Jewish Woman Considers Reading the New Testament - WHY? | Street Interview

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foreign [Music] Yeshua as the Jewish Messiah beautiful the question that we're asking people today is have you ever read the New Testament you did uh and was in third grade so I had to pray every morning for four hours and read the the um the Old Testament but when I went to college in the states I had to take a course on contemporary civilization uh and therefore we had to read the Quran the New Testament and the Old Testament I think everybody should do that yeah so um I was really kind of surprised that when I read the New Testament for the first time I discovered that like there's this concept called Grace which doesn't exist in the in the Old Testament so we talked about the different kind of styles of God so the Old Testament God is very punitive and harsh and gives you punishment in the New Testament he's all about Grace you know like so it's a very different model um yeah of spirituality yeah that's interesting that you read it um did you know that most I think most religious they they live by the law but they actually practice Grace uh because they they know they can't fulfill the law yeah and they know that they sin and they fall short and yet for some reason they still feel that God is going to forgive them yeah yeah and in the New Testament shows how he forgives us and more recently I I started doing more like Buddhist training and there I found like also another form of kind of way of connecting at least with like uh more spiritual or uh great a different connection with spirituality that's more about loving kindness right and extending gratitude and and more about forgive like radical forgiveness and radical self-acceptance right um so I think at least these four different models Old Testament New Testament Quran which is a totally different ball game and then Buddhism is really important and and complements each other in many uh different ways for kind of like applying um stories and wisdom that comes from the stories to our everyday life um so I have to say that like I have the Ten Commandments it's things that guy me right in my personal life like and how to behave and I think there's overlap between the Old Testament and the New Testament in terms of like what we value right and uh we need to highlight the overlaps between our religious values and beliefs in order to create greater connections do you think that's the purpose of all of these things yeah of course to find the connection not to find the points of contrast and conflict but to find how actually there are similar values in those at least four um like four forms of spirituality that we can actually connect on um and we you know human beings are vastly fascinating um but in today's world I think that the focus has been on highlighting differences and polarity rather than emphasizing um how in terms of language of like everyday practices were actually more similar than we think we are yeah no I agree I agree with you do you think that that there is such thing as like absolute truth no so I must I'm a I'm a researcher so I measure everything yeah including values and attitudes right um and I can tell you there is no absolute truth but when you look at the intersectionality between different religions you can find consistent narratives and themes that resonate um with like something that you can predict or rely on and that's that's basically what we call truth is something we both our shared consent is something but we both agree on we agree right now the sun is shining right like we can both agree on that consensus but maybe we don't agree where is God or who or when God will love us or you know punish us do you think we can know that though no I think it's a lot of um a lot of community work that needs to go into like uh helping people guide them into finding these like talking about those shared reality yeah that place where we both agree on things is a work of community leaders that need to really Galvanize you know their communities to find points of connections with other communities yeah this makes sense totally makes sense and I appreciate your your openness to connect with people of course which is great and actually the love that comes out of you towards other people which is great um do you do you know that that all these different points of religion they also contradict each other really starkly right and so you mentioned something that that there's no like there's no absolute truth no is that statement absolute have you ever heard that no I've never been asked that question um that question is not absolute it could be that in 10 years my question my answer would be different yeah I we know from research that people change their attitudes like based on on like you know 10-year period of time people can move from being very religious to being moderate and vice versa from being very secular to being moderate yeah so hold on reflect yeah yeah so we're gonna we're gonna move a little bit so we know for research uh Harvard so psychologists find that people change their attitudes of 10 years right so you don't know what kind of person you're going to be 10 years from now right I 10 years ago was a complete atheist and now I'm much more what was it that moved you towards the idea of uh of God I think that I really came to like a breaking point in my life where I felt like I needed some anchors and uh and Community yeah and I think that like looking for a community in a place where I can find meaning I was definitely looking for meaning and then therefore I actually started to become a Believer and like and now I feel like my life is much more whole and much more connected to my origin and Roots you know like it's helped me to connect with my history with my family history coming from Libya from Iran okay like understanding my roots really grounded me and gave me a lot of force and and opportunity for growth and for personal development as a human being yeah you know today's Yama showa and Victor Frankel wrote man search for me and for me that's like a monumental book I remember anyone to read yeah um about really understanding what's important in life yeah yeah we moved over a little bit yeah yeah um so I'm gonna take you back to the New Testament because that's the topic of the day yes topic Jesus Jesus said yes I am the way yes the truth wow and the life Wow nobody comes to the father but through me wow that's very absolute that's very absolutely and divisive yeah so you're feeling that the New Testament at least there's some rhetoric that divides well yeah well yeah it the truth has to divide oh wow because it because it cuts through opinions yeah and believe it cuts through feelings yeah and so he says that about himself wow either it's true or it's not if it's and it's not up for like there's nothing binary like you can't life is not binary we're all like on the Continuum spectrum of attitudes feelings so you you you start you're starting to come towards God yes or believe in God what is it what is this God like to you God is nature I think God is like you okay I I feel I feel connected to God through nature and that gave me a lot of peace of mind and Equity like God is the the creation yeah God has created like my way of connected with goddess through his Creations okay which is nature in human beings yeah yeah well absolutely that's how we connect with one another um yeah that so what does this god require anything of you right now he just wants me to be a good human being and be kind-hearted do you think that you are a good human being yeah of course you said you had the Ten Commandments yes I have my Ten Commandments which I try to follow I don't always succeed and what happens if you don't succeed sometimes I I try to do better next time because usually there's a consequence yeah to breaking them yeah against someone else Society will punish me like if I will do something that's that is against the Ten Commandments and I'll do something that is violent towards another human being or obstructs Community or Society the community will punish you for that in various respects right if I for example walked I don't know I'm trying to think walk here naked in the street yeah and do something that violates a religious person's personal value yeah the society like somebody will punish me and penalize me for that right do you think that's okay if that's okay he's sweet he's like get naked now right you heard that part yeah um so is that something do you think that do you think that uh it's right it's upright for the society to punish things like that well there are times where it's a child or abusing somebody who's powerless yes of course get involved now would you say that that would you say that that was absolutely wrong to abuse a child an innocent child I can't okay so this is the compassion Buddhist part of me that says that everybody is entitled for forgiveness and we are all on the spectrum of becoming better we want to give the this person maybe we'll punish him but give him an opportunity for shikung for rehabilitation right give every person deserves a right for rehabilitation yeah to you know an opportunity a second chance yeah yeah yeah I agree and actually Jesus in the New Testament gives us that chance yeah but not just to be forgiven yeah to actually live in eternity with God forgiven and sins forgotten you see so that's a lot this is the company you know but he's also he's also like there's also judgment in the New Testament oh okay so good there is there's also judgment and so he's a judge and that he doesn't let sin go unpunished ah you see what I mean it's not our man what's up bro um so God even in the New Testament doesn't let sin go unpunished but he provides a solution in his love for us like how do we know that God really loves us so how do you feel that God loves you because he because even if one of those channels of love and the person that you meet in the streets absolutely extends this love and kindness to you so God is right now this is not coincidence yeah this is an intersection or a meeting of two people right that are meant to me right and it's some some higher power has enabled us right yeah to meet each other in the street today I could have waken up like an hour later I could have not I missed the street yeah and so for me this is an amazing opportunity where it says like God you know God wants us to connect right God wants us so yeah I can I have love in my life I've been very blessed you know I'm so happy to hear yeah and I'm happy for you too as well because it seems like you do too of course yeah but but a lot of people that we see around here are hopeless homeless in horrible pain they've been trafficked they're on drugs and they're you know you see them and they don't have the ability to connect like this so when we share with them what we tell them is how do you know that God loves you in the midst of all of this horrible life Wow and what we can offer them is the love that Jesus shares when he says no matter what happens to you in this life if you put your faith in me I will take you wow and give you a new home a new body in heaven and a new Earth where there'll be no more suffering and no more pain so it gives you hope and which is backed up by scripture not just by feeling but also by scripture so there's the there's the love your love you love God with your heart soul mind and strength and so that's what we like to offer people that that no matter how bad life is you can have hope in the one that we believe is the Messiah the savior of the Jewish people not only the Jewish people but the entire wow world so and that's why we ask people about the New Testament because that's what it offers because we've all sinned we're not really good people we're we we we're becoming we'd like to be we'd like to be coming yeah relatively like Michelle Obama we're becoming yeah we're working on it we could say relatively we're good comparatively to other people but I think in God's eyes with the Ten Commandments where do those come from you know from palestinai with Moses you know and God given the Commandments to us to follow yeah and consequences if we don't follow them and so even in the New Testament it does talk about consequences for not following God's Commandments but also not following the one that he sent for us as an atonement the one that see this is how I know God loves me how because even when I was telling him to get lost really really like you were as an atheist even when I was telling him to get lost and I want it my way you know that song Frank Sinatra I want it my way when I was living my way and against his Commandments then you got hurt then well I I got hurt but I also hurt a lot I heard a lot of other people but while I was doing that he died for me wow while I was against him he was loving his enemy wow so much that he went to the cross for me wow the Jewish the Jewish Messiah Jesus went to the cross for me wow and so by by me putting my faith in him I receive his righteousness and God sees him in me beautiful and so then I have the reconciliation between someone who's Fallen horribly short in this life no it's okay who's Fallen horribly short in this life I have that reconciliation with him through his his only son basically him becoming flesh and saying I'm going to take the punishment that you deserve because I love you that much wow so whenever someone sacrifices their life for you that's ultimately what love really is that's love that is pure love oh that's beautiful yeah let's feel it for a second yeah totally like when somebody else right takes you know they're like jeopardizes their life like yes the sacrifices their life for you right that's how you actually feel pure love right totally beautiful totally uh pure love pure love yeah true love very rare it is very rare it is rare and we believe that it came only in one person that showed us how to do it wow but that's not the way that we get to heaven he says we don't get to Heaven by our Deeds yeah we get to Heaven by our faith right but our Deeds our good deeds and our love that we show to other people yeah is a product yeah and a result of the of the love that he's shown us I wanted to thank you because I learned a lot about the new testament which I didn't know before yeah would you like one we have them sure I can't carry one now but it's tiny okay thank you it's in English we also have in Hebrew if you want yeah I'll read it yeah so I marked the the first uh I'm not becoming Christian I'm still a Jew but I'm going to read hey I'm still a Jew and I believe in Yeshua as the Jewish Messiah beautiful yeah wow thank you so let it speak to you oh thank you so much God bless you oh God bless and thank you for stopping
Channel: SO BE IT!
Views: 106,325
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Keywords: jesus testimony, sharing jesus, street preacher, christian testimony, God testimony, sharing the gospel, christianity vs judaism, messianic jew, messianic judaism, jewish, judaism, my testimony, new age to jesus, new age to christianity, what is messianic judasim, missionaries, is jesus the messiah, what is messianic judaism, gospel of jesus, i met jesus, religious debate, christian jew, messiah, do you believe in God, does God exist, judaism vs christianity, new testament
Id: Sr7RTMRx0rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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