Isaiah 3 - The Lord Takes Away

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all right when I say it through tonight hopefully we'll finish the 26 verses here it's a common topic and theme as we get into chapter 4 which would be very short for next week and so let's pick it up here the last verse in chapter 2 was CC from man whose breath is in his nostrils for wearing is he to be accounted of we talked about the day of the Lord at the second half of chapter 2 and the very last admonition there was don't put your trust in man CC for a man who is he he says his breath is in his nostrils not lose back to Genesis chapter 2 where God gave his life God's life into the nostrils of man so man can't even give himself life you see and so chapter 3 really amplifies this idea of don't put your trust in man because the Lord's gonna take things away what man has God's going to take it away and so you've heard the saying that Lord giveth the Lord take up the way and this is this nice lesson the Lord takes away based on chapter 3 verse 1 4 see that word for fo r means like because for this reason so chapter 3 here is connected to chapter 2 like I mentioned last week this is not a brand new prophecy don't trust young men or CC from men verse 1 chapter 3 for behold why so we're not trusted man the Lord the Jehovah of hosts the Lord of hosts doth take away from Jerusalem and Judah though stay in the staff the whole stay of bread in the whole stay of water and so God's put in Jerusalem and Judah on lockdown and take away what they can buy and this sort of thing he's taking it away and so that that's something that has always brought out in the Bible how that what man has their life their food their their places God can always any moment take them away and of course you only do that in justice which is what he'll describe here but that's the font no it's specific to specifically talking here about Jerusalem and Judah notice there he'll take away from Jerusalem and Judah and I got to point that out because this chapter if you haven't read it already you'll see let's go through it tonight you could very well apply most of this chapter to America in April 2020 very well and so this is what happens in prophecy or in the Old Testament we'll go back there and read then we read through the scripture and say that sounds like today and of course man doesn't change a sin doesn't change and God doesn't change and so of course you're gonna find that there's something today because it sounds like today or I can use it like it's talking about today I'm going to preach that as it is speaking about today and then along with the description the cure or the application gets thrown in and so as a a3 is about God's judgment against Jerusalem and Judah and it's going to describe the condition of Jerusalem and Judah and why he's going to take these things away from man and why he's gonna judge children and women right and you can see why in America today and he might conclude well he's got a judge America today now if Isaiah three so I'm talking about you right and so this is where right division really helps you can go back here and learn and really get a vivid description and from God's perspective what he thinks about sin and the state of things even this dispensation of grace regarding sin he's are oblivious to sin he sees it it's just an this crystallization of grace grace abounds over it right and then he's seeing the world through what Christ has done okay but people are just as wicked today as they've ever been and so we can learn about sin learn about God's reaction to it but we cannot say speaking about America he's speaking about us in this dispensation because he's not that's the consequence of knowing how to rightly divide the Scriptures right a failure to do that leads to all sorts of false applications from chapters like this all right so don't take what is not yours yeah that's the simple dispensational truth that you we should do well to to hold as we study Isaiah I mean while what will he take away from Jerusalem and Judah what it'll take away he says he'll take away the stay and the staff the whole stay of bread in the whole stay of water the staff and the stay now these two phrases staphon's stay are used nautically on boats you know the staff and the stay and you have a boat and it's going to be a crude drawing of course you got the water and the boat you've got staffs right and like the poles and what do they do they hold the sails right they're like pillars then you have stay lines like the mainstay in the up that'll force day and the after day and these like these giant ropes that hold these masts these staffs in place right and so that this is where the phrases come from but they're talking about the support and the supply the things that ground the the whatever it's talking about ground view for example like the stay and the staff in Jerusalem Judith at this the strength the stability the ground of the pillar now that's interesting because I'm personally 315 it says the church is the pillar and ground of the truth the pillar and the ground that keeps it stable that ground and the pillar which holds it up right holds up the sail and the ground or these ropes that hold it firm and so it's similar type of thinking a concept there now the churches that plural garden truth that the gods were is the pillar ground of truth that were to to to hold that now what if the church does not minister the word of truth rightly divided then what they're supposed to be that pillar and ground of the truth doesn't happen you know the ropes get broken the masts get destroyed and suddenly you're on the waves being tossed to and fro right this is the thought and so Jerusalem and Judah was given staff and stay they were given supply and support not only because God created the world because God gave them a covenant gave them every means to be benefited and blessed by him to that covenant by this point in their history of course they've rejected that covenant under and rebelled against him and so this is where he's that I'm gonna take away that which I've promised you and I've commented with you to have you know over your other over the nation so this stay and staff here is significant now again the stay and staff is the supply to support this it's what holds it firm the strength and God's saying here in these first few verses I'm gonna remove your strength and what is this strength and supply in the first verse he says the whole stay of bread in the whole stay of water and this is like food sustenance will be removed of course from air back in the coming out language Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy that was part of those Covenant curses you know your fruit trees won't bear fruit and your grounds we follow and things like that so they'll remove the actual food that they need this is serious stuff it's not just like closing non-essential businesses like essential stuff you know it's taking it away it's that's big in bread and water are the the the bottom level food sources for people this type of food but number and verse to notice the strength here that he's taking away is that there's a comment the end of verse one he's going to can you listing what he's taking away he's taking away the mighty man the man of war the judge and the profit and the prudent and the ancient the captain of fifty and the Honorable man and the counselor and the cunning artifice sir the eloquent orator period like I was taking all this away this is interesting see senator taking away your strength I'm taking away the pillar and the ground of what makes you you I'm taking away what stablish is you what stays firm and you of taking it away your food your water your mighty men right it's as fascinating Hill talked about in the first section of this chapter the men and strength of Judah and Jerusalem being removed and being replaced since there was no men with children and women and then he'll talk about the oppression that happens in the division and the falling down that happens in the society because of the children and women are ruling poorly and then at the end you'll talk about women and so he's justifying his judgment of Jerusalem based on the the conduct of the men of the children of the rulers and none of the women all right so it's interesting you read in the scripture and you see where God judges nations or entire cities and he says you know go judge the whole nation man woman child and people responded man god it's cruel I mean women and children really and of course they forget that you know over the Middle East even in the 20th first century you have children who are who are suicide bombers and women who are you know terrorists and they've like this and so it's not just because you're a woman and child somehow you're you're exempt from all sorts of criminal activity or sin but in the Bible God justifies his judgment so here's the part where he justifies as his judgment against men children women all of them there's this which means how many are righteous is it no man is righteous is out the verse says there's none righteous except for women and children no there's nothing - there's no man righteous there's no children righteous there's no woman righteous you say so there's none righteous and that's what he's describing here okay but notice the strength of this nation a strength of the city is is going to be with these leaders the mighty man interestingly side note this the same phrase used in Genesis 6 to describe the the offspring of those giants mighty men I'm gonna get that now but here there's every hint to say these are actual man but they're mighty men and the man-of-war so these are obviously our soldiers the military right those who will actually defend the city and that's important for the strength of a nation and city right to make sure you have that defense I'm taking that away God said whoops so now how you gonna defend yourself now what's your shield look like now notice the the kind of the teaching God does when he takes these things away you know the saying you don't know what you have until it's gone that's somewhat what God is doing here because these things will be removed in stages in Israel's history they'll removed well some of it be removed and some more will be removed and some more than some more and he'll end up at the end of chapter 3 where everything's just gone on the ground okay and he's do it he does that and even in the Covenant he does that so that they might remember right that he's the one that provided these things I take them away as part of the judgment and then hopefully you're remembering that I'm the one that kept them there right and you'll repent and then they don't then he takes more away in dictum than there's nothing left you say and so that's what's happening here but the mighty man the man of war is the defense you see the judge in the Prophet these are the political leaders right the judges were ruling the nation the prophets were the advisors to the judges the governments of the day that's what prophets are they were advisors in Israel's governmental system okay that's why usual had an advantage because their advisors or directly from God God communicated to them through prophets right and the law but they would be removed so no prophets that's also interesting to think about because by the time Israel's in captivity you have a dearth of prophets and after Malachi you don't get any profits for centuries before Matthew and Jesus right so God's removing even his messengers to communicate to his people he removes that because of what they've done the prophets removed the prudent and the ancient know what's that referred to the prudent the age of the prudent are those who who look forward to their way right that's the prudent they look forward and they make decisions wisely it's wise to be prudent and if your ancient like the Ancient of Days a name for God the idea that implication is you have wisdom okay if you're brand-new if you're a newbie you don't know anything if you ancient you should know one or two things right so the fruit in the ancient these are wise men in Jerusalem and Judah so the military leaders the the strength their the strength of the political rulers the strength of the prophet speaking for God the Oracles that God gave them and the wise men gone where he's gonna take them away the captain of fifty the honorable man and the counselor so he goes on the captain of fifty which isn't a very high captain right this isn't like the general of the army this is captain of fifty so it's like these this is how far is going with the strength of the nation I'm taking away all the leaders here all the people who have responsibilities the captain of fifty gone the honorable man I mean this guy's just a guy walking on the street who makes honorable decisions gone right honorable man and it says the the counselor and the cutting artificer and the ELCA orator now we'll see this theme throughout the chapter a bit I'm not gonna compare this chapter with other Bible translations or reading from the King James Bible but this chapter more than most you will see in commentaries correction after change after correction and change and they do so I think primarily by copying each other cuz they'll all say exactly the same thing or in some cases they'll kind of pick whatever it is they think it should be because they don't understand what it is in the King James Bible right it really is a shame I'd encourage you in this chapter lies in every chapter to believe the words in the Bible here is nothing wrong with them these words here in verse three these counselors and artificer and a local writer are changed to to be like the those people who are forbidden in Israel like the the soothsayers right in the diviners and these sort of things that God forbade according to law and it very well could be that those people were in Israel but it seems to fit the context I think more clearly that he's taking away their strength and their strength would not be wicked people he's gonna talk about them later but counselors and eloquent orators and cunning artificers those would be strengths you say artificer that sounds like a word we don't use today maybe we should take that and replace it with something else but I just told you they don't replace it with something to explain now they changed the whole meaning of it the diviner enchanter which is not what cunning artifice there is okay what is cunning mean it's smart right an artifice surface if I gave you an artifice or something it's like this device an artifice er is the one who creates these devices invents things a cutting artificer is one who creates things out of no no no material which is out of his imagination his thoughts and his ingenuity right coming officers take those people out of society you got a problem right that's one of the problems in our current shutdown situation okay we got governors who aren't very cunning as far as artificers and they're telling the artificers to go home and stay home and don't help if I wait a minute we need some cutting artificers to help us out so we got some technical problems you know what ventilators and all that you know well need the cutting artificer but they could tell those guys to close shop this is a problem the cutting artificer is says in the eloquent orator the people who can speak well and not just speak well out of rhetoric and persuading people manipulating them but can actually take true words and true things and speak them in such a way to move people to the right ends right not people who just manipulate and use words to get people to do what they want that's wicked right but the eloquent orator that's something that's of a strengthened society that's always been part of statesmanship it's been corrupted nowadays with political maneuvering and all that and leaders so anyway the these these people here that are listed these responsible positions and and incapable men here in society are all removed God says I'm gonna take them away so what you thought was your strength don't trusted men because the people you would trust in the most the people who have intelligence to society to people have their expertise the people who are in leadership positions those people you would naturally trust God is saying on a grander scale trust me over them right and in Chapter two they gave the reason the day of the Lord those guys are on a fall only the right just remain and the righteous has nothing to do with your state and society or a position Society right and so this is what he's saying here these people are made taken away in Israel and Judah and Judah and Jerusalem by me right so who will you have left to trust in right so it's interesting that this is fulfilled literally in second Kings 24 14 when it describes the Nebuchadnezzar coming into Jerusalem and it says specifically takes away their mighty many takes away the these guys and their leaders and all that he just takes him away just like this verse that would happen before it did that's how you know Isaiah was a prophet that what he says comes to pass just as he said it so you can read Isaiah 3 you create second Kings chapter 24 by the way second he's 24 was written after Isaiah's life right and so you have prophecies like that where he writes them and they come true he had no way to interfere with knowing what it would be it's not like he's just predicting the election that year it's like he's talking about you know decades of generation ahead of him predicting this thing because it's not just a prediction it's a prophecy God spoke to him so you learn here that God has not through is Isaiah or through any of the prophets promise that Israel because they're God's people would not suffer loss they do they have they will from the future here okay now look at verse 4 I will give children to be their princes so there's no men anymore there's no like mini responsibilities men who take this position or have the strength or the cunning or the eloquence ER or the ability apparently who's gonna be left here we're gonna give children to be their princes and babies all over them so your children as rulers now you say that's kind of strange I mean we don't have children as rulers there's two ways you can take this children concept okay and again this is where the commentators get back to the rahib rue knowledge and and wisdom and say well since the Hebrew here means this it doesn't have to mean children well I can tell you from the English that doesn't have to be literal children even though I think it may be okay in the English you know there's two ways to talk about people being childish right you can call an adult childish can't you based on how they act and how they think and the choices that they make they're foolish right immature adults yeah they're like babes and children right or you can talk about literal actual children who haven't grown yet you know either way works in the context that's the same thing at the hebrew experts say well the Evra here allows for both well so does the English you see so you don't need to know the Hebrew in the instance you can study the English be just fine so there's two ways to take the children it's either that this literal children who have not have age of physical maturity or wisdom okay and children are immature they're in experience as part of the problem being a child you don't have experience you're unprincipled even if your parents teach you as a child is what they should do okay you haven't faced any resistance you're untried and so the principal may not yet be established even if they know it my principles I mean those values and characteristics those righteous ways that God teaches in the scripture right that should be part of your character right it's these principles that that are laid out say in constitutions and Bill of Rights and laws these principles such that when controversy and circumstances change and when things get out of control you hold on to your values and principles of which if you don't have them then the storm of circumstances knocks you off your footing and you start making choices contrary to your principles and again I I'm preaching here from Isaiah three go and this sounds like April 2020 in America I mean what happened to the principles of our country when it happens to stock market crashing and you know pandemics occurring suddenly we've lost all virtues and values and principles our country and now we're making choices we would never have done six months ago speaking of leadership right why what happened to the principles do they do not work they were bad principles their appraisals only work part of the time well what is it you see this is what Isaiah is questioning in Jerusalem right you know these children where you're the principal's here and so children aren't principled they're untried they're weak you know physically because they're younger and also we can many other ways being untried and and foolish this is the descriptions of children as you mature part of the growing up is that your foolishness is replaced by wisdom your weakness is placed by strength your being untried is replaced by experience and being tried right being challenged and your principles get more firm and you gain some experience and thus that's what it means to mature to be wise you become one of those men that were taken away right but this is this is one one instance of children the other way you create children is like in the sense Paul says in first condense 14 he says be not children and understanding remember that and so if you don't have understanding you are you don't know that God's will you are unwise and you're a child apparently where the Christians are called children they're hold babes because of their behavior and they're walking in the right ways of grace or not so there's there's two ways to read that I don't see any reason to think this is not actual children though there could be room for men that act like children too and I'm sure that that that existed I'm sure not every man in Judah and Jerusalem was was gone but I say actual children because Solomon was a child when he became King after David died Solomon says I'm just a child and he was he was actually humble as a child and because of that he asked God for wisdom remember that the whole story and God granted Solomon wisdom for that Jeremiah Jeremiah want Prophet Jeremiah after Isaiah God calls Jeremiah says you're gonna be about my my prophet he says I'm a child Jeremiah syndrome I want six I'm a child I can't speak for you God says I'm gonna work I knew you from the womb I am going to speak my words to you that's how easy to be a prophet you know but Jeremiah was a child and not only that but many kings and Israel were children when they became kings okay Manasseh who would be a king that many thought killed Isiah at the end of his life there became a king in his single digits I mean he was like 12 years old you know child right so you have many kings in in Israel's history that became kings at 6 10 12 and yeah a long life ahead of them but you don't really like that you'd rather have someone who's learned and knows and that they're the father wasn't killed by some assassin who tried to get him out of the throne and their premature okay so he says I will give children to be their princes and babes shall rule over them remember when Isaiah started his ministry of prophecy Isaiah was king for 50 years and Jotham was came for another few decades and it's like during that time in Israel there was kind of relative peace right it's like there were some things need to be changed but it wasn't so bad it was only after Jotham and the days of Ahaz the heaviest Syrians come and start to take over Israel the northern tribes and and eventually come down to Judah and then Babylon Nebuchadnezzar later Isaiah's life and after that things started falling down like physically you could see things disappearing so this is Isaiah's prophecy which is very bold you ever seen things taken away we're gonna crash our leaders know what's going on and suddenly it's gone it makes you think who's in control answer God has a purpose right God has explained things to Israel and we should understand what that is so children their verse five his babes shall rule over them now verse five and the people shall be oppressed so because children are other princes and babes ruling over them because they are inexperienced the foolish they're they're unpredictable if you're a child you're easily persuaded this is part of those principles right part of growing up is being persuaded in what you know to be true having these principles as a child you don't yet haven't been tried with that you know you're not yet firm in it and thus you have 50 different counselors now and I've been in this position for 50 years Simon and this is I think the best ending you get easily persuaded left or right toss to and fro unpredictable and when they feel that they get they they have the power when they realize that I have the authority to do what I want as a child without the proper restraints the governance is within themselves their wrath their responses are just flippant or ruthless right this is this is what children do when they rule right they get you get a child angry and they know they got the power no one can stop them you're dead you know there's no withholding and restraint or mercy that necessarily it comes from children that's not know what you expect the restraining of anger and judgment and wrath this is a definition of someone who's grown up right I'm angry but I'm not going to apply to the situation because I'm controlling it right and so you have that so there's gonna be a problem when children and babes are ruling either the mindset of children or babes or actual children of babes it says the people shall be oppressed you know start making choices unwise unprincipled choices people need money what do you do 50 trillion dollars yeah my nephew could have thought of that you know a five-year-old could have thought of that idea is it wise that's the question you know so what's going on here where's the principles you know what are the consequences down the road you know where's the prudence see here know prudency things are going crazy you know we put on the table you know and so you have that kind of reaction even today but the people are oppressed every one by another and every one by his neighbor the child shall be behaved himself proudly against the ancient in the base against the Honorable the base in the Honorable the base is the low the lowly man of low position and the honorable is the men of higher position getting there because of those honorable choices the base man there because of his dishonorable choices thus different classes in society and then you have the the child behaving himself proudly against the ancient the wise the child unwise and yet he's puffing himself up in front of the wise I mean that this is this is not the proper order of society right and you have that because of the rulership and the leadership that allows this it's giving authority to people who shouldn't be entrusted with it right and so that's what you got in verse five civilizations falling apart it's the children who typically need tutors and governors no relations chapter four you're under tutors and governors until the time point of the Father well I hope that you get people who've been governed and tutored in herself to the point where they can actually take responsibility instead of the person who's yet to have experienced that how do you govern the governor you don't the governor needs to be someone who has learned what it means to be governing to govern right it's that's what the problem is putting children here in that position down in verse six when a man shall take hold of his brother of thy house and of his father saying that was clothing be thou our ruler the standards to be a ruler have dropped dramatically remember we've lost all the strength all the all the mighty men and all the wise men we lost all that right and so now the standards were dropped way down we gotta fill these positions it's a in it's interesting in verse six when a man should take hold of his brother of the house of his father saying thou has clothing be thou our rule that's all it takes you got something like you got enough money to put clothes on your back you're a person why don't you take this big responsibility and the response of this person in verse seven is that they don't want to take it ok look at verse 6 that was clothing be there our ruler let this ruin be under thy hand the ruin the heap the the pile of mess that's here right we got a big problems in our society we need someone to take charge why don't you do you know and what happens if someone comes to you and says you know Tom once you become president United States I mean we'll just give it to you let's give it to you you have no experience in politics we'll just give you the presidency whatever yes or no will you take it or not now if you're wise there's the right answer you're gonna say no no not not gonna do that and plus there's a big mess there you know and this and verse seven is what's going on in that day shall he swear saying I will not be a healer there's no way for me to fix the problem he's it because he doesn't know how to fix it or number two the problem so big I can't mirror chapter one when God told that about I said that about Israel he said there's nothing in your body that hasn't been afflicted this big sick body as a nation and he was saying that referring back to the covenant and that the covenant said you know I'll give you a punishment and afflict you here and there well there's no there's no more places that I can afflict everything's been afflicted so you're a dying man you know the next step is death and so it's at this case where people like hey why don't you take charge there's this sinking ship and we're going I'm bailing you know drive this sinking ship it's gone I'm going down with it I'm the captain I'll go down with the ship and so that's what's happening here I can't be your healer it says and for in my house is neither bread nor clothing make me not a ruler of the people the bars lowered and none will rule rule because the government's gone too far the nation's gone too far down a wrong road to order to even participate in that sort of potential solution wouldn't even work it takes it it would make it impossible just trying to steer the ship which is so burdened going the wrong way you might as well get on a boat and you got another boat and start going the right way you know and this this happens and in history you see this with the nations and with places and people and institutions churches included right you have to make the choice of are you gonna stay in a church some monolithic traditional structure that has been there for centuries and it's it's it's been burdened with wrong doctrine for centuries and you're gonna try to climb the system in that system become the Pope and when you become the Pope you finally you're gonna say you know what I really don't believe this stuff I'm gonna cancel all these wrong doctrines I mean that's not gonna work right and so you you start a church elsewhere or you teach the truth you're lost smaller in the Catholic Church gonna have the influence the Catholic Church but you're doing something right in the eyes of the Lord you see so you have this - in Israel the time but what the positions the positions will be so easy to get anyway but they won't want them because of the nation's condition and their own in capability to even do it for these these aren't the mighty men the judges and the prophets up there they're gone these are people that don't even know they have the wisdom for it so in verse where we ever xate who is it the said that you'd have to be ya yet to be insane when we the president or something it to be some of these politicians and try to assume the power that now has been granted to some of these offices you might think well yeah that'd be nice if I did it this way that's how I would do it I mean did the swamp which Trump went to try to drain you know is deep folks it is deep it will ask Allah Trump said he'd do this he's not doing it you think he didn't want to do that I mean it's like this is a big machine in place over there and you're bucking a lot of tradition in government and you're bucking a lot of politics and so it takes some work and this is where God says I'm just going to take everything away in verse 8 for Jerusalem is ruined and Judah is fallen that's why these guys want to take positions it's ruined its fall on a sinking ship their tongue and their doings are against the Lord to provoke the eyes of his glory you notice here the tongue and their doings are against the Lord it sounds like first John 3:18 or John writes to his little children and says my little children not only in word but in deed number that word and deed to serve the Lord and this is who find something throughout the scripture where it's like that and James 1:22 is not the hearers of the word but the doers of the word right this idea well here and in the state of Judah and Jerusalem it says in verse eight because their tongue there are words and their doings are against the Lord right it's one thing to do things against the Lord or sin and then you know asked for forgiveness and asked for repentance and you're struggling that way the law provides for this right but wasn't just their doings it was their words too so it's like they did wrong then their words were like that's right now I don't care about doing the other thing and who cares about ganas and they're speaking against God just as much as they're doing against God which evidences what's in their heart oh that bonus the mouth the heart speaks right and so you have their tongue in their doings are against the Lord to provoke the eyes of his glory they're provocateurs against God as if he's not going to do anything we've been doing it this way for a while this is this wickedness and this unrighteousness and he's not gonna intervene and God says I will take it away God sees everything everything is naked and open to the eyes of him of whom we have to do Hebrews says he knows right all and especially in Israel's a dispensation he was measuring men by that covenant you say and yet they were provoking him with their words verse 9 it says the show of their countenance doth witness against them the show of their accountant is against them and they declare their sin as Sodom they hide it not wall to their soul for they have rewarded evil unto themselves now in verse 9 through 15 here we learned their strengths can be removed and replaced by children and babes in the next five or six verses you'll see the Lord's controversy with his people this word controversy it will show up throughout the prophets a couple times in Isaiah but throughout the process idea that God has an argument a score to settle with Israel not just is really--it's controversies with Gentiles - but with Israel primarily because he promised that this people would be a blessing to the world he promised it unconditionally right and have they ever beat then well not apart from a few years where God was working through David and Solomon but no would be the answer right and so he's promised it and then he made this covenant that well if you do good then I'll fulfill my promise well they can't do good right so there's this big dilemma there's a dilemma that God has with Israel in Jerusalem because he has to make it right God does he promised it and they're not helping at all they you say that's the controversy and so he brings suit we saw that in chapter 1 it's like this is the case I have against you guys right here's the Covenant I laid out and you broken it right and you that's a bad thing because I promise us what happened for the good of humanity in the good of the world and you're in the way of that and so that he starts laying this out he says they're provoking the provoke in the eyes of his glory and their tongue and words are against the Lord in verse 9 the show of his countenance doth witness against them just look at their face and how they do things that's the testimony you say what's the evidence Lord says just let's look at what they're doing in it like how they're doing it not just have they committed to sin but the show of their countenance toward it it's one thing to sin and then be ashamed of it right it's another thing to sin and not be ashamed of it and that's what this verse is saying it says their sin is as Sodom and Gomorrah what was the big problem song with Gomorrah big problem was it that there was sinned their sin has never been a problem for God he can forgive the problem was there was sin there and they didn't care they boasted in it right this was like part of society you know so much so that woodlot came there remember the two angels that sort of thing it's like this is how it is lot and I had to flee town just because that was the course of things and so he says it's as Sodom and this is the description of Sodom like the nature of what he's the comparison is they hide it not that's what it means to sin as Sodom that's why I saw it the more I got the judgment they did by the way it wasn't just that they said it was if they send and didn't hide it didn't care about it they were totally against the Lord and because of that the whole city burned right and that was an example that God used of his judgment that he would later bring up with Jesus and with Isaiah to show Israel how we could they were right you're just as sodom right which meant you're not hiding your sin and pretending it no Christians get good at hiding sins right so-called righteous devout religious people get good at hiding sins because everyone's a sinner unit and there's none righteous in the world but people go to churches and their spiritual and their polite society and everything else which means why they're hiding their sins right and we do a good job of because we don't want to put sins on display especially if you know sins are wrong now you think about they say was it wrong hide your sins you can never hide your sins from God and you got to understand that right but you definitely shouldn't be showing show off your sins to people I mean this is not true either you might badly affect others right and so in that sense yeah you need to put some guards around those things somehow doctorally by grace and in the Old Testament covenant so that you're not walking around going look at my sins because that's not good that's not a good display right if stains from every appearance of evil Paul says you see and so you say well you're saying should hide in my sense I'm saying you should deal with your sins right first you're always gonna have sins there and there's two sometimes into some people that you know you get help with those but you're not going around with the science and look at all my sins here's my list Christians have this thought of you know confess your sins to one another so you get together in a group or in your church you publicly confess all your sins this is not helpful folks it's not something God has told you dude it's not helpful right even the Catholics you confessed in private you know it's not a helpful thing when you start listing the gory details of every sinful thought you've ever committed there's suddenly everyone else is tempted right it's a wrong thing I mean the point is is that in societies where they they hide your sin you know you kind of leave it's not good I'm ashamed of it I don't want to show it right at least there's that shame when there's no more shame any more anything of America in 2020 it's like this place there's no fame anymore that gets us in we don't care we don't believe in sin or doing it openly you know we're boasting we're partying or when parades over the thing you know she's like we love it and you know wow that was the sin of Sodom Gomorrah wasn't just homosexuality folks it was the boasting of that sin right God can deal with homosexuality right you know he can handle stuff like sins he can handle with corrupt thought sickness it's the the unashamed glory of it right which shows that the the depravity of you right and that's what God's talking about here in Jerusalem and that's why Isaiah stops at this point and it sounds like he has a just kind of Energex here just like before Emer chapter 2 and he says forgive them not memory starts listening this says don't forgive them god here's isaiah coming through again he says woe unto their soul for they have rewarded evil into themselves whoa woe unto them it's like wow or wicked they deserve the judgment wow this is the first time Network shows up in the book and that the word woe is a declaration of the degraded state of things there's going to be danger and disaster coming whoa it's not that's not a good day it's like whoa bad things are gonna happen you know that's what that is my declaration of that sort of curses state no so he says at the end for they have rewarded evil unto themselves so I talk about the controversy there I talked about how you shouldn't hide it Romans 3:18 says there's no fear of God in their eyes so that's what Paul says after describing that no man is righteous there's no fear of governors and that's what Isaiah was talking about don't fear God it's not that they're just not righteous they don't even fear Him that they aren't but it says here that they have rewarded evil unto themselves look at Jeremiah 2 verse 19 Matthew 19 this is an interesting topic to study out which gets into the reason for Hell how that works in how God's judgment which is so evil in the sense of destructive right how can that be a how can that be justified as what people ask well this is why they have rewarded evil unto themselves jahmai at 2:19 thine own wickedness shall correct thee thy backsliding shall reprove thee so walk corrects Jerusalem I is Israel and Jeremiah 2:19 their own wickedness and their own backsliding know therefore and see that is an evil thing and bitter that thou has forsaken the LORD thy God and that my fear is not in thee say at the Lord of God of hosts there's no fear in their eyes right so what's their consequence what comes back and slaps him in the face their sins you say and this may happen immediately you know in some choice this may happen over the term of your life or other choice that may happen in the term of generations but the point is God is not mocked Paul says which is not a mystery truth that's a biblical truth God's not mocked be not deceived you reap what you sow right if you sew sin if you are sinning there are consequences not just before God but in your life and the lives of others and everyone there's consequences to sin and so part of that judgment is your own actions and choices that are coming back to haunt you right and God uses that as a judgment and that that's how it ties into hell you say what's hell well God is in charge of Hellickson charge of everything else but there's going to be a time where God withholds any grace at all from people because they've chosen to reject it because of their choices to reject God and His grace because of all their sins and their hatred for him right they're gonna be in this position in this place for eternity where they are rejecting him and facing the consequences of this rejection right we talked to I think was on Sunday about hardening hearts and that sort of thing remember that and how people get hardened in their heart and how how God hardens hearts so that he just mystically without your knowledge goes in and you know wipes your brain or something right it's that when he speaks to you and you reject it once and then he speaks the same thing to you a little bit harder still true still right because you know you don't like it you choose again and you choose again and that's hardening and that's hardening because God repeatedly comes out you were true think easily comes out you with that's right and that's how he hardens hearts right now there could be another response from people God comes at you at truth and righteousness and you respond in humility and acceptance of in faith and that's your heart being changed by God because he spoke truth to you and you received it but if you don't receive it you start getting hard because as the truth bounced up against your rejection it just gets hard and calloused and since what happens this is what hell is right the hell is part of that concept of fire and darkness is that you you you're void of light and every time light tries to approach you because gods in hell you can't escape him Psalm says God's in hell and that his lights gonna be exposed to you and but you don't want his light remember and that's the person in now they don't want his life here God's light comes like this yeah through his word through preachers you know innocently in hell his light is shining right the fires of hell is the light of the glory of God that people are in themselves refusing constantly and it's hardening them that's the fire you say for you that are saved however who want his glory who received the light you going you go into eternity eyes open right and it's a benefit to you it's a blessing and you get eternal joy because you joy in the Lord in its truth and so the more you see whoa yes that's the difference well stars between one thing at not winning lets faith right that's faith it's the whole deal God's wisdom is like do you believe or don't you believe heaven hell it's house related but that's I'm getting too deep here but Jim I 2:19 and Isaiah 3 is saying they have rewarded evil unto themselves these things that I'm gonna take away this and that it's because of their sins I'm gonna stop doing it to be mean right because of what they've done they're taking for granted what they have when I given them and we signed a contract and it says if you break the contract I'm gonna take this away right don't make your payment's I'm gonna take your car away that was the deal well you're mean for taking my car am i gonna get around well you didn't pay for the last 12 months that's the deal right so that's what he's doing and Isaiah here explaining that the the evil should be rewarded themselves now that were rewards also significant people always think reward it seems a lot of times people think reward is always a good thing surely you know that that the word the English word reward does not mean necessarily good right you may you may use the word frequently refer you to good things but reward simply means to return something back or to pay back or to return a just return for something right so if you've done evil then you get evil if you do good you get good you reap what you sow right that's why this natural idea of karma comes from karma has some other problems but this idea that like you do bad then you know mother nature's gonna kick you in the pants well god created nature you see and there's there's that kind of law in effect so I see a three verse 10 Seyi to the righteous and this is the the only glimmer of hope in this chapter here is this verse right here say to the righteous that it shall be well with him for they shall eat the fruit of their doings god never gives evil to the righteous never so you have a couple things to ask are you right or not right and you know and what was God giving evil out or not there's none righteous that's a big problem in the first place but it he has a covenant and he declares you to do this and that now count it righteous like he doesn't Israel there are people in Israel that he says that you won't get the evil right he says say to the righteous that it shall be well with them for they shall eat the fruit of their doings they've done righteous they'll get righteous didn't Jeremiah get saved from the wrath weren't there Daniel and these guys that delivered from the fire God will preserve the righteous according to Old Testament Israel right in their covenant he's not destroying and giving wickedness and give you an evil reward to those who don't deserve it you understand that's a bold statement we tend to think God's up there like with friendly fire right all right down to judge everybody gets shot and say wait a minute in the covenant God's promised the righteous something right it may have been glory and eternal life in a kingdom and that sort of thing and it's not that they never never suffered that's not what I'm saying that righteous do suffer and have suffered they've been chastised even what's the Covenant talk about doesn't father chastise this son right so you have that it's never to the sense of destroying them it's for their benefit but to the wicked it is to destroy them you see there's a difference and how that's applied and so he the reminder here to the righteous and I say is reminding Jerusalem but to the righteous it shall be well with him which is something like the song right it is well with my soul as well well the precondition for it is well with you is the righteousness of God right praise God that misses possession of grace you have the righteousness of God through faith so it's well with you because of God's grace every day through faith but under a covenant system you better be right with God and then it would be well with you even in this this this time of God taking things away in tribulation they're gonna still be peace like a river there can still be protection or this covenant a trim knit of Israel here and we'll see that show up again in the future verse 11 woe unto the wicked so the righteous get the fruit of their doings but to the wicked it shall be ill with them it's well with the righteous it's ill with with the wicked for the reward of his hand shall be given to him so they both get rewarded according to their works right that's what they get rewarded and so they're awarded according to that and the the wicked get the wicked reward and the the right just get the righteous reward and that's how that works God remembers the right just rewards the good in the bad number Romans two seven and eight Paul said that describing Israel's losses now that work those who do good righteousness and glory those who do evil tribulation anguish and wrath so there is that condition it's not just now's the time for tribulation and anguish everyone's getting it it's to the evil in the wicked which means as we lay out the details of the day of the Lord and that in that tribulation period the time Jacob's trouble right what about those righteous during that day well that's where you start fleshing out the details of that remnant of Israel and those supernatural protections Jesus talked about with the being able to pick up serpents to drink deadly things and they're being preserved through that tribulation right this is all later from Isaiah 3 but this is in the seed here in Isaiah 3 his protection of the righteous you see that let's look at verse 12 as for my people children are their oppressors so he'll say a few times here in the next few verses my people there's still his people and they are his people he's gonna talk about the rulers remember which are children and women and wicked and selfish and arrogant all that he'll talk about these rulers and he's talking about them this controversy has with him about his people this is my city this is my people what have you done you've destroyed them it sounds like Jeremiah or Jeremiah speaks against the pastors and evil Shepherds and all that because the the buck stops at the top right it's like the leaders take responsibility that's what it is and so he talks about that as for my people children are their oppressors and women rule over them this isn't right so what about women here a little bit but it's not the case here that women are incapable of ruling that's not what he's saying it's not like and women rule over their women we all know we're just more stupid than men you know that's not what he's saying okay the point is is that there's these men who are given responsibility and there's women that have their responsibilities and there's children that have their responsibilities and things are being disrupted because the men are gone is so the children are in power the women are in power and you see literally in Israel's history women coming to be the rulers of Israel and there's problems folks it's not just because there are women like specific women like Jezebel anybody like that was a problem folks not because she was female because of what she was doing you don't think the Prophet spoke about that they did right I mean where's her husband at and her husband wasn't too righteous either but it's like he definitely was being controlled by his wife there this is an issue you say what about right just swim in the Bible like Deborah oh yeah that would good for her and good for Israel right but where are the people that God intended to put their say God does want women there that's good question you study that out you know what's the role of women in society right go back up to Isaiah 3 or 1 through 4 there and you read about the mighty men in the military defense and this sort of thing how strong is your defense if you put the weakest there and by weakest I mean physically weak I mean you're in a fistfight with someone and you say well we don't defend my fist fights anymore I understand that things change right but would your about physical strength it's centrally proven folks I'm that's not a joke it's like this is like knowledge out there men are stronger than women physically not mentally not intellectually not empathetically non very many other standards but physically as it was so why physically because physical strength actually plays into a lot of necessities when it comes to a strong Society right not only physical strength but the ability to put yourself in danger to take a risk which men have a propensity more to do that than women generally speaking right God has wired men and women of such a way and we'll see how this plays in but he says women are their rulers children women are their rulers I'm down in verse 12 right it says o my people they which lead thee cause thee to error there's a problem here is what he's saying with the children and women rulers and because there's the same problems you're gonna have with the women and you're gonna have what the men they all get judged okay now he says they which lead thee caused the to err do you remember Luke 6 verse 39 when Jesus says the blind lead the blind to do a ditch let them alone write never the whole blind the blind this is what's going on here and I say a three it's like yep people who need guidance who need a direction who need governed who need taught and the people who were able to do that are gone the mighty men and all that right there are people being replaced and these people aren't able to do it and it gets not by virtue of their gender right the children is by virtue of their age perhaps that there's sometimes younger people that are wise than anyway am i gonna and all that and you have the this lack of leadership the blind leading the blind that's what's saying here those that lead you are leading you to error now I've said before people ask me should there be women pastors in churches you know and it is like a big issue for them we've talked about this before on Sunday when our families see reason and that sort of thing and now the teaching and in Paul's epistles is that there's there's husbands and there's wives and the husband's has a responsibility in the marriage and since the church is a collection of families and Paul talks about that way if you can't be a husband then you can't be the husband of husbands which is what pastors are in the church and so women who could never be a husband can't be pastored by virtue of that responsibility not by capability at all right but and this is just the doctrine of a doctrine but here's the practical reality the practical reality is I'd rather have a one pastor in every Church in America that rightly divides than to have a man passion every church in America that fails to that's the practical reality because what matters more than are you male or a female is doctrinal truth right and these women and children who are put in leadership positions and I say a three if they were doing right and they had the power to do that they had the power to teach God's law and they had the power to if they did that if Jezebel would turn out to be on a righteous name and everyone's name their daughter Jezebel because she was a righteous Queen in Israel then well glory to God you know people there's how many Mary's in the world you know blessed the among women you know so I mean if that was the case the glory to God that's not what happened so I say a three in the context the children of women became the leaders they were oppressed and they're unrighteous just a selfish and vain and greedy as the men you say there's no difference right that's Pauline true there's no difference all of cynic comes with glory of God right and so that's that's the principle of it you caught up in the gender you're missing the point God made genders for a reason but you're missing the problem here the problem is they're not following God you say it's not so you hear what I'm saying and so he says in the blind leading the blind leaders are causing you to err in verse 12 and they're destroying the way of your paths your leaders are causing you to err think about that if these are causing you to err this means the Bible teaches obedience to leaders you understand this is obedience to leaders because the powers that be ordained of God right obedience to leaders but the Bible also teaches woe unto people who allow their leaders to lead them into error just because you have a leader doesn't mean you're not responsible anymore for your choices and actions right and if your leaders are making mistakes and going in the wrong way and you follow the leaders because yours told I'm supposed to obey the leader and you're doing wrong because of it you've done wrong you can't say leader told me to know that you're you're personally responsible right the leader is supposed to lead and shame on them that they don't but you're supposed to do right and so there are times throughout the scripture when the leaders are leading you into AirWatch should of Israel done what acid rusul had done in this case the people of God's people in Jerusalem they should have said you're doing wrong leader we're not doing that kicked him out got rid of him or or let them be if they couldn't but they did right you know he said that could have caused him to suffer no doubt it did but that would be the right choice right so there's always this choice people have when faced with wrong leadership do right or wrong so you really got to know he had to discern what's righteous and what's not righteous and what's you know good and bad so that when you see leaders making errors you're gonna say that's not right you say and even try to counsel them we need more wise people who need more you know counselor so any more mighty men we more strong women would even more of that in society and this is what Isaiah is talking about as well as a lack of all that stuff because he destroys the way of your paths the leaders are supposed to give you a pass on 23 in that this psalm of the Shepherd of the sheep their tough luck the paths of righteousness I'll lead the in the paths of righteousness that's what the shepherd is supposed to do lead you in the paths of righteousness when the shepherd doesn't lead you in the path of righteousness that's the wrong way so it's coming on you to take a step on the path of righteousness you see I don't know where it's at well you got some digging to do you get to find out where that's at right but this is the shame of society and how people are affected by wrong choices from the top down and proverbs 3:5 and 6 that's where you put this right here there were proverbs 3:5 and 6 trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not into your own understanding and all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path that's exactly what goes here in Isaiah 2 3 in verse 12 because the leaders are destroying the way of your paths well who's what to direct your paths trust in the Lord isn't the whole problem trust in the Lord that's not what they're not doing the trusting in men even if it the men are the leaders well that's the issue the leaders are corrupt right trust in the Lord even if you're not a leader and the Lord will direct your path and when the Lord directs your past court of the law there you see the leaders not in the same kind of you're going now you can discern that's wisdom right so God gives white wisdom to the simple so that's where the the righteous acknowledgement of God fits right there these people need to be led there's unrighteous rulers you say well can't that apply today as well I mean in our government system of society well yeah sure it's spiritually speaking you can know you got to ask the question how is God leading you as far as how is he leading people right in the Old Testament he was leading people corn is alluring to their covenant today how does the Holy Spirit lead how does God lead according to dispensation of grace core to the mystery so you got to have that understanding and so but if you trust in the Lord today in his will today then yes he has told us what to do right Lily acknowledged the Lord let me talk about acknowledging the good things he's done right and he directs our pads well the paths that we're supposed to walk the walking of the Spirit is what God told us to do in this dispensation better not make it what the law said to do right so you got a rightly divided that's part of that so you can learn these spiritual principles throughout the scripture you got better know where you're at dispensational e or you can start making a mess of it in verse 13 the Lord stands up to please stands to judge the people he stands up oh I can't leave here without going to Matthew 23 a lot of these passages talking about the corruption of Jerusalem Israel Jesus speaks of as well and if you think Isaiah's bold Jesus is more bold about these subjects him being the king and all the Messiah Matthew 23 and verse 12 this whole chapter is filled with woe remember this chapter woe unto you O into you he's 20 verse 12 whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased and he that shall humble himself to be exalted that's what I was happenin Isaiah the day of the Lord when were that whole principle the day of the Lord the high place is brought low the low people brought that's what Matthew 23:12 says and in verse 13 woe unto you scribes and pharisees those of the religious leaders in Jerusalem scribes Pharisees hypocrites for you devour widows houses and for a pretence make long prayer therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation that's Jesus teaching there don't you love him in verse 15 woe unto you scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you compass sea and land to make one proselyte and when he is made you make him twofold more the child of Hell than yourselves what's the problem here in Jerusalem this will corrupt leaders blind leading the blind we got people hiding the paths in fact he says in verse o is it was in verse 13 I missed it I skipped it it says woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men for ye neither go in yourselves neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in because you're not walking the right way and you're not even struck ting others in the right way that's a double problem maybe Matthew 22 at the very beginning what did he say to his disciples the scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses seat they have this position of authority a rulership leadership right all therefore whatsoever they bid you observe that observe and do but do not ye after their works for they say and do not see the probably he's trying to give them wisdom he's like no what do we do I mean because these guys are leaders he told us to obey our leaders and he says listen they sit in the authority of Moses that teaches law so as they're teaching Moses law that Moses's law but don't do as they personally do because they're bunch of immigrants they say they do it they don't right that's the kind of wisdom it requires to walk because that's the kind of corruptions in this world well you know all preachers are hypocrites all of them are but you know you have to be able to certain that if the preachers teaching the Bible and the Bible's rightly divided listen to the Bible not the preacher you see the preachers epic Rick well yeah don't do what he does but do what the Bible says right that's the spiritual application now this is the law of course and you don't even in Matthew 23 this sounds a lot like Isaiah 3 it destroyed your paths the leaders aren't leading properly okay he says the Lord stands to judge in verse 15 is that the Lord stands up to plead to stand as if judge people this is interesting dispensational ii because in the Bible when God finishes creating creation he rests right and in Hebrews that says after he finished the sacrifice for for the sins and Hebrews what did he do his priestly dude he sat down right but there's times in scripture where Jesus the Lord the Messiah stands up it's always when he's gettin up to go somewhere specifically like maybe to judge like to come after ya in order to return and so he'll stand up to judge and this is one of those verses right there as a three verse 13 the Lord stands up to plead this is to make his case against you right and to stand to judge the people so in acts 7 in verse of 56 when Stephen there sees a vision of Jesus in heaven he says the Lord is standing right there's an implication about his standing there now don't make a big old deal about his standing and sitting and make dispensational liens on the standing in the sitting but it's interesting to see here he's standing to judge as acts 756 the next thing that God was gonna do was judge those people that were stoning Stephen dispensational II and Stephen says I see him standing up which may be what was the last straw he's quoting isaiah 3:13 the lord is standing to judge his people before he can even say judges people though throwing stones at it you know you stand another i gotta stop saying that you know he's like a modern isaiah there in acts 7 you see how much isaiah is referenced in the new testament is an amazing thing there's so much there to know isaiah is to know a lot of what's going on the new testament revelation 3:20 you know the picture that Warner Solomon painted but Jesus on the door he had no sword no blood on his robe with he's into the door and he's knocking I stand at the door and knock right in relishing 3:20 when he stands in the door knock it's not to come in and eat dinner with you okay he says it come in so I can sup with your ocean to come it has to do with his relationship do you believe or don't he it's more like and this is gonna be a weird cultural application but it's like the you know the soldier company to are saying dump dump dump that you got your papers you know are you hiding a need you know who do you got your papers is like wait a minute does it sound like Jesus all loving and everything but in James chapter 5 verse 9 it says God the judge stands at the door when he breaks down that door he comes with guns firing in the sword he's gonna judge so James warns and says you better hold not a grudge because the judge stands at the door that's revelation 3:20 he stands at the door and he's knocking and you better get right because he comes and you're not right then you know whoa - you that's Isaiah 3 isn't it like the righteous it's well with them but the wicked they get their evil reward yeah that's what that is he stands up in judges right so he's standing up and judging the people in verse 13 look at verse 14 the Lord will enter into judgment with the Ancients of his people and the princes thereof for ye have eaten up the vineyard the ancients of his people into the judgment to his people he's gonna judge them we've already sold that to for to in chapter 1 a consistent theme throughout Isaiah but he says for why am i judging you because you've eaten up my vineyard now this vineyard will return Isaiah 5 while he'll describe in detail this vineyard and who it is but the vineyard is obvious in the context is God's people it's Jerusalem as two people and he says to the rulers here the ancients the so-called wise men and all that people are responsible for them that they've eaten up the vineyard now who eats the vineyard like in real world that they have vineyard you know what eats it up well rodents beaming rodents and insects right like foxes ever saw no Solomon the Fox who eats the vines remember in Jesus's ministry tell that Fox song about Herod right foxes are rodents that steal things from the vineyards right they spoil them before you can harvest them and he's calling the leaders of Jerusalem and Judah these foxes right he's calling them these rodents these people have eaten up my vineyard why did you do that right you're supposed to help this vineyard grow and produce fruit must be a husband amend to them but what have you been not a husbandmen right you've been a destroyer and they just just destroy it for the sake of destroying it it says in verse 14 the spoil of the poor is in your houses so the vineyard grows the fruit supposed to feed the people they're picking the fruit and store it in their house and no one else gets anything and man offenders apply to April 2020 I don't know what does I mean poor people don't have money to buy food and the wealthy of society particularly those that are in charge are making sure they've got stockpiles but what is that this is Isaiah 2 3 in verse 15 the spoil of the poor is in your houses right where do you think all the money comes from your taxes or Lowe's that inflate your prices it's like the poor are affected by these choices how immoral these choices can be which of the surface looks so righteous in the face of people who have some but to the poor the poor already to know what's going on most the time they're the ones that can affect and get robbed right and they never say anything cuz typically the poor of the poor aren't involved in politics that much it's those we have a buck in the in the game that go fighting you know and the poor they're trying to stay to survive but they always get blamed and they always get affected and it's been that way for thousands of years folks right I'm not saying I got a magic wand because that's man that's the world it's corruption and it's the same in Isaiah three as it is in America fails in 20 right so you see how you read this and go man you can preach that today yeah you could but God's not judged in America today this is not God's judgment today he's giving grace today that's what God's doing and praise God for it but this is what the rules are doing in Jerusalem what mean ye isaiah says that you beat my people to pieces and grind the faces of the poor right you you beat them to pieces you you hit them once you hit them again you hit them again right close your store okay will comply now you know pay for your food I don't have any money at toy clothes my story baby you keep hitting to make keep hitting them you know what where's where's the help and where's the wise rulership what we need to beat my people to pieces grind the faces of the poor say Lord God this is like a mill when you take a stone and you grind the grain right you grind it up and yet it's the people who are the grain here and why do you grind the mill well to get the flour to bake the cakes right to eat the food and the rulers eat the food and the poor are the grains that are being ground up so they're eating of the the poor instead of the vice versa it's supposed to be that they're there to help rule it to give justice and righteousness and not to oppress the poor in verse 16 moreover the Lord sayeth because no this is a new section of verse 16 he referring to the daughters of Zion and we've covered about the men being judged in the first section and children as rulers who are poor rulers oppressing the people and God giving judgment there and last few verses and then now women are being judged okay some of the daughters of Zion the Lord sayeth because the daughters of Zion are haughty you see that because he doesn't say because the daughters of Zion are ruling nope he doesn't say because the daughters of Zion are women nope the Bible is not misogynistic it's fair okay to understand that it's equal alright that's what that means God is just judged not respecting a person not your gender not your identity not your race nothing doesn't respect your person's right he judges the righteous judgment and so if you're haughty the men were haughty and in the last chapter they get destroyed in the first section of this chapter the children were disobedient and you know proud against the ancients will they get judged too and so do the women they don't get exempted okay and so men are judged or judge women are judged and it says because they are haughty and walk with stretched forth necks and wants an eyes walking and men thing as they go and making it tinkling with their feet therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the power of the head of the daughters of Zion and the Lord will discover your their secret parts now it seems here God's focusing quite a bit on these daughters will go on for the next 10 verses talking about these women and these Xion eventually is going to transform these women from this haughty arrogant group of people to a humiliated people right he's gonna take them from the silk that they wear and all the vanity they wear to expose their vanity and their sack cloth that they're gonna wear and if they're just gonna turn into the city this this is gonna be a picture of the city of Jerusalem itself where God will call Jerusalem a woman from time to time it's like this is this woman I was married to this woman and this sort of thing well that's what you get here and so apparently the actual women of Zion typifies the state of Zion at the time okay but at this point I need to just a little bit about the modern sense of feminism because when you talk about women so frequently in a passage about judgment there's going to be this sense of well why does God hate women well it says because of their sin right one of the worst outcomes of feminism and I am for women folks I am for women so eventually a feminist than fine but the worst outcome of feminism in modern times is the turning of women into vain wanton pursuers a pleasure okay now that has occurred I think because men were already that men were that woman once said we should be allowed to be like the men and they turned into that too and now we've got problems everywhere right that's the worst outcome feminism to make women act like the base sorted easily tempt able men that's what that's a problem and that's what you see here you see a description of vain wanton pursuers of pleasure it says down in verse Oh 18 or does it say wanting I want an eyes that verse 16 yeah thank you it says there they're stretched forth necks and wanton eyes hear that word once and what that means wanton it means if you're unrestrained you're wondering okay it's without regard to the law or to the rule it's lewd right that's what that means it's it's wanton and here their eyes are wanton proverbs 20:4 the men are warned in proverbs 6 to avoid the eyelids of the it's going on talking about how to keep yourself pure and things like this and it's warning men about women barber sixes and that's because women have their own power that God has made glorious and when women are corrupted all of society fails that's the importance of women now we've talked about men and their place in society as being a strength right and if men are strength if men are called to be the head okay women in the scripture are really the heart and soul of the thing that you're talking about because the hearts stiffer than the head you understand that right there's the head you say well the head makes the chino the heads in charge I get it but why what's the purpose for what well it's for the heart and for the Soul it's for that and that's the perfect description of the body of Christ by the way right the head does what they do for the sake of the body it's for that reason right the heart and the souls in the body right and so if men are the head you can generally hear about society women are the heart and soul if men are called to be heads of the house right like they're just another house they've got the door locks they got the walls and their begun got the window and this is the men okay that what are you defending man what are you protecting what are you building what's the structure what are the mighty many even doing what they're defending the city what are the judges even judging to protect you know that the people not they're just out there to kill the criminals it's like there's a reason what is the reason that you're doing all this men the answer is for life and women are a source B source of life in society ever since the Garden of Eden God made man and his been from the dirt and that made woman and they're alive in life comes from her so that's how he got structured it so everything family society governments for the protection that pursuance the propagation of life which comes from the woman and the woman comes from the man the man comes of the woman but from the one and so how its set up is the men provide the strength right to protect and defend and create a system so that life can prosper right so when you're in extreme situations women and children are protected first because the men are expendable because you find some other men replace them but you can destroy all the source of life or life ends you say so this is what the Bible describes we men and women godly to societies then godly to societies begin with women if you have a shell but no heart no soul it's worthless right and maybe as a modern example of that you think our countries like Russia you know they have defenses yeah Cold War anybody I mean it's like you know weapons right but what are they what are they trying to defend what's the values and principles of this culture and society atheism nope doesn't work does it it's like there's nothing there it's an empty shell which is why it failed ultimately right and the strength of America just speaking historically was not our military even though it's strong also it wasn't just that there was something more right its freedom principles it's the things that motivated people to go and die and this sort of thing and that's the idea God societies godly societies not just powerful society with godly societies begin with women in Colossians and Ephesians when Paul is listening in families and in homes oh I didn't finish my thought earlier if men are the houses women make a home that's what I was gonna say and that's biblically true and Titus chapter 2 it says women are keepers of the home men are ahead to the house but women are the keepers of the home right so you have that idea of home is where that what heart is right you have a house not a home well that's the idea a society without women that's what that is it's empty it's it's it's there's no glory in it okay golley societies begin with godly women when Paul talks to married couples and families he says first to the women right this is say first men get through a woman under control but I didn't say it says women this your first without you what these guys do don't matter that's what he's saying wives this is the responsible this is your the purpose your the but this is it right submit yourselves to your husband's because if you don't spit to your husbands they can't do what they're supposed to do to you right it's got to start with godly women if you don't have godly women who have godly men right these guys put a lot of burden on the women well that's not what women thought a month ago or whatever when I saw mom in you know well then why do they get all the responsibility well there's this difference a different responsibility you see and so godless let's begin with godly women and one of the last signs accorded the Bible of the failure of a society is ungodly women because men are so easily persuaded of different things men are physically strong men are make me dangerous men can be useful right but they're also very easily tempted very easily which is why there's a lot of like I said proverbs 6 in the Bible a whole chapter talking to men don't be tempted because they're very easily tempted more easily tempted than women right they're useful for a shield but bad if you know they're gonna be tempted and so who would actually timp these men women right if you have godly women right they can help support them in in what they're supposed to be doing you have ungodly women then the motivation of men changes and corrupts and the whole house falls apart right that's what I'm saying so you have men that are tempted leaders that are evil in this sort of thing husbands that are wicked and corrupt right and women have the power to motivate men to do right or the power to corrupt them then you see that in Scripture Jezebel was an earlier mention right who killed John the Baptist he said Herod's wrong he cut off his head because Herodias remember she wanted it done like oh and over again you see women in the Bible have the power to do good you know in the to affect men and for good or to affect men for evil right and the reflection of a society and the scripture is always how people treat the women and the elderly in the children why is that because those are the things that we're supposed to be you know that's the glory of man is a woman and if the woman is not actually glorious that's the reflection of all society either the men aren't serving in their capacity or they should or the women just themselves are corrupt right but if you have a glorious woman the saying is behind every great man is a great woman right well the great may be I've added there behind every man is a great man of some woman for good or for bad but that's true in the sense that yeah without that woman men don't get to be what they get to be you say and they become less than what what they can be and with women a lot more can happen a lot more can be a glory of man in fortunes 11 it says a woman has made the glory of man right what that means and if women have lost their glory their honor their integrity their character their godliness then there's no glory to man at all so how do women lose their godliness pursue vanity or sir beauty over character right pursuit use their powers of influence for manipulation instead of guidance and help women think that they're not supposed to guide and help this is entirely wrong God created women to help and so men should be asking the women for help right this is what should happen that's what women think well I'm just a woman I can't help God made you to help right so you should be expecting men going hey yeah you're wise you're a wise woman a godly woman right could you help me think through this help me this the what help me do my job here what's the Florence what the door supposed to do that's a good thing without the godly woman what can I help this man have none right good luck men so you see that that's the Society so the last sign of a failure is ungodly women and it's what we're seeing it and Isaiah 3 the men are removed but he still got the women I mean at least the women are still there but what happens to women leaders there aren't their ungodly - so see the whole societies going down ok if you've got the women folks you can produce more godly men you don't have godly women if there are godly men we're gonna be gone a generation you say that's the situation so this is where we're at in verse 17 therefore the Lord will smite with this scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion if the women don't honor that their head coverings and all sorts of baggage starts flowing into the room now and I mean literally here who are you supposed to be trusting in women don't say men there as they are to verse 20 to trust in the Lord he'll direct your paths right since I'm not honoring their head the Lord God which is they're covering over all since not doing that that's why in verse 18 the Lord will take over 17 the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of their head right there trying to show off things on their head in their body as if they're honorable and as if they're glorious and then God made them to be glorious nan R what they're really not it's just outward appearance this is vanity because they're empty on the inside being in godliness vain God says I will smite you with a scab on the crown of your head a visible sore on your head that will actually somewhat remove the hair from your head which pushes lemons says the glory of a woman's their hair right gone they see gut you want to be showy you want to be like you talk about your appearance well I'll fix that I'll take away everything you Gloria even though you glory in the wrong things which is a whole nother conversation because it's not the fact that women have a you know think about their appearance it's a bad thing that's not it it's not like certain clothing items or evil in summer there are ok but if that's not the situation the situation is what women in their hearts and their soul is is motivated to live modesty is not what you put on right it's what's in you right that's what it comes out though some things you put on it's things you put in your heart in your mind that's where that begins so in size a a 3 it lists all this the stuff that women are wearing and if you think well goddesses like what they're wearing you missed the whole point God is what God in his irony and his godly sarcasm is saying this is what you're wearing I'm gonna take all that off replace it with something else which you all like it all right to show you that it was never about what you wear that makes you glorious right just like for the men right remove these soldiers and stuff to make you realize that you should have trusted me and not in your armies right that's this idea and so he says in verse 17 I'll put a scab of the crown of the head in the dollars desire and the Lord will discover the secret part has to do with nakedness folks ok has to do with their clothes being removed and that sort of thing and by the way discovering their secret parts and scabs on their head is a lot different treatment then I will slay you right and you gotta acknowledge that elsewhere and the prophets that talks about that how God treats women differently than men he feasts them differently in the sense that he has mercy more on them right he afflicts them yes and limitations as women still in the city bowls men are gone they're dead right the men are dead and the women are still there just afflicted and so there's mercy on that but that's another story another day they don't know they're head covering here and this is the if they don't know God is who they should be trusting in so verse 19 through 23 18 through 23 is a list about 21 different things women wear and this is where theologians of commentators really become fashion experts and eight century BC fashion experts know like well this is what that is and all of them will always correct the King James Bible the key news Bible is wrong it's not really that good we don't know what that is it's something else you're missing the point the whole chapter anyway it's not about the fashion per se but we can read some of this in verse 18 and that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling the bravery has to do with the the showy appearance okay when someone's a brave they're showing themselves a certain way this has to do with the the appearance here the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet and their calls and their round tires like the moon so you see these phrase near what in the world is that right and that's why people saying we need to change these words here there's no reason till you can figure these things out there are books like this when they talk about the archaic words in the Bible or dictionaries of which all of these words are in actual dictionaries today and even used in different circumstances you just don't use them very much just curse your vocabulary is limited doesn't mean that the Bible is wrong but the tinkling of ornaments on their feet have to do with Rebecca in verse 16 where it says that they're walking and mincing as they go the wanton eyes the wandering eyes these are eyes that women know how to give men even if you don't know when women's eyes of looking at men it does things yeah this is the problem in women are doing this intentionally in verse 17 understanding the easy the easy wait is to seduce men in verse 17 it says their mincing and walking as they go now you've heard about mincemeat you've heard about mincing words what does that mean what's mince meat it's like meat cut all up right or mincing your words don't mince your words what am I telling you to do you know don't don't don't diminish your words and try to beat around the bush you just give it to me right don't mince words and try to cut them up and put them aside late Oh about mincing is the walking and mincing the way they're walking is not just in the confidence of who they are not just like I'm a person they're diminishing their walk in such a way to be I came and do it not a woman it's like they're mincing in such a way there's a word for it's called Coquette to coquettish you know it's like acting like a a babe you know for the sake of seducing men and women do this okay and you know that they do it and then know this women may or may not know that you do but they do it this what's happening is that they're mincing as they walk and they making tinkling with their feet they put ornaments and chains all over their body jewelry is the idea there in verse nine verse 18 it talks about their calls okay call us a word if you if you do home birth or do birthing call us a word you're familiar with call birth okay let's do it the membrane that surrounds the babies and this sort of thing but has to do with a something that surrounds the head right and you can look up at on google google the word okay google knows all about it is it call headdresses and you'll see in the middle you'll times and even today there are nets that women wear on their heads I've talked about the lunch lady okay others types of nets for hair and a lot of these words are about that okay you have the calls they're there they're round tires like the moon this is not their midsection okay this has to do with the moon being shaped like this and you make a woman up here you see that there's the woman and she's got a you know an ornament like the moon or another way you've seen it in the mid the medieval times you'd see this thing around the woman's head and you'd see this whole thing like this you've seen these things like the moon like a crescent moon or like a circle moon they're wearing jewelry like this which has to do only with their worship of false gods but has to do with just the ornamentation and the display of their clothing and things and Isaiah again is not doing this to list things that are acceptable or not he's going on and I described this describing in detail what they have spent so much time glorying in to show how it's vanity it is that's what he's doing okay so he says verse 19 the chains and the bracelets and the mufflers what's a muff you see us on a car right well muffler is anything that muscles and so you speak out of the mouth and you hiss on top of it your muffler I see put a scarf or something around your mouth that's a muffler the bonnet switch goes on your head and wraps around your chin the ornaments of the legs the headbands the tablets the earrings the the finger rings the nose rings the changeable suits of apparel the mantles the wimple 's and crisping pins what is that well again Google wim pols folks it's not something that you can't figure out it you'll see in wim poles and I'll do a Kevin draw you get the head here and a wimple is something that covers the neck in the head you say what do you mean neck and head well you've got the face here if you had a piece of clothing that kind of covered your neck what does that look like to you that's it you've seen the heat jobs that Muslims wear their whim poles you see what the Roman Catholic nuns wear next and it's wind pulse it's what they are another word for it it's what they are historically are called whim poles right and don't think that the Roman Catholic nuns you can see one a mile away because they're wearing a wimp if they weren't you don't you wouldn't know the difference so bringing attention to yourself though Isaiah is saying it's a glory here and it's the glory of their humility is what they're trying to show themselves that they're trying to hide that their hair that's what Muslim women say to trying to hide their hair and if you look online for heat jobs you see all sorts of ornate designs for heat jobs as if they're you know they're hiding their hair very ornately but you've limpa Liz air the crisping pins is is has to do the word crisping has to do with curling okay and and even quite literally you take a curling iron today and women are crisp your hair and another sense of the word to make it curly but Christine kinds of curling pins the glasses these are shiny objects that they put over themselves to find linens the hoods the veils these are all different things they put on their shoulders and their backs and everything else it's not come to pass that instead of all this instead of sweet smells there shall be stink instead of a girdle a rent the sweet smell and stink is is pretty obvious the girdle here has to do with the things the ropes that they tie the belts that you tie to hold things together instead of things being held together it's gonna be rent rent means torn instead of thing held iron should be all loose right no belts holding it no girdles holding it it's like it's all falling apart right women know what I mean when all things are falling apart in their dress and that's the idea it's in a girdle our rent now your other Bibles will change that word rent to rope because you know here's these male theologians like that makes sense I mean they were wearing belts and now there's a guy with a rope pulling I'm along you know I'm sayin no the idea of women wearing things around there you know clothes they'll hold it all together in the fact that it's rent is proper because that's what the opposite of that would be not holding it together it being torn okay instead of well set hair which is why I had to do with all these different things in their hair and holding up hair and that sort of thing instead of that baldness so forget the hair entirely miss ball which person is 11 along with numbers talked about baldness and women being a shame isn't nature teach you that you know woman without hair as a sham it's not if it's a shame for a woman to not have hair then he talks about head coverings instead of a stomacher a girding of sack cloth stomacher is the road of a thing it's the domain part of the garment and girding of sack cloth instead of the silk stuff instead of the nice things that cloth and burning instead of beauty you glory yourself in your skin and your face and your Vistage what if there were burns all over your face what if some point has branded you as a slave perhaps you know you're a Babylonian right there on your forehead you don't find anywhere where there's marks on poor eyes the Bible do you you do and a lot of times especially in ancient civilizations they would brand people even more modern times you would brand people who are your slaves and so this is what will happen to these women into the people and Israel's are taken captive by the Babylonians they become slaves okay and so all those things are removed it says thy men shall fall by the sward thy mighty in the war the men are gonna be God gone the wars they're concerned the wars the Assyrians and Babylonians and her gates shall lament now women don't have gates mule metaphorically well no they don't have gates okay cities have gates Isaiah has suddenly changed here talking about actual women talking about a city her gates shall lament and mourn lamentations one for talks with the gates of Jerusalem being destroyed right that's the fulfillment of this her gates shall lament and mourn and she being desolate shall fall sit upon the ground the picture of a woman who's lost everything who was walking in Vincent before those decorations lost it all on the ground weeping the city is burning and that's lamentations okay and this is where we leave the daughters of Zion in fact all of Zion the men were taken away their strength was taken away the children rule the city sort of devolving from the inside and because of the poor leadership of the children the women that remained the women in their vanity was exposed for what it was emptiness right and they lay there with nothing so that's where we end tonight any questions or comments about Isaiah three all right well we thank you for your word in Isaiah three we pray that we will be able to apply it with the discernment of the Bible rightly divided to learn from what we can and to appreciate what you've taught us through the example of Jerusalem and their fall I thank you most of all for your Grace's every chapter reminds us of all the blessings you've given us today through your son amen
Channel: Grace Ambassadors
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Keywords: graceambassadors, rightly-divide, mid-acts, pauline, dispensational, grace, bible, study
Id: SKQ3rxdxGoo
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Length: 92min 6sec (5526 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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