A Disastrous Cooking Challenge FAIL !!!

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- [Child] Tic Tac Toy. - [Lucy] This video is sponsored by Zuru. - Wow, Maya, I can't believe we're really on the set of the Mini Brands Cooking Competition Show. - Not only are we on the set, but we're actual contestants on the show. - This should be so much fun. - Watch out, girls, lights coming through. - Maybe he's a director. - Maybe so. But I'm a little bit worried, Maya, because we don't really know how to cook. - Shh, we can't tell anyone that. We're only here because we wanna open as many as possible of these 5 Surprise Mini Brands. - I know, series two looks so amazing. I love all the glittery, gold packaging. - And look over there, you can get some sneak peaks on what's really inside. - [Addy] Muffins, Bagel Bites, Babybel. - There's so many real shopping brands. - The host has arrived and it's almost time to go live. How does my hair look, girls. - Oh lovely. We're big fans of you and your show, Minnie. - Oh, thank you, I hear that all the time though. Hey, we go live in 10 seconds and you aren't even in your coats. Chop, chop, girls. Come on. (upbeat music) Make sure you're smiling, girls. - [Man] We're live in three, two, one, action. - Welcome to the Mini Brands Cooking Competition. I'm your lovely host, Minnie Charming, and I have two mini contestants here with me today. What are your names, girls? - My name's Addy. - Nice to meet you. And you, cutie pie? - My name is Maya. - Wonderful. In just a few minutes, Addy and Maya will each unwrap three series two, 5 Surprise Mini Brands capsules. They'll pop open each capsule, peel away the seal, and reveal five miniatures of some of your favorite brands. That's right, they might uncover and collect some lovable brands such as, Jell-O, Kool-Aid, and even Lunchables. Then from each of their three capsules, each contestant will be required to select one food item that they will incorporate into their tasty concoction. They will have 30 minutes to use these three items to create a deliciously satisfying culinary creation, which will then be judged by an expert food critic, me. The winner will leave with 100 5 Surprise Mini Brands. - Oh, this is all so amazing. - Are you girls ready to unwrap, peel, and reveal? - Absolutely. - You girls may each begin with your first 5 Surprise Mini Brands. (upbeat music) (wrapper crinkling) - Oh, I can't wait to see what's inside. - It's time to peel. Wow! - What is your first Mini Brand, Addy? - [Addy] Maxwell House coffee. - Mm. - And I got ground cinnamon. - As the girls continue to reveal their miniatures, I have a few quick reminders for our viewers. For each rare, metallic, or glow-in-the-dark miniature found five minutes will be added to their cooking time. And if either is lucky enough to find a super rare gold mini 10 minutes will be added to their cooking time. Let's see what the girls have uncovered so far. We'll start with Addy. - I have Country Time pink lemonade, and zesty Italian dressing. - And I see Maya has an extra surprise of finding a shopping accessory. - [Maya] Yes, I'm putting together a Mini Brands cash register. - Okay, two more miniatures to reveal. (wrapper crinkling) - It looks like Addy has added vanilla extract to her collection. Let's see how Maya is coming along. - What do you have, Maya? - Now I have pickles, feta cheese, Crystal Light lemonade. - Wonderful options. And now it looks Addy is moving to her final Mini Brands. - [Addy] It's Cool Whip! - Mm, delicious. Well, it's time for the first decision. Girls, what is the first ingredient you're going to use in our cooking competition? We'll start with Addy. - Well, I think I'm gonna go with good old Italian dressing. - Interesting choice. Maya, what are you choosing? - It was a tough decision, but I'm gonna go with pickles. - Another interesting decision. I'm sure these mini cooks will wow us with these first ingredients. (upbeat music) - Oh my, I can't believe I've already missed the first few minutes of the Mini Brands Cooking Competition. Wait a minute, is that Addy and Maya? It can't be. - Well, it's time for Addy and Maya to now unwrap, peel, and reveal their second 5 Surprise Mini Brands. - Yep, that's definitely them. How could I not know about this? And the girls can't even cook. Oh my, this could be disastrous. (light music) (wrappers crinkling) - Whoa, it's chocolate Almond Breeze. - And I got Blue Diamond smokehouse almonds. - [Addy] Crinkle fries, my favorite. - And I got strawberry Jell-O. That's my favorite. - As a quick remind to our viewers, there are over 70 miniatures that you can collect in this newest series. As well as six miniature shopping accessories that include carts, baskets, shelves, cash registers, and paper bags. - Time for my last reveal. Whoa, I love Lunchables. - Well, it is once again decision time and Addy and Maya will be selecting their second ingredient for their concoction. Let's take a look at the items that Addy has to choose from. She has french fries, cheese dippers, chocolate milk, shredded cheese, and Lunchables. Addy, what are you going to select? - Definitely the Lunchables pizza with pepperoni. - Interesting choice. And now, let's review Maya's choices for her second selection. Maya has Nut-Thins, smokehouse almonds, Jell-O, spaghetti sauce, and Kool-Aid. Maya, what are you choosing? - [Maya] I'm gonna go with Jell-O. - Oh my, so Maya's first two ingredients are pickles and Jell-O. And Addy's first two ingredients are Lunchables pizza and salad dressing? What in the world were they thinking? Well, they each have one more ingredient to choose. Hopefully, they can make all this come together somehow. - Well, the girls are now opening their final Mini Brands from their third capsule. (wrapper crinkling) - Whoa, I got zesty Italian dressing too. - And now for Addy's final Mini Brands. (wrapper crinkling) - Wow, Stove Top chicken stuffing. - That means it's time for the girls to select the final ingredient they'll be using in the cooking competition. Let's review their options. Since the girls each opened a shopping accessory in their final 5 Surprise, that means they have four food ingredients to choose from. Addy's choices are A1 steak sauce, chicken stuffing, bacon, and Zatarain's red beans and rice. What are you going with, Addy? I think I'm gonna go with the red beans and rice. - Very interesting. Let's move on to Maya now. Maya, your selections are chicken stock, Miracle Whip, Italian dressing, and Frank's Red Hot sauce. What are you going with? - I'm gonna go with Frank's Red Hot sauce. - Well, okay. The girls have made their final selections. Now my assistant will be entering to give each of the girls the life-size versions of the ingredients that they have chosen. And in a moment, they will have 30 minutes to create their dish. Addy's dish must include Italian dressing, Lunchables pepperoni pizza, and red beans and rice. While Maya's dish must include, Frank's Red Hot sauce, strawberry Jell-O, and dill pickles. As usual, the girls will have access to other ingredients stocked in our refrigerator and pantry, as well as all of our kitchen appliances. Are you girls ready? - As ready as we'll ever be. - Then I'll get out of the way, and their time begins now. (timer ticking) - Oh, this is terrible. I don't think either girls could have chosen an odder combination of foods. Sure, on their own, Jell-O's delicious. Pickles, quite delectable. Hot sauce gives a nice taste in meals. But together? There's just no way they can pull this off. What are they gonna do? - Mm, mm, you can never have too many pickle bites. Hmm, maybe I can use the leftover pickle juice for my recipe too. - Okay, I think this just needs to simmer for a bit. I'll put the lid on and let it do its magic. - That actually smells pretty good, Addy. - Thanks, Maya. How's your food coming? - Um, it's coming along, but I really have no idea what I'm doing. - Yep, I'm in the same boat, girl. - Maybe our cooking skills will surprise us though. - Well, it seems as though Addy and Maya are off to a good start, however, those 30 minutes are going by quickly. I think Addy and Maya will appreciate an opportunity to earn an extra five minutes of cooking time. Girls, it's time for a rapid mini food challenge. - Yay, this is my favorite part of the show. - Today's rapid mini challenge is brought to us by the 5 Surprise Mini Heinz Sweet Relish. - Yum, you can never have too much relish. - Addy and Maya, you will have 30 seconds to empty an entire container of relish into your bowl. If you complete the challenge, we will add five minutes to your cooking time. - Oh, I could use an extra five minutes. - Girls, get into position. And their time begins now. (upbeat music) (timer ticking) They're moving quickly, but so is the time. - I'm getting there, I'm getting there. - That last little bit is going to prove tough to get out. - Come on, come on! (thumping bottles) - Three, two, one! - Done! - Done! - Congratulations, they both earned an additional five minutes. (girls cheer) Now get back to work. - Yes! Oh boy, I was on pins and needles watching that. They cut that so close. But boy, those girls are gonna need those extra five minutes. I gotta sit down and calm down. (upbeat music) - Now for the pepperoni. And a touch of cheese. - Okay, the Jell-O's dissolved, now time to add the cold water. Stir, stir, stir. Now I better add the pickles before the Jell-O settles too much. - Are you really putting pickles in your Jell-O? - Sure am. I think it'll add a nice crunch, don't you think? - Sure, why not? - I just need to stir it a bit and I'll put it in the fridge for a few minutes. - You better hope that Jell-O settles fast. Time is ticking. - I know, don't remind me. - Looking good, looking good, just needs a few more minutes. - Okay, refrigerator for four hours? - There's only 12 minutes remaining in the competition and both Addy and Maya appear to be a little nervous about finishing. Now's a perfect time to introduce our final rapid mini challenge. Girls, it's time for another mini challenge. - Oh, good, I need some extra time. - Our next rapid mini challenge is brought to us by the 5 Surprise Mini Blue Diamond Almonds. - Yum, do we get to eat them? - I'm afraid not. Addy and Maya will each have 30 seconds to transfer eight lightly salted almonds from one plate to another plate. However, there is a catch. Only a straw may come in contact with the almond. No hands are allowed. - Oh boy, this is gonna be tough. - Get into position girls, because your time begins now. (upbeat music) (timer ticking) Addy has one. Oh, Addy's moving quickly. Maya's quickly catching up. Addy finished and Maya has one remaining with four seconds to go. (buzzer buzzes) (girls cheers) And she did it. Both girls have completed the challenge successfully and will have an additional five minutes of cooking time. Girls, get to work. - Time to get this baby open. - Oh, another close one. Okay, so Addy still hasn't used her salad dressing and Maya still hasn't incorporated the hot sauce into her dish. I sure hope they can make this all come together somehow. - Well, there are two minutes remaining in the competition and Addy and Maya sure are scrambling. Let's see if they can pull this off. - Oh no, my Jell-O didn't settle at all. (spoon banging) - All right, a couple slices of pepperoni pizza. - This hot sauce should give it a nice kick, - And now for the Italian dressing. A little bit more. - Okay, that should just about do the trick. - Lid is going down. Time to blend. (blender whirring) - I must not have seen that correctly. Addy didn't really blend all three of those ingredients together, did she? No, she couldn't have. Oh, I don't think I can watch the judging. Oh! - Well, it's time for the judging. Each dish will be scored on a scale of one to 10 with 10 being the most delicious. The mini contestant with the higher score will leave with 100 series two 5 Surprise Mini Brands. - So exciting. - Now I see you two switched places on me. Addy, I'll begin with you. What dish did you prepare? - I prepared this specialty smoothie. - I like to call it zesty Lunchables bean and rice delight. - Interesting name. Well, it's time for the taste test. (Minnie exclaims) Horrible! I need a water! Crew, somebody, get me a water! Go to commercial break. - Oh wow, that was even worse than I imagined it would be. Oh, I can't bear to see what she has to say about Maya's dish now. - I do apologize for the abrupt transition to a commercial break. We are back now and it's time to judge Maya's dish. Which absolutely has to be better than the last one. Now Maya, tell me about your creation. - Well, I call it, hot pickle Jell-O surprise. Hope you enjoy it. - Yes, so do I. Let's take a test. Oh, quite liquid-y. A little crunch. Hot! Hot! I need water. Water again! My mouth is on fire. You both get zero, no one's leaving with the 5 Surprise. (Minnie exclaims) - Well, that did not go the way we hoped it would. - Definitely not. - That was such a bummer, Maya. - You can say that again. What's that over there? - They're 5 Surprise Mini Brands. And they're even series two. - Who do you suppose they're from? - It looks like there's a card. Dear Addy and Maya, you two are such amazing daughters. I wanted to brighten your day with a little surprise. Love, Mom. - Do you think she knew about our cooking competition? - Nah, I doubt it. - Well, should we start opening them? - Absolutely. As long as there's no cooking involved this time. - [Lucy] This video is sponsored by Zuru.
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 3,275,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking competition, competition, compete, sisters compete, cooking, addy, maya, addy and maya, cooking show
Id: ly45LqgGz3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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