Glory to Glory, Year 1 | Legacy x UPPERROOM

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you guys pray with me [Music] jesus we give you thanks this afternoon we give you thanks for who you are we give you thanks for what you've done but we give you thanks that you never change we don't have to question who we're approaching lord you are the same yesterday today and forever and so we welcome you holy spirit would you guide us would you lead us would you reveal to us the face of jesus we want to see him we want to see him rightly we want to see him freshly but we give you our hearts today so with one mind with one voice with one heart we approach you the living god so have your way jesus have your way have your way have your way in us have your way through us come and be glorified jesus come and be glorified come and be exalted come and be known come and have your way in our midst but we say come as your bride we say come come lord everyone just say come come in this place come lord jesus come oh here comes the glory of the lord [Music] here comes the glory of [Music] here comes the glory of the lord here comes the glory of the lord here comes the glory of the lord here comes [Music] here of the comes here comes the glory of the lord oh here comes the glory of the lord here comes here comes the gloria here comes the glory of the lord his name is [Music] so thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for the open door thank you for the open door thank you for the open door thank you thank you thank thank you jesus [Music] thank you for axes [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] jesus we can be as close as we want to be thank you for accessing [Music] [Applause] one way [Music] it's you jesus it's you jesus it's you jesus [Music] and excited to be with you oh jesus we're excited to be with you we're excited to be close the bill has been torn what a miracle what a miracle what a miracle that we can run into their presence that we can run into your glory what a miracle what a miracle all access all access all access oh sweeping in [Music] here comes the glory of the lord [Music] [Music] come on sing [Music] what an open door it's an open door god it's an open door here comes the glory here comes gloria he lifted up you everlasting doors [Music] glory to glory glory to glory lord one day the earth will know this song but one day the earth will be covered with the knowledge of the glory of the lord we say here comes the glory of the lord lord we sing it now and we sing it lord for the days ahead the glory is an ever increasing glory from glory to glory here comes the glory of the lord [Music] sweet [Music] glory to glory faith to faith glory to glory begin glory to glory glory to glory glory to glory to faith glory to god [Music] glory to glory glory to glory [Music] everything [Music] glory to day to glory [Music] face to face [Music] take us where we never been before [Music] not yesterday's presence [Music] new adventures no adventures in your presence new adventures oh yeah yes in glory glory we're going glory to glory thanks to faith glory to glory thank you faith glory to glory thanks to faith glory to glory we want to go from glory to glory to faith glory to glory faith to faith glory to glory then today for all we've seen we ain't seen nothing yet glory to glory back to faith glory to glory glory to glory faith [Music] [Applause] [Music] ever increasing glory [Music] glory glory glory glory [Music] the latter is greater than the form the latter will be greater than the form release the ladder [Applause] [Music] release the ladder release the ladder glory will be greater than the former glory [Applause] so release the we want the lightest [Music] from glory to glory no matter what's before us just we want to see your glory lord from faith to faith from glory to glory we with a smile lord we know that the latter glory will outweigh the former lord lord the glory the knowledge of your glory the knowledge of your glory the knowledge of who you are god there will be no questions in that day there will be no questions all will know all will see all will agree [Music] because they will know your glory be lord jesus christ [Applause] [Music] we're going to see it [Music] we're going to see it [Music] [Music] [Applause] glory [Music] [Music] we'll see the sun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you're gonna see [Music] oh jesus we want to see your glory lord we want to see you rightly jesus in john 12 27 it's the passion week in jesus jesus said that his soul had become troubled and he said what shall i say father save me from this hour but for this purpose i came to this hour father glorify your name i just sense in my heart those in the room and those watching that an hour of trial has come and i hear you saying lord save me from this hour but he's saying he's saying i want to reveal my glory to you in the trial and i hear your prayer changing from save me to glory that there's a glory in the midst of the trial there's a glory in the midst of the trouble and that the lord is going to reveal himself to you that from heaven's perspective it's from glory to glory and i just want to encourage anyone listening that the lord is setting you up for glory that the lord is going to reveal himself in the hour of trial and the hour of trouble in the hour of shaking he's going to reveal himself to you that we move from faith to faith from glory to glory from hope to hope and so i just say beloved let your heart be fixed on the knowledge of the glory in the face of the son we say lord reveal your glory we cry out glory with just a cry of glory come forth we say glory lord in the midst of it all lord glory to glory to glory to glory to glory to glory lord [Applause] faith [Music] [Music] we wanna go glory to glory fade to faith glory to glory faith to faith glory to glory faith to faith glory to glory hope we wanna go glory to glory faith glory to glory faith to faith glory to glory faith glory to god we want to go from glory to glory back to faith from glory to glory faith from glory to glory faith from glory to glory [Music] glory to glory glory to god [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh the glory of your presence we your temples [Music] give you reverence come and rise from your rest and be blessed our praise as we glory in your embrace have your presence and all [Music] temple [Music] [Music] and [Music] as your presence now feels this [Music] you stand alone you stand alone the beautiful one the glorious one your name stands along jesus [Music] you alone are [Music] there's no other name no other name nor the name there is none like you jesus [Music] is there's no other names [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] oh jesus jesus [Music] jesus yes to is [Music] jesus oh the name in all of heaven and earth given to man by which we should be saved by which we can be saved the only name the only name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the name [Music] no other name but yours no other name can save me no other name can restore no other names no other name but yours it's jesus only jesus no other name can save me [Music] no other name can restore [Music] [Music] me no no other names no other day oh jesus oh glory to the name of jesus worthy is the name of jesus to the one who holds the keys to the one who holds the keys to the one who saved our souls [Music] in his name we speak the name of jesus we call on the name of jesus oh great high priest great high priest merciful high priest we worship you we worship you praise you for your blood for your body yes lord [Music] hey [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus you are as close as the mention of your name jesus jesus the ever-present help in the time of trouble jesus [Music] my rock [Music] jesus faithful friend jesus glory of the father glory of the father we expect to see the glory which means we expect to see jesus jesus i pray that you would peel back the roof on this place jesus i pray that you would show us your face that we would behold the glory of god in the man christ jesus right now you are the glory jesus you are the great reward jesus you are our prize jesus we're not singing about you we're singing to you jesus we're not singing about you like you're not in the room we're singing straight to you jesus [Music] your name is the glory you are the glory [Music] just want to pray that we would receive a fresh revelation of the person of jesus we're singing about going from glory to glory and i just believe that the next glory is going to be revealed with more revelation about jesus lord forgive us for getting caught up with the gifts [Music] the teachings the podcasts the books the youtube videos forgive us forgive us for getting caught up in the systems and the structure forgive us for getting caught up in the titles and the positions forgive us for getting caught up in the charts and the plays and the downloads forgive us for getting caught up in all of these things catch us up in the person of jesus we want to go god from glory to glory give us new revelation about the man christ jesus he is all we are after anyway jesus and only jesus we want to go from glory to glory so give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the man christ jesus [Music] [Music] yes [Music] no other names there is [Music] again [Music] is [Music] is [Music] you're so worthy [Music] [Music] the from generation to generation there is that is is oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] everything is telling his story look around everything is filled with his glory everything is telling that story glory [Applause] [Music] let's join creation let's join creation is [Music] the whole earth is filled with your glory everything is telling your story the whole earth is filled with your glory everything is [Music] stars at night the whole look around church cause everything is [Music] [Music] everything belongs to him come on [Music] is [Music] it's impossible to miss him if you're [Music] lucky [Music] everything belongs to him [Music] [Applause] you are beautiful [Music] all the stars [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are beautiful [Music] you are beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are beautiful [Music] you are beautiful there is [Music] is [Music] only jesus [Music] only jesus [Music] we set your love as a seal upon our hearts [Music] as we're finishing our prayer room set today we just want to thank jesus for the cross [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] the glory of the cross we've been singing about the glory the whole time jesus we've been singing about the cross and we say thank you for the cross of calvary thank you jesus we say thank you for the blood that was shed we say thank you for the blood that speaks a better word we say thank you for your body that was given we say thank you for your body that was broken bruised for our transgressions bruised for our transgressions bloodshed that we might be saved all the glory the glory that poured forth from your side the glory that poured forth from your hands the glory that poured forth from your feet the glory that poured forth from your crown yeah the glory that steadily dripped from your feet to the foot of the cross through the ages to our hearts cleansed us washed us saved us sanctified us purified us loved us healed us the glory the glory of the cross we thank you for the cross come on can we lift it up one more time we thank you for the cross we thank you we thank you we thank you for the glory of the cross [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus [Music] in jesus name amen amen amen you
Channel: Legacy Nashville
Views: 1,451,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dante Bowe, Legacy Worship, UPPERROOM, Lyle Phillips, Michael Miller, None Like You, Todd Mendez, Prayer Room, Worship, Dante
Id: D6XcC_Bqy6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 28sec (3268 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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