A Tornado is Heading for Toy School !!!

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(playful music) - [Narrator] Tic Tac Toy! (upbeat music) - Cinderella dressed in yella, went upstairs to kiss her fella. - Made a mistake, kissed a snake. - How many doctors did it take? - [Both] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. - Aw, bummer, Addy, I bet I could do better. - Yeah, I think I'm getting tired. That wasn't my best work. Your turn, Maya. - It seems to be getting kind of cloudy and windy. Don't you think? - Yeah, and doesn't the sky look a little funny? (wind whooshing) (siren blaring) - What's that horrendous noise? - Oh no, that's a tornado siren, Maya. - What do we do? - Get on our bikes and get home as quick as we can. - But that's like a 10 minute bike ride. Can we go somewhere and find shelter? - You're right, Toy School's just around the corner. Why don't we head there? - Do you think the doors'll be unlocked since it's a Sunday afternoon? - Only one way to find out. - Wow, it's getting awfully dark and windy outside. I hope the girls are okay at the park. I might have to pick them up early if this keeps up. (timer rings) Oh, the cookies are ready. Let's see how these turned out. Mmm, mmm. Addy and Maya will be so excited to see freshly baked cookies waiting for them at home. If these triple heart cookies taste as good as they look, I just might just have to enter these into the Toy Cafe baking contest next year. (upbeat music) Hm, I think I need some music in here. (radio beeps) - [Man On Radio] I repeat, this is a tornado warning for Toytopia County. We recommend seeking shelter immediately, as several tornadoes have touched down throughout the region. - Tornado warning? Oh no, I've got to get to the girls. (intense music) - Hurry, Maya, the weather's getting even worse. - I'm going as fast as I can. (electronic music) (sirens blaring) - Oh, wow! How did I not hear the tornado sirens? And it's raining too? (electronic music) (upbeat music) - [Both] We made it, we made it! - I'm so glad we're safe, Maya. - No kidding, I'm glad you found the spare key that Miss Lucy hid. - For sure, and we'll be safe from the tornado in here since her classroom's in the basement. - Yeah, we should call Mom and let her know where we are, though. - Good idea, she's probably worried about us. - Oh no, there's no dial tone, Addy. - Really? - Maybe some power lines are down because of the tornado. - Well, I think Mom would want us to stay safe. So I think we should just stay here until the tornado passes. - Okay, who knows how long that'll be, though. What should we do to pass the time? - Well, Miss Lucy always has fun things for us to do at Toy School. Why don't you peek at her lesson plans? Maybe we can get a head start on whatever fun is planned for tomorrow. - Great idea, Addy. - Oh, I'm full of them. - Okay, Addy, first thing we have to do is do a toy review on the new OMG Pets. - Awesome, ever since I spotted them on the toy aisle, I've been dying to play with them. (electronic music) Okay, here is the park. I don't see the girls or their bikes anywhere, though. Where could they be? (dynamic music) Addy? Maya? Where could they be? (upbeat music) - Miss Lucy always keeps her best toys for lessons in here. - [Both] Whoa! - And here are the OMG Pets! Wow, there are so many adorable ones to review. - For sure, let's get them back to our desks. - [Maya] These are so adorable, Addy. - And I love how squishy they are. - Now let's find out if our puppies are girls or boys. - Great idea. - Now I just dip the tip in warm water and see if it turns pink or blue. It looks like it's turning pink. - It's a girl! What are you gonna name her? - I think she'll be Bessie, you look like a Bessie. - Now try the rest of your puppies. - Okay, now let's see who you two are. They're girls too! - So what are their names, then? - It will be Sparky and Lila. - Cute, let me try some of mine now. I have a feeling you're a girl. I think it's turning blue. - It is! It's a boy! - Then I'm gonna name you Benji. - And try the other two. - Okay, here goes nothing. One's turning pink and one's turning blue. - [Addy] You're a girl, and you're a boy. - So what are their names, then? - I'm gonna name you Huckleberry, and you Spot. - And now that we have their names, let's see what their sounds are now. - Time to turn you guys on. (puppy whining) - Look, this cutie-patootie's drinking a bottle. (puppy slurping) It sounds like he likes it. - And I bet these puppies love to have head rubs. (puppy whimpering) I think Spot's enjoying it. - Addy, this tornado's turning out to be super fun. - You're tellin' me. Let's check out the pet carriers now. (upbeat music) - There's even a cup holder on the outside. - And look, the pup could rest right on top if I wanna see its cute little face. - Or we can put the puppies inside the carrier. Well, I definitely give these OMG Pets two thumbs up. How about you, Addy? - Two thumbs up for sure. - Well, our first assignment was super fun. Should we go see what's next in the book? - Absolutely. (wind whistling) - Addy, Maya! I don't understand, they said they were gonna ride their bikes to the park. But I don't see them or their bikes anywhere. Girls! Okay, I don't wanna panic. Maybe when they heard the tornado sirens, they got scared and decided to run home, and I just missed them somehow. That's gotta be it! (wind howling) - [Addy] Ooh, next up is science class. - Science class is always exciting. What does Miss Lucy have planned? - (gasps) We get to experiment with Pop Pop Pets Slime Slammer Hammer! - Yes, yes, triple yes! - Back to the lessons cupboard. (upbeat music) - [Both] Can't wait for these! - All right, I'll start opening these Pop Pop Pets, Addy. - And I'll open the Slammer Hammer. This is gonna be fun! - You're telling me. We have so many Pops to pop. - I think you mean to slam. - Oh, yeah! Go for it, Addy. - Here goes nothing. (hammer smacking) - Whoa! - Whoa. Got my first Pop Pop Pet! - And now it's my turn. (hammer smacking) Who did I get? - [Addy] I got a tortoise and it's a super rare! And it looks like you got Popcorn Panda. - Super cool, now let's keep popping. (hammer smacking) (upbeat music) - [Maya] Ooh. Gooey slime. - Check out this one, Maya, it's adorable! - So cute, Addy. - Aw, that one's a special edition, Maya. - No way! Let's see what else I find. (hammer smacking) (upbeat music) - The pink slime's the best! - No way, I've got rainbow slime going on over here. - Now that we've popped all our Pop Pop Pets, let's pack them up in the syringe. - Yeah! - I gotta pull the syringe out first. - Okay, here are mine, Addy. - I have room for four more in here. - And next we get to suck up the slime! - [Both] Here we go. (upbeat music) - [Maya] Whoa, there goes all my slime. Ew, look at it. - Now should we squirt it back out? - Yeah, for sure. - How about into your hands? - Okay! (upbeat music) - Craziness. - I know, this day is turning out to be so super fun. - Yeah, but I really wish there was some way for us to get ahold of our mom. - I know what you mean. We're here having all this fun, and she's probably really worried about us. - Should we go upstairs real quickly and go see if the tornado sirens stopped going off? Maybe things have calmed down outside. - Yeah, let's do that. (soft music) (rain pouring) Oh wow, it's looking pretty bad out there. - Look at the trash cans. - The winds are gonna knock them over. - Oh no, we better get back down to the basement before we blow away too! (soft piano music) - [Mom] Addy, Maya! Oh, are you here? Oh, that wind! Girls? Are you here? Where are you, Addy, Maya? They weren't at the park, where else could they be? Girls? They're clearly not here. Where else could they be? (thunder crashing) And now there's thunder and lightning? - Snack time is definitely my most favorite time of Toy School. - Uh-huh. No kidding. Miss Lucy knows how to keep a good candy stash to make us kids happy. - Hey, while we're satisfying our sweet tooth, let's go ahead and move onto the next lesson in the plan book. - Okay, sounds like a plan. Hmm, it looks like it's time for art. Nail art to be specific. - Does that mean we get to use the Go Glam Nail Stampers? - It sure does! - Sweet! (upbeat music) Here it is. - We need to get all the supplies out. - Yes, the nail stampers and the polish. - First things first. What color nail polish do you like? - Hm, I'll do light purple. - And I'll do a pink. - Now we need to get the polish on before we stamp. (upbeat music) - This purple's just the perfect shade. - Yeah, I love it! And what stamper do you think you're gonna choose, Maya? - Hm, so many options. Rainbows, cupcakes, unicorns. But I think I'm gonna do flamingo. - Good choice. - What do you think you're gonna choose, Addy? - Hmm, I'm probably gonna choose the roses. They're always my favorite. - You do that one every time! - Because I love it. Now let's start stamping! - All right. Got the flamingos in and now my fingers. One, two, three, stamp! Next finger. (upbeat music) - How are they looking, Maya? - Awesome so far! The flamingos are looking great! - Well, hurry up and and do your other hand so it can be my turn. - Okay. - Pink roses on pink nails are gonna look amazing. - Well, it's all yours, Addy. My nails are done and styling. - Here goes nothing. (upbeat music) On to the third finger. - How are they looking? - They're looking good, one more hand to go. - Wait, why don't you do a different design on your other hand? - Ooh, good idea. I'll do the cupcakes. (upbeat music) Time to stamp. Love these! - I knew that was a great idea. - You're right, Maya, good call. - Hey, I wonder if that tornado's still outside? - Yeah, I don't know, I'm having too much fun in art class. - [Man On Radio] There are currently two tornadoes heading towards the northern half of the county. If you haven't already done so, seek shelter now. This is not a test, folks. - [Mom] There's no way I'm seeking shelter when I don't know where my girls are. Let's see how bad it looks outside. (suspenseful music) Oh. It still looks really bad. Think, think, where could those girls be? Wait a minute. I might know. (suspenseful music) (Juno cooing) - These Junos are the best toy ever! Do you want your mouse toy? - Mine's eating his peanuts. (knocking) Wait a minute, did you hear something? - I don't know, quick, turn Juno off. (knocking) - There it is again. What is that? - It must be the tornado! Quick, get under the desk. - I'm so scared, Addy. - Hold my hand, we'll be okay. - Addy, Maya, are you here? - [Both] Mom! - Oh! I'm so, so glad I found you girls! - Oh, Mom, we thought Toy School was the nearest place we could take shelter when we heard the tornado sirens. - Yes, it took me awhile to figure that out, but I'm just so relieved that you two are safe. - We thought that you were the tornado hitting the school! - Oh, I'm sorry. When I opened the door, the wind was blowing so hard, it made some loud banging noises. - Oh, phew, that was scary. - Well, girls, we'll wait out the tornadoes together now. Hopefully it won't be that much longer, because after all, you have to be back here tomorrow. - Oh, we don't need to come to school tomorrow, Mom. - And why is that, Maya? - Oh, we made good use of our time here, Mom. We've got all our lessons for tomorrow done today. - Wow, I guess this tornado has been quite productive for you two. - Come on, we'll show you all the work we've done. - Okay, let's do it. What is all this? - These are the OMG Pets. - Oh, wow. - And we made this slime. - And we even did our nails. - Nails too, wow! - Yeah. (upbeat music) (shimmering bells)
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 48,853,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toy school, pretend toy school, addy, maya, lucy, addy and maya, silly kids, pretend classroom, class, school, pretend, silly, pretend school, silly school, tornado, pretend class, toys, silly toy school
Id: AbV47R-Htyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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