Isaiah 24:7 to 25:5 ~ Rebroadcast picking up at Isaiah 24:7

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good day to you god bless you say well welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our back in our fathers word chapter 24 the great book of Isaiah Isaiah in the Hebrew tongue meaning Yahweh's salvation the way you find it the way you find salvation is listening to your father this 24th chapter is no:1 basically as Isaiah's apocalypse in other words Isaiah's book of Revelation as a matter of fact I could teach the entire book of Revelation from this one chapter chapter 24 and it begins in verse 1 of this twenty-fourth chapter of God saying I'm gonna pour out this earth what all this mess that's on it and when he says I'm gonna empty it the word empty in the Hebrew is bucket and it comes from like if you got a gallon jug and you filled her with water and turned it over it'll look empty that's what God said I'm gonna clean it out good empty it so you know if you're doing something or living in a way that's unpleased into God that means you got trouble because he's going to do away with all of it and he makes that very clear coming out the gate and then you begin to tell us those that transgress the law that's sin that that's the definition of sin you sin when you transgress God's law okay and some you bring therefore that the curse devoured the earth in other words you bring it on yourself you can either be blessed or that curses the lies of the earth who you can listen to lies that's why your father wrote you this letter so that you know directly from him what his opinion what his mind is saying so having said that let's pick it up if we may in this seventh verse the 24th chapter the apocalypse are the revelation of Isaiah and that word of wisdom from our Father in Yeshua's name verse 7 reads the new wine mourneth the vine languishes all the merry hearted do sigh well there's no crop there is no wine in other words they're mourning for wine quiet they didn't make a crop the vine didn't produce you got to remember Jesus told us I'm the vine and you're the branches and Almighty God does the pruning so you want to kind of apply that here if you don't produce fruit by that I mean if you don't love him and let him know you love it it's a good way to get cropped off so naturally here at this time this this vine does languishes in other words it's drying up per se the mirth of tablets ceaseth them the noise of them that rejoice in dat them the joy of the harp sees that you can kind of remember in Joel chapter 1 what the locust army does to them it strips and clean bare that's to say Satan's deception his lies and corruption it just strips everything away to where nothing seems to amount to anything God doesn't like that okay why because he gave you this good earth and he expects it to produce for us as long as we're pleasing to him and do it his way okay verse 9 they shall not drink wine with a song a strong drink shall be bitter to them that drink it in the first place there's no nothing there to drink okay and they're not gonna be singing any song because it will have their joy is gone today listen very carefully the interesting verse verse 10 the city of confusion is broken down every house is shut up that no man may come in there's a real unusual thing in this verse that usually confusion is translated Babel or Babylon has to do with Babylon but in this case confusion in the Hebrew manuscripts is to who and and and to hood means totally void and without form that's what the earth became after Satan's rebellion from the first Earth Age you say in the Hebrew verse 2 of Genesis chapter 1 to Bob wolf in the Hebrew tongue meaning the earth wasn't created void without form the earth became void and without form after Satan's rebellion okay so here he's saying this city and the city were talking about here his rat world Mount Zion says is going to be to who when when he said I'm gonna empty it out and that word Wow he meant exactly that I'm gonna clean it out and I'm gonna scrub it clean gonna be a different place and it's due our advantage okay verse 11 there is a crime for wine in the streets all joy is darkened the mirth of the land is gone they they're just nothing left there for them you want to be pleasing to our Father it doesn't take much to please him he created you he says in Hosea chapter 6 verse 6 I don't want your burnt offerings that means any livestock you might give to me I really don't want it what I want is your love i want your grace i want you to love me because that's why i created you was to give me pleasure the last verse of Revelation chapter 4 but here it's it's all gone and they have nothing to rejoice about verse 12 in this in the city is desolation or it's the city of desolation and the gate is smitten with destruction now what is the gate it's important that you know it's not you know we think of a gate today well it's something you closed to keep your cattle in or a gate to some house or something no this is the gate is work judgment took place some people in some places in the manuscript is called the pavement it's where they gathered where judgment was passed down upon people that's where you two are tried at so to speak so what it's saying is the gate or justice is smitten with destruction just macwrite and wrong and they don't make wrong right is the main thing it's it's all messed up you don't have to go very far to see that look at your courts today somebody murders somebody and some little pipsqueak judge lets them off if you're not careful okay not all judges are pipsqueaks but we've gotten more appointed in liberal times than one can shake a stick at verse 13 when thus it shall be in the midst of the land among the people there shall be as the shaking of an olive tree and as the gleaming grapes when the vintage is done in other words you know do you know how they they beat an olive tree beat the olives out of it in other words this old worth is going to take a little bit of a beating however the word gleaning is it is put in here is left for God's elect there will always be a few good olives even when everything is stripped there will always be a few good grapes for God's elect those are grapes of truth and the all of our people the anointing oil there will always have that anointing all present I'm talking about God's elect we're in the rest of the world languish at the confusion mixed up you don't have to go there you could be at peace and find peace of mind in the scripture in this letter from our Father he's telling you here what he's going to do so you don't have anything to worry about now the thing you want to remember it in the remainder of the chapter we'll learn those that disrespect him I've got a whole lot to fear but if you love the Lord you haven't he's not angry at you he's not talking to you when he says he's going to destroy something you could be standing right in the very middle of it and if God is with you you can't be harmed this was the reason that the three Hebrew children Shadrach Meshach and Abednego when they were placed in the fiery furnace nothing hurt them because Christ walked with them God wasn't mad at him so simply a point to prove to you God's not angry at you when you please him and you could rest assured he'll be with you and we'll bless you so when God brings down this destruction took then you don't have to worry you can be right in the middle of it you'll never be touched okay now let's go with the next next verse verse 14 they shall lift up their voice they shall sing for the majesty of the Lord they shall cry aloud from the sea the sea of what sea of people in in the apocalypse you could read in Revelation chapter 17 that the waters are the people there that many of them okay but what are they singing here to the majesty of Almighty God the song of Moses in Deuteronomy chapter 32 you have the song of Moses written out for you telling you exactly what's going to happen and you know what it says in that song of Moses it says that God's election that is to say those that know the truth and try to please God none of us are perfect but if you even trying to please God he stamps it is perfect and he says if somebody touches you it's like touching the apple of my eye which translates the pupil you know God says if somebody bothers you it's like they stick their finger in my eye you know where's God's not gonna put up with it so you got something when you have the truth then you've got something to rejoice about even in trouble sometimes for other people why God loves you verse 15 we're four glorified ye the Lord in the fires even the mean of the Lord God of Israel in the Isles of the sea I would rather translate that word fires as lights okay wherefore I glorify you the lord of the light or in the light who is the light Christ is okay Christ is the light of the world and and and also in Hebrew and in insinuates look to the east that's where the Sun comes up and the light appears okay meaning watch Jerusalem watch his eyen okay and the the Isles of the sea being the tribulation that light of tribulation also meaning you don't have with the song of Moses if you got it down have anything to worry about verse 16 from the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs even glory to the righteous but I said my name this might mean this one to me the treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously yay the treacherous dealers have dealt very treasured treacherously and so they have they've lied to our people and do you know something as you would read in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 God God makes it very clear hey if you want to listen to them and if you want to believe their lies I will I will allow them to send more lies if God Himself sends you a letter which preaches what this word is and you refuse it and we'd rather listen to some ratchet jaw say God told me this and God told me that when God didn't send them you're in a heap of hurt friend you have the letter always compare what men says to the book if it's not in the book it's fake it's not real but this this is saying my pain my pain it is kind of a pain when you look around and you see people suffer and and and of course the Antichrist assumed to appear and he will appear in this chapter he does deal treacherously when he claims to be Christ and you know what his message is I've come to rapture you away and he comes at the sixth Trump when the true Christ doesn't return until the seventh any child can read and understand that in the apocalypse so you would be in a heap of hurt if you were misled by him seventeen deer and the pit and the snare or upon thee o inhabitant of the earth and it's not on you you know the snare you know the pit and you're not afraid okay this has kind of this is kind of a rhyme in the Hebrew and I usually I give that when I go by here this is given with great emphasis okay fear the pit and the snare if you what what it implies is that if you're if if you fear rather than Revere meaning to love if you don't love the father and you fear him and you involve yourself in the ways of the world there's no escape you're going to fall in the pit and if you happen to be lucky enough to make it out of the pit the snare which is a traps gonna get you okay the Hebrew goes hah hah hah hah hah that back which when I say it in English fear the pit and the snare verse 18 and it shall come to pass that he who flee us from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare for the windows from on high or open and the foundations of the earth do shake not not only on earth but in heaven also God tells you in the New Testament in Hebrews chapter 12 hey I'm gonna do it again only this time I'm not only going to shake earth that's at Satan's rebellion I'm going to shake heaven also that's what those those from on high that means the false messiah as it is written in Revelation chapter 12 verse 7 that Satan and his angels are cast out onto this earth and all 7,000 of them the Fallen Atheneum the Fallen Angels die in the streets of Jerusalem at the seventh Trump when Christ returns not Satan but the the seven thousand that is to say of the nathie Liam the Fallen Angels not befall in the Hebrew tongue but those from on high are going to deceive what because a lot of people are not going to understand that they're not from God even though they have even though their supernatural that at least they're not for God so when those from on high the kings of both Satan and the kings of the earth they're gonna take advantage of people if you allow it okay next verse let's go with it verse 19 the earth is utterly broken down the earth is clean dissolved the earth is moved exceedingly What did he say he was going to do its tottering it's what what it says the whole government systems going down the - why because the king of kings is going to return the Lord of lords there's no other government but his when he walks this earth Satan will still make an attempt at the end of the millennium but it's clean broken down this is what God said I'm gonna pour it out and what what he said it's just like it's an old dish I'm gonna take glass open I'm gonna clean that thing out and dump her out no room for anything is displeasing to God so that would be a time you would really want to reconsider and take inventory as the chapter before this said do not leave God out of the equation of your life they you know they prepared for war they hauled in water they built up all the places broken down in the wall but they didn't ask God they didn't seek God they left God totally out of the equation he doesn't like it don't leave him out of your life he feels the same way verse 20 the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard and shall be removed like a cottage and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it and it shall fall and not rise again we're talking here simply about the world political system if we were to say cosmos in the Greek that means the government the the habitation and the government thereof not the terraformer the Arats the earth the soil the good soil okay but that one world political system is going down the tubes okay and and even he Satan the false Christ that tries to add on to it you know he will go into the pit as well the pit and the snare is going to grab him by Michael okay verse 21 and it shall come to pass in that day what day the Lord's Day the day this happens that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high that means in heaven that is to say the spurious Messiah and to say the fallen angels that come with him as it is written again I'll say in Revelation chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 and the kings of the earth upon the earth not only the kings that come with Satan but the kings of the earth meaning earthly political figures figureheads and the one world system is just going to go down and the one this should remind you of Revelation chapter 9 where you're given both you're given even in the English you're given Satan's name in Greek and Hebrew apollyon Greek Satan's name and an Abe abdun which is to say destruction in the Hebrew tongue so that you can't mess up ok so she's going to be here five months that's and it will be the time of the locust wouldn't when when is that well they come out in May and they from May through September 5 five-month period that cycle of the locust God gives us these things that we know and understand in agriculture and in horticulture that's why it's a lot easier for people in agriculture to understand the Word of God because it was written by people that relate to that okay that you could see know and understand verse 22 and they shall be gathered together as prisoners are gathered in the pit and shall be shut up in the prison and after many days shall they be visited they're going to be found warning that's to say the great white throne judgment through the Millennium okay Satan's cast into that pit the abyss if you wish to call it that and he's going to be there for that what is the Lord's Day how long is the day with God you you'll read it in second Peter chapter 3 verses 6 & 7 be not ignorant of this one thing that one day with God is as a thousand years with man meaning the Lord's Day is a thousand years long or what we call the Millennium all that period of time Satan is going to be locked in the pit the abyss you can read it in Revelation chapter 20 verses one through three and then you know at the end he's gonna be released a short season why those that have been taught through the millennium have got to be tested God doesn't take anything for granted me I mean you got it you got to earn it that's to say people that never had an opportunity never had a chance why god loves them he wants them to have the truth and Satan will be released from that pit and not the not the rafia not the ones that assisted him in the first trip but there will still be some as it's written in revelation 20:10 they will follow him that will come against god would you believe that well if you know people today I guess it's not hard to believe what it's saying is even at the into the Millennium there's going to be some found wanting that's real sad because they will have had a thousand years presence with the Lord to know he's real and if they can't come around after that they deserve to go to hell okay period because there would be no room for doubt verse 23 then the moon shall be confounded and the son ashamed when the Lord of Hosts shall reign in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before his ancients gloriously that means the elders and he will do it gloriously and as the 24 and even the four is in zoic living creatures they are called well worship and what a wonderful time that's going to be so there you have the apocalypse of Isiah and he's giving it to you like I said I could teach the whole book I can teach the whole book of Revelation from this revelation of Isaiah is that kind of a mystery no God is the same yesterday he is today and he will be forever he doesn't pull any surprises on anyone repetition repetition repetition listen to him he means what he says it is written and it will come to pass exactly as it's written always has it always shel so the point is is to understand your father in two simplicity in which Christ brought the word forward for everyone to hear and to understand to have eyes to see and ears to hear truth and truth set you free from the anxieties of men and churches that would put you in bondage to hold you that that's God is a God of forgiveness new life understanding and freedom that's what our Father is about God loves his family and you are part of that family the apocalypse continues but we can call it now mercy and praise chapter 25 verse 1 let's cool a verse or two into it first one reads Oh Lord thou art my god there's no other okay not the Antichrist I will exalt thee I will praise thy name for thou has done wonderful things great deeds delq thy counsel of old or faithfulness and truth you can always count on it his word is true you know you could read Psalms 22 and find out everything that happened on the cross a thousand years later even down to the Roman soldiers gambling for his clothing it was written in Psalms 22 a thousand years before the fact the very words that came out of the false priests mouth is written in Psalms 22 man can't arrange that God can it always comes to pass exactly as he writes it that's why it will increase your faith and you can count on his faithfulness because it always comes to pass as it is written verse 2 for thou has made of a city and yeep of a defense City a ruin a palace of strangers that's foreigners to be as no City it shall never be built Babylon is never going to be Satan's never going to build anything they enter Christ is never going to be build anything as it's written in in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 that before we gather back to the true Christ don't ever let any man deceive you for Satan will stand on mountains I'm claiming to be God but he'll never last that old pit fear pit and the snare or grabbing he's going into the abyss verse 3 therefore shall the strong people glorify thee that's God's elect the city of the terrible nation shall fear thee there the ruthless we'll okay they just will it's amazing to me that people that do wrong they have to live in fear always looking over their shoulder always have that unknown factor and you know that's when man becomes very anxious if he doesn't know what's going to happen if he doesn't know what tomorrow brings that's what this letter is about he's bringing you peace of mind to let you know what tomorrow does bring and the fact that you have nothing to worry about what God's going to destroy a lot of things but not the people he loves not those that love him verse 4 for thou has been a strength to the poor that's the humble a strength to the needy in his distress God does that a refuge from the storm I mean if it's coming apart all around you in the destruction he'll take care of you a shadow from the heat he protects you when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall what is our wall you got to know it's important that you know what is our wall Ezekiel 38 and 39 Haman gog the great last war what is the wall for God's elect it's God himself God is our wall and when you are behind him and he is with you they can't harm you he will see to it meaning well that could be just an accident there is no accidents with him our Heavenly Father when he said I will protect you I will be your strength he means it and he guarantees it if you have difficulty even understanding scripture let him know as long as you're trying tell him I'm having trouble with it father help me bang that Holy Spirit will touch you it will open your spiritual eyes and ears whereby you can hear understand in the simplicity of the actual nature in which he brings it forth it really melts down to a very simple thing God ain't mad at his children that love him otherwise he wouldn't be a very good God would he but he's not angry nor does he wish to hurt or allow anyone to hurt the children that follow him he's going to protect them he's going to be their strength and he hits their wall and let me tell you something friend nothing can bother you when you're behind that wall in this spiritual destruction that comes upon us in the end times verse 5 thou shalt bring down the noise of strangers as that's to say foreigners as the heat in a dry place even the heat with the shadow of a cloud the branch or translated the song the song of the terrible one shall be brought low they're not going to have anything to sing about they're gonna have nothing but sorrow because God intends to put a stop to all falseness again what's he going to do to that dish what's he going to do to that bottle which is symbolic of this earth he's going to empty it of that kind of stuff and he's going to take care of his own you know during the Millennium i it would be my wish and hope and desire that all people would be converted they're not going to be I am you know you know people - well but how could they not when walk with God and love him and why could they how could they do it any otherwise I don't know but the wicked ones can do that that's why that God will remove them from us at the end of that millennium permanently there will be no more with us when God Eve DS that dish when God cleanses this earth you're going to be there this is the generation of the fig tree and all prophecy is fulfilled within that generation it began in 1948 when Israel became a nation again for the first time since Christ was crucified 70 AD not when he was crucified but when Titus the little Roman general took it over there it was again and that planet and put in place both the good and the bad pig so what a time to live now and what a time to serve Him all right bless your hearts don't miss the next lecture you listen a moment won't you please
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 16,325
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel Bible Study, Shepherd's Chapel Isaiah, Shepherd's Chapel Book of Isaiah, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray Isaiah, Pastor Murray Book of Isaiah, Isaiah Bible Study, Book of Isaiah, Isaiah 24, Isaiah 25, Book of Isaiah Chapter 24, Book of Isaiah Chapter 25
Id: wHbH3HhVjjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 31 2014
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