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let's go down let's watch that's games we're back a bit of a horror game that's what the public wants and that's what I get I'm using a bad camera because apparently my webcam is triggering they were playing a game called the cards of Annabelle it's not becoming Horace titleist I'm not sure if it's based on the doll I don't think it is but it looks kind of scary so let's go all right we're in a very dark house are those as bright as I can get it guys we're in a house there are things moving in the dark chess pieces I don't know why I'm here I don't the story is all I know is that they've used Annabelle a very popular scary name my game of chess what's happening I love a bit of chess hey you're a handsome fellow I love the Tash you look like Mark Zuckerberg in the 1920s cornflakes my favorite brand locked was that me locked all right don't get so aggressive about it Jesus Christ locked I mean I wanted to go in there as well not just you oh yeah this is very this is a very dark game I need lights everywhere I go otherwise I can't see oh cool the weather outside is frightful that's the bathroom always had to be locked I know right I played 70 horror games as I asked myself that question how the guy upstairs then it seems what's this ooh read if you found this note and you're still on the premises of the Ramsey mansion leave this place immediately if you can't exit the mansion and begin to think you'll never find your way in this maze of a mansion keep your eyes peeled for a number nine one three when you find the number you'll find my diary I hope my past experiences will help you David Ramsey nine one three all right we'll look out for that ooh this is nice in that letter it had to mention that this house is a mansion about five times so someone's compensating for something an attic I love going in attics in horror games nothing ever bad happens in them and I think I can get through here no oh yes I can right a bedroom love it love it all nice lamp all these old books and stuff I love I love stuff like this sometimes I miss an era where we used to write in ink all right what's that an adult woman with her naked child on a swing sure that's illegal doesn't matter we're gonna ignore it artists art as they say oh look at this room I love the decor I love this I love it everything looks a bit dusty but other than that go ahead nice clothes shoes and the thing is as well I'm not even really feeling that scared okay nothing in this room partly I'm a vampire I don't have a reflection all right cool this is nice nice home I like it a little bit messy could use a maid not gonna lie what Holmes doesn't get a bit dusty from now on time to time you know I smoothed the ladder out the way it does that would help all right more light more light oh I guess we should look up in the Attic you know all right what's this presents newspapers [Music] ooh what's this another notes November 12 1975 dead got our mate Lisa but you got a Maine doesn't not like it I found her in our garden this morning her face I can't get her face out of my mind those cold old eyes I remember that expression I saw the same life as expression exactly one year ago on my beloved daughters face ah Susan I missed you so much I have to get out of this dark pit that I am in I can't take any more alright so Susan was a bit of a moody [ __ ] mrs. so far not nothing really you know to get the spooks over where to now alright this gentleman in these photographs I love him he seems like a nice man alright locked locked alright dami don't over announce CA it it's locked I get it just say it nicely oh this is a lovely space I could do a lot in here mmm okay class is this is kind of like a walk-in closet right is that locked as well you didn't shout so I don't know what's this and now Dow is getting a bit creepy another life it's getting creepy oh oh damn they go in the corner I guess why do all ghost children laugh nah nah I was enjoying it before I was enjoying it no I'm not they like it Chesterfields they don't make up for it ha ha ha shut up you broke the bars you broke the face I guess I can't go through there yeah locked I haven't any of these I've stolen I miss a key or something important Oh My gods what is that are you okay that isn't sound like did you stub your toe oh gods January knife 976 the love of my life my beloved wife Elizabeth once full of life her mind is completely collapsed she doesn't speak to me anymore or anyone else by katasonych behavior that started with the death of our daughter Susan became even worse with Lisa's death from time to time tie me tie me okay she wakes up from her sleep screaming I'll save you Suzanne and I don't exactly know I don't exactly now what's going on who wrote this and I'm closing the lab that was very very unpleasant I won't mock your writing again promise oh god this is not this but this would be started off as a nice no no all I don't see me it's fine I saw I know what you want to know what I hate about holidays No they're broke and they I just think that this is shouldn't P some things in horror games where am i that wasn't that wasn't omni yeah i hope you fall down the stairs stupid bits on the wall was she doing Oh got my heart my heart yep I've been in there see you later Jesus Christ oh gods up guards there's too much it's too much in here to look at look I lie I might have my of trickled a bit of piss out and I might of not not hundred percent like you know alright I turn that on no okay bottle sparkling still or sparkling god what is what is this what are these rooms for huh I've missed a bunch of rooms out I'd rather you didn't stop scraping well someone gift that child and iPad bit music maybe Tom can deal with it can't be dealing with it oh Jesus Christ his side I started off such a pleasant experience before Oh a story-driven game that'd be nice nice easy pace you know had to be spooky didn't it huh and why are there ranae sons PT oh oh all right I hope that's not expensive so I heard something break okay what is it what oh is it safe of dark color don't be stupid not that I don't appreciate the effort that went into opening that but the hell I'm going in there no I'm sorry let's go through the hidden corridor it's always gone well why have I got books in my inventory 9:14 oh there's the magic number great I remember that number now won't I oh wow I'll see our light rooms like this because they're open no they're like big it's not like claustrophobic I feel safe oh look a chest we've shits all in it that's great well done thank you thanks game oh great a pentagram these always go well David Ramsay's diary the diary the last ascent of the Ramsey family what was Gordon Ramsay half like where is I don't care where Emily is I'm sorry I love my job if she went missing here she's gone there might be further clues in the pages David all right oh where is it then Oh what are you kidding me I've had a flashlight this whole time god damn it I've been I've been looking through the eyes of cataracts this whole damn time and I've got a flashlight right well it's clearly nothing more in here is there oh not only do I have a flashlight but it's actually a pretty awesome one this is I didn't see this room before crap no I mean not like not a fan of these long corridors but they lie Jesus Christ this is awful oh I'm kind of on locking all the locked doors now free thirteen there it is oh it opened on its own no it don't need to do that for me thanks I'm capable I'm grown a piano a little bit of Mozart maybe or something to get rid of ghost Scouts play something dad's play player play me away Johnny oh don't make me do this again I don't want to walk towards her as possible Annabelle are you okay that's right no no no Annabelle please don't do this I think that was demon for I just [ __ ] myself that is it that that was the curse of Annabelle not gonna lie that jump-scare would stroll on the roll that's gonna stay with me for quite a while nothing to do with the Annabelle we know from the films but core game is on Steam we'll wait for it to be fully released and maybe we can play all these games it's nice to know that there's a really decent triple-a horror on the way I'm gonna go and take some more coffee medicine drink some more tea and change my pants like enough Crescent channel and I see you in the next video stay dazzling crap
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 891,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, game, daz games, play, annabelle, scary, horror, gameplay, funny, laugh, comedy, challenge, beast, money, million, humor
Id: J4mFLXA1i40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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