mark if you've ever noticed this but nobody breathed as far as mark wants to emphasize that nobody breathed in the first century because he never mentions anybody breathing except perhaps when jesus breathed his last i don't know if mark mentions that we'll come back to that later probably the only time so obviously mark's not trying to suggest that this is this is not the emphasis in mark but if you look at the passage this isn't about jesus not about what he does jesus on the way to the crucifixion in mark's gospel is not about what jesus did on his way to the cross it's about what they did to jesus so you can see this if you read the passage carefully it uses the phrase they over and over again and only one time does it tell us something jesus did on his journey to the cross so they mocked him in mark 15 here they mocked him they put a purple robe on him they let him out to crucify him they made simon carry his cross they brought him to golgotha they tried to give him wine and myrrh they crucified him they took his garments and then finally the last they is they crucified him so we have nine days we only have one statement of something jesus did in that entire time that is he did not drink the wine mixed with myrrh that's in mark 15 23. so what am i saying i'm saying that in mark's gospel he's actually not telling you what jesus did or didn't say on his way to the cross because his emphasis is what was done to jesus not what jesus was doing do you see that the only time he mentioned something jesus did is in response to something they did to jesus they tried to give him the why maybe he says no i don't want it but he says he wouldn't drink it do you have to have him silent not drinking it is that like required that's just weird we're just forcing things into scripture here that it's not it's not a good way to read anything okay in addition so we talked about jesus on his way to the cross let's talk about jesus on the cross according to bart aaron jesus says nothing on the cross in gospel's mark in the gospels in the gospel of mark this is significant because again it's not like saying we don't know what jesus said on the cross because mark doesn't tell us rather he says jesus says nothing until at the very end six hours later on the cross he cries out why have you forsaken me let's actually read the passage and see if it indicates jesus said nothing mark 14 starting or 15 starting in verse 25 it was the third hour when they crucified him the inscription of the charge against him read the king of the jews notice the vase the still the emphasis is not what jesus was doing because we want to know what was done to him that's mark's emphasis they crucified him uh two robbers with him one on his right and one on his left and the scripture was fulfilled which says and he was number with the transgressors those passing by were hurling abuse at him wagging their heads and saying ha you who are going to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days save yourself and come down from the cross mark wants you to know what people said to him verse 31 in the same way the chief priests also along with the scribes were mocking him among themselves and saying he saved others he cannot save himself let this christ the king of israel now come down from the cross so that we may see and believe those who were crucified with him were also insulting him we don't have any statements about what jesus did or didn't say there's nothing there there's just nothing there then when the sixth hour came he was on the cross for quite a long time and the sixth hour comes so that's like three pm or noon excuse me from it's about noon uh their time or the way we think of time whatever it's the middle of the day uh darkness fell over the whole land until the ninth hour at and then did mark just skips three whole hours he just skips no narration three hours and no narration uh then at the ninth hour jesus cried out with a loud voice now what we don't have is mark saying jesus said nothing except this he was silent until the ninth hour we just don't have any of that we have six hours of jesus on the cross we have mark wanting us to know what people said to him and about him nothing about what jesus said or didn't say that's mark's emphasis it's just it's just about what it was done to him it's i said jesus or bad bible study or just bad literary work to suggest that what's not mentioned didn't happen right like you would you would have to say that the only words spoken while jesus was on the cross altogether were these phrases about mocking him like nobody even said like hey you want to get dinner later like nobody's well certainly no one could have said that because mark didn't narrate it like this is just weird anyway i think i've made that point um based on mark's account could jesus have said more stuff yes he could have in mark's account the emphasis is jesus says nothing to get himself out of being crucified but the door is open for jesus to say any number of other things during a large amount of time that mark simply doesn't talk about what jesus was doing that's that's fine the conclusion the conclusion that barney army comes to is that jesus is in shock that conclusion i hope i've demonstrated for mark is utterly fallacious like this is super wrong uh dr airman has projected the attitude of peter in mark's gospel on to jesus in mark's gospel peter is the one who doesn't know what's going on peter's the one who wouldn't believe that the cross was going to happen and didn't believe that it had a purpose when it started to happen that's peter peter later changes his mind later becomes a you know a whole different perspective but during that time peter's the guy that doesn't get it peter's the guy that's confused peter's the guy who is in despair and shock jesus is not jesus is not at all um there's a possible rescue for bart airman that somebody might give at this point which says that they might say dr airman uh he's he's not really referring to mark mark's portrayal of jesus he's referring to the elusive historical jesus if you guys have never heard this before the phrase historical jesus is a very squirrely term it refers to like hey let's try to reconstruct what really happened historically speaking and then from there on out people come up with a wide variety of different versions of jesus right they'll select certain parts of the gospels they'll they'll say that's authentic that really goes back to jesus that's a tradition from later and they'll construct kind of a weird version of jesus and it always ends up being weird a long story there but this is what happens but the problem with this is that bart airman specifically says that this is not the historical jesus this is mark's version of jesus let me play that clip again because i just don't want people to miss it it's just 12 seconds listen jesus goes to a painful humiliating death unsure of why it's happening to him in mark's gospel in mark's gospel so airman's emphasis is this is how mark portrays jesus and i hope i've demonstrated this is the opposite of how mark portrays jesus that whatever i don't want to get into motives i don't care right i care about the information the impact it has on you the people being impacted by this misinformation how it justifies unbelief unjustifiably in many people's lives this kind of thing the whole idea of the messianic revelation of mark as i've labored you could go and watch the other 64 bible studies in the gospel of mark yeah you can watch the whole series and you'll see the messianic emphasis in mark's gospel is that jesus is the one who wants to drill into people's hearts and minds that the purpose of the messiah is to die for our sins to rise from the dead and that that's the agenda that's the whole idea that this is the the major thing in mark is uh first century jews having a misunderstanding of what the messiah was going to do at his first coming and jesus trying to clear it up right that's mark's emphasis that's jesus in the gospel of mark jesus gets it he's the only one who does it's everybody else that doesn't get it barney airmen puts that attitude on jesus and ignores so much so much of what is actually in the gospel let's talk briefly about everyone mocking jesus um barney makes a big point about this everybody's mocking christ everybody's mocking jesus and this is seemingly to reinforce that jesus doesn't know what's going on that that the mockery is hitting his heart in a way that says i didn't i didn't think this was gonna happen like i'm in shock now um but let me go to luke and we'll see that luke also emphasizes the same thing because here we're just creating differences between the gospels that don't exist i see scholars do this all the time not all scholars not by any stretch of the imagination just some okay but we see this all the time here's what luke says about the mockery jesus experienced and it's just like mark luke 22 63 now the men who were holding jesus in custody were mocking him and beating him and they blindfolded him and were asking him saying prophesy who's the one hitting you so they cover his face and punch him and then ask him to say who hit him that's some serious mockery and they were saying many other things against him blaspheming in luke 23 verse 11 we have more of the mockery and herod with his soldiers after treating him with contempt and mocking him dressed him in a gorgeous robe and sent him back to pilate then we have more mockery in luke 23 verse 21 but they kept on calling out saying crucify crucify him now let this hit your heart these are the jewish people stirred up by the high priests calling out for the killing of jesus like this is this is even next level this is beyond just mocking someone making fun of them they're like kill him please can we kill him they're calling out for it now to be fair if i'm going to try to steal man bart airman's case a bit more um he could point to a crowd in luke that seems absent in mark okay in luke there is a crowd that you don't find in the gospel of mark well maybe we'll get there in a second but in luke 23 21 which is not the verse i want 27 there it is this is him on his way to the cross and fall and barter refers to this too so following him was a large crowd of the people and of women who were mourning and lamenting him so jesus actually has supporters in luke's gospel okay this is something you don't really see mark emphasizing that's true there's an emphasis difference going on there we'll talk about whether it's a contradiction or not in a second um but jesus turns and he says to them oh daughters of jerusalem we'll talk about that as well how jesus is concerned for others in luke but according to dr ehrman not in mark um so you could say this is not a mark there's a large crowd of people who are lamenting him this is not present in mark maybe mark's intentionally leaving that out for a different emphasis perhaps some would think that's contradictory but here's the thing mark shows jesus did have a large following from galilee people followed him to jerusalem when they cry out hosanna and they it's palm sunday i've i've said this before before i was even digging into the these bar nerman claims where my case is that the people who say hosanna are not the same people who say crucify him i already think i've built a pretty strong case for that i think this will reinforce it as well but mark shows that jesus has a large group of followers and there are indications that the crowd saying crucify him was planted by jewish leaders and they represent more of the jerusalem crowd not the galilee crowd who had who are more of the followers of christ mark also highlights women who follow jesus from the cross to the tomb let's look at this passage because mark also has a crowd of women mark 15 40 that some people miss and it's consistent with luke there were also some women looking on from a distance these are supporters of jesus as we read on in mark and they're looking on their watching from a distance as jesus is being crucified it makes sense that they followed to the crucifixion location as well and among the among whom were mary magdalene and mary the mother of james and the less and joseph and salome and it goes on it says when he was in godly they used to follow him and minister to him and there were many other women many other women who came up with him to jerusalem so jesus has a crowd of women who are following him and mark wants to highlight them mark highlights them for perhaps a different purpose than luke luke wants us to see the full scene perhaps he's trying to show us the hardship of watching jesus being crucified and let that hit our hearts mark wants to highlight these specific ladies these mary these two marys right and then salome because they're gonna be key witnesses in the evidence for the empty tomb which i'll get to next week that's gonna be fun so mark has a different emphasis but there's it's a consistent story is it a contradictory account by no means then we get to the cry i'll come back to this but i just want to mention it so no one thinks i'm leaving it out okay this this cry what's called the cry of dereliction in scholarly literature that's what they call it this is the phrase right my god why have you forsaken me mark has jesus crying this out on the cross this is what bart ehrman interprets to say that jesus doesn't know why he's dying he doesn't know what's going on but i would say this totally ignores everything jesus has said in mark and i'm going to return to this later to show why this doesn't mean what bart airman would take it to mean and many people would take it to mean that jesus is on the cross um it's a failure i give up everything's failed even god has forsaken me it's all over we'll talk more about that after we get into luke so luke the gospel of luke there's not as much to say about luke as there was about mark but according to dr ehrman on the way to the cross jesus is not silent but he's thinking of others more than himself okay that's not a very significant observation to make but he's making it as an observation of a contradiction or a different emphasis at least a different emphasis between mark and luke so let's look at luke and then let's compare that to mark and ask if jesus is consistent okay is there a consistent statements about jesus between mark and luke here luke 23 28 but jesus turned to them turning to them said daughters this is about the women following daughters of jerusalem stop weeping for me but weep for yourselves and for your children for behold the days are coming when they will say blessed are the barren and the wombs that have never bore and the breasts that have never nursed and then they'll begin to say the mountains fall on us and he's he's saying hey um judgment's coming to jerusalem weep for yourselves so this is jesus having more concern according to dr ehrman for others than he does for himself i agree okay i agree the question is does mark show us the same jesus jesus who's more concerned for others than himself this seems like an easy guess but let me make it harder does jesus in light of his own death specifically when it comes to his dying on the cross is he more concerned for others or himself in mark's gospel so mark 10 45 back to this verse for even the son of man did not come to serve to be served like i said always i don't know i always quote that wrong they're not coming to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many this is about his death he's going to give his life a ransom he's going to die to ransom others jesus sees his death in light of it being for others not himself that's the whole context of jesus's death in the gospel of mark this is kind of like christianity 101 but sometimes we got to go back to that stuff mark 14 27 and jesus said to them you will all fall away because it is written i will strike down the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered but after i've been raised i will go ahead of you to galilee now why am i quoting this passage because here's jesus talking about his being stricken his death and how they're all going to fall away but he cares enough about them to tell them there's still hope but after i've been raised i will go ahead of you to galilee he cares about them because you guys are about to go through hard times let me give you a prediction so that you can be ready for this mark will tap into this godly prediction at the end of the gospel of mark when he when the the angel proclaims that he's gonna he's gonna meet them and godly we'll talk more about that later that's a few weeks from now that's awesome too kind of like everything in the gospel of mark um then there is uh mark 14 38. now this passage is especially interesting to see jesus's attitude in mark according to mark jesus's attitude about the cross and about the suffering he's experiencing here when he is he is like praying god you know let this cup pass for me father let this cup pass me he's praying all that so he's obviously concerned and in agony not despair about the cross but he also turns to the disciples and he says keep watching and praying that you may not come into temptation the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak jesus is worried and concerned maybe concern is a better word here but jesus is concerned about the disciples he knows that they're about to face a horrible trial too not as bad as the one jesus is going through but they're going to face a horrible trial and he stops all of his concerns about himself to stop and say guys pray that you won't enter into temptation because they're about to go through hardship as well jesus cares about others not just himself in fact more than himself in gospel in the gospel of mark because that's why he goes to the cross on the cross another emphasis seen as a difference by dr ehrman is that on the cross in luke jesus prays for others to be forgiven for others to be forgiven right but mark two and i won't go through the whole passage but you could look it up on your own when jesus heals the paralytic in mark chapter 2 he he's he's his whole point now this is one of the first miracles of jesus in mark and mark wants to set up that you know that jesus comes not just to heal but to forgive and he actually heals the man just so that people will know he has the ability to forgive others so is the i'm doing this to forgive you is that an emphasis in mark's gospel absolutely the isaiah 53 connections i could i could spend the whole day on just that one issue it's the whole purpose of the cross in luke jesus prays for others to be forgiven while on the cross in mark and luke jesus dies for others to be forgiven so how is this a contradiction um so yeah it's different but it's not contradictory and now here's another one that i think stumbles a lot of people in mark both thieves mock jesus in luke according to airmen only one thief mocks jesus the other gets a promise hey today you'll be with me in paradise that's absent in mark but i'm going to argue it's not contradictory um what happens in mark's gospel is this their everybody's mocking jesus and it's all recorded including both guys on the cross but what happens in luke's gospel can be seen as consistent with this because of one important detail in luke's gospel the thief on the cross who converts seems to convert on the cross why is that significant because luke doesn't have him being a follower of jesus who was crucified next to him he has him as being a bad guy who turns to christ while on the cross this is a death bed conversion so all i'm suggesting is this if the man becomes a believer while on the cross it's probably some of the events on the cross that lead him to believe in jesus he wasn't already a believer the um the the statement in mark that he's mocking initially could lead to later him converting when he sees things like darkness on the land he sees the attitude of jesus and maybe just the work of the holy spirit in the man's life he turns and puts faith in christ there's no contradiction here different emphasis i agree but not not contradiction so um yeah what happens in luke looks like looks like a conversion moment i think most of us would agree with that then there's something that luke has jesus saying on the cross another thing in luke that dr ehrman points out which is luke 23 46 he says jesus says it in mark uh this way and lucy says this other thing and it's presented the implication if you watch the video is that luke and mark have jesus saying really conflicting different things because they're both trying to give you a different version ultimately of jesus luke 23 46 it says here and jesus crying with a loud voice said father into your hands i commit my spirit notice that crying with a loud voice phrase let's remember that into your hands i commit my spirit so this is like a a statement of faith he calls god father a relational term um he's he's he's breathes his last after he says this so there's like a like i'm entrusting myself to you like there's there's a hope again mark however has this shocking phrase mark 15 34 where jesus at the ninth out he ninth hour he what cries with a loud voice and he says in aramaic eloy eloi my god my god why have you forsaken me so uh bart ehrman the way he presents it you'd think that jesus said one of these things or the other they both kind of have a conflicting thing but there's actually more in mark i'll talk about why this is not uh hopelessness in a minute well we're about to get there but first let me just say that this is not the last thing jesus said or the only thing jesus said in the gospel according to mark mark 15 37-39 it says jesus utter loud cry and breathed his last this is after he says why have you forsaken me he utters a loud cry and breathes his last now i want to argue that the loud cry in mark has content it's not just a yell and then he dies rather he he uttered a loud cry he said something and mark doesn't want to tell you what it is for his own reasons because he does have a different emphasis but he does say something and what happens next is pretty interesting the veil of the temple is torn in two from top to bottom and when the centurion who was standing right in front of him saw the way he breathed his last that is while crying out some loud cry he said truly this man was the son of god what i'm going to suggest is the statement in mark where we don't know what jesus said but he said something it had content because it helped convert the centurion this guy becomes a believer so now let's zoom out and remember how airman wants you to see mark see jesus and mark jesus is confused he's in despair he feels forsaken he he yells out why have you forsaken me he screams and then dies and then the next thing that happens is a centurion goes wow look at how horribly forsaken and abandoned and hopeless he was i believe in him too like like obviously this is not mark's emphasis that's airman's emphasis not mark okay this is nothing to do with the gospel mark this is all about misleading people about the word of god sadly that's what it ends up being so even in mark there's content in the cry and the content seems hopeful or at least somehow confirming that jesus is who he says he is that's consistent with luke father into your hands i commit my spirit and then he then he breathes his last so yeah that's confirmation the conclusion is this jesus in mark's gospel in luke's gospel he knows what's happening he knows why it's happening he has future hope he's yes he gets mocked in both gospels he has shame associated with the cross in both gospels he has incredible intense agony in both gospels but in both gospels those are all part of the plan according to scripture that leads to the salvation of mankind that jesus intentionally came to do he deliberately put himself so to speak on the cross by refusing to defend himself by staying in the garden when he knew they were coming by keeping judas around when he knew he betrayed him by walking forward up to the crowd that was coming to seize him by not defending himself against accusations from the sanhedrin or against pilate jesus intended the cross but he dreaded it both are true both are in both gospels yeah even the garden scene in luke is similar jesus in luke's garden scene in mark's garden he's in agony in both gospels right but he's also sees it as being according to scripture in both gospels so yeah just just silly now if you um didn't want to talk about psalm 22 this is this is to me oh it can almost be its own video but i'm just going to quickly run through a couple things it's very central to dr airman's claims about mark and luke being different that the cry in mark about my god why have you forsaken me that that cry stands by itself outside of the context of psalm 22. it's very important it's central because psalm 22 as many of you know and i've got a video on psalm 22 down below you could check that out amazing prophecy of the death and resurrection of messiah but psalm 22 it would give a new context a new spin on the on what mark is thinking the author as he wants to include this statement from jesus why have you forsaken me it changes it entirely so if psalm 22 is what jesus is referring to then it not only includes his death it includes hope and resurrection and future and and salvation going to the world okay all of that's included in this cry but barnard doesn't want you to think that so he needs two claims to be true one psalm 22 is not seen as messianic um and two jesus is only thinking of psalm 22 verse 1 he is not thinking of the entire psalm he is not thinking of the whole thing or especially of the end that speaks of the vindication of the son who is suffering in psalm 22. so let me read to you this is a quote from dr bart airman it wasn't in a video clip but this is from his book jesus interrupted it's pages 65 and 66. you can you can confirm this on your own i'm going to read a paragraph here this is what bart ehrman says about jesus's cry why have you forsaken me jesus is silent the entire time as if in shock until his cry at the end echoing psalm 22. i take his question of to god to be a genuine one he genuinely wants to know why god has left him like this right that now let's just remind you guys pause that ignores everything we've read in mark everything right jesus knows why he knows the purpose this is this is barnard's another mis fake reconstruction of mark here it's in the book jesus um interrupted instead of a lecture he gave so i take his question to be a genuine one he wants to know why god has left him like this and i continue not quoting dr ehrman a very popular interpretation of the passage is that since jesus quotes psalm 22 verse 1 he's actually thinking about the ending of the psalm where god intervenes and vindicates the suffering psalmist i think this is reading way too much into the passage and it robs the cry of dereliction as it is called of all its power the point is that jesus has been rejected by everyone betrayed by one of his own denied three times by his closest follower abandoned by all his disciples rejected by the jewish leaders condemned by the roman authorities mocked by the priests the passerby and even by the two being crucified with him at the end he feels forsaken by god himself jesus is absolutely in the depths of despair and heart-wrenching anguish and that's how he dies okay listen you guys i'm reading directly from bart ehrman here's what he says mark is trying to say something by this portrayal he doesn't want his readers to take solace in the fact that god was really there providing jesus with physical comfort he dies in agony unsure of the reason he must die every sentence has serious problems in this in this paragraph i just read to you so this is a first there's a straw man or something we don't need to embrace okay it's that jesus is either thinking of psalm 22 verse 1 or he's thinking of the ending of the psalm this is not my theory i don't know who presents this theory he quotes verse 1 but he's really thinking of the verses at the end of the psalm this is that's a weird theory i agree that seems strange i think there's a better theory jesus is thinking of the entire psalm right verse one included i'm yeah i'm being forsaken we'll talk about what that meant in a second jesus is truly being forsaken but he's also thinking of the entire psalm psalm 22 which includes detailed descriptions of the cross right specific events as well as his death as well as his future hope as well as the gospel going out to the world and people getting saved all of the above is it possible jesus is thinking of all of the above like whenever jesus talked about the cross he talked about his death and his resurrection it was all of the above he talked about how it was a ransom for the world it wasn't just suffering it was also to achieve a purpose in mark's gospel there's too many coincidences for us coincidences for us to not be thinking of the entire psalm because mark is definitely thinking of the whole song let me prove it to you okay psalm 22 8 18 this verse might sound familiar if you read mark's gospel they divided my garments among them and for my clothing they cast lots this is one of the many verses mark alludes to this is in mark 15 24. they crucified and divided his garments among them among themselves casting lots for them you see mark is actually alluding to psalm 22 verse 18 not just verse 1 in his account of jesus in mark 15. in psalm 22 verse 7 you start to see how much mark wants us to think of the whole song there's only two passages of scripture that mark continually references in the um the death or the passion of christ right the the suffering season right there the from the garden to the cross the two passages of scripture are isaiah 53 and psalm 22 and he references them in various ways throughout this account so in psalm 22 7 it says all those who see me sneer at me they separate with the lip they wag the head and then they're saying like you know you trust in god let's see if god delivers you mark 15 29 those who were passing by that's what psalm 22 says they were hurling abuse at him wagging their heads that's psalm 22 being referenced verse 7 being referenced psalm 22 verse 8 is also reference i just read it to you where they're saying like you know if you commit yourself to god if you you know um if he delights in you he'll he'll rescue you kind of thing so in mark 15 31 mark alludes to this again in the same way the chief priest also among the scribes along with the scribes were mocking himself mocking him among themselves and saying he saved others he can't save himself let this let this christ the king of israel not come down from the cross that we may see and believe so this is another connection to psalm 22 and there's others as well crucifixion because of the lack of time i'll just say this i have a video down below on psalm 22 about how crucifixion has like i think i put maybe 16 or 17 um prophetic illusions or you know ways in which psalm 22 fits all the details that happened to jesus while he was going up to the cross on the cross and even after the cross but mark may even be alluding not just to psalm 22 verse 1 verse 7 verse 8 verse 18 and various other ways he may be alluding to the end of psalm 22 in a very interesting way mark does this mark has subtle theology mark's kind of smart like that um and psalm 22 7 it talks about the impact of this description of a crucified victim the impact of his death after he is then uh given a future hope he'll see his posterity he'll he'll he'll have an inheritance he'll receive something he'll have a life and inheritance after this as jesus does but in psalm 22 7 it talks about and this is this is a really neat thing it talks about the worldwide impact now when you prophesy something's going to happen around the planet right worldwide impact it's kind of a big deal that you get it right this is what it says will happen as a result of the guy suffering in psalm 22 which jesus identifies himself as when he quotes from psalm 22. psalm 22 7 all the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the lord and all the families of the nations will worship before you now let's put on our jewish gentile goggles here for a second this is profound because what it's saying in israel which is the bastion of the worship of yahweh the true god there's a prophecy a statement in psalm 22 about the suffering servant this guy who goes through probably the wrong term to you suffering sermon although i think it is that is who it is but this this um this person who dies in a very cross-like fashion jesus quotes this passage mark refers to it multiple times but it says that after he dies that this thing will cause non-jews gentiles all over the place to worship the god of israel that's a big claim and it has absolutely historically happened there are gentiles all around the world including myself who worship the god of israel because of jesus the messiah that's kind of a profound prophetic thing happening there in psalm 22 7 but my point is actually that mark may specifically allude to this in mark 15 verse 39 because what happens after the cross after jesus dies the first thing that happens is well two things i'll say the veil is rent which is to say the way to god is now open and which we to jews and gentiles and then the centurion this gentile this non-jewish man he believes in jesus immediately a gentile comes to christ comes to yahweh because of this what i'm suggesting is when you look at mark's entire account of the cross you see the whole psalm 22 not just verse 1 and to artificially isolate verse 1 as though the whole point is jesus is forsaken end of story is silly and irrational um again barney airman is claiming that mark's intention is that you only think of verse 1 in psalm 22 but did you know that it was normal rabbinical like teaching practice to refer to a passage of scripture with the title or the the first verse of that scripture so the reason for this is that back in the day they didn't have chapters and verses so no jew in the first century ever said the phrase psalm 22 this is not saying that because they don't they don't use those terms they would refer to like the um the psalm the my god my god why have you forsaken me psalm and rabbis would refer to the first part of a passage the first verse or the first phrase in a passage as a way of getting their students to think of the whole passage that was normal teaching habits we even see it in the talmud they do this they like quote the first phrase to refer to the whole passage why is that important because jesus doesn't just quote any old verse he quotes psalm 22 verse 1 which directly applies to him on the cross he's forsaken and i'll address this now only in the sense that he is given over to death on the cross i'm not talking about the trinity's ripped in half or something like that that's not what we're saying i'm saying that jesus has given over to a death he doesn't deserve to die for sins he never committed so he's forsaken but that's not the whole story just like psalm 22 says it's not the whole story right it's going to lead to the salvation of of god going to the world because this is something god actually intends just like jesus said all along that's clearly mark's intention so if jesus wanted to show abandonment with no concept of future hope which is what bart airman bart's mark is saying he could have quoted other passages there's plenty of other verses in the scripture that that don't create the problem of psalm 22 where there's all this future hope and worldwide salvation going on right jesus quotes that passage on purpose and mark continually as you've known if you've been in my study of the series of the gospel of mark mark continually rewards you who go back and study the context of an old testament passage he refers to he's constantly wanting us to know the thorough context the verses before and after the whole section this is a rewarding thing mark obviously is thinking about it the way he uses scripture why would it be any different on the cross and i i think jesus knew the bible pretty well i think he knew what he was quoting he could there's a there's a psalm you can quote that has no hope no mention of hope in it could have done that he didn't quote that yeah all of psalm 22 fits the understanding of jesus a lot better than just an isolated taking of verse one so for numerous reasons dr barton airman is incredibly misleading to people but would you have known it like what if you had just heard his three-minute clip someone shared it with you and you just walked away and you didn't go to mark and you didn't do the homework in the study would that have messed you up would you have started down a road of having more and more skepticism and sarcastic attitude towards scripture where you casually accept any complaint against the bible but you don't really thoughtfully examine them to see if they're true i've seen that happen many times and that's sad that's very sad and hopefully this kind of video is going to help fix that so we need to see what mark's trying to show us and the lesson is this this is how god saves us jesus goes to the agony and torment and horror of the cross intentionally because it's going to fulfill scripture and it's going to save you because he dies for your sin so that you could just like the like the centurion like the thief on the cross you could just trust in jesus and be forgiven it's that too good to be true information right well it's true and it's good and you should you should catch that emphasis um i'm going to pray with you guys because i want to pray anything into the bible studies but i'm also have a really big announcement i want to make for you a resource that we've made available for you that i want to tell you about and i hope that it's going to bless you it's all free but it's coming let me pray though lord we lift up our uh our family and friends right now who are perhaps being emphasiz uh influenced by maybe bart airman or maybe just those who are quoting his material because everybody quotes his stuff muslims love quoting his stuff and various different groups quoted stuff and online skeptics uh and all the contention that happens between christians and skeptics online it's just it's a sad thing we just pray that truth would get out that people would would look at the actual word of god themselves and not see it through the filter of bart airman but through just the authenticity of its own words we ask that you help us to be wise to be good witnesses to be able to share truth and love to be able to um offer the the harshness of a rebuke when it needs to be given and the kindness of a hug when it's needed we just ask that you use us as witnesses in this world uh skepticism is at an all-time high but the reasons for it are at an unusual low and so we pray that we would be able to be the light and see people coming to christ in jesus name amen all right here's the announcement this is the new bible thinker website okay has been a website that i made myself like me who doesn't know anything and it has never been a good website um but we've had you know resources on there for you um we just redone it it's taken a very long time and it's still a work in progress we're still going to keep making it better but we just redid it and i want to show you how it works so you can utilize it well one of the things you'll see is that this is the front page for it oh i didn't show it to you hold on wait it's right here there's the front page for it and uh one of the things you're going to see is that on the front page you're going to have our latest videos this is the stuff that's just come up in the last like week or so that'll be right on the front page there you could go to view all videos as well and that's going to show you like all my video content now you can find this on youtube as well right you can find all my videos on youtube but youtube doesn't organize them well so what we've done is we've organized them well for you if you scroll down you can actually browse by series so here's my first peter series and it's all free progressive christianity stuff catholicism stuff um uh let's see the series on homosexuality evidence for the bible how to find jesus in the old testament which is my absolute favorite series i've ever done the marriage and divorce and remarriage all the videos on that you can find all kinds of stuff here if you scroll all the way to the bottom you can get a simple text and clickable text of each of the series that we have available but that's not even i think the best part so on youtube it's hard to follow like you go to watch the mark series and youtube recommends some other video or they're out of order here they'll be in order but there's another thing which is the search feature we've added this is what's kind of exciting and countless man hours have gone into this to create this this searchable feature um okay so you can search my videos a general way of searching the videos is so like you could go to the normal search there's two search functions the normal one you can click on oh passion translation i'll go there so i'll click that and it should bring up every whole video that's that's related to the topic of the passion translation but you're just gonna get whole videos which i've obviously talked about that a lot so there's gonna be a lot of videos there the passion project is also available there but what's the most exciting part to me is the q a search the q a search doesn't just search for a video related to a topic see a lot of times i'll talk about an issue for one or two or five minutes in the middle of another long video the q and a search helps you find those moments so if you go to the q a search and let's say you want to search by a key word or phrase you could say something like um word of faith you want to see where have i talked about word of faith stuff well this is actually going to give you here's three results where i've dealt with word of faith issues but it takes you to exactly okay here's a guy who says my pastor teaches that we're little gods from the word of faith movement and then how important is this issue the person asks it'll open up a video and take you to literally the exact moment in the video where i deal with that question why is this fruitful because we are always getting people asking us questions that are like hey where does mike talk about this issue where does he talk about that issue and this is creating that resource on the website for you you could also go to topics and just scroll down and find things like um chris tomlin a christian artist christian liberty christmas contemporary english bible what i've talked about that coptic christianity recently i i talked about that briefly you won't find this on youtube like this you won't find it anywhere else you will find it on the q a search thing so i would recommend you guys check this out also for a lot of my studies we do make the notes available and they're available for free on the website so for instance um let's talk about here we go this is in the mark series the last video i believe i taught in the mark series you can actually find the the uh i think it might be the download button i guess i should have checked the search but our notes are on here they're available somewhere on here where you can actually download the notes from the study if that is something to be fruitful for you if anybody would like to plagiarize me i don't care so but i want to give a special thanks because a number of volunteers sarah zimmerman who actually works for bible thinkers she's the only other employee but also a number of volunteers that she's helped coordinate have put in tons of hours i want to thank you guys so jasmine martin hope caleb redmond orlando debian uh ashley joachinson and beau barclay you guys are wonderful you've put lots of hours into finding time stamps to videos to make this stuff available the whole goal here with my ministry is free content that helps people think biblically and this search feature i think is going to help people do that so check out the website if you find bugs or weird things please let us know we would like to be aware of that and that's about it i will see you guys on friday and i might have another video probably another video this week on wednesday i'll upload something and i am very very grateful if this has helped you in some way please let me know if you want to help the content reach more people it does help i think if you click like i'm not sure how much youtube cares about that but i think it matters if you click like you know share the content comments and things like that they do help other people to get the stuff and for it to help them so thank you so much lord bless you all have a wonderful day
Channel: Mike Winger
Views: 158,183
Rating: 4.8175516 out of 5
Id: g2ne3ndnVQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 51sec (4251 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.