It's Time to Wake Up (LIVE) | Prayer Room Legacy Nashville

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[Music] fever [Music] Oh Oh beautiful [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] I'm still well the noise dies down whoa I will [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh and uh our dessert [Music] Oh I will open up though my freezing to I test before Oh you see you know but is a breeze over reason too I dash before who the fire you breath in my lungs would lie [Music] there is no in your love it's the sweet Oh you soon we're done my design to know Yuji though my fears too this Oh to ignore dawn I feel [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] to to [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] to - do [Music] to [Music] told you oh Jesus [Music] [Music] to Jesus happy soon No ha [Music] [Applause] who you are you know how [Music] [Music] [Music] like it [Music] [Music] just before touch I'm desperate for time like in the desperate for time were under fire time to fire before like in the upper room we just before Oh Oh we do duh [Music] my design [Music] open up all my fears and should I am Dutch before [Music] in acts 2 verse 17 talks about the Prophet Joel saying in the last days God will pour out his Spirit upon all people sons and daughters will prophesy young men will see visions men will dream dreams in those days I will pour out my spirit even on my servants men and women alike and they will prophesy and they will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below Jesus we want to make room for your Holy Spirit to come you say you will pour out you will pour out we want to make room we want to make room Holy Spirit we make room for you we invite you in like the woman and her vessels I'm collecting all my vessels all my space all my capacity and my heart breaks for the times God that you were pouring out and I had my best was full of me and I had my vessels full of fear Jesus we empty everything we have Phylis Lord pour out your spirit in the end of days in the yesterday in the tomorrow pour out your spirit we are here we make room we stretch our capacity in this building the molecules of the walls are expanding we're making room for Holy Spirit in our homes we are making room for all these spirit in our dreams stretch capacity new capacity more vessels open space Jesus we clear out fear we clear out fear we clear out cynicism we clear out pride I don't want to have any of me left I don't have any of me left when the Holy Spirit comes into this room yes for your father's spirit we're ready for a final we're making space for a violin we are cleared out we will lay down you promised you alluro and we are here to receive Oh Susie [Music] [Music] here there's a boy isn't he [Music] seeking it's the power [Music] young men Travis [Music] and all men will change [Music] Oh pouring our spirit all sons and daughter [Music] my young man will travel whoa [Music] we come into agreement with your word Jesus touring artists fear [Music] on your son's a dog [Music] your young men will prophesy [Music] and all men will dream dreams we shall [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] a believer [Music] it's time to wake up [Music] it's [Music] it's [Music] don't go go back toad surgeon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a king [Music] [Music] [Music] Chuck shucks it's time to wake up burned out every system that leaves out the Holy Spirit burned down every program that holds back the Holy Spirit don't go back to the way things were [Music] because it's time to wake up [Music] oh it's time to wake up [Music] and realize the hours need whoa for my kingdom come when my kingdom so I tell you it's time to wake up it's time to make [Music] Lord we go to war for the church right now [Music] Lord we step into that place of warring for your house Lord and we say enough is enough enough is enough we will not continue to outsource to programs and corporate principles what belongs to the people of God what belongs to the kingdom of Jesus we will no longer outsource our opportunity our responsibility to be intimate with Jesus to our leadership to our pastors to our elders to our deacons to people oversee your house know we each and every one of us God we take up the responsibility to approach the throne of grace boldly and worship you for ourselves God let every program that does it not exalt the name of Jesus be burned up in the fire let every single ministry program that does not bring Jesus glory let it be burned up today in Jesus name let every single thing that we do God that has nothing to do with your kingdom and as everything to do with this world Lord let it fall by the wayside today let it be burned up as we pursue your face Jesus but we just say enough is enough god we're tired of the games we're tired of the church growth programs we're tired of the more effective principles for ministry God we need Jesus we go to war for the church right now God if we say we need Jesus we need Jesus and only cheese we must have Jesus and I'll be satisfied with and only Jesus we must have you Lord we must have Jesus feel your church again Jesus take take your position would sit down on your throat in your house gun rule and reign supreme in your church again God we go for the church right now till the only thing left is gee to all that's left is Jesus to all we have is just Jesus ruinous for anything last guy RunAs for anything less than Jesus give us Jesus and only Jesus we got a war for the church right now [Music] [Music] [Music] should the holy sometimes the only way that I can get to you is to burn it all down sometime the only way that I can get your attention is to burn down everything that you built [Music] burn it all down burn it all down any and everything that does not bring glory to your name and let's not push your kingdom forward but that is done out of selfish ambition and fame and and vain conceit burning all burning all down burning up platforms whatever you gotta do burn it all down God we are not going back to where we were we aren't going back when the church doors open we're not going back to what we did before we're not going back so whatever you have to burn down burn it down God so that the King of glory can come in and take his rightful place on the throne of our hearts cause he is the kingdom yours is the power yours is the glory forever hiwa is a kingdom [Music] [Music] [Music] marked only by your presence not by the things that we can build with our own two hands but by the very glow that emanates from our face [Music] let your presence be our sole desire so dependents your glory [Music] like Moses on about or today reading the kill your presence is my promise your glory guides my way your presence is Oh [Music] Oh your friends Oh [Music] although your presence isn't it's where you're calling me too [Music] all the world it's where you call me [Music] [Music] it's all [Music] [Music] to the low to the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] you [Music] like Jesus say no God has brought down his face you say you will never turn more presence all presences [Music] Oh your presence [Music] it is all good friend dog presences [Music] so [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh sir [Music] [Music] says when they were in the upper room they were constantly united in prayer constantly United in prayer we will not let the enemy define us [Music] career is what binds us together to a binds families together so it binds marriages and covenant together it's what binds our church and corporate church together so just like in that place where the Holy Spirit descended we want to be united and we want to be gone still United unity is not a passive thing that happens Jesus it is a fight it is a pursuit Lord I cannot live without you Jesus we cannot love others without you Jesus we cannot stand in unity you father and we fight for that today we armor up ready to battle for unity in these times ready to battle free unity within our families our extended families people on the other side of the pole [Music] we say as a church that we are constantly united in prayer consistently in prayer frequently on our knees thoroughly laid out often [Music] Lord when your presence comes may we learn to turn that outward father as we fill up may we pour out Jesus like the disciples in the family and the mothers and the brothers in that room and the tongues of fire descended Jesus we want to be United Lord [Music] Phyllis was crazy laugh wild love unheard of love Lord we want to look like you thank you for your presence thank you that seeking you is not a solo journey that you met the woman at the well and she came back and she told everyone she saw the miracle that happened father [Music] presence [Music] we'll always find the feet of [Music] too hard and face-to-face you will always find me the feel of [Music] jeans wait until [Music] the feet of Jesus in communion heart - and face to face [Music] [Music] from Morton's way but [Music] defeat of [Music] the feel of shoes [Music] we love Jesus it'll come - FX - you will always the feeder from warnings what is feeder cheese [Music] at the feet of gee she would have to feed a G gee what the feet [Music] she at the free she see [Music] hoji [Music] [Music] go change [Music] [Music] my feet up in court [Music] the future [Music] or what you will always find me feel of Jesus in communion are two I'm face-to-face you will always find me God feels away [Music] until [Music] please [Music] exactly what we just say is exactly where we are Church we are at the feet of Jesus right now in this very moment we acknowledge Jesus before us and we confess Jesus you're beautiful Jesus you're lovely Jesus you're perfect in every way there's no one like you Lord Jesus you're marvelous Jesus you're wonderful [Music] wonderful in all of your ways Jesus everything about you is perfect from head to toe everything about you Jesus is perfect every word that you speak [Music] all that you do is perfect Lord this is our offering today it's not money [Music] suggest us or Jesus this is our offering today may not be much but it's the fullness of our heart it's the fullness of ourselves give it to you we give it to you lord let's just sing this out the song out to Jesus as we finish let's just sing it straight to him straight to him [Music] Oh [Music] Oh is see [Music] [Music] Oh first help each other to live and we're not do - never seen for my read is free [Music] first of each other to live not do help me for my is skin glow - for love [Music] to full of woe to you we mean that today Lord we really mean that today God that's our hearts cry this is the birthplace of revival here at the feet of Jesus this is where it all starts this is where it all ends and this is what it's all about revival is not about a conference it's about a person and that's about Jesus this is the birthplace of personal revive what I believe with all my heart that there are people all over the world being ignited again by the fire first love to where it is Jesus and only Jesus and I pray that that seed be deposited into your spirit today and then it bear 100-fold fruit from this moment forward in your life that you would be fully possessed by the fire of first love to love Jesus and only Jesus to be completely consumed but with the fire first love and I pray that that fire would be spread all around that it would be spread throughout your local church that it would be spread throughout your region your province your state your County then it would be spread throughout your nation and that the nations of the earth would experience great revival Lord we thank you God that in a certain kind of way you've United the nations the enemy meant for evil you always turn it around for the good Lord I don't know if there's ever been a time in human history that every nation has participated in one thing all at once but we just declared this is a precursor a picture of what it's going to look like what revival hits the nations of the earth that every media news outlet all over the world would be covering revival would be covering the harvest would be covering the influence and the affection of the Lord Jesus Christ that the Father's love would through every nation and for for through vessels and missionaries and folks all over the world to scatter about and to share the affection like the infection that's been shared that everybody's been talking about we just declare we're not sharing the infection we're sharing affection and Jesus mighty name and we receive her Bible and we choose to walk in it today in Jesus mighty name so wherever you are in the world you just say with me I receive revival I receive revival in Jesus name Amen [Music] amen and amen you
Channel: Legacy Nashville
Views: 160,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3gGiVrIeCeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 49sec (3649 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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