'How Dare You Humanize Him': Tulsi Gabbard Reveals Dems 'Twisted' Reaction to Meeting With Trump

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uh Tulsa gabard great to have you thanks for being here thank you so much and congratulations by the way on the book thank you uh it was a fascinating book and you know I know a lot of folks are talking it about the book in terms of like you know why you left the Democrat Party and you know that's kind of the cell of the book but not really the heart of the book seems to be a whole much different than that so for example you're a freeth thinker yes uh The Establishment does not like free thinkers and a freeth thinking Society talk to me a little bit about that d damic because you know there has just been a lot going on as it relates to the mistrust and the distrust of public institutions whether it be the media and government and free thinkers like yourself come along and uh not receive well at all not at all and I'm glad that that was that was your takeaway while obviously it is the story about why what drove me to leave the Democratic party a party I was part of for about 20 years but really it gets to the heart of what is wrong with our government the the Washington establishment today and and most importantly how do we how do we go about fixing it and you're exactly right this has been my experience throughout my time involved in National politics especially is uh independent-minded people Common Sense minded people independent freeth thinkers are not welcome in Washington uh and you see the the powers of the political parties who too often are more interested interested in the party power than actually what is in the best interest of the country so throughout the Book of course I speak about my own personal experience of having the Democrat Elite who are in power right now in the white house uh directly trying to censor smear undermine my credibility and so forth because I had the audacity to stand up and speak the truth and to call them out for the things that they're doing that undermine our fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution that call them out for uh taking the side of the military-industrial complex over the side of what's in the best interest of the American people and our own National Security and the ability for for Americans across the country to live in peace to to to be confident in our freedoms and that our government uh will not take them away and and to pursue Prosperity that abuse of power that we're seeing coming from the democ Democrat Elite uh right now and increasingly so in increasingly Brazen ways is a direct threat to our fundamental freedoms our democracy and the rule of law well it's interesting you say that because it makes me think of course of another free thinker Donald Trump you and him seem to have a lot in common in that sense for sure on trial now and yet the the left is saying he's a threat to democracy and is also saying that he'll he's ready to jail his political opponents at the same time that the Biden's doj is looking to jail Biden's top opponent exactly you can't make this stuff up and and of course Donald Trump and what they're doing to him is the most public um abuse of the Department of Justice and and you're exactly right they are doing the things that they are accusing uh Donald Trump of doing if he is elected as president again uh and and it's a pure distraction tactic it is it is an attempt to be able to divert voters views away from how they are abusing power and instead try to paint uh a picture of Donald Trump as some kind of crazy dictator they say this if he's elected this will be the last election we ever have in America all of these really insane comments um that point to a picture that is not real and it's not grounded in evidence or precedence for that matter you don't have to guess about what kind of President he'll be because he was President for four years and and he is not he did not do the kinds of things that the Biden Harris Administration have been doing from the very beginning when they took office so the the lawfare and the weaponization of the justice system against Donald Trump is is the most prominent example of that Abus of power the undermining of the rule of law but as I share in my book they are also targeting and going after everyday Americans who are their political opposition whether they be peaceful pro-life protesters or people who are challenging the the neocon warmongering foreign policy of the Biden Harris Administration or those who are you know most famously throughout the covid uh uh epidemic or the pandemic or whatever you want to call it uh people who are speaking the truth or just merely questioning why why is the government forcing us to do this why are they not willing to allow freedom of speech for different healthare um uh professionals uh who are challenging the government narrative on this thing the level of censorship the level of abusive power and taking away our freedom even to go and worship with friends in Hawaii we had churches that they wanted to go and gather on the beach outside in public small groups of people for their church service and we're told if you do that you will get arrested I mean th this this this precedence has been set by the Biden Harris Administration the Democrat Elite and if they are allowed to remain in power we will only see that not only continue but escalate what's the Playbook here because you lay it out it kind of a three stages in in the book you talk about first they try to ignore ignore you then they try to destroy your reputation and then they go for total Destruction this happened to you yes uh you know I I experienced this in different ways throughout my eight years in Congress throughout my time uh as a vice chair of the DNC but it was it was full bore in 2020 when I was running the Democratic presidential primary and it started started on the very day I announced my candidacy the first volley of attacks that that uh started to plant this seed it was this was an NBC news article that was published we knew something was going to come out because they asked me for a comment and and they said okay we're going to publish the story in about a week they published it early to coincide with my announcement of my candidacy planting the seeds that somehow there's something suspicious with Tulsi gabber there's some chatter on you know in Russia about Tulsi gabber again baseless eviden um inuendo and smears that started on day one and continued on and continued on uh with a very as as you mentioned there is a clear Playbook um that they used against me they try to pretend well she's not a serious candidate and then when they see people pay attention they're like oh okay well we need to escalate uh escalate our efforts here and then really went full bore in in the smear uh tactics and then towards the end it was like let's throw everything in the kitchen sink uh and and try to block voters from even knowing that Tulsi gabt is a candidate running for president well and what's interesting there and you talk about this in the book The suppression of what they're trying to do to you in that debate in 2019 where you talk about oh look all of a sudden after doing really well with that debate a lot of interest all six minutes of it yeah six minutes yeah for the limited time they gave you there you find afterwards where you have a real opportunity to capitalize you know from a campaign perspective and your Google ads account uh literally suspended talk to me about what happened there maybe not the granular details but more about the the big Tech issue as it relates to free speech suppression along with the government kind of working hand inand here this is this is a really important point because what I experienced then in 2019 and 2020 is exactly what has been happening uh ever since and there is more and more evidence that's come to light uh that's proving that point people ask me all the time you know in the book I talk about the Democrat Elite uh who are they like give us give give us an example it is not only the Democrat Elite who are inow the elected leaders but it is their Partners in big Tech and companies like Google it is their Partners in the mainstream media and so what I experienced then where Google suspended our ad account uh with no explanation and for that critical period of time and then all of a sudden it popped back up again we didn't do anything because we didn't know what to do it was it was a very glaring example of that interference in our democracy and our election and we're seeing now you know study by study how they uh funnel Republican candidates you know um uh bulk emails into Spam folders many more times than they do to Democrat candidate emails uh we are seeing how under the Biden Administration the FBI has spoken to different social media and big Tech organizations about which accounts to silence or which content to keep uh suppressed and not being brought forward to the American people and and and so this is the Democrat Elite that I'm talking about and so uh their amassed powers and their collusion is all working towards one specific purpose they want Power they want to stay in power or grow that power at the cost of taking away our fundamental rights and freedoms and under mining our democracy how do you how do you fight back how do you kind of in a way kind of beat the Deep state if you will because the Deep State isn't just DC as you talked it's big Tech it's media it's everywhere um you call it the rot in our government specifically uh how do you what's the what's the recipe here it it's us it's we the people you know it's it's so easy to feel hopeless because they're very powerful they have a lot of money they control a lot of very influential platform firms and companies and so it it is easy to feel like um there's there's no way to beat them but when I I go back to our Founders I go back and look at uh how intentional they were in constructing our founding documents that serve as the pillars of our Democratic Republic our constitutional republic and they place the power specifically in the hands of the people for moments like this understanding the fragility of democracy and how sometimes those in power tend to abuse that power we have to defend our freedom by exercising our freedom we have to call out those leaders who are abusing their power for what they're doing and hold them accountable uh and really the ultimate way of doing that is in an election uh and and that's my hope that is my hope in this election is that um Americans from across party lines Americans who have maybe different views on how to solve um immigration reform or health care or education in this country now is a time when we've got to come together around the fundamental rights and freedoms like freedom of speech freedom of religion freedom of expression because these are the very things that are under attack this is not your book about the fact that you are a strong uh candidate to possibly be a vice president or at least the pick um I'm curious about your thoughts on that what you've heard what you've heard the word on the street uh but beyond that what does it say about the electorate today that someone like you a former Democrat but but someone who uh has been liberal on some social issues in the past uh you know there's been some some changes along the line or or some epiphanies if you will but what does it say about our electorate today because Trump has changed the game in terms of what the road map is here not just Republic and Democrat so I'm kind of curious to get your take as to why you would be a strong VP candidate in today's politics if you will I think this is one of those moments where um we have the opportunity to rise above partisan politics and truly put America first uh you know president Trump has his America First policies and and he has a huge following of people because of that stated intent that he has that he has has become synonymous with his political work is putting America First make America great again what does that actually mean in practice when we have too many people in politics uh who put their own self-interest first or the interest of their party first and leave the American people behind and so you know for for me to be in a position now where I can reach out to and connect with folks who may not have ever considered voting for a Republican or V voting for Donald Trump uh before there's an opportunity here to to remind people of our responsibility as Citizens uh to put our country first and and that's why I titled my book for love of country if we stay focused on our love and appreciation for our country and our freedom uh then we can get past the uh the divisive labels that are too often used to pit us against each other and in instead Stand Together As Americans and and toss out those in office who are directly threatening and actually taking away our freedoms today that's very interesting you say divisive labels because you hear Maga and the media would love you know if they say magga that's code for in their words I I mean I'm assuming some some sort of destruction of the country and a threat to democracy but you would consider yourself I mean you're America first I you consider yourself Maga I I would assume but the media will take it a different way unless I'm putting in your mouth I don't know if you consider so I I always have a hard time with labels myself but from a philosophical standpoint from an ideological stand standpoint I will always put my country first I will always put my country first put the well-being and interest of the American people first the the fact that this Maga label uh is you know has the effect that it has on some people is a direct result of the Democrat Elite led by Joe Biden as we saw in that Philadelphia speech where he told the entire country that anybody who voted for uh Donald Trump is a Maga extremist that poses a is the greatest domestic threat we face is what he said and so he made it okay to put this label as as a essentially a domestic enemy or domestic terrorist on anybody who voted for Donald Trump but when we look at like okay well who you know who who are these Maga Republicans and you hear that term thrown out every day Day by you know the the minority leader in the house by Chuck Schumer by Joe Biden all all of the Democrat talking is the magga Republicans as though you know they they must be rooted out of this country because of the threat that they pose and then you couple that with the um the weaponization of law enforcement and the department of justice under this Administration you get a very dangerous picture that looks a lot more like a dictatorship that's using our government institutions to go after their political opposition than one where we can disagree on on our politics but we respect our right to express our views in this country who are the magga Republicans they are the moms for Liberty who were standing up for the well-being of their kids the parent who goes and protests at a at a Board of Education meeting because he doesn't want his daughter to be forced to compete against a biological boy on the on the swim team Common Sense Common Sense stuff people who say hey in we don't have a country unless we have secure borders well gosh if you believe that we have to have secure borders you are now an extreme Maga Republican in their eyes when we look at these and and these are some of the examples that I get into in my book because these aren't democrat or republican ideas or issues these are issues that are should be important to every one of us as Americans and yet they have become uh used as as politically divisive Tools in order for the Democrat Elite to try to remain in power the more we are de divided the more they are able to stay in power you have been um outspoken uh against the Democrat Elites uh you have been supportive of President Trump and many of his policy positions um what has the reaction been like from family from friends um that has I don't know if it's been tough for you but I'm sure you've you've heard a uh a bunch from them I have and for quite some time you know I mean this this is uh um people who people who truly know me those who are closest to me uh remain close to me because they know my heart and even if they may disagree with the policy position they know my heart and trust that I am doing what I feel is best for our country and for the American people um there are others who which include some family members who have had such issue uh and this was even while I was in congress with positions that I've taken uh I I'll give you one example that was probably the most extreme was when uh I had uh what they viewed as the audacity to go and accept an invitation to meet with Donald Trump just two weeks after he was elected in 2016 I was the first Democrat to go meet him in Trump Tower this is right before Thanksgiving and I was invited to go and speak to him about foreign policy about what's going on in the Middle East how do we defeat radical islamist terrorism Isis as you remember was uh you know at an extreme level of wreaking Terror around the world and uh of course I took the opportunity I had just gotten home in Hawaii for the Thanksgiving break and I think I was there a few hours before I got a call saying hey can you come meet president Trump like tomorrow so I got in a plane took a red ey of New York City had a great substantive point-to-point one-on-one conversation with with him uh about these very serious issues that I car care very much about and that it was very clear to me that he cared very much about and wanted to um be thoughtful as he was about to take on the presidency and and to be commander-in-chief as soon as as soon as I walked out of Trump Tower uh I looked at my phone it was blowing up and there were Democrat colleagues there were people who I know there were people who I probably considered friends uh and there were some members of my family who were outraged outraged they had no idea what happened in the meeting and they didn't care uh they were outraged and the accusation pretty much that the through line through all of it was how dare you meet with Donald Trump and humanize him in front of the American people which says everything about how twisted their mindset is and how what is is now commonly called Trump derangement syndrome um you know that it it wasn't called it back then but but how deeply it impacted um people who otherwise I might have thought to be you know Common Sense kind of intelligent people for sure let me move on to the Dr Phil portion of the uh interview so to speak let's can we get a couch out here um look in the book you talk about that tomboy spirit that you have right surfing martial arts no Barbie dolls and dresses at least for a time um what does that say about you what does it say about your core um if there was a tree what tree would you be no just kidding not about the tree but what does it what does it say about you because you you were an introvert growing up really uh so take me into that world as to how that type of growing up kind of made you who you are today um you know I think the the fact that I you know I grew up with three older brothers uh my younger sister's a five-year gap between me and my first brother who's closest to me in age and then my sister and I are a couple years apart and so my sister and I were inseparable uh she is she is the textbook definition extrovert I'm the textbook definition introvert and so I I uh was very happy to employ her to be my spokesperson even as kids because she loved talking to people she was uh always had something to say about whatever it was uh I was more often had my nose buried in books or or going out and and doing martial arts and and all of that um but but the thing that I appreciate most about uh growing up in Hawaii and some of the experiences that I had at an early age was um experiencing and knowing from from a pretty young age that I was happiest when I was doing things for others and I didn't know exactly what that meant for my life um you know I didn't think well I'm going to pursue path of politics or this or that I just knew that I wanted to find a way to to do that to be of service uh with my life and um it's taken me in some very very different directions uh but I'm grateful to have found so many different ways where I have been able to be of service talk to me about the faith component here I noticed uh I did a quick little Adobe search 121 references to God in the book by the way there's a stat for you um I wasn't I I I didn't do that search that's right well I can be a little strange in that way uh but beyond that I mean look a Catholic father Hindu mother um you chose Hinduism talk to me a little bit about that aspect of your life you for me religion uh and this is something that I've I've understood from a young age real religion is about love for God and so uh you know growing up as a kid sectarianism was not something something that existed in my uh I didn't even know what it was because it was the most natural thing for me to um you know uh hear stories about Jesus of Nazareth as as we were being put to bed by my mom uh and to hear stories from the Bhagavad Gita scripture from India which means the song of God both both and and understanding that the main takeaway was um love God love God with your life you know uh Jesus Christ first and second commandment uh these teachings to me um are things that I took to heart and uh and that are the foundation of who I am my purpose in life and why I do what I do it is the driving Factor behind the decisions that I make whether it was you know uh running for office in Hawaii when I was 21 leaving that at a time where it would have been very easy to stay there and you know gain seniority and but I I left and volunteered to deploy to Iraq with my brothers and sisters in uniform and and it so it's taken me in and out of of quote unquote politics uh but always that those decisions being made uh how can I best be of service where can I make that Maximum Impact and remaining very focused even in this crazy world of Washington that my desire is to be pleasing to God first and foremost and that has um you know provided me with that foundation and that strength and that Clarity uh to not fall into the Washington traps of of uh well you know okay you've got to please the political party boss or the speaker or you know the the famous person in media and if you don't make them happy they might not invite you back on their show and just all of the silly things that happen in Washington that unfortunately people use as barometers to make their decisions on how they cast their votes Hinduism and Christianity obviously uh they're different uh this just in uh very different actually uh so so help me through that a little bit uh because from a judeo-christian standpoint our nation founded on judeo-christian principles of the Bible of the god of the Bible it's not a god necessarily that the Hindus uh believe in if you will so help me through that in terms of how you see the founding of this country from a judeo-christian standpoint I'm curious about that uh well I think I'll just point out Hinduism is is probably one of the most misunderstood uh religions um it is a monotheistic religion that is one God there is one God one Supreme Being one all- knowing and all loving God um and he has many names and um so that that I think is is the most important thing uh Hinduism is a non-sectarian religion you don't convert into Hinduism or convert out of it it's it's for me really more about a spiritual a spiritual practice of of developing that very personal loving relationship with God uh knowing in my heart at all times that God is my best friend and that choice that I've made in my life to dedicate my life In Loving service to God and what better way to to be pleasing to God than to be of service to God's children speaking of God uh the Democrats and God uh you talk a lot about that in this book and I'll just look at as I put on my reading glasses my old old person reading glasses you say they've walked away from God they walked away from objective truth you actually have a chapter entitled they see God as the enemy uh you say they're hostile to people of faith and you say you think that Democrats at least the Democrat Elites want to get rid of God and the foundation because then it rumbles then you say they want to be God uh so is is the Democrat Party in essence on the side of evil here yes when you when you have people in positions of power and whether they will admit it publicly or not they see themselves and put themselves in the position of being the ultimate Authority they see themselves as the ones who should be the Arbiter of who gets to speak and who does not get to speak uh they see themselves as the Arbiter of of objective Truth uh that they are the ones who can say no uh David if you believe that you are a woman then you can be a woman this denial of objective truth and of course this is having Title Nine and their destruction of Title 9 there are very real impacts and implications on how they are trying to erase women and girls and take away opportunities but in in all of this conversation and this is what I get into in my book is when you have people in positions of power who are denying the existence of objective truth that there are biological differences between men and women then they themselves are removing these guardrails in our society that the truth then becomes whatever they deem it to be putting themselves in that position of trying to be God uh because they then get to tell us what is true and what is not they believe they should be able to control us in aspect of our lives uh they believe that they have the authority and the right to take away god-given truly god-given rights and freedoms that are enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights you can see in dictators in different countries and throughout history how dangerous that mindset is and the evil that comes from that well and to play off objective truth you talk about that gender affirming surgery all the nice flowery words which you say and I can see you shaking your head because that comes across in the book I mean you say specifically out of all of the lies of the Biden Administration this one probably bothers you the most because well I'm not going to put words in your mouth but I guess my question is is it a form of child abuse here it is it is clearly a form of child abuse uh them targeting the the the most vulnerable people in our country who don't have the ability to uh an adult does to make clear decisions for themselves if an adult says Okay I want to go and have surgery and mutilate my own parts for whatever their reasoning may be in a free country you can do that and you can go live your life uh don't force me to celebrate that decision don't force me to to um uh you know I will make my own decisions with my life you go live your life but the fact that they are targeting young children and some of those examples in my book They're they're targeting 2-year-old kids three-year-old kids and and encouraging them to um not not as I you know like I was a tomboy growing up if I were a tomboy growing up in today's society I would have I would have had counselors I would have had doctors saying well Tulsa you know you should really go and start taking these uh you know uh hormone blockers puberty blockers you should really go and start considering some kind of uh you know transition surgery because you're obviously a boy stuck in a girl's body and and unfortunately and we see this happening with a lot a lot of kids these days uh who are trusting and believing in people who are supposed to have their best interest at heart and I find it so offensive and uh uh you know an egregious um uh abuse of their responsibility to have so-called medical professionals advocating for this knowing that in many cases these surgeries are irreversible and that when we have kids uh who begin this transition and realize they've made a horrible mistake and then try to come back from it there's no support for them whatsoever how how it is that um we live in a time where this is not something that's universally accepted and understood that kids are not equipped to make these decisions that will impact them for the rest of their lives yeah what what about the abortion issue because uh Democrats say they're the party of women uh but but this is now kind of been an interesting dynamic as to how they believe it's going to help them in 2024 uh they're also okay with abortion all the way through late late term so how do you see that and what Republicans can do to kind of blunt that issue in 2024 uh well first I think it's important to recognize that the the end of roie Wade was the right decision to make to leave this this very difficult and complex issue and conversation up to the states uh to determine of course there's no doubt in my mind we're already seeing the kind of fear-mongering that the Democrat are Elite are doing to try to scare women into voting for Joe Biden based on these insane uh ideas that have no uh and ads that that are not rooted in reality in any way shape or form but also to propagate abortion and promote abortion uh and and to celebrate abortion to the point where we had Democrats in Congress on the house floor I believe it for was for a state of the union speech with pins on that said abortion with a heart on it not not um understand Maybe not maybe they do understand it but but not recognizing and pointing out that an abortion is the taking of an abortion is the taking of a human life it is a very serious thing so this this will have an impact on our election um and and uh we will see if people fall for that fear mongering that Democrats are pushing forward i' I've I've got so much more I know we have limited time but I got to get to foreign policy I mean obviously this is kind of I mean this is obviously near and dear to your heart more than that it's it's really kind of a a big deal for you um you have said you're not an isolationist or an interventionist you're a realist is what what you've said um explain that a little bit more in the context of what we've seen over the last 25 years I mean the forever war in Afghanistan me weapons and mass destruction that kind of was like wait a minute hold on here for a second that wasn't necessarily true at all uh and nation building all of that help us through your position on that because there's a personal aspect to it as you you write in the book about your brothers and sisters and your b a brigade who never made it a home and that's a memory that never leaves you talk about how that has literally changed your life that time in Iraq serving there it it's what motivated me to run for Congress and to run for president uh to honor those who never made that trip home and and it it came from a recognition of personal experience of how too many of our politicians on both sides of the aisle so easily immediately resort to war whether it's economic Warfare or kinetic Warfare uh when when uh posed with the foreign policy challenge without thinking through what is the cost going to be what is our objective does this actually serve the best interest of our country of our national security of our economy the well-being of the American people their their emotional knee-jerk reaction is like well we've just got to go drop some bombs or we've got to go punish this bad guy or we've got to go and topple this dictator of this uh of this country uh so shortsighted and as we've seen over the last 20 plus years so often over and over end up putting us in a position where it has undermined our own National Security interest and come at the cost of countless lives and American taxpayer dollars we must exhaust all diplomatic means and measures to deal with these challenges that we face and they are unique and there are many on the foreign policy front recognizing war must be the last resort and that the these decisions must always always be made within the context of what is in the best interest of the American people in our country uh you mentioned American taxpayer dollars is there a difference between funding Israel and funding Ukraine like how do you see that exactly uh I'm just curious about that yes there is a very radical Islamic extremism is what is real is on the front lines of every day there is a very real difference and and using and and and there will always be with every unique challenge that that we face and that unique decision that must be made using those two examples uh are we better off increasing and escalating tensions and waging this proxy war against Russia of which Ukraine has never had any shot at winning um increasing the likelihood of nuclear war that is counter to an undermining our own National Security what to speak of the fact that we've spent hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars now for what purpose for what purpose Putin was wrong to invade Ukraine there's no question about it there's a lot of historical context that went into that but the bottom line is we should have had a president who would have gone in very early and negotiated a peaceful end to that war as quickly as possible save lives save American taxpayer dollars when you look at what's happening in the war between Israel and Hamas and it is a war between Israel and Hamas a radical islamist terrorist group this is just the latest front of this war that's been waged for a very long time between these radical islamist terrorist groups that have been waging it militarily and ideologically uh this is in our best interest as well as all Freedom loving countries and civilization to take on what is the greatest short and long-term threat to freedom and yet Joe Biden just recently pausing weapon shipments to Israel how do you see that I mean there are folks that say he's on the side of Hamas at this point he he is acting out of fear which is why he has failed like previous administrations before him to wage this counter ideological Warfare against this islamist ideology whose goal is to establish Islamic rule over the entire world even with what's happening in our college campuses even knowing that this is uh Hamas Al-Qaeda Isis this is their objective he refuses to call it out for for what it is because he's afraid of being called an islamophobe and it's the same reason why he is not taking seriously the need to defeat Hamas uh and and creating a policy that that really frankly doesn't make any sense two last questions you mentioned the college protesters um free speech Free Speech absolutism knock yourself out but when does Free Speech become if not hate speech when does it cross the line I mean how do you see that because you're obviously a free speech absolutist uh so if these college protesters want to say their Goblin G uh stuff they can't even spell Palestine correctly you know knock yourself out but but obviously it's there's a difference when they start to vandalize buildings and all that that that's different but what about the speech aspect I mean they can do what they want to do but when does it cross the line how do you see that or is there a Crossing line well freedom of speech is is and should be uh absolute an absolute right for every every American in this country even if I find that speech to be absolutely abhorent and and this is where we have to be careful about even people with good intentions saying oh well it's hate speech and we have to ban hate speech what you may deem as hate speech may be a very different definition from what I would deem as hate speech and this is what we're seeing we have Christians who are being censored and silenced because people in the lgbtqia community view what they are preaching or what they are saying or their views as hate speech so we have to be careful careful about making sure that we defend free speech for all Americans the line that we've seen being crossed numerous times in these in these on these college campuses and in these protests is they are inhibiting the freedom of movement for other students Jewish students faculty on these campuses they are creating an unsafe environment and thre threatening the Safety and Security of others and they're breaking the law they're breaking the law right yeah I think it kind of period end at that point hey uh I want to wrap up here uh but I want to I say I don't say but let me wrap up by asking you this because you there's a sign that you saw in Iraq you talk about it in your book it said is today the day um it really has become the calling in your life talk to me about that as we wrap up here uh maybe give the context of that story because I just found that to be fascinating I had uh we had just gotten to Iraq our camp was about 40 mil north of Baghdad uh it was squarely Within what was then known as the Sunni triangle I was walking around the camp kind of a large one getting uh familiar with where things were and be home for the next year and I saw this big sign that was right at the the gate it was the north gate where most of the security patrols went in and out of every day and it stopped me in my tracks because it read in big block letters is today the day and it it's it's it's a message that I um am intentional in keeping at the Forefront because uh it is a reminder that um the end of this life can come at any moment and it is a reflection of what am I doing with my life how am I making the most of this blessing of life that God has given me to to be of service to him to uh make that positive impact on others and it it is just as true of as we sit here today as it was for us serving in that war zone in Iraq in 2005 uh it it is an important perspective that allows us to see clearly what is important what to focus on and just tune out and block all of the noise and the crap that that surrounds us on a daily basis and and it is a reminder of who we are as children of God and not allow ourselves to be used as pwns by those who are seeking power and and are driven by their own selfish ambition it gives us the strength to do what is important and right and just you feel happy now in your life do you feel more Empower than ever I am happy I am at peace uh even in the midst of all of the chaos because I know exactly who I am I know what I am doing with my life and while I don't know where this path leads I know exactly um uh that wherever it goes I will remain focused on my mission of service I wrap in the spirit of Aloha thank perect thank you aloha
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Keywords: cbn, cbn news, christian news, christian tv, christian stories, faith, faith news, faith stories, inspirational stories, news today, today's headlines, quick news, quickstart podcast, us news, international news, cbn digital, 6353019588112, cbnnews, d.c., democrat, elitists, establishment, free thinker, free-thinking, news, newsblock, tulsi gabbard, washington, democrats, tulsi gabbard interview, anti establishment, For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 13sec (2533 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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