It's Pirate Day at Buccaneer Planet! πŸ¦€| Rob The Robot | Preschool Learning

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[Applause] [Music] run the robot [Music] GK [Music] Rob why are you talking sunny because today is Intergalactic act like a pirate day and I'm trying to act like a pirate oh no what happened to your eye nothing orbit my eye is just fine it's a pirate eye patch there's more to being a pirate than just looking like one and talking like one isn't there maybe there's a place we can go where we can learn how to act like pirates for oh yeah that sounds like a mission and you know what that means it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today we want to go to a place where we can learn how to act like real pirates or well shiver me timbers let's see where you can go round and round the planets go which one stops nobody knows [Music] it looks like fun but we want to act like Pirates not clowns [Music] pet planet has a lot of pets to play with but not a lot of pirates oh [Music] look the buccaneer planet and Buccaneer is another name for pirate yeah that's a great place for our mission yes the buccaneer Planet excellent choice get ready for countdown [Music] hurry everyone get your stations and buckle your seatbelts [Music] [Music] three two one [Music] hey stop the buccaneer planet [Music] who goes there hi noseble [Music] what brings you back to this part of the Galaxy today is Intergalactic act like a pirate day and we want to learn how to act like real pirates and if anyone can teach us how to act like a pirate a nose bump can you be honored to teach you how to act like me upper pirate way all right this is gonna be fun thanks nose bump now first step to acting like a real pirate is sounding like a real pirate repeat after me [Music] shiver me timbers [Music] well Scupper me supper that was all righty Macy's you sound just like Pirates sure and true we do let there be plenty more to know about acting like a real pirate so follow me [Music] here be your next lesson the next step to learning how to act like a real pirate is to learn a few real pirate steps oh if you want to be a good pirate it's best to listen to me than the show ho ho and up we go over the brightest sea [Music] this is that I know it's called a jig that's how real pirates dance shut up [Music] oh if you want to be a good pirate it's best to listen to me than a joke [Music] that's not the right way to dance a jig Emma is a fine dancer but you can't be adding spins or twills to a pirate jig it's the pirate way or no way and the captain knows best okay nose bomb you're the expert we want to act like real pirates do and we'll do whatever you say yeah that's the spirit now it's on to your next pirate lesson [Applause] [Music] there be the perfect spot to bury me treasure because every pirate knows that x marks the spot oh boy oh boy up I wonder what kind of treasure is inside the chest cold silver precious jewels nope oranges I love oranges and we Pirates always bury ammo's praise possessions it's the pirate's way but that doesn't make much sense you should keep oranges in a refrigerator so they don't go bad Ah that's true I've lost many in Orange this way and more bananas than I can count but it's the pirate way and it's the pirate way oh no way [Music] shiver me timbers I'm stuck [Music] in and pulling the only way to get the pirate out of a treasure hole is to dig him out that's the pirate way aye captain so where's your shovel I buried it the favorite shovel it was but it's around here someplace here it lies when the x marks the spot aye aye Captain we'll find that shovel the pirate way cook yeah [Music] we found it Captain we found your butter so that's where those got to they're for making me perfect pirate pancakes ice skates and comic books and a big bunch of balloons not just balloons Buccaneer balloons and all my favorite colors they are yeah this isn't working there are too many x's and it'll be dark soon Captain I know you want us to dig you out the pirate way but maybe there's another way to do that like a pirate way is the only way it's not the only way nose bump look we can use the things we found to get you out come on guys [Applause] [Music] that slippery butter should do the trick now hold on Captain because here we go Timber [Music] [Music] many thanks miharties I know you've learned me lesson there's more than just the pirate way to get indeed done yeah like how eating oranges is better than burying them agree well done you're all officially Pirates sure and true [Music] thanks nose bump I'd say this be another big mission accomplished r [Music] Mission Control hi Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission [Music] we wanted to learn how to act like real pirates so we went to the buccaneer planet to learn from nose bump the pirate R he was really stuck in his old pirate ways and thought that the pirate way was the only way to do something right but when nose bump got stuck he learned that it's important to try different ways to solve problems instead of sticking to the old way well done I think it's time to go home five four three two one [Music] Buccaneer planet [Music] everyone do you hear that I think the sound is coming from over here huh stowaway space frog [Music] hey there little guy look I found a space frog wow he's cute we should give him a name Herbie Henry oh I know Harold Harold I like it where'd you come from Harold my creature book says frogs live on land and water it doesn't say anything about Rockets we should find Harold the home yeah that sounds like we've got a mission and you know what that means uh it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today we want to find a home for Harold who's Harold Harold is a space Rock finding Harold at home sounds like a great mission round and round the planets go which one stops nobody knows the ice planet it'll be too cold there for Harold the water Planet huh the space frogs like water but not all the time fourth planet that's perfect yes the forest Planet terrific Choice get ready for a countdown [Music] hurry everyone get your stations and buckle your seatbelt [Music] eggs [Music] next up the forest planet [Music] [Music] wow this is a pretty planet I'm sure we'll find a good home for Harold here right Rob huh uh Rob I'll Erase You Harold [Music] boy you're a fast little froggy but you don't say much do you come on Rob we're here to find a home for Harold remember [Music] oh right which way do you want to go Harold okie dokie we go that way wait we need to know what to look for my book said frogs live on land or in water right so we should find a home that has both land and water I bet Harold can lead us to the perfect spot he's a smart little guy [Music] follow that froggy [Music] [Applause] [Music] a canyon [Music] maybe we should turn back and look someplace else that okay with you Rob Rob [Music] uh what are you doing Rob playing hide and seek with Harold it's his turn to find me [Music] but we're supposed to be finding Harold a good home not playing games oh right sorry we'll find you a good home won't we buddy yeah this way everyone but what about the canyon We're not gonna let a little old Canyon stop us are we Harold what's that there's a good home for you on the other side okay let's go Rob I don't think huh [Music] oh I'm so cool [Music] that was a close one but you weren't scared where are you buddy no I didn't think so come on it's not so bad [Music] ah this better be worth it [Music] come on Harold let's have some fun while we're waiting for them [Music] tickle [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh nice move Harold come on Harold speak croak croak [Music] okay then roll over like this looks like you're the one teaching me to do tricks thanks [Music] [Applause] Rob hey what took you so long [Music] we were helping each other across the canyon look at that it sounds like water that means there's both land and water here [Music] good home for Harold I don't think so what why not Harold says he's hungry there's nothing for him to eat here eat oh I never thought of that it says here that space frogs eat space flies well that makes sense but I don't see any space flies I guess we'll just have to keep looking come on Harold [Music] all right [Music] I think I swallowed a bug [Music] ah they're pesky space bugs [Music] for Harold oh yeah this place is perfect look it's got land and there's a nice Pond nearby that's water and bugs ugh lots of them I don't think this is a good home for Harold what do you mean we've been all over this planet and we finally found a great place for Harold yeah what's wrong with it nothing I guess except that well Harold will be here and I'll I'll be on the rocket we understand Rob you'll miss Harold we all will yeah we become friends he'll miss me too much he won't have any friends here huh [Music] she's happy more space frogs now this is the perfect home for Harold to live everything he needs including friends well bye Harold I'll miss you but I'd say this is a pretty big mission accomplished Mission Control hi Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission [Music] well we went to the forest planet to find a home for Harold one with both land and water only we realized Harold also needs something to eat space flies we finally found a place with land and water and food but I didn't want to leave Harold we'd become good friends then we discovered Harold could have lots of friends and that made me happy cause I knew Harold would be happy well done I think it's time to go home fine four three two one yay [Music] Forest Planet goodbye Harold we're playing Explorer an Explorer is someone who looks for things that have been lost for a long time like dinosaur bones or treasure Is that real treasure orbit it is to me it's my lucky coin the real explorers never take the things they find they leave them right where they found them and do a rubbing instead with a crayon and a piece of paper you can rub just about anything that's bumpy to make a picture even Orbit's coin huh wow amazing now we can take this home to remember our amazing discovery wouldn't it be fun to go to a place where we can explore for real great idea Emma that sounds like a mission and you know what that means foreign [Applause] [Music] Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today we want to go someplace where we can go exploring oh now that does sound exciting let's explore the possibilities [Music] the cheese the cheese Planet that's a good place for a snack but so great for exploring puzzle planet we want to explore ruins not riddles the Explorer Planet that's perfect for our mission yes the Explorer Planet excellent choice get ready for countdown hurry everyone get your stations and buckle your seat belts [Music] [Music] [Music] and stop the Explorer planet [Music] hello Explorer Planet we're ready to explore and we have all the things we need to make rubbings of our amazing discoveries so which way is it to all the Amazing Discoveries oh I know my lucky coin will tell us oh it helps me decide on all kinds of things star means we go that way moon means we go that way [Music] hmm okay we go that way [Music] wow rocking rockets look at that it's an Explorer's dream thanks lucky coin [Music] oh no oh no this is terrible we have to call off the mission call it off why orbit because without my coin to bring us good luck who knows what bad things will happen oh we're sorry you lost your coin ornament everyone has something special they like to hang on to but don't worry we can still have a fun mission yeah we're just getting started and if we keep exploring maybe we'll find your coin ah but how can we find my lucky coin without my lucky coin to make us lucky enough to find it blazing comments look what I found [Music] ancient markings those are perfect for doing rubbings [Music] we'll make a rubbing of the circle I'm gonna do a square and I'll make a triangle this one reminds me of my coins this will be a reminder of our exploring Expedition end of my lucky coin too passport orbit see bad things aren't happening after all amazing look orbit made a discovery I did you sure did look the star symbol opens a secret door and the square closes it [Applause] [Music] oh I wonder what this symbol means hmm maybe a snake or a river [Music] [Music] oh [Music] still say nothing bad is happening Emma this bump on my Noggin sure isn't good luck neither is being trapped inside this ruin with no way out oh if I still had my lucky coin none of this would have happened yeah maybe orbit is right now you're all being silly we don't need luck to help us we just need to find a way out but how will we ever find the way out without my coin yummy our shows are over now that I found this oh and that's not all we found take a look at this look at all these shapes and symbols hmm pressing the star shape open the door to get in maybe pushing another star will open another Secret Door yeah there's a star right there [Music] it's blue I'll go for help you guys wait here thank you oh no Rob's boots are broken maybe there's a hidden staircase or a ladder somewhere hmm [Music] triangle just like that one up there hmm I wonder [Music] yeah elevator nice going orbit that's the way out all right but how do we get the elevator to come back down oh what does your lucky coin say orbit can it show us the way hmm uh no we don't need a lucky coin to tell us that I remember press star sheep to open in square shape close [Music] that's it orbit figured it out okay everybody on to the triangle [Music] are you ready let's go who needs a lucky coin when you've got Rings like mine oh we made we made it thanks to you orbit hooray and these rubbings will remind us of our biggest adventure ever yeah you know what I'd say this is another big mission accomplished [Music] [Applause] Mission Control hi Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission [Music] well today we visited the Explorer planet and discovered an ancient ruin but when orbit lost his lucky coin he was worried that bad things would happen and they did we got trapped inside then orbit found his lucky coin again orbit thought he needed it to help us find the way out but he really did it that's how orbit learned that it's a lot better to use your brains to solve a problem than to hope for good luck well done I think it's time to go home five four three two one [Music] goodbye Explorer Planet hi everyone you're just in time we're going to play show and share and orbits up first the thing I want to show and share is my space top when you spin it really fast it balances on its tiny tip yeah we know or a bit that's because you always show your space stop for show and share maybe you have something new to show and share with us uh nope nothing new how about you TK or Rob or Emma hmm it looks like we all have the same things we usually show and share no one has anything new then I think this means we all have something new a new mission to find something new for each of us to show and share and you know what that means it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] how can I help you today we need to find new things for show and share okay then let's see where you can go round and round the planets go which one stops nobody knows how about tree Planet but we learned all about trees the last time we visited we need to Branch out and find new things to show and share [Applause] stinky foot planet I don't think we want to go there you're right TK we don't want to play show and smell I bet we find all kinds of interesting things there Discovery Planet excellent choice get ready for countdown hurry everyone get your stations and buckle your seatbelts foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] next up Discovery planet [Music] [Music] okay let's go see what we can find for show and share [Music] hey wait for me [Music] all kinds of cosmically cool things wow I've never seen a rock like that before okay Rob we're ready [Music] here so did I but it's just a rock yeah but it has stripes and a hole right through the middle neat huh does it do anything I don't think so it's just a rock that's what I said there are tons more interesting things around here than a rock yeah like what I [Music] show and share what is it it's a radio I think it plays music let me show you [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't get close enough [Music] going out way to go TK oops I mean way to go well I thought my show and share was a radio but it's actually a noisemaker a very loud noise maker that was a great show and share TK but wait till I show you mine my show and share is a pogo stick to use it you just get on and top pop around I'll show you that's not hopping Emma that's spinning it's making me crazy yeah but it looks like fun yeah oh [Music] wow that pogo stick was awesome actually it's more like a whirly stick than a pogo stick because it spins you round and round thanks for showing and sharing the whirly stick Emma it was fun okay now it's my turn come on [Music] my show and share is this cool mini Flying Saucer awesome and I think this button makes it really fly glittering galaxies I've never heard of a rolling saucer me neither but I think it wants us to chase it come on [Music] [Laughter] [Music] come on [Music] huh this is like a game of cat and mouse wait I've got a plan okay [Music] huh [Music] [Music] we win great work guys now I can finish my show and share like I said before my show chair is a flying ER rolling saucer that plays Cat and Mouse the end that was fun thanks orbit wow we sure have discovered lots of things today especially that things are not always what they seem to be rocking robots maybe that rock I found earlier isn't just a rock either I bet Rod's right let's go see [Music] well it sure feels like a rock [Music] and it's hard like a rock [Music] smells like a rock too that didn't sound like a rock amazing [Music] [Applause] looks like we all found a special new something to show and share that's right Emma which means mission accomplished Mission Control hi Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission [Music] well we came to Discovery planet to find new things for show and share but we discovered that nothing we found was what we thought it was TK's radio didn't play music like she thought it made loud noises and Emma's pogo stick was really a whirling stick an Orbitz Flying Saucer was really a rolling saucer finally we discovered that the rock I found wasn't just a rock it also made awesome sounding space music so we learned that things aren't always what they seem to be well done I think it's time to go though better buckle up five four three two one yay [Music] goodbye Discovery planet [Music] good morning you're just in time for breakfast [Music] was that your tummy Emma yeah I'm always hungry after my morning exercises what'll it be toast and jam oatmeal or my famous scrambled SpaceX ooh scrambled space eggs please uh I hate to break this to everyone but I was just in the kitchen we're out of bed no eggs really maybe we can get some more I like that idea so does my tummy well that sounds like a mission and you know what that means it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today we need to get some eggs so we can make breakfast Rob's famous scrambled space eggs breakfast that sounds like an excellent mission let's see where you can go [Music] I like to count but it doesn't add up to a solution to our problem we won't find any eggs there the camping planet not really the place to find eggs either Farm Planet I bet we can find eggs there farm fresh eggs yes the farm planet and they plastic toys get ready for countdown hurry everyone get your stations and buckle your seatbelts laughs [Music] [Music] [Applause] next stop the farm planet [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] eggs come from chickens so where they were chickens they're sure to be eggs [Music] I'm Farm afraid and who might you be hi I'm Rob and these are my friends TK orbit and Emma hey there hello hi maybe nice to meet y'all the one preach you to my farm planet we're on a mission to find farm fresh eggs well you come to the right place only I haven't had time to do the moon and egg collecting yet hmm I've been so busy fixing this old tractor I haven't had a chance to do my other chores you see if you folks help me by collecting the eggs I'll give you as many as you need how does that sound s like a great deal farmer Fred you vote on firework before right no but it's okay I bet we'll be done before you know it won't we guys right yeah yeah I should warn you sometimes a simple sounding job can be tough if you haven't done it before so if you need help we can do it okay then the eggs are in that chicken coop let's get cracking oh Something tells me it'll be [Music] back look out eggs here come the great egg collector escaped I better go get help from farmer Fred but we let them Escape so we should get them back again yeah you're right okay let's go round up those chickens [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] orbit what did you do it wasn't me the cow did it that's not a cow orbit that's a fool okay but now before we can collect the eggs or catch the chickens we need to fix the fence the ball knocked over you and TK go after the chickens and orbit and I will get this fence fixed hmm you know I might be better at fence fixing than chicken catching let's see if I've got something in my tummy trunk that can help [Music] um TK don't move I don't think he likes the color red TK and you're right all over [Music] she didn't really mean it [Music] [Applause] [Music] I guess he doesn't like pink either [Music] this egg collecting thing is dangerous yeah now we have to collect the eggs catch the chickens fix the fence and stop that crazy cow it's a bull orbit hey what happened to Rob huh [Music] oh my God oh what do we do now might be a good time to call for help definitely [Music] calm down now calm down wow thanks how did you do that oh this old bull can be a bit grumpy you just need to know how to talk to him [Music] it looks like you could use a little help maybe more than a little yeah turns out farm work is harder than we thought well there's nothing wrong with accepting a little help when you need it like I sure could use some help fixing that old tractor [Music] TK At Your Service [Music] thanks Emma yes thanks for all the eggs farmer Fred my pleasure I couldn't have fixed my tractor without asking you for help I'm much obliged mission accomplished troll hi Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission [Music] well we met farmer Fred well he was busy working on his tractor he agreed to let us collect some eggs only the chickens got loose and then we broke a fence and then we got chased by a robo bull [Music] but we also learned that it's okay to ask for help and to accept it when someone offers it farmer friend helped us and we helped him well done what an exciting Mission as soon as we're back in space you can cook up some of those farm fresh eggs I think it's time to go home and a buckle up five four three two one yay [Music] goodbye farmer Fred goodbye Farm planet here you go I cooked the crunch out of these crater carrots thanks orbit okay who's doing the Saturn salad all done Rob chop and toss good let's see the lunar lasagna is cooked oh what else is there comment cake for dessert good uh oh I knew I forgot something huh what can't help giving dinner with a comet cake for dessert that's what the holiday is all about I always thought help giving was about helping one another uh well it's about that too but it's mostly about having comic cake for dessert it is something we always have after our holiday dinner Emma's right it's a tradition we have to find a comic cake somewhere hmm wait that sounds like we've got a mission and you know what that means [Applause] it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] [Applause] [Music] Big Planet [Music] Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today we need to find a comet cake for our health giving dinner I think I can help you with that round and round the planets go which one stops nobody knows the fruit planet fruit is yummy but the dessert we're looking for the book planet that would be a good place to go if we wanted to read about common cakes but we want to eat one oh no that looks like a good place excellent choice the comet cake Planet get ready for countdown hurry everyone get your stations and buckle your seatbel [Music] nine [Music] eight [Applause] [Music] next up the common cake planet [Music] thank you [Music] rocking robots look at all the comments [Applause] I say we start celebrating oh giving Day by helping ourselves [Music] it's as hard as a coconut what's with that climate cakes are supposed to be soft and Cakey hmm maybe this one's not ready to be picked yet hmm Rob's right it's purple not pink when comic cakes are ready to eat they're Pinker than me huh that one looks like it's ready to be picked gee this one looks like it should have been picked a long time ago [Music] turned into a comet mush ew ew it looks like all the good ones have been picked already there must be one good comment cake left for our holiday dessert [Music] oh and there it is yeah whoa that's the one yes huh huh I don't believe that greedy gears took our Comet cake well it's not getting away with it yes he is [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] orbit are you okay never mind me where did that one-eyed 3D gear spine pick comic cake stealer go I think he could have at least let us say goodbye for a holiday dessert [Music] looks like it's Mission not accomplished which way back I think the ship is that way [Music] hey look whose spaceship is that [Music] all but it belongs to that greedy gears cake snatcher okay Rob what's the plan we'll ask him nicely if he'll share some comic cake with us don't mean our comic cake foreign getting hit by a meteorite is bad enough but to have it happen on help giving day that's the worst you'll never be able to fix it without the right tools he's got supper all laid out only there's nothing to eat maybe that's why he wanted the comic cake so badly hey how come there's two bowls [Music] hey there little fella [Music] I'd say the little guy's hungry Neil what do we do well it is help giving day so let's give them a little help think you can fix the ship TK turn on it Rob give me a hand with the food for my rocket Emma dinner's about to be served what about me I want to help too hmm [Music] not the baby I don't know anything about babies [Music] you'll figure it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] happy help giving day [Music] thank you that's right TK fixed your ship so you and your son can head for home right after we eat so should I get the cake now [Music] huh you want us to have the dessert [Music] oh thanks [Music] all right well I'd say this was a pretty good way to celebrate Health giving day wouldn't you hmm the best almost as good as this comic cake [Music] thank you well I'd say that's a really big mission accomplished Mission Control hi Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission [Music] well we went to the comet cake planet to get one for our help giving dinner dessert but every Comet cake was too hard or too mushy except one but another robot took it we thought he was being greedy but then we found out he and his son were just hungry since help giving day is to celebrate helping others we help them by fixing their broken spaceship so they could go home and we learned how much others appreciate it when you take the time to help them that's a good thing to remember even when it's not Health giving day now time to go five four three two one yay [Music] comment cake planet [Music] thoroughly for I am sir rob a brave knight in search of Good Deeds to do verily is how Knights say it's true oh I have a good deed for you sir Rob huh you can help me clean my room Knights do way more adventurous things than that orbit the country doing Brave Deeds for their King and anyone else who needed it oh being a knight would be so much fun let's find a place where we can all be nights for a day yeah oh that sounds like a mission and you know what that means yeah it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Big Planet [Music] Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today we need a place where we can be Knights for a day that sounds like fun let's see where you can go round and round the planets go which one stops nobody knows look in your planet I've asked mateys that's a super fun place to play verily TK but we want to be nice remember oh I love clowns me too Emma but clowns do silly things not brave Deeds oh how about castle Planet castles are where Knights spend their days yes the castle Planet good choice get ready for countdown hurry everyone get your stations and buckle your seat belts [Music] [Music] [Applause] next up the castle planet [Music] this must be where Brave Knights practice doing battle stuff and that Throne must be where the king sits to watch them that sounds like fun but who's gonna be the king [Music] I always wanted to try being the boss oh hail King orbit okay I King orbit command my knight to use that catapult to hit that Target yes your orbit this aha Knights use catapults to throw big rocks to knock down castle walls but we'll use those big bean bags so we don't break anything [Music] could you please give us a hand orbit don't do stuff like that we sit on our throne and the kingly whatever you say King lazy bones lazy bones kings are not lazy bones and for calling me one I agree that sir Rob will get last turn Rock and robots orbit sure is getting bossy he's the king Rob and a king is the boss ah I'll go first Ready Aim Fire huh Tower barely I am fairly disappointed we're just warming up Sir Rob and I still have our turns oh no you don't your king will show you how it's done oh but Kings just sit on Thrones and look kingly remember [Music] I remember then as king I decided no more catapult oh no fair like you said he's the boss and as your boss I Now command you to do something more entertaining okay how about a ghost right because we're two Brave Knights try to knock each other off their trusty speeds steeds means horses I know that oh King and Kings know everything and this King says let the jokes thing begin [Music] foreign these lances look like fun you and Emma go first round [Music] [Music] [Laughter] okay all right that's it I'm tired of just sitting and watching I'm the king and the King can do whatever he wants and I want to join the jest okay here you can go against TK yeah that's much too small something king sized [Music] get me that Lance uh aren't you taking this King thing a little too far orbit you could just get it yourself fine I will get it myself [Music] huh [Music] you you night I command you to rescue your king I'd feel a lot more like helping you if you said please Rob's right you're not being very polite and you're way too bossy do this do that your king commands you [Music] I have been bossy huh it's no fun being King all they get to do is sit on a throne Knights have all the fun being a king did look boring I'm sorry I was bossy now could someone please help me get down you said the magic word forward brave knight a good deed awaits verily verily [Music] uh-oh this gate is even heavier than those uh big bean bags wait I have an idea orbit the gates drop when you pull that big Lance down maybe they'll open if you lift it up uh it's stuck I can't do it by myself uh what about your jet boots Rob hmm they won't get me up that high I know we can use the Catapult to give you a boost that's using your noodle really what yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] my very bright night's birthday [Music] Mission Control yes Rob you're back seven what did you learn on your mission [Music] well we went to the castle planet to be nights for a day orbit decided to be king orbit but he got too bossy and told us to do things without saying please but when he finally said please we were happy to help so we got to be brave Knights and learn that you don't have to be bossy to be a good boss well done everyone I'd say that means it's time to head home four three two one yay [Music] goodbye Castle planet hi everybody you're just in time [Laughter] race monkey in the middle Rob you're too fast for me Emma hi Connie oh I got it [Music] I wish we could keep playing all day in all night well why don't we what do you mean Emma we can have a slumber party that will be fun what's so fun about going to sleep we sleep every night on the rocket slumber parties aren't about going to sleep they're about fun and games and staying up late well what are we waiting for we have to find the best planet in the whole robot Galaxy for a sleepover that sounds like we've got a mission and you know what that means it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] Big Planet [Music] Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today we want to have the best slumber party ever where should we go [Music] round and round the planets go which one stops nobody knows wow it's the rainbow planet [Music] pretty but I don't think we could play or sleep on rainbows I think it would be too cool to sleep on the ice Planet hmm that looks like a good place for a slumber party yes the Bedtime Planet great choice get ready for countdown hurry everyone get your station buckle your seat belts [Music] [Music] thank you next up the Bedtime planet [Music] [Laughter] look everything's all set there's a bed for each of us I like this one this is perfect for me I'll take this one hey orbit why aren't you calling the last bed what's wrong don't you like it uh it's not that it's just that um I thought you said we were gonna stay up Orbit's right best sleepovers are the ones I'm out for that tag you're a TK [Music] [Applause] that was fun what's next public dancing Simon says okay I'll be Simon um Simon Says do the spaceship Shuffle [Music] Simon Says do the lunar limbo now do the Jupiter Jelly Belly I didn't say Simon Says [Music] thank you don't tell me you're sleepy already maybe just a little me too three [Music] well I'm not tired no not me I just don't want to play how about we play something more relaxing [Music] relaxing I totally agree how about hide and seek hide and seek isn't relaxing orbit why don't we climb into our beds [Music] and I'll tell everyone a story I'd rather play hide and seek play nice slow relaxing hide and seek I'll be in everybody hide one two three four five six foreign you're supposed to be hiding we have to stay up all night and play games huh seven eight nine this is a great hiding spot I'll never find you here six five four oops where was I oh never mind ready or not here I come oh this is so much fun I can't find TK anywhere I guess I'll just have to keep looking but that's okay I can't keep looking all night oh stay awake we don't want to go to bed we're having too much fun come on help me find the girls orbit we should let her sleep and go to bed hmm you're right Rob Emma's tired we should let her sleep orbit you'll wake up so we better be very quiet what's all the noise who's shouting I just want to go to bed me too stay up all night let's watch a movie make me Bratz play musical chairs let's build a fort stop what's wrong why do you want to go to bed slumber parties are supposed to be fun everyone is supposed to stay up very late you're right orbit but it's not fun if we're all tired and you're tired too I don't want to go to bed because when I don't sleep in my own bed sometimes I I have bad dreams that's why you're trying to keep us all awake um don't worry orbit I have an idea oh sometimes this Teddy bot sleeps with me so I don't have bad dreams would you like to sleep with it tonight orbit thank you TK but what about you no you won't have your teddy bot good thing Teddy Bots have sisters [Laughter] [Music] oh good morning everyone names that was a lot of fun I'm not afraid of sleepovers anymore [Music] yes Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission [Music] well we went to the Bedtime planet for a slumber party we've played lots of fun games so many that we got very tired but orbit wanted to keep playing then we discovered orbit was afraid he might have bad dreams so TK let orbit bore over her Teddy bot to sleep with then he was okay we learned that staying up late sometimes is fun but in the end you always have to go to bed sometimes we need a little help going well done I think it's time to go home [Music] three two one [Music] the brave adventurers made their way from the mystical minds of Mumu and on towards Mount boom but can the hero survive the spooky woods the bridge of krakaboom and the scary space trolls find out in book two what are we going to do now we'll have to wait forever to find out how the story ends I have an idea why don't we have an epic adventure let's act out the book and make up an ending of our own yeah great idea and that sounds like we have a mission and you know what that means it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today we want to go somewhere we can have an epic adventure and act out the ending of our book that sounds fantastic let's see where you can go round and round the planets go which one stops nobody knows Sports can be full of action and drama but I don't think it's the right place for a storybook make believe is X but it doesn't seem right for a story either what about that one yeah storybook Planet would be great yes that's the perfect place for you to act out a fantastic story Adventure now get ready for countdown hurry everyone get your stations and buckle your seatbelt [Music] 10. 9 six five four three two one [Music] [Applause] next stop the storybook plant s greetings Travelers oh I was looking for Adventure on storybook planets I'm Rob these are my friends orbit Emma and TK and we're here to act at one of our favorite stories it's called spells and space trolls if you're going to act out a fantastic fairy tale you need to lift the part just step through the costume maker and you'll soon be ready to step into your story wow our beds look amazing not orbit I'm horrible the orange a mighty wizard [Music] Make Way for Eminem The Barbarian fearless and strong I'm lagless the super Speedy elf princess ready for action I'm rubber Gorn the Ranger Ranger Barbarian elf and wizard you are The Fellowship of the robots your adventure awaits now now take this magic bracelet it will help you to find your way back to the rocket what do you mean back to the rocket it's right huh wow that's strange one thing between you all leave no friend behind the magic bracelet leads the way the rocket you must hide the bracelet won't guide us huh come on the rocket must be this way [Applause] oh it's just like in the storybook the adventurers arrived at the dark and spooky woods the ghosts of the woods will let you pass if you leave us a gift something that will last ghosts they're not real everyone it's just a story remember well I'm Not Afraid give me the bracelet and I'll go on ahead and come back for you once I reach the rocket [Music] what you must give is worth a lot and with each other lose it not but if you fight you'll have to amend this gift I seek that rhymes with and I know what the ghost wants oh great spirits of the spooky woods what will you give us to let you pass will give you our friendship friend rhymes with end yes you may pass the woods safely you did it orbit he's a peasy a wise Wizard or ball the path is this way right I knew that thank you the adventurers explore the cosmic caves where they encounter the bridge of crack a boom isn't this where they also meet [Music] [Applause] Rob give me the bracelet so I can protect it can't fight a space troll well the bracelet is pulling me hey my magic can hold off this creature of shadow space troll ah I am or both the orange and I say you so much [Music] Rob come on [Music] whoa this Bistro wasn't scary after all it's true you all seem to be having so much fun I thought I'd like to play along in your adventure too hey wait where's the bracelet oh no squeak has the magic bracelet how will we find the rocket now TK you must have something in your tummy trunk that will get sweet to come back and Eminem If sweet can be lured back someone will have to snatch the bracelet but what about you guys I've got my rocket boots I can pull the others out hurry and get sweet or we'll never get the bracelet back oh I've got just the thing to catch squeak squeaks Mouse food good thinking TK you stay here and shake the Box squeak dinner time [Music] yeah nice going Eminem [Music] you've got the bracelet every one of us has a job in this fellowship and yours is carrying this bracelet to lead us back home [Music] we must be close let's go [Applause] and the mighty adventurer's journeyed past the spooky woods through the cosmic caves with friendship and teamwork they made it to Mount boom where they found their Rockets I'd say that's an epic mission accomplished Mission Control hi Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission [Music] well we didn't know how our story ended so we went to storybook planet to act out our own adventure but we all got carried away and forgot about our fellowship every role is important but they only tell a story if they all work together well done I think it's time to go home that's about five four three two one [Music] goodbye storybook planet Emma has a problem ah my moon boots I've looked at everywhere but I can't find my moon boots oh how could I have lost them don't ask me I've even lost track of how many things I've lost let's thank Emma where were you the last time you had them hmm let's see I wore them on the Rainy planet and then I had them on the mod Planet wait did I have them on the Rainy planet or maybe it was the huh I can't remember but they're definitely not here I've looked everywhere how are we gonna help you find them if we don't know where to look hmm I've always wondered where lost things go that sounds like we've got a mission and you know what that means it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] [Applause] Big Planet [Music] Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today Emma lost her Moon boots we want to help her find them but we don't know where to look where can we go round and round the planets go which one stops nobody knows if you washed your boots on the pillow Planet Emma Emma um I don't think so [Music] what about the sticky candy planet [Music] can't remember oh wait a minute that looks like a good place to look grandma's boots yes the lost and found Planet the great choice get ready for countdown hurry everyone get your stations and buckle your seat belts [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] next up the lost and found plant [Music] s how will we ever find my moon boots in all of this [Music] he sure found that in a hurry that's because squeak is really good at finding things if squeak can find his lost toy I'm sure we can find Emma's Moon boots oh look [Music] lost boots that way let's go okay look it's my coloring book I lost years ago how do you know it's yours look how nicely the pictures are colored and I signed it but orbit Rob and Emily I sure wish I had a tummy trunk like you do to carry this stuff in thank you here we can use this box orbit you could pretend it's your tummy trunk [Music] I found my lost whistle so I've heard hey look my moon boots are green maybe these are oh [Music] those look more like frog shoes maybe TK and orbit are having better luck finding the lost boot section hey huh oh TK I'll have a look can you see them Rob no all I can see are boxes and boxes and more Emma are you okay yes are you yes but I think we're stuck what are we gonna do [Music] TK look [Music] it's great orbit but maybe we should have stayed back with Rob and Emma We're not gonna believe this I built Emma's lost Moon boots am I the best finder ever or what [Music] huh [Music] you found a box with no bottom so every time I put something in the top it below sorry orbit I didn't know I I also don't know where we are we get back to Robin Emma I have no idea this is all my fault I should have been paying attention to where we were going now we're lost on The Lost and Found Planet just like the Lost stuff I found and lost again wait a minute your things fell out one by one and left a trail [Music] yes we can follow my things right back to where we started exactly TK I am a finding genius and you are a genius for picking a box with no bottom thanks orbit I think [Music] oh it's no use yelling Rob they can't hear us through all these boxes but there must be some way we can let them know we're in here my whistle what TK the rocket my trail led us right back to where we started but where are Rob and Emma huh listen huh it sounds like it's coming from is that you Rob what are you doing in there where's Emma in here the Boxes Fell us don't worry I'll get you out [Applause] [Music] do you think the best finder ever could find us a couple of lost bulldozers wait maybe you can dig something out of your tummy trunk that's it your tummy trunk no dick huh [Music] TK really saved the day speaking of saving the day [Music] you found my moon boots thank you so much the mission accomplished [Applause] [Music] Mission Control hi Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission [Music] we went to the lost and found planet to find Emma's Moon boots a good idea to put your name on things that belong to you that's what orbit did and he started to find all the things that he'd ever lost orbit was so excited he stopped paying attention to where he was going next thing we knew he was locked with tkit but TK figured out that following a trail of orbit stuff would lead them back to us good thing too because Emma and I got trapped under a pile of boxes we needed TK's help to get us out not only did we find Emma's lost boots we also learned how important it is to pay attention and stick together when you're in a new place so you don't get lost well done I think it's time to go home [Music] three two one five lost and found planet [Music] bye everyone come on in oh just keep your head up so is soccer your favorite sport Emma yes I love it see this it's called dribbling our great dribbling I don't think I could do that with my trags it looks fantastic but do you have to use your feet I'm better at games where I use my hands me too in soccer you're supposed to use your feet it just takes practice can you show us sure this is how you kick it all right I got it uh I think I got it it's coming to me look out oh yeah sorry Emma oh no that was the only soccer ball we had how play now maybe we can go somewhere where we can get a new one and Play Soccer outside where there's more room that sounds like we've got a mission and you know what that means but uh it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today we broke our soccer ball and need to find a new one let's see where you can go round and round the planets go which one stops nobody knows the falling Planet maybe we could kick rolling balls around bowling balls are way too hard orbit we'd hurt our feet [Music] there would be lots of fields to play on there but we need a soccer ball first we just be playing with chickens on that planet now that looks like a planet where we could get a new soccer ball yes that's the ball ground excellent choice get ready for countdown hurry everyone get your stations and buckle your seat belts [Music] nine [Music] four three [Music] [Applause] [Music] next up the bowl planet please [Music] wow this place has a ball for every game there is if we can't find a soccer ball here we won't find one anywhere oh [Music] all right who's ready to play huh uh guys [Music] 1001 1002 1003 are you ready to play soccer sure just as soon as I miss 1006 100. okay [Music] I've got a soccer ball TK I'll be right with you after I hit this bucket of balls okay [Music] ah yes he's got the range he's wishing he could play soccer instead um GM I'd love to play soccer but basketball is fun too can't we play that well we came here to get a new soccer ball and to play soccer is everything okay Emma um sure fine I uh I just really hope we could all play soccer together Emma's right we did say we'd play soccer when we got here so you want to play yeah yeah awesome this is going to be tons of fun [Music] okay let's try this again ready TK are the Nets supposed to be this big [Music] okay orbit now we pass it back and forth and try to get by Rob huh right let's do it [Music] orbit um sorry Emma I didn't [Music] heads up orbit I'm going for the goal [Music] s oh I'm sorry orbit are you okay I'm not sure I like soccer so much it's okay seems I'm the only one who really likes soccer anyway maybe we could play another game what about basketball can't we play tennis how about ping pong let's try each person's game and see which one we all like the best [Music] oh wow [Music] so we're all good at one game each but we're not all good at one game together I guess I'll go shoot hoops I'll be practicing ping pong if anyone needs me I've got a giant bucket of tennis balls to hit see you oh it's no fun playing by myself I miss my friends oops look out TK [Music] yes wow that was awesome I'll say nice backhand outstanding me what about Rob shooting fantastic thanks but Orbit's paddle skills amazing but it's not a real sport that was super fun for all of us who says it's not a real game then we have a new mission to play a game together that everyone's good at let's play Super Fun Robo ball [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] that was one of the best super fun Robo ball shots ever [Music] and there's been a lot of them we've been playing for five hours hi a game me too and better yet we've all got to play together I'd say that's a big mission accomplished Mission Control yes Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission [Music] well we went to the ball planet to replace Emma's soccer ball we found that not everyone is good at every game but we also learned that we all have different skills and with enough practice you can get really really good at a sport [Music] best of all we learned how fun it can be to make up your own game especially when it's a game that all your friends play together [Music] well done I think it's time to go home [Music] [Music] goodbye [Music] there you are hurry come on in orbit says he's got a high-flying surprise to show us look what I made it's a paper kite wow I love it can I try it actually you can try your own tight I made one for each of you ah thanks orbit you're welcome here's one with a wrench on it for TK and one with rockets for Rob thanks cool so what are we waiting for let's fly them but wait we can't fly Tyson here there's no wind y gears you're right we need to find a Wendy place that sounds like a mission and you know what that means it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today we need a place to fire new kites oh I love kite flying that sounds like a great Mission let's see where you can go round and round the planets go which one stops nobody knows tree Planet that's a cool place to relax in the shade true but our kites might get tangled in all those tree branches Blaze but maybe too cool we might get Frozen in a snowstorm if we go there orbit hey that looks like a safe place a windy Planet excellent choice get ready for countdown [Music] hurry everyone get your stations and buckle your seatbelts [Music] tonight [Music] [Music] next up windy planet [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] we can't keep running like this all day no phew my gears are already overheated the wind from this man should help cool you are oh thanks TK I don't get it the kites are supposed to catch the wind and fly up high hey has anyone noticed that none of the windmills are turning and none of the flags are flapping either huh so well they both move by wind power so if the windmills aren't turning and the flags aren't flapping that means there's no wind no wind on the windy Planet greasy years that's like no popcorn on the popcorn planet a planet or no snow balls on the bouquet if we get in Orbit but the main thing is no win means no kite flying wait maybe we can use TK's fan to fly our kites try it TK okay but I'm not sure it'll make enough wind three two one looks like we need a fan as big as one of those windmills unless what if we had a kite that doesn't need one to fly wait here I'll be right back while he's off doing that I think we've got a new mission to solve the mystery of the missing wind yes this is the windy Planet so the wind must have gone somewhere I love a mystery maybe the windmills will give us a clue come on whoa sure are big I wonder what they do windmills use wind power to do a lot of things like producing electricity or even grinding flour for red hey look at this it looks like a control panel maybe that lever starts the windmill turning except the wind makes windmills turn Emma not pulling levers that's right I keep forgetting then I wonder what it's for hey everyone look what I made it's a robo kite Robo kite it's powered by mini Jets so we don't need any wind it flies by remote control but doesn't that take all the fun out of flying a kite orbit just watch [Music] pretty neat huh I guess but it isn't the same as flying a real kite [Music] Robo kite watch uh oh it was supposed to stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're supposed to fly kites not hide from them the off button isn't working then how are we gonna stop it watch out rocket huh [Applause] [Music] that was close sorry I guess the only real way to fly kite is with wind hey look huh that flag's flying that means there's wind the windmill [Music] wait a minute windmills don't make wind wind makes windmills turn maybe these windmills are different huh maybe these windmills do make wind you know like TK's fan then that would mean they're not really windmills they're giant fans Gracie gears they're all giant fans that make the windy Planet windy and I think I know how to turn them on I'll bet this is the on switch [Music] now there's lots of wind on Windy planet and you know what that means [Music] look at them go your paper kites fly great orbit well I'd say that's a big mission accomplished [Applause] Mission Control hi Rob you're back so what did you learn in your mission [Music] well we went to the windy planet to play with our kites but for some reason our kites wouldn't fly that's when we noticed that the flags weren't flapping and the windmill wasn't turning TK taught us that windmills use wind power to do a lot of things like produce electricity and grind flour for Brett but without any wind the windmill wouldn't work he soon discovered it wasn't a windmill at all it was a giant fan we just had to turn it on [Music] we also learned that things aren't always what they seem and we finally got to flyer kites [Music] well done I think it's time to go home bye four three two one yay [Music] oh we had a piece of yummy cheesecake to see if he could sniff it out his nose just knows sounds like he found it good good work squeak [Music] what's that noise mean it means our ship's getting low on fuel fuel is what gives our rocket the power to go like food gives us the power to run and jump and do everything right right Emma I think cheesecake is what power squeak what powers the rocket we need to find geyser gas rocket rocks and solar seeds mixed together they make rocket power that sounds like we've got a mission and you know what that means it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today we need a place where we can find fuel for the Rockets that's a very important Mission let's see where you can go round and round the planets go which one stops nobody knows [Music] could use a good scrubbing that might be true but first we need to find fuel for the rocket planet foreign sorry but nap time will have to wait till after our missions power Planet I'm sure we can find Rocket Fuel there yes power Planet Perfect Choice get ready for countdown [Music] hurry everyone get your stations and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] next up power planets [Music] don't worry rocket we'll get you more fuel just as soon as we can foreign [Music] seeds from a solar flower one rocket rock with rocket power geyser gas from the ground below put them together and the rocket will go go go right we'll find them faster if we split it up and if we use our senses they mean like seeing smelling touching hearing and tasting yes props right for example a solar flower smells sweet oh I'll find one huh Wanda help me sniff out a sweet smelling solar flower squeak and then let's go I think you should get the rocket Rock Rob sure uh but why me now I know why one rocket Rock coming up we'll get the geyser gas orbit uh gas is usually stinky so we can use our sense of smell to find it right nope because your gas has no smell did you hear that come on [Music] whoa is that what I think it is yep it's geyser gas all right you can't smell it but we can hear and see it this is going to be easy too late laughs too late again [Music] maybe this won't be so easy don't worry we'll put Plan B into operation as soon as we can think of a plan B that is [Applause] do you smell a solar flower [Music] oh where did those rasply rocks go I can't see them anywhere but I sure can hear them gotcha hey [Music] look rocket rocks are rocket fast they must be full of energy so you wanna play huh [Applause] way to go I mean your nose did it hmm I can see the solar seeds but how will we get them from way up there good idea okay hop up [Music] two solar seeds from a solar flower whoa I can feel the energy inside them oops sorry squeak I was so excited I almost forgot you oh I wish those geysers weren't so noisy I can't think noisy that's it the geysers make a noise before the gas gushes out so we just have to listen for the Paw Paw popping oh [Music] here that one we did it we got the gun yay [Music] foreign [Music] because the gas the seeds in the rock all have to go in at the same time then they sure hope Rob and Emma get here soon is this soon enough for you rob you got a rocket Rock yeah or maybe it's got me oh but where are Emma and squeak here we are with two solar seeds full of solar energy just like you asked all thanks to squeak and his super duper smell sniffer just put the rock in the seeds in this tank now wait here while I fill her up it's okay rocket Tiki will have Wall powered up in no time did it work did it work laughs Rockets back to full power and that means mission accomplished [Applause] [Music] Mission Control hi Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission [Music] well we went to the power planet to get fuel to fill the Rockets team TK and orbit had to get gas from a geyser so they used their sense of hearing to guess which one would erupt next squeak used a sense of smell to help Emma find some solar seeds so we learned that our senses can help in lots of different ways and we all got the power our rocket needed well done everyone I'd say that means it's time to head home to buckle up bye free two [Music] goodbye power planet [Music] one come on in we're seeing how big we are [Music] oh well I guess I'll always be the smallest what's so bad about being small TK nothing except when I can't see around people sitting in front of me or I can't reach things way up high without climbing on a stool I just wish sometimes that I was bigger I want to be at least as big as the rest of you maybe there's a place where you can get bigger TK do you really think so Orman why not the robot Galaxy is a pretty big place itself that sounds like we've got a mission yeah and you know what that means it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] thank you [Music] Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today we want to know if there's anywhere in the whole robot Galaxy where TK can get bigger hmm that's a tricky one let's see where you can go round and round the planets go which one stops nobody knows huh ice Planet Burger nope I want to get big not cold mushroom Planet I don't think anything is Big there that looks like a planet where TK could get bigger yes that's the super-sized Planet excellent choice get ready for countdown hurry everyone get your stations and buckle your seatbelt [Music] nine [Music] six five four three two three [Music] next up the super-sized planet [Music] wait stop we landed on a mushroom uh-oh I Think We Shrunk no we didn't it's not us it's the mushroom it's it's size [Music] are you okay yes thanks to this soft blue flower and it smells so nice wow [Music] [Applause] what why are you all looking at me like that because you're big TK really big really really big whoa I am really really really big but how the flower I sniffed the blue flower and it made me big is this cool or what I'm so big I bet I can see halfway around the planet [Music] sorry I didn't mean to cause an earthquake it's just I'm so big I wish I had a giant chalkboard to measure me now [Music] boy I want to be super sized like TK me too where's another blue flower no wait look how big TK is huh now look how small the ship is oh no I'm too big I won't fit in the rocket what am I gonna do look that butterfly is a regular size which means not everything on the super-sized planet is super sized what you might mean is small things can grow big them big things can grow small exactly you really think so [Music] [Applause] [Music] no I [Music] don't want it where are we oh more flowers don't sniff them or they'll turn us into Giants too no it was a blue flower that made TK big these are red it's okay orbit you don't have to be afraid of the flowers know what the flowers that [Music] I don't mind Little Bees I just don't want a giant be thinking I'm a flower we have to get back to Tiki and find some way to shrink her back to normal [Applause] hey go no um [Music] [Music] she can't hear us it's no use they're so small I can't even see them but I could squish them uh oh if you're near me look out I'm going back hurry after her let's go [Music] being bigger sure isn't better at least not this big I can't fit in the rocket I can't find my friends wait wait my tummy trunk I must have something to help me find them uh oh there's no way to get over those giant spikes do you hear something hmm [Music] what come from [Music] huh [Music] laughs [Music] quick through the snorkel to the other side come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow I know that is one big not anymore look I think I've got it the blue flowers make things big the red flowers make things small hey you guys I knew I'd find something to help me see you now what were you saying about the red flower you want me to Mel the flower it worked yay [Music] big is good and so is small but I'm just glad to be me again we're happy too we like you just the way you are well I'd say that's a really big mission accomplish Mission Control hi Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission [Music] well we went to the super-sized Planet so Tea cake would get bigger [Music] we learned you can do some pretty neat things when you're big but it also means you might not be able to do other things but most of all we learned that big or small it's always best to just be yourself well done I think it's time to go home better buckle up [Music] three two one yay [Music] together five super size planets hi everyone come on in we're going to have a party to celebrate the anniversary of our first mission I've got the cake yay Emma has the milk yeah and Robin orbit have the balloons what balloons uh I asked you to get balloons for the party no you didn't TK sorry oh no I must have forgotten we can't have a party without balloons maybe there's still time for us to get some somewhere well that sounds like a mission and you know what that means [Music] it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today we need to find balloons for our party that sounds like a great Mission let's see where you can go round and round the planets go which one stops nobody knows what about the art planet that's a good place to decorate balloons but I don't think we'll find any there the onion Planet hmm I think that choice is a bit of a stinker pee you now that looks like a planet where we can get some party balloons yes that's the Party Planet excellent choice get ready for countdown hurry everyone get your stations and buckle your seatbelts [Music] eight [Music] five four four [Music] next stop the party planet [Music] [Music] I think we came to the right place this is Party Central okay let's round up some balloons [Music] good work everyone we are gonna have the ballooniest party ever [Music] I hope there'll still be room in a ship for us Hey where's Ross I'm coming oops I almost stepped on this little green balloon hey this isn't a balloon it's an egg what's an egg doing just lying on the ground shouldn't it be up in a nest somewhere maybe it's afraid of heights bird's nests are usually a pie aha I think I see the answer I Nest way up there is an egg from way up there get way down here beat me Emma but I think we have a new mission to get this egg back way up there we should get something to carry it in like a basket come on everyone help me look huh oh [Music] this is the only thing we could find it's so big where's Rob up here he's floating away we have to go after him but how uh what's that we can tie that big balloon to this party hat and float up after him great idea orbit well let's get tying hold on little birdie huh hey these balloons are going to help me get you back up to your nest [Music] whoa I sure hope I don't run out of balloons before we get to the top [Music] look there he is by the tower aha we're heading right for him not anymore the wind's blowing us the other way I must have something in my tummy trunk that can help [Music] huh thanks TK we're not hot I know orbit but we can use the fan like an airplane propeller [Music] that's what I call a fantastic idea [Music] we're stuck I can't use my hands and my feet that's it my rocket boots they won't fly us to the top but they'll get us unstuck hang on little birdie [Music] I just hope you're not scrambled when we get you back to your nest we're almost there just a bit oh sounds like he's from a leak we're going down the only way to make us go up is to lighten our loads we have to throw everything overboard what everything we are the only things in here not quite cold this summer [Music] actually I've been thinking about losing a little weight [Music] oh no it does everything we could but we're still too heavy [Music] thank you [Music] okay [Laughter] remember we have to pick all those things out before we leave [Music] foreign [Music] looks like you don't need saving after all is the egg okay I think so but it was a rough ride tell me about it now you're back home little birdie safe and huh hey what are those little red eggs doing in the nest I think maybe they belong here and the green one doesn't you mean it's some other kind of bird it's not a bird egg [Music] it looks like we have a new mission to get this baby lizard back down where we found him you can ride down in our balloon no thanks I'm walking down I've had enough balloon rides for one day okay don't forget we have to collect all the balloons and bits so no animals try to eat them by accident good thinking TK [Applause] okay TK we picked up all the balloons and all the stuff we dropped out of our basket on our way great job everyone I'd say that mission accomplished [Music] Mission Control hi Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission stop [Music] we went to the party Planet so we could get balloons for our party we found an egg so it was our job to return it to a nest we saw way up on a tower of presence but when we got into the nest it turns out we were wrong it didn't belong there we learned that not all eggs are bird eggs other animals like lizards are born from eggs too and TK helped us learn that it's important to make sure broken balloons go in the trash so that birds and animals don't try to eat them and choke those are excellent lessons to learn well done everyone time to go get ready for countdown five four three two one yay [Music] goodbye [Music] something's wrong with our rocket ship I'm sure TK will have it fixed in a minute how'd you fix it TK no but I found the problem one of the rocket boosters is broken oh no a busted booster oh no that's horrible terrible and even worse that is bad isn't it yes if the good booster fails the rocket will just stop we have to get a new booster to replace the broken one then what are we waiting for garage Planet here we come that's our second problem huh what do you mean second problem the garage planet is too far away the rocket will never make it all that way with only one good booster well there must be some place we can find a second booster someplace closer there's no time to lose we have a mission and you know what that means it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today we've gotta find a rocket booster to replace our broken one that sounds serious let's see where you can go round and round the planets go which one stops nobody knows but there are all kinds of these parts on the pot but they're puzzle Parts not rocket Parts hey what about the farm planning I'm sure we'd find a red rooster but we need a rocket booster that looks like a place where we might find rocket parts yes the junkyard Planet excellent choice now get ready for countdown hurry everyone get your stations and buckle your seatbelts [Music] [Music] seven five four three [Music] next stop the junkyard plant [Music] whoa I guess this is where a broken rocket chips go yeah sorry rocket I didn't mean you don't worry once we find you another booster you'll be as good as new okay gang let's spread out [Music] um Marie didn't mean to scare you who did you think it was the junkyard ghost um [Music] count orbit I'm gonna go look over there [Music] huh what was that orbit I heard a noise [Music] but I did hear something relax there's no one here but us [Music] yes you're right I'm just being silly [Music] [Applause] [Music] nope not rocket boosters is someone there we're the only ones here I I thought I saw someone hmm huh well you must have imagined you saw someone well I'm not imagining those footprints [Music] I don't know TK they don't really look like Footprints to me maybe that's what junkyard ghost footprints look like [Music] no I'm sure something's out there well I'm still hoping there's a used rocket booster out there somewhere but we won't know until we find it let's go uh you want to stick with me TK no it's okay Rob thanks [Music] Drew this flower hmm oh [Music] whoa and someone made this garden and trained the flowers laughs huh [Music] I knew it I knew there was someone here she was just as afraid as I was hmm hello sorry did I scare you I didn't mean to touch your garden isn't it I think you like flowers do you like the one I made it's not as pretty as yours but you can have it if you like [Music] huh my name is TK [Music] I'm glad you like it I'm starting to think there isn't one rocket booster on this whole planet I found one I think I found one over here I need help I almost oh God [Music] I might have been mistaken there's no way across but not TK but what can TK do I don't know her but but at least she's on the other side [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] she's not a monster this is Blossom I named her that because she really likes flowers see I knew there was someone here hey how did you get stuck way over there [Music] it's a long story what's important is how we're gonna get back across maybe TK's new friend can help us what about it Blossom can you help my friends [Music] thank you it's awesome so did you find another booster to replace this broken one no blossom keep going [Music] [Applause] rocket boosters okay [Music] that does it the rocket is all fixed then it's mission accomplished thanks to Blossom [Music] Mission Control hi Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission [Music] laughs well we went to the junkyard planet to try to find a new booster to fix the rocket but while we were looking TK found some strange footprints but even though TK's new friend did look a little bit like a monster she really wasn't she was really nice and she rescued us when we were stuck helped us find the piece we were looking for to fix the rocket and help us learn that you can't tell what someone is like just by the way they look well done I think it's time to go home better buckle up hi five four three [Music] goodbye Blossom goodbye junkyard planet huh what was that sorry it's my tummy growling sounds to me like your tummy is telling us it's lunch time lunch time that's right hey why don't we do both we can have a picnic lunch at the beach good idea great idea bad idea huh how come ants and every time I've been on a picnic and show up and crawl over everything [Music] one time ants even crawled into my Treads and I was jumping and dancing for a week well have you ever had a picnic on a beach hmm no but I bet there are ants there too but you don't know that for sure but why don't we give it a try let's have a picnic on a beach yeah that sounds like we've got a mission and you know what that means it's time for us to pick a planet laughs [Music] Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today we want to have a picnic on a beach that sounds like fun let's see where you can go round and round the planets go which one stops nobody knows look the baseball Planet that's a fun place to go but not if you want to build a sand castle the clock Planet would be a good place to find out what time it is but not to have a picnic now that looks like the place to go yeah yes the beach Planet excellent choice get ready for countdown hurry everyone get your stations and buckle your seatbelts [Music] 10. [Music] [Music] yeah Spanish [Music] I'm going to build the best sand castle in the whole galaxy and I think I'm going to pick a coconut to add to our picnic lunch [Music] coconuts are yummy orbit but those coconuts are up pretty high and you're not exactly built for climbing trees I'm not gonna climb the tree huh then how will you get the coconut I'm gonna use my head well well you're outsmarting coconuts Emma and I will find the best spot to set up the picnic but any sport is a good spot as long as there are no ants yes glittery Galaxy okay Works fast she's building up a big appetite um [Music] okay coconuts come down picking a coconut is harder than I thought uh-huh okay coconuts if you don't want to come down I'll knock you down huh that wasn't supposed to happen I'll go tell our fearless coconut hunter that lunch is almost ready and I'm gonna pick some of these yummy oranges okay what are you making now TK a moat it's a trench you filled with water so the only way into the castle is over the drawbridge oh robots that's awesome okay this time you're coming down [Music] [Music] that's it this is impossible I'll never get it down I give up huh I knew I could do it okay now who's next no luck getting a coconut orbit what do you mean I already have one see hmm know where right now but it was there a second ago it was raining and took my coconut there are no ants here orbit but besides ants are too small to carry a coconut but ants are strong and maybe these were really big ants then you would have seen them so then what happened to it my coconut didn't just walk off by itself I don't know her but it's a mystery a mystery I'm gonna help you find the answer to oh I didn't really want a coconut anyways foreign [Music] wow can I have a couple of those oranges for my sand castle sure thanks Emma we can eat these later what where did they go huh what is going on [Music] I'm gonna name it Castle Orange [Music] huh where did I put that orange [Music] huh did I just see what I thought I saw huh you're not going to believe this but I picked some oranges and bananas put them down then they just disappeared oh ants I knew it was it sneaky ninja ants first I took my coconut now I'm as oranges they're not gonna believe this but I got some oranges from Emma put them down then they just disappeared no they floated off all by themselves invisible ants I don't think it was ants I think it was a ghost sand castle I don't know what took your coconut or your fruit but I'm sure it wasn't invisible ant or a ghost and what was it there's one way to find out we have to catch it but we need something to catch it with we can use my castle um something to lure the ants or whatever it is inside TK's castle and I don't have any more coconuts I'm all out of fruit maybe I can help I was saving this for us to share for dessert yum [Music] a space lizard maybe it took the fruit it's big enough and fast enough But Not Invisible enough that's why no one saw it that space lizard can change its color to blending with the background it's called camouflage [Music] camouflage or not he's got the beat now TK before he gets away [Music] good plan rob it was teamwork [Music] [Music] I'm glad you like coconuts too lizard it's always fun to share a beach party picnic with a new friend I'd say it was a perfect picnic and that's mission accomplished [Music] Mission Control hi Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission [Music] well we decided to go to the beach planet to have a picnic but the food We Gather mysteriously disappeared orbit thought ants took it and TK thought it was a ghost but ants are too small and there are no such things as ghosts it turned out to be a space lizard that could camouflage Itself by changing colors so we learned that we shouldn't jump to conclusions and that we should gather the facts instead [Music] well done I think it's time to go home bye four three two one [Music] good [Music] bye space Wizards Planet wood you're just in time oh oh everyone's helping me look for Doug the stuffed dinosaur I want at the fair maybe Doug got stuck in the train [Music] not in here not in here he's not here either [Music] foreign [Music] oh it's no use we've looked everywhere I must have left dog on a planet by mistake Rob if we can't can't find your old toy we'll win you a brand new one yeah that's a great idea Emma well that sounds like a mission and you know what that means it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today I lost my toy dinosaur from the fair and we want to go in a new one that sounds like a fantastic Mission let's see where you can go [Music] looks amazing playground planet is a lot of fun but I don't think it'll help us win a stuffed toy [Music] Museum planet is great for finding out about real dinosaurs but Rob wants a toy dinosaur [Music] oh now that looks like a place where we can win a prize yes the fun fair Planet terrific choice now get ready for countdown hurry everyone get your stations Echo your seatbelts [Music] [Music] next stop the fun bear planet [Music] [Music] this is awesome look at all the games [Music] hmm funfair Planet even smells awesome hey everyone look [Music] that looks just like Doug get him no we can't just take it orbit we have to win it huh how do we do that by playing games each game costs one ticket if you win we can choose a prize [Music] perfect we have enough money for four tickets that means we have one two three four chances to win we'll win that toy dinosaur in no time as long as we work together hey where'd Emma go Emma wait shouldn't we come up with a plan together [Music] Rob's right after all we only have four tickets if you use one we only have three left yeah don't worry there's no way I'll lose all I have to do is follow the pattern as it lights up on the floor set good Emma you're doing great this game is too slow my feet have gotta go go go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well what do you think you think your dancing is amazing but you got so carried away you forgot to follow the rules oh no you mean I lost don't worry Emma if we work together we can still win a prize whoa do you guys smell what I smell let's go check it out what do I got candy apples for everyone [Music] it says here that you can buy four candy apples for one ticket totally worth it but now that you've used up your ticket you can't play a game don't worry I've got it covered don't forget your candy oops I guess this is what they call a sticky situation is my favorite game how do you play when the frogs pop up you have to knock them back down with the Mallet but you can't miss even one or you lose that sounds pretty hard TK and we only have two more tickets which is only two more chances to win the dinosaur no problem I'm great at this game foreign 's missing oh no you can't play without a mallet [Music] what are you gonna do I'm sure I've got something that will do the trick a hammer perfect phew you go way to go TK almost got it [Music] [Music] I lost my game oops sorry TK looks like I've got the last ticket and the last chance to win the toy dinosaur I guess it's up to you Rob [Music] uh all you have to do is ring the bell and you'll win the game I can't look what if we don't win the prize come on Rob it's all up to you [Music] all up to me you can do it come on yay [Music] this Hammer is heavy [Music] me too me three [Music] we just need a little more help [Music] [Applause] yeah here you go rob you did it you won no we won and all we had to do was work together I'd say that's a big mission accomplished [Music] Mission Control hi Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission all right [Music] well we went to the fun fair Planet so we could win a new toy dinosaur but things didn't go exactly as planned first Emma got so excited she forgot to follow the rules then Orbitz spent all his tickets on candy apples for everyone and when TK tried to win a prize playing whack from we got a little stuck then it was my turn to try but the hammer was too heavy for just one person things worked out when we all worked together to win the prize that's a wonderful lesson Rob well done I'd say it's time to head home five four three two one [Music] goodbye funfair planet [Music] what's that squeaking sound are you squeaking Rob I don't think so orbit it sounded like you it's the both of you and you you're all squeaking and I think I know why everyone even robots need two things every day to stay healthy a good breakfast and exercise that's why we're squeaking because we don't get enough exercise yes a little exercise is all you need to get rid of those squeaks well that sounds like we have a mission you know what that means it's time for us to pick a planet [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] Mission Control hi everyone how can I help you today we need somewhere we can exercise to get rid of our squeaks exercise is always good let's see where you can go round and round the planets go which one stops nobody knows we'll need to wash up there for sure after we exercise [Music] not the right place but let's go there later for a snacks hey that looks like a place where we might get rid of our squeaks yeah yeah the exercise Planet good good choice get ready for countdown hurry everyone get your stations itself [Music] nine eggs [Music] [Music] next stop the exercise class [Music] look at that it's fine form right there yes I like the way I look how do you like it ah it's good to stay in shape [Music] greetings I am queen the fitness instructor what's all that squeaking [Music] uh that's why we're here Emma says a little exercise is all we need to get rid of them yes your squeaky joints need exercise come with me if you want to get fit [Music] to get rid of that squeaking you need to exercise for one half hour a half hour power but Emma said a little exercise don't worry you'll see the time will fly because you will be having so much fun now I need to find my stopwatch so I can time your workout [Music] wait for me but whatever you do don't push this button mm-hmm mm-hmm I'll be back [Music] maybe lifting weights and doing push-ups is fun for Quaid but not for us what about playing catch you have to exercise we could do we can use this ball [Music] it's real heavy wow [Music] orbit what did you do how do we turn it off [Music] we have to get that whatever it is back here before Queen comes back hurry let's go [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] no matter how fast we go so whatever it is goes just a little bit faster oh boy [Music] how did it get up there it doesn't matter we're going after it come on [Music] I get it for making stairs [Music] we got you now there's nowhere to go except down [Music] we'll never catch him what if we use this yes we can swing over okay here it goes I don't think I like this idea [Music] Rock and robots this is great [Music] laughs yeah come on everyone [Music] come on guys [Music] one more time okay no time there it goes [Music] friends [Music] hey it's stopped that's no fun I know I'll just push the button orbit no perfect half an hour how did you enjoy your exercise but we haven't started yet we were busy chasing the this of course that is what you are supposed to do huh [Music] this is my Terminator 5000. it's an exercise machine chasing it around keeps you trim and fit you said not to push the button that's because I wanted you to wait so I could exercise with you I love to exercise that was fun and I feel great of course just running around playing sports or games is all good exercise and the best exercise is fun exercise am I right yeah okay now check for squeaks [Laughter] whoa the Earth no more sweet mission accomplished [Music] Mission Control hi Rob you're back so what did you learn on your mission [Music] well we've been sitting around doing nothing for so long we started to squeak so we went to the exercise planet for some exercise we met a trainer named Queen but before he could teach us how to exercise we turned on his robot by mistake and it ran away so we chased after it and did a lot of popping lifting swinging and lots of running trying to catch up to it but that's what the machine was supposed to do Wade helped us learn that running jumping and playing games and sports are all good ways to get exercise well done I to go home five four three two one [Music] goodbye goodbye exercise [Music]
Channel: Rob The Robot
Views: 362,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cartoons for kids, Emma, For Kids, Learning Videos For Kids, Orbit, Preschool Learning Videos, Rob, TK, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, educational cartoons, educational videos, educational videos for kids, for children, moonbug cartoons, rob and his friends, rob robot, rob the robot, rob the robot cartoon, rob the robot english full episodes, robot, robot cartoon, robot cartoon for kids, robot cartoons, robot rob, robots
Id: j--MWm_HE6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 59sec (12359 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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