Doing Puzzles with Duggee | Learning with Duggee | Hey Duggee

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[Music] oh how delightfully modern very daddy rudy thanks what are you doing happy well done squirrels it's going to be tricky to pick just one of these designs to build but we want to build all of them oh woof um it's a rather ambitious design you said we could do anything uh woof yes it's well over regulation height for this kind of area but you said we should use our imagination the budget for the blocks alone would be it's our dream clubhouse oh woof very well your plans have been approved let construction begin first a good building needs and a solid foundation quality control structural integrity accurate measuring safety in the workplace good fixtures of fittings wow doesn't it look amazing dougie [Applause] don't miss a beat [Music] another puzzle a musical one we have to stand on the same colors that came on above the door the first one was green [Music] then it was blue then it was red betty i think you'll find it's yellow [Music] [Music] oh many more squirrels [Music] [Music] [Music] look ah jigsaw piece yes well done the squirrels you have completed all our puzzles you may take your prize yeah this is a tough one it's a hexagon shape nori oh then it must go in the hexagon hole i've got a funny shape does it go here or here does it go here or here [Music] oh look at that cloud do you think it might rain dougie we might get wet let's play inside okay we can play snakes and ladders or sleep in gerbils it's sleeping lions rolly what's the matter nori all the animals won't they get wet too [Music] yes i suppose they will nori should we find them somewhere to keep dry yes [Music] i wonder where you could keep dry [Music] just the right shape [Music] oh i see there just the right shape don't worry little fish i'm not i'll keep you dry i'd rather you didn't here you go just the right shape seriously great work squirrels be ready yes then it's time to play planet zap captain happy you roll first okay you now all need to move three species one two three you've landed oh no on javovian space slime what shall we do oh look at your character cards to see what items you could use for instance rolly you have a jet pack do i yes if rory spends five learning points to get a fuel marble he can spin it in the space collider to power the jet pack and get away uh okay you just need to land on purple it worked you can move two spaces away and get twelve learning points one two you have reached the dothraganians they look like babies angry babies they need a nap huh my mom says i need one when i get every irritable then i'll play a lullaby um what'd you say about music in the rulebook [Music] oh so if you roll 30 plus on a 32-sided dice self-generated musical objectives can succeed thirty-one oh success all the dothrakians have fallen asleep and you can now journey to the next location where oh dear a giant space monster lives its deafening raw shakes the very ground you walk on it's hungry really yes that's the noise my dad makes before dinner you should feed it betty you're the space chef um is that in the rules dougie yum you like raisins don't you space monster um is is is that in the rules let's go there next on this wait is that in the rules dougie just time for one more thing juggies [Music]
Channel: Hey Duggee Official
Views: 4,221,100
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Keywords: hey duggee, hey duggee official, duggee, hey duggee video, hey duggee videos, hey duggee song, hey duggee full episode, hey duggee full episodes, hey duggee episode, hey duggee episodes, duggee full episodes, duggee full episode, hey duggee clips, hey duggee clip, duggee clips, cbeebies shows, cbeebies episodes, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, duggee hug, hey duggee badges, puzzles with duggee, hey duggee puzzles, learning with duggee
Id: 3Oa0jpZjj0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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