Italian Sunday Gravy Better Than Nonna’s

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in this video I'm going to teach you how to make my version of Italian Sunday gravy that might be better than your nonas if there's one recipe that embodies the spirit of this channel it's Italian Sunday gravy for so many reasons that I'll get into so let's get cooking this recipe starts with two 28 Oz jars of whole San Marzano Tomatoes 2/3 of a cup of beef broth a slab of baby back pork ribs not spare ribs a pound of hot italian sausage links 2 and 1/2 onions 12 meatballs four cloves of garlic and 3 tbspoon of tomato paste baby back ribs are perfect for this recipe because the meat will become amazingly tender and melt in your mouth also shout out to whoever was in charge of the 1990s Chili's marketing campaign because I want my baby back baby back baby back ribs is still stuck in my head 25 years later cut these ribs into two rib slabs and generously salt them before cooking brown the ribs in two batches in your Dutch oven or sauce pot with some olive oil which should take roughly 5 minutes while the ribs are Browning start chopping your onions and embrace the garlic smash as an endorser of the slow Foods movement I always reject processed garlic for many reasons mainly taste and yes it's mildly annoying to peel the skins and have your hands smelly and sticky but if garlic triggers you this channel probably isn't for you plus just wash your hands checking back in on the ribs this is good enough maybe they could Brown a little bit longer but good enough for me so on to the next patch of ribs and now I'm inviting the sausages to join the party I like hot Italian sausages here because of the mild heat adds another di menion of flavor to the sauce if you don't like the spice just sub out sweet Italian sausage it'll work just fine add a bit more of oil if needed and brown the sausages for another 5 minutes this browned meat and fawn bits are the foundation for the amazing sauce with some great Fawn builtup or kitchen crack as I call it we're going to kind of deglaze our pan with onions and scrape all the brown bits off the bottom I also add 1.5 teaspoons of oregano here and we only want the onions to soften and start to Brown by absorbing all that meat flavored oil and fond for about 5 5 minutes or so next we add our 3 tablespoons of tomato paste and cook the mixture until it turns dark which takes about 2 to 3 minutes after that we're going to add our minced garlic but make sure to not let the garlic burn because it can ruin your sauce so as soon as you smell the garlic add your 2/3 cup of beef broth and 56 oz of whole tomatoes this will probably only take 30 seconds or so I'm always using whole certified San Marzano Tomatoes here because of the unmatched quality because these are whole tomatoes and not crushed I I need to use my immersion blender to get them into a SAU likee consistency yes it's an extra step and one more thing to clean but the quality of whole sand marono Tomatoes makes it worth it to me next we're going to add back our Brown Meats to the sauce the acidity from the tomatoes will tenderize the meats so they melt in your mouth and the fats and spices released from the ribs and hot Italian sausages will create a magical out of this world sauce unlike the northern Italian OG meat sauce pesi which uses ground Meats this just as OG Southern Italian version or super Sugo as it's called in Naples uses whole cuts of meat the technique certainly originated in southern Italy but the recipe was arguably perfected by Italian American immigrants in the first half of the 20th century nut would spend all day at the stove top reparing the meats and tending to the simmering sauce adding Secrets one by one and creating a Heavenly Aroma you could smell from anywhere however unlike the nonas I prefer to cover the sauce and put the pot into an oven at 325° F or 162 C for 2 and 1/2 hours I like to use the time to do other things like spend time with my friends and family clean the house or play with my energetic 2-year-old and charismatic 5-year-old another step to cut down on cook time is to make the meatballs instead of brolle brole is incredible but it is challenging and timeconsuming to make so I opt instead for an upscale version of Meatballs which you can also make ahead of time or start prepping right after you put the sauce into the oven the meatballs I'm making here start with 4 oz of authentic prut dearta 2 lbs of even Parts ground ve Pork and Beef a cup of Buttermilk a sleeve of of Saltines two egg yolks a bunch of parsley a cup of freshly grated Parmesan and four cloves of garlic prepping for the meatballs is easy and can be done ahead of time if you want to save even more time for the day of Smash and mince your four cloves of garlic and finally chop The Parsley Bunch this is flat leaf Italian parsley which has a stronger flavor and a smoother texture than it's lettuce head cousin curly parsley using pruta in these meatballs is an extra and admittedly expensive step if you don't eat all the pursuit though first like I've done some sometimes while you're prepping it it will add a unique flavor to these exquisitely tender meatballs like parmesan Lano and San Marano Tomatoes I'm willing to spend the extra money on pruto Dima because of its unmatched quality flavor and meat butter-like consistency pruto Dima unlike other Pros is aged for much longer free from any GMOs or preservatives and made from pigs raised on a very specific diet including the Whey from parmesan reano made in the area you can't make this stuff up to make the mind blowing meatballs they will be amazed by tenderness and juiciness is critical so we're going the extra mile here and making a panad a panad in its simplest form is some combination of starch and liquid Legend has it that when Italian-American immigrants were introduced to Affordable Meats for the first time in the United States go America they ingeniously invented this technique to make the leftover tougher cuts of meat used for ground Meats much more tender it's yet another example in culinary history of immigrant Ingenuity and the resourcefulness of poorer home chefs turning lemons into lemonade or something like that for my two pounds of ground meat I'm using an entire sleeve of saltine crackers as my panad base along with 3/4 cup of whole milk for extra richness A Better Binder and flavor I'm adding two egg yolks my chopped parsley and half a teaspoon of crushed red pepper to similar to Indian curries each Auntie has their own version of Sunday gravy with their secrets or closely guarded brolle recipes however one thing was true across all Italian-American families this meal was traditionally made and enjoyed on Sundays for the entire extended family my earliest memories are from my vegetarian polish mother making this meal stove top when I was a child think about that for a second once the mixture is softened and well combined add your ground meats that meat butter pruto di Parma one cup of freshly grated Parmesan Rano the combination of ground ve Pork and Beef is the best I've found for flavor and tenderness some people might be grossed out by this step but I think using your hands are the best kitchen tool option here those fanges and opposable thumbs for the wind once again having evolved to be one of the best tools humans have combine all the ingredients and start forming them into meatballs with your hands 2 lbs should create about 24 meatballs I always make a double batch and will only use 12 meatballs in this recipe and save 12 for next weekend I'm going to start cooking my meatballs after the sauce has been in the oven for 2 hours by heating some oil in a pan and Browning them on all sides which takes about 5 to 7 [Music] minutes take take the sauce out of the oven oh my God look at that I wish smell of vision was a real thing get on at Elon or Zuckerberg add the brown meatballs back to the sauce cover and return to the oven to cook for another 15 or 20 minutes until the meatballs are cooked through it's time to cook your pasta while the meatballs are finishing because you want to serve this puppy hot at the table family style to finish the pasta take a couple big scoops of the sauce and stir it vigorously in my house I do have to ration the meatballs for everyone so they don't steal them for themselves serve the meat platter the pasta and the extra sauce all family style at the table and watch as everyone devours in Majestic silence this recipe is amazing and I made it for Christmas dinner this year celebrating with our family my father-in-law who's an excellent cook himself told me it's his favorite dish that I've ever made him over the years now that's High Praise coming from someone like him yes it does take a while and I'm nowhere near Nona status because I only make it for special occasions when I have the time not every Sunday like they do maybe I need to channel my intera more [Music] often
Channel: ZenKitchenVibes
Views: 7,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: italian sunday gravy, slow food movement, italian meat sauce, sunday gravy, italian meatballs, italian food ideas for dinner party, sunday gravy recipe, sunday sauce, meat sauce, spaghetti sauce, sunday sauce recipe, sunday dinner recipes, best sunday dinner, best weekend dinner recipes, meat sauce recipe, italian sunday sauce
Id: Yr1W2mi7OTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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