IT'S OREO! FUNnel V Fam Doggy Vloggy! Who's Harder to Handle, Puppy or Baby After Christmas Vlo

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[Music] can we gain [Music] on Christmas we surprise the kids what a feat in dance that's actually the whole story okay if you guys have seen our Christmas Day vlog you will know what this used to look like guess who's responsible who did that to our roller coaster you did you do that yes you did we can't blame on the puppy did you do that yeah who did it hope chase did it because everyone else pointing their finger at you [Music] say sorry to it give it a kiss it took me and chase two days bro not even regular days like holidays man that's not sword that's the little upside-down guy from last time hurry up first Shawn tug a rope come on puppy you can win come on pull Shawn oh oh she's beating Shawn she's winning she's what oh okay bye go go oh well sure we're not done yet but we're rearranging chases through look bro how you liking it so far two years later that's not for you you can't use it it's only when we have guests sorry yeah she got that half mustache going on look you guys both have half mustaches oh my gosh who made this mess oh yo guess we made the mess sure this boy dude you're worse than the puppy we're going through cleaning up cheese's room trying to make it look nice and different and fresh and new and he dumped all these old bags of what's these toys out hey where you going PP ed yeah you won't wear a hat what I like it well you won't wear hat oh look at me let me see Shawn ha ha ha [Music] Alexa play funnel vision squawk Shawn sigh politician all day it doesn't know that I can't find the sons wailing oh my [Music] name's Shawn don't get me mad hey rundown okay what what tell me [Music] tell me that's mommy's sure what you mean what no isn't that enough water for you how much do you need clean it up Oh what's the point that hey don't do that no no Shawn can I have a sip yeah look we're making pretzels roll the pretzel likes his idea was to stuff it with some cheese and pepperoni there crazy dog she straights upside down yeah we came pretzels whether Iost me trouble the gut one too much then twist and then bring it down like dad I'm actually doing it [Music] [ __ ] you got it guess who made that mess that was Jean Frank so we know it was until Widow ain't you yes I'm talking about you alright first time making homemade pretzels hey did you make that mess oh you can't waste marshmallows yeah you did that [Music] you wanna eat your pretzels okay but do you want soy sauce for your pizza or do you want duck sauce yeah why do you want that if you're wondering what kind of pretzels these are this is not an endorsement so this is the ball Fleischmann's you owe me a year supply pretzels you're welcome oh my god dude goodness it's hot no touch let's just say that what has a squeaky engine we got turkey pepperoni and cheese in it Mike's idea was to make this whole pretzel twist right here oh my goodness they're so soft they're probably succulent um actually I didn't make you one big one we only have nine and there's six people on her family six upside down is nine oh my god we don't have enough look at these I like that one the most elements good chase made this one he smushed it all up ace we have yours right here without cheese bro it's because he's lactose and you're a little tolerant to lactose intolerant I actually thought it was that until like a few years ago realized it was an intolerant what if I'm out of tolerant how can I be in it am i right that was not funny corny jokes for days that's all are you that corny jokes for Dave who's Dave yo Dave if you're watching this corny jokes for you and I was a shout out right for dinner hey guys corny jokes for Dave sup dude it's Heidi you gotta see this are you dressed for YouTube you look a little not another good Lexy Repsol which one was yours ooh whichever one is the ugliest you can have that one we need a plate back you missed it back back look back Becky Becky Becky let's oxo coming soon to a merge shop near you so good are you snapping yeah let's see it what's it look like oMG guys look I just made a new BFF pretzel dog man oh my god 7sn yeah oh you're welcome wherever you are I can't see you oh hey how's it going over there we're watching the Christmas movie by the way it's not it's not Christmas we know that but we're in the spirit still you want one here John no one wants duck sauce no okay we had a fail because you're supposed to have tomato sauce since there's cheese and pepperoni and be like a pretzel pizza but the tomato sauce is out of stock in our pantry of course you want to go back that's hot don't touch the pan Sean let's go in there let's go watch are you taking a bite this is so relaxing watching us with my kid and some fresh-baked pretzel sure all right actually it's mine some water sure my box hey babe I hate to do this to you but I'm like really busy watching movie with the family and I know you're just in here cleaning up the kids wanted some water would you be able to get that for them why can't you get it I'm busy watching movie with my kids what are you doing look see now you made Sean get up here he was all comfortable eating a pretzel watching a movie all because you couldn't get him water come on Sean mommy's not doing anything I'll get you water [Music] no money wait mommy you mean mommy cry give her a hug tell mommy we're just kidding okay let's go get water now yeah we're just kidding it's because her parents are coming here tomorrow and she needs to get the room ready you know parental sacrifices I don't treat manga like that for viola I'm gonna get your water sister shot get your mom and get you some water that she's not doing anything but she's all like what are you gonna do with it okay let go okay you gotta in yourself like get some nope it doesn't mean jump it means you look at your thumb now put put your tongue on your thumb yeah yeah okay you did it good job put your fist on the wall I like it yeah all right hey I hate to do this to you and all but can you maybe get the kid some water I'm so busy right now oh you're just gonna sit there and do nothing you think you're so cool cuz you have a heart on your nose Oh Shawn I wouldn't talk to her she's too good for you cuz she has a heart on her nose yeah yeah that's why you almost got hit by a Christmas light yeah you did Hey no no you pew-pew me I think it's time for you to go to bed you want to know what this boy just did you broke the ornament and how why I'm a little busy okay watch trying to watch this movie so it'd be nice if you know you can vacuum this up a little faster that took you a long time to plug that in right now like I came in balloon kind of savage are you black I walked over and Shawn was legit playing in a pool of black you can't play that oh my goodness yo Shawn equals like four kids or five kids no he was actually something actually happen to me how many kids equals Shawn thirty Wow look at all 30 Shawn's right there mommy's mad and guess that who that kid trying to spilled water oh it's legit dripping well that's kind of nasty why did you do that actually it's 11:45 you should be going to bed bro hey go bed and you go to bed too Oh what oh just sleeping what are you leave me alone [Music] cap let's steal my camera hey all right you're gonna best Sean O'Reilly sound already yeah Oh see you're not listening you guys sleepy just like Jason am i ugly [Music] shakes it makes me scream like this oh just like that and also like this [Music] [Music] everybody fell asleep watching a movie it's just me and the dog we chilling right okay well it's just me ma mère l are you still good up there she fell asleep too unless you guys later thanks for watching this blog sure you chases room when it's all done like something stuck in my throat that just came out of my room [Music] hi play all day play all day Baba's attack the fighters in my mouth always fly in little tiny airplane
Channel: FV FAMILY
Views: 7,316,800
Rating: 4.6850753 out of 5
Keywords: doh much fun, funny videos, funnel vision, fgteev, chases corner, family vlogs, fv family
Id: 8W5vjA1Ywxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 01 2018
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