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Fusco dustless does games back with a horror game this one is called this game is real it's apparently a really deep psychological horror game which plays with your minds I'm really excited I like the psychological ones the ones get under your skin let's play the game ah oh oh I have a body and abs so this is what it's like to be physically fit well I may be physically fit Oh have a flashlight where where's the flashlight coming from my mouth am I just like ah well not digging the bed sheet to the deck or is that my family what is wrong with their faces have they done this till I protect the identity of these people well they've done is they've use like a stock photo and they've blotted out their eyes Wow me and my family are great this is why the deck was so bad cuz I can't see okay little Knight oh ah a videotape you guaran-damn-tee that's my not so sexy wife sex tape what's in here a massive cotton bud for swiping your ears great mobile phone from the 90s what else is in here what else is in a TV mana is a nice TV another lie I don't mean there's anything else Oh battery I guess that's for my flashlight which comes from my nipples am I gonna get dressed or anything or am I going out like this is you know even the ghosts are gonna get scared of this right let's go hey house man I live in a mansion how tall am I I'm barely big enough to reach this battery isn't it oh okay well maybe that's hard you know art is subjective oh this is my dad's games would be it I was another bedroom what what was that what was floating what's that floating white thing I was particle effects well it's creepy huh huh what was that what was that another phone from the 90s he's some animated this man look at him oh my gosh shirt on I thought I didn't have a shirt on okay what's ooh ah dude you need to like what we're done oh I found a battery okay great enough is that enough phone or walkie-talkie I don't know I don't know man oh but Windows bricks up explain the lighting I feel like I don't really need my torch it look it doesn't really do anything okay okay open open what the door no we're not doing that yet why are there so many videotapes everywhere what have I been watching I've got HD TVs but yet I'm stuck with VCR what was that well standing on the coffee table what was that there's nothing here oh [ __ ] okay this locks oh god I didn't like that noise at all I didn't I didn't like it oh okay well I can't go anywhere can I really what who how when I don't know what's happening here back in the bedroom again everything says it was creepy family around the wall yeah he is coming better hide Wow wardrobe wardrobes our safe bet right under the bed folder is now under bed is over ah who's coming Oh Oh summer whoa whoa whoa I can't hide anywhere oh [ __ ] oh Jesus Christ who's coming Oh wrote that I'm not happy can I hide in here can I use my or awful phone to call the police Oh [Music] [ __ ] god what is that noise I'll bet I can I'd it here I can't it's that spine is that a spine how did I miss that there's a spine in my wardrobe Oh perfect this will do bathroom that's a nice tub why is everything so dirty Factory look like I need it I need a gun I need something [Music] all right now you are safe here stay with us okay laughing voices I will stay oh oh oh no no you said I was safe this doesn't look safe oh why is there a camera what's that hey hey let me out of here the note said I was safe oh you are safe stay with us here looks to be crossed out with blood is that intentional Oh Lord right I'm gonna ignore the note I should've realized all this blood by that door now oh no oh that's not right you are next no no you are so bleep Emilio horrible notes it's believed now what I'll follow the blood into here and then what fuzzy TV wait you doing that perfect [Music] what is that well what do I do Oh jaws well into the bedroom Oh who's that why is that Oh oh gods I don't like that I don't appreciate the I can turn it off turn it off oh Jesus Christ why do I live here why did I choose this life help me he's coming oh it's not my computer as well okay right just ignore it does it go away eventually it'll go away why am i standing on my desk no no no I I'm done I'm done with his [ __ ] I'm my own kind of bed what was that thing Jesus Christ's love please oh okay he's an arsonist as well as a something I can't say without being demonetized why is he set fire to my home this is one big metaphor isn't it that's what this is stop with the noise please stop I say I still calm I still can't do it what you are next for what you gonna burn me what Oh come find me I have something to show you um I'm good on that I thank you thank you very much only an idiot would do this me thanks wait what guess we know what the [ __ ] flashlights 400 checkpoint screw you [Music] this is not this isn't fun this isn't funny anymore at least I finally have a look why am I in a dungeon now what is this house I guess we're going down here man this better be a luxurious wine cellar because I'm not I'm not I'm not up for anything else must have thousands of bottles of wine would you like a basement yes how big yes ah pinky boo oh that's really on this so rude what did it whoa [Music] you wouldn't go down there weren't you your mother you'd go you'd leave oh [Music] Jesus Christ why why what is star ah that's somehow oh-ho someone dropped a wrench that's great all right I don't know what this says I thought know what this is a metaphor for a little tiny table and chairs that's cute that's really cute great fantastic ah god this is skin all right everything's floating there would be massive umbilical cord Oh God I moaned about the deck or before but now I mean this is what was this oh wait I see a face oh no that's that nah no I'm not falling for that [ __ ] oh god what what are these feeding Oh it's very intricate isn't it aha they really don't want someone to steal that torch and they playing us a lot of cameras I will never know another friendly note why did you do this I thought you were saved I thought we were safe with you you are a monster you could at least leave me a nice note once just one that's all I'm asking hello hello what [Music] you are not a monster they don't understand I do someone's got a split personality ng's let it come out on paper oh I never know in a door don't look behalf this is the worst thing man this is the worst thing I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it just give me a moment all right [Music] scumbag there was nobody behind me but wait what's down there oh ah battery great okay it was worth going down there then wasn't it oh wait maybe maybe it means don't look behind me in here [Music] well I'm lying I'm not I'm not I'm not up for this I'm not I'm not I don't want to do it oh I said don't look behind you I did mmm wait what do i do then I'm not I don't want to go in there could be one of these stupid chase things isn't it [Music] [ __ ] sake this isn't fun this is not a decision for games are meant to be fun bye what wait I'm back here again sculls great yet love that fills me with confidence doesn't it I hate this so much oh gods oh gods or for I'll great yet torture equipment love that love a nice bit of why is that you move little Knight and I will Knight you with I don't know what I'm saying I just want to get out the maze of I'm sweating I'm actually sweating open open Let Me In you prick oh gee big night little night ah Christ what are you guarding a liver are you doing oh [ __ ] Oh No Oh oh gods I don't like this anymore this was bless him oh there's a mask pottery ok guess the demons into pottery in its spare time more dead things are this lovely absolutely fantastic prison I think I've seen enough if I'm honest I get the point you like to torture mm-hmm not this one though not this oh what a comfortable chair spikes very many even love it oh my bathtub what murderer murderer murderer Oh doors that's a very tiny skeleton I didn't do that you did that I didn't do that well I'm getting out of here see you later keep selling your lies painting [Music] well now what do I do it's accusing me of murdering everything and I haven't oh wait what's this not in the game in real life I am NOT alone we are all keeping a close eye on you let us take control and your suffering will end go look inside your head I can't do that I lack the skills now look inside your head wait is that like a thing you have to go look inside a scroll or something I was just repeating itself now all right oh the gates open and there's a massive TV well at least it oh well oh no no no no was a scary mask [Music] the right choice go back to sleep okay just don't hurt me [Music] let me go to sleep then oh [ __ ] what's that about am i sleeping ah oh God [Music] okay so apparently we were a murderer or some [ __ ] I know if we deserve that oh it's very twisty Benji game very interesting kept me kept me interested the whole way through guys I hope you enjoyed today's video like love cress my channel and I will see you in the next video stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 1,872,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, this game isn't real, horror, scary, daz games, funny, comedy, laugh, humour, friend, vlog, video, challenge, real, amazing, david
Id: yTX1IOjgZd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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