Israel Pushes Back on Biden's 'Maddening' Plan

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President Biden is pressing hard for a ceasefire agreement he publicly called on Israel and Hamas to accept the latest proposal prime minister Netanyahu says there will be no peace without the complete destruction of Hamas some of his cabinet members are threatening to collapse the government if he takes the deal Chris Mitchell reports from Jerusalem President Biden U the pressure for a ceasefire with a speech delivered just before Shabbat on Friday this is truly a decisive moment Israel has made their proposal Hamas says it wants to cease fire this deal is an opportunity to prove whether they really mean it Hamas needs to take the deal he described a three-phase plan to end the war during the six weeks of phase one Israel and Hamas would negotiate the necessary arrangements to get to phase two which is a permanent end to hosti to hosti ities the last stage would be for the day after the war finally in phase three a major reconstruction plan for G for Gaza would would commence and any final remains of hostages who've been killed would be returned to their families in a statement Hamas claimed to support the offer Saturday prime minister natano set forth Israel's red lines Israel's conditions for ending the war have not changed the destruction of hamas's military and governing capabil abilities the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel under the proposal Israel will continue to insist these conditions are met before a permanent ceasefire is in place the notion that Israel will agree to a permanent ceasefire before these conditions are fulfilled is a non-starter Sunday the Biden Administration called it an Israeli proposal and said it expected Israel to accept the deal if Hamas approved we have every expectations that that if Hamas agrees to the proposal as was transmitted to them an Israeli proposal that Israel would say yes critics of The Proposal disagree former US ambassador David Freedman wrote on X the so-called deal was the Hamas proposal from four months ago Israel leaves Gaza Hamas stays in de facto control and then the hostages are released this is maddening some Israelis feel this proposal forces them to give up two main objectives the defeat of Hamas and its removal from power that represents an existential danger to Israel national security minister itamar Ben gavier threatened to collapse the government if netan accepts the deal a deal as its details were published means giving up on destroying Hamas renouncing the continuation of the war it is a reckless deal there is no total Victory but a total defeat to Hamas I say that if prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to lead this deal we will dismantle the government in the meantime defense minister yav Galan said Israeli forces and Rafa are destroying the oxygen tube connection between the Gaza Strip with Egypt he added he's preparing for the day after the security establishment following my instruction is preparing the ruling alternative to Hamas when we isolate areas we will remove the Hamas people from them and introduce other forces into them that will enable another government that will also threaten Hamas all right Chris Mitchell joins us now for more Chris the Biden Administration says this is an Israeli proposal but what do the Israelis say about that well Andrew I would say in the last 48 hours it's been some confusion about this there does seem to be an Israeli proposal on the table somewhere but there are differences in the American proposal as described by President Biden and what Israel would accept in fact just about an hour ago this is what Israeli prime minister benjam Benjamin netan said I'm not ready to stop the War I will not describe the details of the deal here but what the president of the United States described is not accurate there are other details that have not been revealed we can stop the fighting for 42 days that would be six weeks for the purpose of returning the hostages but we will not give up on a complete Victory and the timing uh some question over here as well uh Andrew it was on a Friday evening just before Shabbat which is very difficult for for the Israeli government to respond it explains why Netanyahu laid out Israel's Reds lines Saturday night right now both the US and Israel waiting to see if Hamas will accept the proposal but the same sticking points remain Hamas won't agree to release the hostages anything less than a permanent end of the war and Israel won't agree to a permanent ceasefire until Hamas is defeated very complicated isn't it right-wing members of netanyahu's cabinet are actually threatening to pull out and topple the governing coalition if he agrees to a ceasefire what's the likelihood of that actually happening well if he did agree to the deal as has uh been described I think it's a real possibility it's why he's explaining this just about an hour ago to the Kent Foreign Affairs and defense committee why there's gaps in the US and the Israeli proposal politically netan needs these parties to keep his Coalition together and I would add Andrew that I think most Israelis agree that the aims of the war need to be achieved defeating Hamas eliminating Hamas as a governing body after the war and freeing all the hostages well Chris you just mentioned freeing the hostages what is the latest news on that front well the latest news is someone named doev yehud he was from the kabut near o he was the latest body to be discovered he was thought Andrew to be kidnapped on October 7th but his body was found in the in that kotz he was murdered on that day and they needed forensic identification to identify his remains uh his body was burned so bad right now that reduces the number of hostages from 125 to 124 uh we're not sure how many alive we know uh 39 of those 124 are confirmed dead uh especially the women have been uh horribly treated and that's why in The Proposal includes the word remains instead of alive hostages and uh and some people believe that the uh the the women have been treated so badly that they may not be alive as well unspeakable after 241 days terrible anguish for the families why so many are encouraging people to pray for the hostages and their families Chris last question given the scenario as you've talked about what's the incentive for Israel to accept a deal well if there was any proposal it would be to get the hostages back but without giving up on the aims of the war and uh as I mentioned you know being praying for the hostages uh in their families uh it's really an important time to be praying for wisdom for Israeli Leaders with all these things that are happening right now all the pressure from the International Community and even the United States and last week uh Andrew there were 400 Christian leaders from 40 Nations they came here at the Jerusalem uh the eth annual Jerusalem prayer breakfast they came to pray Isaiah 40 Comfort Comfort ye my people and they came to pray for wisdom for Israeli leaders and finally Andrew they came to let Israelis know they're not alone in their hour of need when most of the world is turning against them all right Chris thank you we always appreciate your reporting thank you
Channel: CBN News
Views: 43,258
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Keywords: 6354212651112, after, biden, coalition, collapse, conditions, day, defeat, friedman, gallant, gaza, hamas, israel, itamar, national, netanyahu, news, plan, rejected, security, smotrich, u.s., war, cbn, cbn news, christian news, christian tv, christian stories, faith, faith news, faith stories, inspirational stories, news today, today's headlines, quick news, quickstart podcast, us news, international news, cbn digital, jerusalem, middle east, holy land, jews, iran, middle east tensions, israel news
Id: 6anWXp22hIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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