Isn't it time for Food with Duggee! | 20+ Minutes | Hey Duggee

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[Applause] look Rolly's been this way blue time to decontaminate with some water wipe oh clean look more blue I'm on it [Music] there's some here and tea and pear oh looks like there's a large breeding of blue over here squirrels [Music] Olaf [Music] thank you wait here's the blue it goes all the way outside [Music] he's out here somewhere [Music] he is Birds but how are we going to catch him Birds oh woof [Music] foreign are you sure this is going to work yes [Music] [Music] [Music] you can make anything you want tag well my dad makes me cereal in the morning just the way I like it please dad now a bit more please a bit more please a little bit more bits more a bit more more a bit more please a bit more please a little bit more a bit more more more more cereal gives me loads of energy see I like pancakes for breakfast they're my favorite my mum mixes milk and eggs and flour then she pours it into a pan and Cooks it my best bit is when she flips my granddad Catches Us peppers for breakfast [Music] whoa aren't Keepers really small Rooney uh yeah my dad makes a shark that sounds nice yes it's got Tomatoes chillies and peppers with eggs on top if you eat all the chicken's eggs what do the chickens eat chickens don't eat eggs happy then what do they have for breakfast oh what they eat pellets pellets don't sound nice doggies making a smoothie woof um yeah what's in it a bit of this a touch of that but mostly off anchovies the little fish they're horrible but never ever to eat them ever again wrong they're delicious now no one is wrong it's just a matter of taste what's taste good question tag luckily Dougie has his taste badge he could explain oh woof woof our tongues have tiny little bumps on them these are called taste buds these buds can pick up five different kinds of tastes oh there's sweet witches in foods such as ice cream orange juice chocolate and jam ah my sweet I cannot get enough of you next up a wolf sour that you'll find in vinegar yogurt rhubarb a lemon oh so tart the next type of taste is a wolf salty found in anchovies bacon nuts and of course Salt but too much salt can be bad for you next is bitter which include grapefruit broccoli coffee and cabbage and finally um the Savory Taste of food like mushrooms steak soy sauce and now try smelling this lavender tag it smells flowery take a deep sniff what does it smell like now it smells so wheat and smooth like I'm floating around a piece Misty Mountain oh doggies homemade banana bread how does it taste not here yeah it's okay oh maybe take another bite and really savor it oh what can you taste now taste sweet banana something nutty creamy butter and cinnamon knowledge and what can you hear Rudy nothing a wolf what about if you listen really carefully I hear [Music] the leaves talking now I hear little Bubbles and the flapping of tiny wings oh would you keep it down please sorry good listening Rudy we love using our senses are there any oh well there is a sixth sense which Dougie developed after mastering all the other five it's called The Dougie sense which enables him to keep you safe WoW animals can eat in lots of different ways really luckily Dougie has his eating badge and can explain indeed some animals eat slowly like cow who choose her food all day long oh day yes from when you arrive at squirrel come [Music] to when you leave [Music] that's really slow oh but other animals eat really quickly like frog what about other animals ducky well goats are always hungry so hungry me too well some tortoises can go for a whole year without eating anything are you gonna eat that oh no I'm full I only just ate six months ago and some animals oh like giraffe eat food that is very high up and some animals eat food that is very low down like moles who die in deep underground feasting on drums and bugs hey where did it go oh no no we'll have to go back to the shops oh animals don't go to shops not here they have to find their own food oh oof like this bird who catches its food and carries it in its beak back home to feed its babies how would you like it rare please [Music] medium please is that where the Honey comes out ducky a woof doggy I thought the bees had honey they usually do not ill hmm very curious huh can I help you do you have any honey please sorry squirrels we're waiting for the honeybees to deliver the nectar where I don't know but they better be here soon or the queen won't get any hoodie for that afternoon tea what's that noise it's the honeybees nature Squadron are you receiving me receiving you love and clear prepare for landing negative Ground Control the runway is blocked room way blocked but we need that next to now Captain bumble I'll find a way through bumbles yeah oh easy peasy [Music] oh man it's a mess down there it's golden leader to Ground Control looks like we're stuck up here but it's nearly two time shall one pop the kettle on oh no it's our toys they're blocking the runway ground crew operation tidy up first you make your pizza base add your sauce then you ask your toppings I'm a day Seaside Pizza I made a pea soup puddle Pizza I made a garden Pizza I made a potato pizza and I made attack Pizza wow those pizzas look Splendid squirrels now it's time to cook them oh [Music] smells delicious let's eat huh [Music] that horse wants your pizza tag [Music] um would you like some pizzas too [Music] looks like you're going to need a bigger oven Dougie [Music] foreign [Music] how would you like your pizza sir good choice [Music] extra cheese please ah Butler shelter [Music] Bella Bella we'll have that ready pull onto pronto so the orders Dougie now time to make the pizza Pizza [Music] whose is this one that's easy I'll check the orders hey where have they gone oh no right squirrels time to harvest dig in as they say I picked a potato and it looks like Ethel Hey Duck ie [Music] sorry one [Music] foreign [Music] but how can we collect all that don't worry squirrels Dougie knows because he has his Harvest badge [Laughter] we can use a tractor oh wow woof [Music] oh man [Music] okay okay [Music] [Applause] oh dear hmm can you fix it Dougie oh a wolf [Music] it looks like the animals want to harvest as well Dougie can we pick more food why are we wait oh whoa [Music] how exciting baking a cake [Music] [Applause] yeah bake it a cake well I say it looks like you're using lots of ingredients eggs flour sugar butter raisins and carrots you can't put vegetables in a cake yeah yes we're making a carrot cake for the rabbits cool [Music] remember to stand back while Dougie takes the cakes out of the oven yes because they will be very very hot wow we've made lots of little cakes yes oh man cool cakes [Music] huh woof that monkey's taken a fruit doggy naughty monkey [Music] where did he go there donkey hello squirrels you be careful [Music] go naughty monkey [Music] s laughs [Music] go dear naughty monkey have you thrown all that fruit down the hill [Music] just time for one more thing [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hey Duggee Official
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Keywords: hey duggee, hey duggee official, duggee, hey duggee video, hey duggee videos, hey duggee song, hey duggee full episode, hey duggee full episodes, hey duggee episode, hey duggee episodes, duggee full episodes, duggee full episode, hey duggee clips, hey duggee clip, duggee clip, duggee clips, cbeebies shows, cbeebies episodes, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, hey dugee, hey dugge, duggee hug, hey duggee badges, Isn't it time for Food with Duggee!, food, making
Id: qGIqNnAeo3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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