Isaiah Chapter 2

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Shalom and welcome to via after Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel o RG now here's Baruch with today's lesson judgment now most people they want to avoid judgment but realize that this world will be indeed judged by God and the only way to avoid God's judgment is through receiving that gospel message that that invitation to salvation when you receive salvation you will not experience God's judgment and I'm speaking about his consuming wrath but realize something God's wrath is coming his judgment will be made manifest and those that teach that that a God of vengeance and judgment is only in the Old Testament they are wrong prophetically in the Old Testament it is seen as a last day event we see for example Messiah teaching about his judgment that God has given all judgment to him we see in the book of Revelation the wrath of the Lamb will come and it will bring about destruction upon this world why is that this destruction is going to give birth to the establishment of the kingdom of God and I've shared with you many times it's God's judgment that will birth the kingdom of God likewise we see in the revelation that the heavens that I'm speaking about the heavenly hosts we see the Angels there are going to be praising God for pouring out his judgment because his judgment is going to make make visible his righteousness so over and over we see judgment as necessary for the kingdom of God to be established well what we're going to do today is to look at Isaiah chapter 2 it's going to begin with a prophetic revelation concerning the Millennial Kingdom the kingdom of God that Kingdom that Messiah will rule over for a hundreds force goes before a thousand years and then the New Jerusalem will be established we're also going to see that the second part of Isaiah chapter 2 is going to deal with judgment and once more it simply teaches the reader that if we're going to get to the fulfillment of the kingdom if we're going to see it establish it comes about through judgment so let's begin take out your Bible and look with me to the book of Isaiah and chapter 2 the book of Isaiah and chapter 2 we read the word which and the next phrase is word huzzah in Hebrew the word a zone is vision this is vision in a verbal form now we really can't translate it that way in English because we don't have a word a verb for vision so we have to say he received a vision he saw a vision and who was that Yeshe Yahoo Ben emotes Isaiah the son of a month so the word which Isaiah the son of a most that he saw the vision that he received concerning Judah and Judah remember in Isaiah's time there was the the division of the monarchy into two kingdoms the North Israel and and for the most part we see that Isaiah prophesied he began the prophecy prophecy when the Northern Kingdom existed but we're gonna find that eventually it was taken into captivity and Judah survived for a little bit over a hundred and forty years about and then Jerusalem was taken into Babylon we'll talk more about those 2x Isles the Assyrian exile and the Babylonian exile later on but here we see that the emphasis of Isaiah's prophecy and really throughout the Book of Isaiah there's an emphasis on Judah that southern kingdom and the capital Jerusalem so he says this is a vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem verse 2 waha yah hey hey yah means and it will come about or it will be it should be understood here revealing a promise from God something that he says will be and what is that and it shall be in the heart I Amin Bay ahorita Amin in the last days now frequently when we have that term the last days what should come into our mind is Daniels 70th week that final week that final seven years but in this context and we see it other places as well a hurry Toya meme can actually be referring to the Millennial Kingdom itself and there's no debate about this this is talking about the time after Messiah returns and he's going to ultimately come to Jerusalem and he is going to establish that Kingdom and he is going to rule over it so in the first part of Isaiah's chapter 2 we're going to see the implications the outcomes of mess Messiah as rule from Jerusalem and this just underscores for us that Jerusalem is important important not just in the past but in the future that God is going to set up his kingdom with its capital Jerusalem and the individuals that teach that Jerusalem is a thing of the past that has no more significance than any other modern capital for a major nation that is a false teaching that is someone who does not take seriously God's prophetic word this is someone who who looks at things in a very errant way simply say oh the kingdom's coming and they associate Kingdom with heaven rather than realizing there's a Millennial Kingdom and a New Jerusalem and those two things the millennial and the New Jerusalem do not have to do with heaven heaven will be no more when when these things are established so it will come about in the last days in the Millennial Kingdom that the mountain of the house of the Lord so the temple there's going to be a temple and it says that the mountain and the word mountain has to do with a government biblically the government of God in this world was in Jerusalem based in the temple God would give instruction his word would be the the Constitution I'll speak more about that in a moment but it says and the mountain of the house of the Lord most Bibles will say be established and that's fine it's a word Nahanni now Haun can come from a word which means just that be established but the word 'no hone in a different form can also speak about correctness so there's a play on word finally it's telling us that the temple is going to be corrected it'll be established and it will be correct it will perfectly represent the government mountain government prophetically when we see a mountain being spoken of it's a government so what the scripture is telling us that it will come about in the Millennial Kingdom that the government that will be established that will be perfect that will be correct we'll be in Jerusalem at the temple in the mountain of the Lord and it will be exalted over it says barouche hey hari it will be the head or the chief of the mountains what does that mean it will be simply the main government and all others must submit to it it is the government of governments like we speak about the king of kings and the Lord of lords Jerusalem is going to be the place of God's Authority it will be manifested and maintained from Jerusalem because Messiah will be ruling there continue on second part of verse 2 venice' mikvah oh it will be exalted lifted up above the hills and all gleam quahog weim all the nations or all the gentiles will will flow stream unto it it's a word nehru which means comes from the hebrew word in the har River and it's simply River in the verb form means to flow so that which flow is a river but it can use be used to to describe nations people flowing streaming to Jerusalem to worship God to submit to God to be faithful to God now look if you would to verse 3 speaking about these nations it says many peoples army mortar beam many people they have who will walk and it says and they will say come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord the government of God to the house of the god of isn't that great the house of the God of Jacob and the name Jacob has great significance here view been taught that Jacob means a deceiver or an Old English word sir planter which is one that that behaves incorrectly you have been taught incorrectly the word Yaakov comes from a Hebrew word which means to follow after to pursue after in the noun form the word a cough can be or a cave can be a reward so it's pursuing the reward the fact that is called the God of Jacob speaks about the god of the reward he rewards those who pursue his purposes his will just like Jacob did so we need to step away from anti-semitic or teaching that is devoid of the Hebrew foundation knowing what the word means in Hebrew and that's why it's so frustrating to me when I say that people will say no it means sir plan I'll say well tell me the the Hebrew verb tell me the Shemp well the infinitive fort and how it's used throughout the scripture they don't know and it's dangerous simply to repeat what you hear you have to do due diligence a teacher the Word of God is a labor in the scripture and he does his work or she does his work in order to convey truth not hearsay so the mountain of the Lord they will go up and come to it to the house of the God of Jacob and what is he going to do he will teach us from his ways and the word for teaching here in Hebrew by uranium now it comes from the word for Torah so when it says he will teach he will make known his ways by means of the Torah what it literally is referring to he will teach us from his ways and we will walk in his paths ki Mitzie own Ted say Torah would VAR I don't I'm a wish aalayam now that expression we say every time the tour is removed ki MIT scientist a Torah would varda and I may wish a line which means for from Zion and you need to underline that term Zion Zion is a kingdom word what Zion its Jerusalem but Jerusalem in its redemptive state after Messiah returns so whenever you see that word Zion it should have kingdom implications and it says for Zion from the kingdom the Torah will go forth keema Ted say go forth Torah and then it says from Jerusalem the word of the Lord so we see the word of the Lord and the Torah being parallel meaning that there's a oneness there teaching us here through Hebrew poetry the the relationship between the word of the Lord and the Torah now the Torah doesn't save us but the tour defines what is right and what is wrong righteousness and unrighteousness and what you see here is that the government of Messiah his Constitution is going to be the Torah and when it says he look again to this passage of a or a new he will teach us messiahs going to teach the Torah and he's going to do that in the Millennial Kingdom why for there to be justice and righteousness so he will teach us from his ways we will walk in his paths for from Zion will go forth the Torah and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem verse 4 Vasia fought ben-haim and he will judge between peoples now this tells us I was at a lecture not too long ago and the rabbi who was giving the the lecture said he wasn't sure that in the kingdom of God that Messiah will rule over in Jerusalem if there will be any Gentiles there and I raised my hand and I said well what about this it says a meme har har Bay I mean we're abeam many people's and he said well maybe that the word people's just refers to the tribes of Israel the twelve tribes so we need to get away from from just false teaching whether it's coming from Christianity or from Judaism it's clear here the purpose of God is to bless the nations and there will be nations we see that earlier because we talked about in a previous verse where it says at the end of verse to Quahog William Quahog leave all the nations are all the Gentiles parallels here the phrase a meme or a beam so he will judge between it says here the nation's and he will reprove many peoples so nations and people they're parallel to one another we see that being established throughout the texts move on to the second part of verse 4 after saying he will judge between the nation's and he will will reprove many peoples it says they will beat their swords into kind of like a shovel and their spears they will beat that's implication that verb is is rethought of into pruning shears so shovels and pruning shears this is for producing fruit and what it says here there's going to be no need for weapons spears and swords are going to be a thing of the past in the Millennial Kingdom we don't need weapons of war because the Torah is going to establish justice it is going to bring about a righteous Kingdom where there'll be fruit produce and not conflict and Wars reverse verse 4 at the end and they will not lift up who's they nation against nation will not lift up sword and they will no longer teach anymore warfare now what a great statement once more they're going to beat their swords into shovels and their spears into pruning shears there are no longer a nation is not going to go to war with another nation they're not going to teach any more about warfare it's been done away with verse 5 beginning in verse 5 there's a new section and this section is going to continue to the end of chapter 2 once more the house of Jacob it says let us go let us go and walk in the light of the Lord so here we see revelation I want to read that again bet Jakov it's a call the house of Jacob come and let us walk in the light of the Lord what this is saying is this we need to have revelation and that revelation is the basis for how we behave our walk our lifestyle and notice what he's going to tell us for and here it's speaking about how far removed is Israel the house of Jacob how far they are removed from the call of God and because of that they're going to go through a period of hardship of judgment this relates to too many dispensations in Israel's history but also this time of trouble for Jacob we read for your people the house of Jacob you have abandoned and it's a work here of just letting be not giving any attention to and what it speaks of we can think about Mathew chapter where it says the measure that you measurement will be measured back to you Israel has not been serious about the Word of God and their lifestyle that they should should carry out their call therefore God is not going to be serious about them for a period of time for he says looking for six he says for you are full they are full literally third-person plural they are full from the east meaning they have allowed the influences of the east and this has to do with the occult and we'll see in a moment idolatry to fill up their nations with sorceries like the finish the the Philistine the Philistines and foreign children it says and with foreign children you're going to be slapped or the work here can be made could be understood as doubt just like foreign children they don't have any assurance they don't know the truth see this word and that's what's so wonderful about Hebrew it can be a word which has to do with punished like with the foreign children you're going to be punished or you're gonna have doubt you're not going to have assurance you're not gonna have the perspective that God has for his people that he wants us to know through his word once more it says and his land has been filled with silver and gold there's no end of his Treasuries and he has filled his land with horses there's no end of his chariots so we look here and this is an important proof of something and that is that wealth and prosperity is no assurance of good godly theology or lifestyle that's pleasing to God he's saying here you are exceedingly wealthy you've got gold and silver you have horse there's no end to your chariots meaning at this time the people the Jewish people exceedingly wealthy and exceedingly powerful but that's temporal God's going to bring a change he is going to bring them into his discipline he is going to abandon them and let them be dealt with by the nation's as a consequence of their their forsaking the Word of God so realize that some of the wealthiest most prosperous Bible teachers are some of the biggest false teachers and we see that principle here verse 8 you have filled his land with idols the work of his hands to bow down which your fingers have made so you bow down to that which your hands have made your fingers have have formed it's ridiculous but that's what they're doing that's speaking about how Judah not just Israel the Northern Kingdom that was carried off because of idolatry soon Judah the city of Jerusalem is going to be full of idolatry verse 9 a man will bow down speaking of idolatry a man will bow down a man will humble himself and he says the Altezza lehem don't forgive them the fact that they are bowing down and humbling themselves to idols says do not forgive them it's all a call for punishment judgment from God upon his people and because of that it says go to the rock meaning hide yourself under rock hide yourself in the the dirt why meet Pinay pocket Hashem because of the fear and this is not the fear of the Lord that's your wrath hashamayim this is the phrase pahud which is being tariffs because you're terrified from the Lord because of the glory of his majesty and this word can also be his intelligence that he knows all things he's acquainted with our sinfulness and he's going to move against them verse 11 haughty eyes of man meaning eyes that that are prideful it says high eyes of man he says he is going to do something bowing down and humbling the exalted people so he is going to cause them to bow down and be humbled those who are exalted and who's going to be lifted up ultimately the Lord alone will be lifted up when here's that phrase bei yom how who on that day and remember every time that phrase but yo ma who appears in the Bible it is a reference to the day of the Lord judgment God's punishment upon this world and Israel's going to suffer during that time verse verse 12 for the day to the Lord of Hosts concerning all all those who are proud and exalted concerning all who have lifted themselves up it says they are going to be made low concerning every cedar of Lebanon who has exalted himself and lifted themselves up concerning every tree of Bashan and these are trees of word here is a tree that is frequently used for wood for making idols so God says everything that's related to idolatry which is the purpose of exalting self it's established in pride all of this is going to be dealt with God is going to bring it down he says look at verse 14 concerning all the mountains that have exalted itself here again Mountains are also a place of idolatry concerning every hill that's lifted up concerning every Thai tower and concerning a wall that is a fortress so everything that that that personifies power and and then earthly splendor God is going to move against every ship of Tarshish Tarsus was known for their their ability to transport on the sea great possessions great wealth so every ship of tarsus and every every desirable palace or abode so everything that reflects the the splendor of man the wealth human wealth God is going to bring down he's going to judge against it it says bow the high-minded man and be made low those who exalt themselves why again he says they're going to be made low they're going to be people who are forced to bow down because in the end veinous guff Hashem livid oh by Omaha who in the end it says on that day it will be the Lord alone who is lifted up and and this word this again is the noun form this is in the the verbal form in the passive so it's going to be that the Lord alone will be lifted up meaning we will recognize the world is going to exalt him alone and what is that gonna happen but yom how who so if the judgment of god and this is what the book of revelation shows it's the judgment of god that ultimately will manifest god's glory who he is his power to the heathen to those who walk in Pride now look at verse verse 18 and the idols all of them will will pass away so those who are behaving way to find themselves being lifted up prideful activity all of that is going to be done away with is saying in verse 18 says let them into the caves of rocks and into the holes of of ground let them go so it's I think let them flee in fear because of the pocket Hashem the D terror of the Lord and because of the glory of His Majesty in here again the word gun can mean majesty but it can also mean his wonderful intelligence why are they good to do that because he is going to rise up and he is going to shake or or make terrified the earth so again all of this it's teaching us what we studied the first half won't come about until this this is how we're going to arrive to the Millennial Kingdom it's going to be through a judgment of God look at verse 20 on that day again over and over we see that expression by Omaha who by Omaha who on that day of judgment man will cast his idols of silver and his idols of gold which he made for himself to bow down to he's going to see how worthless they are and he's going to cast them it says to the moles and to the bats obviously unclean animals disgusting animals so these disgusting animals go along with idols what we put so much emphasis on gold and silver and we thought that they were going to be a source of our exaltation no they are a source of God's judgment now verse 21 it says go into the clefts of the rocks and then a different word but it can be translated the same way the clefts of the rocks we have synonyms hear the word Sewer is rock but so Wurtz Salem so it's parallelism it's saying the same thing with different words why would they hide themselves in the clefts of the rocks and in the cleft of stones boulders says again me pan a pocket Hashem because of the terror of the Lord because of the the splendor of his majesty when he rises up to shake or to bring terror to the earth so over and over we see this judgment that is coming last verse verse 22 it says you should cease from a man and the implication is you should cease get away from an idolatrous man one who in his his soul is his anger now some will translate it not in a in a more literal way but missus the the idiom here it's a witch breath is in his nostrils now breath and in his nostrils you've seen that cartoons when when a cartoon character gets angry he breeze real Hardy you see the smoke coming from his nose same thing it's speaking about a individual who's an angry spirit and people will be an angry spirit unless they know the joy of the Lord it's only through Redemption salvation that will be transformed into someone who is not angry and why are they angry because they're frustrated because they're trying to exalt themselves which is a futile thing to do it bears forth no satisfaction but when we exalt the Lord that's when we'll find joy in peace and satisfaction once more we could say decease get away from that type of man who's an angry soul because it says Bhima knock shelf ho with what will he be we thought of what what we'll have will he be given any consideration in the kingdom no he won't be there he'll be a forgotten man among the the congregation of the Redeem so desist get away cease from anything having to do with him separate yourself it's like it says in the book of Revelation come out my people come out and that's what we should do let me conclude with this what the scripture saying is this when we understand the reality of the kingdom of God we're going to live very differently we're gonna pursue the things of the kingdom the promises of the kingdom the Covenant 'old Lessing's and we're not going to be engaging in those things which are false worship idolatrous practices for the purpose of exalting self no we're going to be praising God for His goodness and the wonderful things that he is going to bring about that we will become recipients of where in the kingdom of God you cannot help if you're prophetic 'le minded you will be Kingdom minded well we'll close with that until next week Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Views: 3,777
Rating: 4.9039998 out of 5
Keywords: Book of Isaiah
Id: c_XeUck1fiQ
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Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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