It's Finally Finished! - Lake House Reveal!

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my ah oh hey guys hey my name is nick welker and this is my  wife kathleen and this back here is our lake house   if you guys don't know we picked this place  up about two years ago it was kind of a   leap of faith hoping that this would work out as  a short-term rental and a future vacation home   for the welker family for many years to come this  was a quite an endeavor for us it's something we   typically wouldn't do but the circumstances  lined up they did so it is a fixer-upper   yeah from a 60s yeah 1966 um six bedrooms two  and a half bath it needed a ton of work a ton   of work complete internal renovation yeah yeah  and a lot of external as well yeah the property   a lot too and we have been slowly doing that and  if you guys haven't seen there is a series that   went through about half of the house uh renovation  and we just haven't been inside to show you guys   what it looks like now and there's a lot that's  changed you ready to go inside let's go okay welcome to the lego so as you can probably  tell already there's no more brown paneling   everywhere there is paneling still but we prime  to paint it it looks great that was her idea   doesn't it i wanted to just rip it out and she  rocked everything and she was like we're not   spending that kind of money we don't need to it's  already a wall just paint it shoot right it looks   like shiplap she was right it's just vertical  ship left yeah basically every single thing   in this house has been painted yes you paint some  big projects some smaller but so much has changed   every light fixture has been changed the ceiling's  been 100 redone you guys saw some of that in those   videos so yeah let's go ahead and just go through  the kitchen so this is a closet door that's gone   that right there was what that looked like so now  you can walk right into the kitchen and if you   need to access the bathroom which has had a nice  makeover that bathroom was covered in brown tile   and we tried to chip the tile away and  it basically was just ripping out all   of the drywall so we had to completely gut  that bathroom new drywall mudding sanding   vanity plumbing just it's like the tiniest room  and it still needed so much work so but it looks   really nice right now so here's the kitchen this  is sort of the pride and joy of the place so the   copper backsplash was original at the house  you can see it in the original pictures and   we were really torn on if we should leave it  or not it's so hard to envision what a final   product is going to look like when it was you know  green and and just totally different colors but   we decided to go with it and we love it it is so  unique it took me a little bit of time to get used   to it just because it's so different but we really  love it and we went with um like some copper light   fixtures and copper hardware and so i just feel  like it just brings it all together it's so   unique and really cool that's original too  to the house and if you guys didn't watch   the videos which you can do in a link right  here yeah these are all the original cabinets   kitchen cabinets everything's original we took  all the cupboard doors and drawers home to the   farm painted them all there brought them all back  without scratching them repainted them here so we   saved on that and they squeak a little bit i  actually put new rollers in most all of these   uh new stops new magnets all the magnets were  pretty much shot so now the doors actually stay   shut when you shut them so there was definitely  uh some modifications there used to be a big   cabinet hanging down right here right here and we  really felt like it was blocking the view because   just standing right here it's so hard to get it on  camera but standing right here is just so the view   is so amazing from both sides so like if you look  out the kitchen window we have this beautiful kind   of mountain range view to look at open fields old  barns but if you look this way you see the water   and the trees it feels kind of like you're up in  a tree house so we wanted these cabinets gone so   you could really get the view and this kitchen  has a ton of cabinets already we also did new   countertops there's kind of a long story with that  but basically we had them come out and replace it   three times yeah what was it for anyway three  different times great company to work with   yeah it was just there were just issues with  installation or the screw would pop through and   they'd have to redo it yeah it's like you want  to check it off the list and forget about it   be like we're done moving on to the next thing  and then also you're back to that thing yeah   it's like oh we got to do this again trying to  save money and for the fact that everything worked   we kept all the appliances so these are the  originals we just went through clean them up i   went through them all just made for their own top  shape they're working pretty good i did get a new   stovetop because the old one was this old coil one  kept the original vent uh but we just went ahead   and painted it black and i might have to do that  again so moving on picked up a hitchhiker cute   one yeah he needs a little mommy time so he's  joining us but so here is our dining room used   to be a closet there it was kind of a pantry took  it out open it up found this table just the other   side of the mountain which is right there someone  had it for sale so right now look at that i said   that's exactly what we want big table i can't  remember how long it is like 12 feet or something   like that 11 something i don't know put benches  on the end with the chairs that's eight right   there plus that you're looking at you know 10 to  12 people sitting on that table which is what we   want because that's the whole point of this place  is group size new flooring looks great nice and   pretty this is the living room didn't change a  lot here same windows and everything obviously   that's the same fireplace we kept it because we  thought the rip the rock there or brick was uh was   cool yeah it's a beautiful rack i really like it  but yeah the windows are so pretty they're so big   and we just love it and we just wanted to keep  it a big open room for big groups and paint there   was wallpaper up ceiling lights i mean we say we  didn't do that much but you know when you really   think about it it's like oh wait a minute we  tore down the wallpaper patched all the holes and   painted painted the trim and did new ceiling dude  new electrical wiring all the flooring we had to   buy new furniture like full ceiling yeah just  it's like new every outlet is new every switch   light switch is new so it's like oh we didn't  do that much in this room but it's like oh   wait a minute we did they did everything but  tear the walls out so yeah and i went ahead   and installed a nice 55 inch tv up here it's  on a swivel so i can swing out swing back as   needed so this window here behind us frame yeah  window frame is um from old homestead on the farm   yeah it's from the farm so we um me and his  nick's mom we painted it and brought it all   the way here so it's kind of special to have just  a little piece of the farm here and it's authentic   yeah real thing didn't come from uh hobby lobby  so yeah and then then another funny story is   this light right here was literally here when  we looked at the house to buy it and then   the day we bought it it was right here in this  spot and like the entire time we're working on   this house it has not moved and we left it there  and we're just kind of like why i don't know but   that's just what happened and it's just  kind of funny we're like now we can't wait   it's going to stay with the house stuck there  yeah all right this is bedroom number one this   is the office we call it the office because  it was an office originally we got the place   same flooring didn't change it out it has  a closet so it works as a bedroom it's one   of the smaller rooms in the place but still  plenty big enough for a queen-size bed she did   all of the color decorating i guess decorating  home decor so the curtains are bad everything   that on the wall it's all her doing so if you like  it you can give her a thumbs up and a hand if you   don't like it he can blame me because i probably  had some thought in her tube maybe a little bit   okay let's take a turn to the left so this is  one of the corner bedrooms this is just i guess   bedroom number two not much different just  basically a different floor again everything   painted trimmed redone new lights and um  queen-size bed in every room okay master bedroom we went a little glam in here i got a little  sparkle in the light fixture and the decor   i know you guys are mostly guys  so you probably don't care but   she does if you're a girl and you're watching  you care anyways this room is huge it is so big   and originally we did not have the futon in  here but we had like kind of switched around and   put some bunk beds in another room and we decided  hey let's just put the futon in here and honestly   we end up sleeping in here and our kids sleep  on there so it works out really good for us   another thing um is all these benches  we bought them so we have like a bench   in almost every single room just to put your  luggage on and um we bought them all used and   nick's mom has come she completely re-did all  of them she standed painted his parents did so   much to help and we just want to give credit we  had that like a lot of help doing this house it   was a ton of work all right so this is the main  bathroom originally i had a door that went to   the master bedroom we took it out because it  was kind of an awkward spot with the toilet   door and there's a wall here and a big jacuzzi  tub here and it just made it kind of awkward so   it's still kind of an awkward shaped  bathroom because it's just a big square   but it's nice and spacious this bathroom has  been completely transformed from a blue turquoise   tile half wall another door a huge tub and  we tried to do the best we can with making it   budget friendly and completely gutting it and new  plumbing and a ton of work went into this little   bathroom we think it turned out really great we  kind of this shower is kind of fun it's like you   feel like you're getting into time capsule yeah  pod escape pod so we had to do some modifications   too because it was supposed to have a shower  head on one side but that's the outside wall   so i had to move to that side and it was anyways  and uh some cool little light fixtures in here   um that's the original vanity just different  top on it obviously new sinks new plumbing   all new hoses and everything new light refill  mirror that is the mirror that was in here we   kept it cause it's a nice big mirror but beautiful  little bathroom all right let's head downstairs so   as you guys probably noticed there's a bear on  the wall uh this is actually a canadian black   bear i don't know how long it is from snout to  tail but somewhere around that six and a half   foot or something like that nice big bear a friend  of ours shot this bear and asked if we wanted it   so we had it pelted and it's been sitting in my  parents house on the wall in their theater room   for a long time now and they're like let's  bring up the lake house are you sure yeah   okay so we found perfect wall for going downstairs  this is our utility room went ahead and put two   washers and two dryers in here reason this room  didn't have any of that there was actually a   sink over there that previously i think flight  is fishing and everything the lake so we need   to double the washers and dryers because you've  got double the bedrooms it makes a lot easier so   we're just gonna keep replacing them as i go out  and have a nice washing party in here it's been   super nice to have double especially when you're  washing like six sheets and blankets and towels   and everything yeah it speeds things up quite a  bit got all of our linens over there nice space   in this room a lot of space we don't utilize all  the space but being that it's a vacation home it's   not really a lot of stuff to bring up here to  put in there in the first place so this is the   second flaming room there was a carpet down here  originally we kept it it was practically brand new   from the previous owner we raised the ceiling up  it was lowered there were these panels that were   like this tall a six foot five guy would probably  be dragging his head across the ceiling it just   seemed awkward and weird they did that because  there was duct works on both sides of the room   so we tore all that out and then furrowed the  joists and then put sheetrock against the top here   so we she rocked it all wired in all these led  lights the whole entire thing um it just made   it feel a lot better in here it's so nice but like  literally the ceiling probably took us a week just   the ceiling i mean like just it's a huge room you  know all the framing the drywall the mudding the   sanding the painting the electrical like just so  much we're not drywall or mud or sand or painters   either so we're half as fast as the pros you know  but we're pretty happy with how it turned out it   turned out really nice it's this really nice room  it's big it's cool down here in the basement has   an awesome view of the lake the backyard uh has  the fireplace we have this thing roaring like 24   7 last year that one to keep us warm and we really  didn't change much about the fireplace really just   drywall ceiling paint the carpet was already here  and we also love that there's two family rooms so   there's one upstairs and one downstairs makes it  really nice for the large groups or for kids or   older people or whatever if you want to split up  it's just so nice and i couldn't help myself i   got a black friday 65-inch tv for downstairs too  so that way the kids can have this down here but   it's funny i got the big tv down here with a  nice sound system thinking that i would want   to be down here relaxing and watching movies  and stuff or whatever on the tv and i end up   spending more time upstairs in the upstairs  tv with the smaller so who knew okay this is   bedroom number four this room was red it had  this red globe light fixture and red wallpaper   that took us forever to take out and um it was  dark there was a tiny window up there and so we oil some doors painted everything the guys  put all new egress windows in that was a whole   job and we also have a queen and a bunk bed in  here so whenever we're full yeah as you know   our families are growing so this nice big window  back here these rooms were not technical legit   rooms we knew when we bought the place because  they were just a little two foot by one foot   windows that couldn't even hardly open and so  they didn't meet code so we got a concrete saw   and a mini excavator came here one weekend after  it actually was the farm progress show got off   the plane came up here dug out a big hole in front  of each window concrete cut out the six inch thick   footing of the house knock it out framed it in put  a 48 by 48 inch window in there so it meets code   window well ladder with a lid that can be opened  up so that way this room is now fire approved and   uh yeah it's a bedroom so add value to home and it  makes this room usable and it's safe too so that   was something i wanted to do for sure all right  this is bedroom number five this is below the   corner upstairs bedroom we call this the corner  downstairs bedroom or leg arms room because they   use this room a lot when we were doing this place  this room um again just little different colors a   little different look to it but yeah we didn't  actually do a lot a ton in the bedroom um yes   so again egress window it adds a lot of light  this room just opened it up made it feel a lot   better i also put new windows around the bottom  on the outside too because there were a little   single pane a lot of gaps i think a lot of bugs  were getting in there it's kind of nasty okay   room number six i don't have another hand to  hold because i'm on the camera so you can just   there we go right there okay so this is below  the master bedroom um this is facing the lake   nice big window so you got a view of a play set  and a beautiful lake this is the prison room   with the prison stripes and all the bed no and the  animate color we don't have names for every room   zebra room called zebra stripes called stripes  anyways yes that headboard was across the valley   someone was getting rid of their or moving  to another home and the headboard on facebook   marketplace for not a lot of money so i went  and caught it we adapted to this bed frame   um again queen mattress like typical end  tables lights in each one and then we did   pick up another bunk bed a twin or  twin just because there's families   kids you never can go wrong with more bed  spaces yeah we keep like maxing out the   place when we come so it's been super nice but  just every single all six bedrooms have a queen   bed in them and then um three of the rooms also  have either bunk bed or a futon so it's just   it's a home for large groups and fun times on  the lake and the last and final bathroom again   this bathroom saw a complete transformation the  only thing that didn't change here is this toilet   same toilet hasn't moved well no we took it out  i guess at one point but no we didn't it stayed   right there this whole time i just took the  tank off so we could paint the back of the wall   all right so this this was a complete we got i  had a walk-in shower with tile this green brown   i don't know is that 70s i think yeah it  was like a puke green it was pretty nasty   anyways um so it was like a complete gut again  and a ton of work new drywall new plumbing new   when i took out the walk-in shower tile shower  the wood frame that was like built that was all   tile literally just crumbled black nastiness  when i took the tile off it was pretty nasty   it's just years and years i mean it's 40 some  years old so yeah and you know maybe back then   they just didn't do them quite like they do now  but it was bad yeah the house was built in 66 and   i just really hadn't seen a lot of big updates  since then all right so we're on the back patio   you can see we got a hot tub took a little while  to get that thing thanks to a particular strain   of something that went across the world and slowed  everything down but we got it so it's there and um   it's been highly highly highly highly used by our  kids yeah it's like their favoritest most favorite   thing ever but someday that'll be their favorite  thing it's just like i get a little older but as   you guys saw on probably the previous video  but you haven't yet there's a link right here   that'll take you to the redoing of this deck  completely rebuilt the deck 100 with pressure   treated lumber iron and composite decking  all iron was built at our farm so all this   railing i built and then the spiral staircase  my dad built and you guys see in the video it's   pretty cool he did a good job on it it adds a  lot of characters place that was one problem   with this place was getting from the downstairs  the upstairs you had to go through the house you   had to go all the way around the garage and the  main house so this spiral staircase right here   gave a transition point so now you can come up  from the lake go right up to the kitchen without   having to go through the whole house yeah there  was also an old big boiler a fuel tank for a for   a oil burner furnace yeah and so we removed that  and kind of opened it up and cleaned it up and so   it just looks much more open and usable and nice  and then we also have the playset here for kids   and our kids also love that it's super nice to  have so here's the deck up here this originally   had kind of a weird l-shaped area here there was  no decking right there it was really small it was   hardly enough for one picnic table so when we  built this we opened it up expanded this corner   out like another eight feet so there's a lot  of space up here it's built super heavy so   it can hold a lot of people and uh just made  for a nice really nice area to have a picnic   enjoy this beautiful beautiful summer weather  with your family and friends and everybody else so   definitely really cool i i love this area now  one thing that happened with this place when we   bought it it was sold to us as a six bedroom  home we thought it was a six bedroom home we   knew two needed egress windows to qualify  as bedrooms but we thought that was it   turned out no we have a three-bedroom home because  our septic field is only rated for three bedrooms   so that was a big uh kick to the gut because we  realized that that meant some massive septic work   that it had to be done now as a blessing when  we bought the property it came with another lot   on the back i didn't really have a whole lot  of plan for that lot but it turned out it made   a great septic field so we just got there's a  new tank 3 000 gallon tank there to a massive   septic field over there that pumps to so now we  meet code and we are now 100 6 bedrooms 12 person   facility so it's really nice to know that um  the old system did work fine never had any   issues with it but this way we meet code  and uh that's important so as you can see   i've got some landscaping to do because it's  a it's a little rough but that's okay because   that's one of the headaches that  septic field is done okay so now   let's head down to the waterfront show you  what's going on down that way definitely some   big improvements it's a little bit of a walk but  you know what if you want to have a great time   on a vacation and eat lots of junk food it's a  great way to bring some calories so this path   that goes down here this is kind of on a hill  that's the one downside of this property but   it's still beautiful and it kind of adds a little  character to it but the stair but this path was   cut in to remove a bunch of logs because this  was a heavy wooded area so that way it opened   up the view to the water and it made for a nice  path so we had it completely uh redone leveled   nicely graveled and uh actually a golf cart gets  up and down just fine now we did just get here   and there was a group this morning that  just left because this place is a vrbo   it's on airbnb and vrbo and anyways every time  we come here it's always arranged differently the   chairs are always in different spots everything  in the kitchen everything is moved we have tables   that were up there that end up down there we  have tables down there that end up up there   it's just amazing we'll come down here and they'll  be where is that oh we'll find it in a day or two   so that's the oh there's my rope right there i was  looking for that that is for the dock all right so   this is the fire pit area originally this wasn't  cut out at all we just kind of had the idea that   hey you know what this is a beautiful view of  the lake kind of elevated enough nice open spot   let's make a fire pit here where you're kind  of sheltered by the bank so that way you can be   nice and loud and the people up top won't hear  you but that actually is a rim from big brute   he's the original rim so a little bit of big roots  here this area should seat i don't know 10 or more   people and that tree stumps were from a big tree  blue spruce that was in our front yard that blew   over during the winter or last fall from the heavy  wind storm so we chopped it up and brought the   chunks down here and their extra seats so you  don't know why there's wood chunks down here   that's why all right so this is the waterfront if  you guys remember in a video which could be right   up here somewhere there was an old boat house  here there was an old dock and an old pump house   yeah and the waterfront was not much to do it was  pretty much just overgrown and full of all kinds   of old lumber and rocks so we had it completely  redone yeah it was totally you couldn't even walk   at all it was full of grass just totally vegetated  and unusable and we were able to really open it up   so we brought down a bunch of rock a bunch  of pea gravel made a nice landing down here   i knew that this bank is going to slowly erode  over time because the boats anymore have giant   wakes these wakeboarding boats these wake surfing  so we got permitted to put in rip wrap we rip wrap   the front of this and that way if the waves  come i'm not going to take my shoreline away   because i don't have much to go anyways and  you can see we've got some toys down here too   uh they need to organize so i'll do that in  a minute now it's not done yet down here um   i got some retaining walls they got to be built uh  we've got some adjustments that we made this path   is pretty steep it originally wasn't going to be  like this we had plans for switchback path i guess   it's kind of a switchback but i'm probably going  to put steps in eventually but for the time being   there's only so much you can do in a year and a  half only so much budget to do anything so it's   been functional it's been working i've been really  happy with it i don't know if you remember but   there was an old rickety staircase here that was  well it was collapsed so we did build a new one it   means another layer stain on it but it made a big  difference for getting up and down this front yeah   like that fun is over thanks for watching guys god  bless maybe we'll see you again with lake house   i'm gonna go back to a very poor crop to  harvest but i had a great time here let's   roll misty like girls bye bye legos missing like  house bye live what do you guys like best about   the lake house what's your most favorite thing  um oh ducky okay all right well fun let's go bye
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 207,394
Rating: 4.9671574 out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: 2Srmax_ETDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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