It’s Lonely at the Top | Gangster Drama | Full Movie | Black Cinema

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(electricity zapping) (soft music) (tense music) (chill music) - What you thinking, baby? - You sure you wanna give all this up? - Baby, when I told you I was out, I meant that shit. This street shit ain't gonna get us where we want to be or where we need to be. - Baby, Kane, I watched you busted your to build this empire. I don't wanna see it go to waste. - Baby, it ain't going to waste. It's already served it's purpose. You trust me? - I do. - Good. Corporate motherfuckers, they go harder than these street motherfuckers. - Baby, you know, whatever it is, say the word, I got you. - That's my girl. Put this in your bank account. - Be safe. - Always. Before I forget, maybe pull some strings, get my silly ass brother outta jail. - I guess. But bae, this has to be last time. I can't keep pulling strings for him. - I know. - That's gonna get me in the hot seat. - I know. - We can't have these kind of eyes on us. - You right. That's why this'll be the last time. I promise. - All right. - [Kane] I'll talk to you tomorrow. - All right. ♪ I'm so sorry I fall ♪ - Oh man. Man, the hell they watching? I'm bout to lay it on down, bro. - All right? You need me, bang my lot. - Got you. - What's up, baby? What you still doin' up? - Hey. Just got a few things on my mind. - All right, listening. - I'm just afraid that the past is gonna come back and haunt us. - Baby, the fear of the unknown is always gonna be scary, but I promise you, I am a 100% done with anything criminal. We won already. - Yeah, what about your old enemies and your brother? Most important, he's a loose cannon. I'm afraid that he's going to bring our entire family down. - Here you go doing it again. Overthinking. You gotta stop that. Listen, when Rico gets outta jail, I'm gonna go sit with him and I'm a tell him what we doing. And yes, he is my brother, but if he's not with the program I will cut him off. - Yeah, we both know that's easier said than done. - You right. But you gotta trust me. I'll handle everything. Promise. - Okay. - Now, let's go get some rest, or not. Uh-huh. Always trying to act like you scary. - I'm not scared. - Oh, be scared. ♪ Look at me ♪ ♪ He's lucid ♪ ♪ I'm so high, I open lucid ♪ ♪ You take me to a safe place ♪ - What your day look like, baby? - Have to go to the salon. Pop my head in, make sure these bitches ain't slacking 'cause I ain't there. What you got going on? - Gotta meet with that realtor about that second apartment building I was telling you about. Told you. I'm a buy up this whole neighborhood and turn into the black Wall Street. - You wonder why I love your ass. You handle business. Give a call if you need me. - I got you, baby. Have a good day. - You too. ♪ Safe, soon as we step out the cage ♪ ♪ We raising all of the stakes ♪ ♪ Make no mistake ♪ ♪ Either you stay in your place ♪ ♪ Or we puttin' you on a plate ♪ ♪ Look at our face ♪ ♪ We put the fear in the dirt ♪ ♪ We had to struggle for change ♪ ♪ Pick up the pace ♪ ♪ We put in infinite work ♪ ♪ That's why we stay getting pain ♪ ♪ You already late ♪ ♪ We moving on the next ♪ ♪ You still been stuck in the face ♪ ♪ There's no debate ♪ ♪ We draw the line in the sand ♪ ♪ We say it straight to your face ♪ ♪ They on a break ♪ ♪ So we put the team on our back ♪ ♪ We took the city to state ♪ ♪ What it's gonna take ♪ ♪ Another S on our chest ♪ ♪ Another beating in the grave ♪ ♪ We in the grave ♪ ♪ We always switchin' it up ♪ ♪ They can't predict what we say ♪ ♪ Come out the cave ♪ ♪ They see the blood on our shirt ♪ - Hello. Come on in. - Thank you. - Yeah, I'm Nicole. So great to finally meet you in person. - Nice to meet you, too. I'm Kane. They tell me you're the best in the business. - Wow. Well your sources are correct. Uh, let me give you a tour of the complex. - Thank you. ♪ Don't be afraid baby ♪ ♪ I'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ Have no fear baby ♪ ♪ I will leave you never ♪ ♪ My baby ♪ ♪ Don't be afraid baby ♪ ♪ Oh, I'm gon' love you forever ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Have no fear baby ♪ ♪ I will leave you never ♪ ♪ Don't be afraid baby ♪ ♪ I'm gon' love you forever ♪ ♪ Have no fear baby ♪ ♪ I will leave you never ♪ ♪ Oh baby ♪ - Nicole, I really love this place. - Great, um, there is just one problem. - What's that? - There's some drug and gang activity in this complex. As you can see, down the hill. - See any cops down there? - Of course, plenty of times, but they just keep seeming to find their way back. - I don't think they gonna be much of a problem. Once I purchase this place, I plan on evicting any potential problems. - All right, well good luck with that. That's why the current owner is looking to sell right now. - Gotcha. - Well, let me show you the rest of the amenities. - Yeah. - Right this way. - Nicole, thank you for the tour and your time. I'll be in touch. - Of course, well, I'm looking forward to it. - Thank you. - Of course. ♪ I won't look at yourself ♪ ♪ 'Cause I'm trying to have a better day ♪ ♪ Ain't gonna get delirious and just sit here while I wait ♪ - Susan, you ready to come back? - All right. ♪ Starting to feel okay ♪ ♪ Nigga probably getting serious ♪ ♪ So only other things get in the way ♪ - Hey, Britt. - Hey, how are you? - Good, how's everything been? - Girl, business has been good but there's only one thing. - What's that? - Girl, this white guy has been coming by here for the last past two weeks looking for you. - What white guy? - Shoot, I don't know. - Brittany, you didn't think to ask any questions? - No, because the shop was packed and I just told his white ass you weren't here. - Next time I'm gonna need you to take a better message. It could have been something important. - Damn, you're right. My bad, I got you next time. But anyway, so how has life been since you and Kane came up with that new business plan? - It's been amazing. Kane's been home more often and it's been great not Looking over my shoulder every five minutes. - I am so happy for you, girl. If anyone deserves it, it's definitely you. - Thank you. All right, back to work. We can chat later. - Okay. (Chris laughs) - Come on. I feel funny with this shit on, man. - Listen brother, this is our new uniform from here on out, all right? You drive in a suit versus the motherfucker driving in a du rag and a white T. Who you think the cops gonna pull over? Right. Just gotta be smart from here on out, all right? You was my number one lieutenant in the street. I need you to have my back on this one. - And I do. I'm just saying I don't think I'm gonna be able to fit in with all this white boy shit, man. - Man, you sound crazy. Since when did getting money become some white boy shit, huh? Ain't nothing changing. We still getting money, we just changed up the product. Instead of buying these drugs and have to look up our backs every five minutes, we gonna play their game and beat 'em at their own motherfucking game. - Man, I told you from day one, got your back till the wheels fall off. - That's what I like to hear. But from here on out, we doing everything right. Everybody will have a 700 credit score or better. We can go to the banks, be rich. Take out business loans and lines of credit. Everybody will have a gun license and a carrying permit. We doing everything right, brother. - All right, man. - You look good. - Look better than you. - Nah, man. - Yeah, man. ♪ I'll take a yellow sip ♪ ♪ 'Cause I'm trying to have a better day ♪ ♪ Ain't gonna get delirious just sittin' ♪ - Girl, put that broom up and get outta here. - Shit, you don't have to tell me twice. Shit, bye. - I'm sorry, we're closed. - May I have a minute up your time? - No, I'm busy. - I have a little advice for you. You and your husband better watch your back, 'cause I know everything. Everything about your husband's business and how you funded all this. I'm going to take your husband down. So if you ever wanna save yourself, call me. - Get the fuck outta my salon. - Girl, what the was that about? - I don't know. (tense music) - Hello? I know that look. What's on your mind? - I don't get it, baby. It's like my people just wanna stay stupid. I come up with a plan to get us all out the street and it seems like the better the plan is, the more they resent it. - Well, leaders are supposed to lead by example. This is what you were put here to do, and it's up to you not to let nothing or nobody come in between you and your purpose. - Thank you for always having my back, baby. - That's what I'm here for. But there is something I need to talk to you about. - What's up? - While I was leaving a shop today. - Mm-hm. - There was a detective that came by and told me to protect myself 'cause they're gonna destroy everything we worked hard for. - These motherfuckers, man. I promise you, baby, we good. I'm 100% outta the game. - Yeah, you out the game, but I need you to protect this family by any means. - So what you saying? - Anyone that has any information that can come back and hurt us, you need to take care of that. - I hear you. I don't think nobody betray the brotherhood and talk to the cops though. - You willing to bet our lives on that? (soft tense music) (smooth music) (knocking on door) (tense music) - You expecting somebody? (knocking on door) Who the hell could it be? - I don't know. - Stay here, I'll be right back. (tense music continues) Rico, what the hell you doing here, man? When'd you get out? - Damn, nigga, can I come in? - Yeah, come on. So how you been? - Better, now that I'm a free man. But fuck all that. What's up with you? I just did two years in the joint and I ain't see or hear nothing from my big brother the whole time. - Listen man, I told you. When you went in I was transitioning to the legal side of things. But now that you out, man, let's talk business. I got shit clicking out here, man. I got several rental properties, two apartment buildings, and bout to sign the lease on the third. Come on, man. - You saying all that to say what? - I'm saying, bro, we ain't gotta get our hands dirty no more. We legal. - Nah, you legal. I'm home, baby. And I'm about to get out here in the streets and get it popping again, like we used to. - I can't let you do that, baby. 'Cause we connected in every way, man. You go out and do some dumb shit, that's gonna go back on me and mine. - You can't let me? You know you sound like a bitch right now. Man, I spent two years of my life in a prison so you could be free, 'cause you had a family and a wife and I didn't. Don't forget about the sacrifice I made for you. - Ain't nobody forgot. But it's more than life been selling drugs and acting like we gotta keep up some stupid street reputation. Come on, baby bro, let's live for once. - Hidin' in this big ass house, wearing cashmere robes and shit. That ain't living to me. Man, don't forget where you came from. Or how I stood 10 toes down for your ass. (tense music) (dramatic music) (gunshot firing) Good? - Yeah, I'm good. - Let's get outta here. (dramatic music continues) - Bro, you sure you good? - I just did what I had to do. But I'm tired of living this way, man. There's gotta be a better way to make some money with less risk. - You might be right. Fuck! Man, the cops behind us, bro. You clean? - Nah, I got a little something on me. - Give it to me, I'll swallow it. - It's too much, man. - Fuck! Shit. All right, look, don't worry about it. I'm gonna take this one. You just make sure you keep the business running. Have me something to come home to. (dramatic music) - Got you. (smooth music) - Who was that at the door? - Rico. - How'd that go? - Not too good. Still in that street shit. - You think it's gonna be a problem? - A big one. A real big one. ♪ Move it underneath ♪ (tense music) - Fuck is this? - So I see Kane got you on that new bullshit, too. - I'm saying, what up though, Rico? - Tell me what's up, man. Like you about to sell some bean pies or something. - Oh man, listen, Kane got this new plan. We're through. We ain't gotta worry about looking over our shoulders, going to jail, none of that shit. - Nigga, you ain't ever been scared of going to jail. Y'all all sound like bitches right now. Remember, I'm the nigga that put that first gun in your hand. I remember that look in your eyes. And now you're talking like this? - I'm saying, Rico, a lot of shit done changed since you've been gone. You gotta give Kane's plan a chance before you go shoot that motherfucker down. That's all I'm asking. - I'm fucking disappointed in you, man. - Rico. (door rattling) - What up, bro? - I just bumped into Rico. - Yep. - Y'all good? - We'll deal with him later. Got some business you need to handle for the family. - Whatever you need, just say the word. - My man. So we got a lot of loose ends floating around out there. I need you to tie 'em up for me. - I got you. (romantic music) (blood squelching) (romantic music continues) (gunshots firing) (gunshot firing) - Hello? - Hey, you busy? - God it, what's up? - Meet me at our spot in 15 minutes. - Copy you. - Is everything okay? - Yeah, everything's good. I just gotta handle something real quick. - Okay. - I'll be back. What's up, baby? - Baby, we got a problem. It's your brother. He hasn't been out 48 hours and he's already causing problems. - Okay, what's going on? - Baby, Rico is out here setting up his old operation. He's out here killing and robbing all the competition. Like, I don't know. - Look, I'll take care of it, all right? Just, just calm down. I got you. - So, please do, okay? Because with this noise that he's making, baby, I don't know how I'm gonna spin this. - Listen, I talked to him earlier, all right? Just give me some time, and let me see if I get him to see it our way, all right? - You better do something, okay? And you better do it fast. 'Cause the way Rico's moving, he can fuck up everything that you have put together. - I hear you, I hear you. I'm on it. All right? - All right. - Calm down. I got this. We good, we good. Get some rest. Talk to you later. (smooth music) - Hey, that punk ass cop ain't came back yet, right? - Nah, I haven't seen him since the last time you popped up. Is everything good? You got that situation under control? - Yeah. You know Kane ain't gonna have me out here looking crazy so. - I hear that shit. But listen, if you or Kane ever need me, I'm here. - Oh, thank you Brittany. We're good for right now, but I'll keep that in mind, okay? - Okay. - Thank you. - Well, congratulations. - Thank you. You were amazing. And just so you know, I'm looking forward to doing more business with you in the future to come. - Well, I'm definitely looking forward to it as well. I'll stay in touch. - Hope so. - Boy, you good. Now you own the whole complex. What's the first plan of action? - Well, first order of business is to get them motherfuckers off my corner. - I'll handle that. - Oh, I know you will. - Something I can help you with? - Damn, that's how you talk to family now? - Family sticks together. The shit you got going on out there is only gonna take this family down and I can't let that happen. - Is that right? - So like I said, is there something I can help you with? - Nah, just stopped by to see what my brother's been investing my money into. - Your money? - Yeah, my money. And we all know I was the mastermind behind that plan that got y'all in that nice house and this fancy salon. - Look, Rico, I can't talk stupid with you all day. I got a business to run. - I got a business to run, too. And I ain't gonna let you or my punk ass brother get in the way of what I got planned. - Get the fuck outta my shop before I call the cops. - (laughs) Cops. See, y'all done got real soft. Boo! I'll be seeing you around. - Know I'm taking that joint. Boy I'm bout to get that clap, you hear me? (group chattering) (dog barking) - Gentlemen, how we doing today? - Man, what you two punk motherfuckers want, man? - As I was saying, gentlemen, I just purchased this apartment building. I came out to ask you guys to discontinue your loitering so that the residents who actually live here can get in. Now, I'm asking you guys nicely, can you just do your business elsewhere? - Listen, I'm gonna tell you like this, this is my block and we ain't going nowhere. You hear me? - Well unless you just put down $300,000 to purchase this building, then it says that I own this block, literally. - I'm gonna tell you like this, where I'm from, we don't buy blocks, we take 'em. You hear me? - Understand. You guys have a good day. - Good. (tense music) - Man, they should have traded that fool, man. Look at him. They should call him Russell Westbrick. What up, Brody? You got some good news for me? - I took care of those loose ends for you. - My man. Everything go smooth? - Of course. Anything else you need me to do? - Nah, I got another little problem, but I got that handled. You can get up outta here. - [Hulk] All right, man, cool. - All right, king. This dude, man. What's up, baby? - Hey baby, you home? - Yeah, I'm here. - Okay, call your mother. She called me like three times. She said she need to speak with you and it sounded really important. - I got you. All right, bye. I gotta take care of something, bro. I'm a get up outta here. - That's it, bro. Get at me, man. - Fo sho. I have been missing you. - I can't tell. You've been real distant lately. - Well, I just got so much going on in my life right now, baby. Speaking of which, I got a little problem I need you to handle for me. - I'll do anything for you. - Sure you right. So you know I bought those apartment buildings on Riverside. - Okay. - Yeah, and I got these fake thugs trying to make problems for me. Think you can handle that for me? - Say less, it's easy. - Mm. - But if I do that for you, what you gonna do for me? - Well, let's see you get that done. - Say less. ♪ Takin' all control, takin' all control ♪ ♪ Handcuffs, tongues tied, takin' all control ♪ ♪ It is feelin' right ♪ (doorbell ringing) - Hey, what's up, Kane? - What up, ma? You blowing me up all day. What's going on? - Oh, so you big time now? You ain't got time to pick up the phone and call your own mama? - Come on now. Don't start all that right now. What, what's going on? - Anyway, listen, now you know your cousin been working his ass off for the past few months trying to get that down payment to get his dream car, and I was wondering if you can help him out? - I did help him out, ma. Offered him a job in one of my businesses. - Damn it, Kane. You got the money. Why can't you just give it to him? - 'Cause I worked hard to make that money, ma. And what would I look like just giving it to somebody who's sitting on their ass. I offered him a job so he can have some money in his pocket. He turned it down. So I guess he didn't want that car that bad, huh? - Now you know I raised you better than that. Now you are blessed, Kane. Everyone is not as fortunate as you are to be blessed. - Well ain't nobody gonna be blessed sitting around waiting on somebody to handle some shit. - You need to be more like your brother, Rico. Now why can't you be more like him? Huh? Hmm. Now that boy got a heart of gold. You can learn a lot from your little brother, big man. - I'll see you later, ma. - Mm-hm. Go head on with your arrogant ass. (tense music) - Damn girl, almost forgot how good that mouth was. - Shit, keep your outta jail you won't have to miss this no more. - Hey. - What? - Just wanna say I appreciate you for holding me down while I was locked up, and thank you for getting a job at the salon to keep an eye on Heaven and that punk motherfucker Kane for me. - I fucking hate working for that bitch. Can I quit now? - Nah, not yet. But once my plan is complete, you gonna own that salon. - Good, 'cause once you done with your plan, I'm beating that bitch, Heaven, ass. (Rico laughs) - If you say so, ma'am. (tense music) - Damn, mommy, you trying to strip search me, or what? (gunshots firing) - Shots fired, shots fired. I need back up. (doorbell ringing) (smooth music) - Hey girl, what's up? - Girl, I need a drink. - Okay, what's going on? So what's going on? - Girl, my fucking landlord decided to up and sell the property, and I have to be out by tomorrow and I don't have nowhere to go. So, I know you were telling me that Kane just purchased those apartments downtown. - Mm-hm. - So I came over to ask you, you think I'll be able to rent one out? - Of course you can, but there's just one problem. - What's that? - The new apartments won't be ready in the complex until two weeks. - Well damn, that's cool. I can just always go get in a hotel. - Nonsense. You can stay here for two weeks until the apartment's are ready. - Nah, I wouldn't want to impose and I hate being in other people's space. - Do you see how big this house is? We probably wouldn't even know that you're here. - Well if Kane is cool with it, count me in. - You let me worry about Kane and you go get your stuff. - Shit, okay girl. - Okay. - How about that drink? - I got you. (sensual music) - Damn baby, what's up? - I took care of that little problem for you. - Oh did you? - Mm-hm. - Mm-hm. - Let's just say you won't be having any more problems outta them. - Is that so? - That's so. - Well, if that's the case, how much do I owe you? - Hmm, since that was a big job. - It was. - It was. I'm thinking I want that uh-uh, don't want, come and get it special. - Gotta loosen up the tie then. Step aside the booth. - Oh, that's what I like to hear. - Oh yeah, yeah. (smooth music) - Hey baby. - Hey. - How was your day? - It was eventful, but we can talk about that later. - Okay. - Did you take care of everything down at the apartment? - Oh yeah, I handled it. - Okay. - But what I wanna know is can I take my wife out to dinner? - Uh, yeah, we can do that, but can I talk to you about something first? - Of course. (knocking on door) Who's that? - Um, give me one second. - Hey. - Hey. - Hey, what, what's up with all this, baby? - Can I talk to you in the bedroom for a moment, please? - Okay. - What happened? What the fuck? You know how I feel about motherfuckers in my house. - Okay, first of all, she works for me in the salon and she didn't have anywhere to go. - So what, we a shelter? - Baby, we need to fill those vacant units in the apartment and she's going to rent one once one becomes available. It's just two weeks. - I don't like it. - Baby, it's just two weeks. I promise she'll be outta here after. - I love you. - I love you. - You better. - Damn girl, is everything all right? - Yeah we good. Look, you my girl. Ain't no way I'm gonna let you stay in a hotel while I stay in this nice ass house. - Are you sure? Because Kane didn't seem too happy. - Let me worry about my husband. Let me show you to your room. So come on. - Okay. (ominous music) - Get the fuck off my car. - Damn, Lisa. After all these years you still fine as hell. - And after all these years you still a loser. Now get the fuck off my car. - Look, I'm bout to get real active out here, so I ain't gonna tell you this one time. Stay the fuck out my way. Telling you that 'cause I don't want to hurt you, but you know I will. - I think you got things twisted. You better stay the fuck out my way or I will hurt you. And if you ever show up to anywhere I'm at again, it's gonna be blood. Yours. (tense music) - Baby, can we talk? - Yeah, we can talk. Why the fuck you tell that girl she can stay here without talking to me first? - Baby, that's my friend. I'm just not gonna let her stay in a hotel like that. - Why? That's what hotels are for. - Baby, it's only for two weeks. - Baby, we got so much shit going on right now. The last thing we need is somebody hearing some shit they don't need to hear in the first place. - Okay. Baby, I don't wanna fight no more. Tell me what I can do to make it right. - Just don't make no more decisions like that without talking to me. We're a team, right? - Yes we are a team. - Start acting like it. - Okay. I love you. - I love you, too. (tense music) Man, did you see that game last night? - Fuck yeah. - Man, Ja is special, man. - Bro, came through the middle, nobody guard him. - Yeah. What's up, baby? - Baby, you know your punk ass brother rolled up on me yesterday? - Nah, you lying. - No I'm not. And if he run up on me again, I promise you I'm gonna kill him. - Look baby, you don't even worry about it. I'm gonna take care of all that. But you good though, right? He ain't hurt you or nothing, right? - No, I'm fine, but I'm telling you he's gonna be a problem. Let me take care of him. Baby, I could do it. I'm telling you. Look, I say you let me do it that way he won't become a problem because if he comes too big, it's gonna be worse. - Baby, just sit still. I'm gonna deal with this motherfucker right now. I'll talk to you later, bye. - This motherfucker Rico. This dude. - What that nigga do? - Rolled up on Lisa. Let's roll up on that motherfucker right now, man. - Mm-hm. - Hey girl, I'm about to go to the store and grab some things. You trying to roll? - Nah, I'm about to hop in the shower and I'm about to go to the movies with my man. - Mm, okay then. Well you have fun and lock the bottom lock on your way out. - I got you. And I'll call you when I get back. - Okay. All right girl, bye. - Bye. (tense music) - Big brother, to what do I owe this pleasure? - Stay the fuck away from Lisa. - What you talking bout, man? (gun cocks) - Do it look like I'm playing games with you? This is the last time I'm talk about this shit. - Same old Kane. You do all this over a bitch and nothing for your own family. Man you a fucking joke. - Stay the fuck away from Lisa. It's your last warning. (tense music) - Bundle up motherfucker, it's about to be a cold winter. (calming music) - What's up, girl? We at this new bar in the block. Drinks on me. - I wish I could but I gotta go to this fancy dinner with Kane. - Damn girl, you don't get tired of being around all them crackers and them fake rich people all the time? - First of all, it's an adjustment, but it's not that bad. - Mm, yeah, 'cause you better than me 'cause I would've been smacked the shit outta one of them fake ass bitches. - And see with that type of thinking, that's why you gonna be exactly where you are. We have to shake that mentality. Especially if you wanna exceed in life. - Girl, I guess you right. I'll get there one day. - You are crazy. You got a customer. - Come on, girl. (tense music) - Let me ask you something, man. - Mm-hm, go ahead, shoot. - You think I'm tripping letting Brittany stay here? - I wouldn't say you tripping, but keep an eye on her. - Maybe I'm just thinking about it too much. Fuck that. I need you to watch my back tonight at this charity event. There's gonna be a lot of rich scumbags there. - No doubt. What's this shit about tonight anyway? - Just some charity event I gotta show my face at. Make a donation. But I'm really going to meet Bob Mcknight. - Who that? - One of the richest men in the world. He the one who made me wanna go legit. Yeah man, he got a shit load of real estate. Just bought this tech company. If I can convince him to take under his wing, we ain't got to worry about shit the rest of our lives. - Shit, sound like a plan to me. - Yeah, me too. (ominous music) - What's up, baby? - So how much longer you need me to be nice to this bitch? I'm getting tired of her and her shit. - Just a little bit longer. I'm checking out them cameras you got put in right now. Looks like they about to go to a party or something. - Yeah, she told me they was about to go some big ass event. - That's perfect. - Uh, what does that mean? - Play time's over. Tonight, we're killing Heaven and Kane. (smooth music) (calming music) - You're welcome. All right, baby. I ain't trying to be here all night. - Okay, well let's do what we came here to do. - Yep. - Look at me. Ain't no one in hear better than you. You here because you belong here. Now go get that money. - Going to get it baby. - Okay. (ominous music) - We good? - We good. (ominous music continues) - Listen motherfuckers, y'all only got three hours until they come back, so y'all need to go and do what you gotta do. - All right, settle down. Settle down, everybody. I just want to thank you. I am so happy that you all are all here. Your presence is felt and I appreciate your generosity. So eat, drink, have some fun, and this is the 25th charity event for the Wiggly Brothers charity. So thank you. Make a friend, go mingle, and y'all be generous with your wallets. - Thank you. - You're welcome. - Hey you. - Hey. - Hey, I didn't expect to see you here. - You can always find me where the money is. Always. - Oh. - You look nice. - Thank you. You look quite snazzy yourself. - Thank you. - So how's a new apartment complex treating you? - I have no complaints. As a matter of fact, I'll be ready to talk about that second one. - Well, in that case, I'll be looking forward to your call. - Hey baby. - Hey baby. - You wanna introduce me to your friend? - Absolutely. Nicole, this is my wife, Heaven. Heaven, this is my realtor, Nicole. - Nice to meet you, Heaven. I've heard a lot about you. Great to put a face to a name. Yeah, your husband is a good man. - I know that. Can I get a minute with my husband? - Sure. - The fuck was that all about? - And what was that about? - She was all grinning and smiling in your face. That's what we doing now? - Come on, baby, she just was doing a little small talk. What's the big deal? - You know what? Don't worry about it. - Baby. Really? Wow, okay. (ominous music) - Baby, I need you to be tough and hold it down for me. - But baby, what if something goes wrong tonight? What if I get killed or something? - Ain't shit gonna go wrong, all right? These the best shooters in the city and I'm gonna be right down the street watching the cameras. Hold it down. - Okay baby, I got you. - Y'all niggas, let's get this shit cracking. (tense music) (calming music) - Walter, you put together a great event. Thank you for the invite. - No, thank you and your beautiful wife for your generous donation. You know what? We need more people like you that are willing to give back to their community. - Thank you for saying that. And um, speaking of community, I wanna take this time now to put my bid in for that huge apartment building you have for sale in the downtown slums. Now, I know with a little bit of work, I can really turn that community around. You see, I have a plan, and that building is necessary for that plan to work. - I would love to sell you that building, but there's one problem. - What's that? - I already put in a bid to buy the building. That building belongs to me. - Kane, meet Bob Mcknight and his son, Junior. Y'all meet Kane. - Nice to meet y'all. Bob, I'm a huge fan of your work. It's a pleasure to meet you. - Of course you are. Walter, I thought you said that downtown property is mine. - Well, at the time yours was the only bid on it. - Listen, I know that community, guys. I don't see why we can't all work together on this project. - And why would I wanna work with you again? - Well, like I said, I know that community. - You don't know shit. How dare you come in here like you're some kind of big shot. You couldn't compete with me on your best day, boy. - What you just call me? - Gentlemen, lets settle down. - Hi. - Hi, can I get a drink, please. - Pay for it? - Yeah. Going over to my baby. Ooh-wee! That's toast to the roast, baby. (chuckles) Woo! ♪ Love, I'm craving your booty to see if it's real ♪ ♪ Can I get a feel ♪ Hot diggity damn! Girl, you got some wagon you draggin'! What's your name? - Are you kidding me right now? Look, whatever you're selling, I'm not buying. - Oh, oh, okay. Uh-huh. I understand now you, you one of those stuck up chicks. Yeah, I see. Look like you don't have no daddy in your life either, huh? I tell you what? A real man come, you don't know one, 'cause he'll jump up and slap the shit out you in your face. - Look, you done had one too many. Now I'm gonna need you to take your stink breath and get the fuck outta my face. - Look here, bitch. - We good over here? - Yes. This clown was just leaving. - I'm just talking to my baby, man. - Bro. Bro, do yourself a favor. Get lost. - Damn, man. - Come on, baby, it's time to get outta here. Can you believe that white motherfucker spoke to me like that? - Actually I can. This they shit, baby. Last thing they want is a strong black man sticking they nose in they shit. - So what you saying? I ain't good enough to do business with these motherfuckers? - Absolutely not. My man can do anything he put his mind to. But I'm just confused as why are you so surprised? - I don't know, babe, I just looked up to the man. When I finally got to meet him he just wasn't what I expected. - I get that. But all that means is that we gotta outbid this white motherfucker and take that property. Right? - Right. Thank you, baby. - You're welcome. I'm tired as a bitch. - I feel you. I hope you ain't too tired. Come on, upstairs. (romantic music) - Hold, hold on. I know you don't think we not about to talk about that real estate bitch that was all up in your face. What was that about? - Stop playing. - I'm not playing. - You know better than that. (ominous music) - Come on, baby. You know I wouldn't violate you like that. ♪ Feel it in my heart and my soul ♪ - I only have eyes for you. - Good, 'cause you know I'll fuck some shit up. And my expensive shit. - Tell me you love me. - I love you. ♪ I can give you lovin' here ♪ ♪ You're such a Gucci ♪ ♪ You're such a Gucci on my block ♪ ♪ Right, if you wanna make you a quick stop ♪ - Oh shit! (gunshots firing) You got me fucked up! (gunshots firing) (Heaven screaming) Fucking nigga. Stay down! (tense music) (gunshot firing) You don't want this smoke! Why the fuck you trying Kane? Trying to get out the game, you motherfuckers keep bringing me back in! Fucking bring me back in! (gunshots firing) What now? Had this motherfucker since school, y'all motherfuckers. I got something for all you slave thinking motherfuckers. (gunshot firing) Yeah, that's the end of that motherfucking conversation. Baby! Come down, it's clear. (intruder grunting) (gunshot firing) - Damn! (dramatic music) - You all right? - No, I'm afraid. How did these people get into our house? - It's that bitch, Brittany. - What? Babe. - [Kane] Stay there. - Babe. Babe. - [Kane] Where you at, bitch? (singer vocalizing) ♪ Sitting in my dorm ♪ ♪ Tryna get that lay in you ♪ ♪ I'm plugging to the natural ♪ ♪ Remind myself of love and life ♪ ♪ Could have been distract though ♪ ♪ Put that shallow water on my back ♪ ♪ Look forward to my fantasies ♪ ♪ Don't take this world for granted ♪ ♪ Yourself find all the answers ♪ ♪ Confuse so I can follow ♪ ♪ Leave for my mind, loving all the time ♪ ♪ Money don't go awry ♪ ♪ Getting paper is paper getting greater is greater ♪ ♪ So peace, so sweet, so beautiful ♪ ♪ Be nothing for the fall ♪ ♪ Let me land free from it all ♪ ♪ From it all ♪ ♪ From it all ♪ ♪ Got my superpowers ♪ ♪ I'm smoking flowers ♪ ♪ Shower me with lavish ♪ ♪ Tell myself I got this, I got this ♪ ♪ Scientist on this rocket ♪ ♪ Fire away, I'ma block it ♪ ♪ Sitting in my dorm, tryna get ♪
Channel: Stash Movies
Views: 626,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lonely, Crime Drama, gangster, street, police, narcotics, Love, Thriller, atlanta, Georgia, Black Cinema, Betrayal, Redemption, film noir, Violence, relationship, hood, African American, Black Diaspora, Black Drama, Tubi, Tubi Movies, Free Tubi Movies, Top Movies, Top Free Movies, Top Movies 2024, Movies Free, Full Movies, Free Full Movies, Full Movie, Free Movies, Movie Free, Free Movies Full Movie, YouTube Movies, Watch Movies, Watch Free Movies, Movies to Watch, HD Movies, 4K Movies
Id: U2d3jn3bj7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 56sec (3776 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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