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Oscar dustless but does games sorry bye my main camera at the moment the battery's busted so I'm using the crappy webcam we're back with another horror game called locked up see up there it says locked up that's what I'm playing today I have no idea what it's about it looks like another haunted house scenario oh well hello Oh Mary is that you this is a tiny-ass room I would not pay rent to live here what's this tacky [Music] yeah I'll take it apparently so laughing light up see with the kids always the kids and ugly cushions well if we go ahead cigarette gonna need a cigarette our words I don't touch things that's the oh can I play it okay what's this all there's a note left mouse it don't leave me notes what to do what is the lighter actually actually do need to lose that V for lighter yes we'll use that when [ __ ] gets dark in there pictures of people they're probably not from this century oh well apparently I can't leave the room Oh horror game within the room oh yeah I've got key sprint doesn't work fantastic and it's got to be something I'm missing other than hideous decor and the cracked our ceilings Oh newspaper there was a mass murder of people the suspect was arrested perhaps this is the work of some cults we're looking at it from leader headquarters along with our participants all right I'm gonna Colts house I love being in the cops house it makes me feel so comfortable alright so if I do this then I've unlocked it well [ __ ] that's scary baby dead in the crib was that you laughing baby I will burn a [ __ ] I don't care if you two alright some medication Oh lovely picture it flies your way hold on I can't see it because my bloody fighter ah ah that's pretty I like that one else pills Oh sedate is oh is that why you're lying now like that baby this is weird I don't like this house whoever lives here is definitely a raging pedo Lymon joking who's this bill unless he's wedding oh the good old days [Music] nope I'm not listening to the dead through the radio what's this ugly children with an ugly mother okay great alright I felt I've looked everywhere in here what's next or cross that's gonna turn upside down isn't it baby how do I get out of here I can't do [ __ ] today cuz I can't get out of here what was that something knocks didn't it of doubts already started isn't it oh wait there are no more newspapers here that I have not yet read maybe this is something right you're not real I'm not anyway that [ __ ] what don't make me burn you no no no I won't burn a baby I was joking haha joke it's joke oh [ __ ] perfect perfect so you did crying baby you see what you did the trouble you get me into why are there more pills here now I suddenly feel like there's more there's more toys on the floor as well why are things multiplying there's another ugly person can you just oh wait ah oh alright are these a choking hazard I might just alright just a good parent okay see the point in this [ __ ] just we're tidying up it matters because the baby's not real plastic I pick that chef as well no hahaha so fun and games isn't it until someone has a heart attack fine I'll go here back into this room that I'd love why there pills and alcohol everywhere what is that who is this manners Oh Oh tip it over here I don't want this picture of this old-ass man anyone here I was there look oh there you go oh these are bit um even on they do I straighten them out where's the plant gone who ate the plan this is the weirdest horror game I've ever played that the ghost has OCD what's this that glass of sherry I'll have that creepy man with baby that is definitely not his well we can only but follow the game's rules any more pills I get it the guy who lived here was depressed all right we all [ __ ] we get it I can't get out still that's the problem all right we'll go back in here then ah where is the fake baby where's the baby why did the baby go who came in stole the baby and all the plants ah no no please don't please have the baby it was ugly anyway it's a stone stop it I don't like the shudder [Music] Wow Oh zombie what's Entebbe oh gods [ __ ] this isn't funny anymore he's watching The Walking Dead as well oh god please [ __ ] I hate this jet well I can't like just play fortnight and be [ __ ] I watch it oh god if you jump out on me I swear to all [ __ ] I swear to God's stop taking the picture of the [ __ ] gold putting that off is this light no I might I don't care I don't care so guy nice moustache great now what what do I do now I can't I can't anymore it was funny to begin with it's not anymore oh god I don't like that I can't see into that room I don't like that at all put the telly on oh [ __ ] no [ __ ] no stop it doing [ __ ] without me knowing I mean there's nothing I can do oh no stop it stop it stop whispering oh God no yeah I know the routine I go in there I get close knit blah all right I get it Oh God ease oh it looks like a toffee caramel sets up the [ __ ] fine fine fine I've got out is that what is that oh it's an axe all things getting down I get very low bun door tell him [ __ ] [ __ ] sake ah ah oh no what's this nice big clock light nice clock don't we all right oh stop it with the horror games but don't appreciate that wait that's the door but that's the door to in that oh gods ah he's got buried [Music] [ __ ] your babies I really don't oh god damn it Lord Jesus Christ oh why aren't they disappearing [ __ ] any longer oh now that's open now it's open isn't it [ __ ] me in the bum apologize can laughing why do ghosts always laugh what's that what's funny you dead some babies wrinkly old zombie ghosts had it had it so I get angry when I'm scared well it's pretty another gay love it I can do spooky ass mirror baby's room is now open to the general public oh all right oh no no no no no you know look at me in here with a bloody room ah [ __ ] okay okay so mum got postnatal depression axed her baby to death and drawed Chinese symbols on the wall fantastic great story full of depth I love it now let me out of this deaf room it's a [ __ ] sake that did that thought that did that for me that that [ __ ] I've turned it on more code machine [ __ ] what all the goddamn noise when is this glue ain't got enough of this [ __ ] Satan love the guy I don't like how it gets dark at a distance Oh okay stop stop it baby again I don't want to kill a baby alright I don't see the funny side what the hell did I just do did I just reopen Toys R Us I'm sorry kid I really am I would adopt you but I don't want to honor their fallen for this [ __ ] the whole whit's normal again now nah I've been I've played too many of these games alright okay so now I'm gonna go out here it's gonna be fine no it's not no it's not I'm boxed in great love it love a good tongue twister great Oh a videotape June 10 1987 a couple years look okay what's the plane oh no oh so this is what's on the videotape okay interesting you've even got a lot of back pain all your abusing drugs I'm just saying so he films he filmed the aftermath cause Oh I mean Jesus Christ's well that was that was something else wasn't it really I crapped my pants I felt so uneasy again sorry for the Nath webcam it's not my camera but my battery is dead so you know guys let me know what you thought of this game down in the comments I thought it was very spooky very scary crowd of pts you know I am gonna go buy some new underwear cuz I'm out stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 2,493,649
Rating: 4.9632683 out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, DAZ GAMES, FUNNY, satire, england, funny, comedy, horror, scary, gameplay, locked up, fun, challenge, uk
Id: z-SlsifGCvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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