HIGH PAID skill to MASTER in 2021 for Cyber Security, Cloud, and Network Engineer 🔥

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welcome to another video from network engineer academy now that topic of this video has to do with a high date skill that if i were you i will not only learn from now on but eventually master because this one a skill will help you for you to get paid a lot more in your iet career and that's for you to be able to accelerate the process and you've been able to get a high paying job in 19. you know for you to go from that chat that you have now an id to a better one in the next few months and that one a skill for you not only to learn from now on but for you to eventually master is the process of learning how to learn again that process of learning how to learn this is something that i've been saying for the last three years if you go back on my youtube channel i've been saying this for the last three years that's one of the first things you have to do in your iet career and think about this okay in order for you to be able to get a high paying job in 19 and for you to be able to get there fast you need to continually educate yourself right you probably need to get a few id certifications in order for you to get there and not just that right you need to know how to communicate with other people based on what you know based on the experience that you have and that's something that most people don't know how to do even though they've been working in it for many years even though they have the experience even though they know a lot they cannot communicate to other people they cannot present what they know to other people and that's because they end up going through that learning process based on what they have learned the wrong way and yes this is something that completely shocked me you know way back how i i end up learning this one the high paid skill and for me that's what that is okay a high paid skill because without this one skill i wouldn't be here i wouldn't be able to do these videos i wouldn't be able to really engage with you and be able to really access the information that i know will make a difference not only in your iet career but in your personal life so going back a few years right so i had this mentor and he told me you know jorge one thing that i'm gonna advise you to do is and this is regardless and when you're planning and doing with your life okay the one thing i'm gonna advise you to do is for you to take the time for you to find out more about how the mind learns information and that for you to start learning the process of learning how to learn go and do that first because right now we are going through that era of information and you need to know how to go through information not only for you to know like many people for if but for you to know what to do with it based on what you are at that moment and based on the results that you are looking to get and that's why i'm gonna tell you the same thing my uh mentor told me once at that point take time for you to start the process to learn this one high paid skill the process of learning how to learn and then for you to eventually in the next few months in the next year or two to master because that's gonna help you a lot and i'm gonna tell you why in this video in the next few minutes but again this is one thing that i tell my students to go through you see many students they go through my coaching program before they get to the technical videos they go through this they take about 10 days to go through more than 25 videos on this one topic because yes it matters a lot and you see that current education system is not designed to educate us to fully maximize our brain's limited potential you never took a class right back in high school in college if you end up going to college not me that was not for me but if you end up i don't think you took any class related to how to go through information and how to learn you know from a book from a video because let me tell you something the way that you learn and go through a book matters a lot now if i come up to you right now and i ask you let's say that you have a book a technical book in front of you and i ask you can you tell me how you go and learn from that book what will you say or how you end up learning from that book what would you say you see most people may say something like this ah i just opened that book and i'm i i'm focused you know like i'm gonna make sure them like i pay attention and focus and take notes that's the answer and that's not a way to do it that's a process a mind has to go through for you to be on a state of mind of learning but you see that education system never taught us on how to do that and we end up doing exactly what everyone else is doing right now and how to go through information and i'm telling you that way that you go through a book a pdf matters a lot the way that you learn and go through a video matters a lot same question okay if i come up to you right now and i see that you're going through some videos and i ask you can you tell me a process that you go through and how you go through the videos what will you say you're gonna probably thinking on the question that i just asked you what do you mean like process i mean i just pressed play and that's it and obviously you know i pay attention and i take notes i mean what do you want me to say that's what most people are saying that's the answer i get when i ask that question again the wrong way it has you have to be once again and that state of learning the mind when you go through a video that way you can really go through it and be able to take a lot from it in a way that's gonna really help you and again i'm gonna tell you more about that in this video in the next few minutes but again that's something for you right now to design if you really want to take your i.t career to the next level again you have to continually educate yourself so why not be take time for you to learn the process of learning that way you can accelerate the process and you go through the information that you have to go through and for you to go through it in a way that's gonna help you because it doesn't help for you to just know something that way that you're gonna apply that information based on where you are and based on what you want to accomplish that's exactly what makes a difference that's exactly what to make you unique okay now the way that you learn from doing laps the same thing you know we work in 19 so obviously we end up doing you know labs in order for us to learn a lot the same thing when we are in the job you know when we're troubleshooting something we are working in a project it matters how we do that that way we can learn in a way that's going to help us a lot more later on in our in our i.t career but you see this is something that no one tells you this is something that no one teach you and i've been saying this for the last three years my students know better and how to go through information through videos the exercises i give i give them the labs they do because that's something that completely changed my life this one high paid skill again i wouldn't be able to be here and doing these videos going back probably seven years ago i wouldn't be able to be in front of a camera i wouldn't be able to go on and on and on for the next 30 minutes the next hour without having notes in front of me or go through some type of a screen like many people do i wouldn't be able to do that i wouldn't be able to really access the information that i know can help you right now for you to take again not only your i.t career but your personal life to the next level and i really want to help you with that and that's no one out there in the i.t community helping you to do that everyone is based on oh you need to learn this one technology oh this is the other certification you need to get and this is the other bs no stop now the way that you do research the same thing when you do some research what you do you want google oh what's this okay let me open a few tabs that's what i used to do okay and that's what most people do but yes let me tell you there's a very specific process and how to do research for you to really take advantage of the time that you're taking to do find out more about that one thing that you want to learn more and that's something that you learn once you start the process of learning the process of learning how to learn and really how to maximize your potential that you have here you have to know how the mind works how the mind process how the mind learns information that way you can take advantage of it now how can be more effective i'm going through videos you know i'm going through the exercises you know i'm doing some research i'm taking notes yes even for that that's a way on how to take notes a very effective way by the way that's something i can teach you throughout that coaching program or through that membership side because i just opened the membership site right now and that's something that i can help you for us i.t engineers or you can go on and do that on your own that's up to you you have an option the difference is i teach you everything about the process of learning how to learn to a specific us i.t engineers again that's an option for you can go in somewhere else and do that but at least now you know better i'm i really want to help you and you've been able to accelerate the process and you're getting a better job an idea for you to finally get to that dream job in your it career that will pay you really well more than 120 000 that's one thing don't ever settle for anything less than that don't even settle for anything less than 120k in your it career don't do that i don't care where you are right now i don't care your background you know that's an excuse you have what it takes i was able to do that and i know that probably you have more advantages you know you probably speak very well english me look at me you know how many comments i get about how the way that i speak it doesn't matter you know it doesn't matter why because as long as i'm able to make my message across to you that's all that matters for me so probably you have a lot more advantages than me i didn't have i don't have my high school diploma my gd probably you have that you're thinking oh you don't need to have a bachelor's degree no you don't you probably have an entry level job right now and start with this that way the next time that you get certified you do it the right way not the way that most people do it you know because most people they kind of go through a few videos they probably go through the book the wrong way and on top of that they end up memorizing the questions to get certified don't do that and then you go through the job interview process thinking that you're gonna get a job because you end up getting these two certifications and you never thought of well kyle how can i differentiate myself from everyone else that other 10 20 30 candidates going after that same job if i'm gonna sound the same you know the same words gonna come up out of my mouth the same words they're gonna come up of the amount of the other candidates and why because you didn't know how to process that information that you went through that you learn in a way that's going to help you for you to sell yourself and that's something i'm going to tell you more about in this video okay so take notes so going back here right how can we even more effective i'm going through any type of research okay resource uh for us to learn okay and that's learning how the brain works that's how learning how the brain works you know and that starts okay and these are just a few there are plenty of more i just came up with a few okay then myself i ended up doing you know going back on that conversation with my mentor i went out and i ended up doing my own thing okay because me thinking i know better i don't have to do that i think i'm really smart about it okay so now i'm just gonna go do my own thing a few months go by then i had another conversation with this guy and i for me was a mentor because he really helped me out and pointed me out to doing the right things that's a good thing when you talk to the right people people that have a life that results that income you want they point you out to do the right things and not to do the things that most people do because most people have an average life have an average income i'm not lying you know this you know this right so exclude yourself from that you know be one of those few people that are really able to excel in life and to accomplish your dreams that job that income and all you want because it can be possible for you if you listen to the right people now that are just a few things and again going back in that conversation okay with uh my mentor he was like you have to do this jorge i'm like great i'm gonna do that a few months go by me knowing better i end up not doing anything so i ended up having this another conversation with him and he asked jorge so what happened well uh not much because man i had a few other things to do that for me were more important like okay if you want to come up to me and take time out of me don't ever do that you're not gonna listen so please don't reach out to me and that was exactly what he said please don't reach out to me until you get this done and you have proven that you have done it because then i cannot help you you're just taking the time my time away i'm like okay and for about more it took about three and a half almost four months and that's the only thing that i did for about four months and i'm telling you going back to yours about six years about six years so i'd end up doing that okay for about excuse me four months i went to a few books i went through a freaking a live training seminar and i ended up getting a few training courses now at that point i'm like okay how can i translate this that i have learned very powerful in a way that makes a lot more sense for me in iot and throughout the years obviously i come up with my own way and it's very powerful very powerful it really changed you know how you go on learning new things from any type of resource okay so again one of those things i learned it's about that neural connection so we have in our minds and that's trillions of them and if you understand bank how they work and everything you're able to take advantage of it and how to use them and when you're about to learn something new the other two is the narrow paths that we have and how they're connected to it the other one's the frameworks you know that's why there are many people that have frameworks because it's easy for that mind to follow and it's a process and how can you do that when you are learning something to create your own frameworks again it's a way on how to do that the other one chunking another one associations and another one story patterns these two are very very powerful very powerful again if you knew how to do it i'm telling you you and i right now can go through a video you know a 30 minute video of a new topic completely new to you completely new to me or we can go through a chapter of a book completely new to you completely new to me okay and i know hands down that i'm gonna be able to retain a lot more information and recall a lot more information than you and be able to present it a lot better than you not because i'm smarter than you no because i took that time to work on this one high paid skill and the process of learning how to uh the process of learning how to learn okay again i've been saying this for the last three years and i t for us iet engineers okay and again hands on i know i'm gonna be able to do a lot better than you not because i'm smarter than you but because i took the time to work on that skill and you can do the same okay now it's not only to know that information well let me get to that okay because i'm just kind of like so much information i want to share with you so there are three benefits for you to have in mind okay number one that's the one that i was saying retain and recall a lot okay retain and recall a lot more information comparing how probably you are right now um retaining and be able to recall just imagine that you can double that that way that you're able to the amount of information that you can retain you know double that and that amount of information that you can recall just imagine that that can happen that will help you a lot in your idea career right because obviously if you are here that's because you know you have to continually educate yourself that way you get all the way to the top and for you to get there fast obviously if you end up doing the right things but why not learn that one skill that's going to help you for you to get there okay number two accelerate the process of learning so now imagine that you accelerate that process right that means just imagine two times you doubled how you go through information and for you to be more effective at it at the same time imagine that just imagine that right you i give you like 10 videos right and just gonna double how you're gonna go through them and be able to be more effective and how much you're gonna be able to get out of because that's the thing that i wanted to talk about but you and i can go through the same video right a new video uh about a new topic okay a 30 minute video about a new topic for you a new topic for me now you and i end up having like the same skills and how to process information right so like really really great at it you and i because we've been again learning this right but even though we're really good at it the way that you're gonna process that information right that way it's gonna apply to you completely different and how i'm gonna process and apply that information uh on me right and that's based on where i'm at and based on what i'm trying to accomplish and that's what people don't get people think as long as as long as i know that information is good no no it's like people say you know our knowledge it's powerful you know it's not true what you do with it that's exactly what makes a difference so one thing is for you to know and the other for you to change your mind and what to do with what you're learning how you're gonna use it and how it's gonna apply to you for you to get the results that you want but people don't do that people don't do that you know let me tell you something really quick right now okay and this has happened i always get the same answer i always get the same answer okay so i reach out to someone right and i'm like well tell me where you are right now right for those that uh apply for that coaching program you know i'm learning that ccna one learning the computer a plus so i'm learning this other certification okay so can you tell me what are you doing right now for you to be able to get that one certification well i'm going through a book or i'm going through a video so i'm doing this labs okay again same answer and i'm like okay so tell me more about how you're going to learn from these resources that you're telling me i mean are you learning to do what well for me to pass a test you know because i went through some of the questions so i have an idea okay so you that that's what you have in your mind right um passing the test and that's how that's how you are going through and this resources right the videos the book and all of that for you to pass the test that's what you have in mind right yes you are doing it wrong totally and completely wrong and you're going to end up like most people average in your it career and they just get amazed i'm like what what just happened i'm like look what happens once you get your certification you're gonna apply for a job yes oh okay okay uh and they're gonna ask you questions probably right based on what you are learning right now right oh well yeah and probably maybe depending on the job what they're asking you're gonna have to probably uh sell yourself based on saying a few things that they're looking for right uh yeah so why not learning what you are learning right now in a way that you can sell yourself in a way that you can create stories in a way that you can really market yourself once you go through that job interview process what you have to think of it just as passing the test and they're like oh and probably that's the same reaction you're getting like oh now it makes a more a big difference you see i'm really giving i'm really helping you here i really am and i hope you know you take my offer and sign him for the membership so i can really teach you that my main goal is to really help you for you to be able to get a high paying job in 19 and for you to get it fast that way we can go with everyone else and be like look what took you 10 years and you're having this old outdated ways of doing it it took us a few months a year or two you know some students are able to get a six-figure income in less lasted two years some students already accomplished that in less than two years and some of them didn't have a bachelor's degree what are your background in iet so imagine you right you can do a lot better i'm telling you now number three okay so we can finish with this know how to process information in a more effective way know how to process information in a more effective way what does that mean okay again effective way i go back to the same thing when you go through information is how can i go through this information is the way it's gonna really help me based on what i'm gonna accomplish in the next few weeks in the next few months well this information can help me for me to answer technical questions for me to present this information based on a project that i'm working on or for me to really articulate you know on how to troubleshoot an issue based on what i have learned and step one and step two and step three because most people i'm telling you they have no idea in their mind it's kinda all over the place and sometimes you see people they're random like they don't know what to say or they kind of go back and forth and then you like question like are these guys listening and what he's saying because he's not making that much sense even though he knows that information but why because the way he ended up learning that information was wrong so it's kind of like all over the place and that's how it's coming out of your mouth that way okay so it's about that about being very effective and called on how to process that information in a way that's gonna really help you okay now again last time because this is huge the way that you learn matters a lot not just a little a lot i didn't call this you know this is a skill you need to learn okay no this is a high paid a skill that you need to learn and what eventually master and this is something that i always do every year i took one or two uh courses related to it every year because i know that i can do a lot better and a lot better that's why i'm able to do these videos again you know and be able to just kind of go on it and this is not something that i just was born with seven years back i wouldn't be able to do it not even with a powerpoint presentation not even having uh a teleprompt in front of me none of it like i just wouldn't be able to but this helped me because now i'm able to process information in the the right way and be able to really execute and learn from that in a way that i can now teach it and see how it ended up working for me and be able to get that result okay now this this is why that's a must this is exactly what has to sell you out and you're learning this one skill okay because when you do this that's gonna help you for you to be able to connect with people if you cannot connect to people you're not gonna get that much in uh far in life in your it career okay not just in your iet career in your personal life okay this helps feel for you to connect okay with people it helps for you to communicate what you have to say for you to educate people for you to present that information to other people and for you to become a storyteller that's exactly what differentiates you once you go through a job interview process many people sometimes reach out to me and be like you know jorge i already have my ccna i already have this i already have experience in iet you know and i want to reach out to you if you can go through that coaching not all of it because i know some of it but just for me to help me to get a job in iot and sometimes i say i cannot help you with that because you end up learning what you know so far and you end up on getting the certifications you have the wrong way so it's going to be really difficult for me to teach on how to sell yourself and how to connect with people and how to communicate educate present and become a good storyteller because you end up learning the wrong way if you learn the wrong way the right way it helps you a lot and you really being able to accomplish these things if you cannot accomplish these things you and you will not end up getting the job and that's the issue right now of many people you know even though they have the experience they have terrifications they have this they have that they're not able to get the job or end up getting just an okay job they end up moving sideways many people do because they have no idea how to really upgrade their i.t career go to the next level go up not sideways okay so that's you now i'm going to ask you for you to join the any nea our network engineer academy membership site 77 a month that's it you give me six months here you trust me six months i'm doing this and do everything i ask you to do on that inside i'm not gonna only change your i.t career i'm gonna change your life and you're gonna take it to the next level their miami join and we'll see until the next video take care don't forget to like the video to share and i will talk to you [Applause] soon you
Channel: Network Engineer Academy
Views: 6,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high paid skills for it engineers, high paid skills, high income skills, ccna training, it skills, it skills training, it skills in demand 2021, how to study ccna on your own, ccna study material, Technical Skills, it technical skills, best skills to learn for the future, how to become a cloud engineer, how to become a cyber security engineer, how to become a network engineer, skills to master, job skills, it training, cisco certifications, netework engineer academy
Id: uhLqOZltPPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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