Isaiah Chapter 8

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Shalom and welcome to via after Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel Oh our G now here's Baruch with today's lesson God wants you to be successful God wants you to make the right decisions but here's what you must understand it is his ways that lead to success and it's his truth that causes you to make good decisions and when you are making good decisions and experiencing success you know how that is manifested in your life that you will be where God wants you to be and you will be doing the things that God wants you to do this is success and it's also the only formula for joy for that feeling of true inward satisfaction that will lead to you to have a feeling that you had lived a meaningful life and you have all of eternity to rejoice with this godly success that the Lord has led you into now why am i sharing this well we are going to be looking at a terrific chapter today Isaiah and chapter 8 and I don't know why but but so many people struggle with what is the message of this chapter how to rightly interpret the words but when we simply read it in light of the biblical assistance that chapter 7 gives us chapter 8 is not difficult at all now if you remember our introduction today success right decisions God is given prophecy to Judah through the prophet Isaiah and this prophecy leads to victory it leads to success ultimately these principles that God is teaching through Isaiah for that time are the asain principles the exact truth that we need to be prosperous and successful in the last days and again what is prosperity what is success being where God wants you to be and doing what he wants you to do that is the greatest success and you will never know that success without a personal relationship with the Messiah that means understanding the prophetic truth concerning Messiah who he is what he has done and what he will do and to submit to those biblical truths so let's begin to get your Bible and look with me if you would to Isaiah chapter 8 remembering that key prophecy that we saw in chapter 7 in verse 14 when a virgin will conceive she will bear a child and that child a son shall be called and remember this term Emmanuelle God with us I mentioned to you that that term emanuelle is a redemptive name for messiah and when we experience Redemption we are going to be in a victorious conditioned position that's going to be the outcome victory but once again what the Prophet is telling us is that it's only through Messiah can we have that victory and it begins what he has laid the foundation for is understanding the connection between and don't miss this between faith and Messiah these two go together faith and Messiah remember King Ahaz God remember what I said God wants you to be successful he wants you to make right decisions so he told a has an evil king but God wanted to bring him to repentance position him for success so that he could make right decisions so he says I want you to believe a has asked for any sign I'll confirm it that you know that you have faith that you believe and that you respond in obedience that is in faith but unfortunately I a has rejected that and because a has rejected that he begins to speak to you and me who did he speak to in chapter 7 that dahveed the house of David and as I said this is a group of individuals who have a messianic faith and that Messianic faith it is necessary today tomorrow and for the establishment and the entrance into the kingdom of God so let's begin and we need to pay a close attention to all the prophetic clues hence the AIDS of the biblical text in order that we understand God's revelation were to take this chapter slowly and we're going to reach a consensus on what the Prophet is teaching verse one and the Lord said to me God is speaking directly to Yoshi Yahoo the prophet Isaiah and he tells him take for yourself or you take y lle on the dole this is kind of a a big parchment a scroll now we may use a term Magilla it's from the same word a different construction or that were word but it has to do with a parchment that is rolled up a scroll in other words and he says write upon it with a human most Bibles will say a human pen but but the word here has to do with kind of an engraving instrument so the message here is that this prophecy just doesn't have implications for the near future for the days of Isaiah and the people but learning from what God says for that time we can bet better understand the faith the truth and the decisions that we will need to make in the last days those who are alive at that time so we read take for yourself a scroll a great skull scroll a large one and write upon it with a human engraving instrument and what is he supposed to engrave right down upon this grow lay my hair sha la Hache bas now some English translations don't don't translate that they just phonetically put it into English or whatever language one is reading but these words have meaning the word Lima hair quickly the word shelah has to do with a spoil or plunder or booty from war and then the word hush means quickly as well with urgency and then the last word Boz is a synonym for plunder spoil the fruits of a victorious war we've all heard the expression to the victor goes the spoils this is what it's speaking about so there's a foreshadowing of war coming and spoil is being taken and it's going to happen quickly now this has end times implication there is no question that in these two examples that the Prophet is going to give to us in Chapter eight that it's for his time his period but we are to learn from that those who are living in the last days we are to learn from this in order that we can make the right decisions be where we need to be be doing the right things have the proper faith for the end times so it has end times implications although this chapter is primarily in the days of Isaiah the prophet move to verse verse 2 and I will testify to me a Dean name a name so I will testify to me faithful witnesses and this is a Hebrew expression what it means is I'm going to testify I'm gonna do that and I'm going to bring myself under scrutiny by having two faithful witnesses two individuals that the people would understand these are godly men these are men of truth and who were they will notice we're talking about Maria who the priests here it's Maria the priests and zaharie ah who the son of Eva Yahoo so these two men Maria and Zahara these two are there to confirm to say yes to affirm what the Prophet is saying that these are indeed words that he received from the Lord Almighty verse 3 now he's going to act out something there's going to be a response and outcome to his action and that outcome is going to be a source of Revelation I want to say that again the prophets going to act in faith he's gonna hear and do based upon what we learned in the previous chapter chapter 7 and this is going to give us insight instruction illumination revelation for understanding something look now to verse 3 he says I came near to the prophetess now most dollars agree that this prophetess is simply the wife of Isaiah so he comes near in an intimate way for the purpose of conception how do I know that well we keep reading he says I grew near to the prophetess and she conceives and she bears a son now this is very similar to what we see in chapter 7 but be careful there are those that want to say this is the fulfillment of this prophecy that a virgin will conceive and bear a son is not it is not the fulfillment of that prophecy nor is it a dual fulfillment it's something entirely different but related those two things are not in conflict something separate but something related what God is saying here is the child that will be conceived by means of Isaiah and his wife and what happens the prophecy that surrounds that child is going to serve to confirm a prophecy for the days of Isaiah what's going to happen and it's going to be seen in their days yes this is true yes the Prophet was right yes he heard from God and this is to confirm what Isaiah 7:14 says concerning the birth of Messiah and remember all of this is coming in the context of redemption and victory there's no victory without redemption so again let's move slowly with understanding and agreement of what's being said he says I was told instructed draw near to the prophetess she's going to conceive and bear a son and the Lord said to me call his name just what we read earlier the the the headlines of chapter 8 word says once more my hair shall ow hush buzz quickly comes the spoil and with pace comes the plunder or the booty all this is telling us is this that soon in a short amount of time war is coming now remember Isaiah and the King King Ahaz he was concerned that war was coming war with who war by means of our arm that is Syria and Israel we learned last week and the week before that there was a coalition put together between Israel the Northern Kingdom and our to come and fight against Judah that didn't happen what did happen well we're going to see exactly what's going to happen verse verse four there's a prophecy Wars coming there's going to be plundered there's going to be a defeat and the victor will take the spoil and he'll do it quickly look at verse 4 for before the young man this is a word that implies and we saw this last week as well we saw that this simply confirms what we began to read in verse 15 and following that there's going to be a child born and before that child becomes a full-grown man but while he's still an adolescent this is going to take place the fulfillment of a prophecy that serves to initiate faith in people that they can believe the greater prophecy concerning that virgin conceiving and bearing a son who is Emmanuel God with us the Redeemer so dodd is building up faith he's saying i'm telling you something isaiah is going to have a son and before that son is a a full-grown man when he's still an adolescent the enemy's coming and he's going to make war and plunder but who's he go to plunder he is going to plunder initially that northern kingdom you don't need to fear israel that northern kingdom you don't need to fear aram syria and this coalition this confederacy that coming against you in Judah against Jerusalem remember we saw that's what God says don't fear it's not going to come about and now this is being confirmed so Isaiah has a son we know what his name is he's called my hair sha la Hache bas and before that this young man will call father or mother what will happen the wealth or the army of Damascus and also the spoil of Cameroon will be lifted up be taken away by who by Malik assured the king of not Syria but Assyria so the king of Assyria in Hebrew it's assured the king of assure is going to take spoil the capital of Aram Syria the dam ASEC Damascus and also carry the northern tribes those nine plus tribes into exile scattered them throughout the world and this is what Isaiah is saying it's going to happen before this child of mine is is a man it's going to happen in a few short years you can count on it and guess what it did in fact happen many people point out that that a has became key in 732 BC he was king for approximately 16 years a little bit less but 16 years but while he was still King we find that the enemy came from Assyria and carried off the northern tribes Israel into Excel and they did that in 722 721 BC so approximately 10 years after this when this child was born 10 years later this took place look at verse verse five and the Lord continued and he spoke to me more saying because and it's yong-ki on account that because of this now it's a a double statement yeah on and key oftentimes mean the same thing it's not redundant because of a mistake it's redundant for emphasis look again at verse 6 because this people they have and the word is loathe my us they have loathe what have they lost the things of God the Word of God the promises of God and it says here specifically they have not embraced they have loathe May hi Sheila may Allah is the waters of that stream now some of you had been to Israel you visited Jerusalem and you've gone to the pool of Shiloh och that's what it's called in Hebrew in many languages they say the pool of Salaam but the word properly is Sheila it's a word for sending and that that pool that water is very slow-moving and people they love and what is he talking about that that stream is where Jerusalem see the northern people they loathe Jerusalem they like Samaria why Jerusalem a place of godly worship they didn't want to worship God as God demanded to be worshiped they wanted to choose how they worship God when they worshiped God with what they worship God with and therefore they despised that's what it literally means this people despise the the waters of shelach that go slowly and they rejoice with Racine and the son of Rama Yahoo they rejoiced in what not the worship of God trusting him being faithful to him but they rejoiced in a confederacy between these ten tribes and are on the nation of Syria that's what they took confidence and that's what gave them pleasure the security of this this pagan and ungodly coalition it was this this agreement this treaty that that soothed their minds rather than trusting in God and finding joy in peace and confidence in the promises of God verse 7 therefore behold the Lord he says I am and bringing up upon them the waters of a strong and abundant River now who's coming to do damage it is Assyria remember the Hebrew word assured and what River is their River remember in Egypt it's denial in Babylon we have a another River but in in the kingdom of Assyria we had the Tiggers and it's that that Tiggers a strong powerful River and this is being personified as the king of Assyria and he's coming to do war so God says the Lord will bring upon them the waters of a strong and abundant River and then he tells us exactly why have to interpret it it's told who's this strong and abundant water it is the king of Assyria of assured with all of his glory meaning and the word for for weight all of his weight he's coming very seriously he's coming to bring the full power of his judgment upon upon who upon that Northern Kingdom and this this alliance between the Northern Kingdom and Syria or the biblical term Iran and it says that that this enemy Assyria is going to to go up on all the channels all the springs and and streams of waters and also go up upon all the banks meaning this it is going to be a total annihilation he is going to totally break submission to Israel and Iran he's gonna have full control over all aspects of that land that's what we need to see verse 8 and he is going to pass through into Judah as well he's going to stream quickly and he's good to pass up and get the imagery here its water water coming out its armies but the imagery is water and it's going to go up what does it say to the neck to the very neck now that means I mean if you are are in water up to your neck that's not good but you can still breathe if you haven't yet been defeated you're close and that's exactly what happened Assyria came close to defeating Judah as well but God promises it's not gonna happen and it did not happen notice what it says and he will pass through Judah and he will sweep and pass unto the neck he will arrive and he will spread out his wings to the fullness of the breadth of your land now that doesn't sound very good but what happens notice the end of verse 9 the word emanuelle now remember this is a redemptive name for Messiah and it's speaks of victory so what we find here is Emanuel speaks of victory saying the king of Assyria scumming he's gonna come through all of your land be all over get very up to your neck laying siege against Jerusalem but he's not going to be successful you are going to have victory how in Emanuel what does that mean in the faith of the God who redeems so if this this is the purpose if in fact this happens we don't need to fear Syria we don't need to fear Israel here again we're going back 800 years if that coalition between Israel and Iran does not harm Judah but it is done away with by Assyria and Assyria comes into Judah spreads all out up to the very neck unto Jerusalem siege but in the end Syria was not successful they did not have victory Judah had victory through faith in the promises of God and what is better yet who is that great promise of God it is Yeshua Jesus the Messiah our Redeemer he gives victory so if this happened in history confirms it it did happen this way therefore if we could believe this he prophesied it was true then we should be lead the prophecy concerning that virgin that conceived and bore a son over 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem and we're speaking about Messiah Yeshua well let's move on to 2 verse 9 says the people and the expression here is are going to experience evil it's going to be difficult for them and they're going to become dismayed about all of what's going on but what does God say he says they listen all to the faraway places of the land they strengthened themselves meaning they girded themselves they they were ready for what this conflict with the Syria but they were dismayed they girded themselves but they were dismayed why they weren't called to go out for battle they were called to believe in the deliverance of God very similar to what we see at the crossing of the Red Sea stand still and see the salvation of the Lord don't gird yourself for battle don't be dismayed fearful broken to pieces because of the power and the sheer numbers of the enemy don't give heed to them trust in the promise of God be faithful belief in the victory that Messiah brings so were the people victorious yes yes they were was it because of their armies no it was because God delivered them supernaturally that's the message that we see here in this first half of chapter 8 look now to verse 10 he says here he says they will take counsel together but it is going to be the word here is a word that breadcrumbs are in modern Hebrew breadcrumbs are derived from so what it says here it's crumbling breadcrumbs crumbling that this counsel that the people take among themselves not the prophetic truth that this council is just going to count crumble apart it says the people they're gonna speak things they'll speak a matter but it's not good to Stan why key this is the second time emanuelle meaning this he says it again trust have faith in my redemption redemption when you hear that one of the things should come to your mind is is victory so this is what he's saying now we're ready for the second half of of chapter 8 I want to press through this quickly notice what he says look at verse 11 for thus says the Lord unto me with the strength of hand God gives power how does he do that and he instructed me so God gives power that power comes through instruction it's only when we submit to the instructions of God are we good to be recipients of his power he gave power power to be faithful and he instructed me basically not to walk in the way of this people don't go the way that everyone else goes goes the way that God instructs you through his word by the leadership of the Holy Spirit verse 12 do not say Tesar kasher is a binding here it's a a word for a confederacy the people are going to not want to trust in God they're gonna look for help probably in Egypt for Confederacy with Egypt some other way to defeat the enemy and God is saying here prophetically through Isaiah don't don't speak about some Confederacy for all who the people will say all this people will say a confederacy this is the way he says do not fear this dread and do not be be afraid so he tells him very clearly here you do not need to be afraid of this you can have confidence and what God is saying instead of being fearful God tells us what we're supposed to do in this next verse look at verse 13 he says the Lord of hosts him you shall sanctify sanctification involves purpose the way that you fear God sanctify his name is to be committed to his purpose participate in his will that's what Isaiah is telling the people the Lord of Hosts him you shall sect sanctified and he is your fear and your dread meaning this give him priority and be aware that if you want something to dread and be afraid of be afraid of rejecting his truth making decisions against his will being individuals that do not trust in his prophetic revelation verse 14 and he shall become a sanctuary now God will be your sanctuary but if you don't trust him notice what it says you have a choice he'll either be your sanctuary or a stone most Bible say of offense and this is a word which speaks about in many ways a stone that harms you a stone that brings you pain when you encounter it and then it uses a different phrase a rock of offense or stumbling these two this will be if you rejected it will be to the two houses of Israel as a snare and a trap for the inhabitant of Jerusalem so what he's saying is simply this you have a choice if you make God your priority if you would disobedience to him then he'll be your sanctuary but if you put priority elsewhere if you dread the things that God has told you to do and you ignore them then he will become that rock of offense that stone of sibling for who the two houses of Israel what he means is this Judah you'll become just like that northern sister of yours Israel you will to go into exile you till wolf experience the the defeat by the enemy verse 15 and they stumbled many and they fell and they were broken they were ensnared and they were captured many of the people the majority did not trust in God did not believe his word did not respond in faith what about you do you rely upon prophecy what the Word of God has told will be do you believe it will be do you believe that it is worthy to respond and base your life upon prophetic truth the majority of the house of Israel and Judah did not but because of the remnant Jerusalem did not fall verse sixteen bind the certificate now this word certificate comes from the Hebrew word IDI which is a witness or a testimony so it is something that is certified from God he says bind it up hold on to that take that seriously base your life upon this promise this certification from God bind up the certificate seal the law in among his disciples those who are learned by him and from him and what does one who binds up the promises of God his certification his pora his teaching this is how they respond verse 17 I will wait for the Lord the one who has hidden his face from the house of Jacob I will hope in him so it speaks even though God sometimes appear hidden the enemy is visible they didn't see God but those who have faith trust they believe they hope in the prophetic promise of God verse 18 verse 18 what an important verse we find that there are two children two children that are going to be born to Isaiah we've spoken about the first and we know that that prophecy that the first one confirms concerning Assyria was true and therefore he tells us in verse 18 behold I and the children which the Lord has given to me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts the one who dwells in C on this is a kingdom prophecy the one who dwells in look at what it says Co and seoane is a kingdom term for Jerusalem a redemptive name for Jerusalem these things that happen they are to certify they are to confirm they are wondrous they are signs but here's what he says they have Kingdom interpretations and implications move to verse 19 for they shall say to you seek through thee and he uses two terms for pagan practices that that people use in sorcery and divining something it's pagan and he's telling the people of faith primarily the king and Isaiah's good be told to do this don't trust in the Word of God but trust in these pagan practices of sorcery for finding illumination these things that that chirp these things that utter there's a physical outcome to them they are not something that comes through prophetic truth but in silence meaning the prophet speaks that's it the other ones have supernatural so they say signs that are accompanied them meaning that these things these instruments these tools they move they chirp they utter thinks they are our demonic activity and Isaiah says they're gonna say this but don't trust in such things then he writes in the verse 19 surely the people in his God they should seek and also also for the living and for the dead meaning this hope they should seek the Lord not some other means and this has implications for those who are living and those who have died in the implication is those who have died in faith verse 24 the law the Torah and they to uh certification so he's saying in the same way that that the tourists true and the people have applied the tour to the life and find that God blesses those who keep the law he has certified that so in that same way he says here for the law and for the certification does not this say meaning you can trust us and if not if you don't there is no Shahar Shahar a word for mourning but here it's the dawn the morning like meaning this if you don't trust in the certification a prophetic message in this case from Isaiah you don't trust in the commandments of Moses there's no light there's no illumination in you you are in darkness verse 21 and and it shall pass in it what should pass difficulty and famine it shall be that they shall hunger and they shall be be angry and they shall curse the king and his God and what should they do well what they will do is curse God they will curse the king perhaps the Messianic promise of King Messiah and they'll look up and the implication is they'll look in dismayed why God why that's what people do they reject him they make their own decisions they do what other people say reject God and when things go bad they go why God this is what he's telling them how foolish verse 22 to the land he shall look behold look you trusted in the physical look at the land and he says there's going to be behold trouble and darkness and gloom and and pain and then a deeper darkness and you'll be driven meaning driven away exhales coming for those who don't trust in God now in your Bible chapter 8 in in the Hebrew it continues for one more verse and this verse has a Messianic significance see when we get into chapter 9 the first has half has great Messianic significance so let me read this quickly and then when we begin next week chapter 9 we'll begin with this verse as well for there will not be gloom and pain in it as in the first for the former times when the Lord cursed the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali what are we talking about we're talking about the galilee area that northern kingdom is god brought judgment through who through Assyria we talked about that that happened those nine plus tribes were taken into exile so God brought curse why because of disobedience but he says that's not what he's going to do later on and this later on is connected to this prophecy of Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 this is that kingdom promise of King Messiah Emmanuel he says what he's going to do look at the end of verse 23 in the Hebrew the end of verse 1 of chapter 9 in English but in the latter now that means in the last days in the latter portion he is going to honor the way of the sea in the area between the Jordan of the galilee of the gentiles word passes now what he's talking about here in this passage passage of scripture he's talking about a place of land Naftali Zebulon by the the sea and the jordan river that comes into and out of the sea that area is going to be honored and in the end and what's the end in the messianic times we're talking here where the Messiah is going to begin his ministry and we'll talk more about that next week when we move into chapter 9 in earnest and find in that first half of this chapter another wonderful messianic prophecy well until next week Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others police plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
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Length: 47min 15sec (2835 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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