Steak Diane - Easy and Insanely Delicious Retro Steak Recipe

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today we're going to make Steak Diane this is a great dish it is super delicious it's kind of a retro dish here are all the ingredients let's get into it right now okay so we always like to go over the ingredients here you can see there's not that many of them and this recipe truly is a 30-minute recipe it comes together super super quick that's why you need to have everything prepped we have two fillets here I'm going to turn those into medallions I have exactly 20 oz here the recipe calls for 16 that's fine it doesn't matter if you use a little bit more a little bit less if you're going to use way more beef you need to double or triple your sauce components we'll turn them into medallions we'll sear those in avocado oil or any high smoke point neutral oil that you like neutral meaning neutral tasting for the sauce I have right here 8 oz of crini mushrooms okay or half a pound then we have one shallot that I minced we have two tablespoons of butter we have one teaspoon of woer sauce or Wier Shear sauce one tablespoon of tomato paste 2 taspo of Dijon mustard this parsley and little chives here can be for garnish or finishing you don't even have to use it but it makes the dish look nicer and then for the actual liquid sauce components we have a3d of a cup of cgac but feel free to use something that just says Brandy on it which will be about half the price or less and then we have half a cup of low sodium beef stock and a half a cup of heavy cream this recipe comes together super super quick okay here are our fillets buy your fillets from Costco why because they'll be so much less money t how much did fillets cost at Whole Foods when you went there okay so Whole Foods has fillets for £38.99 a pound compared to Costco which had them for $19.99 a pound nuts nuts I trimmed them up a little bit here silver skin you know it's on uh whether you're doing a Beef Tender Loin or pork Tender Loin or other Cuts there's a little bit left right right there okay just a tiny bit right there so I cut it all way here and just need a very sharp knife because otherwise you'll cut in you don't want to you know be exposing up your very expensive beef the remaining fat and everything you can keep it's you know these are lean if you have a super sharp knife you can go like this and do it in half but your better bet is just to turn it sideways like this okay and then just cut it right in half okay so there we go it's cut into two like equal size pieces and we want to pound these out to about 3/4 in they're close to 3/4 in right now 3/4 in for you Europeans is uh what 19 mil around there I think right okay so what we're going to do is we'll season these with salt and pepper right before we sear them but for now we can flatten them just very lightly here little tap tapy [Music] tap and there you have about a 3/4 in or 19 mm medallion all right there's my medallions they are beautiful let's get our pan hot and then we will season them and sear them in the print recipe I used a black uh pan it looks better it you know that's you always if you look at ingredient shots online it'll always be in a black pan but a stainless steel pan is really easy here if if you have a cast iron pan you can use that too but you know stainless is just this is like the Workhorse of the kitchen it's just you really can do everything in this type of pan I'm going to heat it up to maybe a touch less than medium high so normally I don't Heat pan up this much but the thing is we're only searing this for like a minute minute and a half per side actually I think the recipe says two but depending on how you like it you're only going to sear it for a little bit if you want your steaks to stay rare if you do medium heat you're not going to have enough time pretty much to get your sear our pan is heating up it's getting very hot I am going to season the steaks now because we're about 30 seconds away from adding them to the pan so I'm going to put on a good amount of salt on each side using Diamond kosher here just so you know like you can kind of gauge how much I'm using Okay pepper this dish is very similar to steak OA I dried these off with paper towels too I don't want any any moisture on these really all right I got my little fan here too because it's going to be smoking avocado oil just enough to coat the pan maybe a couple tablespoons it's going to start smoking right away going to try to fit all four of them in here I think I can see that okay and because we heated up our pan it's stainless there is no stickage at all all right these look really nice okay beautiful okay just like that just do another minute and then pull them off but you can see like you touch them very soft still but we're going to get a nice cross keep them rare okay pull them off quickly okay good lower that heat just a touch but not really and you can add the mushrooms in tent your steak kind of like that all right these are going to take about four or 5 minutes for them to release their water and starting to Brown I did just add about another half a tablespoon of avocado oil but you can see already how they're nice they're starting to Brown all right just leave it that nice sound all right they're starting to sound starts to change and they start to Brown all right you can lower the heat now to about medium okay lower it down here's our shallot and our butter it's only going to take about 2 minutes now just get these shallots to get soft little bit of collor and just remember if your pan was too high just wait a second before before you add the butter and the shallot in there but we're good all right it's been about 2 minutes on that now you can add your tomato paste in just let this cook for about a minute in here you don't have a lot of time with this recipe so maybe you want your mushrooms to be a little bit Browner maybe you often like to cook your tomato paste out for 5 minutes but you know for this it's tented it's all right for a little while but it's like you don't have like an hour to make your sauce though you could just make your sauce ahead of time I guess and then sear your steaks up and add them in all right we'll let that cook for a [Music] minute okay so we're going to put the CAC in now now listen you can flame it but you don't have to you you really don't have to if you're going to flame it even if you're going to put the CNAC in and not flame it take this off the heat here is the cgac I'm going to put it in right now and it's not going to Flame up when you just stick it in like that you can light this on fire I have a camera above me I have equipment above me I'm going to light it over here so I don't light my camera on fire okay just like this I'm back on the heat again when I did the flame over here I removed my burner away from it too so you know it didn't cause a problem and you can just cook this for a second until it's mostly evaporated which it is going to add the beef stock in most of the time I don't flame it because it doesn't make any difference I've done this like a bunch of times both ways and I've never been able to tell a difference okay so this is the heavy cream now so we did half a cup of the beef uh stock the heavy cream half a cup teaspoon of wishes Shear two teaspoons of Dijon mustard you're just trying to give it a nice Tang here with it okay so we're just going to bring this to a simmer till it comes together and it thickens slightly so it's been about 3 minutes and it's thickened [Music] more little bit of pepper touch your salt okay and I'm going to lower it a little bit now all right I'm a little bit below medium now here's our beautiful steaks from before stick them in here and just about a minute or two until they get warm through okay put the juices in too okay little do a little basting action you know it's like you don't want to do the base but you want to see the you want the nice part to like be visible but you should do it or you can just turn them over like that make it easier okay we'll just do about a minute or two or until these get hot like right now I can feel that also to your liking so right now these are rare like I can touch and they're very they're very soft and it's the beauty of it you got a nice sear you can just finish them to whatever internal temperature you like what would you serve these with what do you think Tara like a nice green vegetable or something yeah I mean I think mashed potatoes or even a baked potato yeah I would balance this with something clean yeah green beans or yeah I would just do a simple vegetable mhm these are still quite soft they're they're hot now but they are towards the rare [Music] side all right Tara's here she watched me make this this is really quick so now I cooked it rare for you so you can show the people how how rare that is but it's really simple you can just cook it longer in the sauce and honestly I'm sure a contingent of people are going to complain that it's still not rare enough for them so that's a silly complaint in a cooking video for you know if you make that to me because you're the cook make it to how you like it not to how some YouTuber made it you know maybe you maybe your whole family likes it well done that's I think that's perfect like that that's actually perfect that's how I like it I would say that's more medium rare okay than rare what do you think of the sauce I mean I know you just had this recently and all that delicious I was wanting a little more of the conac flavor more cognac mhm so maybe you can add a little bit more of it let me I'm going to taste it I mean I already did but I mean I think it's pretty strong on CNAC you don't think so let me try it try the sauce oh you know what I didn't give enough sauce to you over here that's what it is the sauce tastes really good I think I just didn't get and that's it's already thickening in the pan right now I don't think I got enough of it I don't think it needs more than a third of a cup no not for a pound of beach yeah because the sauce tastes perfect it's just for some reason I think because it was sitting in the plate what do you think too salty uh too too great it's too great too awesome it's too awesome just like you no it's it's perfect so I'm wondering should these be cooked in the sauce for a little bit longer yeah to get more of that flavor that I was looking for well again you can you have the leeway here because these are rare right now if you wanted them to be truly rare could you maybe sear them absolutely for less time and then let them cook in the sauce more to intensify I think it's a matter of I think it's a matter of just getting your your plating right like you get your steak down and you get the nice thick sauce on top top that's what I think I would say this is definitely something like you want to serve right away yeah it's it's a tough one I mean you could make the sauce in advance say you're grilling outside you could do that and add it but it's going to be better this way when they're finished in the sauce this is really good I I love this I do think I like the steak oah I don't I can't speak French um I do like that one better and I really really love the green peppercorns that you used so I think if I had to choose between the two I would pick that one but this is delicious like the steo P I think you really have to like pepper in order to like it this dish I think anybody who has it is going to like it I'm going to give this one a nine because I keep using my measuring stick as the beef bergon which is my favorite and that got a 10 so I'm going to give this one a nine I think overall very very excellent dish thank you nicely done thanks we'll see you next time oh
Channel: Sip and Feast
Views: 514,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak diane, cooking beef tenderloin with diane steak sauce, steak diane with mushrooms, sip and feast, beef medallions, beef in cognac, steak recipes
Id: CZ6x2pcuRLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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