Love Like Water (LIVE) Full Set | Prayer Room Legacy Nashville with Chris Burns

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[Music] Luke chapter 10 starting in verse 38 now as they went on their way Jesus entered a village and a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house Jesus we just welcome you into our house today and she had a sister called Mary who set at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching but Martha was distracted with much serving and she went up to him and said Lord do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone tell her then to help me but the Lord answered her Martha Martha you are anxious and troubled about so many things but one thing is necessary one thing is necessary mary has chosen the good portion which will not be taken away from her [Music] so I just wanna shoot you [Music] over me I just wanna see your feet on here [Music] he's act I just want to see your fee [Music] Oh for a chosen [Music] you know I've chosen the good [Music] [Music] I just wanna see your [Laughter] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] because I am chosen Viji [Music] it shows [Music] to losing [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] before your throne I wanna be fair before oh I wanna be famous before you're through oh hey yes before I uh [Music] before Oh before I throw [Music] before I throw [Music] cuz I have chosen and it won't be taken for me yeah Joe Rosen the one thing that's necessary yeah children who it's to see to school I'm just gonna rest here [Music] oh I'm just gonna hide your fear there's one thing that is one day I see mr. say that you feed to he were to twirl the house of the Lord forever one thing I ask one thing I seek I meet well presence of the Lord and meditate in his holy temple oh and behold the beauty of Oh Oh [Music] cuz you're beautiful yeah you're beautiful so I can sing right - you lookin into those eyes are fire I'm serenading your heart I look into those as a fire I'm gonna see Oh Lord you're beautiful and your face [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you're right we super Oh [Music] for as you are he is I feel you [Music] Oh and [Music] a shot meet [Music] and the winner helped me to never seek a crime for Maori war is giving me [Music] he who seeks to save his life [Music] he will lose it but he who loses his life from [Music] he will find food please light up the fire that was [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and replace the live of my lady [Laughter] [Music] returned [Music] Oh [Music] because I wanna take China don't first let me taste [Music] [Laughter] [Music] tell me to never seek a crowd for my reward it's giving you blow me [Music] eat [Music] it's the glory it's [Laughter] it's the balloon [Laughter] to the I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord oh just to be near present to be imprisoned [Music] [Laughter] speeches rest in your patterns your cows too [Laughter] cuz we just arrest in you Chris [Music] as I distressed in your present Oh [Music] devotion all my affection is for I can say lower beautiful Oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you do [Music] shadow war in the other [Music] any other love [Music] do any other [Music] you can pick it up [Music] me Jesus just give me Jesus [Music] just give me Jesus [Music] so my diva to [Music] Devo [Music] the ascender [Music] to [Laughter] [Music] we to this [Music] in [Music] I don't in the [Music] [Laughter] you can take it all take it all just give me Jesus just give me Jesus take it all take it all just given Jesus just give me Jesus so my devotion to this William named streets [Music] - this man it's [Music] all rise my worship Hall drove me for prisons I looking for you like a drink of water Europe is like drinking water Oh is like a dream wedding for my soul lady [Music] take me to the real streets to the real fountain for prison slow you're not stay for my soul you must like heart muscle [Music] should you love slide what at my soul it is oh yes you're nuts like water to my soul there's a river flew in and I know it's coming from your throne there's a God go and you know I wanna make this place your home [Laughter] [Music] see is a really fluid and don't know it's coming from your throne [Music] and you know I wanna make this place your home cuz you loves like right to my soul yes laughs like cry daddy muscle Oh I feel to muscle oh poor refreshing rain today betray since let your presence fall like water on the giant thirsty growl oh we need you justice locker ever flown like one over America Lord we pray that you laughs I wanna over America cuz when I play you can't stay away enum Lord you always come well I hear your voice even when it rains you're calling me your son well you love like water to my soul for without poet on your lips like water to my soul that you loved cut like water to me my soul pour out your love for our rivers of justice and mercy God over America right now we just ask in this time like Isaiah said that your spirit be poured out Lord like water on the dry ground Lord there's a dry ground waiting for the rains of your presence for the range of Awakening and revival to burst forth we believe it's time so just like Elijah pray for the rain and he prayed and he pray and he prayed and he prayed for a lot it was a man like gosh-dang analogic wasn't man and like eyes when they prayed for the rain the rain in come Elijah was a man he was a man like us he saw the size of a man I feel the rumblings of revival America [Music] [Music] a letter a put-down let the rain pour down let the rain pour down wash every soul let the rain pour down all over America [Music] since we've started I just continue to get the impression that God is raising a priest ministers of reconciliation ministers of hope and ministers of healing but these priests that are being raised up it's not about their talent it's not about their ability it's not about their gift or their strength but it's in who they know it's in that position at the feet of Jesus that they get filled up to the brim and to overflow and from that place they step out into the city streets and they pour out everything that's been poured into them lord I thank you today that you are speaking over priests ministers of reconciliation ministers of Hope ministers of love and you're drawing those priests unto yourself Lord you're not drawing them into the ministry you're not drawing them to give them a title Lord you're drawing them into intimacy first you're drawing them back to first love Lord we speak over every single pastor that has a mantle of revival resting upon their lives to be drawn back in the first love lord I pray that some of them would find themselves today hidden beneath their desk crying out to God asking for the fire of first love to come again asking for the fire of revival to hit their church again asking for the hunger of first love to fill their spirit again but I thank you for every the church that I see with you during the cope at nineteen Crisis Lord it's not by accident you're raising our priests Lord and we say yes to this assignment to be releasing over the nations of the earth and we call forth the priests we call forth the priests of revival we call forth the ministers of reconciliation we call four of the priests of Hope be filled be filled but every dry and thirsty place be quenched today but the fire of first love fall upon the altar of your soul and burn you up Lord I pray for a complete possession for all of your priests today from the top of their head to the soles of their feet that they would be fully possessed by the fire of first love that Phylis the day Lord I pray Phyllis with the fire of first love lock our gaze upon the eyes of Jesus just like Mary that we wouldn't go anywhere that we wouldn't be more passionate to serve you as we are to sit with you you're moving right now Lord you're moving right now long and move it on the priest move on the priest the priest we preach sunny [Music] Tristan [Music] you're raising up the Antioch sky you're raising up the Antioch sky are you raising up the Antioch scar a minister to your heart ain't they are they minister to you hard [Applause] the trees they minister to your heart [Music] raise up the Antioch sky a group of people who pray who minister to your for the were there at any are prophets and teachers and they even Esther to the Lord and the Holy Spirit said a part song for the word and they traded blade teletraan I'm too you're raising up the ante [Music] you're raising up the ante jersey of the they'll be hugs all over the earth that he will send forth holy spirit filled cuz you are crazy so cut we pray for our cities right now I pray for Nashville to being an ER or novice taluk our work is being sent how do you do it how do you build it there is one thing that pre-made we twist before you God we preach before you God we preach the phone here we minister to your heart we preach before Oh God we priests before me we preach before me we believe you're raising up the ante [Music] raise up puts the heart right now in this place of Prayer God we say God speaking out over leaders and Generals everywhere he's raising them up from the House of Prayer they'll be builders are the end they'll be prophets and teachers there the Holy Ghost was set up our word herbs she never used to workers from every rings be Siddha [Music] sighs gives me the secret we need what I saw and seed will grow and pop but I saw and seek it will grow all your father's in the secret place your father's in the secret claims getting your father's in the see the players your father's see it play your father's in the secret place your father's in the secret place your father's in the secret place you reward you openly [Music] yeah [Music] you angels [Music] reaons loves you fallible shaddup are the mysterious blue Cedar's for the Koran Sooners that I was she come crashing for this like it's a duty upon you [Music] with the guard [Music] you're humble get your majestic intricate with love simplicity your father boom you should apply you're mysterious and your clothes [Music] the car and [Music] and [Music] crazy it's just like good time [Music] Oh cool [Applause] with God [Music] she [Applause] good [Music] with it's under this lowly my soul bless the Lord my blessed and blessed so blessed [Music] so [Music] so stressful Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] come crashing for it's like a tide we upon your course lady rise daddy ride that our hearts collide [Music] love every part only give me more every time [Music] every time the free my listen to you let it be go oh [Music] even my so there's longing for you and it comes from the dance my be deep in your there's a longing for me it'll love that stairs can never be found i lock my wheels i unlock my will unlock my world would to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] [Applause] do you [Music] you play the streets of my heart and I'll sing a song of the is a song the kid I know from yes [Music] unlock these names Hobart tea I [Music] I [Music] - [Music] my wheels i unlock my wheels i lock my windows of a wooded ship to you [Music] to you [Music] just swallow linger here here [Music] here [Music] No Reservations no but just an open door in my heart to you let there be no reservations no just an open door in my heart because I wanna get all that's inside of my heart I want to give all that side of my heart to you Lord I want to give all that side of my heart I want to give all that's inside of my farm to you No Reservations no wars [Music] just an open door my heart to you let it be no reservations but just an open door to you No Reservations No [Music] little or make me open heart G because I'm gonna give that's inside [Music] yeah wanna give [Music] [Applause] yes inside [Music] I wanna give all that side my heart yeah I wanna give all that's inside my heart to you though I wanna give [Music] that's inside my heart [Music] that's inside my heart [Music] oh that's inside my heart to you I won't give all that's inside my heart I want to give all this inside my heart [Music] Jesus purify your priest purify us today Jesus as we sing that all that is in our hearts is given to you Lord let us not just sing a chorus today but let us truly give all of ourselves over to you just like Mary at your feet in Luke chapter 10 it's like Paul and Barnabus in Acts chapter 13 let us give all of ourselves over to the work of the spirit to the person of Jesus but I believe you're doing a work in the heart of the priest today everything that has clogged our hearts filters your washing our hearts with your word you're purifying these filters by your blood and we're stepping into a new season of unprecedented vulnerability with the Lord Jesus we're stepping into a new season of absolute transparency with the Holy Spirit that no longer will anything be hidden from you Lord you already know about it anyway but no longer will we hide any portions of who we are from you no longer will we hide away in the dark corners of our hearts of our time underneath our sin or our shame God but we are stepping out and into the light before the feet of Jesus today and we're saying come in come in God because all that is in our hearts belongs to you and you know I just hear the Lord Jesus saying to you all that is in his heart belongs to you as we get real with God God gets real with us as we get vulnerable with Jesus Jesus gets vulnerable with us as we practice transparency with the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit becomes more transparent with us and so Lord we just invite the fullness of all that you have for us as we step out and proclaim God the fullness of all that is within us belongs to you as a worship as an offering of praise as a sacrifice poured out at your feet Lord as we come before you today god I believe you're doing a new thing in our hearts in the hearts of the priests it's a deeper work it's a vulnerable work it's a transparent work it's a purifying work give us clean hands in a pure heart today as your priests Lord give us clean hands and a pure heart today [Music] clean hands in a pure heart Oh win up the mountain the Lord [Music] another mountain of the Lord calling me calling me [Music] calling me [Music] leaving God [Music] clean head pure heart going up the mountain of the Lord with clean head [Music] Hey [Music] your righteousness [Music] without the mountain of the Lord cleaning your heart you said I told me to you you draw me to me to I taught me to you to draw me to me to stay fer resist and he will flee [Music] oh we're not the mountain of the Lord clean hatin pure ha in the garden I wanna walk with you in the pod shame and guilt they got no place to stay and I won't with you in the garden it is a cardi on the inside they give a walk with you there I find not afraid we'll never leave the gardener pleasures in my heart the Nazis cuz the gardens not about more dewy it's about enjoying [Music] [Applause] [Music] grow [Music] but more I start [Music] school me the more I start joy you [Music] it's true enjoy I've got a lot peace and righteousness going on in my soul my god the river of spirit has flooded out of control I got love peace and righteousness deep in my soul I got the love a bride [Music] the pleasure of the Lord call us higher I'll never be holy by following you set me apart you set me apart I pray Lord that you would fill us with the knowledge of your will and all spiritual wisdom and understanding that we may know what is the will of God for our lives and that the yes in our heart overshadow every care every natural care Lord I pray that the yes in our heart would be so big at the moment to moment yes would make up the giant yes following you minute after minute Holy Spirit I pray the blood of Jesus would cleanse our conscious and allow us to walk near to you in holiness not just what we've been set apart from but what we've been set apart for and only then when we begin doing those things you've called us to do can we leave behind those things that we think we need cuz we got clean head pure heart going up the mountain of the with clean and pure clean hands and pure heart going up the mountain clean it or would you just release the joy of holiness today so often we see holiness as being hard struggle wrestling match the Lord there's a joy in holiness there's a joy in purity there's an adventure in sanctification and so Lord we just we come before you as we finish in the same way as we started humbly kneeling sitting laid down on our faces before the feet of Jesus listening intently to each and every word that you pour out and we embrace the joy of your transformation we embrace the joy of that one thing we embrace the joy of purification sanctification preparation of each and every one of us as your priest raise us up from this place the day Lord and send us out as holy vessels purified by your word to do all that you've called us to do in Jesus name we love you amen
Channel: Legacy Nashville
Views: 47,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -Rj8q8W7qb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 59sec (4019 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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