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we don't have any plan to make a mess [Music] what's up at GT vers i'm not in this video what's up everybody in show boy does and this your voice of Mike alright so what are we doing today we're gonna try out some weird food make sure yeah took a little too long now we went to Publix and we did a live stream and we asked our fans follow me at funnel vision fan and Michael Smith the official Instagram antic talk are you trying to take that to follow me at tick-tock then nope anyways our fans gave us some great ideas yeah why does this smell like nothing you smell it it's great though tribe I missed it listen why that much so let's just put something together or not Oh God thanks Sean let's let me try to buy this Nutella at like Jurassic Park it look like a pterodactyl try to get in here 1 2 3 go the gene pool just like disappeared in my mouth actually the way you're doing it don't take the long time that you hit [Music] very good she's both nipping we gotta clean up [Music] [Laughter] alright cleaned up I feel disgusting but I just got to do this disclaimer no one tried this at home we are professional doofuses Thank You Sean I'm professionally trained myself and the apple doesn't fall too far from the doofy tree I'm a tree okay say that you're fine you're not really funny alright so next up its jack you guys wanna see magic alright so here we go we got gummy bears never I'm gonna get a cinematic shot ready and go okay that's good Wow look at ya I got an idea remember that thing that you do one thing where you turn ship all day it's irregular oh yeah all right go couldn't have done it with a full bottle bro I don't have too much magic that's good with that little finger right there the little finger in the way we're hiring if you know how to use hold the camera [Music] mix it mix it mix it mix oh please all goodness it's everywhere so now little chump bus get like you a little bit more one wait no I'm like I'm a chump bus key a minute Tabasco oh boy I'm doing it this here's the swish round bro you open that jelly about this high iffy about this one you don't have any plan to make a mess oh I literally just said Mike let's not make any more messes and then here we are I think it's leaking you take a bite pickles on their owner already sort of mashed no they're not you're literally blocking all of you all right thank you shine [Music] are you doing all shouting oh my gosh it smell like you're watching I'm gonna go for it first jello pickles bad it's like a Squidward on Nickelodeon and got fly not eating anymore yo what happened to this when I got into a fight I have a pic I think there's one owed the shredding machine money do we have eggs please tell me we have eggs we didn't buy eggs at the store we have to go to the farm we're back in like an hour we're sneaking around doing selma leaving i probably would have been smarter if we just went to the grocery store got the eggs what's up the chicken fry all sleeping y'all sleep in Oh so guys sorry to wake you we just needed some eggs oh well they like glowing about to eat alien eggs thanks for the eggs okay we gotta go down you stay here I'll see you soon bye bye let's go oh my goodness you scare me booty toes oh my god yeah we're not just there's that gonna go do can we get out please you look scary at night we should make a evil donkey video game oh gosh she's going me oh my god why is he chasing me bro oh my god oh my god oh I just I punched him by mistake because he charged at me let's get out of here cuz this nut something's weird just some violence oh oh oh oh but the farmers possess that night never come to the farm at 3:00 a.m. they ain't even three onions oh I'm gonna do what any good father would do and just leave my son behind because you know who's gonna make the videos oh my god I don't know what was going on with them donkeys bro they just crazy it's time for you to grow up okay you know baby sea turtles they on their offer of day one you like oh you look like a teenager almost so you're gonna watch it baby yeah baby don't kill me it's not a baby doggy that's a huge dog he almost killed me okay we should get back to this video oh my god he's copy you can tell when they're farm eggs because they're not completely white and if you notice the brown staining that's the chick in the booty juice you want to know secret to cracking eggs pay attention so first you hold the eggs and then dawn now the secret on how to cook eggs fast is you have to use spray and there we go it's done that's it that's how fast man oh hey chase yeah alright go melt that chocolate all right press one minute and back away run away from the microwave it's dangerous that's it run you should start it though that smells like good diver and Disney springs we've got the eggs and the chocolate I'm actually excited for this one oh this looks like free holy frijoles is short for beans in European markets that's not how it works but [Laughter] Ziggler nope it's not good no and look doctor he's like sir don't jump off the bridge and he's like but I had to because I had twits an edge for breakfast can you get on my way bro it's not too bad no that's weird you skipped the chocolate shake for the egg yeah it tastes like 75 year old cotton candy that it served at his carnival before he turned into a murderous maniac but they had it in his back pocket and his mom watched his pants 77 times and then I got recycled somebody made eggs with it next up is olives I almost don't want to waste like this whole jar peanut butter like how we wasted in aunt Ella this part for the olives this part for the peanut butter olive what are you peanut butter olive peanut boy okay the olive pocket does not really hold a lot of peanut butter here we go ready one two wait should I wait for you I'll wait for you remember I like peanut butter olive peanut butter you want to try it no that's metal it'll make funny food it will break on your fold top end Angela right all right all right you're not my boss three two one and I like how you and I were doing this charades for the pterodactyl unexpect that let me tell you I like this better than the eggs in Twix why like three more percent more moving on next up is pizza rolls and graham crackers keep graham crackers away from Sean because he thinks they melt shouldn't we have just rolled the clip let it go let it go let the Clipper all right now what are you doing milk and graham crackers in the microwave yeah okay let me know how that goes hey bud he gets those jeans from his mama hey babe hey hole we got a fire oh good nope ended are we moving on I don't want to hear that graham cracker can you not what are you doing bro focus on the task ahead Beecher Rolo oh I'm a what of it but it blew how are you now like Rock'em wolf does it no it's not green just might be green bro you might be you might be colorblind it could be comment down if it's or no no unlike if it earth way goodbye [Laughter] last but not least ice cream and hot cheetos I got cookies and cream I have no dairy in mind because I feel bad that cows eat a steak hung off and let their little barn in this leg same old day huh Phil you know it Gladys getting my honors tough blow hot cheeto it's hard to like scoop broke it wait what do you have like a cool glob wait you idiot away from me how about me mmm he's like a churro had a baby with a choco taco that's good a chocolate chocolate Oreo to threaten mine I'm gonna support you chaining up little little cows some little baby cows somewhere you're gonna go hungry because we try to eat ice cream yours do taste better no I know where you go know where your hands been were you making butt nuggets today no eyes your hand little dusty Dorito I like it not at times I just feel kind of bad for the little baby cow all right stop thinking about the baby cow think of your taste buds gurgling and being all know those other youtubers that exaggerate like everything they taste amazing your dad a blonde just blew up and we all got nuclear a third heads in 89 ball in one little hands a little hand go senator Brady from all the that's right now from right WLAN my feet it's super good fire well super-good be good all right anyway the guys did you enjoyed this video subscribe choke the thumbs up button until it gives us one more like and then don't do anything violent after that for at least a couple more days so that way you're off the hook yeah I need to go to heaven you'll make it in and Saint Peter won't blame me st. Peter st. Petersburg Florida okay go David I know I know old people Alexis stop playing copyrighted music don't tell me what to do you live freak you ate my daddy little busted a poke oh man oh no you did it girl back to return
Channel: FV FAMILY
Views: 9,733,894
Rating: 4.8168378 out of 5
Keywords: funnel vision, chase fgteev, duddy, moomy, lex and mike, family vlogs, funny videos, fgteev, chases corner, fv family, shawn fgteev, shawn funnel, funnel vlog, oreo fgteev, fv family gaming, weird food combinations, weird food combos, weird food combinations that taste good
Id: OmCaCvO3KvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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