Duggee Alphabet Marathon 3 | 1 hour | Hey Duggee

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fan [Music] yay good work squirrels so squirrels what hairstyle should dougie have bunny hair big hair curly hair straight hair low hair oh okay so who's going to go first me i know what to do [Music] oh very nice nori my go let's see what you can do rolly [Applause] [Music] oh yay [Music] hmm surely there must be at least one hairstyle that suits dougie [Music] i've got an idea [Music] time to harvest dig in as they say yay i picked a potato and it looks like ethel a duck quack [Music] oops sorry one [Music] hmm not exactly squirrels there's more oh but how can we collect all that don't worry squirrels dougie knows because he has his harvest badge [Laughter] we can use a tractor wow [Music] [Music] [Music] fancy [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you fix it dougie uh a wolf [Music] it looks like the animals want to harvest as well dougie can we pick more food while we wait rolly that's not nice you wouldn't like it if you got hiccups rolly oh come on squirrels it's not really funny hmm this hiccupping is getting quite out of hand i wonder if dougie can help [Music] look [Music] hey we've got the hiccups yes we've got this what they're trying to tell you dougie is that they all have money hmm yes off you go and hide squirrels [Music] uh have you seen somewhere you can hide really [Music] woof woof woof right squirrels doug is coming ready or [Music] not hey you found me is that everyone dougie hmm oh woof woof woof woof a wolf who could be missing [Music] oh really of course wow he's hiding really well let's go and find him yes dougie has a woof his history badge and because there's so much of it dougie has made a special machine to help us see as much of it as possible just pop in the coordinates [Music] if dougie's calculations are correct we've arrived 500 million years before breakfast when the first creature walked on land nice to get some fresh air and legs it's so cute now don't touch anything squirrels why because it might affect the future [Music] come on plenty more to see [Music] although [Music] say is that's me is entertained huh ducky i thought the bees had honey they usually do naughty hmm very curious hmm can i help you do you have any honey please sorry squirrels we're waiting for the honeybees to deliver the nectar where are they don't know but they better be here soon or the queen won't get any honey for an afternoon tea what's that noise it's the honey bees next to squadron are you receiving me receiving you loud and clear prepare for landing negative ground control the runway is blocked runway blocked but we need that nectar now captain bumble i'll find a way through bumbles don't do it maverick it's too risky oh yeah here we go don't you worry queenie i got your nectar oh easy peasy i made it [Music] oh man it's a mess down there squadron leader to ground control looks like we're stuck up here but it's nearly tea time shall one pop the cattle on oh no it's our toys they're blocking the runway but where's the food doggy oh you must have left the sandwiches on the boat ducky that rock is taking our [Music] how will we boats home what will we eat where will we sleep oh woof never fear squirrels dougie has his island badge he knows what to do phew [Music] so what do we need first dougie a wolf oh good idea wood for the fire i'll get it big leaves to make a shelter me me we'll also need to find fresh water i am writing in the unfortunate position of being stranded on a desert island who knows how long we'll be here for i may well be an old octopus by the time we return home luckily among the shipwrecked crew is dougie whose expert knowledge means we can survive [Music] the island is still a mystery to us who knows what dangers it holds [Music] we have discovered many strange animals in the jungle such as the pencil snake the fire cat and the mischievous doodle monkeys who creep into our camp and steal our precious supplies but with dougie's help we have been able to make a life for ourselves on the island finding water from the stream and food from the hearts even made a home for ourselves of sorts and rolly found us a pet a goat who renamed tuesday i love her what tuesday loved was eating hey what's for lunch not again tuesday it was a hard life some might say it was barely a life at all where did he go there naughty monkey now squirrels you be careful naughty monkey [Music] watch out squirrels [Music] naughty monkey naughty monkey oh dear naughty monkey have you thrown all that fruit down the hill hmm there's a don't cry naughty monkey we're making jam would you like to help a woof come on everybody let's help dougie make some jam [Music] juice too uh woof oh dear [Music] can you see the screw doggy wolf can you get it woof we'll need something very small to get to it what could dougie use that's small pencil tweezers a needle baby carrot a peanut wait i'm smaller than any of those things should i try and get it if i do i could be a winner but if i don't i could be a loser no i'm the smallest chance they've got squirrels i'm going in do you think we should help her probably where's bucky now she's by the filter filter filter tell her to go left go left left left [Music] [Music] she's approaching the juice well what's this bit called dougie the pulverizer that's the funny word where is she we've lost contact oh this mission is too big for me what was i thinking oh it's a key what does it do well dougie can tell you because he has his key badge keys can be used for all sorts of things a woof woof woof they can start something open something [Music] or keep something safe so what does this key do dougie hmm we don't know but we'll find out through trial and error nollie what's trial and error um it's a bit like a game i suppose i'm doing a trial [Music] and i've done an error trial error yes i did it what's inside nori it's oh another key it's shaped like a fish so let's ask a fish excuse me mr fish do you know what this key opens [Music] if you ask me that three seconds ago i could have told you maybe it opens your treasure chest where did that come from [Music] oh i say i've made a wobbly one i've made a fast one i've made a snappy one i've made a soft one i made a grey one let's go fly them whoa all right squirrels here we go [Music] oh [Music] it's flying i say squirrels you're very good at this kite flying business let's go higher yeah this is brilliant i can see my house from here oh watch out for that tree that's not a tree tag that's [Music] look at us we're flying what are these hey we love flying [Music] [Music] oh henny seems a bit upset yeah let's try and cheer her up let's make her a kite [Music] where did it go it's got to be around here somewhere it's gone a bit dark what's that maybe as a monster oh woof doggies right squirrels there are no such things as monsters oh woof it's just a pile of leaves it's not um a woof [Music] what okay not a monster that has a hedgehog yeah don't worry dougie can lend a hand because he's got his looking after badge [Music] are we looking after pippin well dougie oh wolf i wonder where phillies frog and flea are now delivery for the square wheels you mean the squirrels it's a postcard what does it say greetings squibbles we are now over the snow cone mountains it is very cold here mr phillies frog hopes pepin unlike himself is getting enough sun messed up as the ink in my pen has frozen would you like some more sunshine pippin [Music] oh no pippin's leaves keep falling off [Music] what should we do delivery for the squizzies you mean the squirrels thank you dearest squirrels and pippin we are now forging our way through the hungry rainforest the creatures here are many but they are not all friendly [Applause] we expect beeping sleeves have fallen off by now but that is nothing to worry about yours in east phillius it's going to be okay [Music] it's so cold dougie are you sure pippin's okay squazzles squirrels ooh dear squirrels traveling is hard work you cannot stop for even a moment the life of an adventurer is an odd one they're so brave oh there's more it will be cold at home so make sure pippin is kept nice and warm now we must continue with our arduous trip how will we keep picking warm oh [Music] yes can you do this [Music] i've got a good idea but i've got a good idea yes but i've got a good idea but i've got a good idea sorry sorry what shall we do i don't know and stop shouting i'm not saying yes [Music] but what was the horse doing there in the first place [Music] another biscuit huh more sort than you think you know i love splashing happy yeah i do it all the time [Applause] [Music] coming to find you ready or not [Music] okay come and play [Music] it's a bit big i know and it's a bit hard to play what can we play well dougie could help you make some instruments more your size oh because he has his making music badge making music oh woof [Music] [Music] so what have you made squirrels i made chasers i made drums a chewy thing blinky plunks balloon jolly good i wonder what this sound like yeah ready a one a two one two three four [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm why is he in the middle of all that rubbish it's not a rubbish tag wow squirrels looks like you've made a maze around dougie we made a rubbish maze it's not rubbish tag but what is a maze a woof no dougie knows he's got his maze badge a woof woof woof woof woof yes a maze is a puzzle of paths and high walls most paths go nowhere but one path will get you to the middle of the maze where dougie is a woof woof what's the matter dougie oh ah huh dougie's lost his voice maybe he needs medicine don't worry dougie's got his medicine badge he can tell us what to do okay dougie we'll ask vlog frog what will help dougie get his voice back let's ask someone else yay come on doggy let's go to your canal so you can have a little lie down [Music] doggies did i tell you an ant is living on the seat of my tricycle i have to walk everywhere now bucky's not very well ladybird we don't know what to do he can only go hmm my guess is tonsillitis although it could be strep throat or pharyngitis or laryngitis perhaps even an issue with the epiglottis i suggest he attempts to create a muscular spasm through the system apparatus huh tell him to swallow [Music] well it didn't work now what was i saying oh yeah it was really sunny on my holiday the ground was all dry and cracked ducky needs to try warming up his voice i do it myself to help me sing magnificently as you can see copy me [Music] hmm happy's not great at remembering things it's not swimming lessons today happy it's squirrel club oh yeah have you forgotten something happy oh yeah glass is happy oh yeah not to worry happy doug is very good at remembering things oh in fact he's remembering something right now he's remembered he's got his memory badge exactly if you all think very hard about the different things you did today that might help happy remember where he lost his tooth oh oh i remember what we did earlier i was with happy and we were [Music] eating no happy we were making music oh yeah we played jazz oh yes wait my teeth it must have come out with all that blowing oh never mind happy try and remember what you did next um i know i know we ate some toast remember it was so crumbly we had to eat it outside [Music] ah then i said maybe we should eat the rest of our toast inside and you said yes happy you said yes instead of yes so you had all your teeth then that's right first choose the music you want play the music then record on your tape once the song has finished choose other songs that remind you of something because the best mixtapes are made for someone special and don't forget to decorate the cover hey we made a new mixtape just for you i chose this song for your mixtape because it reminded me of when we got up [Music] there was water everywhere everywhere everywhere [Music] it was so much fun oh i chose this one because it reminded me of when we got our [Music] yes that was a very long day this song reminded me of when we got our [Music] oh no we were so fast ah my red ruby it's gone gone where's your ruby gone king tiger i don't know it is a mystery what's a mystery a mystery is a problem that's hard to solve luckily dougie has his mystery badge first we need to find out if anyone's been acting suspiciously [Music] oh who's crushed my scotch bonnet [Music] nigel nigel hmm how could i have done such a terrible thing [Music] you're probably wondering why we gathered you oh here a precious jewel has gone missing and the person responsible is in this at first our suspicions were piqued by you madam why wear such a heavy coat to an indoor party you were hiding something but it wasn't the ruby you were hiding your lack of party etiquette my only crime is looking fabulous wearing a colorful dress to a black and white ball how naughty day of the annual animal obstacle course race what's that it's a race where each team tries to get round a course by going over under or through different obstacles as quickly as they can and the team that finishes first wins a prize well sort of can we always do dougie oh yes because dougie has his obstacle course badge so you can enter as the red team wonderful weather today chuck that's right pam perfect conditions for this the 115th annual animal obstacle course race we've got some great teams out there today let's say a big hello to the blue team hello and looking confident today the green team always good to see the yellow team and of course plucky newcomers the red team will they have what it takes to complete the six terrifying obstacles everyone designed to test the very limits of endurance i'm frightened for them king tiger when you're ready i now declare this obstacle course open [Music] and they're off run rolly [Music] mind your head [Music] interesting technique from the red team let's see how they handle the second obstacle the watery ditch of dread oh i don't like the look of that [Applause] novel approach here chuck no big crab little crab big crab little crab it's [Music] oh [Music] oh we think you need some exercise hit come on chickens get into the groove and one and two and one two three four [Music] eggs that's it chickens [Music] thanks for all the ex-chickens a wolf you're welcome chickens hmm maybe now would be a good time to make the omelet yay on it now maybe you could find some opposites of your own oh [Music] good morning [Music] and i lost [Music] opposites are brilliant yeah imagine if everything was opposite [Music] yes left would be right so would down be up [Music] but that means up would be [Music] so what's the opposite of small big [Music] that means big is now little woof i'll look after you doggy doggy this is a pen we're organizing pencils see now let's organize the blocks by shape pink green yellow rolly yes we need to organize them by shape otherwise they won't fit oh rectangles triangles circles squares it fits now let's organize the toys [Music] we've organized everything inside let's organize everything outside medium [Music] pink green blue oh brown i must organize the animals yes yes we are by far the best shape i'd rather be square what a shape though who put me with these two where's nigel nigel what if we organize them by color orange i don't think so hey [Music] no cool man green pink red blue yellow oh why can't you be one color just time for one more thing [Applause] oh doggy hawk
Channel: Hey Duggee Official
Views: 2,458,991
Rating: 3.8745248 out of 5
Keywords: hey duggee, hey duggee official, duggee, hey duggee video, hey duggee videos, hey duggee song, hey duggee full episode, hey duggee full episodes, hey duggee episode, hey duggee episodes, duggee full episodes, duggee full episode, hey duggee clips, hey duggee clip, duggee clip, duggee clips, cbeebies shows, cbeebies episodes, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, hey dugee, hey dugge, hey dougie, hey duggie, hey duggee badges, marathon, duggee marathon, 1 hour duggee
Id: bPG609KzUyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 41sec (2921 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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