Dozens Killed After an Israeli Strike on a UN School | Faith Nation - June 6, 2024

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tonight an Israeli air strike hits a school in Gaza the latest International reaction as the IDF presses forward with its mission to eliminate Hamas and the 80th anniversary of dday at dawn the Allies are strike the great crusade to free Europe from tyranny would begin the world pauses to remember the brave veterans who helped pave the way to bring an end to World War II plus unite the church unite the nation this is not a Sunday of racial divide it's a Sunday of racial healing how the body of Christ is coming together across America this weekend for the sake of reconciliation all this and more tonight on faith Nation [Music] dozens are killed after an Israeli air strike hits a un School in Gaza today good evening and welcome to Faith Nation from our CBN studio in Washington I'm Tara merger well Israel says the United Nations school it targeted was housing dozens of terrorists the Monon Health Ministry says 40 people were killed in the strike including women and children as Israel's war against the terror group continues new signs of growing International isolation Spain today becoming the first European country to join South Africa in accusing Israel of genocide before the un's top Court National Security correspondent Caitlyn Burke joins us now with the latest Caitlyn do we know what is behind Spain's request to join South Africa's case before the international court of justice terara during a press conference today the Spanish foreign minister said they've been considering this action for weeks but the decision now comes largely due to Israel's continued military operations in Gaza and over concern of a larger Regional War the icj has already ordered Israel to immediately halt its offensive in Rafa but they obviously have not complied and Israel refutes all claims that it's committing genocide in Gaza Caitlin we are definitely seeing the conflict spread no doubt about it so with fighting on Israel's northern border continuing to intensify what is the latest between Israel and Hezbollah militants out of Lebanon well Israeli forces in Hezbollah have been trading fire since the start of the war on Hamas in October but the situation has definitely escalated over the last several months and as we reported yesterday prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is now saying the IDF is prepared for intense action in the north despite the fact that most Israeli citizens have evacuated Northern Communities Wednesday a Hezbollah drone injured 11 people people and killed an IDF soldier in the region in addition to the loss of life and damage caused to farms and infrastructure hezbollah's continued attacks have sparked dozens of wildfires across Northern Israel these are Motors we're hitting that apple trees all burned nothing to talk about I mean they're alive next year they will be fine but this year is all gone kaput a total of nearly 10,000 acres have burned since the end of May and the blazes have only become more widespread in recent weeks Tara Caitlyn do we have any updates on Hamas response to Israel's latest ceasefire proposal nothing formal yet although we've seen reporting that Hamas officials are not responding favorably to the deal wanting Israel to commit to a permanent ceasefire and full withdrawal from Gaza a Saudi news Outlet is reporting that homas has actually rejected the proposal but this has not been confirmed by Israel or Washington and today the US joined the leaders of more than a dozen other countries demanding Hamas agree to the proposal all right Caitlyn thank you well back here in the US new Fallout from those anti-israel demonstrations that royed American universities for weeks three Jewish students are now suing UCLA for allegedly permitting a Jew exclusion Zone to Fester on campus according to the lawsuit activists harassed students and physically blocked them from passing through encampment unless they publicly denounced Israel one student says he heard chance of death to Jews and was barred from accessing the library and other public spaces the filing also claims that security guards discouraged Jews from entering the area without permission from the protesters the students are seeking damages UCLA has not responded to allegations meanwhile on the East Coast New York officials said the unrest at Colombia and other universities were assisted by outside groups now attorneys from the US and Israel are sewing two organizations accusing them of collaborating with Hamas cbn's Chris Mitchell reports from Jerusalem Pro Palestinian demonstrations began at Colombia University and quickly spread to college campuses Coast to Coast authorities dealing with the unrest found a number of outside groups supported the protest and even encouraged violence the lawsuit filed in Virginia accuses the American Muslims for Palestine and National students for justice in Palestine of collaborating with Hamas to serve as their propaganda division in the US these groups are the primary drivers of what we're seeing today happening across campuses in the United States which have effectively become a second front for Hamas since October 7 arosi CEO of the international legal Forum working with the US legal team of Greenberg tarig and the National Jewish Advocacy Center describes what these groups are doing they are acting and serving in collaboration and coordination with Hamas essentially as propagandists and collaborators on campus to try and promote the Hamas extremist ideology mski tells CBN News these groups began mobilizing the day after October 7th the lawsuit documents how these groups became the foot soldiers of Hamas on us college campuses Hamas issued a call to action and the very next day SJP and their Affiliates throughout the United States they answered that call they answered that directive they created a toolkit a Manifesto for their chapters across the United States echoing the language the terminology the instructions by the Hamas terror group and propagated that across campuses the lawsuit also seeks compensation for damages there are nine plaintiffs including Americans and Israelis as well and these plaintiffs include victims of survivors of the Nova Massacre they include those that have been displaced and they also include family members of those that have been massacred by Hamas arski hopes they can shut these groups down by proving they've violated the US anti-terrorism act by aiding and abetting a terror group they the ones for menting the hatred the anti-Semitism the harassment of Jewish students um we need to shut them down and we can do that legally by branding them as a terrorist organization as a collaborator of the Hamas terror group and making sure once and for all they cannot be active on campus Esty says in addition to the military Battlefield Israel must fight in the international legal Arena today what we're seeing is that the state of Israel is being demonized and vilified and delegitimized and painted as a pariah uh where we're seeing the international law not only being misused but being turned into an act of lawfare against us for the simple Act of defending our citizens trying to bring back our captives we need to change this Paradigm and we need to hold not only the perpetrators the Hamas accountable but all those that enable support a a bet and fund them and that is how we're using the law to go after all those who are supporting Hamas um and we will hold them accountable and we will do that through the courts Chris Mitchell CBN News Jerusalem well today marks 80 years 's Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy in what eventually led to the liberation of France and the defeat of the Nazis in World War II among the world leaders in France today to reflect on D-Day President Biden Wendy Griffith has been following the day's events take a look on this 80th anniversary in Normandy President Biden and the first lady honored the brave veterans who stormed the speech on this this day in 1944 The Invasion that turned the tide of World War II leading to Germany's defeat than for all you for it's likely the last major anniversary many of these veterans might be able to attend as survivors now range between 96 and 107 years old people say how did you get off that boat and go in on the beach there was a job had to be done somebody had to do it we did it some 70,000 Americans joined the invasion code name Operation Overlord 2500 died that day and the president and first lady honored their memory by laying a wreath at the grave of a fallen Army soldier from Wilmington Delaware President Biden's Hometown we can let what happened here be lost in the Silence of the years to come we must remember it must honor it and live it we must remember the fact that they were Heroes here that day does not absolve us from what we have to do today democracy is never guaranteed in an interview with ABC's David mure the president took the opportunity to underscore the importance of American leadership and protecting democracy at home and abroad what do you think these American Heroes can teach us right now about meeting this moment stand up tell the truth serve your country you know imagine what they had to come through many of them died sinking in the come across that beach as long as it it's just astounding it's astounding what it says to me is how critical alliances are how critical alliances are for our [Music] security incredible day of Ceremonies and this anniversary comes as Biden tries to Rally allies to defend Ukraine against Russia which has been gaining ground the president will meet with Ukrainian president zilinski while in France Tara Wendy thank you joining us now is John Hardy he is the Russia program deputy director at the foundation for defense of democracies thank you for joining us speaking in Normandy the president argued that similar principles were at stake in both Wars the defense of freedom and a rules-based International order is that accurate and how do you think that analogy is being received here at home well thanks for having me on I think Biden's message is absolutely right um he made clear um uh that the United States really has an indispensable role to play in the world as as a power that's uniquely capable of checking authoritarian aggression and and rallying other democracies to do the same and that's that's a stake in Ukraine uh but I think Biden's also speaking to um some here in America who hold the shortsighted view that that the United States should not only abandon Ukraine but turn inward more broadly and so I hope they did hear that message John as we said uh the president is set to meet with Ukrainian president vomir zensi while he's in France for this 80th anniversary this week and one of the things the White House says is how the US can deepen our support they're supposed to talk about that for Ukraine we've already spent billions of dollars at a time when many American taxpayers don't agree we should be funding this war so any thoughts on how all of that's going to play ahead of the election well one very simple thing uh we could do to to Greater support Ukraine wouldn't involve spending any more money it would simply involve allowing Ukraine to take the gloves off um Biden has allowed Ukraine to use some American supplied weapons to strike across the border inside Russia U but he's barred them from using longer range attack missiles uh to strike deeper into Russ things like air bases from which Russian aircraft launch Glide bombs against Ukrainian positions in towns so uh with with the stroke of a pen uh Biden could could change that guidance and allow like I said allow Ukraine to untie its hands a bit Yeah and Western leaders and Ukraine are meantime playing down Russia's warnings about the risk of a broader War involving Russia Putin now threatening to use conventional missiles within Striking Distance of the US if Ukraine strikes deeper into Russia with long range Western weapons Putin is also talking about using nuclear weapons that is terrifying do you believe he'd do it I think the the risk of Russian nuclear use uh is fairly low um it's probably uh uh Fair it's it's not as high as it's even been earlier in the war I think in in September 2022 was probably when the risk peaked and even then you know the Russians did not uh resort to that option despite suffering some some really embarrassing battles field defeats so I you know it's something we always have to keep an eye on U but I'm not acutely worried about it yeah certainly a lot to keep an eye on in the days to come as seems to be just kind of a a moving situation here John Hardy thank you so much for your thoughts as always thank you all right coming up are you one of the millions of Americans living paycheck to paycheck how to improve your Financial Health When Faith Nation returns welcome back the economy is a big election issue and many Americans are not happy with their bank accounts right now a new poll showing 58% of registered voters say they are living paycheck to paycheck trying to cover basic living expenses like housing food transportation and healthare it all comes as a new government report says the number of Americans who applied for for new jobless claims Rose to 229,000 this week that is a slightly higher number than the 221,000 last week and with that let's bring in Mark hamri Washington bureau chief and seek your senior economic Analyst at bank rate thank you for joining us more than half of Americans as we said Mark are living paycheck to paycheck what are some practical steps that the average family can do to give their wallets a little breathing room at the end of the month good to be with you Tara this is consistent with the bank rate surveys you've been doing over the last decade most recently finding that only 44% of Americans could pay an emergency expense of $1,000 or more from savings that was actually up from the previous year uh the reality is that most Americans have not sufficiently prioritized saving and the message that is all too common in our culture is we need to spend more money to keep up with whomever and so at bank rate we urge people to live beneath their means not on The Cutting Edge of the envelope the place to begin is a budget the second place to begin is to have a dedicated savings account that uses direct deposit that comes straight from the paycheck into the savings account as Warren buffo once said we should save first and spend later and Americans need to prioritize this because clearly it's not a sufficient priority admittedly inflation hasn't helped us in this regard but the reality right now is that wage growth is exceeding the recent rate of inflation so progress can be made if we prioritize yeah and I was just going to ask you about that Mark the fact that you know the main reason is it that people people having such a hard time making ends meet is because inflation is outpacing the rise of incomes at this point well so the reality of late is that that is not no longer true but there have been structural changes in the United States over many decades that have also uh led to income inequality wealth in equality in our country just use one example we have higher student debt in this country student loan debt in this country because state governments all across the country have prioritized tax savings at the expense of higher education so back when I got a college education that was subsidized at a public university by taxpayers now many students go into debt to subsidize that the same shifts have occurred with things like retirement savings individuals being forced to pay more of that on their own individuals being forced to pay pay for more of their health care uh with respect to the greater burden not only of insurance but the fact that healthare now comprises 1 of our economy these changes have not occurred all at once but inflation did sort of commit insult against injury and so the sense of not lack of Economic and financial well-being has been exacerbated by high prices prices remain high inflation is down from the peak but it's going to take a long time before people feel as if they've been made whole one final point all this being viewed in an election year the reality is the reality is that people view this primarily through a political lens Republicans are much more critical of their own financial situation as well as the broader economy Democrats tend to give it a little more space yeah obviously a very important issue just we have seconds left uh the jobs report coming out tomorrow good or bad what do you think if as expected it should be stable and continuing a trend of the unemployment rate below 4% something we've seen for more than two years now all right Mark as always thank you for joining us we appreciate your insights and uh here's the hoping for a good report thank Youk you all right coming up healing racial divides how churches are working this weekend to bring reconciliation to their communities [Music] welcome back churches are stepping up across the country to help heal racial divides and support underserved communities National Unity weekend will highlight that effort through community service and spreading a message of Hope bro Carter has more on how you can get involved heal our division Lord Heal our indifference Lord what started as a prayer for racial Unity is now a movement involving more than 100 churches across 25 States we pray that God would unite the church because as he unites the church he'll unite the nation led by Bishop Derek Greer of Grace Church in Northern Virginia National Unity weekend will seek to break down barriers through community service and a sermon on racial reconciliation a Unity weekend events kick off the second Saturday in June when participating churches will spread help and hope along with national sponsors like cbn's operation blessing which last year helped distribute over 70,000 pound of food CBN CEO Gordon Robertson joined Bishop Greer and other Christian leaders to promote the event in a prime time special the church has to take the lead here uh bring healing uh bring unity and when we do the scripture is quite clear the world will know that the father sent Jesus as the church unites around the things that we have in common uh the the things that you know we disagree over become minor and with that uh people in our various communities can run into the church as a place of refuge on Sunday services will share a unified message of racial Unity from the book of Acts this is not a Sunday of racial divide it's a Sunday of racial healing every Pastor that participates is preaching about how we can heal the nation actually with the Bible says as momentum grows pastors will be encouraged to take on racism allowing the Church to provide a Biblical blueprint on racial reconciliation it is so good to be out here in the community making a difference being in the hands and feet of Jesus and just showing his love to those that we come in contact with now more than ever is time for believers to partner together to unite the church and unite the nation Brody Carter CBN News still ahead a Revival in California that is spreading across America next on faith Nation [Music] well finally tonight a baptism breakthrough in the golden state is spreading on the heels of a worship Gathering last month in Huntington Beach participants held the largest baptism on record the event called baptize California saw a historic 12,000 people immersed at individual churches and during the main stage event organizers are already planning next year's event called baptize America aimed at uniting the church for one day of baptisms all across America so good to see that Revival and that's going to do it for Faith Nation we will see you tomorrow have a great night [Music] sh
Channel: CBN News
Views: 36,708
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Keywords: cbn, cbn news, christian news, christian tv, christian stories, faith, faith news, faith stories, inspirational stories, news today, today's headlines, quick news, quickstart podcast, us news, international news, Israel latest, Israel war, CBN News Israel, Chris Mitchell, Julie Stahl, CBN Israel, Israel Hamas, CBN News live Israel, jerusalem, israel, middle east, holy land, jews, iran, middle east tensions, israel news, gaza airstrike, united nations, airstrike, d-day
Id: wrJZsi8Gt_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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