Dream Interpretation

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and i'm pulling it up and i've got to turn my volume all the way off because you probably don't want to hear that weird echo that happens and we are still getting on so hey um wow while i'm waiting for this to pop up and to show me that we are live i did want to mention we just put up about a week ago we put up a new dream lab episode we normally only put out our the newest dream lab episodes we put them out in our tribe portal for for people that are part of our tribe for the first year and then after a year we go ahead and post them publicly on our youtube channel and but this dream was so specific about what's going on right now in america that we felt you know what we need to get this out there and let people see this dream and what what god is saying because it's a call to intercession in a call to prayer so if you have not seen that it's called chaos dream lab so if you've not seen that yet highly recommend you to go find that video watch it it's almost 30 minutes long but it goes through some some details and it's so specific that i think you will find it very interesting and i would encourage you take a look at it even before you if you haven't already before you vote and how you look at that because it's a um an interesting perspective on some of the stuff that's going on we don't describe exactly how it applies but we let you know what the dream was what god was saying in it and and some of the ways that you can pray so i think that you will find that helpful and i now have a dream lab going or a dream interpretation video going so we are live awesome okay well good morning everyone we've got a few different people hey as you're popping on let us know where you're at where you're from we're going to be doing things just a little bit differently here in about two or three minutes we are going to start interpreting some dreams but we're going to do that with the dreams that are posted on our youtube channel we're just not able to watch all the different outlets we're actually posting this simultaneously on uh three or four different facebook pages and we we just don't have the capacity to watch all of those and you know i have one screen here well i i do have two screens but i can't have it up on two screens um just too confusing for me to be able to pay attention to all that so if you want to submit a dream once we get started here in just about a minute or two make sure that you go to our youtube channel search for streams ministries you'll be able to find us and as soon as you get there before you click on the video make sure that you click subscribe and let youtube know that you want the notifications that way you'll know every time we go live you can watch us right here on the youtube channel and be able to interact so we've got baltimore that is listening in we've got new mexico that's here we've got bangalore india welcome glad to have you um i don't know if you know about this claudia but on our youtube channel one of our playlists is a hindi version of our hearing god's voice small group curriculum we had a professional voice actor from india over dub all of the videos so you see john paul talking but you hear it in hindi and there's a link right in the comments to that for the pdf of the workbook it has all of the videos and we did that so that people in india would be able to do a small group based off of this and really grow and understand god's voice and if you could help us get the word out that would be amazing it's a free resource we just want to get it into the hands of people we're familiar while somewhat familiar with the things that are going on in india we've got a team there that we stay in touch with that we're supporting regularly and they suggested that this would be one of the most helpful resources because there's so many translated resources for evangelism but not a lot of translated resources for discipleship and really helping people to grow so we've made that available and if you can it you claudia or or anybody else that knows someone that speaks hindi if you can get the word out just let people know about it it would really hopefully it'll be a blessing for them that's the goal that we get this out there because we want to equip the body of christ to hear god's voice and understand what he's saying so that people can respond to his invitations and fulfill the destiny that he has on them so we've got people from all over let's see deer park texas wisconsin washington state burleson texas scotland welcome emma glad to have you on we've got kentucky missouri let's see arizona love arizona lived there for a number of years that's where my wife was born and raised indiana deer park texas california illinois durham north carolina welcome i'm going to be in north carolina here in a couple weeks um doing a private meeting but we're meeting with some leaders uh inner healing and deliverance leaders from different ministries around the country and really looking forward to seeing how god uses that to to help us all be able to heal more hearts and equip people to heal hearts it's such a needed thing especially with everything that's going on there's so many people that are dealing with trauma they're dealing with difficult times right now let's see we've got omaha nebraska okay i i'm gonna say that wrong i know because i i just don't know portuguese very well but is it um sao jose uh from brazil we've got hawaii we've got thailand welcome we've got the uk rochester new york it's been a while since i've been in rochester i used to be actually right outside of rochester in churchville i i had a a friend of mine that was pastoring a church up there he's since moved to tennessee but um been up there a number of different times had some astounding experiences in rochester god did some beautiful things let's see albany new york we've got jamaica northern alberta having a snowstorm oh no i'm so glad we're not having a snowstorm yet it it's starting to get cold we've had last week it's been kind of cold and rainy and i'm just i'm thankful that i don't live in new england anymore because i love the snow sometimes but sometimes it just gets too much you know the first month first couple weeks the first snowstorm it's it's so magical it's so much fun after about two months um yeah it's it gets it gets a little bit too much but i do i do miss it a little bit well let's see we've got glasgow welcome scotland couple people from scotland well dreamhouse is here heather welcome glad you're here for those of you that don't know heather the the dream house training company um heather sutherland is one of our teachers she's in scotland and she has a website called thedreamhouse.co and she mentors people on dream interpretation and helps with dream interpretation so if you want to grow in dream interpretation check out her her website we'll put a link to that website in the comments so that you can be able to find it but check out that website because she is um she's a real blessing to the body of christ let's see pennsylvania we've got new mexico alabama new york we've got people from all over phoenix welcome mike trinidad and tobago welcome new zealand amazing what time is it in new zealand it's 12 o'clock here where you're about 17 hours ahead of us so i guess it's like 8 o'clock in the morning it's that's not too crazy um cape town let's look at a couple of these dreams we've got a bunch of them in here let's see teresa ann won my husband dreamt that i was given the keys to a facility on an island and they said that i was the only one that they thought could take over okay so keys talk about authority it's it's a um it's access it's authority it's the right to open to close to to be able to get hold of it usually when you're given the keys to something it's like you're given ownership of it you're given authority over it so there's something that you're going to be given ownership over that could be a work situation could be a ministry situation not quite sure i can't quite feel whether it's work or ministry but it could be either one um but it's interesting that it's an island because island tends to be a little bit separate so it's not in the mainstream of everything going on it's not in the middle of the continent um islands tend to be smaller communities or smaller groups and so it's it's something that is possibly maybe a little bit unique or maybe a smaller group that it would be a part of that you're going to be taking leadership of that you're going to be um entrusted that's the word i'm looking for entrusted with some leadership and some influence in that so that is really encouraging there there's there's new new favor and new authority that's coming to you diana diana veloz um i had a dream one night that i was in my home that i lived in when i was a young girl and i remember thinking oh there's a door that leads to the backyard and it's raining out now you've got a couple different things that both point in the same direction when you are in a home that is familiar from a different pine time period when we did our dream elements videos on houses we talked about what this might mean but the a home that is from a different time period say when you're growing up it's saying that the root of what's going to be shown in that dream comes from that time period so there's something from that time period that god is trying to bring to your attention and then you're going you're seeing a door that goes out to the backyard often a backyard talks about the past something from from the past something that that still needs to be dealt with rain can talk about a difficult time period now sometimes if if you're in a dream you're in the rain and it's just refreshing and it's beautiful and it's light that that is that could be talking about reigns of refreshing could be talking about the presence of the lord but a lot of times the rains especially it kind of feels like in this dream it wasn't that it was so bright and light it was um it was not that there was no light there but it just feels like a normal rainy kind of overcast day that there's some stuff from the past and specifically from your childhood from the past that affected you when you were a child that you're still dealing with the difficulties of that and it doesn't say what it is but it's an invitation for you to begin to ask the lord what is it what are you trying to to tell me about what are you trying to communicate about my past is there something there that you want to show me so that i can deal with it so that i can be healed of that so that is that is what that one is about that is fun um well boy there's multiple comments so i i didn't catch the second comment that you put on that dream let me continue because i might have seen that dream a little bit differently than what you're saying so you said leads to the backyard and it's raining out your second comment and so fair warning if you put a dream in more than one comment i may either not be able to interpret it or i may i may misunderstand because things get meaning from the context i thought that was the whole dream um so let's let's look at the rest of it outside i knew it was raining fresh new rain and i wanted to take it all in and when i swim swing the door open the screen door had a white board blocking me from feeling the freshness of the new rain okay so we're still dealing with the past but this gives you a lot a little bit more it's not about the difficulty of the time period it's not about the the difficult time period which would the negative of rain but this is a clean refreshing rain there's some there's some clean refreshing that god wants to bring from the issues of the past you have the same idea but the the meaning of the rain just kind of changes the nuance just a little bit on that dream and so the this fresh but there's something that's blocking you this white board and the question is that good is that negative um is it saying that you've been trying to get back to the way that things were in your childhood because you see it as good as you see it as refreshing but the lord is blocking it usually something that's white is it's generally positive um or is it saying that that there's a religious mindset because white can also have a negative connotation could be a religious mindset that's hindering you from that um in thinking about a biblical principle jesus says in the sermon on the mount uh don't worry about tomorrow because each day has enough trouble of its own you also you can't worry about the past each day has enough trouble of his own if you're living in the past you're not living in the moment that god is it is in god is the i am not the i was i will be he was and he will be but he is the i am we encounter god in the now now there are things from the past that need to be dealt with but we can't live in the past and so i i actually i think this dream is is probably saying that you're trying to get back to the way that things used to be in another time period because you see that past as just being beautiful and refreshing everything was was better everything was light but the lord is actually blocking you from being able to go back there which then becomes an invitation now again same prayer lord what is it from my past that you want to deal with so it's not necessarily a pain that needs to be dealt with but something that you're holding on to from the past and lord what are you inviting me into right now so that becomes a question that you begin to ask the lord that is interesting okay let's see i've got rosie rosie ariano rosie you said i had a dark brown scorpion coming out of my ear i was so terrified i was crying and yelling as it came out of my ear it became bigger and became color clear with green spots and my mom killed it so rosie this is what we call a a uh a spiritual warfare dream a dream from the enemy but it's actually god showing you something about what the enemy did so it's it's not the enemy speaking but it's god showing you something about what the enemy has tried to do and scorpions we know from scripture represent demonic uh beings i've given you authority to tread on scorpions and on serpents when jesus gave his disciples authority over the demonic so you have authority over the demonic you have authority over the scorpion a dark brown scorpion dark brown a lot of times we'll talk about just humanity the flesh it's just everything is muddled uh everything is is of the dirt we're made of the dirt and so that that kind of that picture and that uh that thought and that color will often represent that so it's a it's a it's a humanistic way of hearing from the spirit that is actually demonically oriented and god is setting you free from it and he's using the church to show you as this thing begins to become revealed it becomes clear what's going on and it becomes clear that it's not good the green spots that leads to envy it leads to jealousy but he's going to be using the church and those around you so your mom could represent the church could represent the holy spirit could represent your physical mom but i actually think this is a spiritual thing using those around you to deal with this issue and to remove it from your life and so there there's something that the enemy's been trying to do it's not something that you did something the enemy is trying to do and god is revealing it and he's going to use people around you to set you free from this issue so pay attention as specifically to things that affect the way that you hear the way that you receive information because it's affecting your ear which is talking about your hearing okay denise haynes you said um a visitor in church walk to sanctuary see friend in usher uniform walk past her to not bother her look for a seat most were occupied more i walked the less seats available until there were no more seats um so you're visiting this church you see a friend that is serving there in an usher uniform but you don't want to bother because she's busy so you're just looking for a place to see there's not a lot of seats and the further along you walk trying to find a seat the less seats there are and you realize that there's there's no more seats that are available and and this dream seems to be a processing dream about something you've been going through where you you've been looking for a place where you fit a place of relationship and you've even looked in places where where people that you know are serving you don't want to be a bother to them and you haven't found your place you haven't found where you fit yet in in in a church fellowship and so um it's talking about looking for for your seat your place where you're gonna fit in a church fellowship but you're not finding that place let's see we've got a bunch of them in here now jessica garcia let's see my husband and i were standing in murky water we walked towards a dock there was a rock but it was actually a turtle a cobra was swimming towards my two-year-old i took it by the tail and it bit my right arm all right so you and your husband standing in murky water dirty water walking towards a dock a place to get out of the water and you see a rock but it's actually not a rock it's actually a turtle and then you see a cobra that's trying to get towards your two-year-old you grab it by the tail to stop it from attacking your two-year-old and when you do it bites you in the right arm so water a lot of times talks about things of the spirit now not necessarily capital s spirit it could be little s spirits spiritual communities which are people groups of people that are looking for spiritual experiences or in spiritual experiences it could be local neighborhoods it could be a small group it could be a church but there's some type of spiritual activity that you've found yourself in and you're trying to figure out how to get out of it because you recognize that it's not clean that it's not good and and there's some kind of some dormant issues that looked like they could be maybe a stepping stone to get out but actually it's something that's hiding the turtle hides in its shell and especially if you weren't if you didn't notice the head you didn't notice the legs immediately it looks like a rock that this is something that's retreated into itself and so that's not a huge issue so you don't want to make too much out of that because even if you leave that out of the dream it doesn't really change it that's that's a minor detail but what's ish what's the the major thing is this cobra that this deception snakes a lot of times talk about deception cobras are poisonous and so you're seeing this deception that is trying to attack your family trying to attack specifically your child your children i'm not sure if you've got more than one child but that could be representative of your children or it could be specifically about that particular son but there's some type of a demonic attack of deception that's trying to calm and you recognize it and deal with it but in your dealing with it it affects your arm it bites your arm now your right arm can talk about your ability to do things your capacity to do things in scripture it says you know god's speaking i believe it's in isaiah it says is not my right arm long enough to save don't i have the ability to do what needs to be done and so that concept is is a common concept so so the right arm would often talk about your ability your capacity to do things and so the attack the enemy when you go to protect your children from what the enemy is trying to do it begins to attack your ability to do things now it doesn't remove it it just creates pain and so the the bite and you know you can go back and look at that dream like was it just you felt the bite and then it was done and that's the end of the dream um did you feel the bite and you you know it was very painful how painful was it in the dream was it just a thing that that will help you to understand when when you're looking at dreams sometimes that will help you when there's some type of injury or some type of attack that happens the level of pain that you feel in the dream can be a clue as to the level of pain that you're going to go through when it happens sometimes we have you know we have that bite but we just know that we're bitten but we're not really feeling the pain of it in the dream and sometimes we feel the pain of it so those can be clues now you didn't say which one that is so i'm going to leave that up to you to figure out which one would be accurate but that is that is the way that you would look at that let's see joy p i pulled up to my parents and my brothers ate food to my parents too and my brothers ate food i brought home before i offered them food i slapped them in the face okay so you get to your parents you brought food with you and your brothers just start grabbing it and eating it but you never offered it to them and so you slapped them um because they did that i'm just trying to figure out where to go with that one because there's a couple different ways you could go in with that so this dream is showing you how you deal with situations when people violate boundaries so somebody taking something that hasn't been offered to them it's not that they it's not that you wouldn't have offered it to them not that they shouldn't have it's just they they violated a boundary they didn't ask and so they assumed that they took on more than what was allowed and you responded in anger so this dream it's it's what we call a self-conditioned dream it's showing you how you respond when people take advantage of you or assume that they should have access to something that you haven't necessarily given them access to and so now recognizing that issue you slapped him what is the right way to deal with it the dream doesn't say good bad or indifferent um but you've got to come back to the lord and say lord what's the right way to handle it what what's the response that happens in my heart when people cross boundaries that they're not supposed to cross and what is the right way for me to hold on to boundaries and the right way for me to respond when this happens so the dream shows you where you're at now but it's an invitation for you to begin to engage the lord about that situation and learn and grow in that area shanae sinead banks so you put this i was standing thigh high in clean calm water tranquil atmosphere and this man was floating on his back very rece very peaceful and that's the end of the dream okay um so cheney water clean calm water could be being in the things of spirit um you're you're learning how to stand in the spirit but you're seeing those that have learned how to rest in the spirit it's not saying that you shouldn't be standing it's just saying you've learned how to stand in the spirit and you're around people that have learned how to rest in the spirit and so it's uh again it's it's a self-conditioned dream it's just showing you where you're at right now there's nothing in the dream that talks about a response the the way that it's written it makes me wonder if there's something else that is a continuing of that dream i don't know um but from that piece that that's what i've got okay dre dre b d-r-e-a b i keep having dreams about a baby boy that no one wants i always take the child as my uh own my husband and i are trying to conceive um i'm going to ask a question and i want to clarify that i'm not making a suggestion i'm asking a question from this dream have you thought about adopting that doesn't mean that you won't conceive but god has put in your heart to care for things and not just things that are your own but things that other people don't want and that could be that could be an invitation to adopt it could be about something else but i'm just asking you that question for you to take a look at and see what the lord would say about that as you pray about that dream and you pray about that thought um yeah i will leave it right there jacqueline ken kennerly i almost said kennedy but that i've got to look more clearly kennerly jacqueline so i was swimming deep down in clear water in the river i look up i see others swim at the surface i look down and see four to five whales further down it comes up it says i came up slow so the bubbles wouldn't thrash you all right so you're swimming in this river clear beautiful water you you're you're down deep in the water but you can look up and you can see other people that are swimming up on the surface but when you look down you see four to five whales that are swimming down below you and one of them comes up and it tells you as it comes up that it came up slowly so that the bubbles wouldn't uh wouldn't thrash you wouldn't affect you and in what you're doing as you're um there in the water so again this is talking about being in the things the spirit that you you've delved deep and you there's people around you that are not they're they're they're in the things of the spirit but they're they're they're on a surface level now that's not a positive that's not saying you're better of saying you're worse it's just letting you know that there are other people at different levels in the spirit but there are also other people that have dived a lot deeper than you that are going to come up to be with you and to help you but they're going to be very careful so that as they do they don't end up creating too much turbulence and make it difficult for you to continue in this in this walk in the spirit and walk swim in the spirit that you've been in and so these whales whales can can talk about somebody that has a lot of authority or influence could talk about ministries that are going deep sometimes it's about a move of god something it's something huge in the spirit that has impact i i think of it as a person sometimes because i i've just seen that played out with someone that i know that had a dream about a whale that that helped them and that whale was someone very specific that ended up mentoring them in the deeper things of the spirit and it was about their connection with this person and that ministry that they were part of so there's something for you to learn because you've dove deep but there are people that are deeper still that are going to continue to help you um and there's also people that are still on the surface of that as well so that is an encouraging dream joyce quang so joyce mom made us go to the airport at 7 00 a.m for a plane that leaves at 9. we boarded the plane and then i realized the plane actually leaves at 9 pm so i left the plane for a walk and then it began to snow so i think that mom in this particular dream i'm looking over here because i'm pouring coffee you'll see me drinking it here in a second um i i think that that mom in this dream actually represents a church or a group that you're part of and you have recognized as a group that there's a call that god's going to be doing something there's going to be a lift off there there's a destiny to pursue um and and you're getting prepared and you're even getting prepared early you're doing everything that needs to be done seven can talk about complete can talk about maturity so you're doing everything complete that needs to be done to prepare for it because of the encouragement of the group that you're in but the timing it's not going to happen as early as you thought it is going to happen it's not going to happen as early as you thought now why nine nine am nine pm what is it about nine nine often talks about evangelism and i feel like this is a call of evangelize evangelism that you guys have recognized and and you've been preparing for it and looking for it and you're realizing it's not quite yet and so you're you're still doing other things but you're you're kind of looking for the timing and waiting for when it's time for that to come to pass before you fully engage in and what's going on so that is um well it could be very helpful to understand that dynamic and and what's happening there let's see we're going to do a couple more mysterious flower i like that name it's mysterious literally uh mysterious flowers so you put i still have a dream about my friend when he talks to me in verse takes my hand puts it in his pocket in everyday life we know each other but don't spend time together all right so inverse meaning like poetry poetic um so this friend that's talking to you um taking your hand putting it in his pocket there seems like there's like this sense of romance in this situation um but in real life you're not really at that place in the relationship so you've got a couple different things this person um that this person that that's doing this in the dream are they metaphorical so you you've got to ask when you have somebody in your dream how do you figure out what they represent in the dream and we we we covered this in detail in the dream element video we did on people and dreams so you can go back and and get a little bit more than what i'll share but you you ask these questions do i know this person in real life or do i not know this person so in this dream you know the person and then you begin to ask well what kind of relationship do i have what do they mean to me so it's not a family member it's not a boss it's a friend so there's some type of social relationship does that fit the dream maybe maybe not then you begin to ask what kind of spiritual qualities does this person portray in waking life like what what's what what kind of gifting do they have or what do they represent to you like in your social life are they the the person that you party with are they person that you pray with are they part of your church those begins to be questions that you would start to ask and then what is their name perhaps their name would have some kind of meaning um one thing that you want to be very careful with and and i say this just because i've seen so many times when this is not because it feels like there is a question mark on whether or not this is a prophetic dream that there's going to be a closer relationship with this person and it is possible in the dream but it is not promised so in this is it possible that's what the dream means yeah it's possible that's what the dream means but you're going to need more than that to take it as a promise from the lord it could be a desire that you haven't admitted that you have it could be completely metaphorical and not actually about that at all so you've got to be careful this person uh maybe they represent the spiritual gift that they have maybe are they you know known for worship or they're known for prophetic or maybe they're they're not even in the church are they known for something else is it about a workplace something that they do a passion that they have is it about so all of those things you've got to look at those things but if you don't have something more clear don't place all of your expectation and say well god told me i'm going to have a relationship with this person because i've seen again and again when people have done that and it ends up badly because one there is often a metaphor to what's being said and it's not actually about that that's number one number two if it is about that you have somebody that has free will and they get to make their own choices it's not a guarantee from god it's letting you know that there's potential if that was the case so i'm being i don't have i actually have the sense that this is not actually about um a a relationship developing i think that there's something metaphorical about who this person is that is the invitation that there is something that there's a a deeper relationship that you're going to be growing with what they represent um so i would start asking what they represent to you who what's their name what's the meaning of their name look up their meaning of their name um thinking about the the giftings or the passions or what do you think of them what's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of that person that those are usually helpful ways to take a look at what they might mean in a dream okay so let's see i've got christy t christy you said um i then was driving so i don't know if there was another part of this uh let me see um i don't know if there's another part of this so if there's another part of this i'm gonna miss it because it's just too too many comments from me have been able to look through and be able to put different pieces of the dream so i'm just going to take the comment that i can see when i look at these um i then was driving a car i could not control then i was on a bike pedaling and i remember myself saying why am i on a bike now and the bike actually looked like a kid's bicycle so seems like you probably put something else in there and i'm going to leave that piece because i don't have it in front of me right now but this part of it um driving a car that you couldn't control cars often represent about a work situation or a ministry situation something that you're doing so there's something that you're doing there's a situation in your life that you're expecting to get you somewhere but it's it's going out of control you're not able to control it there's things that are happening that are outside of your control but then it turns into a bike a bike talks about what you can do in your own effort a car uses its its own power to move you forward but a bike you're using your power to move it forward and so when it turns into a bike when things get out of control you start putting forth all of your effort but the reality is it looks like a children's bicycle that that it's it's helping you realize that if that's your response that that is an immature response to have and so it's a warning i believe and i don't know if this is already happening in your life and now you can take a look and say i need to respond differently god what are you saying how can i trust you in this situation or if this is letting you know that this is a temptation that could happen and so when you start realizing things are out of control not to try to control it in your own power because it's not actually going to have the effect that you're hoping for so i'm sure there's more to that dream and the rest of the dream may even give a little bit more light to that situation uh but i i wanna i'm gonna i'm gonna leave it there for now so that's fun we we hit a number of different dreams some different ideas some different ways of looking at things i hope that you got something out of that that it was helpful we mentioned at the very beginning that we put out one of our dream labs uh early we put out our brand new dream lab episodes when we do a dream lab taping the newest episodes we put out in the tribe portal for people that are part of streams tribe that are supporting us on a regular basis uh we put those out about a year before we put them out publicly so that they we have our tribe has an opportunity to see it but this particular dream that we just put out is called chaos dream lab this stream was so relevant to what's going on right now that we wanted to make sure that we made it available to people so i want to encourage you it's on our youtube channel it's already been posted we posted it about a week ago go look at it watch that dream in and use it as a way to pray it's an invitation it's a prophetic dream that's revealing what's going on and how to pray about a situation so i want to encourage you especially if you're in the united states because it's specifically about what's going on in the united states but i know many of you in other countries have a heart to pray for what's going on in the united states so i want to encourage you to look at that dream and pray and let's ask god to shift that situation and cause it to be different we've we've got a lot of fun things going on next week we are not going to be doing our normal youtube live i'm actually going to be up in idaho i'm going to be with elijah house ministries that john and paula sanford started i'm going to be up there they're doing a prophetic school and it's it's going to be live as well as online if you're interested it's myself there's four or five other speakers it's going to be all week long it's a pretty intense school but it's going to be really fun a lot of deep stuff that is really going to help people that have a prophetic call that's going to be happening all next week so we won't be doing it not alive next week but we will be doing one the week after so just want to let you know that's coming um not to look for us next week we'll be putting out our regular videos but there won't be a live and also if you have not already make sure to look at our streams academy our next streams academy is coming up in a couple weeks we're going to be talking about a prophetic lifestyle what is emotionally healthy prophetic and how do we live that out what does that look like what are the what what are the dynamics that we can expect and how do we keep the prophetic in a healthy way so that it actually brings healing to our hearts and builds community and builds the kingdom of god and becomes something that allows the demonstration that jesus talked about he said they will know you're my disciples by your love for one another it's people are not going to recognize our relationship with god because of our gifting they will recognize our relationship with god because of how we love other believers and and we're going to talk about what that looks like but specifically how does that affect prophetic ministry and in the way that we receive revelation and share revelation it's going to be helpful and when it's time for our mentoring session in december that goes with that module ken fish is going to be here and i don't know if you've had the opportunity to hear ken fish but this man is astounding he used to be a research assistant for john wimber and actually helped to write many of john wimber's sermons ministered with him he was sent out by john wimber to to go and minister and release impartation in places and he carries something really powerful in the prophetic in the revival arena and i can't wait to to see what the lord opens up when he's here with us so would love to have you be a part of it and we're going to see you in about two weeks on our next live guys have a great day
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 6,133
Rating: 4.9187818 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 25sec (2845 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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