Spending 50 DAYS To Improve The Worst CHARACTER | Project Zomboid Zero To Hero #8

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you know when I started this challenge I really wasn't expecting it to be so damn time consuming but here we are on our 25th day survived and we are still trying to improve Bartholomew in any means possible anyways everyone welcome to project zomboid and Bartholomew here has been surviving I really wouldn't say thriving though as these last few days have been pretty difficult on us and as a bit of a veto I think we're going to rot inside our house even more right because even though we have survived for 25 days we are still obese and we are going to be obese until another 5 days has passed not to mention our fitness and strength leave a little bit to be desired so yeah I'm going to be doing what I did last time and we are going to be rotting inside now I will say we did lose all of our potatoes so we no longer have that going for us but if I check outside that that won't be a problem for very long at all as our tomatoes are doing great and our carrots are slowly getting there so yeah I am going to just blast through these next few days and as soon as we get to a bit more stable of a weit and character Fitness level I can actually do what I set out to do I will keep an eye on these Farms though so I can show you guys the first harvest for now we're going to be doing a whole lot more exercise and rotting with wish me luck and just like that we have another day down on Bartholomew's belt and I'm starting this off pretty early because instead of waiting for all of these carrots to be seedling I want at least one Harvest so I don't starve to death right that is very important so we're going to have our very first harvest and the one that I am going to harvest is going to be one of the diseases ridden carrot plants so I get better harvests and seeds on the ones that are healthy so yeah this is going to be Bartholomew's first real Harvest bada boom how many carrots is that that's eight that's really not that much but uh it'll have to do for now yeah yeah yeah we won't be able to do this for like another 5 days unless the tomatoes grow up soon but you know food is food okay back to rotting hey there it is everyone we finally have seed bearing carrots it only took me the day after I did the final Harvest but finally we can grab all of these bad boys and have quite the bit of carrots look at that 30 in total now carrots only do last for around 12 days but that is food right there yeah yeah yeah let's go replant some of these bad boys and uh work from there oh that is such a nice Boon we're going to be able to subsist for a little while longer eating raw carrot stir fry how good is that we also leveled up our fitness to level three so we aren't a total pushover at this point we're only feeble and out of shape instead of extremely out of shape and weak so yeah we are making a lot of progress I am going to set up another small uh carrot Farm then using the cooking pot right here and the water right over here all righty everyone welcome to day 32 is it 32 let me go check yeah it's day 32 and I have come to a few Revelations for one my tomato plants are bearing seeds and fruit so we do have a whole bunch more food the only problem is that Tomatoes go by pretty quickly but in order to circumvent that I eat as much as possible on the other hand I have realized something very dire if you look at Bartholomew's trait list you will see Restless sleeper and me being a little bit of an idiot picked Restless sleeper as a starting trait despite the fact that the mod that I have has no way of erasing it so combine that with sleepy head and even if we get rid of sleepy head we still need to sleep twice in a row in order to get as much of our fatigue back so that got me thinking my sleeping schedule doesn't matter which means I can be more productive right as instead of sleeping once per day I can sleep multiple times per day and each time I sleep I will be able to get in one more exercise session so that's exactly what I'm going to do I'm going to say screw it to sleepy head and I'm going to focus on the things that matter right now which is getting our fitness and strength up and losing weight anyways I need to head outside really quick it was a really big rainstorm so I can go ahead and harvest all of our Tomatoes as we still have another two four six eight more plants to go we are vibing right about now so we will grab them all and eat like kings the other plants are still in the process of growing so yeah as soon as these Tomatoes run out that's going to be it boom we got ourselves 67 tomatoes that we can cook into stir fries I have no idea how long these are going to last but this is a very good sign I have no idea how long it's actually going to last me but this is a very good start damn dude a 208 tomato seeds as well I'm going to go leave them in the front area so I'll plant them the next rain storm hello there once again everyone our pile of tomatoes is finally going stale but we are still eating like kings the rain is an absolute downpour right now so all of our plants in the background are very happy and it continues to produce us food very slowly I have to say this one part Bartholomew has really found his his path in life and all it took was throwing my sleeping schedule right out the window I sleep when I'm tired and if you look at my stats they look pretty good we have been quite literally sleeping doing burpees until we pass out making tomato stir fries and then sleeping again about three times per day and it's paid off so far we only weigh we only weigh 107 kg right now which is definitely a far cry from the 35 we started with we are only feeble on top of that we've been pumping out so many burpees we are at level four Fitness and level four strength that is insane by the way if you're wondering how I'm not depressed it's not because of the beer anymore we have been literally keeping ourselves happy by doing burpees Bartholomew is a bit of a masochist so anytime we get exercise fatigue and anytime we exercise we lose boredom and thus we don't get unhappy and when we make these little stir fries which give back some happiness we have been living pretty well yeah no I want to do this until I am at least overweight then we can start with the other stuff which should be in another couple days also one last thing I wanted to show is our Burpee form has gotten really good we have reached Max regularity on this and we can pump them out pretty easily look at that form Bart has now man he doesn't like falter his arms don't wobble he pushes these things out like no tomorrow and basically I do burpees until I get tired I rest in sit down for a minute because I can squeeze in one little extra session and as soon as we are all pooped out for the day I go to sleep wake up in the middle of the day prepare myself some nice stir fry eating up all of that tomato goodness and then repeating the burpees all over again it just works this is my life now this is all I do I eat sleep Burpee repeat and and I think we continue this until we reach level five in both of our stats or at least one we're about halfway there so it should take just a little bit more time which I am all for it's going to be another couple of days we have survived for 40 days just about 39 technically but it's soon to be 40 so yeah we are living and I will see you all in a little bit longer [Music] the man you see now is at least five times the man you have seen at the start of the series everyone I still have five more days until we have survived for 50 whole days but the entire time we have been working out we have been losing weight and we have been improving our character so much so that I am very excited to show you my stats right we still are obese but we are going to be losing that very soon as we only weigh 102 kg our skills are both level five in Fitness and level five in strength and instead of pumping out burpees like no tomorrow like I'm doing I decided because we still are fighting you know sprinting zombies to level up my sprinting so instead of working out and doing doing burpees what I do instead is eat my carrot stir fry and I just run back and forth on our nice little driveway I really don't need to worry about any zombies coming towards my location so I can just run back and forth at nauseum until I improve my character it's a very uh slow buildup but I'm hoping by getting to like level two or three sprinting I will be able to outrun sprinting zombies which will improve my life drastically right I have a feeling we need skill books in order to increase our skills in the passive skill Department like with strength so doing this is going to be very helpful is what I would say if it didn't start raining you know what that gives me time to do another thing that's check out the plants One Last Time none of them oh nope we got a new Harvest boys oh yeah tomatoes are back on the menu I swear this is the gift that keeps on giving how many more uh seed bearing tomatoes is that uh 21 not bad even more seeds let's go plant I would say another five and we will have that grow for the next little bit man we are doing fantastic the Farms just provide and we Thrive so yeah let's plant these down and I will go to my next issue and that's going to be water at least pable water right because I did drink almost all of the tap water so we are going to have to purify our own stuff also that's level two sprinting bada boom one more level in sprinting and we will be a god oh man things are going pretty good so yeah I wanted to show y'all how I am going to be you know purifying my water and that's with the fireplace we already have four saucepans with water inside so all I really need to do is grab these socks I have in my inventory rip it up grabbing one wooden log lighting that bad boy on fire B Bingo oh it's so cool how there's the little sprite that's on fire but yeah this will keep me warm should I ever make it to the winter and I think I am going to try to survive a 100 days on this character and it will allow me to get free water just like that boom we only need to do that like every week or so because one saucepan lasts me quite a bit so yeah let's go cook up some stir fry as well why the hell not well throw in some carrots we'll throw in some Tomatoes we'll throw it inside the campfire and we will have our first Warm meal in a while bam that's the good stuff we will go empty it out and now we will work out inside with burpees because it's raining outside and I don't really want to get stressed out anymore anyways it's time for another 5 days of training oh Bart you are going to be one hell of a Chad by the end of this that's for PR sure all righty everyone welcome to day 50 if you look at my character we're a lot Slimmer everyone we are no longer obese we have survived for 1 month 19 days and 23 hours basically day 50 and we have oh we actually we actually gained a trait called high thirst and I'm pretty sure we got it by overexerting oursel by running you know what though High thirst is not that bad with how spry and young we are because we also lost a couple of other traits right we are no longer Whatchamacallit feeble and we are no longer out of shape we we are just overweight our fitness is at level five our strength is at level five and we can actually move and do stuff properly now like we are pretty capable not super duper capable but more capable than we were in the past we still are a smoker sadly and I have no idea how we change High thirst we will have to see how we do that later it also looks like we got hearty appetite but yeah we did a whole bunch of improvements and I I feel pretty damn confident about myself so I think we are going to head on out and do some looting next time probably right because there is this small group of homes down here that should be pretty low danger but I'm going to end things off here we have survived for a very long time and I'm very excited to see how that is going to treat Bartholomew right we have so many Tomatoes we are wasting them actually from how much I can make in my stir fries we have another pile over here that I need to eat there's going to be a lot of rot but our Gardens are doing great Bartholomew is doing great we have never been better a dude it's actually so nice to have a real amount of fitness and strength and we're very close to sprinting level three as well anyways if you guys have liked this episode be sure to like favorite share and subscribe for more I will see all of you later peace the hell out everyone
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 39,441
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Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime, Pr1vate Lime, private lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid ep 1, project zomboid build 41 tips, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid day 1, zomboid, project zomboid, zomboid build 41, project zomboid modded, project zomboid impossible start, project zomboid hardcore, project zomboid insane, insane, difficulty, impossible
Id: bpRwcAZ7Irg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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