Buster and Friends Stand Up to Bandit the Bully! | @GoGeckosGarage

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[Music] Ghostbusters it's Jesse the Jeep she's got a cake wow that looks tasty But Here Comes Bandit fuss he looks mischievous oh no he's eating Jesse's cake it's not fair at all poor Jesse there's Buster the bus and there's banding driving too fast look Buster's gone to play with Scout he's given her a soccer ball as a present look at Scouts go [Music] look at that digly is building a colorful Tower But Here Comes Bandit I wonder what that awful bully is up to [Music] oh no he's knocked over dig Leaf Tower Bandit is a menace huh uh-oh he seems Scout's ball Bandit is stealing the ball for himself what a Bully Buster wants to do something of course Scout is really upset Buster wants to help his friend he's going to stand up to Bandit and get him to give the ball back I don't think Bandit will listen to Buster he's going to bully him instead it's not fair but wait Jesse is standing beside Buster Scout is here to help too they're all fed up with Bandit being a bully there's Otis the police car enjoying an ice cream bearded has backed into Otis Otis looks mad serves Bandit right being mean to everyone now Buster Scout and Jesse could play soccer in peace it's Cozy Coupe at the sweet shop and they've bought some tasty sweets now here comes Scout she wants to get some sweets too they look tasty but uh oh it's that mean old bully Bandit bus he stolen Scout sweets and eaten them how mean of him poor Scout [Music] meanwhile cozy visits Buster in the park where Buster is playing with his soccer ball cozy wants to share the sweets with Buster but oh no it's banded again he's stolen the sweets and eaten them himself and now he's seen the soccer ball hey Bandit has stolen it oh poor cozy is so upset they got those sweets especially for their friend [Music] but what's Buster doing oh he thinks they should follow Bandit and ask for the ball back it's not right to take things that don't belong to you Buster and cozy drive along the road but what's this a trail of sweets leading into a cave that must be where Bandit went Buster and cozy are headed inside they are going to ask for the ball back look there's Bandit but he looks so sad and lonely look at all the drawings he's made oh dear Bandit doesn't have any friends that's why he stole the sweets in the ball he has nobody to play with bandit has noticed Buster and cozy Buster asks for the ball back and Bandit gives it back he's sorry he made cozy upset but what's that noise it's Scouts and she's brought Otis the police car she tells him that bandit has been stealing things and Bandit ends up in jail but what's this Buster and cozy have come to play with him stealing is wrong but they know Bandit is really sorry and he only wanted some friends sports day at Buster School how exciting first is the 100 meter sprint on your marks get set go [Music] oh Buster he's the winner hooray that was easy Buster is the fastest in school next up it's the high jump Scout's up first scoot scoot wow that was awesome hello Buster thinks he can beat that jump off he goes oops don't worry buster he doesn't look very happy it's the egg and Spoon race next [Music] get ready and go Foster really wants to win whoops Buster was going too fast and smashed the egg oh dear ah and Ash is the winner well done Ash Buster is annoyed about losing he really wanted to win he's so upset that he isn't playing ball with the others that does look fun Buster [Music] it's not just about winning Buster it's about having fun hooray now they're all having fun together it's time to present the medals Buster's third Ash is second and Scout is first well done everyone what a brilliant day hey there Buster he's going for a drive with Scout look there's Tony the delivery truck looks like Scout and Buster are going to follow Tony to see where he's going today they're having so much fun together [Music] silly Scout Busters are paying attention to the road watch out Buster that was a close one pay attention Buster you nearly crashed into the back of Tony oh look there's a pothole in the road and Tony is heading straight for it oh no the pothole has caused Tony's doors to unlock watch out Buster and Scout it looks like some of those boxes might tumble out the boxes have started to fly out into the road I don't think Tony has even noticed and another box is about to fall out wow quick thinking Buster great catch here comes another one well done Scout great work oh no be careful Scout has lost control and skated off the road her box has gone flying up into that tree hmm oh look Tony is going to have to stop at that red light this will buy you some time quickly Buster you haven't got long to return the boxes nice thinking Buster now all you need to do is work out how to load the boxes back where they belong hmm it looks like Scout has an idea great work Scout you can use that plank of wood as a ramp there we go a perfect place to unload the boxes great teamwork [Music] now you can close the doors buster [Applause] just in time for the green light off Tony goes I guess he'll never know how close he came to losing all of his boxes well done Buster well done there's Birthday Mommy and Grandpa are setting up a very special party and don't eat the food yet Buster you've got to wait until your guests arrive oh look here they are it's Scout cash and Bandit everyone's so excited for the party what's Bandit up to hmm that cake looks yummy not yet Bandit first we're playing party games they're playing musical statues they have to dance until the Music Stops great move Scout [Applause] [Music] and freeze oh no Scout is losing balance and so is Buster [Music] they are out of the game it's only Bandit and Ash left and dance [Music] Bandit is losing balance oh no he knocked Ash over so he could win and now Ash is out of the game but Grandpa didn't see Bandit cheating hmm that wasn't very nice Bandit now they're playing past the parcel they passed the present and when the Music Stops they can take off the wrapping paper hooray for ash bandit has cheated again he took the parcel after the music stopped poor Ash huh Bandit isn't playing very fair Buster is killing Bandit that he's making Ash feel upset he needs to think about how his actions affect the feelings of others it's time for some birthday cake [Music] blow out the candles Go Buster what a feast all the delicious food has been eaten well almost hmm don't worry Ash have some birthday cake Bandit feels really bad for making Ash sad Bandit is really sorry and gives Ash's ball back whoa it's okay Bandit Ash forgives you but remember it's not all about the winning it's about having fun together Buster's kindness saved the party Happy Birthday Buster look there's Buster and Cozy Coupe are playing in the park oh there's Iggy the ice cream truck [Music] Buster's going to grab some ice cream but what's that it's robot buster he's turned yellow like Buster [Music] cozy thinks it's the rail Buster and wants to play but oh no the ball hit robot switch and it turned him mean [Music] robot Buster is leading cozy away now Buster is back but he doesn't know where cozy went poor Buster there's Iggy me what's robot Buster up to oh no he's throwing Tomatoes at Iggy that's very mean cozy looks very upset [Music] robot Buster is running away now before cozy doesn't understand meanwhile Terry is playing the accordion nice oh no robot Buster smashed the accordion poor Terry cozy is standing up to robot that was really mean but what's this it's Buster hooray there's the good bad switch cozy knows what to do click now robot Buster is nice again good job cozy and Buster now robot Buster is making up for being mean Piggy's all clean and Terry's accordion is fixed hooray it's evening time and Buster's cousin Bandit is coming for a sleepover this is going to be so much fun first it's time for a snack [Music] I wonder what it will be oh wow cookies they look so tasty Buster and Bandit love cookies they're one each yummy now mommy's put them away but Bandit knows where they are banded and Buster have such a fun evening playing together but then it's time for bed [Music] they want to stay up longer but mommy says no [Music] hmm I think bandit has an idea I wonder what he's whispering now everyone's fast asleep but what's this and it's waking up Buster too they're sneaking back downstairs oh Bandit is going to steal some more cookies that's very naughty that made a loud noise mommy's caught them she's very disappointed in Buster and Bandit foreign the two little buses are very sorry they'll go back to bed now as they're told [Music] but the next morning Buster and Bandit have surprised mommy by making breakfast they wanted to show how sorry they were Foster is heading off to school wait a second buster don't forget it's school photo day today you need an extra polish bye mommy bus look Terry tractor is here to take the school photos Bandit and Ash are up first smile Buster's turn next and he wants to get an action shot Buster slip watch out Scout oh no what's wrong oh the teacher is handing Buster a mirror Buster has knocked out his wobbly front tooth oh no and now Buster is too embarrassed to have his photo taken it's okay Buster you can have it taken another day Luster's feeling really sad about missing out on the photos but mommy bus is here to pick him up and she's taking him to the dentist to get his tooth looked at hooray Buster is a little bit nervous don't worry Buster Amber the ambulance is here to take a look at that tooth for you it's time to sit in the special dentist chair wow that looks like so much fun and now it's time to check that tooth don't worry Buster there's nothing to be scared of First Amber is looking at the tooth with a little mirror open wide Buster say ah [Music] and what's that Amber's going to play Buster a video it's another bus just like Buster and his tooth has fallen out but don't worry another one will grow in its place he might be missing a tooth for now but soon he'll have a brand new one so there's nothing to be embarrassed about Buster now feels much better thanks Amber and now he's going back to school to get his photo taken [Music] Gather in Buster say cheese foreign day at Buster's house oh look Mommy bus is helping a kitten with a sore leg there all fixed in bandaged up Scout is here to drive to school with Guster they are playing in the playground oh dear Scout hurt her Tire [Music] Buster's got an idea what is he up to he's bandaged up Scout's Tire with toilet roll all fixed great work buster [Music] looks like Ash wants to be bandaged up as well [Music] now Scout once her other tires bandaged up but Buster is all out of toilet roll bandit has a cheeky idea pictures [Music] they're all taking the toilet roll they're getting the toilet roll everywhere this looks very messy they're getting a bit carried away oh dear they've covered the playgrounded toilet roll [Music] teacher doesn't seem very pleased foreign [Music] bus is here to take Buster home she wonders what has upset the teacher Buster explains he was trying to help Scout like Mommy helped the kitten mommy will be able to bandage it properly time to get properly fixed up it's time to get ready for school I don't want to go back to school [Music] what's wrong Buster I made your favorite breakfast for your first day back I'm just not that hungry Mom it's not like sister are you nervous about going back to school no I'm not well I mean a little maybe you'll enjoy it when you get there and you'll get to see all your friends I guess so [Music] here's your lunch hmm [Music] I can't wait to see everyone and to get to class I wonder what we'll learn today I'm excited I'm hungry hey Scott hey Buster hey diggly Busta are you coming uh I'll catch you guys up but Buster I've calculated a current speed so long as there's no traffic we only have one minute to spare to get to class on time and I'm the fastest I can catch you guys up don't worry [Music] out of the way slow coach I'm not a coach I'm a digger welcome back to school kids did you all have a good holiday [Music] so today we are going to learn about road safety who knows what the colors of the traffic lights mean me start with the red one [Music] do you know me me degree stop correct well done the orange one ah Scout wait well done and finally Foster the green one go go Buster yes well done so who wants to practice driving to watch the traffic light as I point at each one red for stop orange for slow and weight and green forgo Go Buster [Music] okay Buster are you ready [Music] what's this [Music] you should have been concentrating Buster rather than showing off to your friends I'm sorry Scout [Music] well done Bandit [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] you can share mine are you sure of course hey give it back I'll get your lunch back Scout [Music] tickly the light fiang thanks Musta you saved me you just have to concentrate diggly my teacher says I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken your things I just wanted to play with you guys thanks for saying sorry you can play with us Bandit you just need to ask really of course because I'm still the fastest [Music] did you have a good day were you nervous at school nah but I eat my lunch on the way to school and I was trying to show off and fail the lesson but then when Bandit took Scouts lunch I raced after diggly and stopped him right before he went through the red light and crashed into the Barrack well done I'm proud of you buster can I go ahead and play of course you can [Music] come on Bandit join in and be on my side hey there Buster that's a great looking shark poster you've got there oh Buster's looking really tired I wonder what he'll dream about [Music] what's this Finn's Coral oh wow Buster I think you're under the sea look at Buster go the ocean is his new playground isn't it beautiful go for it Buster Jump into the Sky this is so much fun wait what's that it's a huge fish quick Buster hide oh look he's not big at all he's tiny it's okay Buster nothing to worry about but what's this it's sham the shark look at all those sharp teeth hi Buster quit oh no Buster has spun around the little fish and now he's heading right for the shark sham the shark seems very keen to make friends but it looks like everyone is scared of him quick little fish hide next to Foster wait a minute the shark looks sad really sad you know Buster I think that sham is lonely he was just being friendly he doesn't have any friends that's right Buster go and say hello to him see he just wants someone to play with Buster and Sham are having so much fun [Music] ocean is a great place to play Chase and to make new friends look at them go foreign [Music] it was only a dream you don't have any fins now Buster you're back to being a plus again what a lovely underwater Adventure [Music] you could be a firefighter a doctor or best of all a teacher like me oh you could be a race car and take part in all the big high-speed races there's so much we could be a firefighter a space Explorer I wanna be a a lighthouse what about you Scout I want to be a race car Speedy Scout winner of The Big Race that's awesome Scout I bet you'll be the fastest race car in history [Music] and I'm gonna be the race talk guy it's Speedy Scout ready for the big race and there's her helper Buster here's the world champion the most awesomest race car in the whole world is Chase octane the turbo car you can do it Scout Ready Steady go go go go go go go can you hear me Scout loud and clear quick take that right turn it's a shortcut no that's a left turn my bad [Music] stuff I have a flat tire don't worry Scout I'm coming sorry excuse me sorry hug ah Buster I got a tire it's too late I'll never catch octane sure you can if anyone can catch him it's Speedy Scouts [Music] thank you Here Comes Speedy scout out of nowhere get excitement the speed [Music] y Scout is the winner I'm speechless oh wow what a race I knew you could do it Scout thanks I couldn't have done it without you [Music] [Laughter] oh whoa It's time for the Christmas talent show Bandit is going first he's doing some magic tricks job Bandit oh Buster looks nervous I think he's got a bit of stage fright poor buster their Scout it's her turn next she looks so excited [Music] oh cool she's going to do some juggling very good scout oh dear Buster still looks nervous he's afraid to go on stage in front of all those people hooray Scouts finished her show now it's Buster's turn oh but Buster doesn't want to go on stage [Music] mommy's getting worried about Buster the stage is empty I think mommy has an idea what's this mommy's on stage she's encouraging Buster to come join her [Music] they'll do it together [Music] here Buster comes [Music] [Applause] we wish you merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year the tidings we bring with Foster we sing We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Merry Christmas [Music] oh well done Buster and Mommy that was beautiful sister is excited to spend the day with Grandpa and Grandpa's looking at a beautiful cake [Music] grandpa has an idea they should bake the cake together Buster and Grandpa have come to the supermarket to get the ingredients flour eggs milk and icing sugar [Music] who's that it's Mira along with Terry hey [Music] cluster rushes to get the ingredients but Grandpa warns him not to be hasty Buster's looking for flour Bingo he's found it and so has Mira uh-oh looks like they've got the same list of ingredients whoa they both want the same bag oops [Music] Mira and Buster are in the race to find out who gets all the ingredients first Busters come to get the milk he got it first off he goes Mira whoops Mira you spooked the teacher she grabbed some milk too slow down you guys whoa It's Grandpa and Terry both of them move very slowly [Music] you sure are smart and Sly Buster off they go again oh look there are the eggs oh no Buster dropped the eggs and Mira spotted the last bag of icing sugar Mira Sprints off to get it but oh no Mira lost balance and crashed into the Shelf Buster grabs the last bag of icing sugar but Mira's upset hmm Buster offers her the icing sugar and she wants him to have it [Music] Grandpa and Terry are surprised to see Mira in a mess Buster's got a plan [Music] ah looks like Buster and Mira shared the icing sugar to bake one big cake the cake tastes delicious great teamwork Mira and Buster oh uh [Music] pasta surprise happy birthday Scout you didn't think I'd forget my best friend's birthday did you oh thanks Buster it looks so delicious oh it was delicious but don't worry Scout I have more surprises follow me but close your eyes no peeking no peeking now Buster where are we going it's a surprise is it the race track wait oh are we going to the Disco tunnel even better you'll see okay peek wait no wait surprise uh what are we doing in Jade's garage Buster you'll see it's a special surprise did I mention it says ready Scout uh sure we're gonna turn you into a race car you'll be the speediest car in the whole town go go go Buster you missed one this is fun it sure does take a long time though but it's worth it only the best for my best friend uh Buster maybe I'll be a mechanic someday Buster oops sorry Scout I promise my painting will be better painting but we've just come from the car wash oh double Loops that was a surprise too come on uh everything okay Buster um yum [Music] oh no I've used the wrong colors I just wanted to make you feel special on your birthday now I've messed it all up I'm sorry don't be sorry I've had the best day this is so much fun it is of course what could be more fun than messing around in the garage with my best [Applause] but we were supposed to have a photo not yet I've got a great idea Buster it's time for a makeover hmm not like buses to be late [Music] this was the best birthday ever oh welcome Scout this was so much fun ready jiggly sure you look super cool [Music] hey there Buster oh you're looking a little tired Buster's fallen asleep and what's this whiskers a button nose and ears it's Easter Bunny Buster looking good I think he likes his new bunny tail I wonder where he's off to off to do some Easter Bunny errands I hope oh what's this it's a burrow in the side of that Hill I wonder where this leads here he comes out the other side oh look Terry tractor is having a nap wow Easter Bunny Buster has given Terry a colorful Easter egg off he goes to spread more Easter Joy I wonder where this burrow leaves [Music] over here bunny Buster Robin is fast asleep time to leave another surprise Easter egg for when Robin wakes up back into another burrow he goes [Music] who's this it's Jessie the Jeep oh she's sleeping Easter Bunny Buster has left another egg for her when she wakes up such a busy little Easter Bunny Buster these eggs won't deliver themselves I wonder who else bunny Buster has an egg for it's Digger the excavator quiet Buster try not to wake him there's an egg and Digger's bucket great idea bunny Buster oh dear I think Easter Bunny Buster is feeling a little tired wake up buster oh yeah oh Easter Bunny Buster was all a dream what a shame the eggs weren't real but what's this it's an Easter egg oh wow the real Easter Bunny is left Buster an Easter egg what a lucky little bus Buster wake up there's a snowflake that can only mean one thing it must be snowing wow it is snowing but wait where's the Christmas tree that one won't do will it oh look it's a friendly Robin I wonder what he's saying I think he wants Buster to follow him oh he wants to help Buster find a new Christmas tree hmm these ones aren't quite right [Music] wow that one looks amazing Buster certainly agrees foreign it's wobbling it's wobbling keep going Buster whoa there we go off Buster goes to carry it back to the garage I'm not sure if that will fit it looks very big be careful with the turns Buster oh no behind you Buster you've lost the tree look behind you quick quick quick hurry Buster turn around oh no the tree is bouncing away quick Buster see if you can catch up with it now it's bouncing through all of the Christmas lights quick Foster do you think Buster's going to make it look at it flying through the air go on Buster lucky you Buster that's a relief it looks amazing oh look here's Terry here's Scout they've come to celebrate the holidays with Buster well done and happy Scout Bandits and Ash are having a race but Scouts dashed into the lead whoosh Scout won nice work Scout she really is super Speedy what's that noise Thunder oh no it's a storm whoosh it's getting through those muddy puddles is great fun they could play a game see who can skid the furthest Bandit is going first swish he skidded all the way over there but Scout thinks she can do better vroom [Music] whoa Scout went even further than Bandit now it's Ash's turn he's so little he's spinning round and round he's all dizzy but he's gone the furthest yet blast up it's Buster whoosh uh-oh he's getting out of control whoa whoa oops Buster splashed mommy with mud looks like it's time for all the little vehicles to get back home but wait they can't go inside until they're all cleaned up Mommy's going to use the hose to wash all the mud off there now all four of them are clean again but even so that skidding race was so much fun [Music] Buster Bandit and Scout are having a sleepover but they're still Wide Awake [Music] they're having a great time staying up they're too excited to go to sleep [Music] who's that it's Grandpa bus huh he says it's getting late it's time to go to bed they can't play games and be up all night foreign [Music] maybe this NightLight will help them get to sleep [Music] wow look at those Stars Buster loves Stars he wonders what it would be like to be a space rocket flying fast through them oh look it's space rocket Buster Buster and his friends are using their imagination they're flying through space [Music] check it out there's Earth they're going to race to it ready steady go Buster is in the lead [Music] oh no Bandit knocked him off course ah now Buster's far behind how can he Zoom back ahead aha oh whoa Buster is spinning around Saturn now he's going really fast what a clever idea he's overtaking Bandit and Scout what's Bandit up to now [Music] careful meteors Bandit is throwing them at Buster and Scout they have to stop him [Music] they're throwing an even bigger meteor back at Bandit that'll teach him and the race is back on Buster and Scout are neck and neck nearly there [Music] space rocket Buster wins the race way to go oh busted again Grandpa heard them playing that was a lot of fun but now it really is time to go to bed good night everyone look it's Buster and Scout but what have they seen oh no Terry is stuck in the mud Buster's trying to push him out but it's no good Terry is really stuck oh now Scout is trying oops now Scout is stuck too what are they going to do I think Buster has an idea I wonder where he's going he's zooming down the road there's Tony the truck he's going very slowly but he pulls over to let Buster go past now Buster is driving as fast as he can down the road vroom vroom now he stopped I wonder what Buster is up to oh wow it's super buster hooray he'll be able to help Terry and Scout now super Buster is flying as fast as he can here he is to rescue Scout and Terry oh look he's using his laser powers to lift Terry out of the mud great job super buster now he's doing the same thing for scout just like that they're safe again hooray they're so grateful to Super Buster for saving them but that's all in a day's work for a superhero bus [Music] whoosh off super Buster goes [Music] uh Buster it was all just a dream but what a fun dream it was foreign [Music] shouldn't we stick to the road we'll get to the shooting stars in time promise [Music] forever [Music] I need this stupid shortcut was a bad idea why couldn't you just go the way I wanted for once never gonna miss the shooting stars uh oh wait that's it diggly what happens when you add water to mud I don't know it goes gloopy I guess that's right you make it grumpy enough we'll slide out Ash splash it's working look how the bench it's not a cliff Edge it's a stop jump [Music] hey you that was some sugar [Music] this is a great view spot we made it after all Buster and daddy bus are having a day out at the park uh-oh careful daddy they're going to play some soccer together it's time for kickoff Buster passes the ball and uh oh looks like Daddy hasn't quite got the hang of this but Buster shows him how it's done time for a penalty shootout Buster shoots and he scores oh no Daddy bus are you all right phew he's okay now it's Buster's turn to be in goal [Music] daddy looks determined whoops the ball's gone flying up in the air oh look it's Ash and Mommy fire truck [Music] Buster is inviting them to join the game great idea Buster it's buses versus fire trucks let's go Buster takes the ball Ash Dives in front mommy shoots for goal and she misses oops I think Buster has another idea I wonder what it is Ash and Buster are teaming up it's now Kids versus parents who's going to win Ash starts daddy takes the ball but Ash tackles him he passes to Buster and Buster scores go Buster what great teamwork everyone they are both very tired as Daddy drives Buster home after a great day out oh look it's Mommy bus ster waves goodbye to Daddy bus but wait Buster's giving daddy bus the soccer ball he does need the practice look there's Scout and there's Buster I think they're playing tag what's Buster scene oh wow amazed Scout just going inside go on Buster try and find her I wonder which way Scout went there she is off they go winding their way through the maze which way should Buster go now [Music] sway oh look a yellow flower how nice [Music] a few more turns and which way this time [Music] this way wait a minute it's that flower again Buster's gone round in circles maybe if he backs up he can find his way out there Scout she looks lost too whoa Buster and Scout have found each other thank goodness but now they need to find the way out [Music] Scout is balancing on Buster's roof [Music] maybe she can feel way out there it is good job Scout [Music] they're speeding off towards the exit but which way is it oh dear they're still lost in the maze look tire tracks they can follow those all the way to the way out good thinking Buster there's that flower again a little further and hooray they made it out great teamwork guys [Music] look it's Rita the sports car she's speeding into the maze oh well I guess Buster and Scout will have to help her find her way out Buster Scout Bandit and Ash are having a race Buster and Bandit are neck and neck but Scouts dashed into the lead whoosh Scout one nice work Scout she really is super Speedy what's that noise Thunder oh no it's a storm they should take cover or they'll get all wet whoa that was close Ash nearly skidded into his friends on the wet grass wait a minute that gives Buster an idea whoosh skidding through those muddy puddles is great fun they could play a game see who can skid the furthest what a great idea Bandit is going first swish he skidded all the way over there but Scout thinks she can do better vroom whoa Scout went even further than Bandit now it's Ash's turn he's so little he's spinning round and round he's all dizzy but he's gone the furthest yet last up it's Buster whoosh uh-oh he's getting out of control whoa oops Buster splashed mommy with mud looks like it's time for all the little vehicles to get back home they're back at Buster's house in no time but wait they can't go inside until they're all cleaned up Mommy's going to use the hose to wash all the mud off Splish Splash and there all four of them are clean again but even so that's getting race was so much fun look at those paint brushes Buster and his friends are painting the walls in Buster's room today how exciting mommy bus is bringing them lots of different colored paints they can paint the wall underneath the window hmm what color should Buster choose gout has chosen purple and Ash has picked red and Buster yellow of course let's paint oops Ash adds a red Splat to match Scouts and Buster adds a yellow Splat awesome I wonder what Scout is painting first it's a rocket awesome cool Busters go next what's he going to paint a bumblebee not on the cabinet Ash now they're having a paint fight be careful that paint is very messy oh dear they're getting paint everywhere what a mess [Music] uh oh the yellow paint is all over the floor and now the purple yikes mommy bus is wondering what all that noise is that was so much fun uh oh they didn't realize they were making such a mess but Buster has a plan they can use Ash's hose to clear it up the water is washing away the paint [Music] great job Ash [Music] oh no mommy bus is coming and they haven't finished clearing up the mess yet [Music] time to get all cleaned up Ash is hosing Buster down splash now it's Scout's turn [Music] and that looks like so much fun and finally Ash well done everyone wow the room looks completely clean time for Ash and Scout to head off home oops well not complete or his friends are back at school they are telling each other what they got up to over the summer Buster's so excited to tell everyone about his shark tooth but first Scout is telling everyone what she got up to over the summer this summer I went surfing for the first time ever it was so cool there was this one wave I saw that was absolutely massive but I still got to Surf it without falling off and I went so fast scoot scoop wow Scout told such a cool story what's wrong with buster oh he thinks a shark tooth story won't be interesting enough after Scout's story hmm ah Buster is going to tell everyone how he got the tooth this summer I went exploring in the deep dark wood it's full of animals and Monsters the Ty wasn't afraid one bit laughs oh but then I came face to face with a dinosaur [Music] but he had a sore tooth so I took his out for him to make him feel all better wait a second that's not right dinosaurs are extinct oh dear Bandit thinks Buster isn't telling the truth he couldn't really meet a dinosaur could he oh all right it's not really a dinosaur tooth it's a shot I thought that wouldn't be interesting enough the bus sir trucks are way cooler than Dinosaurs Go Buster tell us the story this summer I was at the beach but then I saw no yes the Pirates are even cooler than sharks okay the Pirates and me we found a shark but he had a sore tooth so we decided to take the tooth out with a little help form a friendly little bee [Music] we took out the Sawtooth and then they played cats with it yeah and they played on the beach all day long what a great story it's so much fun to use your imagination especially with friends it's a sunny day at Buster's house and Buster and Grandpa are having a great time playing together [Music] mommy bus is off to work we'll Buster and grandpa be able to make dinner together whoa some real cooking Buster is very excited let's cook Grandpa sets up the stove but what comes next Buster has an idea it's chocolate sauce hmm grandpa doesn't think that's quite right for dinner let's take a look at the recipe they've gathered all the ingredients together Buster starts by adding some flour to the Bowl whoa easy there Buster oops the flower has gone everywhere now grandpa and Buster are covered in flour thank you Buster is adding the finishing touches to the mixture careful the mixture doesn't go everywhere great job buster oops Grandpa's tomato sauce has splattered all over the floor and what's going on at the stove the pot is bubbling over oh look it steamed up his glasses and now he can't see where he's going watch out Grandpa oh dear this isn't going very well Grandpa and Buster are clearing up the mess but mommy bus is coming home from work uh oh they still haven't made dinner what are they going to do Grandpa get some fish fingers out of the freezer aha this gives Buster an idea time for chocolate sauce mommy bus is wondering what Buster and Grandpa have made for dinner just as they're finishing up I wonder what they've cooked it's fish fingers and green beans and chocolate sauce oh are you sure about this Buster he gives it a try hmm delicious mommy also gives it a try and it's surprisingly tasty well done I love the mountain snow is the best these bumpy bumps are the funnest fun whoa that jump looks awesome let's do it Buster I'm not sure guys what if we crash come on ash you're a super fire truck you can do anything come on bump a bunch let's move [Music] [Music] oh you guys okay oh I don't feel so good me neither I want to go home oh no the crash Zapped our power we need to get to Jada's garage we need to get down the mountain Ash help us please oh I got this oh [Music] my God don't be sorry Ash you can do anything remember you're a super fire truck [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're doing it keep going you've got this ash [Music] whoa this isn't helping I feel dizzy we nearly at the bottom of the mountains [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] sounds like you both had a big bump it was really big yeah probably the biggest jump in the world oh that's cold [Music] that tickles well you're both very brave but especially you Ash OK Me fire trucks can do anything you saved the day he really did thank you Jada no thank you now what you two need is a good rest to get fully charged next time Scout we'll land that jump I heard that buster and digly are having so much fun playing with that remote controlled car vroom vroom look at it go [Applause] [Music] look there's Mommy she's coming to tell them Lunch is ready [Music] and she's reminding Buster to put his toys away Buster is putting the controller away but look the car is still outside [Music] now Buster and digly are back to carry on playing but oh no they can't see the toy car anywhere where could it be could it be in the toy box no maybe it's in the dust bin no [Music] maybe it's buried under the Autumn Leaves it must be here somewhere [Music] oh wait I think Buster has an idea if they use the control listen the car's engine where's the noise coming from under that pile of leaves [Music] hooray they found the toy car but wait now the controller is missing where did it go oh there it is well spotted Buster now diggly and Buster can have fun playing with their remote controlled car again but this time they'll remember to put their toys back in the toy box when they're finished with them good job y wakey buster brand new day wait a minute there's no color that's strange even Robin doesn't have any color look Robin Buster made you colorful again well done Buster [Music] [Applause] oh no that baby duckling looks sad she's lost her color maybe Buster can help great job the color is back again oh look how happy the duckling is now oh look Terry's Farm has lost its color too can Buster help he sure can You've Got The Magic Touch buster oh no knock Scout too go on Buster helper be colorful again there you go Scout back to normal look Buster can change the color of things too now the ball is green [Music] and now the ball is purple Buster knows how to color things in wow look at your make out rainbow colored now he's rainbow colored too it's Buster the rainbow bus Terry again now it's rainbow Terry and look at all the fields and the barn rainbow colors everywhere amazing Buster even turned the clouds different colors there's just one thing missing a rainbow of course the rainbow bus is driving off over the rainbow bye bye oh Buster it was only a dream and it's raining outside oh I'm sorry Buster wait maybe your magic after all Buster you made the sun come out look it's Buster the bus and there Scout the little car they look like they're having such good fun Buster and Scout are best friends I think they're going to play together looks like Buster and Scout have gone to play at the beach look at all the fun the two friends are having Scouts zooming ahead she's very speedy and she loves to drive around really fast hey there Scout [Music] Buster and Scout love to tease each other like all best friends do oh nice stunt jump Scout has an ice cream oh no Buster knocked it onto the floor by accident [Music] but wait it's Iggy the ice cream truck hey there we go two ice creams for Buster and Scout look Scout there's no need to be upset Buster got you an ice cream hmm tasty I think Buster and Scout are having a race oh look they're all covered in sand now that was fun but now they'll need to get clean again look it's Ashley the fire truck [Music] I wonder if they can clean off Buster and Scout with the water hose that's right Buster and Scout are squeaky clean again thanks Ashley bye bye Buster bye bye Scout what a nice day we've had it's time for Buster to go to school he mustn't forget his packed lunch their Scout they don't want to be late but who's this a little fire truck Buster is waving hello [Music] School the teacher has a surprise this is Ash he's the new kid in school he's going to be joining their class Ash is going to Buster because he waved hello he's so excited to have made a new friend already now today the children are going to learn about parking the teacher is showing them how to do it properly [Music] now it's their turn to try [Music] Scouts got it and Buster oh Ash is sticking really close to his new friend he's following Buster wherever he goes he doesn't understand Buster is trying to park [Music] oh dear I think he's got on Buster's nerves a bit Buster wanted some space but Ash didn't understand at break time Buster and Scout are playing oh poor Ash has no friends to play with [Music] oh but Buster and Scout have an idea [Music] Ash can play with them they're friends now after all now they're all playing together [Music] whoa good shot Ash it's so nice to make new friends [Music] Buster's off [Music] oh no the boat wasn't tied to the dock the river is carrying Buster away daddy bus to the rescue uh-oh that boat has a leak oh there's a bridge Buster's grabbing on to you oh no the pole broke off look out uh oh Buster has spotted rocks ahead good thinking buster oh no the pole snapped and look a waterfall ahead what's daddy pointing to a rope perfect the waterfall isn't far away now you can do it Go Buster nice throw daddy buses pulling Buster back to the shore nearly there just a bit further phew back on dry land now Buster and Daddy are fishing instead it's much more relaxing [Music] today we're looking at the top 10 Buster rescues let's start with number 10 Buster stands up to the fully banded bus Bandit is stealing the ball for himself what a bully Buster wants to do something of course Scout is really upset Buster wants to help his friend he's going to stand up to Bandit and get him to give the ball back I don't think Bandit will listen to Buster he's going to bully him instead it's not fair but wait Jesse is standing beside Buster Scout is here to help too they're all fed up with Bandit being a bully there's Otis the police car enjoying an ice cream bandit has backed into Otis Otis looks mad there's Bandit right being mean to everyone number nine Buster rescues the kitten from the tree [Music] oh she's stuck up in that Tall Tree you've got to rescue her Buster of course Busters brought Ashley the fire truck she'll be able to reach the kitten with her tall ladder there we go the kitten will be safe now oh no I think the kitten is too scared to come down the ladder I wonder what Buster has planned oh yes the kitten's ball of wool she'll come down to play with that look how happy the kitten is here she comes down the ladder there safe and sound nice work Buster number eight Buster rescue Scout from Bandit the bus watch out [Applause] horse gout look who it is you're in trouble now super Buster is here Buster you can stop him [Music] foreign super Buster is too strong for Bandit that should stop him now Buster just needs to help scout out of the pond look at Bandit number seven Buster rescue Scout from the cracked ice [Music] oh wow look at Buster flying through the air look you've cracked the ice the ice is cracking even more and it's cracked around the Scout she's trapped trapped you going to do if you go any closer the ice will surely break great idea Mr snowman won't break the ice please will you help Mr Snowman look at him go he's saving Scout well done Mr Snowman and nice quick thinking Buster [Music] number six Buster rescues the wild west from band at the bus great workbuster now you're a proper cowboy wait it's Bandit bus and what's that on his back a sack I think he's rubbed the Sweet Shop what a villain he is you must stop him Buster quick Buster he's getting away Bandit is trying to lose Buster in the cactus field careful Buster those are really spiky you've almost caught him look out are you okay Buster oh no the cactus has punctured your tire oh no you'll never catch him with a flat tire wait of course the lasso rope him up buster one two three let's go great you did it you caught Bandit and here Sheriff Odin I'm sure he's really grateful there Bandit is in the jailhouse where he belongs number five Buster rescue Scout from the storm [Music] thunderstorm look out for scout buster the lightning is everywhere now phew Buster's safe and sound in the garage but what about Scout she really is stuck in that puddle will Buster be brave enough to go and help her I was really struggling you can do it Buster wow the lightning is so bright and scary yay go Buster he looks very determined to help Scout now a quick push should do the trick yay Scout's free look how happy she is well done Buster oh but look Buster has overcome his fear Buster and Scout are happily heading back to the garage to get in from the rain hmm number four Buster rescues the town from the fire Tony the truck watch out for that puddle [Applause] oh no that falling box started a fire at the fire station what are we going to do [Music] quick Buster the fire truck put that fire out [Music] uh oh the fire has spread to the roof keep blasting water Buster hooray Robin is here to help and Ashley's back too [Music] you can do it if you work together two fire trucks are better than one ew the fire is out at last nice work Buster and Ashley number three super Buster rescues Otis what is Buster scene it's Otis the police car I wonder what Otis is looking for inside the tunnel wait it's Bandit the bus what is he up to this doesn't look good oh no he's pushed the boulder over the edge and trapped Otis in the tunnel you've gotta save him Buster you can't let band at the bus get away with this that Boulder looks very heavy it's okay Buster you're a superhero now you can save him oh Buster your eyes wow you have laser vision well done Buster you've set Otis free now let's catch that naughty Bandit bus number two Buster rescued Santa and Saves Christmas what's that you can see in the sky oh wow it's Santa's sleigh he's going very fast uh oh I think he's going to crash quick Buster go and see if Santa needs any help whoa there's the sleigh and the reindeer and look there's Santa himself oh dear the sleigh is broken how will Santa deliver all the presents in time now I wonder if there's anything Buster can do to help hmm I think Santa has an idea I wonder what he's got in mind wait wow Buster is flying just like Santa's sleigh now they can deliver the presents in time number one Buster rescue Suki the train [Music] whoa that was a close one wasn't Sookie the train looking where she was going there's Otis the police car something must be wrong maybe you can help oh no silky has fallen asleep on the job what's Buster's team now oh dear it's Digger Suki is heading right towards him and he hasn't even noticed another track it goes up a hill too look out Buster that was close well duct Buster you need to change the tracks Buster so silky goes up the hill hurry Buster you can do it almost there [Music] yes just in time well done Buster you changed the track Suki is heading up a steep hill that'll slow her down there at last she stopped safely I think Suki is waking up thank goodness nobody was hurt well done Buster you helped Otis and saved the day foreign [Music] it's a good thing Buster the bus is always there to save the day the round and hear the fairy tale of Buster the wizard there's Buster the Bus looks like he's driving through the Enchanted Forest wait what's this by the road I think it's a spell book wow Buster can use that to do magic look it's Scout Terry and Jesse in the Town Square I think Buster's going to try casting some spells let's see now whoa a Wizards hat Buster really is doing magic I wonder what spellbuster can use to help Terry abracadabra Hunter made the plants grow nice work wizard Buster [Music] what other spells are in the spell book the b spell attack oh look Buster turned Scout into a bee she's having so much fun flying around I think Jesse wants to fly too what spells are there for that bubbles [Music] yeah cool floating around in her own bubble nice work wizard Buster oh look he's very sleepy time for a nap Buster [Music] uh oh I think something's gone wrong the magic is out of control quick Buster you've got to put everything back to normal hurry buster foreign [Music] but I don't think Buster's friends are very happy with him Buster's putting the Spellbook back where he found it and that's the end of the fairy tale of Buster the wizard it bustered the bus I wonder what he's up to today an Easter egg hunt there's one Easter egg nice work Buster there's another that's two and three four five so many [Music] whoa that's a lot of Easter eggs Buster hmm they look yummy Buster loves chocolate eggs tasty Buster's eating as many eggs as he wants [Music] good morning Buster oh dear Buster looks very unwell he has a tummy ache I think he ate too many chocolate Easter eggs Here Comes Scout the car to see if Buster's okay he looks really sick poor buster Scout is going to take him to Amber the ambulance she'll be able to help there's Amber [Music] she always knows how to make little buses feel better yup Buster is sick all right but luckily Amber has some medicine to help open wide Buster that'll make you feel better but that's not all if Buster wants to fix his tummy ache he needs to eat some healthy food like an apple hmm there battle soothe Buster's grumbly tummy [Music] the next day Buster is feeling much better oh hey it's diggly the Digger what's diggly got there oh I think Buster has had enough chocolate Easter eggs for one Easter [Music] here on my plan oh no bust down bust down foreign [Music] by my calculations Buster your tooth is about to fall out you will have to get a robot too to replace it what this is all don't be silly diggly everyone knows when your tooth falls out you lose it forever forever [Music] look a tooth maybe we can get help there we'll never get there in time we have to get there Ash Scout siren's on [Music] we're doomed ay dirt bike okay so here's the plan Scout you Scout let's go bet you can't catch me Mr Robin stop this blim flamery at once foreign [Music] [Applause] we have a tooth to say [Music] all we need a name again yeah I'm running low on charge yes I think so just one more Road uh Buster foreign [Music] look there it is [Music] my tooth congratulations Buster but but it's gone it's gone forever yes it is but a bigger one will grow in its place a bigger one I don't have to get a robot tooth I know and you can keep your own tooth wow it's amazing that's even cooler than a robot too I wanna do snacks can I have a go Buster Buster and his friends are having a great time camping in the woods with Daddy bus daddy is making some spooky shadows as he tells them a ghost story whoa that monster is super scary phew don't worry gang It's Only Daddy bus looks like it's time for bed good night everyone daddy bus is off to collect some more firewood for the fire good night buster hang on what is Buster up to oh he's turning the firewood into scary antlers Scout is fast asleep yikes what is that [Music] it's Buster's scary shadow [Music] poor Scout don't worry Scout it was only Buster foreign [Music] to be pranked the spooky Shadow scared him as well looks like Buster is getting sleepy but Bandit and Scout have a plan Buster is sleeping peacefully but there's a scary monster and another one go Buster go that served Buster right great job gang [Music] what is that oh no it's a real spooky monster hmm it was just daddy bus carrying back more firewood that's enough scaring for one evening all that joking around has made them very tired Buster the bus and Terry tractor it looks like they're about to have a race Buster looks very confident doesn't he Terry doesn't seem to impress I wonder who's going to win here we go [Music] Ready Set Go and they're away Buster races into the lead come on Terry you can do it I don't think Terry is as fast as buster wait what's he doing oh cheeky Buster he's showing off poor Terry Buster sure is confident that he's going to win you're not at the finish line yet Buster [Applause] keep going Terry you still have a chance oh Buster don't tease Terry you're not being very nice [Music] go on Terry you'll show Buster that you don't just need speed to win a race [Music] Foster is really far ahead now look at him zooming through all the muddy puddles oh Buster I know it's hot but you can't be tired you haven't finished the race look over there it's an apple tree I think Buster is going to take a nap in the shade cheeky Buster you're getting a bit too confident aren't you oh dear Buster has fallen asleep and look who it is Terry tractor he's managed to overtake Buster oh silly Buster you've slept for too long off he races towards the finish line I'm not sure he's going to like what he finds nearly there buster but where's Terry there he is Carrie crossed blind first [Music] silly Buster you shouldn't have slept for so long and you shouldn't have been such a show-off because it goes to show slow and steady wins the race bye Buster bye Terry nap time in Buster's garage have a nice sleep buster [Music] but who's this it's a robot bus oh no he's come to cause mischief he's made himself look like Buster oh hey Scout she's practicing her fall skills for the football match Here Comes robot bus I think Scout thinks it's Buster not a robot bus oh dear robot bus has squashed Scouts football what a nasty thing to do poor Scout is very upset it's Jessie G she's waiting for the green light there it is oh that was a close one it's robot boss up to Mischief again oh no Jesse thinks that's the real Buster oh little Robin be careful robot bus isn't very friendly oh poor Robin Bad Robot bus hey Digger he's having fun with his building block oh no robot bus has come to join in he's ruined Digger's pyramid of blocks robot bust is causing chaos [Music] here's the real Buster the Bus waking from his neck oh dear everyone is angry at you Buster they think robot bus was you how can you prove that you didn't do all these mean things [Music] robot bus has come to cause more chaos quick Digger there's a switch on his roof oh look he's been set to Bath switch it to good Digger well done Digger that seems to have done the trick it looks like robot bus has gone back to normal now oh well done everyone that was a close one robot Buzz could have terrorized the whole town bye everyone [Music] looks like you're all covered in mud you had a lot of fun splashing through those muddy puddles it looks like Buster might need a wash I'm not sure if he thinks so here comes the city bus oh dear he doesn't look very impressed at how dirty Buster is looks like Buster has finally realized just how messy he looks that's right Buster you're covered in mud is that a sign for a car wash great idea Buster off he goes to the car wash to clean himself up [Music] oh poor buster he's too scared to go inside it does look very scary doesn't it go on Buster you can do it you need to get clean you're so dirty he's going for it Buster is being very brave indeed one two three oh no you were so close buster [Music] oh he sounds very impatient Buster take a deep breath you can do it but the sounds are so scary go on Buster you can do it you're almost there Ready Set oh you're doing it buster it tickles that's not so bad is it and out he comes there that wasn't so bad was it Buster all sparkly and clean looking good wow well done Buster nice and clean that car wash wasn't so scary after all he was having so much fun playing on his drum kit oops there goes a drumstick it's rolling over to Mommy what's mommy doing oh she's clearing out all Buster's old toys the ones he doesn't use anymore I wonder what's inside look Buster's baby drum he remembers that mommy is going to recycle it so someone else can enjoy it Buster is sad but he has a bigger better drum kit now but Buster wants to keep his little drum he doesn't like to let go here's Scout with her tambourine She's Come round to play hooray time to make some music Buster and Scout are ready to play and here's Ash too he's come to listen now Buster and Scout have an audience they're ready to rock one two three four nice Buster and Scout are really grooving nice work guys Scout shakes the tambourine Buster fangs the drums oh he's trying to play his little drum at the same time that doesn't work so well he's trying to do too much at once oops oh Ash wants to join in but he doesn't have an instrument and Buster has one too many what's he going to do oh Buster's giving his little drum to Ash to play now Ash can play along and all three of them can have fun ready one two three four there that sounds even better than before at the end of the day Ash is going to give the drum back but Buster knows he doesn't need two drums he wants Ash to keep it Ash is so happy what a kind thing Buster did oh hey it's Buster the bus I wonder what he's doing sitting on top of that Snowy Mountain whoa Buster's speeding down the mountain look at him go be careful Buster the roads might be slippery hey it's Suki the train she's puffing her way down the mountain now Suki and Buster are moving side by side but I wonder who is going to get to the bottom of the Mountain first [Music] Buster and Suki are going to race to the bottom look at them go oh no giant snowballs have rolled into the road look out buster Buster's having to slow down but silky can keep going now Buster has caught up with Suki it's negan's neck what's this Buster and Suki are taking different ways down the mountain silky goes over the bridge Buster goes under it Suki's going as fast as she can look the tracks have changed Suzuki is taking a shortcut to the Finish Line she's speeding into the lead Here Comes Buster but uh oh Suki is almost at the finish line Buster will need to go super fast to catch her [Music] Buster has made a snowboard out of that road sign nice job Buster look how fast he can slide down the mountain Buster's taking the lead hooray Buster came first Zuki is right behind him oh what fun that was Buster and Suki had such a great time racing down the mountain it's a bright sunny day Buster and Cozy Coupe are visiting the beach they're playing volleyball and look sham the shark wants to play too Cody throws the ball to Sham oh dear the ball has popped on sham's teeth whoops but what's this is that a treasure map whoa there's Buried Treasure [Music] and it's buried on that desert island but how will they get across the water I think Buster has an idea whoa Buster has built a ramp out of sand oh no Buster couldn't jump far enough I guess they'll have to try something else what's cozy scene a giant lily pad maybe they can drift across the water oh cozies come to a stop cozy tries paddling but they just go around in circles [Music] luckily sham can push them back to shore thanks sham but they're still no closer to the island but what's this sham has a raft now they can cross the water in no time they've reached the island now time to find that treasure x marks the spot is this x the buried treasure no that's just some Twigs is this x the treasure no that's just some seaweed what about this X hooray there's the treasure chest well done cozy look at all that shiny treasure and look a golden ball now they can play catch again well done everyone Halloween Ash and Scout are at Buster's house ready to go trick-or-treating whoa that zombie costume looks amazing Bandit is not impressed nope Bandit doesn't want to join in he thinks dressing up is for babies Buster Scout and Ash head off on their trick-or-treating Adventure hang on Bandit would really like some Halloween sweets thank you looks like he's got an idea hmm [Music] bandit has copied Buster's costume they look exactly the same he's arrived at Terry's Farm looking like Buster trick-or-treat [Music] wow look at all those sweeties oh look Buster Ash and Scout have arrived some sweeties for scout some sweeties for ash hang on nope Terry thinks he's already given Buster lots of sweets but it was actually naughty Bandit poor buster hash and Scout like how they look in their reflections what is that a sweet wrapper and another [Music] it's banded eating all the sweets [Music] Buster has a plan Ash and Scout are pretending to think that Bandit is Buster [Music] Bandit is looking at himself in the reflection wait a second now there are two Bandits let's see Bandit is a bit confused and a bit scared where have the others gone [Music] Buster's plan worked candidate has been caught in the act [Music] and here's Terry with more sweets [Music] he's confused by the two zombies he's given them to Bandit again but Bandit is sharing it with buster oh what a funny mix-up happy Halloween Buster the bus and Scout the car are playing soccer Buster shoots goal well done Buster great work whoa It's a soccer bus he plays for the Big Bus soccer team he wants Buster to come try out for the team but oh no Buster is too shy Scout encourages him and Buster says okay he'll come to the big game tomorrow Scout is very proud of her friend but Buster is still nervous that night Buster is sleeping peacefully in his garage Buster dreams he's playing on the Big Bus soccer team the game starts but oh dear the buses play rough now it's Buster's turn in goal he tries to save it but oh dear the soccer buses don't look very impressed poor Buster he's tried so hard it was just a bad dream but now Buster's even more nervous about trying out for the team Scout does her best to encourage him Buster can do it she believes in him now it's time for the big game Robin blows his whistle and the game begins oh no the red bus has been injured they can't play anymore Buster will have to step in go on Buster you can do it [Music] Buster kicks the ball and the game goes on Buster is going in goal now the blue bus takes a shot and Buster saved it who else done Buster you did so well hooray that was so much fun there's Buster and Scout driving home oh wait what was that oh wow it's a little baby reindeer she must be lost oh Buster is trying to cheer her up oh I think she wants to play she's a jumpy little girl now Buster's throwing a snowball oops sorry Scout it's fun to play with new friends now Buster has built a snow ramp I wonder what he's up to room Buster's doing a big jump now it's the baby reindeer's turn whoosh [Music] now Scout sorry Buster but where's the baby reindeer gone they're following the footprints there [Music] she was playing hide and seek where's Scout going huh a big pile of snow [Music] oh look it's Scout whoa more reindeer Footprints bigger ones oh I wonder where they lead [Music] I think the friends are going to follow them the tracks are winding all through the trees mommy and daddy reindeer they're so happy they found baby baby reindeer has had so much fun playing with Buster and Scout but now it's time to say goodbye bye baby reindeer see you again soon hey Buster oops oh no Buster looks really ill hello Scout I think Scout wants to play I don't think Buster is well enough to play today Buster's feeling really ill Scout go and get some help oh poor Buster it'll be okay we all get poorly now and then oh look Scout has brought Amber the ambulance to have a look at Buster great idea Scout Amber will know what to do to make Buster feel better it looks like Amber the ambulance is helping Buster back into his garage let's see if she can find what's wrong with buster firstly let's check Buster's tires oh look this one is lost with all of its air it needs pumping up there we go that's better Buster looks better already oh but you're still a bit under the weather oh yes let's check Buster's temperature with a thermometer it doesn't look good Buster it's time for Amber to check Buster's engine oh no Buster's leaking oil no wonder he's not feeling well Amber will fix this with her spanner it's okay Buster it'll be done soon just a few more turns there we go great job Amber [Music] Buster looks like he's back to his normal self again I think you're well enough to go out and play Buster he seems very pleased that's the Buster we know and love it's time for Amber to head off bye Amber thank you for looking after buster off scout and Buster go to play it's time for the annual nature race which daddy bus has organized this is going to be so much fun Ash and Buster are going to work together they need to race through the woods as fast as they can and the first one back gets the shiny trophy get set go go go bandit has overtaken Buster and dash he really wants to win what is he up to he's changed the sign so Buster and Ash are going the wrong way oh no foreign [Music] there's no more path this can't be right and what's that a huge Tire print Ash thinks it must be a monster no don't worry Ash monsters aren't real oh I think they're lost but they need to keep going they're slowing down oh dear they're stuck in the mud what are they going to do what is that it sounds like a monster don't worry it's just a monster truck and they're very friendly she's pulling Ash out of the mud wow she's strong and now it's Buster's turn this monster truck is called Mira she's lost too just like them Buster says they can work as a team there's naughty Bandit he's almost at the finish line but look Buster and his friends are ahead and they ended up taking a shortcut [Music] hooray Mira won the race but she couldn't have done it without her new friends and she's won the trophy yippee [Music] ah but Mira feels sad for Bandit being on his own she knows what that feels like Bandit feels bad for Cheating in the Big Race don't worry Bandit there's no need to cheat when you have friends by your side and it's always fun to make new friends it's Halloween and Buster is having a party [Music] he's looking for a cool costume to make himself super scary what has he found whoa Buster is dressed up as a cowboy awesome [Music] time to put this costume to the test boo Buster tries to scare mommy did it work maybe the cowboy costume isn't scary enough he needs to find something scarier [Music] aha he's got it ah he's a pirate this is going to be much scarier oops be careful buster [Music] there's Grandpa bus scare him Buster [Music] no dear Buster's still not scary enough but looks like he's got an idea hmm [Music] hang on a second where has Grandpa's laundry gone it's time for snacks what was that there's a noise coming from that shed but what is making that noise it's a bit spooky [Music] ah it's a good ghost [Music] wait a second I recognize that giggle it was Buster all along and that was definitely a scary costume sounds like people have arrived for the party and Mommy has a plan [Music] Ash and Scout have arrived they're so excited [Music] there's nobody there whoa they're a little bit scared [Music] what is that [Music] run away [Music] don't worry Ash and Scout it was just Buster what a great prank and a very scary costume [Music] that all squeaky clean nice work Jam we've got to look our best for great uncle Busby's lunch he hates mess trust me oh [Music] now let's get going or we'll be late and Buster [Music] yeah stay away from those muddy puddles [Music] [Applause] uh guess we need to use the car wash again [Music] I'm clean let's go hey [Music] I'm so excited to see great uncle Busby he always has such tasty lunches chips and sandwiches and cheese sticks that's right Buster and carrot cake and steam buns and lemonade do you think you'll have blueberry muffins again do you daddy do you I hope so and peanut butter and ice cream and oh sorry [Applause] car washed again [Music] hurry up we're gonna be late [Music] come on Daddy I'll race you oh yeah here I come [Music] whoa [Applause] oh steaming gas Gates huh [Music] car wash [Music] come on they'll be starting any moments [Music] we made it just in time well done Buster thanks Daddy okay let's go see him called Busby [Music] come on bump a bunch let's move this way to the zip Tsum race track oh watch out for Speedy Scout throw down buster [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa what is it Buster it's not on my map it must be brand new interesting it's some kind of color car wash check this out yes yes that's all that's awesome Scout we can all be different colors let's go go go I don't know guys maybe we should just go back to the racetrack relax Ash we'll go racing later this is gonna be such a fun adventure [Music] this car wash is the best thing ever let's make this very easy faster yes yes yes a buster I used so we should do that oh come on ash don't be such a slow coach uh diggly how do we make it faster but over Buster push this pull that punch this and there Turbo Charge hmm mandatory [Music] oops we gotta be in so much trouble Ash you are a genius I'm a what we can use your hose to clean all this up bumper Bunch let's go [Music] what's on this then what mischief and flim flamery is going on here hey Mr Rubble uh how are you we were just um speeding to the racetrack nothing interesting here no paint explosions at all uh that's a nice hat is it new there's something funny going on here I feel it in my hubcaps nobody can trick Mr Rubble nobody I can sense mischief Mr Rubble oh it's a sunny day and daddy bus is taking Buster on a trip to the beach Buster says goodbye to Mommy bus and off they go hooray but oh dear Otis is blocking their path the road is closed Buster is very upset but looks like Daddy has an idea [Music] it's a lovely Lake [Music] and they can go fishing instead Buster is disappointed though as he wanted to go to the beach daddy teaches him how to fish wow now it's Buster's turn hmm Buster is bored this isn't as fun as the beach why is Daddy so excited hang on something is tugging on Daddy's line what could it be whoa Daddy has caught a huge fish it's so big daddy isn't strong enough Buster joins in and helps watch out Buster oops they've been pulled into the water and the fish is finding this very funny Buster and daddy bus won't give up that easily looks like they've got a new plan the fish is swimming in the lake [Music] daddy casps his fishing line and the fish pulls once again it's another tug of war look there's Buster floating in the lake [Music] aha gotcha Buster caught the fish with his net go Buster Daddy is very proud well done buster the fish swims away see you next time fishy fishing with lots of fun after all no Bandit bus is stealing from the candy shop stop thief it's Otis the police car he's come to investigate the case of the stolen candy Bandit bus went that way Otis I don't think Otis saw abandoned bus get away great idea Otis follow the trail of candy I think we know who it will lead to there he is stop thief look [Music] Otis some more clues keep following the trail wow banded bus is dropping a lot of candy okay Buster oh I don't think that candy is for you Buster loves candy oh dear the trail of candy is Led straight to Buster the bus Otis must think that buster is the thing you've made a mistake Otis Buster is innocent poor Buster what are you going to do Otis is putting Buster in jail oh buster oh here comes Scout maybe Scout can help Buster get out of jail you have to help Buster Scout prove he's innocent that's right Scout follow the trail of candy to find the truth the Scout the detective is on the cake there he is banded bust caught red-handed stealing from the toy shop you're going down this time Bandit bus stop right there in the name of the law you're under arrest it's time to put things right and get Buster out of jail come on out Buster you're innocent and in goes Bandit thanks now you're a great detective if it wasn't for you Buster would still be locked up I'm sorry banded bust but you had it coming stealing is against the law well done notice by Bandit it's the end of school and it's time for scout to return the school flower that she'd been taking care of now whose turn is it to take it home and care for it hooray it's Buster's turn Buster is going really slowly he wants to make sure he takes good care of the flower It's Time to Say Goodbye to Scout and Ash whoa careful Buster that was a close one Buster is so happy to be caring for the flower that he's drawn a picture of it he's even brought it to dinner I don't think it eats Carrots Buster it needs water instead to make sure it grows strong foreign [Music] but now it's time for bed good night flower the next morning Buster is super excited for school careful Buster you don't want to knock the flower [Music] oh no the flower has smashed what is Buster doing he's hiding it because he's afraid he'll get in trouble [Music] Buster is pretending to be ill but he doesn't have a temperature oh now Mommy understands Buster doesn't want to go to school with the smashed flower he thinks he's let everyone down but mommy knows what to do they'll put the flower in a brand new pot it looks even better than before there good as new Buster Returns the flower to class everyone is really impressed with its lovely new pot good job Buster now it's Ash's turn to take care of it hooray it's Buster the bus look he's seen a cute little Easter Bunny whoa Buster has turned into a bunny bus he's going to dance the funny dance for us ha ha ha then wiggle your tail great then jump up as high as you can just like a bunny rabbit then wiggle your nose there you've got it that was so much fun [Music] wiggle wiggle wiggle pop pop you're doing great wiggle wiggle wiggle hop hop hop hop spin in a circle and wiggle your nose yay hey it's Scout the car I think she wants to learn the bunny dance too are you ready hop hop hop hop then wiggle your tail yes then jump up as high as you can reach up high then wiggle your nose that's it Scout's got it now watch this wiggle to the left wiggle to the right wiggle as much as you can hey this is fun [Music] wiggle wiggle wiggle pop pop that's right wiggle wiggle wiggle pop pop foreign [Music] but never mind we still learned a really cool new dance Buster and his friends look so excited what's going on oh wow mommy has set up an Easter egg hunt for them oh what's that I think Scout is really excited about having some yummy chocolate ready and go everyone's going to look for the Easter eggs oops try not to bump into each other Nice Ash found an egg in that tree he's rushing back and putting it in the basket so they can all share it later good job Ash [Music] I think Buster has seen an egg too [Music] wait this is just the wrapping paper where's the chocolate egg gone Foster's disappointed but look there's another egg by the bush this one's just wrapping too someone has taken the chocolate very strange oh dear Ash is worried they haven't found enough eggs to share around but it's okay they'll just have to keep looking what's this Another Empty bit of wrapping there's Bandit he's sneaky maybe he's been stealing all the chocolate he's got some eggs but look he's putting them in the basket it's not Bandit who's stealing them look there goes Scout she'll know what to do but wait [Music] oh is that chocolate around Scout's Mouth She's the One stealing all the eggs look Scout hid all the eggs she found behind that bush she loves chocolate so much she wanted them all to herself but she's very sorry she knows sharing is the right thing to do buster forgives her but they'd better clean that chocolate off her face there Mommy can share them out equally Ash everyone gets some yummy Easter eggs [Music] space this is our solar system space is so cool I bought my alien today this is mercury The Orange Planet Neptune the blue planet and Saturn the yellow planet with a ring and this is Mars the red planet it's our nearest neighbor I want to go to Mars hmm good for you Buster Reach for the Stars the first bus to put wheels on Mars watch out for those asteroids Buster oh space is awesome I wish we could go up there it's super Buster flying through space like a rocket and Speedy Scout swimming across the universe come on let's explore space [Music] what's up little alien dude oh gee that's a real sad story wait you can understand what she's saying of course alien says they're lost so we need to help them find their way home to Mars the red planet you got it Scout let's go not this one the blue planet is Neptune [Applause] that's Neptune in alien language [Music] Ian I would live here [Applause] this is Saturn yeah that's what I said Scouts asteroids up ahead hang on little buddy this could get bumpy huh [Music] go alien Mars the Reds planet [Music] we made it there's your home [Music] that was fun Buster and Ash are on holiday at the beach mommy bus and Mommy fire truck are preparing a barbecue and Buster and Ash are building an amazing sand castle [Music] whoa those waves are really coming in quick the sand castle could be ruined Ash to the rescue he's protecting the castle with a wall of sand great idea Ash oh look it's Iggy the ice cream truck hooray oh no Ash's wall couldn't stop the waves they've ruined their sand castle Buster is very sad [Music] but Ash has got a plan to save it Buster is too upset to help [Music] maybe an ice cream will cheer him up I wonder what flavors he'll choose [Music] wow that's a huge ice cream whoa steady Ash is still fixing the sand castle [Music] Buster could get Ash and ice cream too but he's upset with Ash because his wall didn't protect the sand castle Buster's only getting ice cream for himself whoa Ash has rebuilt the sand castle good as new Buster now feels bad he didn't get Ash and ice cream so he's giving Ash his be careful don't drop it Iggy gives them another cone now they can share the ice cream yum yum delicious mustard the bus has come out to play watch out for that red paint Buster oh Buster's driven right through it look Buster you've painted some red lines with your tires [Music] Busters had an idea work you've painted a circle a circle is round it's the same shape as your wheel Buster now you've colored the circle in Buster it's a red circle oh hey Scout come and join some fun we're learning shapes what shape is scalp painting it's a square a blue square A square has four equal sides hey there Digger diggers come to paint shapes with Buster and Scout what shape will Digger paint and Digger isn't quite as fast as Buster and Scout it's okay Digger will be finished soon it's a triangle a triangle has three sides a yellow triangle Digger took so long to paint a shape that buster and Scout have fallen asleep wake up you two what other sheets can we draw a green rectangle great work Buster a gold star that looks fantastic Scout [Music] and a lovely pink heart hey Digger is painting a diamond oh wow look at all the colors go it's a wonderful rainbow diamond so many different colored shapes learning the shapes was so much fun [Music] here circle triangle star part rectangle and a diamond well done everyone hello Terry oh my goodness it's a very windy day and look here's Scout and Buster but what's wrong Terry oh no the wind has blown away all of Terry's fruit and vegetables that's no good scout Buster can you help Terry find his fruit and vegetables of course you can Terry has a red box Scout has an orange box and Buster has a green box let's go find all the missing fruit and veg Buster has a green box which means he needs to find something that's green there's green grass some straw wow it's broccoli broccoli is Green Well Done Buster put the broccoli in the green box Scout has got an orange box which means she needs to find some food that is orange oh my goodness it has been a windy day that's a green tree no orange fruit or vegetables here keep looking Scout what's that oh well done Scout carrots carrots are orange so they go in The Orange Box finally Terry Terry has a red box I think Terry has spotted something already in the dirt Terry what can you see some Tomatoes well done Terry move that dirt and there they are good work the tomatoes are red so they go in the red box well done that's everything Terry is very happy all of his fruit and vegetables are back in their boxes well done Buster thanks for helping Scout [Music] broccoli carrots and tomatoes see you next time Scout bye Buster look see it's Buster and Scout they're playing in the snow they're having so much fun jumping and sliding around hello Mr snowman oh my what a scout scene she looks very excited I wonder what it is Buster oh wow it's a frozen pond look at Scouts skating on the ice she's very good isn't she Buster come on Buster why don't you give it a try careful oh poor Buster the Ice is very slippery it hasn't seemed to stop Scout Look at Her Go [Music] I think Buster is scared of the slippy Ice come on Buster there's no need to be afraid haha there you go you'll get the hang of it [Music] go skating around the pond really going for it they're both having so much fun feeding on the ice well done Buster Scout seems very impressed oh wow look at Buster flying through the air look you've cracked the ice the ice is cracking even more and it's cracked around Scout she's trapped Foster what are you going to do if you go any closer the ice will surely break great idea Mr snowman won't break the ice please will you help Mr Snowman look at him go he's saving Scout well done Mr Snowman and nice quick thinking Buster I don't think Buster and Scout will be doing any more skating thanks Mr snowman five Busters having fun at the Christmas Market there's Buster he's having a candy apple so yummy whoa mommy bus has a present is that for buster it is but mommy says to wait until Christmas to open the present Foster doesn't want to wait he wants to open the present now but he'll have to wait ah throw the ball to knock down the cans that's mommy's favorite game hmm laughs oh oh Buster's going to try to look at the present while mommy is distracted Buster shouldn't really be doing that what is inside here is Bandit [Music] oh look out oh no the present is flying off across the market huh quick they have to get the present back before mommy notices it's gone present is on the ice cream quick Bandit grab it [Music] the Foster will have to try and get it now so close ah so close mommy bus still hasn't noticed the missing present she's having so much fun oh there's the present Ken Bandit and Buster get it back before mommy notices ah whoops where's the present gone now Oh look The Wonder Wheel it's Ash and there's the present [Applause] oh no he dropped it Go Buster great catch you well done Buster look Mommy put all the cans down hooray she won a teddy bear they've got the present back just in time mommy is in such a good mood she's going to let Buster look at the present if he still wants to oh but Buster has learned his lesson he's going to wait it's finally Christmas Day and Buster can open the present at last whoa It's a new soccer ball that's why it was so bouncy Merry Christmas Buster look it's Buster the bus and Scout the little car they're playing basketball together nice work guys oh dear Buster is very tired it's been a long day now it's getting late time to go home and rest his sleepy head now Buster can sleep and dream the night away what will he dream of tonight I wonder oh look it's twinkle the star she helps everyone sleep peacefully through until morning twinkle's going to give Buster sweet dreams [Music] whoa Buster's a rocket in space he can fly about through the stars and Float through the night sky awesome there's twinkle again they can explore space together what fun look there are some shooting stars whoa and there are some big floating asteroids I think twinkles playing hide and seek there she is [Music] where she leading Buster to now look the moon it's bright yellow Buster is having so much fun playing out in space wow it's Mars the red planet there's a little space buddy coming out to play I think Buster's frightened but it's okay space buddy just wants to make friends now they can bounce up and down together making new friends is the best Buster's had such a fun time playing with twinkle and space buddy but now it's time to go back home to Earth Busters coming in to land ah Buster what an amazing dream thanks twinkle good night [Music] Buster and his friends are on a holiday at the beach what a fun day out wow the sea looks amazing what is that in the water ah it's a shark Buster's very scared oops watch out Iggy mommy bus is taking a nap on the beach Buster is trying to tell her what he saw it had scary fins and jumped out of the water it was a shark hmm mommy bus can't see anything don't worry Buster everything is fine and Mommy bus is going back to her nap foreign [Music] I wonder if the shark is still there ah it's a shark Go Buster go [Music] oops not again um Buster is still frightened but he wants to get over his fear he's going back again [Music] there's the shark [Music] wait a second what's wrong the shark has a sore wobbly tooth that's why it was jumping out of the water don't worry shark Buster can help he's trying to get Mommy's attention [Music] she's got a red Kit and Mommy bust to the rescue splat yum yum mommy bus is removing the shark's wobbly tooth it's out hooray the shark feels so much better now well done Buster he can't wait to show the tooth to his sister and Mommy bus are visiting Terry's Farm today wow the farm is so cool Buster is so excited but oh look an adorable litter of puppies how cute Buster has spotted a soccer ball he loves soccer mommy bus is here to check that all the puppies are healthy but Buster has other ideas he wants to go and play some soccer on the farm what was that oh one of the puppies followed Buster outside [Music] looks like she wants to play [Music] but Buster wants to play by himself There She is again the puppy won't stop following him Buster is throwing the puppy a stick to distract her that will make her leave nope that didn't work and now the puppy has taken the soccer ball what a cheeky little puppy finally Buster got his ball back but the puppy still wants to play [Music] stay there puppy three what [Music] Buster is hiding behind a stack of hay bales not again maybe Buster can lose the puppy in the cornfield the puppy is sad she can't find him but Buster's plan worked oh no how did that puppy get up there she's going to fall in mommy bus and Terry haven't noticed quick Buster quick stir you he saved the puppy that was a close one oh Mommy bus has noticed a puppy is missing but don't worry Buster has brought her home what a fun day at the farm oh not again oh wow Buster look at that red balloon why don't you try and catch it nice try Buster but it's floating away oh Buster looks sad oh hey little Robin you might be able to catch the runaway red balloon there we go thanks Robin that's a nice looking balloon Buster oh wow there's another balloon this one is green quick Robin catch it there we go now you have two balloons Buster gosh look at all those colorful balloons you know what to do robin Buster the balloons are lifting you off the ground Robin is lost Buster he's up there Robin Buster's flying it's okay Buster don't be scared look at the view from up here oh Terry can't work out where that horn is coming from look up there Terry is it a bird is it a plane no it's Foster the bus there's something you don't see every day oh Buster you're floating quite high now Perry looks so small down there on the ground I think Buster is starting to get scared you don't want to end up in space Buster Robin you've gotta help great idea if you pop the balloons Buster will hopefully float down oh no Buster's falling really quickly it's okay Buster you've nearly reached the ground I think a few more balloons will do it Robin and touchdown Buster is pleased to be back on the ground I think we should leave the flying to Robin buster oh where's Robin going [Music] another balloon I think Buster's had enough of balloons for one day bye Buster bye Robin it's me Super Bus star the bravest boss in the whole world and Speedy stuff the fastest race car in history and Professor excavator the Digger with the ginormous Brave oh I wish I could fly but I'm not so good with Heights hmm come with me Professor excavator has a cunning plan behold my greatest invention yet the excavator turbo flyer uh diggly Professor excavator sorry Professor excavator uh this is a trailer that won't fly not in a million billion trillion years but this isn't just a trailer it's a big balloon-powered cloud bouncer [Music] ah Bandits whoa these balloons are cool we should fill them with water and have a water fire leave them Bandit we're trying to fly [Music] whoa that's high but I'm super Buster super Buster isn't afraid of heights get me down I don't fight nights bust the hell I didn't think of that uh we'll think of something just don't look down don't look down don't look down don't look down don't look down ah I looked down by my calculations they can flow all the way into space uh we can do this with a bumper bunch aha Buster catch [Music] Bandit pop some balloons I'm scared I can't move you can be brave Bandit you can do it we both can come back [Music] that was fun we faced our fears that's awesome and it turns out buses can fly Buster looks so excited I wonder why a storybook Buster wants Mommy to read to him Buster loves a good fairy tale [Music] Mommy's reading Buster the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears when the Bears had gone out Goldilocks came to the window she tried their porridge but the first Bowl was Too Hot Buster thinks that's very funny but look at the time Mommy can't read all day Buster's upset he wants to know what happens next in the story but mommy knows what to do maybe Grandpa can read the Buster grandpa is out watering the plant but Buster wants him to read more of the storybook yes Grandpa can read to him for a bit he loves stories of Great Adventures and brave Heroes What's Happening Now Goldilocks sits on a chair that's too small and it breaks how funny Buster loves this story but what's this mommy says it's time for dinner the rest of the story will have to wait Buster has some nice fish fingers and vegetables for dinner but he's eating them all really fast he wants to get back to the story as soon as possible hmm Mommy and Grandpa are still eating they can't read to him right now cluster really wants to know what happens next look he's trying to read it himself he's not very good at reading but he's trying really hard wow he's getting it mommy and Grandpa are so proud of him good job Buster but oh dear he's getting sleepy too Mommy's reading the book to Buster as a bedtime story now Goldilocks is asleep in the Bear's bed oh look Buster has fallen asleep oh he had such a busy day he couldn't stay awake for the end good night Buster Buster is packing his bag for Ash's birthday picnic he will need a picnic blanket something to drink [Music] what else does Buster need marshmallows to toast on the fire thanks Daddy bus oh don't forget Ash's present [Music] Buster is so excited to celebrate Ash's birthday what's wrong Buster he looks a bit unwell he really doesn't want to miss the party Foster and daddy have arrived hmm [Music] time to play some party games together hmm Foster really doesn't look well but he doesn't want to miss out on the fun they're playing hide and seek oh no Buster is feeling really poorly maybe sitting by the fire will make him feel better his friends are worried about him and want to make sure he's okay [Music] maybe some marshmallows will make him feel better oh he can't even eat toasted marshmallows oh daddy bus is taking Buster home to rest but he can't forget Ash's birthday present what is it it's a painting set that's very thoughtful Buster it's given Ash an idea he's passing a paintbrush to Bandit and Scout I wonder what they're going to paint Buster is resting at home he isn't his usual Happy self he needs to take his medicine and get some sleep to feel better well done Buster the next day Buster is feeling a bit better now but he still said he missed Ash's birthday Daddy bus has got Buster some warm soup and what's that his friends made a painting for him [Music] and they're outside hooray Buster is so happy to see his friends and the painting has made him feel much better look it's Buster and he's having fun playing in the muddy puddles and who's this it's Cozy Coop Buster loves making new friends he wants cozy to play with him Cozy's a bit shy but Buster encourages cozy playing in the muddy puddles is so much fun cozy jumped in hooray now they're playing together hop hop hop through the muddy puddles that was great fun but now they're all muddy time to head off to the car wash to get cleaned up there it is Buster's going to show cozy how the car wash works [Music] Buster turns it on the rollers Spin and in they go but wait that's not great they're still muddy the car wash didn't clean them something must be wrong Buster goes to take a closer look [Music] cozy tries pushing some buttons Hoops the roller box Buster on the head and what's this the water button uh-oh what's that noise Splash Buster and cozy got all wet but they're still all muddy too something still isn't right with the car wash cozy goes in and Buster looks at the controls there uh-oh the lever is stuck Buster can't turn it off whoa look at all those bubbles Otis the police car turned to the car wash now Buster and cozy are clean at last but look who is this all covered in bubbles there's Buster and Scout they're having great fun playing in all the muddy puddles but oh no poor Scout is feeling a bit sick [Music] ah it's okay they can play together again tomorrow [Music] now Buster is heading inside and grabbing a snack but oh dear he's not washed his muddy Wheels before eating that Apple that's not very clean and he's left muddy wheel prints everywhere the next morning Mommy comes to wake up buster but oh no Buster doesn't look well at all poor Buster [Music] whoa he's got a temperature he'll have to stay home today to get better now it's time for some medicine Buster doesn't like the look of it but mommy knows it'll help him get better there that wasn't so bad now Buster just has to get some rest the next morning Buster is feeling much better oh Scout's feeling better too they can go outside and play again but wait mommy says they should wash their hands first so they won't get ill again [Music] good job everyone wait mommy has another idea they can wear these face masks too so they don't get sick there now Buster and Scout are ready to play outside safely they're so happy now that they're feeling better again it's Buster time to wake up it's a bright new day [Music] look Mommy has made Buster's breakfast already jam on toast Buster's favorite [Music] ouch Buster drove over that toy it's okay Mommy can Kiss It All Better there oh now Buster can go out and play soccer how exciting now Buster is playing in the park with Scout nice one Scout [Music] but oh no the soccer ball has gotten stuck in the tree the foot look Mommy has knocked the ball free again well done Mommy now they can keep on playing [Music] what's this mommy and Buster are painting a picture it's so much fun to paint together the sun has a face but oh dear Foster is Sleepy it's been such a busy day time for Buster to go to bed now first mommy reads Buster a bedtime story [Music] ah good night buster [Music] it was so much fun spending the day playing with mommy she really is the best foreign they're really excited to play some board games today's game is Snakes and Ladders how exciting and Ash gets to go first five and two that's seven so Ash moves his counter seven spaces now it's Buster's turn eight along the counter goes now it's Ash's turn again oh wow he's rolled very well he's going up a ladder now Buster bye [Music] oh dear down the snake he goes Buster's not doing well oops he knocked over his counter what's that here comes grandpa with lots of other toys to play with but he's dropped them all Ash is helping to pick them all up but no one is watching buster oh no he moved his counter up but that's cheating oh no he's moved it to the Finish Line like he's won the game now Ash is back looks like the game is over Buster won Ash doesn't understand how that happened but he's happy for his friend that's odd Buster should feel happy he won but he doesn't feel right not right at all Buster cheated he didn't win fair and square so it feels all wrong but Grandpa knows it's not all about winning it's playing the game that's the fun part and now it's Ash's turn [Music] trolls whoa he almost went down the snake Buster goes down another snake and there Ash One fair and square but Buster is happy for his friend they had so much fun playing together but Buster's going to learn at school today oh a volcano wow they're going to do an experiment the teacher is showing them what to do first a drop of white powder then three drops of food coloring then some vinegar to make it all bubbly wow it looks like an erupting volcano isn't that amazing everyone is so excited they're going to do the experiment all by themselves what a mess it looks like Bandit didn't do it right [Music] oh no scouts didn't go right either maybe Buster Buster has made just as much mess as the others why isn't it working can Ash get it right Buster's going to check Ash is still putting ingredients in whoa it worked nice work Ash but how did Ash get it right when everyone else's went wrong oh he followed the instructions on the board what a good idea the teacher is proud of Ash now the others are going to try again but first they check what they need to do one drop of white powder then three drops of food coloring then some vinegar to make it all bubbly hooray it's working the volcanoes are all bubbling over don't they look great good job everyone it's amazing what you can do when you follow the instructions foreign the teacher is so proud of everyone [Music] looks like Buster is going for a stroll through town hey there Amber the ambulance ouch Buster grows straight into the lamp post and bumped his mirror oh Buster's got a boo-boo luckily Amber the ambulance is right here to help poor Buster there's no need to cry there now Buster's as good as new uh-oh a pin in the road look out Tony ouch oh no he's got a flat tire but Amber is on her way she can help Amber always knows what to do a Band-Aid pumping up his tire again and Tony's back to his old self [Music] Here Comes Scout she's going too fast ouch she's bumped her nose on the wall it seems like everyone is getting hurt today she'll know how to help there rubbing it better should stop it hurting Scout looks very grateful for Amber's help Amber is such a great friend Buster's back to normal and driving around again Tony's tire is working just fine gout is having fun playing with her bouncy ball it's great fun to play outside with your friends oops Buster got bounced hard with the ball Amber's coming to help I think Buster is okay after all today let's look at the top 5 Buster costumes number five superhero Buster oh wow you've turned into a superhero you're so fast super Buster is here this doesn't look good oh no he's pushed the boulder over the edge and trapped Otis in the tunnel it's okay Buster you're a superhero now you can save him oh Buster your eyes wow you have laser vision well done Buster you've set Otis free number four rainbow Buster wow look after me pick out rainbow colored now he's rainbow colored too it's Buster the rainbow bus Terry again now it's rainbow Terry and look at all the fields and the barn rainbow colors everywhere amazing Buster even turned the clouds different colors there's just one thing missing a rainbow of course the rainbow bus is driving off over the rainbow bye bye foreign Buster the fire truck wow look at that buster really is a fire truck he's got a ladder a siren and a water hose uh oh the fire alarm there's a fire somewhere quick bust of the fire truck put that fire out [Music] uh-oh the fire has spread to the roof [Music] you can do it if you work together two fire trucks are better than one ew the fire is out at last nice work Buster and Ashley number two zombie Buster this is spooky and what's happened to Buster I think that green slime has changed Buster into a zombie who's that oh no it's zombie Buster Digger's really frightened oh no Scout is hiding from Buster [Music] poor Buster is so upset and lonely [Music] do you see now Buster you look like a zombie that's why everyone is scared of you hmm don't worry Buster look the Slime has come off on Scout's wheel a car wash good idea Scout Buster always loves a car wash [Music] yay the green has gone number one Cowboy buster hey there Buster oh wow look at that you're in the wild west and check out your cowboy hat oh look a lasso wait it's Bandit bus and what's that on his back a sack I think he's robbed the Sweet Shop they're speeding alongside the train tracks Bandit is trying to lose Buster in the cactus field one two three let's go great you did it you caught Bandits oh wow Sheriff buster wow Buster really has some amazing costumes look Buster has arrived early for school today they're Scout and diggly whoops Buster slipped on some oil oh dear the Blackboard is wrecked Scout flipped too [Music] phew oh no the clock is broken too what a mess huh hey and here comes the teacher they'll need to clean everything up really quick but the board is too heavy for Scout and digly can't pick up the letters Buster tries to fix the clock but there are so many pieces [Music] I think Buster has a plan they can swap jobs Scout can collect up all the letters then digly and Buster can lift the Blackboard together [Music] Scout knows her ABCs she can put the letters back [Music] now for the clock digly can fix that he loves fixing machines [Music] there all done just in time here comes the teacher everything looks normal [Music] apart from that letter and the time isn't right [Music] and the number one two three four good as Here Comes Buster the bus I wonder what he's going to get up to today what's this look at that billboard Buster those tires look so shiny and new maybe it's time for you to get some new tires Buster off he goes oh look it's Jessie the Jeep she seems to be struggling up the hill Here Comes buster okay poor Jesse I think she needs some help Buster her tires don't seem to be gripping the row you're nearly there Jesse keep trying oh Buster I know you want to get those tires but your friend Jesse needs some help no Jesse is slipping back down oh well done Buster you came back to help Jesse that was very kind of you oh no it looks like something is wrong with Jesse's trailer it looks like the weight of the trailer is pushing her down the hill too fast she's lost control Buster quickly Buster you have to help her it'll be okay Jesse Buster isn't far behind good job Buster keeping control of the trailer so it doesn't tip over [Music] oh no the garage is up ahead she won't be able to slow down in time great idea Buster use your brakes to slow down Jesse that was a close one well done Buster and look it's the shiny new tires you came for oh poor Jesse her tires look sore Buster I think there's someone who needs them more than you that's right Buster well done Jesse really needs some new tires they look great Jesse you'll have no trouble pulling your trailer now and driving up hills will be easy bye Buster bye Jesse happy holidays buster oh no Buster doesn't look very happy does he let's go and see what's wrong with him Buster seems very bored has he run out of things to do did you hear that everyone yes it's Buster's friend the robin but where could he be I can't see him anywhere can you that's a very big sign from Buster oh look there he is and he's carrying Buster's bottle I think he wants you to follow him Buster go on let's see what he wants to show you oh he is bringing back a scarf great idea Buster you should both Build a Snowman [Music] look at him using his wheels to pile up all the snow clever Buster wow it's already taking shape and there's the head [Music] well done Robin a snowman isn't complete without a scarf what are those pieces of coal for of course now the Robin's gone to find something else oh yes a carrot for their Snowman's nose what a fantastic snowman but look Buster thinks something's missing wow that's a big gust of wind and look it's blown a top hat to Buster in the Robin That's What Was Missing well done Buster the robin certainly agrees oh wow the Snowman has come alive Buster is so excited Buster now has not only the robin to play with but his new snowman friend too happy holidays everyone I think Buster is sleeping again where are you Buster look at all the giant colored balls and toys it looks like a great place for an adventure let's see what else Buster can find wow look at that teddy bear look how big it is he looks soft and cuddly have a nice big cuddle he looks so cuddly oh no Buster what's that noise it's a giant claw huh I think Buster is inside a giant claw machine Buster watch out it's going to get you Ghostbusters oh no [Music] Buster it was just a bad dream look it's Scout it looks like Buster is still a bit shaken up but you don't need to worry anymore buster [Music] look Buster Scout has something to show you I wonder what it is [Music] oh no it's a claw machine Buster looks frightened [Music] Scout's not scared of it maybe it's fun don't worry Buster Scout's with you look Buster it's that Teddy why don't you try and Win It come on Buster just be brave you can do it okay Buster let's get this Teddy take it easy that looks about right okay here goes [Music] did you get it what's that oh it's a little yellow bus that toy looks just like you Buster that's the skeleton Buster Buster has gotten over his fear of the claw machine now hey there Buster looks like a hot day out in the desert whoa look at that ahead a big mountain with smoke rising from the top what was that it's Frida the sports car she's speeding off toward the Smoky Mountain I think she wants to race Buster and Rita are speeding across the desert together Rita is faster go on Buster you can do it Buster is using that ramp to jump after Rita [Music] phew that was a fun race to the top but look what's that hot molten lava I think this is a volcano it could erupt at any moment uh-oh Buster careful of that rock oh no it's fallen into the lava nothing happened [Music] oh no I think the volcano is erupting quick guys get out of there oh no there are Fireballs shooting out of the volcano look out they'll be really hot oh no Rita is stuck in the sand Buster is being brave and going to help his new friend great job Buster Now quickly drive away faster faster [Music] phew that was a close one here's Ashley the fire truck she doesn't look pleased she's going to have to put out all the fire Buster and Rita aren't saying anything they didn't mean to set the volcano off that was close but Buster made a brand new friend along the way bye Buster bye Rita you're looking very cheerful today Buster what's that you've seen oh wow a kitten it's adorable careful Buster you're really big and the cat is really small oh dear I think you scared her buster I wonder where she's going you're too big to go under the fence Buster you'll have to go around foreign got into oh she's stuck up in that Tall Tree you've got to rescue her Buster a trampoline what a good idea that'll be a nice soft Landing for the kitten bounce oh no the kitten bounced right the way back up into the tree let's try something else Annette good idea Buster careful now gently gently oh look a bee stay still Buster I don't think he means any harm but oh dear the net is broken too back to the drawing board hold on I think Buster has another idea [Music] of course Busters brought Ashley the fire truck she'll be able to reach the kitten with her tall ladder there we go the kitten will be safe now oh no I think the kitten is too scared to come down the ladder I wonder what Buster has planned oh yes the kitten's ball of wool she'll come down to play with that look how happy the kitchen is here she comes down the ladder there safe and sound nice work Buster [Music]
Channel: Go Gecko's Garage!
Views: 1,677,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Little baby bum, go buster, GO BUSTER, bus, buster the bus, little red bus, red bus, little baby bus, little baby boogie, official channel, baby songs, nursery rhymes, baby bum, kids songs, education, children entertainment, learning, abc songs, abc songs for kids, lbb, baby shark, bus songs, learning songs, vehicle, vehicle nursery rhymes, carwash, bubble songs, bath song, wheels on the bus, cocomelon, blippi, morphle
Id: FLs_MzKCqx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 24sec (11964 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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