Israeli Woman Gets Emotional After Hearing About Jesus | Street Interview

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we're talking about the anxiety and the depression you have that I'm dealing with and if I think I would believe in God I I would have had a much easier life but unfortunately I I don't and I don't have it in me but I'm really curious and that's why I that's amazing it's not your job to believe in him your job is to have an open heart and say if you're actually there please show yourself to me please show yourself to me would you mind if I prayed for you sure thank where are you from originally I'm from the Golan Heights the Golan Heights so you're Israeli I'm Israeli and Jewish and born Jewish yeah me too what makes somebody Jewish um I think being born to a Jewish mom or a mother or converting yeah yeah but my parents is the like the number one answer in in all of Israel when we ask people what makes somebody Jewish most people say my parents okay yeah I'm Jewish yeah I've been living in Israel for about 15 years and I came to Faith In Jesus Yeshua about five years ago through a miraculous a mirror absolute Miracle again how how long have you been in Israel I've been Israel for about 15 years and you've been killed Jewish and Israeli for 15 years and you've never thought about Jesus before no I wasn't I didn't have any I didn't have any past you know context of Jesus and so when I took my family my wife and my kids to California where I grew up and she's Israeli she's Israeli and Jewish also and we had these experiences that were related to Jesus suddenly I mean I was depressed and anxious and fearful I was suicidal and I was like I don't wanna I don't want my family to see me like this and then Jesus how many children do you have three I had two at the time so so when you hear when you hear the name of Jesus what do you think about foreign [Music] he did it and then he went and died as a substitution for us Ken did you know about that part Ken did you read the New Testament no how do you just have uh general knowledge wow that's great history is wow yeah so so Yeshua Jesus do you know what he said about himself well he he gave the instructions his commands you know love God with all your heart mind soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself and he like you said he went to the sick and he went to the people that were outcasts and he went to sinners because he came for us he came for everyone so that we could have forgiveness of sin that's why he came and what he said about himself Son of God Son of Man that he is the Fulfillment of the Messianic hope and that the Book of Daniel have you ever read the Tana The Book of Daniel talks about a specific timeline by which the Messiah has to come and be the atonement and then be cut off from his people and this is supposed to happen before the destruction of the second temple in 70 A.D so he came right on time and he was recognized by a lot of Jews at the time thousands were coming to faith in him when he came but the religious community for the most part the majority was not was not but that doesn't mean that he wasn't who he said he was so I just wanted to introduce you to the real Jesus and maybe you can check out the the New Testament and actually see for yourself how Jewish the book actually is I'm not afraid of the New Testament it shouldn't be yeah you shouldn't be I think all Jewish people should read it and they shouldn't be afraid of it I think we should take the good stuff out of it yeah yeah I think the essence of uh and not over I'm not I'm not I don't know I want to say the truth I don't believe in God but I think but I respect all religions and I respect our beliefs and I even envy people that believe in God because I think because I think believing in God gives you a lot of answers and you were talking about the anxiety and the depression you had that I'm dealing with Wow uh and if I think I would believe in God I I would have had a much easier life but unfortunately I I don't and I don't have it in me but I'm really curious and that's why I that's amazing a lot of people that don't have it in them it's you know what can I can I take the pressure off it's not your job to believe in him your job is to have an open heart and say if you're actually there please show yourself to me please show yourself to me because I couldn't do what happened to me the miracle that I had the transformation that I had overnight the transformation that Alicia behind the camera had overnight and Alicia was born near that I know those names yeah but you should see you should see he was on the streets Alicia were you born to uh uh Jews who believe in Jesus Ken rebelled we said you know what to decide something you have to be in the other side I don't know a child that never even tried to see to uh yeah yeah so yeah I just wanna I just want to let you know Orly yes can it's not your job to say I have to believe but God actually comes down to give us the strength and the faith that we don't have all we need is an open heart he says everyone that seeks me with an open heart will find me you don't have to do anything but just say I want you that's it I want you every day where can you show yourself to me please show yourself to me and I believe that you'll find him would you mind if I prayed for you sure thank you yeah heavenly father thank you so much for orally thank you for this wonderful conversation thank you for her open heart and her open mind father I know what it's like to be depressed I know what it's like to be anxious and suffering and struggling and I just pray father that you reach into her heart and you heal her that you show her who you really are in Messiah Yeshua that you bring her to True faith and belief because it's not in our power it's in your power and I just pray that you reveal yourself to her in a in a magnificent way and you give her the miracle that she's looking for in Jesus name I pray amen today's your birthday happy birthday can I give you a side hug oh Orly happy birthday wow may you all both be blessed wow so orally if you're watching this I just want to say thank you so much for participating in the video you touched my heart for sure um it was a blessing to see you happy birthday and everybody that's watching this I want you to pray for orally it's so hard to be depressed it's hard to carry that weight through life and I've experienced it I know a lot of people that have experienced it too so we want to pray for orally there's there's so many people that have no hope in their death and that just kind of makes life miserable she said I I wish I had faith I envy those that have faith in God but I know that God is powerful and he can show up and give it to her so pray for orally pray for her faith pray for her belief and that God lifts the depression and does a miracle in her life in the name of Jesus Amen if you like this kind of content give it a thumbs up help YouTube push the video out subscribe to the channel leave your comments down below and let's have the prayers coming in for orally in the comments section God bless you all take care
Channel: SO BE IT!
Views: 453,810
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Keywords: jesus testimony, sharing jesus, street preacher, christian testimony, God testimony, sharing the gospel, christianity vs judaism, messianic jew, messianic judaism, jewish, tel aviv, judaism, my testimony, new age to jesus, new age to christianity, what is messianic judasim, missionaries, what is messianic judaism, gospel of jesus, jews for jesus, i met jesus, christian jew, messiah, jewish messiah, israel religion, jeff morgan testimony, jew to christian, jesus the messiah
Id: So9FX65JCrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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