It's a Snow Day and Addy's Stranded!

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[Music] [Applause] you guys ready [Music] yeah Addie is on her way back from Okala Florida her flight just got cancelled and there's nothing today or tomorrow hello everyone and happy snow day it is a frigid 11° right now in Nashville and it was snowing most the night and it continues to snow this morning why are you wearing all of this snow gear collar cuz we're going to go outside what do you want to do outside in the snow um play go on sleds jump on my trampoline it's flooded with snow it is isn't it may what are you planning to do in the snow today uh well we got new sleds so I want to go down our Hill on them we love snow days and we're excited to just stay indoors and enjoy the snow but we have one thing that we're a little bit worried about and that is that Addie is actually not home you want to explain where Addie is Jason Addie is on her way back from Okala Florida so she is about to board a plane as we speak to Atlanta for a quick layover to come here to Nashville so hopefully the weather holds up and none of the flights are delayed we're checking every 5 minutes refreshing our screens just to make sure but fingers crossed you guys ready yep getting all the gear on The Boys Are Back The Boys Are Back you have hat and gloves on me to zip you up everybody's got to be zipped up cuz it is cold feel so good out here he's making fun of me yes I am W Colin what are you doing right here this is approximately how deep the snow is so we can go so how many inches do you think that is I mean that looks like a good 5 in maybe what I thought that was like 2 in I know really and in time good at that you're already making snow angels since it is so cold today we're going to have to do like short snow trips like come out here for 20 minutes go inside warm up come out a little bit later because it is just too cold to be out for a long period of time holy cow actually fast oh no oh noone's going without me [Music] AR wao I can't stop so the driveway is kind of like our warm-up slope for sleds so we're just getting our feet wet getting used to it and now we're going to head to the backyard for the real slope we have this part it's actually on the side of our house and it actually goes down the side of our house all the way down to the bottom of our [Music] backyard how you do this W [Music] wo guys this might be a little too thick to use Sleds on we're going we're getting stuck here ideally they would start up here and go all the way down almost to that Playhouse way in the distance Mom oh here comes my oh oh there they go the snow is a little fluffy which is making the sleds go a little slower but I'm totally fine with [Music] that I think you're being a bit dramatic there is that how you do it go down Maya what do you guys think of the sled that was so much fun that was the fastest I've ever gone Jason's inspired me so I'm going to give it a go hopefully I can do better than him and not go down the hill backwards and end in a giant tumble we'll see though good luck luy get out of the way Colin oh Mom's going to get hurt slow [Music] down didn't look like you were stopping there oh okay when you're the one behind the camera like filming someone sledding it doesn't look so fast but when you're the one sledding you are going so fast and backwards is [Music] scary it got a little chilly outside so we came in to warm up and while we're warming up I'm making one of our favorite winter time or at least cold weather recipes crack pot hot chocolate it takes a couple hours to make so I saided I better get it going now so we can enjoy it a little bit later what do you think in that crock poot Colin hot yummy really yummy liquidy hot chocolate you're right what kind of toppings you like to put in your hot cocoa Colin Whi cream some marshmallow Mellows a candy cane and awesomeness for my muscles to Bumm traff we're watching the news keeping an eye on all the conditions because again we are just really hopeful that we can get Addie home today and that she's not stuck overnight either at an airport or in a town that's not home so we got an update Jason what was it Addie boarded her first flight so she's on her way to Atlanta right now so we know that Addie is Le is going to be getting halfway home she's going to make it to Atlanta she's actually flying with another friend of ours and her daughter so we know she's in great hands we just hope we get her all the way home today and that that the flight from Atlanta to Nashville does not get cancel so far status says it's it's coming I'm starting to get calls about school cancellations which is definitely one of the perks to snow day days let's go tell the kids unfortunately not all the kids have their school days canceled yet but it can still happen hello there guess what what your school's not yet cancelled for tomorrow no but Colin guess what you don't have school Tuesday or Wednesday this week no oh no oh no oh Addie's tutorial has been canceled the next two days Colin's school has been canceled the next two days as well as a school for our foster daughter but we haven't heard from my school yet so we're going to keep those fingers crossed what are you guys hoping to do this time we go outside go down the slide and sled so sled slide in the backyard the backyard slide it's really fun a and the trampoline yeah we've got a lot to accomplish I can't get my shoes zipped thank you Jason you're [Music] welcome I'm getting a phone call from Addie okay let's see there she is snowy I know we're we're in the snow add's like what's going on it's crazy huh we were in Florida and it was like 60° I know where are you now Atlanta Atlanta we miss you and hope you make it home yeah it'll be so fun in the cold I know add's like been in sunny Florida coming home but it's so pretty the snow is gorgeous it is a a gorgeous snow day where are you headed Colin Slide the slide it is like so deep right here look how thick this snow [Music] is oh my go W I just got a text message Maya school is closed tomorrow it just says tomorrow so not 2 days but who knows I'm going to go break the new toore she's going to be excited Maya where are you I'm here I have something to tell you please something might want to hear come on school's cancel please please please schools cancel tomorrow that's better than nothing it is no school tomorrow that's exciting yes that is woo all right go slay down go celebrate wo I think Jason's up to something right now wa where did wa I didn't even start oh goodness what are you going to do this tree okay guys wait wait let me move you're going to shake this giant tree yeah it's full of uh snow on the [Music] branches tree shaking was a little antila it's a cool idea [Music] though time wo this is so [Music] heavy how does it taste Maya like water you might be grossing out a lot of people right [Music] now oh my gosh I can't stop I can't [Music] stop you okay okay W oh no oh my goodness oh my goodness where am I [Music] going I survived that were you worried about me I was you were going pretty fast I was going super fast really worried about the camera but to do there we go yeah I grew up all over the country I lived in Oklahoma Texas Colorado Michigan California Arizona and then Tennessee but this kind of reminds me of when I lived in Colorado because when I live there the snow was always so white and fluffy and pretty and this snow just feels like a Colorado snow to me it's getting really really thick and heavy but it's beautiful and [Music] fluffy having trouble getting your shoes off oh oh goodness oh goodness oh I can't get there we go round two in the snow is done we had fun on the trampoline on the swing set it's time to warm up again and I think our crock poot hot chocolate's about right [Music] hot cocoa turned out delicious we're warming up inside and we have an update from Addie she is in Atlanta she has another hour and a half before she boards her flight to get back home to Nashville but so far everything is scheduled to be on time so it's looking like she might actually make [Music] it oh you guys I spoke too soon her flight just got cancelled so she's in Atlanta right now the mom she's with is currently standing at the desk waiting line to figure out what our plan B is going to be so I'm hoping we can get on another flight and she can get home today um but if not she might be spending night in Atlanta I'm looking right now and there's nothing today or tomorrow from Atlanta to Nashville correct no [Music] way I can't tell you that we will have any flights going tomorrow oh bummer [Music] yeah [Applause] sure oh no we've been on our computers and phones looking up flights trying to find any option to get Addie home today we've been talking with the lady she's traveling with and there are no flights today to get home to Nashville and there are no flights tomorrow so I think the plan right now is that they're going to rent a car and start driving This Way Atlanta is a little over 4 hours from where we live outside of Nashville um I don't know if we'll be able to make it the whole way today because there's one passage that could be a little icy and snowy it's kind of a mountainous region so we're hoping that they can at least get halfway here and spend the night in Chattanooga tonight and then hopefully get home tomorrow I don't know we're just fingers crossed they can at least rent a car and get on the road and start heading this way I feel bad that while Addie is stranded at an airport we are actually hopping in the truck and going to go check out a bigger Hill in our neighborhood to slid down oh we are sliding okay we're good we're good Dad don't go fast okay I got it Jason is a California boy driving in the snow right now we're good mom learned to drive in the snow so I'm kind of I actually learned how to drive in Michigan gosh gosh so I learned how to drive in the snow but I haven't done in a really long time we made it that was terrifying it was not I just did a little slide in front of our [Music] neighbors they are up super high oh my goodness okay oh my [Music] goodness I know it's hard to tell on camera how steep slopes are but these are some seriously steep slopes up here guys my heart's a little bit like nervous with all this but everyone's doing well so far you guys okay yeah I think so that was the craziest tumble ever are you freezing no not really just my hands no just your hands oh my goodness girls I can't get up our snow day is officially over we're on to the snow evening it is dark outside kids are dishing up dinner no add yet last we heard they are checking along I think they're a couple hours into the journey they're in the difficult part right now the part where they're kind of in the mountainous area so if traffic continues to be okay and if the road conditions stay steady I'm hoping they'll continue on and that Addie will make it home tonight otherwise they'll put in a hotel nearby and we'll have to wait to see her till tomorrow [Music] it's 11:15 p.m. and Addie is almost home even though Atlanta is just a little over 4 hours away from us that is on a day where the roads are clear and there is not snow on the ground so it has been quite a journey for Addie to get home um Jason actually just left to pick her up off of the highway because the family she was traveling with lives about half an hour away from us so they met at an exit and Jason has Addie in his truck right now and they are headed back home it's going to be so good to get my girly [Music] [Applause] home oh my goodness glad you're here oh I know I've been sleeping the entire car ride my girly is home we are so excited to have you how long are we in the car do you even have any idea we got in a car maybe 3 or 4 7 hours or something for a really long time yeah like seven or eight hours and you don't have your luggage no that's it's like lost hopefully it gets here in a few days oh I'm just going to sleep well tonight knowing we are all here and we get another snow day tomorrow so yay no school snow day number two with everyone so glad you're here girly thank you
Channel: Tic Tac Toy Family
Views: 736,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xUTzrw-id30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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