Jewish Believers in Jesus REACT to Harsh Criticism

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yeah so I'm just going to read this comment uh from at Howling Wolf um he says it's all good and well if our fellow Jews want to do their own thing but it's absolutely despicable when Christians come into our communities trying to convert our brothers and sisters after what Christians have done with forced conversions and massacring of Jews all we want to is live in peace with our beliefs so don't come into our communities trying to destroy our families we don't take it lightly all right bringing the heat so um before answer this uh comment or react to it um I'm here with Ariel Randall director of communications with Jews for Jesus what's up Ariel hey Jeff good to be here with you yeah it's good to be here with you too so um we just want to make a quick announcement and it's very exciting we're actually going to be merging our two YouTube channels we have the Jews for Jesus YouTube channel that documents our conversations with Jewish Believers in Jesus and we have our street evangelism testimony Channel which is called so beit documents a lot of our work that we do here in Israel and we're going to be merging those two channels and this is going to be happening over the next couple of months we got an in incredible amount of new content coming out there um on the channel called so be it which is going to be called Jews for Jesus and so be it together it's going to be great and so I'm excited about it so go over there and you're going to get the same content um and so much more you know we're going to be going worldwide we're going to be doing lots of great stuff so uh subscribe right now or after you watch the video or hit pause and then go subscribe or if you can multitask I I can't usually do that you can sub subscribe and watch this at the same time um so yeah we're excited about that Ariel you want to say anything about that awesome yeah no just that everyone needs to do it go subscribe because you're going to get all the new content at that other channel and we'll put the link for everybody right in that's right down the description that's right that's right so it's gonna get hot in here so we just read that that that comment um and I I want to react to it I wna I want to go back and forth with you and react to this about um how we how Jews should do their own thing and and Christians come into communities and trying to convert convert Jews after what Christians have done throughout history don't come into our communities and you know first of all I just want to say one thing you know we are Jews you know you're Jewish I'm Jewish and we are doing our own thing um but you know what you know what this person is is is actually right you know so-called Christians and Catholics have done horrible things uh to Jewish people in in the past with forced conversions and and massacres there there's no denying that you know um you know yeah there's a lotad there's a lot here that we could unpack right in this comment oh yeah yeah so so I'm just going to start I'm just going to start by saying um we're Jewish and you know you have Christians that have died to save Jewish people they risked their lives and died to save Jewish people you also have so-called Christians and Catholics that have killed Jews in the name of Jesus in the past now let's look at the teachings of Jesus okay um Matthew 7:12 do unto others as you would have them do unto you Matthew 59 blessed are the peacemakers Matthew 5:44 love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you Matthew 6:14 forgive others as you want to be forgiven Matthew 22 and this is a great one the shama love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and love your neighbor as yourself and Mark 9 whoever wants to be first must be last and servant of all so you know these these teachings of Jesus teach the opposite of what this person is actually saying what what Christians actually uh believe in therefore that leads them to do these things to Jewish people what say you about that well I think you're right Jeff that it's valid that there's horrible things that have been done to Jewish people and some of those things have been in the name of Jesus and that that should you know rightly break our hearts yeah I think I think that it's you know really sad but people commit horrible atrocities in the name of many thing you know in the name of in the name of capitalism in the name of democracy in the Name of Love in the name of of Peace people do absolutely horrible things and it doesn't mean that we give up on peace but we can we can differentiate between what real what real peace looks like authentic peace and what somebody using you know rhetoric of certain values to bolster an evil agenda right so I think when it comes to to Jesus just like anything else we have to be able to differentiate those things and like you read straight from his own words Jesus would never have um endorsed so many of things that have been done in his name and neither do we yeah absolutely and I think it's important to to let the person know that's that's commenting here that that feelings are valid you know you have these feelings and um and they're valid they just don't have anything to do with Jesus you know but they they have everything to do with Wicked human beings that are um that you know they use like you said God and and Jesus and Islam and communism atheism whatever to kill and destroy so it's all about the evil intentions of the heart like in the book of Jeremiah it says that you know the the the human heart is deceitful and desperately sick who can know it you know and so it's it's the human being that causes these these problems not the the word of God uh especially as Jesus would put it um and also as Jewish Believers in Jesus we realize that we have scriptural experiential historical and spiritual experiences and evidence that Jesus is the prophesied Messiah and so this is why when he first came you know thousands of Jews plus rabbis including rabbis followed him and millions throughout history since then and so you know just we we don't stop being Jewish so so let's let's go on to the next the next one this is from blessing hope Angel if you if if you want to say it is it is I just want to say if you've accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior you are not Jewish anymore but now a Christian follower of Jesus Ariel what do you say about that one I mean I I I am a Christian follower of Jesus I'm Jewish born Jewish and um yeah I don't think that you can stop being Jewish just for believing in Jesus that' be kind of like reducing down being Jewish to something to something like that I feel like it's not giving being Jewish enough credit like being Jewish is so much more than you know what you think about Jesus right it's such a rich culture and experience and it's our family and it's our history and our legacy and our our our food our humor like it's so much Jesus has Jesus has all the power um but yet we never stop being Jewish you know it's it's it's like I I I like what this this comment we got a comment in response to that actually by by Don R Ricks he says in my mind for someone to say that being a follower of Jesus requires them to deny their Jewish culture would be the same thing as my grandmother saying she's no longer Cherokee because she trusted Jesus as her savior it's totally unscriptural and and I agree you know Jes Judaism is is a religion but being Jewish is it's our ancestry so you can't un you can't unje a person and like I said I I love saying this I go to to to Jerusalem sometimes and I have conversations with Orthodox Jews and we have loving convers ation we usually end up hugging after and those are those are the ones that actually agree to talk to us not the ones that say I can't talk to you yeah of course and and they all say every single one of them I would never say that you're not Jewish anymore I'd say you're wrong but I wouldn't say that you weren't Jewish and so I I like that next one is uh Steph green 2 2813 he says despicable Behavior misleading Jews in their Homeland to the worst idolatry in the world chosen by one God then enticed and pursued to think about three when Zechariah 18 becomes real the Christians will be burning their so-called New Testaments ashamed of having an affair with a man instead of being instead of being devoted to the Creator W there's a lot here like there's a lot in in a really short yeah that's intense like one of the things one of the things is Christianity is idolatry the second is um we're enticed to pursue and think about three gods and the third one is Christians are having an affair with a man so let's hit these one one by one so Christianity is idolatry well um Jesus quoted the Shima here o Israel the Lord Our God the Lord is one as the most important commandment right you know like nowhere in the New Testament does it mention more than than one God um in fact Jesus and his followers warned against idolatry um and they were they were arguing from from for for Faith In Jesus from within Judaism not from without you you know our faith is our faith is um based on believing in one God and allowing God to be God as he reveals himself as he Wills what say you you know I want to kind of like just go down a little bit of a of a rabit full here Jeff if I can stay with okay because I'm just I'm processing these comments and you know it's so interesting the comments that we get as Jewish Believers in Jesus everyone you know has an opinion uh okay but some of like I just want to unpack some of this a little bit right because like if you study you know religious Judaism like if you go on and read you know everything that's on there right they're going to talk about that um all Jewish people basically have a place in the world to come just by being Jews you get to go to heaven just by being Jewish right and if you're not Jewish only so people will get into the world to come we'll have a place there based on if they follow what in Judaism is called the seven you know Noah height laws which are these you know ideas of these laws that God gave to Noah for the Nations to follow and it's and one of the number one law is to believe in one God right and then they'll talk about like the righteous the righteous of the Gentiles being acknowledged as you know accepted in that idea right you C like you can't have it both ways right because when you talk about the righteous of the of the Nations the righteous of the Gentiles a lot of those people are Christians are followers of Jesus right like you think about y bashem people honored like you mentioned for saving the life of Jewish people right a lot of those people did that motivated by their faith in Jesus right so the righteous among the nations are follow if they're followers of Jesus then you're kind of saying well that the what qualifies you as the righteous among the Nations is one of the main things is monotheism belief in one God and so Christians like they're following in that tradition of of Noah and Abraham and all that or you can say Christianity is Pagan and then what we're saying is as Jewish people we're looking at the majority of people in the world today are pagans but then going back to and they're not going to have a place in heaven because they don't believe in one God right but then remember the first comment the person was like us Jewish people we just want to be in our little world and not bother anybody we just want to have peace that sounds lovely you're basically saying we're we're uh a tenth of a percent of the population of the world and the rest of us and we're the only ones that have a place in the world to come you can say there's righteous among the Nations and they believe in one God or that Christianity is Pagan and then maybe we should do something about that as Jews if we really believe that and and try to bring the one God to the world I think a lot of Jewish people would say we did bring one God to the world we did you know Judaism put monotheism you know on the map and that was part of God's purpose for the Jewish people and we were fulfilling that we fulfilled that and that you see the majority of the people in the world today you know follow monotheistic traditions and then but then if you follow that logic then you're you can't call Christianity payism and and idolatry so I don't know Jee if I'm making any sense I'm just sort of unpacking some of these ideas a little bit my own mind yeah yeah it's a great Point throughout the tanak it also it always talks about how the Gentiles are included you know and and and how they're included and so um let's go to the second one um he's talked about in enticed and pursued to think about three Gods so you know we can just touch on that quickly once again Christians don't believe in three Gods we believe in one God revealed in three persons and you know we can we can talk about the the brilliant renowned talmudic scholar Daniel boarin um who authored the book called uh the Jewish gospels he's not a believer in Jesus uh he's a religious Jew and he says that the concept of the pl plurality of God was a Jewish concept well before the arrival of Jesus in Christianity so um it's like you said great point it's a Jewish concept um and then the funniest one here Christians are having an affair with a man I mean okay before we go off on that though I just want to say for everybody watching you and I are we're just Jewish Believers in Jesus and we're not theologians or Scholars but we love talking about like these important questions totally and I want to encourage people to go on juice for because we have a lot of articles on there that are written by brilliant Scholars you know um Jewish Scholars and theologians who've studied faith in Jesus and so please if you're watching this check articles out and dive deeper into these things exactly jufor so yeah are we having an affair with a man I mean if we are you'd have to say that you know Adam and Eve and Abraham and Jacob and Gideon and monoa and so on they all had affairs with a man so so we should reject the Tanakh as well you know like a clear reading of the Hebrew scriptures shows these figures having met saw spoken with touched offered food to washed the feet of uh wrestled with a man whom they spoke of as God worshiped as God and wondered why they didn't die after seeing him so you know like I said before that you know there are many Jewish Scholars that that are not Believers that have said that this this this concept of of God revealing himself in human form is not post Jesus yeah it came before well again it's like I mean this person is it maybe their choice of words is kind of hilarious ious but they're acknowledging that PE people thousands of years later are totally captivated by the person of Jesus Jewish people and non-jewish people so okay their choice of words is funny but I love that in a sense I love that they see that like the universal like love that people around the globe have for Jesus generation after generation after generation like there's something to that like if you read the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus I just feel like you like everyone should give should give it a chance to encounter that book because it's changed so many people's lives and in in like every different chapter of history in every different culture around the world you see people that resonate with Jesus and there's something to that right and you know what it is it is an affair It's A Love Affair you know I I love Jesus you know he he saved my life he changed me you know into a completely different human being he did a miracle in me that I could have never done on my own and so I love him and I worship him and I want to you know devote my life to him so so there yes I'm having an aend with the man okay next comment next comment so this this comment comes from leani graphic design um okay so this came from a short um from a a man named uh Emanuel we we he's a Jewish believer in Jesus he's got four generations I think of Jewish believers and Jesus in his family and and his great great-grandfather came to a a a Jewish synagogue and he's Jewish right his great- great- grandfather's Jewish came to a Jewish synagogue and said Jesus is the Messiah and the person from the synagogue slapped him in the face and and and and crazy and this guy's um um Emmanuel's great great-grandfather went home and the guy that slapped him in the face actually came over to apologize and they had a discussion and the person that slapped him ended up giving his his life to Jesus and and wow and their family as well came to Faith In Jesus and so um this is a response from that video it says this is the reason missionaries are forbidden in Israel this is not heroic at all to turn a Jewish Family into Christians what this person wrote is exian they didn't want to write the word Christians it's it's despicable the family and the missionary should be ashamed assimilation is just another form of anti-Semitism they won't have any blessings from this xanity it's idol worship so w it's getting hot in here um first of all missionaries are allowed in Israel uh Israel is a democracy that allows freedom of religion and freedom of religious expression the fact that people don't like missionaries coming to Israel and talking to Jewish people about Jesus is one thing but it's it's it's still legal um and nobody turns a Jewish Family into Christians nobody nobody has the power to turn anybody into anything okay we know that this person who's telling this story about his great great great great grandfather right he's a fifth generation Jewish believer in Jesus his wife is Jewish yeah he's like he's his kids are Jewish like sixth generation we I know other people as well fifth sixth generation Jewish follower of Jesus y so you're making this comment about a civilation but clearly this story is living proof that Jewish people come to Faith In Jesus and many are committed to continuing to live as Jews and continue our incredible Legacy as Jewish people with faith in Jesus right I I just like feel like Christianity is kind of the opposite of assimilation in a sense because assimilation would be like if Jewish people were being absorbed if we were absorbed into the rest of the Nations which is I mean think about ancient Middle Eastern societies how many of them are still around like Babylonians whatever right like absorbed into other cultures and other things over yeah the Assyrians the Roman Empire yeah many but the Jewish people have not and actually the opposite like this is the tiniest group of people and like everyone in the world like had I shouldn't say maybe that's an overstatement but across the globe people have heard of the Jewish people they've heard about our faith they know the significance of Jewish people Li because of the Bible because of Jesus because of people like have this deep love for the Jewish people and for Israel across the globe like Jesus has kind of led to the opposite of assimilation in a sense of like bringing the the message and the story of the Jewish people to the world yeah through Jesus yeah and also this whole thing happened between Jewish people there wasn't a gentile Christian involved in this whole thing so there I mean talk about non- assimilation so right everybody in the world is reading the most read book ever in all of history written by Jews yeah right and because of Jesus is one of the main reasons that the world has been reached with um the story of the Jewish people yeah totally and we and she mentioned idolatry too we talked about that earlier in the video so uh the next one from mop pink mop pink 1990 um this is from the video the short video um on SOI it called I use the Jew card to avoid Jesus and this this is from a man that put his faith in Jesus but before when people are telling about Jesus he's like nope I'm Jewish so um she writes or he writes I don't know I think you're all so confused in the comment box the Jewish people only believe in Hashem the one and only true God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob any Jews believing anything else or just confused or uneducated that's interesting I know some extremely extremely intelligent Jewish people that believe in Jesus I mean top scientists I believe it's a direct uh direct connection Al also a lot of um rinic Jews that have come to Faith In Jesus that have studied thas yeah I believe he goes on to say I believe it's a direct connection just like Jesus had because he was too Jewish he too was Jewish okay I'm Jewish why would I need a middleman to reach my Creator I find this man in the video ridiculous you know I I want to talk about the middleman thing because I hear that a lot you know I talk to Jewish people about Jesus a lot and they're like I don't need a middleman and you know what it's it's a common argument but it's also a modern argument and and and so I'm just going to you know why I'm Jewish why would I need a middleman to my Creator well the law of Moses says so you know the Hebrew scriptures reveal how you know mediators were Central to the Jewish religion from the beginning absolutely yeah God established his Covenant with Israel at Mount Si calling uh calling the new the new nation a kingdom of priests Exodus 19 um and when the people stood in the presence of God they weren't like hey Moses we can handle this you know we'll go up for you they were like they were trembling they're like No Moses you go up you be our mediator and uh they didn't want to stand in the presence of God and so um the people just you know they implored Moses to go up on their behalf and so um God us it's super ironic right because like the yeah the whole point of the Jewish people like the original calling of the Jewish people God said I'm going to make you a nation of priests that whole idea is you're G to stand between God and the world and like being a mediator is so Central to Jewish thought and there's a lot of very interesting things in in the Hebrew scriptures right like about how the high priest would you know make the sacrifices and then even when with the death of the high priest it would atone for the sins of people living Cities of Refuge they could go free after you know so there's all these things where you kind of see one person representing um the people before God like you just said about Moes or like the high priest and that's exactly what we believe about Jesus yeah totally I mean the the the prophets I mean talk about you know those that are interceding on on the people's behalf it says here in uh Isaiah 53 actually because he poured out his life unto death and he was numbered with the transgressors for he bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors it's it's right there in our our Tanakh and it's it's all over you know a nation of priests but the the high priest he only went into the holy of hes once a year with the ability to atone for his own sins first and then atone for the sins of the people and so the the the Jewish people the people of Israel couldn't atone for their own sins the high priest had to do that work for them and so I I just found it was interesting one day I was on the streets and I was talking to uh to someone I think it was a a French man from from uh that lived in Israel and he was wearing a yamaka and I said you know I said hey I'm I'm a Jewish believer in Jesus and he's like we don't need a mediator and I'm like Moses uh prophets uh High priests and he's like no no no and I'm like and then he walked off and I was like okay and I just thought it was I just thought it was strange yeah well it just goes it connects to like a bigger question about how does Judaism even work like real you know the Hebrew scriptures like the you know the the Torah the law es the whole thing doesn't work without a temple without priests without like this entire system right Judaism today is so departed from what you read about in the Hebrew scriptures and if you read the New Testament it the New Testament answers all of those questions right like why do we not have a temple anymore why like why do we not have a high priest anymore and yeah I just think like it's just so funny to me when people will say like oh and Judaism or that and it's like what that's like light years away from what's from the the law of Moses totally so yeah and so I actually want to make a quote from uh the New Testament 1 Timothy 2 veres 5 and 6 for there was one God and one mediator between God and man the man Messiah Yeshua who gave himself as a ransom for all all right let's move on to at khorn that's kind of funny hanor 9449 okay we're we're winding down here unfortunately you're not Jewish if if you worship the wrong God here o Israel the Lord Our God the Lord is one you should go deeper and understand the Torah what what comes to mind right off the bat is so are you telling me that all Jews around the world if they're let's say they they practice Buddhism or Hinduism or their new age or their uh atheist deny God completely um I I just find it like are they not Jewish too you know does that include does that include them as well um okay I saw this Tik Tok last night yeah confessions and it's like this guy and he's like you know TI mat he's like I'm modern Orthodox and basically modern Orthodox means anybody who's more observant than me is crazy and anybody who's less observant than me is Catholic right everybody's version of their observance is the perfect level of of observance right and this is like I was cra up because this is so real right like right if people follow whatever they follow of Jewish law that's the perfect way and anybody who does less is Doing It Wrong anyone who does more is doing it wrong and it's kind of like oh my goodness I feel like we need a broader perspective of like what's God's plan for the world like if everybody who if everybody who's not doing it just like us is Doing It Wrong how does that how how do we reckon like what's God's plan for the Jewish people as whole what is his plan for the world what's his hope for the world and how do we like represent that and stop having the conversation about like over and over and over I'm like who's kosher enough or like who's observant enough like I just feel like it's just an echo chamber I don't know no no it is and and I think a lot of people will also say that everybody is right in their own way so and as much as they're observant they're right actually and I think that's that that might have been what you said in the beginning that that you know the orthodo ultra Orthodox he's right for that the the modern Orthodox she's right for that the conservative Orthodox reformed Orthodox sorry sorry the con conservative Jew the reformed Jew um they're all right for themselves and like you said where where does it where does what does God say you know and so I just want to share if you know I just want to share the faith of of Messianic Judaism or Christianity we believe in the life the death the burial the resurrection of Jesus as Messiah and those that put their faith in him uh and devote their lives to him have forgiveness of sin their sins are forgotten and have a reconnection with God and eternal and are given eternal life and are given the holy spirit of God to be able to live out his command Commandments and live a righteous life um and that's that's like faith in a nutshell that's what God Said and so with with Judaism like you said it's like it's like all over the place and and and I'm trying to when I talk to people narrow it down and it's very difficult to do well and Jeff you said that so well and I think what I really love about our faith as followers of Jesus is it's our faith rests on Jesus and his life and his sacrifice it doesn't actually rest on our lives and what we do or what we don't do or we live out our Jewish Identity or our you know our Jewish practice or or for anybody like it's not right there and there so there's Freedom there's freedom to live in our own cultural expression um that we feel comfortable with but our and our faith rests on something Beyond yeah but I our own our own lifestyle yeah and I want to ask you a question why doesn't it depend on us why not why can't we be righteous and just say oh I can do enough to earn Heaven why doesn't it depend on us yeah I mean I think the the whole of the Hebrew scriptures tells that story right totally of there's all of our righteousness that we could self-produce none of it is enough to make atonement before God but like the whole idea of the fact that that we people are judged for their sins not for their good behavior and their Good Deeds so there's nothing that we could actually do to pay for the sin yeah well and I think also like we live in this very indivi individualistic society and culture of like well ju you know I'm just going to be accountable for my actions like like as if I live in this little bubble and I can just be judged just for what I do it's like all of us just by being alive in the world today we all participate in systems of Oppression right like just economic systems social systems just by going out the door by buying something on Amazon it's like people on the other side of the world you know face unjust um oppression so that money can be made so that you know political deals can be made like we don't even know the half of it and we all participate in it just right being alive right so and and we can't get out of it we're in this like broken world and so I feel like just the idea that we could somehow do enough good on our own that would outweigh just the horrible things in the world is like it's just I think it's just not enough yeah and I also I always we're really honest I was used to this example like okay I I abused one child but then I fed 100 hungry children you know so my my feeding 100 hungry children it takes care of the abusing of that one child sorry that's not how that's not how court works that's not how judgment Works you're judged by your sinful Behavior you know you can go into court and say hey judge you know I'm sorry I won't do it again I fed a hundred kids after I abused this one he'll say you should and you're going to jail because of what you've just done and so that person is going to be uh um judged by what they've done and I think it's it's it's telling that um the only religion or system of belief or faith in the world that says it's not your doing it's God's doing because he loves you that much is the is the Christian uh um U worldview is and and Faith um is very telling and people don't they they want to be the ones to to get to heaven I want to do the work I want to be self-righteous I can get there on my own Merit and On My Own Strength and we can't we can't and and you know it's it's the meek that inherit the earth it's the the the humble that are um that are exalted and so let's go on to the last one so we can we can we can round this out we're going to we're going to just to let you know we're going to end on a on a positive note so stay tuned till the end stay yeah stay around till the end so the last one says how would you feel if Jews went into the streets doing this to Christians basically prelati coming and telling you how the New Testament is alive that you're all wrong and trying to convert you I bet you wouldn't like it what if Muslims were doing it trying to convert you to Islam we don't do that so don't do it to Jews look I'm told all the time by religious Jews and even secular Jews that I'm wrong all the time and many make it a point to tell me that I'm wrong and that's to that's totally fine I mean they have the freedom and liberty to do that and I have the freedom and liberty to respond and react the way that I want I'm not going to try to shut them down you know um but first of all we are Jews first and foremost we're Jews talking to our Jewish people we're not Gentiles coming into Jewish communities trying to convert people even though conversion doesn't happen from one person to the another it happens between the spirit of God and the human being um and and it's not conversion from like Judaism to Christianity it's like converting from a being a sinner to forgiven you know what I mean which is why we're still go ahead no I mean it's like the the Jewish concept of tshua right it's like to repent to turn around that's that's ultimately the message it's not to become a different culture right so yeah so so I I I you know like I like I said I'm told I'm told all the time that I'm wrong and you know this is like an inner Jewish debate that's been happening for 2,000 years it's within Judaism and so I'm going to pose a question back like what happens to the what happens to the Jewish soul that is an atheist that rejects God completely that hates Judaism you know if if that would mean disconnection from God or hell wouldn't a religious Jewish person want to do everything they possibly could to go out and convert those people into religious Judaism and I know I know there are organizations around the world that actually do that yeah oh there's many you know Orthodox Jews that would say absolutely and they would want to see that happen I think what makes me kind of go crazy is like but what about the the the Nations what's the plan for the Nations right and if the nations are all just you know follow falling into this thousand-year-old you know idolatry narrative and you basically don't care and you're just like yeah we just mind our own business we're not trying to bother you I'm kind of like really if you really believe that the world is being deceived and because they're not Jews they don't have a place in the world to come I just don't know how you that doesn't ignite in you a fire to share the light that you have with the world right and I think that's that's just the fire that we have is like we want to we want to fulfill that calling that God put on us as Jewish people to be a light to the world it's and and that is exciting and um yeah I hope anybody you know Jeff I know like anybody could watch your videos of you out on the street talking to people and I think anybody would I hope they can see for themselves they can draw their own conclusion on you know if you're you're you're going out there I've been out on the streets you know we go out and talk to people I've gone out with you and we want to hear their story we want to you know hear talk about life talk about the the things that matter the big questions and like I said if people can think we're wrong I actually have a lot of respect for people who you know go on a spiritual journey and come to their own conclusion even if they came to a different conclusion than I came to right and so I think a lot of times were just asking hard questions and saying hey think about these things for yourself and um yeah people should go watch you out on the streets us out on the streets talking to people and see yeah you know if what they um I don't know yeah yeah so yeah go to soat and check that out um like I mean I I I love people and and what I just tell people is I'm living my faith out I'm living out my faith I was talking to an orthodox Jew in uh in Jerusalem the other day we had a great conversation he was very hostile at first but I said look you know I'm living on my faith are you living out your faith he's like absolutely I said okay so at least we can come together and have a a a a common dialogue that's respectful you know even if we disagree because I'm living out my faith and you're living out your faith you think I'm wrong and and that's okay you know you're allowed to tell me I'm allowed to tell you and and let's let's let's do this you know so yeah but isn't this also like the the very like essence of Judaism like how we debate we debate we debate like this is just yes and you know and then when I was talking to him I didn't realize there was a Yeshiva like 10 meters away um imagine if uh they all came out so um so I just want to end on a high note I appreciate you so much for being here Ariel and I uh um this these these comments make it all worth it all right so these are um people that commented uh as Jewish Believers in Jesus on both platforms Jews for Jesus and so be it uh the first one says hey Jeff I'm an Israeli and created an account just to tell you that your content as well as other channels inspired me to buy new testament read it and accept Jesus it has changed my life dramatically thanks oh oh totally next one um is I'm an Israeli who found Jesus and I feel honored knowing that the Messiah came and sacrificed himself for our sins the Tanakh was missing its last chapter and we walked this Earth in pain not knowing what we were supposed to believe may Jesus protect Israel and bring peace to The World God bless next uh You're Not Alone brother I am a Jewish man and I also believe in Jesus he is my Lord and Savior two more I am all and there's many more but I'm just going to say two I am also a Jew that believes in Yeshua that Jesus is Christ the son of the Living God and last one I love this exclamation marks I a Jew that absolutely believes in Jesus I also had an experience with Jesus so that concludes this episode um it was je I I love the person that said you're not alone yeah because that's like why we're here right so the people out there who are Jewish and they believe in Jesus or they're interested in believing in Jesus they no you're not the only person in the world you're not alone and um and continue on the journey it's worth it there's so many of us worldwide and so many you told me this once and I thought it was amazing uh that there are there are probably I don't know how many but so many more Jewish Believers in Jesus in the world than we could ever imagine because some of them just aren't are just not professing they they they grew up in Jewish families they went out they never considered themselves Jewish or Christian or anything they came in faith in Jesus and they're just living their lives as Christians and and uh there's so many more Jewish Believers in the world and and if you're if you're looking for a place to go to reach out to find people like you you can just go to our uh our to our web jufor uh and reach yeah shoot us a message we would be thrilled to hear from you connect you with you know maybe even a local community in your area of Jewish Believers in Jesus definitely reel yep yep definitely and don't forget that we are going to be merging our two channels the the juice for Jesus channel that you're watching right now is going to become an archive Channel and we're going to move the content and create all kinds of amazing new content on the so beit channel that will be ju juice for Jesus so beit uh that'll be coming up within the next couple of months so go to will be it right now and subscribe there so that you won't miss anything uh coming out soon uh thanks for watching Ariel thanks for joining me that was really fun um though love it even though it was it was a bit harsh but uh hey we can take the heat uh oh yeah we're not faced we're not and we just hope that whether you disagree uh whether you disagree or agree we can all um Talk cordially and be respectful of one another and treat each other the way that we want to be treated so if you're Jewish and watching this just know that faith in Jesus and being Jewish go hand inand according according to the Hebrew scriptures we want to encourage you to read the Tanakh and the New Testament for yourself and you may be surprised at what you might find thanks for watching
Channel: Jews for Jesus
Views: 70,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: messianic jew, jewish, christian, judaism, christianity, jesus testimony, christian testimony, jesus, how to be christian, faith interviews, yeshua, God testimony, God, Religion, messianic judaism, messiah
Id: YMB-pelhvNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 8sec (2468 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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