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how's it going dazzlers welcome back to daz games and today i'm very excited because we're trying uh a totally different horror gaming experience i've been getting a lot of requests even from the the creator of this themselves wanted me to play this it's a website game uh that's been getting a lot of buzz recently and it's called and apparently it's an interactive horror experience with random strangers on webcam what the hell it sounds insanely cool i have no idea what to expect i've not researched anything so i don't know what to do apparently i just gotta enable my webcam and we get thrusted in so let's let's give it a go like i'm excited okay so i gotta enter my first name let's just do das interactive video experience using your browser and webcam to record display images all right okay um i agree this is kind of like scary already enabled my webcam okay here we go all right i'm i'm in face detected make sure you're in a well area audio okay oh my god i'm so scared connecting hello hi oh whoa hey you can he can hear me yes yeah can you guys hear me i can hear you i can't hear you though hey hey this is aaron yeah i know i wasn't expecting this at all what do you think am i supposed to do my audio isn't coming through [Music] oh god oh they can't hear me [Music] i just got a text of a picture of me from my webcam [Music] but it wasn't me they have gotten my number oh my god did you like type it in oh oh no this is a movie isn't it um there's something there's something moving behind you where are you from daz i'm from sketch shitless stunts see that [ __ ] there's someone in the background i just sit there with your dreadlocks do something this better not be real wow [ __ ] [Music] come on that's so fake that didn't that didn't look fake to me oh it's fake i'm a horror expert where am i from daz um okay okay so is your is your computer spazzing out too is yours oh oh yeah yeah what uh something's definitely controlling it oh my god was that my mouse cursor what is real i am out of here see you later i can't leave sam yeah what's matt what's going on uh well it's not letting me on my computer and um if something happens in this room i'm leaving youtube [Music] don't [ __ ] don't mess don't do that don't i don't care oh [ __ ] ah okay dude someone behind you unless you installed a red light recently oh man he's dead love me and you should just leave maybe date i'll get your number after this we should go oh my god so sofia there's something behind me no no [ __ ] off that's not that's an effect [ __ ] no that's awful apparently i'm dead oh [ __ ] we're not dating now no that's my [ __ ] location connecting what john this my name is alex who wants to play lollipop disconnecting chills i got chills what the hell was that tell you what that was that was genius like obviously that was all acted out but then it hits you with the surprise and puts an effect behind you and then the bit at the end where i'm i'm going to i'm talking i'm talking to that meh that's the future of horror games online right there holy crap scared the [ __ ] out of me when i saw that moving i didn't even think i was like no i've seen too many horror films my man i still feel like i have to look behind me mate that's why you don't play web games i honestly feel there's a cursed thing with this [ __ ] guys thank you so much for suggesting that i play this game uh shout out to the developers you've done an amazing job with this is a really good idea work upon this um go try out yourself guys um i'm gonna go change my pants like love crest my channel and i'll see you in the next video stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 2,270,539
Rating: 4.984942 out of 5
Id: OCKerkvg_Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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