It's Bloodborne...but RANDOMIZED! (Part 1)

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that was loud mom that was loud it's way too dank what is happening what is happening what is happening oh [Music] oh what's up dudes Max here so we're getting to that time of the year uh It's a Spooky season and we have a spooky playthrough this one is a bit similar to some stuff you've seen before because I like bloodborne you all know it it's one of my favorite games ever and actually last year we didn't have a chance to put this playthrough up but we ran a randomizer of bloodborne and randomizer runs have done pretty well on my channel I think a lot of people really enjoy the unpredictableness of them Resident Evil games are great for this and believe it or not bloodborne was arguably even even greater so we had a modified PlayStation 4 Pro to make this happen bunch of mods going in here between like 60 FPS as well as randomizing enemies and bosses and a metric ton of unexpected stuff that happens during this entire playthrough we're going to get these up in big chunks for the uh for the spooky season for Halloween so this is going to be our big Halloween playthrough before all the big stuff like Spider-Man comes out so if you guys like this stuff I do really appreciate any thumbs up it took a long time and a lot of effort to get a PlayStation 4 Pro that could even work with this yeah if you leave a thumbs up on the video if you like all the bloodborne stuff especially seeing a randomizer of this game I hope you enjoy it so let's get this thing started so uh this is all running on a PlayStation reminding you of that here we go let's get into this thing oh yeah pale blood damn $1,400 from sep Turk thank you man well you've come to the thank you so much dude holy [ __ ] we hit $1,000 thank you everybody my godamn you need only unravel its mystery so this opening cut scene is I believe pre-rendered easy with a bit of yarn and blood of your own but first you'll need a contract give me that contract let me have it thank you so much sep Turk my God man 11k before the game even began all right so as we were talking about before uh I already grabbed uh this dude looks like a piece of [ __ ] idiot um enter name [Music] uh uh let's just name him you can't see what I'm doing over here let's just name him dude okay and uh what is his origin ordinary happy upbringing all attributes averaged H yeah violent past professional military veteran waste of skin will really allow us to customize [ __ ] right if we did waste of skin it might end up being easier overall because we don't have to worry about the stat management um let's do uh mil quit toast I've never heard this word before let's do this one this let's do it let's begin bloodborne 60 FPS we haven't even seen that yet uh randomized milk toast is how it said what oh milk toast like it's a like it's plain I see milk toast like oh don't it it's it's it's like dry like I say like white bread or dry breadt so with any luck this will come through and you guys will see bloodborne hopefully looking better than you've ever seen it actually running in person and not all signed and con sealed oh that's different now let's begin the transfusion oh don't you worry well that's different whatever happens you may think it all a mere bad dream oh we're already so I'm officially going to call this the uh the bloodborne run of Madness of chaos and Madness we are we are playing bloodborne in in even more chaos and weird [ __ ] than you could you could possibly imagine than than a normal playthrough we're going to completely embrace the madness I get the vague idea that something is not normal is this game updated uh I updated it myself through the help of people that worked much harder to make it all possible yes this is the in real life Insight run I I got way too much Insight right I don't have nearly as much insight as like the people at the top that that truly got all this stuff working but I have enough Insight now to make some pretty crazy observations so I'm at like maybe 150 Insight not 999 so as you can tell 60 FPS [Music] hi guys ah you found yourself a hunter to the stage of hisory D and here we go we have entered the wide world of bloodborne let's see uh let's see how this goes oh man is it too dark on your end chat hold on a second uh I'm seeing some 60 FPS already which is very good looks good to you all right I changed it a little bit all right uh I mean I wonder what we should be uh-oh back to the stage uhoh uh-oh I'm just a dude okay oh [ __ ] off uh-oh let's go uh seek some pale blood to transcend the hunt chat let's go do that how about that right um yeah I'm not going to go that way instant regret how's it looking on your end chat are we running at 60 it's so smooth let's get into some action see if we can kill the first enemy so the interesting thing is that we're going to we're going to be exposed to enemies from way later right but um they will have more Health they will scale down as much as they can be scaled but if we ran into a really difficult enemy from later and he pops up early on it's going to be harder to kill look at the floor look how smooth so our scaler is doing some magic right now right this is a 720p image that we've essentially bumped up to a closer to 1080P and uh it's looking it's looking pretty good all right yes I know how to attack let me let me put my hands together okay all right what do we got what do we got what do we got that's not randomized at all uh-oh wait wa but it is the spider okay no no he's not always the same that is the same enemy but i' I've tested this before and it has been different enemies no this guy is not locked I think I think it just got very lucky [ __ ] oh God okay all right all right we good okay now let's see if it's actually randomized here's an actual item lead Elixir okay well that's not normal you know what I'm going to do I'm going to eat that yeah drink that [ __ ] now I can't run [Applause] all right welcome to the world of 60 FPS bloodborne chat room uh what underground cell inner chamber key is that to the DLC [Applause] [Music] I'm hearing something very big on the other side of this wall 10 Quicks bullets isn't that normally there isn't that normally Quicks bullets yeah it sounds like a giant oh big [ __ ] rat all right those are blood vials normally oh good I think this is a chalice rat I don't even know if I can I don't even know if I actually can uh backstab this dude oh my God he's [ __ ] me no I can't rats are too dinky okay he dropped blood vials good so that's that blood vials are random drops now right enemies can drop random items oh dude one of the big guys are over there one of the huge guys are over there I see a dude with a shield and is that one of the creepy Dark Souls guys from I think the dude on the left is like a dark souls enemy from The Chalice dungeon hang on a second second uh come here one at a time please come here come here come on oh this is not a regular villager it's um yarar ghoul villager oh [ __ ] no it's just a guy okay come on man oh God God ow is this guy just coming up and like trying to intimidate me I think this dude's be bugging what the hell dude be bugging oh he was bugging because he has he's like one of the later dudes because he's controlled right remember what we did where these guys are controlled by like the Bell maidens and stuff that was a bell Maiden enemy I never noticed that that's actually uh the bridge over there for till recently for the uh cleric Beast all right here we go let's go back home let's go back home do you know if you can get bagman kidnapped early I have no idea I have no idea welcome back to the stage of History can you open the door on the bridge with this version no that's not actually connected I don't think I don't think anybody eventually patched that in to the stage oft so we have no Insight yet I didn't get lucky and get any uh I didn't get any um uh Madness right mad man's knowledge all right here we go this it's going to be three random weapons this will probably dictate the entire playthrough how hard or easy is this going to be the blades of Mercy a lost boom hammer or The Uncanny blood Letter stage of History Blades of Mercy seem pretty great not strength based obviously it's all a skill-based weapon the blood Letter is strength based and so is like the boom Hammer um choose it chat choose it and then we also got the church Cannon and the Rosemary I can't Parry I literally cannot Parry uhoh choose the uh chat you you choose uh let's pull the opening weapon uh is it the blade the boom hammer or the blood Letter May should check the shop too hold on a second I already got 2,000 blood Echoes uh vials coins and a lantern oh whoa we already got yameite Hunter gloves prospector stuff crow feather manets okay completely random right completely random [ __ ] in here uh in fact I might just buy all of the this for now can you even use the blades I can because it's scaling appropriately if you if you see the blades of Mercy it says attribute points uh attribute requirement nine SK nine strength eight skill and look what I got I have enough skill and strength to use it so they're designed the the randomizer is designed so that this works like this right makes it insanely different uh blades mercy and the blood Letter are currently uh fighting in the in the Pole right now chat Blades of mercy and blood Letter at like 40 and 39% respectively so if you want to get your vote in do it right now I'll I'll I'll I'll definitely uh take it into consideration the blood Letter is a weird weapon that's a weird weapon blood Letter is winning by 1% right now now the blades of Mercy by 1% now the blood Letter is tied holy [ __ ] let me uh uh let me pick up the church Cannon because [ __ ] it right 10 bullet use what the hell is the rosem Marius even do um sprays a cloud of mist created by using blood uh the [ __ ] does this even do blood letters winning by 1% got about 25% time left uh it's magic damage Arcane flamethrower welcome back and this uses 10 [ __ ] bullets [Music] man uh blood letters currently winning by 1% if you want Blades of Mercy I would get those votes in as soon as possible [ __ ] can you reload the dream no these should be the same every time they're they're set they don't change like at during loading rosarius might be better early on yeah I'm going to do that all right I feeling great about this we're tied at 43% for the blades of mercy and the blood Letter chat it's getting down to the [ __ ] wire it literally has the exact same votes it has the exact same votes right now two votes off there's about about 10 seconds left same votes again holy [ __ ] uh the blood Letter wins by seven votes the blood Letter wins by seven votes holy [ __ ] all right I've used this weapon a little bit I might not have the health for it early on we'll see how it goes okay boys okay boys hi got a notebook um all right you must be the new Hunter yes welcome to the Hunter's dream yes this will be your home for now yes I am Gman friend to you Hunters you're sure to be in a fine Haze about now but don't think too hard about all of this just go out and kill a few beasts it's for your own good you know it's just what Hunters do you'll get used to it okay uh what do we got over here H nothing in there for now damn I'm just murdering myself over here is there any way I can transform this thing without absolutely kicking my own ass is there anything I can do chat the stage of History R1 L1 combo R1 transform that still hurts me bro as long as you hit an enemy oh okay all right you can't kill yourself that way I mean I guess you can well I guess you can [ __ ] it was for science okay was I had to find out I had to find out hey look at that right here okay it's just fine see no harm no foul I probably should have kept that on now that I really think about it all right let's go see what the hell else is going on in this crazy ass World death count one okay I did check the Rando shop Rando shop has some interesting clothes in it um I should have spent my Echoes now let's let's not worry about that this won't be that hard right the shop just never nothing randomizes do you have to understand that's how this mod works is button maybe this guy's going a PO out as a breus or some [ __ ] this town is cursed whatever your reasons might be you should plan a swift exit whatever you gained from this place it will do more harm than good okay it it's the sword from what's his name it's the sword from the dude on top of the Castlevania it's legarias is sword is a is an enemy martyr lear's sword is an enemy oh [ __ ] great what in the Holy dumb [ __ ] there's some weird [ __ ] going on down there who's this guy oh it's a huge rat that's a big [ __ ] rat this guy already knows I'm here here whoa you hit your friend okay we're getting Bloodstone shards oh that's a lot of dudes okay oh oh it's already attacking me I think if I just shoot it I have no gun I have no [ __ ] gun oh good just just punch his ass yes oh this thing's a piece of [ __ ] ow ow oh my God damn holy uh I'm okay if I had a gun I can just literally shoot this thing but I don't hold on a second I know how to kill it it's dead it's dead it's still showing up but it's dead anticlimactic yeah was never meant to be a regular enemy you know oh that's a big boy did it give me hella good Echoes all right I need I need some space you can come over here I just need some space there's that knee you see that knee right there that's bloody knee that's what I need I think I can smack him with this this guy will likely give me some pretty good Echoes oh [Music] dear uh there's a little two OU [ __ ] [ __ ] try dodging this [Music] time oh my God I don't have the right attack for it I have to space it like [Music] perfectly it's not going to [Music] work okay Vermin what the hell there's no item over here you got to be kidding me right use the rosemary no is this a mod no the stage of just be very quiet I can't Target it anymore five Molotov are you that Outsider well sorry but I don't want anything to do with you Trot along will you Trot along will you spooky so when you load new areas it it obviously drops frames like a little bit what the [ __ ] oh my God oh my God the damn damage my God the dam damage this [ __ ] has been shooting me and I don't like it what is that the flower what the hell is the hell is going on over there that was a torchless [ __ ] did you see him he was a torchless [ __ ] damn this thing takes a lot of stamina okay why not a bitchless torch dude look at this pickaxe guy trying to Murder Me In Due Time ow oh great is this thing really Prett to my position oh my God this guy's big these are chalice enemies [ __ ] I really wish I had a done oh my [Applause] God what the [ __ ] oh my God dude and now you're here okay that was so bad oh my Christ who the hell is are you what what is that oh no no no no no no no no no no ow ow ow let me go yeah worst haircut ever I think that was a witch of hemwick I need to oh my God I wait a minute wait wait a minute wait a minute I'm like I can't go back and buy stuff but then I just realized that wasn't anything K Cold Blood hell yeah we like 10K 20K boys thick ass Cold Blood oh okay okay let's go back and buy some uh let's go back and buy some [ __ ] we took the party bus and we dropped off in bloodborne land oh I need one of these uh let's buy like 40 there was also The Uncanny kirkhammer interesting I wanted to buy all these okay new gear of History okay making our way down south this open up yet no I I need to get insight okay all right let's go clean these streets chat I don't think we got to I don't think we got an easy um an easy draw at the beginning of this thing I don't think it was super easy I think this [ __ ] is pretty hard let's glit these fell this is on a PS4 Pro diso it's the only way you can get a frame rate like this this is not base PS4 I went out and bought a PS4 Pro from a chat member that was uh that was very helpful uh in LA and the nice part about having such a big audience is that I had I had like already four people being like yeah I'll sell you my PS4 Pro and I was like oh [ __ ] I just had to choose the one that was the most convenient this guy's trying to [ __ ] kill me is there work being done to get this working on PS5 not really the PS5 was just recently jailbroken but it isn't available yet so now not really like we got PT we actually played PT the other day waa that was fast this dude is buff dude I need you to go I need you to follow me come down here ow [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude come back ow I'm getting [ __ ] spit on and [ __ ] uh attack me over here next to these guys God sweet Jesus Christ that's bad where's the bell ringing Maiden there you are ow don't shoot me ow [ __ ] how [ __ ] wish I had a gun chat right wait wait wait I got a strat I got a strat I got a strat come here what youed holy [ __ ] the fire can hurt enemies problem is this guy's being a huge [ __ ] wait did you kill this guy did I kill this guy wait what do you have in your eyes oh this guy did this guy come down and eat my blood Echoes is that what just happened yeah he went down there and ate my [ __ ] what a [ __ ] all right chat don't jump what what what ow is that your arm down there okay I want to kill all these enemies I really do I just need to like find a way dude I'm at 26k dude I need uh I need some goddamn Insight okay time to run it's time to go it's time to go got to grab this got to grab this mood wigs rifle got to grab this got to grab this got to go time to go time to go I'm going to come back and kill every single one of you you understand that right whatt what what the [ __ ] is that sound oh my God it's the snake from the goddamn uh the the the ninjas to did I kill it Shadows of yarum did I say ninjas where's the pigs this is the comb guy which doesn't appear until like the the forest Run of Madness chat that's what we're in we're in the Run of Madness another Bell Maiden one blood vile oh good I hear the uh music box oh his item like was in the wall okay sorry uh I need to go back I don't reckon you're from round here well stuck outside on a night of the hunt oh you poor poor I have 32k Echoes and I can't level up oh oh my God what dude that cage is a little too small for you what the [ __ ] the snakes are outside of the cage that cage is a little too small for you dude I'm not going down that way I got to kill all these guys yeah you first what okay this is a chalice enemy done ow do I have any rocks I don't uh-oh where'd the big dude go like the big scaly caterpillar guy oh very nice what oh my God it's her you get away from me e okay let's get uh let's get an actual Parry off for our first Parry of the game that did not work oh my God and with the recovery it's so much ouch Bloodstone chunk hey you you've been messing around with [ __ ] oh my God what the [ __ ] old Hunters old Hunters at the beginning of the game uh holy [ __ ] you're fast come here [ __ ] oh thank God they scaled down thank Christ what are you going to drop shards all right now you're slim for Pickin stop summoning [ __ ] anything else over here I got three chunks hell yes that'll be good for uh BSB later if we ever run into them I go get this guy cuz I got a gun now damn I haven't shot something with a shotgun since my first play through oh god oh that's on the other side yeah what weird gem name uh random gems lowers fire defense minus five of Bolt attack plus 16% okay cool cool where's that pickaxe guy then we I think we cleared this whole area out how's it going some bullets okay did we clear everything out chat there's this one dude right here oh [ __ ] um do we um am I missing any combos on this thing anything really special on the the blood Letter we doing random items or is it only enemies it's random items as well yes but don't use it R1 * 5 whoa that's pretty much it okay okay okay let's kill this big boy again nah we don't need to let's move forward I want to see what's next L2 causes a big damage explosion that inflicts minor frenzy it's basically a cool down whoa takes all my stamina cool now I can level up in this mode it's just that I don't have any insight yet I haven't found anything that gives me Insight yet the bosses are are also random we set that to be random running around with 40K I'm worried about combos shut up uh let's go get a shortcut unlocked Pig certainly sounds like a pig antidotes I aggroed it What was pigs versus Werewolves pigs win who the [ __ ] are you [ __ ] this guy always points you out kind of cute okay a bastard of lauron that's a chalice item right yeah chalice item okay is this an endgame weapon uh yes and we got it at the beginning of the game twin shards I can probably upgrade I might I might be able to Pig gave 9k Echoes sweet Jesus it was also the it wasn't a normal Pig it was like a crazy Pig more chunks oh [ __ ] these things again oh my oh my God damn oh my God it's the goopy dogs those guys usually give chunk drops oh good oh oh oh oh oh no oh no I've never seen those enemies attack that way before I never have I've never seen those guys attack that way before okay so the most important thing is that there's 55,000 Souls sitting down there 55,000 Souls Echoes whatever and we have to go get them we're going to get them back chat we're going to get them back I've never seen that attack before I literally haven't go ignore the old Hunter keep going keep going holy dumb [ __ ] the goddamn snake it died did this little dude follow me all the way over here are you [ __ ] crazy okay let's play this smart let the pig do the work good let's one down the dog sees the pig the pig sees the dog the pig killed the [ __ ] out of the dog this time all right I like this pig [Applause] okay damn he's got big Health that's for sure oh my God it's the joyous Tuesday chat uhoh I think our R oh [ __ ] oh my God that's right this guy's armor for days I think our um our gem randomizer right is uh literally randomizing the gems right it literally is so the gems don't have names anymore some of them do look that we just got another gem tempering gem Bloodstone more Echoes from slain enemies that's not those are are debug gems that's a rune that's a rune not a gem so in in this randomized world we can have Ren Rens we can have gems as runes you click the combined Rune and Gem effect box that's [ __ ] crazy stage okay so gems and runes can occupy each other's spot this yeah this [ __ ] is truly chaos this playthrough is truly chaos oh God my stuff I'd love the dog and not the crazy space alien [ __ ] I got the [ __ ] space alien don't come down here dude it's got so much [ __ ] life it's insane and it hits so hard a ow oh time to go time to [ __ ] go that didn't work as much as I thought it would come on you okay okay so I'm I'm convinced that's some crazy ass like lower chalice thing right that that isn't the way those guys normally act when you get to Bergen worth and [ __ ] that's some that's some like lower chalice enemy really should get the shortcut but I'm too curious about D items over here antidote [ __ ] let's go get the um let's get the shortcut if I had a regular pistol I might be able to actually shoot the flower but it's pretty hard to shoot the flower are you standing in the way of my checkpoint let's go let's go sorry Big Boy over there little lady over here big boy you want to come out from there okay nothing too crazy down here right yeah pickaxe guy nice okay what do we have here hey hey we can go talk to the doll finally I can level up I get access to the other shop now hey it's exactly what we needed considering that it was like completely random exactly what we needed stop shooting me let me go unlock this before I go fight anything else like a stupid idiot I'm just sitting on 77,000 Echoes over [Music] here hold on a second I'm curious what these creatures are oh uh okay actually relatively syy damn backstabbing everything damn this guy's a god unlock this other shortcut now blood lighter seems pretty good for uh starting game seems not bad make sure I remember where I'm at oh there's an item up here oh odd Arcane damp blood gem I need I need to find The Gem tool Dam 47.3 dude what does this what does this weapon scale with not Arcane holy [ __ ] that would be good for rosem Marius yeah if I can stick it in the rosem Marius but I can't I don't have a blood gem tool yet we're getting these things from way later in the game that are very good damnn 60 FPS boys my God that are very good but I can't even use them yet all right um I don't think we're going to be staying with the blood Letter the entire playthrough you know I have to see what stats is on this thing does it use Arcane does it use blood tinge I mean I'm assuming it uses blood tinge um we can get very buff very fast right now in fact we could probably get super buff yeah the randomizer right now seems kind of in our favor we can get The Uncanny kirkhammer but that's C Cammer is kind of lame we can go for blood tinge and have it be a weird play through you know what do you guys have fire paper that's literally it right now is fire paper Okay um I'd say we'd like cram blood tinge I'm not even going to lie let's make it [ __ ] weird the hell oh I'm not going to need that [ __ ] hello good Hunter hi I am a doll oh really here in this dream to look after you honorable Hunter pursue The Echoes of blood and I will Channel them into your strength a strength you will hunt beasts and I will be here for you to embolden your sickly Spirit okay very well let the Echoes become your strength let me stand close now shut your eyes [Music] [ __ ] um [ __ ] do [Music] it what does blood tinge do it makes blood crazy makes uh you know what blood tinge would do wait does blood tinge make our visceral more powerful or is that skill the defense increase is also [ __ ] nuts that's skill [Music] it's [Music] weird your weapon is not scaling with that it's scaling with blood tinge the the base weapon doesn't but the uh the transform does yeah it's got to B see um okay there's the end of that I can't level up yet actually maybe I can let's not worry about that yet let's not worry about upgrading just yet [Music] okay granted I don't want to also become too op too fast right I don't want to become too crazy too quick there isn't randomizer for Elden ring yeah there definitely is how op is to well the game becomes trivial everything just dies to like one hit guys are still taking two hits you know that's good want enemies scale with you they will nice I have endurance to actually do stuff now this is great you know what I want to do a randomizer on next chat and um Tiff actually hooked me up with it it is the Resident Evil 2 randomizer of classic re2 not like re2 remake which you can also randomize but OG re2 randomized I can't wait I love that [ __ ] game man I don't love this [ __ ] though oh [ __ ] me oh [ __ ] he had lower Health cuz he was a dog B bir Health chat oh [ __ ] this is bad this is the real tough guy from The Blood pit of the DLC Fu God damn it okay wait you piece of [ __ ] take that snake I don't think these guys are dying there's a gargo over here is there an enemy over here usually yeah what it's one of these crazy Jailer dudes okay you just hang out right there nightmare ensus guy whoa whoa whoa you're Hunter do you know of any safe PL yes I mean I do but a bir shutting up IND doors isn't always is enough well if you once had got off your asses it wouldn't be in this mess you're obligated to help me you here so what it be are you going to tell me you're not going to tell me you're not I don't I don't know yet this doesn't give me frenzy maybe this does since I have Insight now no I'm not getting frenzied at all with using one of the gems that are random potentially break the game well you got to think of them they're just stats right gems aren't like huge modifiers of gameplay stuff they just change numbers and those numbers are just relevant to how much you're attacked at attacked at it is stuff like that so even if they're even if they were you know not meant to be in the game and they're just stat changes they they shouldn't break the game they're not like adding polygons or adding like performance issues or anything that like a randomizer is to be frank there's a much better chance of the game crashing because of some funky enemy that's in an area that shouldn't be there yeah we didn't swap around the NPCs hello eile what a mess you've been caught up in I know right prare thank you can I have the uh y is this a full playthrough a full randomizer playthrough yes I'll be continuing this throughout the uh rest of the month we're also going to be firing up uh Resident Evil 5 with Nico tomorrow and he's never actually played through it before so I'm going to uh uh help him through it and we're going to try to figure re5 out so that should be fun eo's completely new to re5 so that should be a very fun playthrough and then we'll also jump back to bloodborne um what the God of War replay hey man I'm trying here Bayonetta comes out on Friday Resident Evil comes out on Friday Call of Duty comes out on Friday like I'm trying here somebody cloned me we just hit this dude y Sea's blood vial well there's that what something's aggroing me through the floor something that was a weird guy tampering gem Blood Stone TR to go down or stay up let's stay up so now we're here what the [ __ ] what you're still alive oh my [Music] god really bad [ __ ] [ __ ] push me he hit my tech roll this guy [ __ ] hit me on Oki real hard okay okay got something good that's good be fair that's actually really good blood blood vials don't come sort of cheap now because they're not in places the game devs would normally put them so I just have to hope that I get blood vials or uh goodbye holy [ __ ] okay so got to get over there and get that [ __ ] yo what oh what what what oh goody oh [ __ ] great Jesus nice nice nice okay okay we get all the stuff that's done was that patches that wasn't patches that was another guy right that was another dude another guy that looks like patches patches has a bunch of friends that look just like him Ariana shoes more chunks sweet Jesus I look pretty oh so pretty what thought I saw a shadow move tell me there's something down here God damn it oh I did it for only so long um let's go back up to go under right does that make sense yeah I did get a spell I got the um uh the empty fantasm shell but it costs 15 Arcane 15 by the way um let's eat this or you know not eat it crunch it well this is a complete guess on which side we should go down to to pick up what said items so I mean let's just go down I see some space babies over here holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this is bad that's good oh my god oh no game game Jame came trying to [ __ ] me let me get the space baby out of here okay if he hits me once I'm dead oh oh my God I lied but not so much I don't want to get bagged I don't want to get bagged yet use it it's your only chance I don't want to get bagged yet there's stuff down here that I want I'm sorry I do not want to get bagged yet I don't know what that's going to do okay if we run into another one sure I'll get bagged oh my God it's the baby babe oh my God it's the it's the it's the aborted child from later in the game oh my God messed up Ariana's child uh that look painful let's go back up and around get the other one it was a terrible space monster I mean it's kind of true that's um what's his name's son who's the invisible one the formless one erden that's Erin's child you seem fine up there they maen seem nice I got a single rock out of that by the way down you [ __ ] oh goody best item in the game right there likely this is so [ __ ] we got Grandpa down here with a shotgun we got a bell Maiden this crazy space [ __ ] the biggest spider ever recorded and dickwad with a meat stick and somebody's trying to shoot me oh my God there's a second one let's not do that again go to this guy okay the spider doesn't have a ton of Health game not happy oh god oh man I missed I [ __ ] missed I might get myself locked in here okay okay what is happening behind me this [ __ ] dog this guy's not attacking thank god oh oh oh Grandpa's dead I need you to stop it oh ouch what oh no oh this is so [ __ ] oh this is so [ __ ] thank God I'm not dead let's not let's not come down here again yeah I'm thinking the snake was from above or some [ __ ] and teleporting down I don't know cire are you dead all right my next best bet is to go all the way up and unlock the shortcut I should do that over everything who's shooting at me what oh no oh God sweet Jesus God no I hate these enemies okay we're fine I think this is patches Pates have a tiny hat it is patches cuz he doesn't fight back bye patches it's patches cuz he doesn't fight back wait a minute is that oh it is we just didn't get an A random enemy here this guy's always here the dude with the the statue for a weapon yeah he usually is this is this is the spot he's always in okay what I don't know was I it from my mom dad never came back from the hunt and she went to find him I'm all alone and scared it's so big and and beautiful you won't miss it oh I mustn't forget if you find my mom give her this music box it that wasn't random everyone mom so silly rning off without it what am I hearing M knows I'm Really Brave I won't be afraid I'll be a good girl promise where is it though there you are stupid [ __ ] snake all stuck in the geometry and [ __ ] the problem is for those snakes I don't get any experience because they're they're boss enemies and they are attached to bosses that give no XP all right we got a lot of shortcuts unlocked right we have one more let's go get the elevator unlocked and then we'll go see what our our first bosses what is over there what the hell is over there chat that's an item what the hell is over there I don't even know I don't even know how you get there yeah does that's where Eileen is yeah does she leave leave behind something on reload if you reload the game does Isen like leaves something what welcome back to a stage of History uh what ladder bugs can I get you to come up here at least like one at a time you creepy [ __ ] thing my God yeah let's go oh no what the hell's at the end of this hallway what big creepy thing it's not a pig anymore damn we've been getting a lot of Bloodstone chunks yo Gib Mr Hero and Zack Lynx thank you guys very much you guys are much harder later on oh my God it's another one I don't believe it let's go do this yeah I see another baby [ __ ] more mad man's knowledge bolt paper nice all right let's take the other um let's take the other elevator up lemony thanks for the gift sub dude that's a big ass elevator dude these guys pop up way too much right these big freaky ass enemies end up popping up way too much for how big of a pain in the ass they are they're all over the place yo her duck thank you yeah they're both in chalice Dungeons and the main game so I think they have like multiple categories that they're instanced ow that actually did good damage this time okay I'm sitting at 45k we got all our unlocks I think it's time to uh head back to Eileen to see what the heck that item was and to uh check out the cleric Beast boss and see what the cleric Beast boss actually is oh hi what I was looking at you from over there and you were an item what are you still doing here enough trembling in your boots a hunter must hunt hunt a hunter must hunt Hound a Hound must Hound okay well uh that sucks do I have any uh bold Hunters Mark interesting it's actually actually a known visual glitch okay I've just never even noticed it on my end I need to go buy more blood uh vials any reason to not kill ea uh well what she would give me normally for how tough of a fight it is um might be worth it because you get all of her gear and stuff but in this one I would not be guaranteed that that would not be ideal yeah normally she gives you her armor or like a a a badge right to get her gear but now we're not guaranteed to get that so it's not really worth it and we can get that some other place uh the durability on my blood Letter is not going down either wait am I drunk yeah no I'm drunk I have three I have 12 Bloodstone shards I don't want to use too many though don't want to use too many um cuz Bloodstone shards might end up becoming more difficult to come across than even chunks and [ __ ] we don't we have no control over that now remsey thank you we might just end up not being able to get twinstone shards or whatever it could be very difficult Hunter Garb and sewers that is no longer the hunter Garb shut up whatever's in the sewers is not what you think it is stage oft are you not planning on sticking with the blood ladder it depends right maybe we come across something else that's super cool depends I don't want to be life locked to this thing welcome what is it very well let me stand [Music] close um but I'd say for now right like H I did it FW good [Music] hunt and I still can't [ __ ] use anything whatever it seems like echo in this playthrough is not really an issue right it's not really a problem so I'm not too concerned about that [ __ ] reason not to use madman's knowledge right now uh none none none at all none at all talk to the window guy again and give me the Rosemary that I already have maybe he will if I beat the first boss I think you have to progress his storyline right Gilbert never heard of it but if it's blood you're interested in you should try the healing church the church controls all knowledge on blood ministry ation and all varieties of blood across the valley to the east of yarum Lies the town of the healing Church known as the cathedral Ward and deep within Cathedral Ward is the old Grand Cathedral the birthplace of the healing Church's special blood or so they say yaram mites don't share much with Outsiders normally they wouldn't let you near the place but The Hunt is on tonight this might be your chance across the valley deep I haven't yeah I got to progress the story a little bit across the deep I laid that dude out now we're going to go to uh cleric Beast first and see whatever the hell the cleric Beast actually is ah [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god a p me okay let's not worry about that right now let's just see what the hell we're dealing with over here snakes of bird this guy's priority okay ow [ __ ] okay not so bad okay ready chat I don't have a lot of Echoes on me well comparatively can I see things through the door I don't even know what I'm looking at it's [ __ ] blood starve Beast God damn it it's BSB oh this thing's getting [ __ ] up [Music] this thing's getting [ __ ] up we leveled up too [Music] [Music] much [Music] [Music] oh my [Music] [Music] God okay got off kind of easy the sword Hunter badge we do get okay so that is still locked whoa some items cannot be acquired as they would max out inventory and storage interesting whatever the hell that is we got gas coins gear randomly okay cool yeah I don't I I'm I'm going to have to see what I have 999 of maybe it's bullets I don't know oh y Sea Watch this chat good call watch this that wasn't it that wasn't it maybe it's the tiny music box wasted it could be like something else weird you know could be a key item it could be anything yeah don't worry about it it don't worry about it Chad don't worry about it watch this um let's go look at our box 99 gas going outfits no right that's all we have in our box I it has to be it's got to be something else something else anything new show up here no so we did get the sword badge which will probably give us some random thing delayed Molotov throwing knives fire paper is now purchasable that's kind of busted okay fire paper is actually a buyable item now it's expensive but that's super good um The Uncanny parasite wow which is not useful yet because I need the milkweed Rune to make it work uh a Sinister lauron chalice depth five that requires a lot of crazy [ __ ] also requires 20 [ __ ] Arcane um yeah that's a crazy chalice right that's actually kind of a Nutty check it out Sinister lauron lower that's a cursed chalice right huh yeah we would have to go through depths one through for in order to even do it it's like it's like a final level chalice probably with crazy drops and [ __ ] but I mean I wouldn't get access to it for a hell of a long time yeah I need all this [ __ ] to actually make it I need tomb mold red jelly ton of Arcane Haze could be random useless stuff that's true like that's the thing with chalice is they are truly random as hell let's go drop our uh levels into something welcome what it very well let me is the game running at 720p yes we're also scaling it up to uh 1080 okay uh let's get endurance to let's get vit to 15 I doing chales too I don't plan to right now but we'll see Good Hunter let's drop the rest of these in echo or I'm sorry vials [Music] okay all right um you know what we haven't found any other weapons I guess we got to go to uh [ __ ] I guess we got to go to gascoin or what would have been gascoin we have the elevator unlocked so it should be easy oh there's also the other end where we normally get the armor yeah the other end of uh the sewer y red line thanks man you a cur H doing a bit more damage now making some progress that crazy [ __ ] is back all right we got to get this thing to trigger trigger please dear God what the holy [ __ ] there it goes you're still alive going to hunt me down nice who did it was it you something good something real good that's not bad [Music] [ __ ] that was that was not patches is what that was those was a not patches all right let's uh let's see what we got 3 two 1 [ __ ] God oh my Christ ow cute what's that smell voice got deeper Maria Sweet Blood oh it seems to me oh God have to make a man sick oh [ __ ] oh I got her though [ __ ] that hurts oh my God she phas twos holy [ __ ] that was loud mom that was loud loud it's way too dank what the [ __ ] is happening what is happening what is [ __ ] happening oh oh oh oh oh oh time to go ow holy [ __ ] ass ow ow oh it's a good thing I leveled up he want his gun back I get it I get it so any bosses sorry any bosses that have more than one phase can model swap to a completely different boss holy [ __ ] so and but the funny thing is is that Maria modeled swap she she switched to her other second boss phase and then at some point right it randomizes the switches of Boss phases in real time yeah that's the craziest part you get multiple boss fights for the price of one yeah and transformed gascoin is a completely different boss right he's actually a different it loads in like a different boss like suddenly and instead of loading in gas coin it just chooses another boss to load in [ __ ] it load in something else wow that shit's crazy cool I I was not ready for that oh my God I don't know what the [ __ ] was going on that would been funny if the music I I imagine the music box works when you actually fight when we come across gascoin in his Beast form probably works then so Beast gascoin could be his own boss uh yes yes and we we tested that um in when we were first messing out the randomizer the other day just to try it uh cleric Beast was second form gascoin so it was the Crazy Monster version of gas coin and I didn't get the BR by the way I didn't get the BR crazy even more madness ridden right this randomizer is truly [ __ ] nuts so third phase Maria could be somewhere else I mean she I think she could I think that's like the idea right H Frank thank you dude oh oh thank God oh that's right that's here oh thank God okay that doesn't seem right what why is there a pig at the church where's there pig in the church oh you must be a hunter very sorry the incense must have masked your scent good good I've been waiting for one your these hands of everyone all locked up inside waiting for it to end it always does always has you know since forever W me nicely all this time some folks hiding inside screams of women folk yeah so I'm guessing the the the the chapel dweller dude is classified as an enemy for some reason but if you spot anyone with wits about them tell them about this ear chap he'll be safe here the incense off the Beast this is [ __ ] weird come on over [ __ ] to weird you make too much [Music] noise up I okay this is not a safe place ow oh my God the enemy scaling enemies just got way harder ow stop it where you are you [ __ ] snake this thing go go away I've just about had it with these [ __ ] snakes and this mother [ __ ] Cathedral Fish Man ow big dog oh my God oh my God the enemy scaling nice backflip mystery gem run what the mystery gems are the Rune gems right fire attack plus five wait was that the one yeah it seems like it mystery gems are the the Rune gems oh wait aha fire attack oh so now we have what gems normally do in place of runes so this is a rune weird okay I guess I'll go back we'll see what we can actually assign there yeah everything is subject to change at this point um let's check if there's any new cables well that's not that helpful The Uncanny threaded cane The Uncanny Stak driver holy Moonlight sword holy Moonlight sword need more Arcane and [ __ ] the Stak driver yeah and it's cheap as hell too whoa we got some weird [ __ ] in here boys grey wolf cap gold Ardo fashion Hunter gloves and a mad manhood cool we need more uh in fact okay um so blood gem fortification right the blood Le her bolt attack plus 15 16% how does it dictate where that goes okay [Music] okay funny my my gun has no slots the gun has no slots how weird still don't have that yeah we might need to upgrade it for slots I see yeah that gives it one slot okay I forgot about that we'll wait we'll wait on that [ __ ] shut up well that was expensive can't even use any of these things except the threaded cane uh HMS [Music] is 12 skill 14 Arcane 16 strengths is literally like everything I I do not have a Stak dri's 18 strength I remember if the steak driver is any good I don't remember yeah the holy Moonlight sword with the arcade gem might be pretty dope silent scope thank you dude it's a Jank weapon but funny okay it's extremely short range yeah I got to stick with what we got I guess we're going to Old yarum oh [ __ ] I realized we have to go to old yarum because I can't buy the gate pass I can't buy the gate pass the only way to get to the gate is the back door God damn it [ __ ] snake this guy's got replaced with a rat ow [ __ ] you ow [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] rat enemies are heading harder does this still happen it does okay another crazy gem uhoh this one didn't do anything this one did nothing uh-oh no big dude damn you gu's got some health on you this time is that the crazy witch from it is that's the crazy ass witch oh my God you really going to do this we are Fu [Music] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] free holy cool cool I mean I did nothing oh my God great wisdom nice stop you from doing all of this good good good now we're above where the uh this is where the cleric Beast was hanging out or you know blood starred beast in this situation oh God ow good Lord this this enemy sucks Jesus Jesus God come back come back come back blood vials blood vials of course yeah this is Lance's uh 720p 60fps [Music] mod and that wouldn't be anything significant at this point can't do much else over here we're not we don't have the uh the money to buy or the ability to even buy the gate key what why did that go off somebody else pick it up or some [ __ ] huh that was weird okay it actually doesn't even in the base game okay okay just to spoop you right luckily these two are guys are birds over here instead of dogs oh no this [ __ ] has a dog that gun down chalice bastards nice we are getting Bloodstone shards that's good need them for early upgrades there's a worm down here cool but cool I mean trash kin Cold Blood 10 that shit's good that's going to give me a lot more birds damn we got lucky on the oh [ __ ] ow man getting a lot of shards from these birds that's for sure hey that's helpful kind of kind of you're a beast hunter Al so why not yeah sure whatever take this oh that's fire paper still there must go on I you may the good bye-bye so now we're running down here and it's not going to be blood starve Beast this shit's going to be something else entirely which is weird I'm still getting a lot of antidotes and [ __ ] welome back to the of History okay we can still get to the umbilical cords they're random now so I mean you could if you get lucky you get three umbilical cords right at the start if you're lucky what do we have here this would normally be our pungent blood cocktails and now it's a student's uniform sick sick here we go you there you there Hunter didn't you see the warning turn back back at once old yam burned and abandoned by men is now home only to beasts they are of no harm to those turn back for the hunter will face the hunter I see him out there but he looks like a pile of snakes anybody else see that he looks like a goddamn pile of snakes might not get machine gun this time because of it that's pretty good in fact let's pop those man no reason to pop a couple of great ones wisdom oh hi you're back okay all right oh my God this game running at 60 boys so good oh God hi I don't want this gun anymore what's with the dainty pose on this dude this guy had a really dainty pose bloop Look Away Ripley look away way honey one Pebble can't tell if that dude up there is a dude I cannot tell I'm hearing something very weird [Applause] you are a skilled Hunter adep meres oh my God where'd that dog go oh my God Ripley I'm sorry it scared me too honey rley come here sweetie it's okay it's okay come here that scared the hell out of me wow that I thought it was a bunch of bres yeah I did too I thought it was like like a spear that got stuck into like a big candleabra looking thing I'm like I don't remember this being here so I stabbed it and it was a bunch of snakes let's go kill those snakes chat glad that's over was this dude shooting at me which is why I must stop you oh my God why were you on the ground great oh good I don't know where the front of this thing is I don't think it knows either nice is there any of the random items around here place looks so good with 60 FPS dude my god when you get to these bigger zones though it drops a bit cuz it has to load new assets B marrow Ash nice thanks guys they're a little early the forest is uhoh new gem new Rune I mean could be a new Rune no it's a gem uh that's good increased stamina cost 2% increased stamina cost this is not good hell you're talking about chat that is not good increasing stamina cost no thank you H good what's wrong sweetie got to tell me what's wrong what is it where we going where we going hang on honey okay I have to go figure out what this baby wants Chad hold on a second like we are playing Killer Instinct Dad we're taking the Hobbits to Eisen guard ow oh many explosives oh god well I was trying to stop but you know what [ __ ] it worry about that oh my God what is that corner dude next thought I had a building in the way okay very good very good oh my God we're back here okay welcome back to the stage of hisory oh my God y all very aggressive today ignore the terrifying snake pile chat power just beat the [ __ ] out of this thing oh okay my God you attack too fast give me my stuff back and you oh it's this dude it's this dude cool that's the DLC dude from the beginning of um right after you beat Maria Jesus Oh bird dog cat [Music] dog uh dog bird oh my God oh God my God oh God my God look at this cheesy [ __ ] leave me alone what you [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] here you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that really did hurt promise you it did you [ __ ] no this place is trolling the hell out of me oh God that's bad stop shooting me at the perfect moments going to follow me follow me this guy's running up here stabbing me in the butt and then running away why aren't you doing it again when I'm ow ow ow ow ow ow oh my God [ __ ] hate you you kiss my ass bad you're dead now doing down here oh my God iron door key well that's actually pretty great were you done are you done patches is over here oh oh no [ __ ] [Music] way how am I still getting [Music] shot okay I need to go kill this guy there's some weird sounds oh no is Jura a pile of snakes he's not oh [ __ ] oh man that sucks ow this ain't working out [Music] great there we go bye-bye there we go we needed the there it is give me that [ __ ] a man it really wasn't that good chat really wasn't that good we have to get his drop hopefully some other time yeah he a ain't shooting no more oh no found the pile of snakes it was right there nice stheart to the stage oft making sure I don't get shot off the roof you know is that where I can knock down the uh there's like a spot that I can go to that I can knock down the uh what's it called the chandel Abra chandelier found it is that a ghost oh Jesus am I getting fired upon yes I certainly am bullsh I don't know what that was I don't know what that was hit the damn rat oh dear get this damn shortcut unlocked loading stuff see more frame drops then you have to be [ __ ] kidding me it was just a ritual blood okay no way this guy again I'm out of uh healing another mystery gem you drop anything you don't seem to um HP gradually depletes that's not that great okay uh that's the big one how am I missing I really needed blood gems there blood gems sorry I need blood vials it died they're all dying this is the fire nice woo okay yeah I think the choir Bell does heal but I can't use it yet right I can't I need more Arcane prayers were answered let's get the other big shortcut chat why did it have to be the big snake pile why why is it always the big snake pile dude to man [Applause] okay not dead not dead yet oh there's a there's a scary one there's the berserk guys okay blood vials thank you that's where I came from [Music] right I don't know who that is [Music] it's not parl it could be the one reborn maybe Amelia Kenny cleric Beast I don't even know Lawrence I actually don't know maybe Amelia Ric Flair's ghost is Ric Flair dead he just has a ghost Kenny definitely Kenny who pops actually this has to be a dog right here right dude you can knock down that wall your self what you knock you're dead though oh my God will I please stop doing this you can actually knock down that wall yourself holy hell never knew that but you never get the chance because the werewolf usually busts through very cool it's usually an enemy over here it's usually a dog oh found the dog let's get this shortcut unlocked jeez this is so much fun feels like I'm playing bloodborne again for the first time who's in here one of you okay with that unlock anything else up here just looking around see that I can find where does this go does this go around the back of I think it does I think just pops us out around second gate nope I lied this brings us up here no going off the cliff wait you didn't drop oh that's unfair that's unfair these guys are these guys are like just like any other enemy now actually unfair no chunks no shards no twin shards no nothing they're not even worth killing well that's nice I don't have to worry about chasing them down anymore got two messenger earned things say what's with the green [ __ ] and it's this other dude down here my God not you again uh-oh need you to stop this okay remember the full Gore Dark Souls 3 playr yeah that was great that that cosplay run was actually really fun try not to get ourselves killed here oh now we're just back here cool item missed problem is I actually want to go for it because that item can be completely random whether or not it's Godlike or not to the stage of history when was my last bloodborne playthrough about a year ago can't remember what what type of run we did I think the last time we played this game we did an axe run and I had never used axe ever in in bloodborne so uh yeah we just did a regular opening axe run I only ever used saw Cleaver or uh the cane the axe was actually pretty fun yeah I think it's probably the best starting weapon you know if if if switch axe didn't exist but it does and it isuh it was madman's knowledge kind of worth it I got enough stuff here to actually start affording some things yeah the axe does because of its reach does turn certain bosses into very easy encounters oh did I say switch axe S I meant saw Claver sorry switch ax you say so caver is just a switch axe Jack come on there's been a lot of bell maidens right we actually run into several Bell maidens they're easy kills 10 bullets damn weird yeah we tried using the Scythe for a little bit in one of the other bloodborne runs I think that was also a charity stream murky blood gemstone add slow poison effect 7 here pizza cutter is just fun pizza cutter is one of the most like one of it's like a hero weapon of this game you know all right so what weird enemies are going to be in the bushes in here uh Alien not so bad I do not know is that a spider a b a a sitting Bell Maiden weird pile of snakes that wasn't moving and didn't drop anything either hey we found the BR found it um this is on a PS4 Pro yeah it's a heavily modified uh PS4 Pro and uh the PS4 pro has been jailbroken as well to to run the unassigned code that you need to modify the game yeah it's not an easy process uh modifying your PlayStation is actually very easy but getting all this stuff injected and working into a bloodborne patch that'll actually work takes some time to get it to figure out so that is cause great great orph of [ __ ] cause um is it second phase it is second phase cause because it's got the wings holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay okay this is fine this is fine this is fine um but does it have cause HP uh probably not right history probably not I'm assuming it doesn't right it probably have blood starve Beast HP cuz they scale oh it will also morph into something else so I just have to get it halfway through and just maybe it won't be so bad she's sleep okay still got 129 of these things stored damn these are 10K know what I just realized dude the the shop is but is fist of graia wow the shop is randomized but then it's not like I don't have the fire paper fire paper's gone weird I don't get it yeah the kirkhammer is also gone it's a threaded cane a Moonlight sword and an uncanny steak driver I don't get it piercing rifle and now fire paper's over here okay these have not changed right these random ass items have not changed next sucks I have most of the Tomb prospector stuff already right or do I I did I have the pants and everything like that physical attack 99.5% damn holy Moonlight sword looking pretty sweet chat not going to lie add add a poison effect to my gun do it physical attack up 9.5 another 1.2 and blunt up 10.9 Jesus actually no this is just attack 1.2 blunt 10.9 this one's bolt attack up which is pretty useless let's do this one losing my goddamn mind um okay goodby I'm thinking Arcane right CH I think we should just jam slam thank you ma'am into Arcane I must what is it you check this out you want to see something cool chat well not that's not what I meant to do your that was not what I meant to do Arcane man farewell Good Hunter may you funky Arcane blood build yeah maybe all right here we go I wish I could find a pistol really do old yum is such a pain in the ass cuz it takes so long to get back down yo Paul CR thanks for the 21 months Richie Rich thanks for the 24 Gala Mecha draon jzn virtual turkey sandwich school boy Chris salt be zero uchia cam Blazer and wolf afro taco and the inky and one nut Soldier appreciate it guys took a right make our way back down statue still there I killed you what maybe they only go away unless they give you an item I don't know doesn't make much sense to me yo WEA thanks for the prime I actually need Pebbles funny enough y tile and JL status thanks dudes spider very weak spider thanks for the bullets yeah that's no he's not copying a normal enemy spawn because that those creepy guys always show up there like this guy right here this piece of [ __ ] hey he actually dropped what he was supposed to how funny you somewhat miss the quaint cinematic feel of 30 FPS at all you know what I feel like I do um I feel like I would thinking about playing the game in 60fps I have a I have a feeling like yeah I might miss 30 and this just the way the game is but then you play it and now it's going to be hard to even think about going back to to 30 now I can barely even think about like now when it drops to 30 I'm like H Jesus yeah that's how rough the game actually is and here's the thing it's not actually 30 it's not it's more like 25 26 because of the bad frame timing it really is low it's bad dude uh and in fact there is a patch for the PlayStation that actually fixes the frame timing so it it runs at 30 it will run at 30 um which is nice but then as soon as I considered that like why do that when I can get the game to be 60 all the time the small resolution drop is fine it's really fine the game only runs in 900p it doesn't actually run in 1080 it scales up to 1080 I'll just shut up because uh here we go oh my God Valena thanks for the five gift Subs oh my God oh my God it really hurts he really hurts it's not textured either Jesus [Applause] Christ yeah we just got to get him 50% [Applause] good thing nudged me and I got messed up oh my [Music] [Applause] God no way through a wall you you can Parry him Perry second form cause with a Ludwig's rifle is that what you're asking me to do to Parry second form cause with a Ludwig rifle first form yeah no problem first form is a different fight you can Parry him oh I can definitely try I can also you know have a 30 frame startup attack attack because my gun is a piece of [ __ ] all right I'll still do it the easy guys are actually worth killing because they can just drop random good [ __ ] you know I don't even know when you would Parry this dude it's a problem what point do you try to hit him get it when he's attacking but yeah they likely don't drop anything anymore now I do have yeah that is true let's take these off cuz I don't need them so take this off I do have oh no I don't this doesn't work I can't nothing works on this weapon [ __ ] let go for it [Applause] oh think SHRM in did some damage now that's what I get for trying to par him that's what I get okay okay yeah the pillars are rough you just don't drop anything anymore right yeah yeah once these guys drop whatever they drop they're done dropping they just keep showing up for some reason this town's finished this town's finished I just have to be more patient a [Applause] okay well if he does the scream that means it's free [Applause] damage oh my God that killed me damn no lightning yeah the uh can't do the lightning attack so if he does that I just run up and beat the [ __ ] out of him is the boss this aggressive without the mod oh yes oh yes this is uh this boss is one of the hardest boss fights in all of fromsoft games that's just yeah that is this boss second form is also just hard like first form is very manageable and there's a lot of [ __ ] you can do about it second form is just really tough Seco the demon of hatred is that the big like the big monster boss in seiro at the end of the [Applause] game I got to lock off [Applause] [Applause] man so fast damn it I didn't get the circle on the ground jeez I think he's also only textured for the one outdoor area and everything else like low lighting doesn't work it's a long run [Music] whoa yeah I need to I need to switch to blood tinge on an enemy there we go so I don't lose all the [Music] health [Applause] h God damn God damn I teched into it too this Arena really does suck for this a damn it God damn it tacked into it again can't see it [Applause] a a [Music] [ __ ] damn it oh jeez Jesus even when I am in uh blood tinge State on the weapon it's still really hard right it's like I'm slower and I don't feel like I'm doing even that much more damage to be honest the thing that's making it the hardest is that is the arena cause is only meant to be fought in a big open area it's a lot of room to move when you don't have that room to move it gets very tough last long okay Jesus that hit me oh my God that hit me too [Music] Jesus Jesus that big shrimp [ __ ] always comes out at the worst time uh could invoke the dude to help you there if you get somebody to help you out if you summon an NPC to help you out you double the boss's HP practically if you uh by summoning any NPCs or anything like that so no don't think be doing that think guy seems to consistently drop one blood file wonder if an enemy type drops just one type of drop now right cuz I've seen that dude drop a one blood vile I think several times and I got a Parry on him once and I didn't get visceral made me think that I couldn't Parry him how's that hitting me I don't think I can Vis in second phase [ __ ] a a [Music] [Applause] he was stuck in the wall [Applause] Jesus God get to hit him so [Applause] infrequently [Music] oh my God I got hit twice God damn it yeah I I I get very because of the lack of distance now what happens in in the normal situation is that cause will do a lot of different attacks when you're far away from him when you're like really far away you can't even get that distance in this Arena distance doesn't even allow it one more shot yeah I'll try out the choir Bell does this fight feel impossible no I've got him down to like 60% not at all [Music] go Jesus [Applause] Christ at that one hit me in the top of the goddamn [Applause] head dude just go through the walls why don't you too long of a charge [Applause] time [Applause] [ __ ] might be uh dead I got hit by that I really did very close come on I did not hit by that the screaming thing come on do the screaming thing [Applause] [ __ ] I don't think he's safe changing boys I uh I don't think he's changing phases right and the reason is is because he's already phase two he's already in phase two back to the stage of History so no change and blood starve Beast normally does not have a transformation blood starve beast is just a one form fight so I'm pretty sure this is it the thing that would help out a lot right here is blood uh pellets right if I did have blood pellets but we haven't seen those show up in the game yet got any fire paper it literally doesn't work with my weapon okay we got him pretty far it didn't feel like doing um the blood damage was any better specifically no punch and Cocktails only work on BSB you got to think of it it's it's not BSB it has like some elements but doesn't act like BSB you know Jesus that's it that's a kill get for the hit yeah I don't think there's any specific thing that would help me weapon-wise if I switched to other weapons as of right now um unless I had a saw Cleaver and I could do the cheese you know if I could do the cheese the backstab cheese against him then it would be it would be possibly like functional uh I don't think switching to anything other right now is going to help because this boss naturally has a lot of resistances I just got really unlucky and ended up getting him in what is probably one of the worst arenas for it stage better than [Music] [Applause] nothing what I got hit [Applause] okay God damn okay oh God [Applause] [Applause] oh that hits okay I was thinking maybe the hit box will be above [Applause] me [Applause] that's why it's not good to fight in here because of [Applause] that I can't take a swing [Applause] a do that again now he's in phase two got so lucky [Applause] [Applause] yeah oh damnn I'll just eat it in the corner in the corner in the [Music] [Applause] corner let's go Jes just got to learn the ins and outs of the entire goddamn fight it's all it is kashian thanks for the 20 gift Subs let got to learn the ins and outs of the entire goddamn fight man so we got an endgame boss very early right we ended up getting an endgame boss very early Jesus man it helps that I've seen that [ __ ] A Lot in the past right but usually not that form right usually second form hopefully the game gets easier from this point forward we'll find out I don't know if I I don't know if I would have to face cause again I might have to face phase one cause right phase one might need to might be a thing that pops up but I don't know if phase two is a potential anymore there were a bunch of items on the floor in that area so I think we kind of need to go back to Old yarum look around try to see what else we can find you're still going to have to fight horse Ludwig sometime down the line yeah we've already fought second form Ludwig and we've already already uh I have 66k we've already fought second form Ludwig and we fought second form cause so assuming they won't show up again assuming we got a church set as well right yeah it's not that much different the we got uh should I go down this way I don't know over here and BSB is already dead too yeah ignore that horrible sound s chat it's just the sound of like 30 snakes no snake drop dude's over here trying to play dead that's a big biggy think Piggies are worth a lot stop attacking Jesus [ __ ] enemies are going to come down these stairs lots of quick silver bullets that's for sure mystery gem weapon durability down what the hell is with all this bolt attack weapon durability down minus 9 like all this weird [ __ ] super random stats you know elcome back to the St of History oh think I looked back [ __ ] was hidden that's normally a rifle Spear and now it's an antidote ah and this is where it outputs us okay ow Jesus I see lots of bullets that's for sure why okay let's climb up this [ __ ] again that's right this big [ __ ] snake good Lord one blood vile come on okay so if I wanted to make this jump I think I got to hook it more to right than the left yeah that's definitely it actually one of the harder jumps in the whole goddamn and for a lead elixir of all things this is [ __ ] going to get get back over there to that side no I cannot no I cannot [ __ ] lead Elixir chat say fall down and [ __ ] it oh wonder if going for that last item is even worth it but you know it could be anything that's the problem is that at least with a non- randomizer you can just be like yeah whatever I don't need to go for it but with a randomizer it could be anything it could be something super good that will May Cry thank you could be a rock could be a key item yeah could be a pizza cutter could be an uncanny pizza cutter I don't know that's something moderately useful at least wait this goes down here I didn't know that thought you had to drop into this [ __ ] and if we go down crazy ghost chick you spit out snakes what the I I didn't know that cool you spit out snakes I didn't know that [ __ ] I also didn't realize there's something over there yeah that's a that's a chalice ghost enemy yeah I'd like to think some of the cut monsters in the in in the the developer chalice area might still exist I would like to think that they do that they could be random you know they just go under the pool you know Pigman what there's a lot of weird cut monsters in the Chalice dungeons I should look them up I've forgotten what's in there okay um this item is like down there it's definitely on this side there it is yeah whatever that's fine these the the randomizer these things could be something valuable or they're not just seeing this finally as well you know what I said chat I said the moment I put all this effort into you know jailbreaking of PlayStation and getting bloodborne up and running at 60 with the randomizer and putting all this effort into this [ __ ] as soon as I do it within a very short period of time after Sony's going to announce like bloodborne's coming back on PC or there's a remake or a remaster or something soon as I put in all the effort they're going to do it so just expect in the next like week or so that they're going to announce it just expect it at this point $80,000 piercing rifle Jesus welcome what is it very let have 18 Arcane Cur L um let's go hell quality and put the rest in Str right right so now at that point we can become Arcane [ __ ] oh oh this [ __ ] also requires skill what do I need two [ __ ] it I'm going to munch on one of these my kin Cold Blood 12 Dam at 20K welcome very well 15,000 farewell good May damn welcome with very well let okay to stage of history arcanes of sea okay so my my extra attack is all Arcane [Music] damage shoots projectiles right damn straight it does so let's uh fortify the weapon [ __ ] I need more regular Bloodstone shards of all things right regular and uh crap whatever that other thing was that other gem I have a star a triangle and a star does that other gem actually work my crazy Arcane 4.5 uh a star triangle star it is okay thank God I need to um I need to get some more shards wherever the hell whatever the hell is dropping them wherever the hell they're dropping maybe I'll be able to buy them at some point I don't know right now I cannot can the shop have blood Stones it can but it's random oh I got the old Hunter's Bell old Hunter's Bell Bell consume insight to ring and call Old hunters for help it's not the blood drunk eye that's different okay welcome what is very well let me uh let's go over here unless you summon DLC NPCs oh funny all right now um now we got to go we got to get past that [ __ ] [Music] gate and I'm trying to remember how the hell we do that I could have swore it was someplace in Old yarum that we have to go because we can't get past the gate to yarar ghoul yeah the cathedral door cannot be opened other door and Cathedral W should be open let's go there let's go find out it only opens from yarar ghoul [ __ ] yeah we can't get to Amelia right now you're saying beating blood starf Beast opens it okay all right I'll go check I forgot how that exactly opens as I always buy it I always just buy our way through yeah that's now open too all right of bullets and lots and lots of bullets that door saying that's the way to go yeah I know where one bagman is I know where one is O fire GE jum stage of History down getting a lot of those but this gate is still 100% closed right yeah all right all right I get you see what the hell's up here no Gra Grandpa nice I'm on [Music] fire what really on fire oh he has Grandpa Health where's my projectile attack could have swore it was this it is the [Music] [ __ ] scholar these [ __ ] guys that looked painful huge ass dog oh my God know it's one of these guys cursed nourishing blood gemstone attack down oh my God God damn chalice monster you're not dead H go to hell actually no no to hell go down this way reason why we can't that's the guy that's usually at the bottom of this area uh that sucks now it's a pig's ass now it's a pig's ass that was very close like what's down here now oh oh for the abandoned old Workshop there items somewhere around here right that helps that's helpful all right cool hey that's always an umbilical cord really maybe the umbilical cords have permanence maybe they're always in one spot yeah that would make sense I guess I'll hold on to it uh this is worth it I'm not using my my bullets on much right now so I got to get back down to the bottom of that area right I have to make my way all the way to the bottom and that brings us open around the the back to vcar Amelia yeah third time around now we just go down the uh the normal way right what do you do I'm over here you're down there holy [ __ ] ow and a pig's ass found another one fire attack 3.8% on a rune okay cool on a rune I love the way the part of this part of the game looks trying to get up there a night of curses A Night to Remember would you say friend this town's [Music] finished knew this thing was still alive why isn't it dead though what the hell oh [ __ ] he's of [ __ ] [ __ ] didn't see me did you that's a big dog hey I'm getting shards this is good so oh it's the stone [Music] [Music] guy crazy [ __ ] grandpa oh my Christ crazy [ __ ] Grandpa no grandpa you piece of [ __ ] where the hell that hallway go oh it was over there [ __ ] these guys got a lot of life like a lot and I feel like my my sword is not that great you know I feel like it's doing very little damage right now yeah I see Arcane defense no no we don't want we don't want to go up up is for later I mean I guess we could try going up [ __ ] out of here Bozo are you ever done attacking you aren't you aren't done attacking you just keep attacking now you're [ __ ] dead oh my God there's an old hunter in here okay all right all right [ __ ] old Hunters are vicious as [ __ ] like even even at even in lower scaled areas they are still scary my stuff what just fell off the building we just see that okay thank God Grandma over here okay that was that was okay well cursed dirty blood gem stone adds uh poison effect plus 2.4 okay not that great great this is thow a hacked PS4 Pro that you're able to do this oh my God [ __ ] Grandpa got hit twin shards that's great all right Chad is grandpa really in the same exact spot byebye a we have had some enemies be the same enemies no joke like the opening enemy of the game was supposed to be a wolf and we got a wolf and I have seen other enemies there before for sure hearing [ __ ] upstairs sky and the cosmos are one look at this big freaky [ __ ] tree look at this freaky tree I never even noticed that before there's that guy over there so sick looking is that the workshop tree yeah that's the tree that's next to um uh the hunter dream not Hunter's dream right the hunter Workshop nope nope nope nope you Rune master that was another Rune fire attack up 18% I need to find a fire weapon dude holy [ __ ] 18% [Music] I need to find a fire weapon and we don't have we never got the upper Cathedral key right if not we could get this very early if we did well this game isn't normally capable of 60 it's only capable of 60 because we are running on a PS4 Pro in boost mode I'll survive this fall right chat nice yeah we had the choice of getting a boom Hammer earlier we chose not to okay Wong comes out March 3rd nice that game is great I'm very much looking forward to that BRB chat one second I forgot about that I forgot about that okay some red jelly which is not great and one Bloodstone Shard okay okay yeah it's above uh ER and Chapel what and we're back oh [ __ ] that's right I got to go like [ __ ] to the bottom Jesus I have there so much stuff to do over here ignore my stick yeah what re4 remake doesn't come out to like March 24th or something like that was their date so don't need to worry so let's just hope the bloodborne remake doesn't come out the same day as woong you know that's the big concern at this point wulong was really good I liked it a lot I think I actually liked it more than Neo oh that's right the pig would have been a one a onetime kill because this enemy does not come back what bloodborne remake the bloodborne remake they're going to eventually announce because I chose to put in all the work on this [Music] mod all right this is the wrong way to do this hate these [ __ ] snakes that [ __ ] is this did I really miss Grandpa down there did I like just pass by his ass or something what I must have yeah this is the area where you can fall out of the map very easily know Grandpa's rolling around with the big dude oh my [ __ ] God Grandpa I'm stuck oh there's a dog sweet Jesus Christ there we go oh my God better okay hey can you stop that [ __ ] wait there's a more [ __ ] over here what I've never heard this from this enemy before hurts stop it please I've never heard those lines of dialogue how weird from this enemy never heard that [ __ ] how weird you will fall out of the map if you go in there making sure I can't click on the door good times you don't fall the might be going there good times and we have made it beyond the gate Hallelujah who's [ __ ] bum rushing me an old Hunter right yeah it's an old Hunter [ __ ] great give me a second man I got to open this thing up wait you're hanging out with me what wait what gas coin's just suddenly on my team like I summoned him but I didn't summon him what and by this point in the game gascoin should be dead normally what you have a gun Papa gascoin what the Papa G what is happening assuming you can't climb ladders he always have what what what are we talking about here he seems cool how many Bloodstone chunks was that chat did I just read 12 after I clicked it really fast was that like 12 [ __ ] Bloodstone chunks two all right 20 oh my God Papa G Papa G where'd you go come here you really stuck in a wall okay let's go open up that other damn gate oh there two gates actually oh my God this guy's showing up everywhere the crazy demon dog how long is he going to follow me good call no reaction these big dudes aren't here instead of a guy trying to shoot me normal health Fish Man Who game almost stopped there for a second what are you over there fighting damn you are aggressive that dude was far away oh God it's a headless [Music] [Music] patient no we have not run into a shark Manion thank God think I should take Papa G and go fight Amelia right I don't remember being down these hallways with it being this time frame this like time of day it's usually a different time of day when we come down here I mean right POA G you're you're screwing up my lighting you you're not from around here are you an outsider who's come to join the young what a pathetic idea you what what you think I'm a beast well maybe I think you're a beast and step away from our Castle oh enough of you what you think this is funny well I'll certainly don't so be gone with you I'll have nothing to do with you Beast dance oh enough with you oh my what a quent but I take it over the stench of blood and beasts any day what is it then I'm off during hunt so if that's what you're here for I'll leave you to your own devices if that doesn't do it oh thank goodness might you know the safe place the night is long and I pleased oh thank you darling maybe I'll see you there oh maybe all right moving on oh my God what was that crazy woman praise you praise the old damn church and then best of PR here and then that just making that noise oh God it's one of those oh God gas coin is coming our way Papa G face tank this for [Applause] me okay pop got [ __ ] up I'm looking him go killed the snake too Papa G how do I get all my quick silver bullets back bye Papa anybody know dude cannot go up ladders ghost wolf thanks for the tier 2 105 months oh my God I picked up like 20 weird cursed radiant blood gemstone increased stamina cost these just suck these random blood gems might not have been great or you know we've actually found some pretty busted ones already considering raise you raise the whole damn Church I'm going have to heal Papa G to get him us get us in with Amelia ooh executioner gear I'll save you Papa G this way come Papa G Papa G you big idiot okay oh we deepest gratitude the church and all they do for us deeping these robes look heavy I had to go the long way so Papa G could come with me wow so sick we're here a bit early right so you really don't ever get to see this part at this daylight I don't even ever notice that there's the two big ass windmills out there you know is possible play a 60 without the Rando yeah absolutely that castle keur way out there in the distance I think it is Papa G did you get stuck on something that P papa's big cloak got Stu stuck on something yeah it's not 60 Absolut oh they won't let them even go through here uh it's not 60 absolutely all the time Papa G can you get the [ __ ] out of the way um because there's a lot of like loading sequences where you go from one zone to the next and it's loading a lot of assets to the next Zone and it just doesn't run at 60 the moments it does run at 60 though is the boss fights almost every single boss fight is like locked 60 FPS and it's very nice but some of the bigger zones M around 50 45ish you know is there any way to revert a 9.03 PlayStation no un sadly no oh [ __ ] Papa G look out man oh my God you're [ __ ] dying okay crazy [ __ ] happening out [Applause] here what you shooting at Papa G doesn't Shaq owns own Papa John's chat I was like why haven't I had Papa John's in a long time outside of the guy being a racist piece of [ __ ] uh as soon as like didn't sha take it over or something like that I haven't had Papa John's in a long time let's just call it Pap a shack what's with that bloodsword man what the [ __ ] what's with your crazy bloodsword what's going on guys dropped twin shards the enemies here are supposed to have that effect how funny never noticed it can we go in here certainly can oh I just realized this is not going to be aelia yeah it's the frenzied weapons this is not going to be Amelia what the hell is it going to be I was always like ready for it to be Amelia and it is we don't know Papa G also cannot come in here oh man well let's find out us ours seek do we want to investigate around the area until we change the the daytime do we will yeah it might be good to Do hemwick Before Sunset yeah I'd like to do that actually it doesn't matter yeah well I mean it's just kind of nice to go through and do things without same exact playthrough again let's let's keep Papa G around as much as we possibly can we should do it I've only seen hemwick at the one time of day you know let's see if he can even follow us to hemwick hemwick charal made it through thick cold yo Happy Duty thanks for the raid and wi chal is lovely during the day or so I've heard uhoh we lost him what did he go home oh did he actually deop oh [ __ ] well it's worth a shot got some chalice [ __ ] somehow we still got a rifle guy shooting at me over here God damn that damage Jesus Jesus get that piggy over here what just [ __ ] [Music] exploded God damn a lot of drops I'm looking for just knocking her dress around tampering blood gemstone that could actually be good yes it is damn that's really good okay twin shards not ledge P that blood thank you happy Duty the you killed this thing you're stuck behind gravestones lots of oh my God that guy only gave me 400 not all pigs are made equal chat I'd imagine Arcane might work pretty good against some enemies in here I swear we seen so many bell maidens it's crazy what was the sword what oh my Christ dude [ __ ] Dark Souls guy over here holy [ __ ] dude's in the wrong game got to do it sorry bris thanks for the tier two that pig gave some more than the other one this game looks great it does the art really carries it a long way holy [ __ ] uh what oh my God I couldn't roll out of the way in time I was still locked on that [ __ ] did a damage like emotional damage holy hell dropped me to like one HP good God damn all right um got a little bit of a run oh yeah I should be able to upgrade the Moonlight gr sword and put the Rune on let's do that I don't know how uh you would be able to do a no hit randomizer run right I don't know how hper com y happy again thank you fortify uh the holy Moon takes eight [ __ ] blood gem moonlight physical attack up uh where's the good [ __ ] fire damage Arcane attack 47.3 [ __ ] add Fire ADD Arcane oh and this is where that is more Echoes from slain enemies is in Triangle slot [ __ ] we're going to have to mess around with this yeah I get more Echoes damn it and the last one's a moon gem ah [ __ ] increase stamina rapid poison bolt attack yeah nothing specifically great on this right now okay let's go find out oh Jesus it's we've been streaming for 6 hours and 40 minutes that went by quick you're supposed to play [ __ ] MKX dude that went by quick I feel like I'm playing this game for the first time again Chad I'm sorry than you I'd like to take all I can Oh Come Close don't worry drink that later oh my God what the [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of me ritual blood out of the dogs why is there an old Hunter over here now he was not here before oh no we didn't change the time of day [ __ ] it whatever ow oh ouch that a lot of damage oh no I think that did a lot of damage our uh our run might have gotten pretty good now that did some beef cake damage perfect not to go near the tomb below erden Chapel in the cathedral Ward Henrik an old Hunter and he's I wonder if Henri will change to something else don't go NE I have I'll go I'll go there maybe the L2 is just really strong let's do a regular whack against an enemy oh dear it's better oh man is it better this is New Papa G you scared the [ __ ] out of me where do you come from why are you here I'm so confused Papa G's back and I don't know [ __ ] why he's just here to help scared the [ __ ] out of me slow it down next time Papa G God damn God damn there was cut content where he followed you around and had more dialogue well they ain't talking much I want to bring Papa G along hold on a second I know I got a literally like a billion Echoes over there but you know [ __ ] it let's run back up here me and Papa G are on a roof Pig oh good the pig killed his friend I don't think Papa G can follow me damn this weapon just became very good like very good oh this [ __ ] is still down here with his other [ __ ] all right maybe I'll just oh papa just can't come on the stairs come on Papa G Papa G come this way Pap G stuck on Geometry you are you're actually stuck on Geometry somehow there we go weird I fixed them we get him Papa G oh that hurt nice Papa G defend of your work defend of your work Papa that some good [ __ ] right there you didn't drop anything you piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] chill chill let's get this guy now ow thinks he's cute with his gun oh this is this is much better this is much better than like having to fight these guys straight up significantly better yeah those two guys are always there yeah I know but you usually don't have Papa [ __ ] gascoin here to help you out with them what Papa G are you okay hey a sauce beer damn Papa G right this little old woman that was weird that was weird okay blood vile dropping bastards is it the Rapier guy from can Hurst yeah okay I forgot that they were here that it was him the guy you meet in the hallway yeah stage history can't go over to AR ghoul yet can't see a mdala I still need oh [ __ ] damn it I am very close though right I'm really close huh five away I think 40 is when you actually can see them okay well our uh Papa G adventure comes to a close come on dude you got stuck again Papa G I won't be here to help you out for the rest of your life man eventually we'll become a real boy there he goes right CH I got to be annoying and go get this whatever the hell it is we just found a sauce beer whoa whoa whoa 40 Christ 40 I haven't found any cool hun gear yet U we did re4 randomized we did bloodborne we're doing bloodborne randomized right now we did uh Resident Evil uh remake randomized that was really fun and uh we're going to do re2 randomized the closer we get to re 4 we're going to play all of Leon's games we're going to have to go play the old PlayStation Resident Evil 2 and we'll play the re2 Remake again which I haven't played in a very long time does he deop here oh he depops as soon as he hits that wall [ __ ] [ __ ] Papa G was not meant to be here too pure for this world ow [ __ ] okay I want to die again nice nice dope D the dog died of funny yeah you're usually here at night and uh Al righty then this is going to be cool oh and we're going to be able to get our uh our Rune tool we need that like ASAP sick frame rate's still 30-ish over here is such a big ass Zone that you can what the [ __ ] I should spend this 62,000 Echo but oh it's those guys the dog hanging on a wall and a big [ __ ] snake that works dog is stuck here wall dog D I'm doing damage now holy [ __ ] whoa White Church Garb again don't I have multiple of those now no I just had Church Garb and choir Garb like I have a [ __ ] toilet paper on my head let's hope this dog doesn't haunt me later I probably grab the gold Ardo just to complete the Ensemble right creepy horrific [ __ ] wants to kill me now that looks about right damn [ __ ] ostra blade thanks for the Prime thank you I always forget there's a pathway over here I never see it and the frame rate here is not great got damn does this place look cool chat I think I would actually kill one of you guys to get uh bloodborne remade by blue point one of you specifically I'd take you out right i' take you out to dinner just so we can get bloodborne remage by Blue Point and just axe one of you guys and take you out to dinner uh to get it'd be for the great or good right appreciate the honesty oh we just found an abil cord on the ground disgusting but delicious no that's unfortunate wonder if that'll drop again okay all right the dog's dead right I have two cords in the inventory oh cord of the eye and cord of the eye are these supposed to be different chat don't these have like three different names supero yo grundle Goblin thanks for the five gifts Subs isn't it like cord of the eye cord of the brain or cord of the ass well the four different ones no they all have the same name oh well [ __ ] stage hisory cord of the owls that's a good one good chat very good Kane Hayes those dudes what am I looking at I'm looking at a giant snake pile and some huge beastly [ __ ] but they're acting like birds so they're not moving no no no no good God damn there's another one of you over here Jesus that was lot of enemies in one area that huge pile of birds you know no random winter lanterns yet that has not happened we have not seen Rando winter Lantern completely random whether or not they can show up Mallet grandma in the actual right spot please get off me please get off me [ __ ] you're in the wrong place nice duck yes you have to you have to hack into your PS4 to get this working who's over here oh want crossbow dudes and a huge ass rat God damn I just realized how many Echoes I have I got a lot hope it doesn't crash again could a giant brain appear somewhere uh I mean it's a it's an enemy enemy it should be able to presumably if you can attack it and it takes damage and it dies yeah that goes under enemy classification wow I've never actually seen all of this [ __ ] the burn down hemwick charal you know freaking can Hurst in the day [ __ ] very cool villager the two chords are from workshop and Ariana's the description is slightly different gotcha a blueeyed dogs now I won't know if you dropped anything and you did chat hang on a second son of a [ __ ] yo Lily thanks for the raid as well son of a [ __ ] so you're not supposed to be here during the day it's kind of I mean you have to go out of your way to make it happen you have to go like the long long long way and you normally don't need to but we did because we had no choice we did not have key items that would normally get you here in the right time every time you don't pick up a rock a drop it's a blood Rock exactly exactly zypher thanks for the four months oh come the [ __ ] on the dead dog is right here how bold this bird is is damn you have no life Wow uh-oh we got trouble big trouble trying to intimidate us bye he's really pissed off about it look at that how mad he is blood uh 20 decks to use this [ __ ] oh my God don't don't come in here [ __ ] oh big [ __ ] about to die to some random [ __ ] [Applause] this [ __ ] bird over here making all this goddamn noise get this shortcut unlocked the burial blade oh man this is just item heavy what the hell here's where all the weapons were dude um okay this has Arcane scaling as well mean it's not the it's the second best thing on it wow this has Arcane scaling on it too how funny this is skill and Arcane though cool what the hell didn't have a lot of life oh lady with a mallet I dare you I [ __ ] dare you come here I just realized that I'm going over here with the assumption that I'm about to fight a very easy boss and it might not be a very easy boss right it might not be an easy boss it might be a a huge pain in the ass boss fire attack 6.6 the orphan of hemwick you know The Unborn one of hemwick Lawrence of hemwick R the vacuous [ __ ] I'd like just this item okay know exactly where that was from before and we're sitting on 90k fat stacks at the moment hey the graveyard mask looking weird feeling funky there's a consistent FP 60 FPS no because it's not the game is never designed to actually run at 60 60 FPS for a lot of it though like God damn oh what I God what is happening what is happening what the [ __ ] is happening okay that really hurt this guy's got some health on him Jesus Christ three invisible amigdalas just want to grab my item bro that sounds like a big dude are we being serious I can only see the bottom of his [ __ ] legs got pretty lucky there what okay let's take a quick little jog back and drop these uh drop these Echoes into something hot wow this place looks crazy oh don't crash on me again here don't you do it yeah the time it it completely changes that interior lighting as well yeah dog is still here looking at me you looking at me though yeah that's a shadow of yarum snake Hermes or bird what's up dude uh where'd she go hello first to see if there anything we can buy bold Hunter marks um uncanny holy Moonlight sword God damn it man slightly different Gage uncanny holy Moonlight sword showed up welcome what is it very let me stand close that's not what I wanted to do shut your eyes determined artist thanks for the uh thanks for continuing your sub jeez man this is on PS4 Pro what should we cram into chat probably say skill right we can just go absolute batshit crazy on like arcan and blood tinge keep it away from strength you know Arcane will make us pretty op right if we keep doing this Arcane and blood sounds like different you know sounds different farewell Good Hunter sounds like an interesting sort of thing what is this build it's make it up as we go along 360 I that was going to worry about [Music] that the Improv build uh let's go see if we can upgrade it's the Battle Royale build that's exactly what it ISC back to the stage of History this is a little bit better of history and uh so is that that b attack blunt attack are these slightly different Low's defense bolt attack up uh adds poison increased stamina cost 04 that's trash this one's okay physical 1.2 yeah it's not much but blunt attack up plus 10.9 is not bad either okay all [Music] right need to find a weapon that I can stick this um what's my czy gem chat one that gives gives us more Echoes yeah this is a uh oh we don't know it's a triangle okay okay it says it says the shape it doesn't show us the shape so this is a triangle gem I don't know if we can stick that on lugg's rifle maybe we could do rifles usually get triangle Gems or no Circle I don't think they do I don't know if I want to use my shards on a secondary that I don't really use to shoot things yeah and if I feel uh heavy Moonlight sword is too strong I could just stick it in spot of the uh what's it called the arcane boost gem that's true giv us more Echoes yeah suddenly suddenly this fight might actually end up being pretty difficult [ __ ] snake here's the shitty thing I might not be able to get past these guys without fighting him holy [ __ ] I'm dead oh my God you two hit super hard holy [ __ ] you two hit crazy hard uh okay all right Ellen NOA thanks for the 19 months [ __ ] snake stop biting me I'm invisible [Music] oh [ __ ] that stuff wore out real real fast I don't think I was prepared for it to wear out that fast they [Music] come [ __ ] oh cool cool I mean [ __ ] trash yeah this shit's doing some damn Danny good Lord the damage cuz we boosted Arcane again right so the damage is something [ __ ] fierce that did not hit me we that ritual blood all right so what do we have down here in uh three two wait 3 2 1 ho scared the [ __ ] out of me our first chalice boss fight uh he's not that much of a challenge though I'm probably going to die I talk [ __ ] wait what I don't like I don't like the look of that I don't like invisible uh [Music] Lawrence oh my God Lawrence is invisible I don't [ __ ] believe it cuz it's like the boss and Lawrence is the actual fight holy [ __ ] what is [Applause] [Music] this and he's [Music] hard oh my God what is this I died [ __ ] so we're telling you're telling me that this is yeah Lawrence is the second witch [ __ ] snake get that Lawrence is the second witch oh my God dang oh God damn you were still following me dude suddenly um suddenly we have huge issues at hem Wick charal something's a foot at the Circle K get away from me who the hell are you I don't remember you being around here dead now d game is chunking right here dude screw those guys Jesus this is going to be an ordeal isn't it nightmare [ __ ] nightmare my God the dog is [ __ ] [ __ ] me up dead oh oh man I don't know if I can kill one witch right I don't know if one if if if the The Chalice guy can die first like die die or if I just get him to essentially disappear yeah just might have to hard Focus Lawrence yeah the little dude wasn't attacking me very much oh [Music] God okay never noticed those big cracks on the wall right I notic that there's like oh cuz it didn't load oh gem name [Music] so I can't kill you you can't die I have to fight the other dude wonderful wonderful [Music] fire indeed [Music] [Music] hot oh my God damn the damage get out of the way you piece of [ __ ] or you're of Health [Music] now can you please [ __ ] right off answer is no I died he I escaped dude the other guy is the problem right the the other guy pestering me while I'm trying to figure this [ __ ] out is like a big problem well this is challenging this going to be a doozy this is how you make the witches a hemwick difficult oh this is how you do [Music] it you h where'd you go you old bastard oh my God you have to be [ __ ] me have to be [ __ ] me this is [ __ ] nuts it' be so much easier if I can just fight one guy but I [Music] cannot oh man I rolled the wrong direction Lawrence is also one of the hardest fights in the goddamn game too to to add to you know the insanity of this all Lawrence is also one of the most difficult [ __ ] fights in the game oh my God I just realized no I'm not going to I'm not going to do that right not right now I'm not that frustrated yet right I see a I see a I can possibly do this so I'm not going to immediately do that but there's a way we can just skip the whole [ __ ] thing chat I just realized I can literally skip the entire thing and have it just be the old guy and it's I walk into that fight with zero Insight nothing else spawns yeah whoa triangle weird gem hitting me I appreciate if you stop Hing my God can you please leave me alone oh you crazy [ __ ] it's all the ads chat that's a [Applause] problem got me [ __ ] lost track of it [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] man God damn godamn godamn he does crazy damage I'll have to start seeing if I actually have any fire resistance gear CU I might not have a lot of uh fire resist right now I think the church gear has the best 110 60 okay what you got on items nothing that'll help God damn it didn't want me going back they did not want me going back [ __ ] [ __ ] Alex the blight thanks for the 40 months dude Jesus man H okay okay got to run through there fast or else you get like on a bad cycle this guy's not here now where the hell are you oh there that's a different guy [ __ ] that's the second time it's crashed on us in this in this spot this spot is uh so what it is is the game loading the next area that has a ton of enemies in it right while it already has a ton of [ __ ] happening behind me uh yeah this spot it's already looking like it's chunking you know I'm stuck on a [ __ ] bird going take it slow instead of running you run too fast it might trigger it this guy not being here though might be a sign think we made [Applause] it yeah the drops are truly random like I Dro different [ __ ] what the hell did I whip my God Hey Big Boy we kill these ads if we possibly can nope he won't let me he's too fast for that [ __ ] oh my God [Music] got lucky there think you [Applause] [Music] tried wow that damage oo Lawrence is certainly doing endg game damage right he is absolutely doing uh very intense endgame damage that swipe I don't know if any gear I have is going to mitigate that yeah we might just need to drop some points into life I don't know big creepy weirdo's running after me weird that this enemy is not here some times okay this dude with my [ __ ] in his eyes I should leave those there he always drops four blood vials ow [ __ ] couldn't see [ __ ] Captain there you are should not to be interrupting me two [ __ ] attacking me [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] a my God dud this guy got in the way [Music] again I don't like the the little dude my [Music] God no no no no no hi how's it [Music] going this just a waste no no way no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way dude no [ __ ] way he's invisible bro yes let's go what is happening I don't understand I don't understand why is he not dead I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it where's the other guy where's the [ __ ] other guy that is the craziest [ __ ] that is the craziest [ __ ] dude what in the Holy dumb [ __ ] God damn crazy as [ __ ] man what was that boss fight kill him and then he drops from the ceiling I'm not done [ __ ] oh my God man this random run has been [ __ ] nuts well Lawrence is taken care of now right don't have to worry about that actual phase one and Phase 2 Lawrence is done holy [ __ ] Lawrence is done ROM is done you know Space 2 Ludwig is actually done Jesus man give me a break are we sure they won't be showing up again uh no actually I'm not going to lie we're not sure all right fire attack up uh Arcane attack all right okay there we go more Arcane attack chat liking the HMS so far did you fight Ludwig how'd you get his sword this is a randomizer run it's modded so things just drop in weird places we got the HMS earlier and uh pretty close to maxing it out I don't think I have a blood Rock um not yet not yet [Music] uh did we get anything new and Crazy Fire attack usess [ __ ] okay yeah imagine if that was some other boss that didn't have like a particle effect like fire when they were invisible you know imagine if it was like gascoin like imagine if it was like second form gascoin or some [ __ ] or even like orphan of cause who knows yeah or Maria could have been [ __ ] Maria actually we fought Maria earlier too I just realized that imagine if it was like an invisible Maria Jesus dude what the hell yeah gold Ardo is pretty great I like it a lot too this is a pretty crazy run we're not done we're definitely not done we have a lot of weird [ __ ] that's going to be happening and it seems like every new area we get to we end up getting different enemies you know we end up getting new randomized enemies that are weird and different and odd and it doesn't make any [ __ ] sense yeah we'll see how it [Music] goes
Channel: Maximilian Dood
Views: 272,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maximilian, dood, fighting, games, capcom, street, fighter, hype, rage, max, reaction, twitch, videos, yo, videogames, maximilian_dood, max dood, dude, stream, streaming
Id: T-e-4lmhHFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 370min 26sec (22226 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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