Acts Chapter 2 Part 1

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Shalom and welcome to via hafte yes Ryan a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zahra Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel dot o-r-g now here's Baruch with today's lesson now we all need power power from heaven the power to carry out that which is impossible to do in the flesh the purpose of the power that I'm going to be speaking of tonight is a power to submit to truth to walk in righteousness to be individuals that do the kingdom business so we want to be individuals that are equipped that are anointed with power and a great place to see the beginning of this is in the book of Acts chapter 2 now we know that this book one of the things that it does is that it reveals the beginning of the congregation of redeemed let's say this another way we call ourselves the ecclesia that is those who are called out and this phrase ecclesia which commonly is retranslated is a greek word but it's commonly translated into english by the word church now that word really doesn't reveal too much to us but when we look at the Greek word ekklesia we see that we've been called out and that implies a change it implies a transition and also because as I said a few weeks ago this word also speaks to the congregation that came out of and therefore they were on a journey so you need to see your life I need to see my life as people who have been commissioned and who have been set on a journey a journey just like if you're travelling in a car you need gas petroleum now as people who are on a spiritual journey we need power and that power comes from the Holy Spirit and what we're going to see in this study is a description of how one is filled with that power so as I said look with me and it's so important that you have Bibles in your hand that you look at scripture that you just don't listen but you see because looking at the scripture well it just adds another dimension for the word of God to enter into you to touch your Nishiyama that is your soul and I want to begin in verse one and one of the things that we know is very important are the festivals of Hashem that is Moe a day Hashem these appointed times now we think of them as holidays and we've already seen how important the festival of Passover was because Messiah he laid down his life he was crucified on Passover he rose up on Yom or sheet we spoke about that some five six weeks ago and now now we're talking about another festival and what is that well look with me to verse one now many English Bibles they translate it differently and they miss out on the emphasis of this festival you might know it if you do not come from a Jewish background as Pentecost and that has to do with the number 50 in Hebrew we call it kakashi vote which is the festival of weeks and when we look at the Torah in the book of the vitta conceptor 23 we're told to count the days now the word counting Sofia this means to count from the word list more and and this means that we count in two methods we count each day and now we count also each week so seven weeks and 49 days that means 77 weeks or 49 days and the next day is Pentecost or this festival and we know that this is one of the festivals that is required one of three that we have to be according to the tour in the days that the temple stood we have to be in that holy city of Jerusalem and that's why we saw two weeks ago that Messiah commanded his disciples that they should not depart from Jerusalem until the promise from the Father would come and obviously what was Yeshua referring to the promise of the Holy Spirit and let me say before we look at this text there is a relationship between the Holy Spirit and Redemption having been redeemed you are going to be receiving the Holy Spirit in fact when redemption or salvation happens when you confess that Gospel message when you believe in the death burial and the resurrection Messiah and his death as the payment for your sin and you invite him into your life as you do that instantaneously you are going to be filled with the Holy Spirit and that Holy Spirit he will never leave you nor forsake you so look at verse 1 it literally says and when the day of Pentecost had been fulfilled this is important because many English Bibles say when the day of Pentecost had arrived this word has nothing to do with arriving but rather it has to do with fulfillment and it goes along with this this biblical commandment to count and why is counting so important well counting has to do with an expectation when you count something you expect that at the end of the count something to happen it is an expectation to arrive to some event and that's exactly what we see here and the reason why it's so important to see fulfillment in this verse is because God is going to fulfill something in fact one of the things that we can boldly say is that God loves to be a FULFILLER he makes a promise he delights in fulfilling that promise in fact it grieves the Holy Spirit when we are not in a spiritual condition when we're not in the right location where God will bring that fulfillment so the Spirit he will move us he will guide us he will direct us he will bring change in her life for one reason so that the fulfillment of God's will can be experienced by you and here we're going to see one aspect of this in the text so when the day of Pentecost had been fulfilled meaning all 50 days it says they were all together in one place and this this second part of the verse speaks of unity so we're gonna learn something there is a a relationship between the moving of the Holy Spirit and unity among God's people we could say it in two different ways sometimes you look at something you look at it from one position you see one thing you move around to another location you see something else but you're looking at that same object it kind of goes along with a very familiar Torah expression that there are Shivan panning later on which means there's seven seventy facets to the Torah just like a diamond has facets so does a Torah and in this case what we need to realize is this the Holy Spirit will move us into a right location into God's will but likewise or conversely it's only when we're in God's will that the Holy Spirit's anointing will be the most powerful so he moves us there so that there can be a greater moving anointing empowering instructing of the Holy Spirit so you know we need to answer a question and that is do I really want to serve God because if you're not interested in serving God you don't need the Holy Spirit because if you're not interested in serving God you know what you're interested in sin those are the two parameters there's nothing in between either serving God or serving sin you can only have two masters and you're going to have a master and you need to realize that it is either gonna be a loving Heavenly Father through the lordship Messiah schewe who loves you so much that he died for you and he wants to put a easy and light yoke burden upon you whereby you serve Him and that burden is going to bring you intimacy with him and fulfilling that that command that he places upon us is also going to be an instrument a source of great joy serving God produces joy in one's life contentment so you can either choose that or you can choose sin which will have a moaning momentary pleasure to your flesh but we'll leave you empty and we'll put you in a condition emotionally that you're not joyful you won't have peace and you will have simply a lack of satisfaction those who live in sin they're always wanting more more MORE they never have what we have when we obey God and that is contentment a peace and assurance a confidence so we read in this passage that they were all together there was unity they were in one place so because they were there in Jerusalem we read in verse two and many people when they talk about being in the house that may be a reference to Bentham 'gosh the holy house meaning the the temple but others see it as well as the Upper Room we'll deal with that some other time but it comes about look at verse 2 and it came about and this was a like pit own suddenly now here in the Greek we see a different word we see the word here very unique us no but it means suddenly something that happens without and the indication other than and here's the key instruction and learn a very important principle many times in fact I would say the vast majority of the time that there are not necessarily visual signs that God's gonna do something it comes about why out of a promise no the visible signs is our obedience are trusting him us responding to the Word of God and when we do that suddenly almost out of nowhere comes the fulfillment remember one of the key thoughts here in this passage of Acts to the day of Pentecost is fulfillment so look again verse 2 and it came about suddenly out of the heavens a voice as and it literally says your Bible may say rushy a rushing violent wind and that word violent really it's it's has to do with power that's why I began this this study with speaking about power so it's it's violent in the sense that it can accomplish a great deal but this word rushing I don't believe that that is the best way to to to translate it it's from the Greek word that means to bring so it's moving quickly yes indeed we hear the sound of it like a a rushing wind but here's what I want you see the word here for rushing is a word that has to do with bringing caring providing something and that's what we should see the Spirit of God comes into our life to provide us things so this violent strong powerful wind comes and by the way it's a unique way for when when the unique word for when it speaks like a a breeze so the emphasis is here not on the word spirit ruah or here / Touma patema but the word here literally Ponemah excuse me not the word panama but on the fact that there is the breeze the the feeling a sense of this this win look on and verse 2 it says and the house the whole house was full as they were sitting so they were sitting all of them in this house that was full of people and it appeared to them and we have a unique word it has to do four it has to do with dividing portions so divided portions of tongues as fire and what does that mean well many people believe that this goes back to a picture this is the Greek way of describing something that happened at Mount Sinai now that shouldn't surprise us because if you know meant much about Judaism you'll recall that Shavuot what house it celebrated in Judaism well in the same way that we think of God on Pentecost that he provides the holy spirit and he does well in Judaism we think of it as God providing the assert had he broke the commandments so when that took place at Mount Sinai what do we know well to to check this out you can look sometime at a very very important passage from the book of Exodus chapter 20 after the giving of the Ten Commandments and literally it's not here in Exodus 20 where where the tablets are but it's the speaking they hear the Ten Commandments spoken and immediately thereafter the emphasis is upon and experience on Mount Sinai and there was smoke there was fire there was a sound of the shofar and this fire well it was unique and it probably is referenced to hear something similar word says that there were divided some Bibles may say cloven tongues as fire and notice what it did and it's set meaning they seize the Holy Spirit literally but we're talking about these tongues of fire they set upon each one of them now who are them well they are disciples of Messiah so people who believed in him who and this is what's so important if they did not follow toward truth they would not have been in Jerusalem if they did not follow miss messianic truth that is the words the instructions of Yeshua they wouldn't be there and we see a foundational principle meaning what you sure commanded was the same thing that the Torah commanded and people just gloss over they don't acknowledge that they don't see that in the scripture and it's simply to support when Messiah and we have to make a distinction we're doing this in our study of the book of Hebrews but what I want us to realize afresh tonight is this that when Messiah says if you love me you'll keep my Commandments well he was talking about the same Commandments that Moses gave the children of Israel and we we see the proof of that is because in those passages when he speaks about Commandments you know what word appears us so often love and love is foundational to the Torah just like we we speak every week when we say the Shema via hasta Tasha me la hija de koulikov kava kava kava Coleman and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength so love is foundational via half dollar Erica MOCA love your neighbour as yourself the whole Torah is based upon love and messiahs Commandments they were of that same variety now when we talk about the law of Messiah in that way we're not speaking about a different law but you know what we're speaking about we're speaking about the gospel and here's a point that I I made numerous times and our study the book of Hebrews it's only when you understand the law of Moses can you understand properly the law of Messiah that is the gospel if you take the gospel out of the context which it comes to us which is a Torah context you're not going to understand it to the fullest extent how you should based upon all of the testimony of Scripture now can you be saved of course you can but if you want to be someone who is pleasing to God who understands it in the measure that you should the Torah gives us a better perspective for understanding the teaching the Ministry of Messiah so look again we see these this tongues of fire coming and landing upon each one of them and notice what happens look at verse 4 and all of them were filled with the holy spirit and began to speak in and hears very carefully an important word in other tongues now this means that they were not speaking their language this is important this is one of the principles of interpreting Scripture that that stands out in this passage because people will say well wasn't a miracle of hearing was it a miracle of speaking the answer is yes indeed because they spoke in different tongues by which the Holy Spirit enabled them to do so there was something unique and it's when we look at this in the Greek language and we pay attention to the rules of interpreting Scripture were you to come about with the right interpretation so they as recipients of the Holy Spirit they began to speak in other tongues just as the Spirit gave to them to declare and that's literally what it means some Bible will say as the Spirit gave them utterance but it's just not an utterance a deklerk a deklerk hmm declaring it they wanted they were called to declare something specifically and we'll see that in just a few moments move on to verse 5 and there were an jerusalem dwelling there juice men who were godly or pious or or individuals that were very very careful in regard to the things of God so their dwelling and Jerusalem were Jews men who were pious from every nation under the heavens now why were they there well the reason why they were there is because of this holiday they it assembled because the tork commanded them to be there so specifically in Jerusalem here again if you were someone who believed in Messiah but you were not in Jerusalem you would not have witnesses you would not have experienced this this was a unique situation for disciples who express their faith in God within a context of the Torah that's why they were there in Jerusalem they were pious they were men carefully applying the Word of God to their life from every nation under the heavens look now to verse 6 and it came about the this voice and it says here that the multitude came together so this voice or this sound they heard that so they came together and they were bewildered or confused right wrote down here they were utterly at loss of what this meant now here's the problem there is a scriptural foundation for understanding this and what is that I've already alluded to it and that is found in the book of Exodus chapter 20 when there was an assembly based upon God's Word through Moses to be at Mount Sinai and they saw that that event the mount of Sinai smoking fires shofars trembling all of this well here in the same way there was an event that captured the attention of people and we looked here and it says that they came together this multitude they were confused and it says that they heard each one and this is what brought confusion the sound brought them there but what confused them was that they heard each one in his own dialect they were speaking and what does that mean in their own dialect now the context is very important and the word here is the Greek word which is just where we get the English word it sounds identical dialect so what is the same there were people here from variety of places and they began to speak these other tongues this other language and each one heard and the miracle here at this time we've already had the first part or it says the miracle was that they spoke as the Holy Spirit told them or enable them gave them utterance wanting to make a declaration and they did so and now the mere cause hearing that each one heard them speaking in their own dialect look now to verse 7 says and all of them were amazed and they marveled saying to one another behold not all of these are speaking all these who are speaking or who galilaeans so all the people who were there were from a variety of Nations they came to Jerusalem because of this biblical Torah festival called shovelled or Pentecost and they came there and they heard these men of Galilee now why Galilee well his disciples were from Galilee but also there's another reason and that is Galilee has to do with revealing something and this is revealing something very important the fulfillment of the promise the outcome of redemption and that is the giving of the Holy Spirit that Ministry God's Word God's purposes can be fulfilled so they heard these Galilee and speaking and they were uttering a different language not just speaking their normal language but notice what it says all these people heard them and here's the important thing it says they marveled and they said to one another do we not all hear them speaking these pin in Galilee of from Galilee and look to verse 8 and how is it and here's the emphasis on hearing how is it that we hear each one in our own dialect so they were speaking as the Spirit gave them utterance in a different and other language now what was that we don't know it was a spiritual utterance that was miraculous but also what was miraculous is that each of these people they heard them speaking as if they were speaking their own dialect and how do we understand that well it's good to become very clear here it says that we hear each one speaking in our own dialect in which we were born so in our native tongue the tongue that we were born so they heard them and notice what here there was people from parthia from meats and from allah the almighty's and those dwelling in mesopotamia in judah and also in capo xie also in Pontus and Asia Korea and also Pamphylia and Egypt and in parts of Lebanon and in cerini and also the strangers or foreigners who dwell in Rome who were Jews and also proselytes and finally it says and creeks and Arabs so we look here and if you pay attention we see here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 approximately 15 different places mentioned now if it is 15 and you do your own count I just did an impromptu here but 15 is a number that relates to God because if we take that in the traditional way the ancient way it spells yeah and the purpose here is that God might be manifested here through this event and notice what it says keep reading verse 11 it says here and we hear them speaking in their own language what each one heard them speaking in their own language the great things of God so what was the purpose of this here it is for God to be magnified for people to hear the great things of God and what do you think that was well earlier tonight in our study centre here in Israel we studied from the prophecy of Isaiah chapter 25 and the great things of God has to do with God moving to establish his kingdom and this is what is going to happen with this miracle through the Holy Spirit they are going to be giving power authority equipment in order to bring about a kingdom experience to lay the foundation of that holy city the New Jerusalem so we have a responsibility what should be the passion of your life is the kingdom business and it says here they were proclaiming these great things of God now look at verse 12 and all were amazed and they were all so confused so some were mace also confused some were saying basically what is the meaning of this and when you look at it in Greek the word here is fellow which has to do with wishes or desires so some were saying what does this mean but in the Greek language it means that they had a expectation of something good something desirable something that they wanted something that would would bring about fulfillment to them but others and it uses that word for not of the same variety but different but others they were mocking saying that they were full of new wine so you have two very different perspectives and what does this teach us always with the things of God you're gonna have the acceptors and they're rejecters those who are looking for the fulfillment of God's promises and those who stuff and mock the things of God it's nothing new it wasn't new then and it's not new now verse 14 in verse 14 we have shamone Petros Peter in other words he's going to take leadership and he's going to explain what's going on and it's so significant in my opinion that in explaining this he uses prophecy if you want to know what God's up to you better be a student a prophecy and we see the connection between the movement of the holy spirit and the fulfillment of prophetic truth that's why it's so problematic when when when people who go each week to the house of God whether it's a synagogue or a church and they never learn prophecy they can't have expectations they can't understand what God's up to now before we deal with this the speech of Peter which we're going to begin this week and finish up next week let me say something about this word Pentecost I mentioned already it has to do with the number fifty and fifty has to do with freedom Liberty the word and you can check this out in your own concordance but if you do a good study of Jubilee because Jubilee and 50 years they go together this is 50 days but the same principle is seen Jubilee the word that in Hebrew is used biblically to help us understand it is the Hebrew word war and it means freedom or Liberty a Liberty of freedom to obey God see if we are in our natural state stained with sin that original sin we are not free to serve God it is only when we are recipients of the Holy Spirit that comes by faith in that gospel message the only message of salvation and forgiveness of sin then and only then do we become free to serve God so this is speaking about the ability to obey God it's speaking about a heavenly freedom to walk according to heavenly truth kingdom truth rather than to live according to the ways of this world so look at verse 14 and Peter literally standing there for Peter stands with the 11 and he lifts up his voice and he as well proclaims he makes a declaration and it says here he proclaims and he says men and then he says Jews and all the ones dwelling in Jerusalem let this be known to you an emphasis is this to you being known that and it says let this be known to you that and also he says if you look at the end of verse 14 it says and and put your ear to my word now this is important because there are a couple different words for for listening and this is the one which means to put your ear that means you have to get close and when the Hebrew counterpart of this word appears in the Hebrew Bible the rabbinical scholars will say it's to hear something for the purpose of intimacy with God and that's what Peter saying he's saying you need to hear this you need to draw close because the outcome of this is intimacy with God so he says here in verse verse 14 at the end he says listen put your close to my word and it's not the word logos but it's word Rhema which comes from a proclamation that brings about a fulfillment and outcome it is what's going to fulfill the purposes of God that's what a Rhema word is so look again now we're ready for verse 15 for it's not as you think that these are our drunk for it's only the third hour of the day now some Bibles if you have a Bible that likes to interpret things for you and give you what the editors think the Word of God means it'll say the ninth hour because it's 9:00 in the morning but it's literally in the original the third hour now is that 9:00 in the morning yes it is you said well what difference does it make a big difference because the number three has to do with revealing this happens at the third hour for the purpose of revelation and this teaches us a principle and that is this that one of the primary functions of the Holy Spirit he enters our life in order to bring about revelation not just a source of Revelation but helps us to understand God's revelation so it's taking place at the third hour look at verse 16 he says here but this is the fulfillment through the the Prophet Joel so this is what has been said literally and it's in the past and the important thing about this word for having been set it means it's in the past it has relevance today but it also has relevance for the future now before we can go any further we have to understand the term last days or in times there's two theological understandings they're not in conflict but we have to understand in a way to maybe assist you is that there's the end times and small letters and there's the end times in capital letters now the end times in capital letters it speaks about the last seven years that final week the end times when it will bring about the establishment of the kingdom of God but there's also the end times with small letters that speak about the time from this day until the end so we're talking about a much longer period of time and what is the uniqueness the emphasis that which is peculiar about the time's the end-times with small letters it allows you to make a reservation in the kingdom of God it is the period of time which you can find salvation and this is what we're going to see emphasized by Joel so look again at that verse look again it says but this is what has been said through the Prophet Joel it's a fulfillment of that but it alerted what has been said by the Prophet Yoel and it shall be in the last days now this is going to happen the total fulfillment of this prophecy is going to be in the last days in those last seven years but there's a foretaste of that what specific application well that's what we're going to talk about in the last part of this message so verse 17 and it shall be in the last day that God says I will pour out from my spirit now it doesn't say I will pour out my spirit but it literally says I will pour out from my spirit and this is an important distinction I will pour out from my spirit upon all flesh now we would think upon every Jew upon the children of Israel but we're dealing with the fulfillment the final fulfillment and we know that God's purposes with Israel is that all the nations will be blessed so by the term here for flesh what we see here is that it's inclusive what these individuals experience uniquely on Pentecost that same experience is available to all humanity doesn't matter where you might live what color your skin is what language you speak nothing of those things make a difference the only thing that is going to matter on whether you can have that experience or not is if you have accepted the gospel so he says I am going to pour out from my spirit upon all flesh and what's the outcome well notice the first thing that said in the text has to do with prophecy now prophesying it's not just saying it's not that while I receive a word from the Lord and I'm going to say something that has future implication that I'm going to prophesy in them in in the sense of predict a future event that's not oftentimes what prophecy has to do with more often than that the Prophet spoke truth that caused repentance so they spoke in a words of conviction a words of speaking against sinful activity and so what does the scripture point out it says and shall prophesy your sons and your daughters so both male and female now why do we see that this male and female well if you go back to male and free men what's gonna come into your mind the book of Genesis he created man male and female this goes back to God's original purpose eh-eh-eh-eh creation purpose and when we think of creation we ought not just think of the past when God created the heavens in the earth but we should think futuristically about him creating the kingdom of God so these references these hints to the previous creation look for to a new creation so I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and they shall prophesy who your sons and your daughters and your young men they are going to see vision and your old men they are going to and let it says literally is that they are going to dream but be given dreams so all of this what's being emphasized all of these things come from God they do not originate with us so people are receiving truth from God that's what the Holy Spirit does and here's the problem today people have their own vision they have their own dreams see many people that want to profit financially what they do is they take the Bible and they perverted by saying and so much I can remember about a year year and a half ago all these popular preachers they were all talking about dreams and destiny and people love and they all have resources go with it how you can find your dreams how you can walk in your destiny people love to hear that but you know what you don't want your dreams you don't want an earthly destiny you want all those things to be destroyed in order that you might hear from God so everything that's good everything that you want to become everything that you want to do everything that you want to receive it has a heavenly origin it doesn't initiate with your thoughts your thinking your desires that's what the scripture says so these old men are going to be given dreams and look at verse 18 and also upon my servants and upon my maid servants so first we see sons and daughters then we see young and old and now we see male servants and maid servants and the key word here is servants so if this is really gonna have an impact in your life to bring about change you have to ask yourself and we asked this earlier on do I want to serve God see this giving of the Holy Spirit this anointing only is for servants of God let me ask you something does a servant wake up in the morning say you know what is it that I'd like to do that's what I'm gonna do no he finds out what his master wants him to do and he carries that out we are the servants of God we have a master our master is loving compassionate good a blessed master he wants to do great things in her life and what hinders this being accomplished is the foolishness of our flesh and it's so disappointing that people try to camouflage the foolishness of the flesh with spiritual packaging with religious words with Scripture that they twist and turn to give you a selfish expectation of what God's going to do God's not interested in fulfilling your desires he is interested in giving you new desires to putting his desires in your heart so he says an also upon the servants my servants and upon my maid servants and that day I will pour out from my spirit and what are they going to do prophesy how do you see something when when Joel's prophecy began which Peter is quoting it begins with prophecy and it ends with prophecy that's something important what God's up to is giving us a prophetic understanding and that's why Paul he's going to speak to us later on when we encounter books written by Paul he's going to tell us for example in first Corinthians he's going to tell us that in God's house the most important position is a prophet so prophecy is important and a profit of of these days they are experts in scriptural prophecy that doesn't mean that God does not give dreams visions words of knowledge of course he does those things to new things but they're always substantiated they could always be tested by the scripture to verify them now look if you would to verse 19 now xix important because well it tells us and here you know this event what's happening right now in Acts chapter 2 what we're gonna read now didn't take place this is a future event but we're beginning what happened almost 2,000 years ago on the day of Pentecost it has laid the foundation in the same way that took place so we'll what we're gonna study now and that is look at verse verse 19 I will give wonders absolutely what it means I am going to give supernatural events in the heavens above and signs upon the earth below and what are these blood and Fire and columns or pillars of smoke now this is what we read we read that verse at Passover and notice blood fire and pillars of smoke now what if we hear that what should come into your mind well the answer is Mount Sinai and what was the purpose of Mount Sinai here's the answer divine revelation and I just don't mean the word or the commandments but I mean God manifests himself that's what he wanted to do and how do I know that because if you look at Exodus 20 the scripture says right after the assertedly brought the giving of the law what does it say it says God was coming to the people unfortunately that people rejected him the people were fearful they did not perceive properly what this day was about and my hope is that we don't misunderstand what this day is about but God wanted to give them a new reality whereby they would know the fear of God and they would be in a new condition where they could not sin and the Holy Spirit he gives us that potential when we walked listen empowered illuminated by him we won't sin when we grieve the Holy Spirit when we reject his influence in our life we will sin but notice what it says says I'm going to give these signs in the heavens above and the earth below signs of fire or blood fire and pillars of smoke and now look at verse 24 the Sun is going to turn to darkness and the moon to blood now notice how many times has this happened one time and that's why I'm gonna go off on this tangent for a few minutes that's why I was literally amazed when when Bible teachers four years ago almost five years ago they began talking about the four blood moons how ridiculous four blood moons they were calling a Blood Moon which is a old English term for for a Eclipse and they were thinking ah well it says Blood Moon this is faulty exegesis this is failure to realize the context and the culture of Scripture what was there anything of significance that happened during those two years of the four so-called blood moons no there was not and these people scrambled and they said oh well there's a shemitah year and it's gonna happen here well what happened during that shmita year nothing then they said oh well this is the yu-er Jubilee thereafter and something major it's all coming together and did it no well this is the problem we need to be tied to Scripture and if someone was prophetically literate they wouldn't have made that mistake haven't heard anyone apologized by it about it either shameful but what we find here is that there's only one Blood Moon and that is a sign that that foretells that announces the coming wrath of God literally the wrath of the Lamb now we learn that in the book of Revelation chapter 6 but let's finish this passage up it says and the Sun will turn dark and the moon will become blood and it says before the coming of the day of the Lord notice says great and awesome day of the Lord and it shall be that all who call upon the name the Lord will be saved now we learned a principle the time for salvation began that day when people could begin to call upon the name Lord that is that gospel Messiah had gone his spirit was available remember the evidence of salvation is the the earnest what's the earnest the giving of the Holy Spirit so it was beginning then that people could be saved so that's when the announcement was to call upon the name the Lord and be saved what does that mean what means not to experience God's wrath not in this age and certainly not in the age to come well Peter speech is going to go on further and we're going to look at it next week when we press on in the book of Acts and chapter 2 well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Beru these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
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Keywords: Bible & Teaching, Creation, Israel, Missions & Ministry, Religion, Spiritual Growth, Education
Id: nhNe2f3zKco
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Length: 52min 56sec (3176 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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