Building Manure Storage Wall

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hey guys so we got our heifers moved out of this barn yesterday they're all happily chilling in the new building back there so we're going to start the process of tearing this barn down now so we have a neighbor that is most likely going to be doing most of the work of tearing it down but we are going to be getting the headlocks and gates out of this building some of the wood we're going to use for ourselves as well so there's tongue and groove boards dividing these pens we want to tear some of those out first thing i'll show you where we're going to use them so we have this new scrape valley put in behind our dry cow barn so we can scrape manure across to the new pit and we have this area built for stacking dry manure you got these metal pieces of angle iron so the plan is to use some of that tongue and groove wood that's still in pretty good shape just to make a nice wall it's gonna be a nice six foot high wall so we can pile dry manure up pretty good right there just push up against it we're gonna have to get all the manure out of this barn too might not do that all today but probably scrape this front area i'm just going to take the skid loader through this great ballet and clean that out we're gonna take this gate off get it out of the way the boards on the first two pins look the best this will scrape some of this area out too so we can work in there so i'm gonna take these screws out attach to this metal first we're going to try to remove these without breaking them if you get damaged it's fun tongue and groove so we don't want to just pound them all off want to kind of lift them up and out i want to go is before we take off anymore we just wanted to see how these will fit they don't need to be anything fancy they just need to be strong enough we started putting these up just to see how it would look we're not gonna have enough to cover it all so we're wondering if it's worth using it some of the boards are pretty solid there's some flimsy ones and they're shorter pieces that aren't quite long enough to reach just wish these were a couple inches longer can't quite attach them too well so we're we're looking at just getting some new wood might be better i called and the price would be about 380 to get all that we need so it's a chunk of change but we do it right put treated lumber on there it'll last a lot longer and we'll probably be glad we did it that way so got 18 12 foot 2x8 we got all the wood all the bolts we need maybe tomorrow we can put this up hey guys so it's the next day now dad and i are out here we're gonna try and put these boards up it's insanely hot out here humidity [Music] yep you got these carriage bolts you hit that in with the hammer and it'll stay [Music] we were thinking we were gonna have to make a lot of cuts at each post but we're just gonna keep it simple and let it run past and then we'll we'll start putting boards on this end but then the next layer will start at the other end it'll overlap these seams block everything together we got fonzie scraping the dry cowboy so once we get this wood up hey fonzie once we get this wood up we're going to start scraping this way and then any dry stuff will pile against this wall coming out of this barn didn't really want to put manure out here until we had these boards up got this little coffee cup with oil we like to dip the bit in there to keep it from getting hot [Music] 40 and three quarters we gotta cut one piece for the end we got the essential craftsman here yep there we go [Music] you want to go out to there right [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hmm so we have four layers up it's going pretty good the hardest part of this job has been drilling the holes through this metal wore through a couple bits they weren't new so i don't know how good they were to start but dad just went to get a couple more 3 8 bits to make sure we get this job done i like how the tongue and groove is working out the ends of the boards we have overlapping so they're locking together and holding good [Music] so so we got that wall done we might add some to the top then so we're gonna start putting these end pieces on [Music] all right yeah so i actually got one more piece of wood we could have gone the whole way around the top wasn't planning to do an extra layer there had a little more space on these posts than i was thinking i don't really think we need the extra height there it looks fine so probably just leave it like this pretty solid wall it's good we have the concrete at the bottom that's gonna be what we scoop against mainly with the skate loader so now we can make a good high pile of dry stuff we don't want it coming out too far off off the wall maybe here because we want to be able to scrape liquids passing out that way so it's just a little area we don't want to have too much dry stuff but we know we're going to have some sometimes so this way we got a place to go with it we ought to keep a few minor spreader loads and then once we go to haul we'll just pack the spreader in here and take skittler scoop it in so all right thanks a lot for watching guys
Channel: 10th Generation Dairyman
Views: 201,140
Rating: 4.9751344 out of 5
Keywords: farming
Id: fSEx_iQ_QSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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