Meet The Man Behind Treehouse | Ryan Carson Interview | #devsLife | Code School

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yeah man how are you yeah good get along be good that's good but I mean just busy but in a good way yeah I guess that's cool like we need to get to do what you love to and yeah oh yeah I mean every day is I'm thankful for because before I mean I know a little bit about you tell me more about you well I learn in code through team tree house yeah you know I wasn't a dead-end job and I wanted to see what I can do to get myself out of it saw a video with Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg yeah that guy where it talks about how you don't yell a degree yeah you don't need to be smart and my googled how to encode try to guess the it and like it freak Ocampo boring you guys and I did a 7 a 1-1 free trial and and then every months later got a job yeah it was crazy and what was your first job doing what developers might I go but I'm really fun developer awesome transitioning to full stack running PHP angular and they're just pushing a lot so just okay yeah yeah and so where did the idea come from to do to the YouTube channel well I posted someone asked a question you know as a possible become a developer in three months and I gave him answer yeah I did it and that post went viral 1.3 million years wow yeah and I realized oh maybe I should because I'm you see I said the exact same thing on YouTube but video will find no seven and that video is so that kind of jumps my channel nice okay um alright guys what's maybe is anymore there you go alright what's up you two hey everyone again this is Kishan and this is Ryan Carson hey I think here to see how I am oh you are CEO and fellow and founder okay I missed that one part I'm so sorry about that um but I'm still here in Portland Oregon still cranking yes still cranking killing the day but he's still he's still going hard yes bill working since 3:00 a.m. and by yeah yeah a little tired but that's okay I've been looking for the toys of this well towards of this entire day and what I'm gonna do it now just ask you a few questions let's do it and the questions I'm asking are questions you guys asked me on either YouTube Instagram or Twitter so we'll go through them right now sounds great okay so question number one is what are your thoughts on coding boot camps don't go I mean okay so let me explain why um so the whole reason that I started treehouse eight years ago was because I got a computer science degree and then I got a job and then I realized I didn't need my degree mmm and so I got this expensive education and then the day-to-day work of coding didn't relate at all and I thought well that's something's messed up right like this isn't okay and it bothered me and then about seven years later I was like I want to solve this problem yeah this is this is now okay so build tree house and the whole idea was affordable technology education and so that you can change your life by getting a job and so so we launched tree house it was always affordable it's always 25 bucks a month to start and then eventually we thought you know people want required projects that are graded so they're guided like okay do project one and then do project two in their project three and have those projects created so you get feedback and and they want a very clear path and they want a lot of extra training on you know how do you find a job an interview for a job and all these things yes and so we basically set out to say okay we need to continue to offer this affordable program to start but if you want an int hence guided programming that leads you and shows you how to get a job then we should launch essentially an online boot camp yes right so we launched the tech degree and the tech degree is sexy wasn't always there no so the tech degree launched and like cash maybe 2016 okay Wow recent yeah and so the idea is hey you know most people can't afford to go back to college mmm most people can't afford a boot camp you know you're talking $15,000 and you and the worst part is minimum minimum and the worst part is you have to pause your life for 3 months that's fair and so like if you are working hard to feed your family or if you're trying to stay above water or your mother at home with your kids or your father at home with your kids like you just can't stop doing that for 3 months yes and so this huge number of people are getting cut off again from the opportunity yeah so the whole point of online education was to unlock the opportunity and people are getting locked out again and and you know there's some great boot camps that if you can afford them right but most people cannot and even if they can I think that you can get the same outcome from the tech degree which is only 200 bucks a month and you finish in six to nine months so you know you're looking at you know $1,200 you know - $1,600 or $1,800 a year in a year to get the same result that you would Wow it's been a set instead of spending 15,000 so are you saying bias as I started the company but I just think I know people don't understand that you don't have to go to a boot camp and just be real careful I I think there's a lot of bad ones out there I know and so watch out I'm saying yes definitely well good answer Thanks oh yeah actually believe it or not actually I should have some my blog - there was a boot camp they tried to sponsor me to make their like quite a bit of money per video but I spoke to someone from your company and I just wanted to work a few guys hey because because you guys made a big difference in my life anything for me this channel isn't just about making money but it's helping lives get changed see thanks that's why I started tree house yeah definitely I really truly believe that we're at a time when the jobs are exploding the number of jobs and the ability to become job ready yeah online matches and so because of that you can actually change the names of people's lives and it needs to be affordable yeah otherwise we're just gonna have the same thing again where it's basically wealthy people winning all the time because they can afford it and that's not why I don't want a Sunday right before I die I look back and say I helped wealthy people get wealthy I mean like I'm just not into that you know I want to empower people that deserve a chance and so that's what we're here to do so I appreciate you work on this well thank you for even inviting me well I guess since we're on that why 25 dollars a month and why fifty dollars a month so the thought was initially okay it's gotta we have to charge something because what we do is expensive you know we have some data a long story well it's not that it's it's we have a full-time teaching staff you know and you've met them here so it's got you know talented folks whose whole job is to write the curriculum yes make the curriculum we have this amazing video and audio team amazing you know we've got amazing motion designers we've got talented user interface designer it's like to make it actually be a good school it's expensive and so if we give it away for free then we can't offer the value but also if you aren't paying for anything it's hard to commit so if you're getting you know an education for free it's just gonna be really hard to say you know what I'm going to commit to this so the issue is how do we charge enough money that we can be profitable but as little money as possible so it was affordable so we kind of started there and you know really happy we can offer a 7-day free trial so because those things that I think make it accessible to a lot of people not to everybody I wish you know that we could charge less but the reality is if we want it to be good it's got to be of a certain level of quality definitely like that makes total sense because the twenty five dollars a month to be quite honest although for some people it is quite expensive who don't have jobs but that's actually fairly it's a relatively cheap yeah you're investing yourself yes it's kind of like hey if you can squeeze together twenty five bucks a month you know pause your Netflix for a month you know cause a lot of my PA's or Hulu just just for a couple months and that's hard I mean you know that a it's hard to learn how to code you know it's not easy but if you have a deep why which is I want to change my life you know if I can learn how to code I can unlock a door and go in it and once I get in it this whole world opens up you know there are thousands of jobs and thousands of opportunities and really unlimited ceiling you know when it comes to opportunity so if you can get in the door you know it's worth investing at least twenty-five dollars for minimum yes you turn investment is huge because I know someone who actually he left to come in my last video the last video I made about you guys actually not sponsored at all it was a sponsored video at all am and he said that because he saw my tree house video my first one and he went to treat us with told him once and he doubled his salary Wow yeah that's such a common story yeah really yeah I mean we have story after story after story I mean we have this amazing woman I'm working with right now named Abby and she has Mexican parents and her entire family for generations has been stuck at an income level that's time you're really tough you know and none of them have been able to go to college or get a degree and none of them are working attack and so you know her family no one even said to her you should think about going to tech because none of them work intact yeah and so she came along and she's in the Boys and Girls Club and we partner at the Boys and Girls Club and then we went out and found an employer and said hey will you hire an amazing apprentice and we want you to pay that apprentice minimum 55k year so just to start but they're not gonna have a degree they're not gonna have experience but they're gonna arrive at your doorstep with a ton of grit and they're gonna know how to code and we booted the system up and Abby's gonna get a job in about a month earning fifty five K to start and the thing that if you're watching this thing you need to understand is you know you may be able to start at 55 K which is still great money for a huge percentage of the population that's just the start so within I would I say three to five years on average you'll be making 90 K or more mm-hmm I mean it's an amazing and it's actually very normal right yeah it's totally not and I mean and then you know the salary start getting crazy if you Silicon Valley so yeah definitely uh but then the rent gets crazy so yeah Portland Oregon um yeah actually I know someone on he followed me since the beginning of my channel too and you got paid $35 dollars a year and then after going on a treehouse what happened is he got his first salary 6,000 years Wow which is more than what I got on my company right and not just that a year later he got a raised no he got an offer from another company for $100,000 yeah and he told me two months ago Chris my goal for next year's $120,000 wow this is something yeah he didn't go to college or anything right you learn an angular and Java and you have a great Java right he checked Craig Mike right up there yeah easily literally right out there Wow well thank you there's so much opportunity and it's not easy like if you're watching this video this isn't easy money but it is accessible so if you're willing to put in the work like Chris did and learn then you can do it you just have to decide okay I'm gonna do it it's gonna take me six months of learning one to two hours a day and I just I'm gonna commit - no I'm quitting like I'm not gonna quit if you can do that yeah there's infinite possible and that's that's so easy to do yeah Oh actually oh I didn't tell you this some when I first started on treehouse I could study cook for one month when I quit but how really I was on my own I was like no way this is not gonna work for me that's not for me HTML is so easy now HTML no way and then three months later I told myself Chris if you don't try to learn code now you look critter forever right and so I went back and three months later I got my first job Wow thank you there you go yeah you didn't in the end you didn't quit right and you hit a wall that everyone hits for sure and if you're watching this and you've hit that you've hit that wall you know what I'm talking about if you have it you'll you'll hit a point where you think I can't do this you know I I don't know why I think I can this is all uncomfortable you know all these people done this before they get it you have all this doubt but you have to just know that that is it's like a train journey and that is gonna be one of the stops and you will go through it and that's not just what the basic less or even like programming like right JavaScript especially yeah anything you know you're gonna you will go through that stop and the train will stop there and you'll want to get off and you just have to know I'm just not gonna get off the train yeah like I'm just gonna keep going and then eventually the tracks take you you know to a job and getting a job is in automatic either I mean you have to go through the process of okay how do I apply for jobs you know how do I not give up when people say no how do I get freaked out and I go to the interview and you know panic and and but again if you apply for enough jobs you will get one you know and then once you get one then you're on the ladder and then you have experience right so the other thing is kind of cooled I've been telling people's you also can get into tech by doing small freelance projects so if you're thinking about learning how to code then you can learn a little bit of code and then do something really simple for free for a friend oh yeah talk about this - yes right so it is ask a friend if you can do their website for free mmm and they'll probably like all right you know hi I guess I missed the worst could happen right yeah and then once you do that then then you ask a small business kind of do your website for like a hundred bucks right it's still super cheap you're still basically losing money yourself and then they said yes and then you have your first $100 project and then you go and you ask a business to do it for $200 $300 five hundred thousand dollars and you just like ratchet your way up to oh wow now I can charge $1,000 or more no to do a project for somebody and they take me seriously because I have all this other work so you can work your way into the industry that way as well you don't have to like go from not being employed to suddenly working at a tech company it's basically a process I actually in regards to that suit and I think depending on the size of the company sometimes you can literally copy and paste code from others on pages and just like edit around because yeah yep yeah that's the way how I learned to cut so tree house didn't exist yeah and I was like I don't know PHP and I my first job as a developer was basically a PHP developer job and I was like I don't want to do so actually used O'Reilly books oh sure great no they're books you have to buy them and I need to read them I mean I use code from the book and then changed and doctor then broke it and fixed it and then I you know found other open source projects download them change them adopted them and you know my first apps were basically everyone else's code and then I guess lightly decimal home no it's it's the way to do it like no one writes code from scratch Yeah right and they no one does No yeah that's too hard well I guess regards to that then writing code do you think that eventually be bought so I could write code and now developers won't be needed the magic programming yeah you know it's like anything so I was actually just watching a show on Netflix last night with my wife and you watch Netflix I do okay I'm like I'm really tired like zone out right and we're watching a TV show called the crown right now because my wife is British and so really into Britain and so haha and so watching the show anyway but in it it's in like the 1960s 50s and there's all these telephone operators you know and they're they're making calls and all these operators are plugging in switches yeah just to get a call from you know the Queen to her sister and I was like wow that's crazy because machines have totally taken that job mmm like they're gone yeah there's no telephone operators now yes wait but yet we've figure it out yeah yeah we've basically risen one layer above right so now instead of you know switching things we use Twilio which is a service that allows you to write an app that sends SMS is right and so now as developers we're using our creativity tip too and we're standing on the shoulders of giants right so I think what's gonna happen is machines are gonna be doing more and more hard tasks which then frees humans up to do extremely creative tasks yeah and you'll still be building things it's just that you won't have to do really brutal hard low-level things you know looks like I got a framework pretty much yeah it's like a framework and this happens all the time like you know that's when we react when react was created it didn't put everyone out of job yeah it actually enabled everyone to do more than that definitely so that's where I think we're going and and it'll happen for sure but it's not gonna be the end of development at all I think it's actually gonna create a Renaissance where you're freed up from a lot of a lot of the hard stuff and you can actually be super creative so well does that mean that means then even for us developers than that we need to continue to always learn - yeah keep learning yeah it's never gonna never gonna stop so this initially is fun if you love learning and you love solving puzzles it's just it's so fun yeah no definitely angry um well here's another question but um with just like Tesla and there's there's refrigerators I can tell you what kind of food is in your fridge yeah pretty much a cait machine learning there's out some of amazon oh my gosh oh yeah thank you yeah yeah yeah so machine learning um so are you guys doing anything yeah oh yeah we are heck yeah right now working on machine learning basics oh it's gonna be kick-ass Wow and that's on ask alone to be available on it I'm Travis oh yeah cause I'm five months unless you like yeah well I'm gonna be the first I want to take four there it's gonna be great cuz I mean one thing that we're really really good at treehouse is teaching beginner topics all right yes so we don't try to compete with Pluralsight and do really advanced crazy stuff like we don't try to do you know flying degree engineering like Udacity does like we teach beginners the skills they need to get jobs right so the ideas and Nick Pettit is gonna teach it well you know when I see our land on sea right yeah and he's our he he he was our first teacher he's still with us he's a really good explaining you know very difficult subjects to people that have never done before so the idea is we all need to understand machine learning this like these ten a basic level were like I can talk intelligently about it I can use basic tools I can build an app that uses very basics you know easy machine learning I can do that and and so we're really good at that so anyone who's watching this that wants to get their head around like what is this machine learning stuff how do I actually begin using it we're out of course for you pretty awesome that's awesome okay wait Wow yeah I'm excited actually I really want to go into that you don't see any developer talks about it all the time too yeah because it seems like it's pretty big it's a lot of people talk about it a lot and it's the future yeah right I mean it's clear machines are much better than humans at learning certain things yes you know I don't know if you saw but deep mind set its sights on on chess the other day and this is the the machine learning learning algorithm that beat the world's best go player oh yes so basically you know I think it's called I'm pretty sure it's called deep mind and so deep mind figure to help LIGO and then eventually crossed all the humans right oh my god sucks you know thought we're really good at this and then they thought well let's teach it chess and see what it can do and they just said here's the rules of chess and in 24 hours it was better than any human has ever been right yeah so the point is machines are way better learning certain things that machines are good at learning like let's let them get good at that right and let's use that instead of trying to find fair yeah let's instead of like let's try to be really good machines now let's try to be really good humans and let the machines help us so it's gonna machine learning is gonna support everything in the future so it's best that people get their heads around it and just kind of start to feel comfortable like this is another tool it's not you know Skynet it's okay calm down everybody all right you know I think I'm pretty I hope so um like two more questions yes yeah I'm so we have people who well people who thought there a lot of people follow me from India mm-hmm Philippines all over the world everybody of course for people who live in developed countries it's very hard for them so you can afford eásá t of course but of course there's a way if it enough there's always a way to make away but do you guys have any plans for like developed countries we're thinking about it we don't have any huge plans right away because there is a lot going on the u.s. that we're focusing on but yeah I know that we're starting to think more about pricing and ruby's natively you know we're trying to think about how to make it more affordable yeah so if you're watching this and you're from a developing country we care about you and I'm very thankful to have your attention to have your passion for treehouse thank you but we're just trying to do the best we can with our smaller team you know we we specifically have chosen not to be a crazy venture capital fuel you know growth at all costs type company mmm we've chosen to try to be a sustainable viable healthy tech company instead which means we can't do everything that we want to do as fast as we want to do it so sometimes we have to make choices and so emotionally I want to tell you we're there we're trying but you may not see a ton of movement right away yeah but but it's definitely not easy to do all as well and let's take a lot of planning yeah it's hard I mean we want to do it right so you know if you're in a developing country we don't just want to promise that we can make you job ready yeah like we want to be able to deliver on that so please continue to learn as best you can please let us know how we can help you more and we'll do the best we can definitely great um I get okay two more questions then do it okay great thank you um oh I just forgot what a question was ah it's gonna be a really good one it was a really good one it was a really good one oh hey um okay so I mean obviously you have access to data on you know what languages are being studied the most in your system or maybe as people email you let you know they got hired what languages are really like what's in 2018 what our script JavaScript well so my seniors ago they told me the exact same yeah it's off I said because of just angle and react is that yeah it's it's becoming it's interesting because there has to be enough energy around a framework or a language for there to be a lot of innovation and and what's happened is you know there was a question of okay what language to use in the back end versus the front end and obviously a lot of the front-end stuff was JavaScript already mm-hmm and then I think as soon as node and angular really took hold people realized wait a minute like we can be JavaScript developers you know front-end back-end both either-or yeah and it just meant okay I don't have to go learn Ruby and JavaScript or I don't have to learn understand script so you know and it it will it will always change right so in 2019 or 2020 it's gonna be something else or it'll be in a patient of it but I think right now if you want the best chance of getting a job and being relevant just are in full-stack JavaScript so you know we've got a tech degree for that guys in the hallway and you'll probably be focusing it's interesting it used to be more angular and now it's react no way it's about a react is really really super hot now is it because it's just making like mobile development so much easier yeah yeah and it means it means you know react native means that companies don't need iOS and Android developers and web developers you can actually just have them one team it's it's really expensive for companies to have to build mobile apps and web apps because you build they're completely separate you have to keep them in sync it's literally like you're doubling or tripling your costs or as if you can basically build your web app and use react native to port it to native mobile apps it's the same code so we're seeing a lot of move towards that but they're still I mean there's still and is going to be native mobile jobs for a long time like if you want to learn objective-c or Swift or Java there's gonna be there's always there's gonna be ton of jobs for a long time right so I would say if if if you feel like web apps are more interesting to you and you kind of for some reason are drawn to that JavaScript if you think no I really love like native mobile web application ativ mobile apps I really am passionate about mobile you know I love being you know having access to the accelerometer and all the native functions of phone then probably learn you know either iOS development or Android development if this is all confusing to you and overwhelming then forget about everything and just start with very simple JavaScript yeah you know and then you can start to branch out definitely Wow so the act because I've always talked about angular but maybe because anger is more populate in Orange County right now react is starting to kick its ass really well but but the funny thing is now there's something called view yes PGs and view is no now certain people this is not Finkle the community is yeah this is why if you're watching this video you're learning how to code what you need to understand is that basically you have to learn how to code so that you can speak a language yeah so the idea is as soon as you learn one programming language it becomes very easy to learn their second vision and your third as people is very easy at their jobs right you're like us as a variables as a loop this is an array you know stephandalex this is a function you know this is how object-oriented this works and you realize oh it's just the same thing but with slightly different syntax so Wow okay um well I guess one more question it do those right now as long as you want yes let me make this a little brighter it's can't let a doctor in here now he's getting dark yeah the Sun is going down I'm surprised I said I know they're saying I came at the right time I guess because people want to know like you know like you guys flew me out here yeah yeah I'm very thankful for that he can yeah I mean I don't mind not having sleep that was my good boy I still worked anyway um so like what was the reason that you guys flew me out here because I have a channel of about like 12 about 12 to 13 thousand subscribers now well the reason why is because you are exactly the reason why we started this company mmm you know you taught yourself how to code and you got a job and you're on your way to change your life with that I mean you are the story right and so we want to celebrate that and we think people go to youtube to say you know how do I learn how to code or how do I change my life or how do I do this right and but I want to hear from somebody who's done it you know they probably don't want to hear from tree house director yeah right because well they're the company but I want to hear from someone who's actually done it mm-hmm so I can actually get a realistic view and see the story of what it's like so we found it be fun to partner with you and we love your channel and witch stuff let's do it oh thank you well just so they know I'm not sponsored by you guys I know it's amazing I was exciting Wow well any last words do you want to say to anyone who hasn't tried a tree house yet yeah I I think if you are thinking about learning how to code or you've heard there's a lot of job jobs in the tech industry or you hear that all the opportunity is there it's true and if there are thousands and thousands of jobs that pay really really well and it opens up all the doors and the most important thing to realize is that you don't have to have a college degree period you definitely don't have to study computer science yes you don't have to be great at math you don't have to be great at physics you don't have to be a boss of charts IQ or take calculus right you know none of that matters none of it all that matters is that you have grit so you don't quit so you are able to continue learning even when it gets a little hard that's the number one thing number two things you just have to be a little creative it's actually a really creative industry yes and writing code is more like writing a story thank you so you can do it just don't give up and start today that's the key so it's gonna be like do I learn when do I learn it how do I learn it it doesn't really matter just decide okay today I'm gonna spend an hour and I'm going to start obviously I think treehouses is a great place to start but the point is you got to start and it has to be today so if you're watching this video immediately stop it and go start all right that's what you gotta do I agree [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Chris Sean
Views: 18,492
Rating: 4.9094338 out of 5
Keywords: learn, code, life, of, web, developer, html, css, javascript, query, js, php, angular, programmer, software, frontend, backend, front, back, programming, job, hired, junior, jr, ryan, carson, treehouse, teamtreehouse, team treehouse, coding, school, bootcamp, tech degree, boot, camp
Id: f-O1ANPhA8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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