In Your Presence (LIVE) Full Set | Prayer Room Legacy Nashville

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[Music] holy spirit we welcome you we welcome you just right now wherever you are if you're in your bedroom if you're in your living room if you're in a hospital room if you're in your car i just want you to put the name of jesus on your lips call upon jesus jesus jesus my favorite five-letter word jesus jesus christ the only name by which we're saved jesus christ the name that carries breakthrough for a lifetime and the mention of his name [Music] power is released [Music] whatever you need breakthrough in today just set it before him set it before him and call upon his name [Music] he's going to meet you today he is going to come and meet with you [Music] today jesus [Music] power in the name of jesus jesus [Music] we surrender to the name of jesus who surrendered to you god [Music] look upon his holiness jesus jesus jesus there's no one like you god [Music] no one quite like you jesus i've never seen anyone as holy as you there's no one like you [Music] let's invite him into your room [Music] he is excited to be with you today whatever kind of week you've had month you've had year you've had the god of breakthrough is here to meet with you today [Music] we welcome you holy spirit welcome you [Music] so we set our hearts on you i'm yours [Music] there's no one quite like you just you're great in every way [Music] like [Music] so we set our eyes on you jesus we lay down every way and say have your way [Music] have your [Music] there's nothing worth more that could ever come close [Music] your presence [Music] i've tasted and seen of the sweetness of love where my heart becomes free and my shame is undone [Music] your presence [Music] there's nothing worth it there's nothing worth more i could [Music] [Music] i'm the sweetness of life where my heart becomes free and my shame is [Music] your presence loves [Music] me the holy spirit [Music] your glory god is what our hearts love you are welcome [Music] your glory god is what our hearts [Music] [Music] your presence [Music] your presence [Music] your presence [Music] your presence [Music] [Music] let us become more aware of your presence [Music] let us experience the glory of your greatness let us [Music] of your praises let us experience the glory of your goodness let us become more aware of your praises let us experience [Music] and we sing holy spirit you are welcome your glory god is [Music] [Music] your presence [Music] your presence [Music] is [Music] wonderful enjoying miraculous season [Music] it's a holy spirit you are welcome [Music] your glory god is our hearts long to be overcome by your presence lord [Music] [Music] presence presence [Music] oh [Music] the angels cry holy [Music] so we cry [Music] [Music] she [Music] we cry holy holy [Music] home [Music] holy holy [Music] lord [Music] in the morning [Music] our [Music] songs too [Music] holy [Music] [Music] [Music] dreams [Music] cause we cry holy are you [Music] we cry out with the angels we cry out with the angels [Music] oh [Music] so um [Music] there's a prayer meeting happening in heaven right now [Music] the four living creatures are there they're covered in eyes beholding our king of kings and the only thing they can find to say is holy holy holy is the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come and then once they get to the end of that the only thing they can think to say again is holy holy holy is the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come and they near the end of that and the next phrase on their lips is holy holy holy the 24 elders are there too and their response all they want to do is cast down their crowns before him he's beautiful he's holy and they're screaming out worthy are you our lord and god to receive glory and honor and power he is holy he is worthy [Music] god no matter what i've carried in to today [Music] no matter what thing is weighing me down if it's finances if it's my health if it's my relationships the things that are constantly nagging god i throw them before you and look upon you with just my two eyes i'm not even covered of them i have two and all i want to say is holy [Music] you are holy you are worthy of my attention of my affection of my adoration there's no one i can find as worthy as you holy holy holy is the lord god almighty just look at him you can close your eyes and just imagine his majesty seated upon the throne he is holy he is worthy of your adoration today he's gonna take care of everything else he said just set it aside you're okay everything's gonna be okay i'm here i'm right here i'm right here just look at him he's more beautiful than you remembered isn't he he's more caring than you remembered [Music] did you forget how loving he was oh my gosh he is so in love with you [Music] wow wow i can't believe i'm holding court with the holy of holies i can't believe i got an appointment on your calendar today [Music] i'm here in front of you holy god you alone are holy [Music] you alone are worthy we join in with heaven right now and just say holy holy holy holy holy holy holy i can't think of anything else to say other than holy in response to who you are by nature you are holy god it's who you are you are holy what a privilege it is to stand before you you are holy [Music] holy [Music] with all creation i sing praise to the king of kings you are my everything and i will adore you holy holy holy is the lord god almighty who wasn't this [Music] with all creation i say praise to the king of kings you are my everything and i will adore you [Music] and i will adore you we cry we cry [Music] to you [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] with all creationism praise to the king of kings you are my everything and i will adore you [Music] you are home [Music] you [Music] is [Music] you are my everything and i will adore you [Music] we will adore you bow down before you [Music] you're holding [Music] bow down before you learn [Music] ever [Music] love you [Music] in psalms 19 says the heavens proclaimed the glory of god the skies display his craftsmanship day after day they continue to speak night after night they make him known they speak without sound or word their voice is never heard yet their message has gone throughout the earth and their words to all the world god has made a home in the heavens for the sun it bursts forth like a radiant bright room after his wedding it rejoices like a great athlete eager to run the race the sun rises at the end of the heavens and follows its course to the other end nothing can hide from its heat the instructions of the lord are perfect reviving the soul the decrees of the lord are trustworthy making wise the simple the commandments of the lord are right bringing joy to the heart the commands of the lord are clear giving insight for living reverence for the lord is pure lasting forever the laws of the lord are true each one is fair they are more desirable than gold even the finest gold they are sweeter than honey even honey dripping from the comb they are a warning to your servant a great reward for those who obey them how can i know all the sins lurking in my heart cleanse me from these hidden faults [Music] there's nothing that can replace god your heart your pureness before god coming to him just the way you are god looks at your heart [Music] god sees your heart god desires you to give everything that you are back to him imperfect just the way you are and no matter what we go through no matter what we're going through no matter what we face our god is holy [Music] our god is worthy [Music] our god deserves an unashamed worship from the deepest part [Music] of who we are he's greater than anything we've ever gone through anything you may go through [Music] he desires that we continue to worship him in spirit and in truth imperfect just the way we are [Music] so we cry holy [Music] we cry holy [Music] we [Music] we cry [Music] we cry [Music] we cry we cry [Music] [Music] holy are you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we reverence you oh god [Music] because there's no one like you jesus he's a healer provider he's a friend in need a savior a father [Music] there's no one like you [Music] open up my eyes and wonder [Music] there is no one like you there is none beside you open up my eyes in wonder and show me who you are and fill me with your heart and lead me in your love [Music] [Music] oh lord oh lord there's no one quite like you anywhere we bless you we bless you we bless you [Music] there is none beside up my eyes in wonder and show me who you are [Music] to those around and i will build my life upon your life it is a firm foundation and i will put my trust in you are and i will not be shaking and i will build my [Music] shaken [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music] oh [Music] are you [Music] yes holy are you lord holy are [Music] holy [Music] holy [Music] holy [Music] is [Music] are you [Music] there [Music] me [Music] the more you behold him the more you become like him the more you behold him the more you become like him it's not a waste of time to behold him he's transforming you he's transforming you into his likeness the more you behold him the more you become like him [Music] teach me how to love like you love god teach me how to be merciful like you are merciful i look upon your face and i'm so enamored with your holiness but in the same moment you're transforming me to look just like you to look just like our dad you're teaching me to love like you love to see people like you see them [Music] [Music] [Music] god let me love people like you love people it says in the gospels you shall love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself [Music] jesus is talking to a lawyer here and he he said to him you have answered correctly do this and you will live but he the lawyer desiring to justify himself said to jesus and who is my neighbor jesus replied a man was going down from jerusalem to jericho and he fell among robbers who stripped him and beat him and departed leaving him half dead now by chance a priest was walking down the road and when he saw him he passed by on the other side so likewise a levite when he came to the place and saw him he passed by on the other side but a samaritan as he journeyed came to where he was and when he saw him he had compassion he went to him and bound up his wounds pouring oil and wine then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him and the next day he took out two dinari and gave it to the innkeeper saying take care of him and whatever more you spend i'll repay you when i come back which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers he said the one who showed him mercy and jesus said to him you go and do likewise god as we behold your holiness we become like you like the samaritan who's not passing by on the other side saying i'm too busy for my neighbor god i repent for asking the question who is my neighbor expecting someone to be excluded from the answer teach me to love like you love i don't want to encounter you just for the sake of having a warm fuzzy feeling in my bedroom i want an encounter so the world around me is transformed by your love by your grace that i received from you [Music] i repent for asking who is my neighbor [Music] i behold you to become like you make me more like you jesus for you are holy and you are perfect complete and mercy and grace make me like you jesus right now if you're that person who's who's been asking god who's my neighbor i don't actually want to love that person i don't i don't actually want to have compassion or grace for the person who bothers me on social media who's always in my dms who is getting onto me at work that co-worker who drives me insane can they please not be my neighbor god i want you right now just to take a moment and repent in your heart and say god i'll walk back to the other side of the road and scoop up the man on the side wounded and bleeding and i'll put him on my own animal i'll be inconvenienced i'll be inconvenienced i'll let it cost me i'll give you the two dinari i'll let it cost me [Music] let me show love to the people around me just like you jesus i behold you so i can become like you make me look like you father i want to look like my dad i want to look like you i want to look like i want to have compassion like you have compassion i just want to look like you i want to look like you [Music] you are holy holy [Music] make me like [Music] [Music] we want to look like you so god have your way in us lead and guide us [Music] show us the way we'll fight [Music] we want to look like [Music] we want to be right where you are we want to be just like you you're the vine and we're the branches so lead the way we wanna look like him we wanna look like him [Music] and i will build my [Music] and i will burn [Music] and i will build and i will burn my trust in you [Music] and i will not be shaking [Music] we want to look like you so lord have your way lord have your way i want to look like [Music] i will build [Music] and i will build my trust in [Music] your shaking [Music] cause we're with the unmovable god and we stand on the firm foundation [Music] we're with the unmovable gun the firm foundation lord you're our firm foundation and we put our trust in you [Music] you will never face you'll never fails you'll never fail [Music] is no one like there is nothing besides open up my eyes and wander and show who you are [Music] around me [Music] the fateful one god my shepherd let your love flow out of me [Music] because [Music] we worship you we worship you [Music] we exchange our heart for yours we exchange our mind for yours we exchange our will for yours [Music] we want to be just like you [Music] just like you lied so have your way in us have your way in eyes have your way in us [Music] and [Music] open up my eyes in one [Music] [Music] around [Music] open up my eyes in my [Music] around me [Music] [Music] i feel it in this room holy spirit move [Music] cause when you have your way something [Music] something has to break so tear down every lie said the wrong things right cause when you have your [Music] [Music] [Music] when you have your way [Music] something has to break something has to bring [Music] something has to break while we've just been sitting in the presence of god for the last almost 60 minutes something had to break it's impossible to be in the presence of god without him doing some sort of transformation in your life because the spirit of the lord where he is there is freedom there is freedom something has to break it's not something maybe has the option when when the god of breakthrough is in your room something has to break there's no other option jesus died on the cross went down to hell got the keys and came back um he is the victor something has to break so right now if you need healing in your body if you need an impossible situation met by the the freedom of jesus christ the only the only person that has the power to to break the chains of sin and death he is available to you today to provide breakthrough in your life he is the god of the impossible and he is present with you in your room not just here on this stage here at legacy church he is in your room in your car and he is there and something has to break so whatever that is if it's any kind of addiction or any oppression it has to break right now so we join an agreement saying that today something has to break that where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom and freedom is coming for you right now in the name of jesus christ it says in psalms that his loving kindness is chasing you down it is chasing you down you don't have the option to just hide and run away it will find you his loving kindness will find you and engulf you he is coming for you with his freedom today something has to break just while we've been adoring him and singing unto his holiness he's been working behind the scenes he's very sneaky he's very sneaky he's coming for you because he wants you to be free for freedom's sake christ set you free he wants you to be free today so that thing that's been holding you down for years potentially decades today something has to break we just join in agreement with what god is doing in your life [Music] we hold those impossible situations before you saying king jesus you are the victorious one holy god you are the overcomer you are the healer you are the provider you are the friend drags me out of loneliness you are the one who wipes away my shame today god we give it to you we give it to you [Music] saying something has to break something has to happen it's impossible to pray and nothing happens he's just too good he's just too good he's just too good to you make it personal he's just too good to you he hasn't forgotten about you he didn't forget he's not late he is good to you [Music] so jesus we just we thank you for this time we've been able to take in your presence today what an honor it is to behold you to look upon your holiness we love you jesus we love you jesus in your name we pray amen [Music] you
Channel: Legacy Nashville
Views: 18,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: si7JNlE6DB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 57sec (3717 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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